diff --git a/content/news/public-oss-demo/2025/live-update-january-2025.md b/content/news/public-oss-demo/2025/live-update-january-2025.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f558cd6d53 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/news/public-oss-demo/2025/live-update-january-2025.md @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +--- +layout: post +title: "PrestaShop Live Update - January 2025" +subtitle: "What happened during the Live Update of January 2025?" +date: 2025-01-30 +authors: [ kpodemski ] +image: /assets/images/live-update/liveupdate-banner-linkedin.png +opengraph_image: /assets/images/live-update/liveupdate-banner-facebook.png +twitter_image: /assets/images/live-update/liveupdate-banner-twitter.png +icon: icon-video-camera +tags: [contribute, event, community, live-update] +--- + +On January 29th, 2025, we hosted another Live Update for the PrestaShop Project with the latest news, announcements, and had the pleasure to host Software Components Squad members from PrestaShop SA. + +![PrestaShop Project Live Update](/assets/images/live-update/liveupdate-banner-linkedin.png) + +## PrestaShop Live Update - January 2025 + +During this Live Update, you could learn about the upcoming PrestaShop 9 Beta 1 status, and the patch for PrestaShop 8.2. We also talked about the new experiment called "Targeted Contributions", which is our idea on how to streamline the process of contributing to the project. This session's key point was the presentation of the improved multi-carrier feature in PrestaShop, which is an ongoing project run by the Software Components Squad. + +If you have any questions or feedback about the multi-carrier feature, feel free to share it with us. We are looking forward to hearing from you! + +{{< youtube JljSmYH-vdg >}} + +## The session's agenda was as follows: + +- [00:00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JljSmYH-vdg&t) Beginning of the session: the introduction +- [02:22](https://youtu.be/JljSmYH-vdg?t=142) Project news: PrestaShop 9 Beta 1 and PrestaShop 8.2.1 +- [03:42](https://youtu.be/JljSmYH-vdg?t=222) Project news: launch of the Targeted Contributions experiment +- [12:55](https://youtu.be/JljSmYH-vdg?t=775) Presentation: multi-carrier and multi-shipping in PrestaShop Core +- [35:40](https://youtu.be/JljSmYH-vdg?t=2140) Q&A session + +You can use the timestamps to jump directly to the parts you want to watch. + +## Q&A session + +Remember that you can ask your questions during the presentation or beforehand. **If you have questions related to the open source project**, feel free to let us know in advance [using this form](https://forms.gle/FWazuZnXBtFPauFZ7). We will do our best to answer them during the next Q&A session. + +{{< cta "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JljSmYH-vdg&t" "info" >}}Watch replay on YouTube{{< /cta >}} + +Below are links to projects mentioned during this Live Update: + +- [Original discussion about multi-carrier on GitHub](https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/discussions/36798) +- [Split shipment journey demo](https://www.figma.com/proto/TubRcw6WgqXZM6Iu2U4ogj/%5BSoftware%2FPayment%5D-One-page-checkout-%2F-Multicarrier?page-id=2207%3A5196&node-id=2209-50120&viewport=790%2C-936%2C0.3&t=HfdFf3tCBuQPPiFT-1&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&starting-point-node-id=2209%3A50120) + +Also, you can take a look at the slides presented during the demo [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BiXhzjaNyOgrzSeAYUaTWHZ5B9yKjGtB6IkOfzCYmjY/edit?usp=sharing). + +We are available for feedback about the project and the software. We also invite everyone to join us on [Slack](https://www.prestashop-project.org/slack/). + +## Next Live Update + +We will let you know about the next Live Update as soon as possible. Stay tuned!