- 🔥 Turn your Neovim into a complete IDE.
- 💤 Customize and extend your configuration easily with lazy.nvim
- 🚀 Super fast
- 🧹 Common settings for options, autocms and keymaps
- 📦 Contains a variety of pre-configured and ready-to-use plugins
- installation script for linux
- modularizing lspconfig
- changing location configs
- modularizing git plugins
- changing toggleterm and neoscroll settings
- installation script for windows
- live server configuration
- initial documentation
- lualine configuration
- clangd configuration
- autosave configuration
- adding java lsp module
- adding keybinding to reverse an action
- adding setup dictionary
- adding minimal config to nvim-tree
- neorg config
- new colorscheme nekonight
- fugit2 config
- neoscroll config
- switching from autopairs to mini.pairs
- neodev config
- nvim-session-manager config
- null-ls config