- Infer the Exponential Generating Function (EGF) for Av(ab-c) cover
- Look at Christian's comments in the thesis draft
Went over Christian's comments and made changes to thesis. Inferred the EGF on the whiteboard.
- Infer the Exponential Generating Function (EGF) for Av(ab-c) cover
- Look at Henning's comments in the thesis draft
Bjarni sent his first draft of the thesis the night before the meeting in order to share some comments and questions in the context of the writing. Somehow Henning managed to read it, answer the questions and make comments on his own before the 11:00 meeting. He was happy with the progress of the thesis and expects it to be largely ready after fixing what he commented on and submitting it to Christian for a second opinion.
Christian was sick and could not attend the meeting. The agenda item on inferring the EGF was postponed to the next meeting. Hopefully that will be the last edit to the thesis before submitting it to the committee.
- Discuss the best way of drawing mesh tilings
- Discuss what to say about each of them, if anything, and how much
- Go over how to read generating formulas out from mesh tilings
- Discuss which results to include in the Icelandic Math Conference (IMC) talk and what to say about them
- Discuss in which order we give our talks at IMC as the first one needs to spend more time on definitions
- (From previously) Discuss updating https://github.com/PermutaTriangle/permpatts in order to
- draw mesh patts with highlighted occurrences
- draw tilings as in Struct paper
- make rectangle edges around coordinates of shaded squares in mesh patts
The permpatts
LaTeX library is a mess and so Bjarni will proceed by "hardcoding" many of the pattern figures in order
to achieve consistent pictures. Hennings sends Bjarni an example of drawing mesh pattern containment with boxes.
Generating functions and exponential generating functions for some covers were discussed and should be included in the thesis and even the IMC talk. We'll keep the ordering of the talks: Bjarni -> Christian -> Émile.
Bjarni is getting closer to finishing his first draft of the thesis, freedom is looming on the horizon.
- Review status of Bjarni's thesis writing and discuss when it's ready for (partial) reviewing by Henning and/or Christian
- Discuss dates for Bjarni leaving, thesis submission, MSc presentation etc.
- Send title and abstract for Icelandic Math Conference talk
- Review results from CombCov runs and what to highlight in the thesis and how to present it
- Discuss updating https://github.com/PermutaTriangle/permpatts in order to
- draw mesh patts with highlighted occurrences
- draw tilings as in Struct paper
- make rectangle edges around coordinates of shaded squares in mesh patts
Bjarni has written most of Chapters 1 (Introduction) and 2 (Methods) while 3 (Results) and 4 (Discussion) are still left. We discussed the time frame and various dates for reviewing the paper (first version in the next week), Bjarni leaving (at the end of the month) and thesis defence (last week before Christmas). Henning is talking to people to be on the committee.
Most of our energy went into going through 318 successful jobs on Garpur, handpicking interesting results to highlight in the paper. Out of the 1240 started jobs 700 have timed out, 99 exhausted their search space (up to config 5x5x5) and the last 123 are still running but with high chance of timing out.
Bjarni will continue writing his thesis and highlight the interesting results by showing the cover and discuss them in words as well. He will also write an abstract for the Icelandic Math Conference talk and get an approval from Henning before submitting it.
The matter of the LaTeX library was briefly discussed but needs to be updated soon so Bjarni can use it to draw consistent pictures in the thesis and talk.
- Look at covers that CombCov has already found and posted on Garpur channel
Henning proposes even more papers to run jobs from. The papers are on interval mesh patterns of length 3 and boxed mesh patterns of length 4. The authords include Woo, Kitaev and Liese. Decided to run all possible variations of BiVincular mesh patterns of length 3 (excluding symmetries) in addition to the jobs that we've already started from the Wilf Classification of Bi-Vincular permutation patterns paper.
- Look at covers that CombCov has already found and posted on Garpur channel
Some interesting Fishburn covers. Discussed that it would be interesting to look for covers for the complimentary
containment set Co(patts)
for every job, in addition to the normal Av(patts)
search. Bjarni will start containment
jobs for all the Fishburn patterns as well as do that by default when he re-runs WilfShort and Covincular jobs.
Some trivial WilfShort covers where the answer is the same as the input. Turns out to be because input is a MeshPatt
with empty shading, but the solution is the underlying pattern as a Perm
object. Bjarni will make sure that this
won't happen again and re-run the WilfShort jobs.
- Look at covers that CombCov has already found and posted on Garpur channel
The results posted on Garpur are promising and some of the covers are really interesting. Discussed running more jobs such as these from Anders' first paper (Generalised Pattern Avoidance):
|#| | | |#|
-+-+-2- -+-+-2-
|#| | | |#|
Av( -+-1-+- , -+-1-+- )
|#| | | |#|
-0-+-+- -0-+-+-
|#| | | |#|
| |#| |#| |
-+-+-2- -+-2-+-
| |#| |#| |
Av( -+-1-+- , -+-+-1- )
| |#| |#| |
-0-+-+- -0-+-+-
| |#| |#| |
Bjarni will run these as well as everything else from the table(s) in the paper.
- Review results from Garpur on length 2 mesh patterns (from Wilf paper)
- Discuss skeleton for presentation + Stærðfræði á Íslandi (Oct. 12-13) about 30 minutes + Thesis defense about 60 minutes
- Discuss skeleton for thesis writing
- Decide on next meeting time as Bjarni will be traveling
Much of the time went into debugging why CombCov didn't find the following cover:
------------- -------
| #| | --- | o | S |
| Av( -1- ) | = | | U ---+---+
| #|# | --- | | o |
------------- -------
where S is the "anything" cell. We found the culprit and fixed the bug. Bjarni will clean up the code a bit and then push it to GitHub along with unittests to prevent this from happening again. Sufficient regression testing should be testing that MeshTiling always generates the 1x1 S cell as one of it's subrules.
Following this we wanted CombCov to be able to find the cover for the complementary subset
------------- -------
| #| | | | S |
| Co( -1- ) | = ---+---+
| #|# | | o | |
------------- -------
This was done in a live session of collaborate coding but proved tricky as the MeshTiling class was written under the assumption that we'd only be searching for avoidance classes. However, we manage to (drastically) change the class so that it was able to find the above containment cover at the cost of not being able to find avoidance covers anymore.
Bjarni will now have to refactor the code so that it can do both and preferably find covers for MeshTilings with a mix of requirements (containment) and obstructions (avoidance) specifications. Plan B is to make the assumption that the root 1x1 MeshTiling is only allowed to contain requirements or obstructions -- not a mix of both.
We discussed the skeletons for both of the presentations and decided they should look along these lines:
Stærðfræði á Íslandi conference (~30 min):
- Title will be "Þakningar fléttufræðilegra fyrirbrigða með aðstoð línulegrar bestunnar"
- Henning/Christian will try to go first with their presentation
- will define perms and patterns which saves time for Bjarni and Émile
- definitions should still be included in the slides for future references
- Explain CombCov with Word Classes
- Av(aa) with words up to length 3
- pick selected subrules and calculate their containment strings
- explain that we use Gurobi (Linear Programming) to solve the set of eqs.
- Talk about success for MeshTilings without defining it
- show visual covers (see permuta library for LaTeX code)
- Wilf length 2 mesh patterns
- Fishburn length 3 patterns (Catalan numbers)
- Vincular and Covincular patterns
- Bi-Vincular patterns
Thesis defence (~60 min):
- Start same as the other one
- Define MeshTilings here and go into more detail
Bjarni will be away for travels the next two weeks. Next two meetings will be conducted via Skype.
- Go over requires.io integration with PermutaTriangle repos
- Discuss results on replicating stuff from Vincular+Covincular paper
- Discuss results on replicating stuff from Fishburn paper
- Discuss skeleton for presentation + Stærðfræði á Íslandi (Oct. 12-13) about 30 minutes + Thesis defense about 60 minutes
- Discuss skeleton for thesis writing
We configured default branch in Permuta repo to be 'develop' requires.io makes PRs towards the default branch.
CombCov found covers for 10 combinations of Fishburn + two length 4 patterns using 3x3x3 config (column x row dimension of MeshTiling x active cells). It did not find covers for the other 266 combinations with 4x4x4 config. We submitted these jobs again with 4x4x5 config and we'll try 5x5x5 also for those that are unsuccessful. After this we'll look for covers of Fishburn + three length 4 patterns (2024 combinations).
We went over the results of the Vincular+Covincular patterns as well and rejoiced in the comparative success there. Many covers needed only 3x3x3 config and some more was found with 4x4x4 config. We'll try config 5x5x5 for the yet unsuccessful ones.
Henning has asked for 2-3 talking slots at the Icelandic Math Conference in October for Bjarni, Émile and maybe Christian/Henning to present their work. All of them have registered to participate in the conference.
- Review EC Python library and Bjarni's homework assignments
- Which results to replicate? + Wilf-classification of mesh patterns of short length + On pattern-avoiding Fishburn permutations + Anything else?
- Discuss skeleton for presentation
- Discuss skeleton for thesis writing
Henning and Christian were happy with the PyECCArithmetic library and will probably use it for homework assignments
in the Crypto course this fall semester. The owner of the repo hasn't responded to Bjarni's PR that adds support for
the infinity point. We discussed the possibility of releasing another package to PyPi with slightly different name if
the owner won't respond, or instructing students to clone the repo and install via setup.py
. Bjarni will post his
homework solutions as a private GitHub gist and give Henning and Christian access.
Some results from the Fishburn paper were replicated with CombCov (namely sigma equals to 231, 123, 132 and 213) but others were unsuccessful (sigma equals 312 and 321 and all of the length 4 patterns). We will try that again on Garpur with larger search space. We will also try all combinations with two length four patterns. The results from the Wilf paper that were discussed in last meeting also need to be run on Garpur with larger search space than were tried on Bjarni's laptop.
Christian came up with yet another paper with results that is interesting to try to replicate, a paper on avoiding vincular and covincular patterns of length 3. We tried a result from the paper that gives the Motzkin numbers:
| | | | | |
-+-3-+- -+-+-3-
| | | #|#|#|#
Av( -+-+-2- , -+-2-+- )
| | | | | |
-1-+-+- -1-+-+-
| | | | | |
At first we were unsuccessful to find a cover for it, but by editing the rule generation function to create more complicated rules we managed to find a cover for it, albeit slightly different that in the paper. We will try to run CombCov again with theses changes on previously unsuccessful results from Fishburn and Wilf papers.
We started discussing the layout of Bjarni's thesis but need to follow up on that in the next meeting. Henning
mentioned that it would be smart though to rename StringSet
to WordSet
so the elements are called words and are
not confused with the underlying bitstrings.
- Prepare Bjarni's reading course in Elliptic Curves so he can study it while Henning and Christian are on summer vacation in July
- Implement
method (multiple nested for-loops)
Henning prepared reading chapters and exercises for Bjarni solve. Henning wants Bjarni to find a suitable Python library and solve most of the exercises with it. The idea being that Christian can use it for homework assignments in his Crypto class this fall.
Together Bjarni and Henning hacked together the MeshTilings.get_elmnts()
method by porting the multiple nested
for-loops. It was ugly but it worked and we could run it on some short mesh patterns from the Wilf-classification
paper "of mesh patterns of short length". This can be used in Bjarni's thesis as a replication of older work.
- Prepare Bjarni's reading course in Elliptic Curves so he can study it while Henning and Christian are on summer vacation in July
- Review Bjarni's PR in
library that adds support for bases of mesh patterns and thefor perm in Av(mesh_patts)
syntax - Implement
method (multiple nested for-loops)
We reviewd the PR in Permuta
and fixed a regression where Av(p)
a single Perm
object) syntax broke and
added a test for it to README. Christian then approved the PR and merged it to develop branch.
Then we took a look at the multiple nested for-loops in grids/Tiling.py
repo/file, tried to understand it and started
porting it over to MeshTiling
class and changing it as needed. Bjarni will keep on with it until the next meeting that
is scheduled for Friday, June 21 at 10:30.
- Review PR on adding support to
Before the meeting Bjarni had made a PR in the permuta
repo aiming to add support for looping over permutations
avoiding a set of mesh patterns, i.e. a for perm in Av(mesh_patts)
syntax. It proposed changing the Basis
to not only accept elements of type Perm
but the more general Patt
interface that included Perm
and MeshPatt
Henning and Christian however raised some concerns over this because in literature a basis generally only refers to bases of classical permutations and not mesh patterns. Therefore we decided to do some further refactoring along these lines:
- create a new class called
s and maybe alsoPerm
s - leave
class intact (only acceptingPerm
s) - try to avoid code duplication between these two classes by using metaclasses or parent class
- change the
class to behave differently based on whether it's input isMeshBasis
- this ensures that
behaves the way users expect and keeps backwards compatibility
- CombCov put to the test: Christian finding covers for "polynomial permutation classes"
- Hack together "Tilings of Mesh patterns" with the goal being able to find a cover for Av(31c2) where 31c2 is the mesh pattern
| |#|
| |#|
| |#|
| |#|
Christian was able to use the Tiling
package to do the heavy lifting of Tiling specific logic such as element
generation, obstructions and requirement conditions. There's no way of getting around implementing the get_subrules()
function though, which he did on the projector with neglible help from Bjarni and Henning. The resulting code was
pushed to GitHub and and can be viewed in the resulting Pull Request #6.
Next we want to useCombCov
with "Mesh Tilings". As in the agenda above, we use c in a pattern to denote a shaded column.
The first goal is to have CombCov
find the following cover:
---------- --- | | o | |
| Av(31c2) | = | o | U |----------+---+---------|
---------- --- | Av(31c2) | | Av(1c2) |
The things discussed included the difficulties of generating permutations from such a "Tiling" and how we could implement it. Similar thing has been done in old Grids repo and one option is to port those nested for loops over to here. This is far from finished and is now an ongoing project.
Various other small changes to CombCov
including a request for logging and informative messages were discussed and duly
noted for later implementation.
Regarding Bjarni's missing ECTS units it has been decided that Bjarni does a small reading course on Elliptic Curve cryptography by reading selected chapters from the book used in Christians cryptography class, solve some related exercises and even write some Python code.
- Status of code refactoring before Christian can use it with his Tilings
- Bjarni needs 2 ECTS units of course work. Can he do a reading course in Elliptic Curves?
We reviewed the code factoring that had been done so far and then finished it with the aid of Christian. StringSet
has been moved into a new demo
module (where it can serve as an example on how to use CombCov) and CombCov
moved into the new combcov
module (which will be published to PyPy in due time).
The rough layout is like this: CombCov
takes in a Rule
object (such as StringSet
or Tiling
) which is an
abstract class that needs to implement the following methods:
: return all elements in Rule of specific sizeget_subrules()
: return all "lesser" Rules (the ones we try to stitch together), but with no requirement at the moment that they are all unique or valid__hash__()
: Rule must be hashable__str__()
: Rule must have a string representation
Bjarni will do a little bit of tidying up the code before pushing these changes to GitHub. Then Christian will try to use it with his Tilings objects.
Discussion of Bjarni's last ECTS credits were postponed to next meeting.
- Review using
to interface with Gurobi as there's a fallback on naive LPS when Gurobi isn't available - Decide upon next meeting time.
Using GuLP
to define the optimization problem and calling Gurobi upon works really well as demonstrated in a small
PoC. It is easy to check whether Gurobi is installed on the system or not, and fall back on a "naive" Linear
Programming Solver if it isn't.
We discussed that the next step in the project is to refactor the CombCov code to make it easy to "plug and play" other combinatorial objects. We want to try Tilings, Permutations and Mesh patterns with CombCov. This goes a long way of constituting the whole thesis work.
Bjarni is currently taking a 3-week course and will thus have little time to work on CombCov in the meantime. Next meeting time wasn't discussed or decided upon.
- (From previously) Discuss deploying a new version of Permuta to PyPi.
- Refactor code with the goal of Christian being able to use CombCov with his Tilings objects.
- Decide upon next meeting time.
We discussed what needs to be done in order to deploy a new version of Permuta to PyPi. We edited the Travis CI config file so it builds and pushes Permuta straight to PyPi on successful builds (passing unittests) on the master branch of the GitHub repo. Christian was working on refactoring the Permuta code on the version2 branch so we can soon merge it to master.
Next meeting time is Thu 2 May at 13:00 unless Bjarni will be in class at that time, in which case he contacts Henning and Christan to reschedule.
- Decide next meeting time (because of Easter and Bjarni's 3-week course in May).
- What licence is appropriate for the GitHub repo?
- CombCov comes up with rules such as 'a'*Av(b,ab) and 'b'*Av(b,bb). How do we filter them out?
- Discuss how we would like other people such as Rögnvaldur Möller use and interact with this library. Aspects ranging from practical stuff (like installation) to programming paradigms (such as class interfaces).
- (From previously) Discuss deploying a new version of Permuta to PyPi.
First discussed the nonsense rules that CombCov currently comes up with and how to avoid that by doing some kind of
for the avoiding set of strings: Sort them by length and check containment "upwards".
Bjarni will not be in Iceland next week so next meeting is scheduled tomorrow, Fri 12 Apr 2019, at 11:00.
Permuta is licenced under "BSD-3-Clause" but Émile suggested GPL licence (v3) for CombCov as it enforces others that use the library to keep their code open source. We'll probably go with GPL then.
Discussed some refactoring of the code which makes it clearer what Rögnvaldur Möller needs to implement to use this library. After that refactoring is done Christian will try to use CombCov with Tilings.
Enforcing Gurobi as a requirement to run CombCov is not user friendly so we need a fallback linear solver that works
without the need to install anything (besides the pip install CombCov
). PuLP seems
to support solving linear equations without the need for 3rd party libraries, but also support using Gurobi if it's
installed. I will look into this and evaluate whether it's shiny promises are true.
- Review the current status of the repo and run various
examples. - What licence is appropriate for the GitHub repo?
- Discuss how we would like other people such as Rögnvaldur Möller use and interact with this library. Aspects ranging from practical stuff (like installation) to programming paradigms (such as class interfaces).
- What examples to use in the REM paper?
- (From previously) Discuss deploying a new version of Permuta to Pypi.
Ran some examples with CombCov
over the alphabet {a, b}
. Some examples were solved fine like Av{'aa'}
but others
not, like Av('aa', 'bb'}
. Our current method of generating rules on the form prefix + Av(ss)
where ss is a subset
of {'aa', 'bb'}
simply cannot handle the set of strings with alternating a
's and b
We fixed the StringSet.get_all_avoiding_subsets
function. E.g. for the avoiding set {'aa', 'bb'}
it naively
generated [ {'aa', 'bb'}, {'aa', 'b'}, {'a', 'bb'} ]
but now it (correctly) also generates {'a', 'b'}
Discussed avoiding non-consecutive substrings as well as consecutive as we do now. Then we'd need to implement
method differently, something along the lines of
- Set
of strings avoiding non-consecutive'aba'
- String
is not inS
if there exist a index setI = {i_1, i_2, i_3}
withi_1 < i_2 < i_3
such thats[i_1] == a
ands[i_2] == b
ands[i_3] == a
- Explain to me again the concept of rules and rule generators in PermStruct, and how that maps on to CombCov.
- Help me go from
generator (all strings in the set, or of specific length) to bitstrings. - (From last week) Discuss deploying new version of Permuta to Pypi.
We discussed the Rules and RuleGenerators in PermStruct and how that maps on to CombCov, and specifically in context
with the StringSet
class that I'll be focusing on for now.
In PermStruct terminology, our "root object" will be the StringSet
class itself and this is what CombCov will be
trying to find a cover for. The root object is represented as a string of n
1's, simply meaning that it contains
it's n
first elements. What Gurobi then does is finding a (binary) linear combination of strings that is a mix of
0's and 1's that cover the 11...1 string.
When running CombCov for StringSet
(easily generalized for other combinatorial object) the user specifies a
variable (default value might be 9 for now) which will result in the StringSet
class generating
all valid strings of length up to (and including) this number. Let the total number of these strings be n
Then we need a RuleGenerator of string sets. Each Rule will be on the form prefix + StringSet
. We'll be picking
prefixes from the root object and string sets as subsets of the root object (meaning the avoiding condition is
stricter, i.e. now avoiding substring(s) of the avoiding string(s)). For each Rule we'll generate all strings in it
of length <= max_elmt_size
and only accept the Rule if all these strings are in the root object. Then we'll
convert the Rule into a binary string for which the i'th position (from right) is 1 if the root's i'th string is in
the Rule, else 0.
We'll use all possible prefixes up to a specific (but user overridable) length (e.g. 3). Note that the n
is the
same as validcnt
in PermStruct, and max_elmt_size
corresponds to perm_bound
For the last agenda item, Christan will sort out the correct import logic and then we'll deploy a new version of Permuta.
- Pick apart
object (in PermStruct/permstruct/settings.py) - What is the
? - How to calculate
without using the object above? - Is
broken? - Creating binary string from perm (PermStruct/permstruct/rule_set.py)
- Discuss deploying new version of Permuta to Pypi
explained: In the context finding the cover of Av(231), set perm_bound = 3
, generate all patterns up to
(and including) length 3, discard those that are not avoiding 231, and the number of these patterns is validcnt
(These numbers are almost the same for Av(21) which confused me.)
(of type AvoiderInput
) turned out to be the avoidance perm generator (creator of rules) which is what I
need to calculate validcnt
in previous point.
The StructSettings
object turned out to contain a lot of permutation specific stuff and some unused variables. The
necessary variables were identified and explained to me so I can port them over to CombCov.
Current version of permuta on Pypi is definitely broken. We wan't to build and publish a new version by merging
branch to master
in the repo and make Travis push it to Pypi. However, there is some problem with circular
imports in the repo which Christian wants to look into first. Will discuss again next week.
- Run Struct
- Look at connection from Struct to Gurobi
- Discuss how to take it apart
- Discuss test cases
Struct worked OK, we looked at the format of Gurobi input/output files and discussed whether we could use a Python library instead of writing temp files and calling Gurobi as a subprocess. Decided to continue doing that for now as there's problem installing the Python library.
Decided to start coding CombCov module by imitating Struct's exact_cover
and build upon that by mocking a generator
function for permutation rules for Av(21) and solve that case (unittest?).