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Markov Decision Utilities

Julia implementation for some Markov chain processes, including defining and implementing transition matrix from a sparse text file using variables, finding steady states and absorption probabilities, and simulating random walks.

About This Package

This package was created as part of the research described in Developing Models and Metrics to Assess the Impacts of Complexity in Operational Settings (RR-A1596-1), in which authors assessed mathematical strategies for quantifying complexity in wartime environments, and provide a framework that will help make complexity a concrete consideration in operational settings.

This project, Complexity and Adversary Decisions: Developing Models and Metrics to Assess the Impacts of Complexity in Operational Settings, was conducted between August 2021 and May 2022. The research was sponsored by Dr. Mark Linderman, Senior Scientist for Command and Control, Air Force Research Lab Information Directorate (AFRL RI) and conducted within the Force Modernization and Employment Program, RAND Project AIR FORCE.

For more information about RAND Project AIR FORCE, visit the website.

For questions about this package, contact Matthew Sargent

0. Quick Start

It is easiest to begin with the default settings located in the complexity_modeling.config file (using the cuban_missile_crisis example dataset). The do a basic run based on configuration defaults, open the Julia REPL, navigate to the ./julia directory, and run the following lines of code:

# load the ./julia directory to the load path to find the modules
!(pwd() in LOAD_PATH) ? push!(LOAD_PATH, pwd()) : nothing

# load the MDU module
using MarkovDecisionUtilities

# run all scenarios

This will create an output dataset in the ./out subdirectory. For more information on run_package_simulation!, see section 3 below.

1. Entering and Interacting with Data: the MarkovDataset object

The MDU ingests data using an object called MarkovDataset (defined in DataStructures.jl). The MarkovDataset object requires two initialiation arguments, which are described below. Additionally, relevant data tables and associate fields (as well as field data type requirements) are detailed below.


dir_dataset gives the directory containing the dataset to run. The base file path of the directory is assumed to be the name of the dataset in the MDU. In the MDU scripts, the directory ./ref/datasets contains subdirectories with datasets. Each dataset must contain three files (described below):

Scenario Attribute Table (attribute_scenario.csv)

This file contains basic information about each scenario. It requires three fields: - scenario_id (type Int64): key field giving the scenario id, an integer. This index is used throughout the MDU to refer to scenarios. - scenario_name (type String): name of the scenario, used for tracking purposes. - default_starting_state (type Int64): a default starting state for the scenario to use in simulations.

State Attribute Table (attribute_state.csv)

attribute_state.csv gives information about all possible states across all scenarios. Different scenarios do not re-index states. They all operate on the same set of available decision states. Not every state must be used in every scenario; however, any states that are defined in a scenario must be included here, and states do not change across scenarios. This file has $2(s + 1)$ fields, where $s$ is the number of scenarios.

This file requires the following 2 fields (independent of number of scenarios) with entried defined for each state: - state (type Int64): the state number, an integer index that is used to define transition matrices in transition_matrices_by_scenario.csv - name (type String): name of the state, used for tracking (can be merged back into data for reporting purposes)

Additionally, attribute_state.csv requires 2 additional fields for each scenario defined: - time_# (type Int64): the number of times to spend in this state under scenario number #. The number should be entered as an integer; for example, for scenario 0, time_0 gives the time spent in the state (1 means one step; 10 means ten steps), while time_12 would give the times in each state for scenario 12. - outcome_value_# (type Int64 or Float64): value used to score ending a simulation in this state. This is used to calcualte expected outcomes and simulated outcomes. For example, values < 0 may indicate undesirable outcomes in the decision space, while positive values may indicate more desirable outcomes. These values are set by the analyst and research team and depend on the context of the decision environment and analytical goal.

Transition Matrices by Scenario (transition_matrices_by_scenario.csv)

transition_matrices_by_scenario.csv defines the transition matrices for each scenario using a sparse array schema. Transitions are added as elements in a stochastic matrix (NOTE: the orientation of the matrix is set in complexity_modeling.config. This example uses the default, a row-stochastic matrix.); i.e., to specify a transition from $1 \to 2$, ensure that there is a row where $i = 1$ and $j = 2$. The transition probability associated with scenario $\#$ is entered in a row with the name transition_expression_scenario_#.

Users should keep the following in mind when entering transition matrices: - Transitions that aren't entered are assumed to occur with probability 0 - A transition link must be entered as a row in this file if it exists in any scenario. - Links that do not exist in any scenario do not have to be entered in the file. - In row-stochastic orientation, all entries in a row must sum to 1 (i.e., for a given scenario, all entries with the same state index i must sum to 1)

transition_matrices_by_scenario.csv requires $2 + s$ fields. Two fields are required independent of the number of scenarios: - i (type Int64): the source or origin state (transition out)--must be defined in attribute_state.csv - j (type Int64): the target or end state (transition in)--must be defined in attribute_state.csv

Finally, the following field must be entered for each scenario defined in attribute_scenario.csv: - transition_expression_scenario_# (type Float64 or String): Most users should only enter Float64 expressions. This field gives transition probabilities for scenario $\#$. However, it is possible to enter symbolic expressions, such as "1 - A" (where A is the symbolic variable) in this field, allowing users to evaluate a range of matrices. However, if doing so, an associated variable must be specified in the configuration file that gives a default value for A (for example variable_A: 0.15). The definition of a default symbolic variable value allows the model to run a number of scenarios without exploring over the symbolic variable. MarkovModel functions allow for users to set specific values of symbolic variables for individual runs.


The default_transition_scenario gives the default scenario (integer) to run, when running a single simulation run, in the absence of a specified scenario. This scenario must be defined in attribute_scenario.csv.

2. Once a dataset is initialized, we can choose a scenario index and initialize a MarkovModel object

  • the dataset .get_markov_data() function will validate scenarios and check if the specification is valid
  • the MarkovModel structure performs:
    • checks on the transition matrix;
    • transformations of the transition matrix, such as canonical form;
    • analytical solutions (where possible); and
    • simulations (at the base level).

MarkovModel can be used to return the canonical form of the matrix (as well as the fundamental matrix)

The explore_markov_model.ipynb notebook contains evaluation cells that users can use to return a dictionary giving canonical form A as well as applicable submatrices (Q/R/I) + states; empty arguments returns the default transition matrix. See ?MarkovModel for more information on get_canonical.

Next, we can use the MarkovModel to perform a random walk based on the starting state.

The default starting state is specified in the scenario attribute table and can be accessed as dataset.attribute_scenario.field_maps["scenario_id_to_default_starting_state"].

Use do_walk to do a simple random walk in discrete time with two starting arguments: (starting_state, n_time_steps)

do_walk returns an ordered tuple with the following elements:

  • discrete walk starting at state starting_state for n_time_stpes
  • all state_changes
  • the raw trials (if speciied -- this is an optional argument),
  • the set of unique transitions
  • the time to absorption

See ?MarkovModel for more information on do_walk

To perform an ensemble of simulated walks, use MarkovModel.simulate_walks()

simulate_walks generally takes three arguments: (n_runs, n_time_steps, starting_state)

In explore_markov_model.ipynb, users can run 10000 walks for 1000 periods using initial state state_0 (defined above). The result of MarkovModel.simulate_walks() is a tuple of two data frames:

  • df_out: a data frame long by :run_id (the index for simulation run) and time_period (the index for the number of time periods). The data frame includes two key output fields:

    • state: the state of the random walk at the given time_period for run run_id
    • new_state: a binary (0 or 1) indicating whether the state is a change from the last state (used for calculating metrics about state changes)
  • df_abs: A summary data frame capturing information on absorption. For each run_id, it includes information on:

    • absorption_time_period: the time period that the walk reached an absorption state
    • absorbed: binary indicating whether or not the walk was absorbed
    • n_state_changes: the number of times the walk changed states.

Using the output data, information on entropies can be calculated.

See ?MarkovModel for more information on simulate_walks.

Next, internal tools allow the comparison of some simulated observations to analytical solutions

  • Simulated soluations are generated using MarkovModel.simulate_walks(); times to absorption and the probabilities of ending in an absorption state given a starting state can be calculated from simulations (convergence probabilities0
  • Analytical solutions are also available

See commenting and code in the iJupyter notebook for a comparison of simulated convergence probabilities to those found in the analytical solution.

Note that the analytical solution is $B = FR$, where $F = (I - Q)^{-1}$ is the fundamental matrix and $R \in \mathbb{R}^{t \times a}$ is the upper-right submatrix of the canonical form, such that $R_{ij}$ gives the proabability of a transient state $i$ converging to absorption state $j$ (in this context, $i$ and $j$ are states in $A$, the canonical form of the transition matrix $Q$—not the original transition matrix $Q$).

3. Finally, the MarkovDecisionUtilities package provides a single command can be used to execute simulations of all scenarios included in the configuration dataset

MarkovDecisionUtilities.run_package_simulation!() will run all scenarios from the configuration dataset using defaults from the configuration. These include:

  • Default number of runs: config.default_num_runs

  • Default number of time steps: config.default_num_time_steps

  • Default starting state: for each scenario, the default starting state comes from the scenario attribute table, which can be seen using dataset.attribute_scenario.table(applies to this Jupyter notebook, since dataset was initialized using the configuration data set specified in config.dataset)

  • Running run_package_simulation!() will create a unique session key based off the date and time to track unique runs. Outputs are sent to a session key subdirectory created in dir_out. The directory contains analytical solutions, summary statistics, simulated walks, and all input data. These are stored in several files:

    • run_package_simulation!() writes attribute_scenario.csv, attribute_state.cs, transition_matrices_by_scenario.csv, and complexity_modeling.config to the session key subdirectory for archival purposes.
    • Analytical solutions by scenario (number #) are written to individual files called analytical_solutions_$(dataset.field_scenario_key)_#.csv. The files are long by starting state (field starting_state) and contain fields for the following info:
      1. the expectd time in each transient state $S$, given as expected_time_in_state_$S$;
      2. the expectd number of visits to state $S$, given as expected_number_of_vists_to_state_$S$; and
      3. the probability of absorption in state $S$, given as probability_of_absorption_in_state_$S$.
    • expected_outcome_by_edge.csv: The expected outcome (i.e., the simulation parameter outcome) across each edge (transitinon probability, $i \to j$) by scenario, calculated across all runs.
    • outcome_values_summary.csv: summary outcome values calculated for each scenario (but indexed by scenario name). This table is useful for a quick, easily-readable comparison of scenarios.
    • outcome_values.csv: selected outcomes for each scenario_id and run_id, including:
      • state_period_TIMEPERIODMAX: the state at the final time period (TIMEPERIODMAX);
      • outcome_value: the outcome value at final state or absorption;
      • absorption_time_period: the time period when the random walk is absorbed;
      • absorbed: whether or not the walk was absorbed;
      • n_state_changes: the number of state changes in the random walk;
      • entropy_total_by_time: total entropy over time;
      • entropy_total_by_steps: total entropy over all unique state changes;
      • entropy_mean_by_time: mean entropy over time;
      • entropy_mean_by_steps: mean entropy over all unique state changes;
    • simulated_walks.csv: random walks by scenario and run
    • state_entropies.csv: the input state entropies for each state and scenario.

For more information, see the docstring at ?run_package_simulation! (this can be tried in the iJupyter notebook or from the Julia REPL).

Python Code

The contents of the 'python' folder are used to visualize the outputs from the modules in the 'julia' folder.

BibTeX Citation

If you re-use the Markov Decision Utilities code in a scientific publication, we would appreciate it if you use the following citations:

    url       = {},
    year      = {2024},
    publisher = {RAND},
    pages     = {67},
    author    = {Matthew Sargent, Edward Parker, James Syme, and Vikram Kilambi},
    title     = {Developing Models and Metrics to Assess the Impacts of Complexity in Operational Settings}

    author    = {Matthew Sargent, Edward Parker, James Syme, and Vikram Kilambi},
    year      = {2024},
    publisher = {RAND},
    title     = {Markov Decision Utilities},
    url       = {}