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Version: 1.17.4 Type: application AppVersion: 3.4.6

The Rasa Helm chart deploy a Rasa Open Source Server. Rasa is an open source machine learning framework for automated text and voice-based conversations.

See the Rasa docs to learn more.

How to use Rasa Helm repository

You need to add this repository to your Helm repositories:

helm repo add rasa
helm repo update


Repository Name Version postgresql ~10.16.2 rabbitmq ~8.32.2 redis ~15.7.6 duckling ~1.1.4 rasa-action-server ~1.0.4 rasa-common ~1.0.2

Quick start

The default configuration of the Rasa chart deploys a Rasa Open Source Server, downloads a model, and serves the downloaded model.

Below you can find examples of how to configure your deployment or use more advanced configurations such as integration with Rasa X/Enterprise.

Default components that will be installed along with the Rasa server:

Installing the Rasa Chart

To install the chart and assign the release name <RELEASE_NAME>, run the following command:

helm install --name <RELEASE_NAME> rasa/rasa

After Rasa was installed successfully you should see additional information on how to connect to it, e.g:

To access Rasa from outside of the cluster, follow the steps below:

1. Get the Rasa URL by running these commands:

    export SERVICE_PORT=$(kubectl get --namespace default -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].port}" services <RELEASE_NAME>)
    kubectl port-forward --namespace default svc/<RELEASE_NAME> ${SERVICE_PORT}:${SERVICE_PORT} &
    echo "${SERVICE_PORT}"

    NGINX is enabled, in order to send a request that goes through NGINX you can use port: 80

After executing the commands above, you can validate that it is accessible from outside the cluster by sending a curl request:

Hello from Rasa: 2.4.0


To configure the chart, use a YAML file that specifies the values for the chart parameters. In this README we'll call this file rasa-values.yaml. To create and use your rasa-values.yaml file:

  1. Copy the default values.yaml value file to a new rasa-values.yaml file.
  2. Set any custom parameters in rasa-values.yaml.
  3. To apply your changes, upgrade the Rasa Helm chart with the new rasa-values.yaml file:
helm upgrade -f rasa-values.yaml <RELEASE_NAME> rasa/rasa

Use the same upgrade command above to apply any subsequent changes you make to your values.

Exposing the rasa deployment to the public

By default the rasa service is available only within the Kubernetes cluster. In order to make it accessible outside the cluster via a load balancer, update your rasa-values.yaml file with the following configuration:

    type: LoadBalancer

Enabling TLS for NGINX (self-signed)

To use a self-signed TLS certificate for NGINX, update your rasa-values.yaml with the following NGINX TLS self-signed configuration:

    enabled: true
    generateSelfSignedCert: true

Note on Configuring Endpoints and Channel Credentials

To configure endpoints and channel credentials you can either specify them directly in rasa-values.yaml under applicationSettings.endpoints and applicationSettings.credentials, or you can use Rasa X/Enterprise as a configuration endpoint if it is deployed in the same namespace as Rasa.

It is not possible to combine the two options. If you choose to use Rasa X/Enterprise as a configuration endpoint, all other configuration of endpoints and credentials will be ignored.

Options for loading models

To load a model for Rasa to serve, you can use a model server to pull models at regular intervals. If you're not using a model server, you'll need to configure Loading an Initial Model.

You can use Rasa X/Enterprise as a model server or use your own model server. To configure your own model server, follow the instructions on the Rasa docs.

To enable a non-Rasa X model server, add this configuration information to your values:

  # (...)
      enabled: true
      token: "auth-token"
      waitTimeBetweenPulls: 20

To use Rasa X/Enterprise as a model server, you don't need to specify the URL, since it is defined in the section which configures the use of Rasa X/Enterprise, so you can add this configuration to your values:

  # (...)
      enabled: true
      # User Rasa X/Enterprise token
      # If you use the rasa-x-helm chart you can set a token by using the `rasax.token` parameter
      # See:
      token: "rasaXToken"
      waitTimeBetweenPulls: 20
        enabled: true
        # -- The tag of the model that should be pulled from Rasa X/Enterprise
        tag: "production"

Loading an initial model

The first time you install Rasa, you may not have a model server available yet, or you may want an lightweight model for testing the deployment. For this purpose, you can choose between training or downloading an initial model. By default, the Rasa chart downloads an example model from GitHub. To use this option, you don't have to change anything.

If you want to define an existing model to download from a URL you define instead, update your rasa-values.yaml with the URL according to the following configuration:

  initialModel: ""

Note that the URL for the initial model download has to point to a tar.gz file and must not require authentication.

If you want to train an initial model you can do this by setting the applicationSettings.trainInitialModel to true. It creates a init container that trains a model based on data located in the /app directory. If the /app directory is empty it creates a new project. Here you can find an example that shows how to download data files from a git repository and train an initial model.

Visit the docs to learn more about how to train a model.

Configuring Messaging Channels

You can enable messaging channels by specifying credentials in rasa-values.yaml in the same way you would define them in credentials.yml when running locally.

For example, to enable the REST channel, update your rasa-values.yaml file with the following channel configuration:

  # (...)
    # (...)

(For the rest channel, no credentials are required. To learn more see:

Connecting Rasa with Rasa X/Enterprise

Any Rasa Open Source server can stream events to Rasa X/Enterprise using an event broker. Both Rasa and Rasa X/Enterprise will need to refer to the same event broker.

This means you have three options:

  1. Configure Rasa to refer to the event broker started by Rasa X/Enterprise
  2. Configure Rasa X/Enterprise to connect to the event broker started by Rasa
  3. Configure both Rasa and Rasa X/Enterprise to connect to an external event broker (e.g. a managed Kafka instance)

For example, to configure Rasa to refer to the event broker started by Rasa X/Enterprise:

    enabled: true
    # here you have to put the URL to your Rasa Enterprise instance
    url: ""
    # In order to send messages to the same
    # event broker as Rasa X/Enterprise does we can pass
    # a custom configuration.
      type: "pika"
      url: "<exposed-rabbit-service-address>"
      username: "user"
      password: ${RABBITMQ_PASSWORD}
      port: 5672
        - "rasa_production_events"
  # The configuration for an event broker uses environment variables, thus
  # you have to pass extra environment variables that read values from
  # the rasa-x-rabbit secret.
        name: rasa-x-rabbit
        key: rabbitmq-password

In the example above we assumed that the rasa-x-rabbit secret already exists in the cluster and contains the rabbitmq-password key.

If you're using the rasa-x-helm chart to deploy Rasa X/Enterprise you might have to update your values.yaml file, please visit the docs to learn more.

Examples of usage

In the examples/rasa directory you can find more detailed examples of configuration:


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Allow the Rasa Open Source Deployment to schedule using affinity rules # Ref:
applicationSettings.cors string "*" CORS for the passed origin. Default is * to allow all origins
applicationSettings.credentials.additionalChannelCredentials object {} Additional channel credentials which should be used by Rasa to connect to various input channels # See:
applicationSettings.credentials.enabled bool true Enable credentials configuration for channel connectors
applicationSettings.debugMode bool false Enable debug mode
applicationSettings.enableAPI bool true Start the web server API in addition to the input channel
applicationSettings.endpoints.action.endpointURL string "/webhook" the URL which Rasa Open Source calls to execute custom actions
applicationSettings.endpoints.additionalEndpoints object {} Additional endpoints
applicationSettings.endpoints.eventBroker.enabled bool false Enable endpoint for Event Broker
applicationSettings.endpoints.eventBroker.password string "${RABBITMQ_PASSWORD}" Password used for authentication
applicationSettings.endpoints.eventBroker.port string "${RABBITMQ_PORT}" The port which an event broker is listening on
applicationSettings.endpoints.eventBroker.queues list ["rasa_production_events"] Send all messages to a given queue
applicationSettings.endpoints.eventBroker.type string "pika" Event Broker
applicationSettings.endpoints.eventBroker.url string "${RABBITMQ_HOST}" The url of an event broker
applicationSettings.endpoints.eventBroker.username string "${RABBITMQ_USERNAME}" Username used for authentication
applicationSettings.endpoints.lockStore.db string "1" The database in redis which Rasa uses to store the conversation locks
applicationSettings.endpoints.lockStore.enabled bool false Enable endpoint for Lock Store
applicationSettings.endpoints.lockStore.password string "${REDIS_PASSWORD}" Password used for authentication
applicationSettings.endpoints.lockStore.port string "${REDIS_PORT}" The port which redis is running on
applicationSettings.endpoints.lockStore.type string "redis" Lock Store type
applicationSettings.endpoints.lockStore.url string "${REDIS_HOST}" The url of your redis instance
applicationSettings.endpoints.models.enabled bool false Enable endpoint for a model server
applicationSettings.endpoints.models.token string "token" Token used as a authentication token
applicationSettings.endpoints.models.url string "" URL address that models will be pulled from
applicationSettings.endpoints.models.useRasaXasModelServer.enabled bool false Use Rasa X (Enterprise) as a model server
applicationSettings.endpoints.models.useRasaXasModelServer.tag string "production" The model with a given tag that should be pulled from the model server
applicationSettings.endpoints.models.waitTimeBetweenPulls int 20 Time in seconds how often the model server will be querying
applicationSettings.endpoints.trackerStore.db string "${DB_DATABASE}" The path to the database to be used
applicationSettings.endpoints.trackerStore.dialect string "postgresql" The dialect used to communicate with your SQL backend
applicationSettings.endpoints.trackerStore.enabled bool true Enable endpoint for Tracker Store
applicationSettings.endpoints.trackerStore.login_db string "${DB_DATABASE}" Create the database for the tracker store. If false the tracker store database must have been created previously.
applicationSettings.endpoints.trackerStore.password string "${DB_PASSWORD}" The password which is used for authentication
applicationSettings.endpoints.trackerStore.port string "${DB_PORT}" Port of your SQL server
applicationSettings.endpoints.trackerStore.type string "sql" Tracker Store type
applicationSettings.endpoints.trackerStore.url string "${DB_HOST}" URL of your SQL server
applicationSettings.endpoints.trackerStore.username string "${DB_USER}" The username which is used for authentication
applicationSettings.initialModel string "" Initial model to download and load if a model server or remote storage is not used. It has to be a URL (without auth) that points to a tar.gz file
applicationSettings.port int 5005 Port on which Rasa runs
applicationSettings.rasaX.enabled bool false Run Rasa X / Enterprise server
applicationSettings.rasaX.token string "rasaXToken" Token Rasa X / Enterprise accepts as authentication token from other Rasa services
applicationSettings.rasaX.url string "" URL to Rasa X / Enterprise, e.g.
applicationSettings.rasaX.useConfigEndpoint bool false Rasa X / Enterprise endpoint URL from which to pull the runtime config
applicationSettings.scheme string "http" Scheme by which the service are accessible
applicationSettings.telemetry.enabled bool true Enable telemetry See:
applicationSettings.token string "rasaToken" Token Rasa accepts as authentication token from other Rasa services
applicationSettings.trainInitialModel bool false Train a model if an initial model is not defined. This parameter is ignored if the applicationSettings.initialModel is defined
args list [] Override the default arguments for the container
autoscaling.enabled bool false Enable autoscaling
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 20 Upper limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler. It cannot be smaller than minReplicas.
autoscaling.minReplicas int 1 Lower limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80 Fraction of the requested CPU that should be utilized/used, e.g. 70 means that 70% of the requested CPU should be in use.
command list [] Override the default command for the container
deploymentAnnotations object {} Annotations to add to the rasa-oss deployment
deploymentLabels object {} Labels to add to the rasa-oss deployment
duckling.external.enabled bool false Determine if external URL is used
duckling.external.url string "" External URL to Duckling
duckling.install bool false Install Duckling
extraArgs list [] Add additional arguments to the default one
extraContainers list [] Allow to specify additional containers for the Rasa Open Source Deployment
extraEnv list [] Add extra environment variables
fullnameOverride string "" Override the full qualified app name
global.postgresql.existingSecret string "" existingSecret which should be used for the password instead of putting it in the values file
global.postgresql.postgresqlDatabase string "rasa" postgresDatabase which should be used by Rasa
global.postgresql.postgresqlPassword string "password" postgresqlPassword is the password which is used when the postgresqlUsername equals "postgres"
global.postgresql.postgresqlUsername string "postgres" postgresqlUsername which should be used by Rasa to connect to Postgres
global.postgresql.servicePort int 5432 servicePort which is used to expose postgres to the other components
global.redis object {"password":"redis-password"} global settings of the redis subchart
global.redis.password string "redis-password" password to use in case there no external secret was provided string "rasa" Rasa Open Source image name to use (relative to registry)
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Rasa Open Source image pullPolicy
image.pullSecrets list [] Rasa Open Source repository pullSecret # See
image.repository string "" Override default registry + for Rasa Open Source
image.tag string "3.4.6" Rasa Open Source image tag to use
ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotations
ingress.enabled bool false Set to true to enable ingress
ingress.extraPaths object {} Any additional arbitrary paths that may need to be added to the ingress under the main host
ingress.hostname string "chart-example.local" Hostname used for the ingress
ingress.labels object {} Labels to add to the ingress
ingress.path string "/" Ingress path
ingress.pathType string "ImplementationSpecific" Ingress Path type # Ref:
ingress.tls list [] TLS configuration for ingress # See:
initContainers list [] Allow to specify init containers for the Rasa Open Source Deployment # Ref:
livenessProbe object Every 15s / 6 KO / 1 OK Override default liveness probe settings # Ref:
nameOverride string "" Override name of app
networkPolicy.denyAll bool false Create a network policy that deny all traffic
networkPolicy.enabled bool false Enable Kubernetes Network Policy
nginx.customConfiguration object {} Custom configuration for Nginx sidecar
nginx.enabled bool true Enabled Nginx as a sidecar container # If you use ingress-nginx as an ingress controller you should disable NGINX. string "nginx" Image name to use
nginx.image.tag string "1.20" Image tag to use
nginx.livenessProbe object Every 15s / 6 KO / 1 OK Override default liveness probe settings # Ref:
nginx.port int 80 Port number that Nginx listen on
nginx.readinessProbe object Every 15s / 6 KO / 1 OK Override default readiness probe settings # Ref:
nginx.resources object {} Resource requests and limits
nginx.securityContext object {} Allows you to overwrite the pod-level security context
nginx.tls.certificateSecret string "" Use a secret with TLS certificates. The secret has to include cert.pem and key.pem keys
nginx.tls.enabled bool false Enable TLS for Nginx sidecar
nginx.tls.generateSelfSignedCert bool false Generate self-signed certificates
nginx.tls.port int 443
nodeSelector object {} Allow the Rasa Open Source Deployment to be scheduled on selected nodes # Ref: # Ref:
podAnnotations object {} Annotations to add to the rasa-oss's pod(s)
podLabels object {} Labels to add to the rasa-oss's pod(s)
podSecurityContext object {} Defines pod-level security attributes and common container settings # See:
postgresql.external.enabled bool false Determine if use an external PostgreSQL host string "external-postgresql" External PostgreSQL hostname # The host value is accessible via the ${DB_HOST} environment variable
postgresql.install bool true Install PostgreSQL
rabbitmq.auth.erlangCookie string "erlangCookie" Erlang cookie
rabbitmq.auth.existingPasswordSecret string "" Existing secret with RabbitMQ credentials (must contain a value for rabbitmq-password key)
rabbitmq.auth.password string "password" RabbitMQ application password
rabbitmq.auth.username string "user" RabbitMQ application username
rabbitmq.external.enabled bool false Determine if use an external RabbitMQ host string "external-rabbitmq" External RabbitMQ hostname # The host value is accessible via the ${RABBITMQ_HOST} environment variable
rabbitmq.install bool false Install RabbitMQ
rasa-action-server.external.enabled bool false Determine if external URL is used
rasa-action-server.external.url string "" External URL to Rasa Action Server
rasa-action-server.install bool false Install Rasa Action Server
readinessProbe object Every 15s / 6 KO / 1 OK Override default readiness probe settings # Ref:
redis.auth.password string "redis-password" Redis(TM) password
redis.external.enabled bool false Determine if use an external Redis host string "external-redis" External Redis hostname # The host value is accessible via the ${REDIS_HOST} environment variable
redis.install bool false Install Redis(TM)
redis.replica.replicaCount int 0 Number of Redis(TM) replicas to deploy
registry string "" Registry to use for all Rasa images (default # DockerHub - use
replicaCount int 1 Specify the number of Rasa Open Source replicas
resources object {} Resource requests and limits
securityContext object {} Allows you to overwrite the pod-level security context
service.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service
service.externalTrafficPolicy string "Cluster" Enable client source IP preservation # Ref:
service.loadBalancerIP string nil Exposes the Service externally using a cloud provider's load balancer # Ref:
service.nodePort string nil Specify the nodePort(s) value(s) for the LoadBalancer and NodePort service types # Ref:
service.port int 5005 Set port of rasa service (Kubernetes >= 1.15)
service.type string "ClusterIP" Set type of rasa service
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool false Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
strategy object {"rollingUpdate":{"maxSurge":1,"maxUnavailable":0},"type":"RollingUpdate"} Allow the deployment to perform a rolling update # ref:
tolerations list [] Tolerations for pod assignment # Ref:
volumeMounts list [] Specify additional volumes to mount in the rasa-oss container
volumes list [] Specify additional volumes to mount in the rasa-oss container # Ref: