creates a fresh install of SSRS in a container - pretty useful for dev / test - not for production use!
docker build -t ssrs --memory 6g .
This sample is uses mssql-server-windows-developer as a parent image and accepts all the commands listed there:
In addtion it accepts two more env variables:
- ssrs_user: Name of a new admin user that will be created to login to report server
- ssrs_password: Sets the password for the admin user
docker run -d -p 1433:1433 -p 80:80 -v C:/ssrs/:C:/sqldata/ -e sa_password=<YOUR SA PASSWORD> -e ssrs_user=SSRSAdmin -e ssrs_password=<YOUR SSRSAdmin PASSWORD> ssrs
then access SSRS at http://localhost/reports and login using ssrs_user
- -p 80:80 to access report manager in browser
- --memory 6048mb to bump RAM
SSRS is defintely not supported in containers..
MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.