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03. Document Properties

Li Junyu edited this page May 8, 2023 · 7 revisions

Properties are additional objects attached to a document (Class, Field, Method, etc.). With properties, you can change the name/type of method/field, add comments, or assign new types for type conversion (like Special.Item to Internal.ItemStack_).

Recommended to read with 02. Dynamic Document Modification.

Functional Properties

Functional properties are properties that are directly attached to the document and have a certain function on the original document.


Modifies a param in the method, can only be attached to a method document.


Assigns a new type for conversion to the class, It can only be attached to a class document.


Attachs lines of comment to the object attached when formatted. It can be applied to all documents.

    "type": "property:comment",
    "lines": [
        // Multiple lines of comments will be joined with newlines when formatted.



Hides the attached object. It can be applied to all documents.

    "type": "property:hide"

Type properties

Type properties describe a type for many usages in the document.


Represents a plain string. Will be as-is when formatted.


Represents a class type. Will be automatically resolved when formatted.


Represents an array type. Will be InnerType[] when formatted.


Represents a parameterized type. WIll be BaseType<ParamType1, ...> when formatted.


Represents a variable type. Will be as-is when formatted.


Represents a union type. Will be Type1 | Type2 ... when formatted.


Represents an intersection type. Will be Type1 & Type2 ... when formatted.


Reprensents a JSDoc array type. Will be [Type1, Type2 ...] when formatted.


Represents an object type. Will be {key1: Type1, key2: Type2 ...} when formatted.

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