- Upgrade to Protocol 6 (Hard fork)
- Implementation of PIP-0043 (Update OP_RECOVER to recover only non used, not named PASA's) -> https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin/blob/master/PIP/PIP-0043.md
- Implementation of PIP-0044 (Induplicatable NFT) -> https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin/blob/master/PIP/PIP-0044.md
- Improvements on downloading Safebox (fresh installation)
- Accumulative release, including:
- Minor bugs fixed
- Usage of AbstractMem v1.8
- Improvements on speed and data storage (see Github commits since last release)
- Clean code and documentation
- This version will not propagate 0-Fee operations, but will allow 0-Fee operations to the blockchain (CT_AllowPropagate0feeOperations=False)
- A wallet that wants to execute 0-Fee operations will need to connect to a miner/pool/node running a 5.6 version or solomine
- Removed "Ask for Account (PASA)" feature
- Improved resend operations process
- Improvements on TMemPool save to file to protect continued saving process
- Improvements on TStorage to allow usage of AbstractMem library
- AbstractMem library v1.6 with improvements on speed and allowing 64bits offsets for files +4Gb
- Net protocol upgraded to 15, min compatible version 14 (Build 5.6)
- Daemon:
- Usage of Fast Memory Manager for FPC x86_64 on Linux as part of mORMot framework. Copyright (C) 2021 Arnaud Bouchez
- log files separated by date: pascalcoin.log -> pascalcoin_YYYY-MM-DD.log
- RPC log files separated by date: pascalcoin_rpc.log -> pascalcoin_rpc_YYYY-MM-DD.log
- Peers cache stored on a separated file at DATAFOLDER with name "peers_cache.ini" instead of "pascacoin_daemon.ini"
- Assigned OP_RECOVER automatically to miner using miner AccountKey
- Net Protocol upgraded to 14 (improvements)
- Minor fixed bugs (see GitHub commits since build 5.5)
- Fixed fatal bug. Mandatory upgrade
- Net protocol upgraded to 13
- Added usage of AbstractMem library to allow build a PascalCoin version using virtual memory and efficient caching mechanism
- Use AbstractMem library v1.2
- Must activate {$DEFINE USE_ABSTRACTMEM} at config.inc file (Enabled by default)
- Added "Ask for Account (PASA)" feature on GUI wallet
- Implementation of PIP-0027 (E-PASA: Infinite Address-Space Layer-2) -> https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin/blob/master/PIP/PIP-0027.md
- Changes to
file:- Added "DATAFOLDER" configuration option at pascalcoin_daemon.ini file (daemon/service) in order to allow customize data folder
- Added "ABSTRACTMEM_MAX_CACHE_MB" to customize Maximum megabytes in memory as a cache
- Added "MAX_PAYTOKEY_MOLINAS" to fix limit on automatic PayToKey feature
- Improved performance when downloading Safebox (Fresh installation)
- JSON-RPC changes:
- Updated "Operation Object" and "Multi Operation Object" return values:
(IF THE WALLET IS UNLOCKED Will automatically try to decrypt encoded payloads and also return E-PASA used)
- "senders" or "receivers" : ARRAY
- "account_epasa" : (String) If operation was using valid E-PASA format and can be decoded, will return E-PASA format used with extended checksum
- "unenc_payload" : (String) If payload can be decoded returns unencoded value in readable format (no HEXASTRING)
- "unenc_hexpayload" : (HEXASTRING) Unencoded value in hexastring
- "payload_method" : (String) Can be "key" or "pwd"
- "enc_pubkey" : HexaString with public key (if "payload_method"="key")
- "pwd" : String with password used (if "payload_method"="pwd")
- "senders" or "receivers" : ARRAY
- New method "checkepasa": Check that "account_epasa" param contains a valid E-PASA format. Returns an "EPasa Object" (See below)
- New method "validateepasa": Creates an "account_epasa" with provided data and returns an "EPasa Object" (See below)
- "account" : Valid number or account name ( Use @ for a PayToKey )
- "payload_method" : "none","dest","sender","aes"
- "pwd" : If "payload_method" = "aes"
- "payload_encode" : "string"(default) | "hexa" | "base58"
- "payload" : HEXASTRING with the payload data
- "EPasa Object" params:
- "account_epasa" : (String) Encoded EPASA with extended checksum
- "account" : number or name
- "payload_method" : "none","dest","sender","aes"
- "pwd" : (String) Provided only if "payload_method" = "aes"
- "payload_encode" : "string"(default) | "hexa" | "base58"
- "account_epasa_classic" : (String) Encoded EPASA without extended checksum
- "payload" : HEXASTRING with the payload data
- "payload_type" : Byte
- "is_pay_to_key" : (Boolean) True if EPasa is a Pay To Key format like @[Base58Pubkey]
- Payload encoding will automatically set "payload_type" value based on encoding params in order to store E-PASA standard
- Updated "findaccounts":
- New param "end" (integer, -1 for default): Will search from "start" to "end" (if "end"=-1 will search to the end)
- New method "findblocks": Will search and return an array of "Block objects"
- "start","end","max" : Based on block number and max returns values (max by default=100)
- "enc_pubkey" or "b58_pubkey" : If provided will return blocks where pubkey equal to provided
- "payload", "payloadsearchtype" : Same workaround than "name" and "namesearchtype" on "findaccounts" method
- New method "save-safebox-stream" : Will save a Safebox file in Stream format
- "filename" : String (optional)
- New method "save-safebox-abstractmem" : Will save a Safebox AbstractMem file of actual state
- "filename" : String (optional)
- New method "abstractmem-stats" : Testing purposes only
- Updated "addnode"
- New param "whitelist" : Boolean (False by default). When true the "nodes" ips will be added to Whitelist for JSON-RPC calls
- Updated "Operation Object" and "Multi Operation Object" return values:
(IF THE WALLET IS UNLOCKED Will automatically try to decrypt encoded payloads and also return E-PASA used)
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed bugs on "pascalcoin_daemon" (daemon on Linux / Service on Windows) that produced crash on windows and some invalid finalization on Linux
- Fixed bugs on "finddataoperations" (not searching as expected)
- Fixed bug on "delistaccountforsale" (Freezing application / api calls)
- Fixed minor bugs
- Fixed "out of memory" error when downloading Safebox
- Fixed freeze bug on GUI when updating accounts grid
- Minor improvements for testing
- Mandatory upgrade due fixes some important security bugs
- Fixed CryptoLib4Pascal multithreading bug
- Fixed important bug caused by bad calculated "more work" blockchain
- Previous "more work" (introduced on build 2017-02-15) was calculated by SUM(compact_target), but compact_target is a linear value (not exponential)
- Current "more work" will be equals to "aggregated hashrate" that is SUM(CompactTargetToHashRate(compact_target)) where "hashrate" is exponential
- This important bug was found by Herman Schoenfeld (herman@sphere10.com)
- NAT limited to 7 seconds by default as proposed by Herman Schoenfeld (herman@sphere10.com) in order to minimize a warp timestamp attack. This value can be configured.
- Fix invalid "balance" rounded decimals value caused by FPC (daemon or Linux versions)
- Improvements on hashlib4pascal library by Ugochukwu Mmaduekwe https://github.com/Xor-el
- Introducing CryptoLib4Pascal usage
- Minor improvements and fixed bugs
- Fixed FastPropagation bug when Operations are not on Mempool and needs to obtain from a node with different version (V4 vs V5)
- Fixed TOpChangeAccountInfo bug when changing Account.Data (not available on V4, V5 must not propagate while on V4 protocol)
- Fixed GUI bug when using coma as decimal separator
- Upgraded Net Protocol to 11 (needed to detect/fix errors of FastPropagation )
- Upgrade to Protocol 5 (Hard fork)
- Implementation of PIP-0036 (RandomHash2 mining algo) -> https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin/blob/master/PIP/PIP-0036.md
- New PoW miner algo improving previous RandomHash (PIP-0009) added on Protocol 4
- Implementation of PIP-0032 (Atomic Swaps) -> https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin/blob/master/PIP/PIP-0032.md
- Implementation of PIP-0030 (Safebox root) -> https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin/blob/master/PIP/PIP-0030.md
- Implementation of PIP-0029 (Account Seals) -> https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin/blob/master/PIP/PIP-0029.md
- Implementation of PIP-0024 (Account Data) -> https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin/blob/master/PIP/PIP-0024.md
- Implementation of PIP-0033 (OpData JOSN-RPC calls) -> https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin/blob/master/PIP/PIP-0033.md
- Implementation of PIP-0027 (E-PASA Inifine Address-Space) -> https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin/blob/master/PIP/PIP-0027.md
- Third party apps/implementations of hard coded operations need to pay attention of an extra byte added on each operation using Payload
- Implementation of PIP-0037 (Distinguish account updates between active/passive mode)
- Added fields "updated_b_active_mode" and "updated_b_passive_mode" at each account to indicate in which block this account has been updated
- "active" means that private key has been used, so, is the initiator of the operation (can be as a sender or as a signer)
- "passive" means that this account is a receiver or a passive target (receiver or seller, for example)
- Partial implementation of PIP-0012 (Recover Accounts option after 4 years) -> https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin/blob/master/PIP/PIP-0012.md
- Accounts updated counter will only update when executing operations in active mode (See PIP-0037)
- If account is a receiver (passive mode) then n_operation_update_block will not update value and can be recovered after 4 years (as defined on original PascalCoin v1 WhitePaper)
- Fixed important security issue related to PIP-0003 caused by possible "parallelization" of the Proof-of-work (found by Herman Schoenfeld herman@sphere10.com)
- Modified length of the digest to be mined, adding previous proof-of-work to avoid parallelization
- Added extra 4 missed bytes of fee (missing since V1)
- The total length of the digest to be mined has increased in 36 bytes (32 for PoW and 4 for missing fee bytes). Those bytes are added on "Part 3" of the digest
- Updated "OP_DATA" operation: (PIP-0016)
- New digest hash value for OP_DATA ( PIP-0016 ) on Protocol 5
- Added "id" field (GUID/UUID type as described on PIP-0016), was missing on V4, added on V5
- Updated "OP_CHANGE_ACCOUNT_INFO" and "OP_MULTIOPERATION" to allow Account.Data as described on PIP-0024
- Added "new_data" field allowing update Account.Data field (0..32 bytes)
- Updated digest hash value adding "new_data" field
- Hardcoded RandomHash digest/hash values until block 367300 (107300 hashes) for quick speed safebox check on fresh installation
- Pools or external miners: Added new JSON-RPC methods for Server mining support (TCP/IP, no HTTP protocol)
- New methods "rh" and "rh2" that will return a hash calculated using the RandomHash or RandomHash2 algo
- params must include a 1-length array with the digest in hexastring format
- Example:
- Call {"id":123,"method":"rh2","params":["a02f3a4b5c62102e1a9a983f"]}
- Response {"id":123,"error":null, "result": {"digest":"A02F3A4B5C62102E1A9A983F", "hash":"5D825627E1E9865C17050E55B05D7D3A0C36C11D855261A511880C3CBF015AA9", "algo":"rh2"} }
- JSON-RPC changes:
- Updated "listaccountforsale" method to allow ATOMIC SWAPS (PIP-0032)
- Added "type" to discrimine between kind of listing. Available values are:
- "public_sale"
- "private_sale": Need to provide a valid "new_enc_pubkey" or "new_b58_pubkey"
- "atomic_account_swap": Need to provide a valid "new_enc_pubkey" or "new_b58_pubkey" and the unlocking param "enc_hash_lock"
- "atomic_coin_swap": Need to provide a valid "enc_hash_lock"
- If no "type" is defined, will automatically select between "public_sale" or "private_sale"
- Added "enc_hash_lock" (HEXASTRING) that must be exactly a 32 bytes value (stored as 64 bytes because is HexaString)
- Added "type" to discrimine between kind of listing. Available values are:
- Updated "changeaccountinfo" and "signchangeaccountinfo" calls to allow add "new_data" field for change Account.Data value (PIP-0024)
- New param "new_data" (HEXASTRING) if provided will change Account Data info. Limited from 0 to 32 bytes.
- Updated "multioperationaddoperation call to allow add "payload_type" value as described on PIP-0027
- New param "payload_type" on "senders" and "receivers" array as optional value (default 0)
- New method "senddata" as described on PIP-0033 returning an "Operation Object"
- New method "signdata" as described on PIP-0033 returning a "Raw Operations Object"
- New method "finddataoperations" as described on PIP-0033 returning an ARRAY of "Raw Operations Object"
- News params added to original PIP
- "depth" (Integer, 1000 by default) : Will search backward in blocks a maximum of "depth" blocks
- "startblock" (Integer, optional) : If defined, will start at a specified block, otherwise will start at last "sender" or "target" updated block
- News params added to original PIP
- Updated "Account Object" return values:
- "state": Can return "normal", "listed", "account_swap", "coin_swap"
- "hashed_secret" : (HEXASTRING) will contain the SHA256( SECRET ) value that must match Payload received data for Atomic Swaps (only when "state" in "account_swap" or "coin_swap")
- "amount_to_swap" : (PASCURRENCY) amount that will be transferred to counterparty account on ATOMIC COIN SWAP ("receiver_swap_account")
- "receiver_swap_account": (Integer) Counterpaty account that will receive "amount_to_swap" on ATOMIC COIN SWAP
- "data" : (HEXASTRING) will return the Account Data stored with PIP-0024
- "seal" : (HEXASTRING) will return the Account Seal stored with PIP-0029
- "updated_b_active_mode" : (Integer) Block number of last account change on active mode (private key usage for signature)
- "updated_b_passive_mode" : (Integer) Block number of last account change on passive mode (as a receiver of a transaction or similar)
- Updated "Operation Object" return values:
- "senders" : ARRAY
- "payload_type" : (Byte) as described on PIP-0027
- "data" : OBJECT will store OP_DATA information when operation is OP_DATA type as described on PIP-0016
- "id" : (String) String representation of GUID/UUID as "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" that stores 16 bytes
- "sequence" : (Integer)
- "type" : (Integer)
- "receivers" : ARRAY
- "payload_type" : (Byte) as described on PIP-0027
- "changers" : ARRAY
- "new_data" : (HEXASTRING) : If "data" is changed on "account"
- "changes" : (String) Description of changes type made
- "senders" : ARRAY
- Updated "Multi Operation Object" values:
- "changers" : ARRAY
- "new_data" : (HEXASTRING) : If "data" is changed on "account"
- "changers" : ARRAY
- Allowed to use all input params related to an account number as a String and including checksum
- Example: Call "sendto" using param "sender"="1234-44" or "target"="12345-54"
- If value is not a valid format, call will return error
- Updated "listaccountforsale" method to allow ATOMIC SWAPS (PIP-0032)
- GUI changes:
- Cosmetical changes showing Pascal soft rebrand and logo
- Allowed to "find account" by account name
- Allowed to import private keys without encryption generated by external clients like Blaise wallet
- Allowed to list accounts for Coin Swap or Account Swap
- General improvements and minor bugs fixed
- Hardcoded RandomHash digest/hash values for quick speed safebox check on fresh installation
- GUI wallets will load "HardcodedRH_75800.randomhash" file (at exe folder) and preload a randomhash digest/hash values for quick first time synchronization
- Fixed bug caused by CT_NetOp_GetSafeBox too quickly on old versions (4.0.2 and lower)
- Added a delay of at least 1 second per call when peer node is protocol version lower than version 9
- Fixed bug #187 found by Isaac Cook (icook)
- Improved memory management on NetProtection (auto clean memory)
- Fixed core bug #182 in RPC calls
- Improvements:
- Up to +1600 operations per second using a domestic computer (4 CPU)
- Download and check new Safebox in less than 5 minutes
- Added functions to automatically receive new accounts for new installed fresh nodes
- Major refactoring:
- Change TRawBytes from "AnsiString" to "TBytes" type
- Do not use AnsiString type for simple string types, use String instead
- Usage of TList type
- Allow compilation using Delphi 10.2 and multidevice (Firemonkey)
- Core features
- Added CryptoLib4Pascal library that will allow to replace OpenSSL in a future for a Pascal pure native cryptographic suite (for testing purposes at this moment, not actived by default)
- Important log reduction
- Adding multithreading validation
- Multithreading validating Signatures
- Multithreading validating Blocks headers (TOperationBlock)
- Fixed core bugs:
- Miner bug after loading blocks on start-up if last saved block was a checkpoint block
- Gui-Classic
- Multithread on User Accounts to avoid freeze when updating data
- Fixed Minor bugs (See GitHub commits since 2019-01-08)
- Improvement speed (high performance): checking valid signature only once if operation is on mempool and was verified previously
- Improved operations/blocks propagation
- Fixed a decompression bug caused by FreePascal "paszlib" package bug on version 3.0.4 -> https://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=34422
- Allow download new safebox (instead of download pending blocks) when difference > TNode.MinFutureBlocksToDownloadNewSafebox
- 7 days by default for Production, 1 for Testnet
- Disabled by default on Daemon, configure on INI file with MINPENDINGBLOCKSTODOWNLOADCHECKPOINT
- Enabled by default on GUI, can configure it
- Will not delete current blockchain, but will not download pending blocks between last block saved and current network checkpoint block
- Allow only connections using Net protocol >= 9 (Introduced on Build 4.0.1)
- Fill automatic params at "buyaccount" RPC call: Will set 'price' and 'seller_account' values to current safebox values if not provided
- Improved memory usage on mempool operations (TPCOperationsStorage)
- Important logs reduction to store only logs that are important
- Fixed minor bugs and minor improvements (See GitHub commits since 2018-10-31)
- Fixed a critical "Access violation" at "Fast Block Propagation" process
- Fixed a critical "Access violation" at "Get blockchain operations" process
- Fixed a memory leak at "Get Block operations"
- Updated Net protocol available to 9 (8 was introduced at build 4.0.0)
- PIP - 0009: RandomHash
- RandomHash is a new hash algo created by Herman Schoenfeld, see https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin/blob/master/PIP/PIP-0009.md
- PIP - 0015: Fast Block Propagation
- PIP - 0016: Layer-2 protocol support
- Critical bug fix: New digest hash for signature verifications
- Limit blockchain to allow max only one 0-fee operation by signer per block (prior was limited by network, not by core)
- Added OrderedAccountKeysList that allows an indexed search of public keys in the safebox with mem optimization
- Improved net protections
- PIP - 0009: RandomHash
- JSON-RPC changes:
- New protection for "open ports" server: When a server has whitelist to ALL IP's access to JSON-RPC calls, all calls that use the wallet keys are protected to avoid hacking
- Added param "RPC_ALLOWUSEPRIVATEKEYS" on pascalcoin_daemon.ini file
- New params for "findaccounts":
- "exact" (Boolean, True by default): Only apply when "name" param has value, will return exact match or not
- "listed" (Boolean, False by default): Will return only listed for sale accounts
- "min_balance","max_balance" (PASCURRENCY): Filter by balance
- "enc_pubkey" or "b58_pubkey": If provided will search accounts with this pubkey. In this case the "start" param value is the position of indexed public keys list instead of accounts numbers
- New return param in "Multioperation Object"
- "digest" (HEXASTRING): Returns the digest value that must be signed
- New param for "multioperationsignoffline"
- "protocol" (Integer): Must provide protocol version. By default will use build protocol constant CT_BUILD_PROTOCOL
- New param for "signsendto"
- "protocol" (Integer): Must provide protocol version. By default will use build protocol constant CT_BUILD_PROTOCOL
- New param for "signchangekey"
- "protocol" (Integer): Must provide protocol version. By default will use build protocol constant CT_BUILD_PROTOCOL
- New param for "signlistaccountforsale"
- "protocol" (Integer): Must provide protocol version. By default will use build protocol constant CT_BUILD_PROTOCOL
- New param for "signdelistaccountforsale"
- "protocol" (Integer): Must provide protocol version. By default will use build protocol constant CT_BUILD_PROTOCOL
- New param for "signchangeaccountinfo"
- "protocol" (Integer): Must provide protocol version. By default will use build protocol constant CT_BUILD_PROTOCOL
- New param for "signbuyaccount"
- "protocol" (Integer): Must provide protocol version. By default will use build protocol constant CT_BUILD_PROTOCOL
- Account Object change:
- Changed return value of "price". Previously was returned without decimals in native value (inconsistency bug), now will be returned as a PASCURRENCY (with 4 decimals)
- New protection for "open ports" server: When a server has whitelist to ALL IP's access to JSON-RPC calls, all calls that use the wallet keys are protected to avoid hacking
- Bug fixed: DoProcess_GetAccount_Request request type=1 (single account) didn't returned only 1
- Bug fixed: Invalid "lastBlockCache" value when found and orphan block that causes invalid propagation until a new block is found. Fixed.
- Bug fixed: "Access violation" on "getpendings" JSON-RPC call when pendings count>0
- Net protocol upgraded to "8" in order to accept new network p2p calls:
- "Fast block propagation" : NetOp 0x0012 for PIP-0015
- "Get blockchain operations": NetOp 0x0013 for PIP-0015
- "Get Public key accounts": NetOp 0x0032
- Deprecated use of OpenSSL v1.0 versions. Only allowed OpenSSL v1.1 versions
- JSON-RPC Added param "openssl" on "nodestatus" call. Will return OpenSSL library version as described in OpenSSL_version_num ( https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.0/crypto/OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER.html )
- Implementation of Hard fork on block 210000
- PIP - 0010: 50% inflation reduction
- PIP - 0011: 20% Development reward
- PIP - 0017: Anonymity via transaction mixing (multioperation)
- New target calc on protocol V3 in order to reduce the sinusoidal effect
- Harmonization of the sinusoidal effect modifying the rise / fall by 50% calculating over the last 10 blocks only when increase/decrease is high
- New Safebox Snapshoting
- This allow quickly rollback/commit directly to Safebox instead of create a separate Safebox on memory (read from disk... use more ram...)
- Is usefull when detecting posible orphan blocks in order to check which chain is the highest chain without duplicating a safebox to compare
- New Node network operations
- Get pending operations (code $0030)
- Implementation of the PIP-0013 (not exactly but with similar features)
- Get account (code $0031)
- This call will allow a simple third party app communicate directly to a node to get account info (balance, n_operation, name, public key... )
- Reserverd codes from $1000 to $1FFF
- A node will not break connection if those codes are used, but will response with ERRORCODE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ($00FF)
- Get pending operations (code $0030)
- MultiOperation: PIP-0017
- Multioperation allows a transactional like operations, they can include transactions and change info operations in a signle multioperation
- Allow to send coins from N accounts to M receivers in a transaction mixing, without knowledge of how many coins where sent from "Alice" to "Bob" if properly mixed
- Ophash can be previously known by all signers before signing. They must sign only if multioperation includes it's transactions as expected
- OpHash of a multioperation will allow to include n_operation and account of each signer account, but md160hash chunk will be the same for all
- Multioperation allows a transactional like operations, they can include transactions and change info operations in a signle multioperation
- JSON-RPC changes:
- Added param "startblock" to "getaccountoperations" in order to start searching backwards on a specific block. Note: Balance will not be returned on each operation due cannot be calculated. Default value "0" means start searching on current block as usual
- Operation Object changes:
New fields:
- "senders" : ARRAY of objects - When is a transaction, this array contains each sender
- "account" : Sending Account
- "n_operation"
- "amount" : PASCURRENCY - In negative value, due it's outgoing from "account"
- "payload" : HEXASTRING
- "receivers" : ARRAY of objects - When is a transaction, this array contains each receiver
- "account" : Receiving Account
- "amount" : PASCURRENCY - In positive value, due it's incoming from a sender to "account"
- "payload" : HEXASTRING
- "changers" : ARRAY of objects - When accounts changed state
- "account" : changing Account
- "n_operation"
- "new_enc_pubkey" : If public key is changed or when is listed for a private sale
- "new_name" : If name is changed
- "new_type" : If type is changed
- "seller_account" : If is listed for sale (public or private) will show seller account
- "account_price" : PASCURRENCY - If is listed for sale (public or private) will show account price
- "locked_until_block" : If is listed for private sale will show block locked
- "fee" : PASCURRENCY - In negative value, due it's outgoing from "account" Modified fields / DEPRECATED FIELDS Caused by multioperation introduction, search in "senders"/"receivers"/"changers" instead
- "balance" will not be included when is not possible to calc previous balance of account searching at the past
- "signer_account" will not be included in Multioperations
- "account" : will not be included in Multioperations, use fields in "senders"/"receivers"/"changers" instead
- "n_operation" will not be included in Multioperations, use fields in "senders"/"receivers"/"changers" instead
- "payload" will not be included in Multioperations, use fields in "senders"/"receivers"/"changers" instead
- "sender_account" is not correct to be used. Use "account" param on "senders" array instead
- "dest_account" is not correct to be used. Use "account" param on "receivers" array instead
- "amount" is not correct to be used. Use each "amount" param on "senders/receivers" instad. Note: sender "amount" is a negative number, positive for receiver
- "senders" : ARRAY of objects - When is a transaction, this array contains each sender
- New object "MultiOperation Object" : Will return info about a MultiOperation
- "rawoperations" : HEXASTRING with this single MultiOperation in RAW format
- "senders" : Will return an Array with Objects
- "account" : Sending Account
- "n_operation"
- "amount" : In negative value, due it's outgoing from "account"
- "payload"
- "receivers"
- "account" : Receiving Account
- "amount" : In positive value, due it's incoming from a sender to "account"
- "payload"
- "changers" : Will return an Array with Objects
- "account" : changing Account
- "n_operation"
- "new_enc_pubkey" : If public key is changed
- "new_name" : If name is changed
- "new_type" : If type is changed
- "amount" : PASCURRENCY Amount received by receivers
- "fee" : PASCURRENCY Equal to "total send" - "total received"
- "signed_count" : Integer with info about how many accounts are signed. Does not check if signature is valid for a multioperation not included in blockchain
- "not_signed_count" : Integer with info about how many accounts are pending to be signed
- "signed_can_execute" : Boolean. True if everybody signed. Does not check if MultiOperation is well formed or can be added to Network because is an offline call
- New method "signmessage": Signs a digest message using a public key
- Params:
- "digest" : HEXASTRING with the message to sign
- "b58_pubkey" or "enc_pubkey" : HEXASTRING with the public key that will use to sign "digest" data
- Result: False on error
- "digest" : HEXASTRING with the message to sign
- "enc_pubkey" : HESATRING with the public key that used to sign "digest" data
- "signature" : HEXASTRING with signature
- Params:
- New method "verifysign": Verify if a digest message is signed by a public key
- Params:
- "digest" : HEXASTRING with the message to check
- "b58_pubkey" or "enc_pubkey" : HEXASTRING with the public key that used to sign "digest" data
- "signature" : HEXASTRING returned by "signmessage" call
- Result: False on error
- "digest" : HEXASTRING with the message to check
- "enc_pubkey" : HESATRING with the public key that used to sign "digest" data
- "signature" : HEXASTRING with signature
- Params:
- New method "multioperationaddoperation": Adds operations to a multioperation (or creates a new multioperation and adds new operations)
This method does not need current Safebox state, so can be used offline or on COLD wallets when all info is provided
- Params:
- "rawoperations" : HEXASTRING (optional) with previous multioperation. If is valid and contains a single multiopertion will add operations to this one, otherwise will generate a NEW MULTIOPERATION
- "auto_n_operation" : Boolean - Will fill n_operation (if not provided). Only valid if wallet is ONLINE (no cold wallets)
- "senders" : ARRAY of objects that will be Senders of the multioperation
- "account" : Integer
- "n_operation" : Integer (optional) - if not provided, will use current safebox n_operation+1 value (on online wallets)
- "amount" : PASCURRENCY in positive format
- "payload" : HEXASTRING
- "receivers" : ARRAY of objects that will be Receivers of the multioperation
- "account" : Integer
- "amount" : PASCURRENCY in positive format
- "payload" : HEXASTRING
- "changesinfo" : ARRAY of objects that will be accounts executing a changing info
- "account" : Integer
- "n_operation" : Integer (optional) - if not provided, will use current safebox n_operation+1 value (on online wallets)
- "new_b58_pubkey"/"new_enc_pubkey": (optional) If provided will update Public key of "account"
- "new_name" : STRING (optional) If provided will change account name
- "new_type" : Integer (optional) If provided will change account type
- Result: If success will return a "MultiOperation Object"
- Params:
- New method "multioperationsignoffline"
This method will sign a Multioperation found in a "rawoperations"
Must provide info about accounts and keys (current Safebox state, provided by an ONLINE wallet)
- Params:
- "rawoperations" : HEXASTRING with 1 multioperation in Raw format
- "accounts_and_keys" : ARRAY of objects with info about accounts and public keys to sign
- "account" : Integer
- "b58_pubkey" or "enc_pubkey" : HEXASTRING with the public key of the account
- Result: If success will return a "MultiOperation Object"
- Params:
- New method "multioperationsignonline"
This method will sign a Multioperation found in a "rawoperations" based on current safebox state public keys
Must provide info about accounts and keys (current Safebox state, provided by an ONLINE wallet)
- Params:
- "rawoperations" : HEXASTRING with 1 multioperation in Raw format
- Result: If success will return a "MultiOperation Object"
- Params:
- New method "operationsdelete"
This method will delete an operation included in a Raw operations object
- Params:
- "rawoperations" : HEXASTRING with Raw Operations Object
- Result:
If success will return a "Raw Operations Object"
- "rawoperations" : HEXASTRING with operations in Raw format
- "operations" : Integer
- "amount" : PASCURRENCY
- Params:
- Updated method "getpendings" : Added params "start" (0..N) default=0 and "max" default=100 (0 = ALL)
- Also fixed bug #86 : https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin/issues/86
- New method "getpendingscount" : Returns pending operations count
- Daemon:
- Allow to force max block read from Blockchain when started using "-b MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER" param. Example "nohup ./pascalcoin_daemon -r -b 12345 &"
- Protections against invalid nodes (scammers):
- Protection on GetBlocks and GetBlockOperations
- Merged new GUI with current stable core
- New folders organization
- Bugs solved
- Searchs last valid block found on corrupted BlockChainStream.blocks file and allows to continue from last valid one. On prior versions, app halted and needed manually file deletion
- Solved bug that can cause to corrupt BlockChainStream.blocks file when detecting an orphan block and creating new BlockHeaders row (every 1000 blocks). Very rare bug, but fatal error
- Remove use of TPCOperation.FSignatureChecked introduced on 2.1.6 because is not 100% secure
- Minor bugs
- Important improvements
- Improved speed when processing operations on start
- Improved speed when processing pending operations after a new block found
- Deleted duplicate "SanitizeOperations" call
- Verify signed operations only once (TPCOperation.FSignatureChecked Boolean)
- Improvements in search methods of TOperationsHashTree
- Increase speed in search methods thanks to internal ordered lists
- Increase speed copying thanks to using FHashTree sender buffer instad of generating new one
- Internal bugs
- Those improvements solved BUG that caused operations not included to blockchain due slow processing with MemPool
- NOTE: It's HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to upgrade to this version
- GUI changes:
- Allow massive accounts "change info" operation
- Added "account type" and "sale price" on accounts grid
- Show "account type" stats on search account form
- Changed Icon to current PascalCoin icon
- Pending operations buffer cached to file to allow daemon/app restart without losing pending operations
- Less memory usage thanks to a Public keys centralised buffer
- JSON-RPC changes
- Added param "n_operation" to "Operation Object" JSON-RPC call
- New method "findnoperation": Search an operation made to an account based on n_operation field
- Params:
- "account" : Account
- "n_operation" : n_operation field (n_operation is an incremental value to protect double spend)
- Result:
- If success, returns an Operation Object
- Params:
- New method "findnoperations": Search an operation made to an account based on n_operation
- Params:
- "account" : Account
- "n_operation_min" : Min n_operation to search
- "n_operation_max" : Max n_operation to search
- "start_block" : (optional) Block number to start search. 0=Search all, including pending operations
- Result:
- If success, returns an array of Operation Object
- Params:
- New method "decodeophash": Decodes block/account/n_operation info of a 32 bytes ophash
- Params:
- "ophash" : HEXASTRING with an ophash (ophash is 32 bytes, so must be 64 hexa valid chars)
- Result:
- "block" : Integer. Block number. 0=unknown or pending
- "account" : Integer. Account number
- "n_operation" : Integer. n_operation used by the account. n_operation is an incremental value, cannot be used twice on same account.
- "md160hash" : HEXASTRING with MD160 hash
- Params:
- Solved bug that caused to delete blockchain when checking memory
- Solved bug in Network adjusted time on receiving connections caused by full entry buffer
- Minor optimizations
- Fixed BUG when buying account assigning an invalid public key
- Added maxim value to node servers buffer, deleting old node servers not used, this improves speed
- Re-add orphaned operations back into the pending pool
- RPC locking to prevent N_Operation race-condition on concurrent invocations
- Minor bugs
- No more blockchain in installer = TRUE DELETABLE BLOCKCHAIN (Safebox will be automatically downloaded by client from network)
- Fixed storage bug when downloading a new safebox
- Safebox will be downloaded in small chunks (aprox 2mb per chunk)
- Read safebox file improvements (quick start)
- Fixed installer bug: In last Windows installer a malformed safebox file was included. This build is only to provide a good safebox file with the installer
- No important changes in exe/binary file
- Fixed bug of slow mass transactions from a single account due to incorrect sending order
- Fixed memory leak on GetSafeBox request call
- Added new GUI improvements on Operations form
- Introducing Protocol v2.
- https://github.com/PascalCoin/PascalCoin/blob/master/PascalCoinWhitePaperV2.pdf
- Core Changes:
- New safebox hash calculation algorithm to allow safebox checkpointing
- Improved difficulty target calculation to obtain a more stable average blocktime of 5 minutes, given abrupt hashpower fluctuations
- Bug-fix for China region users
- Anti-spam measures
- New Consensus Rule: A block can only contain 1 zero fee operation per sender account. If a sender account issues 2 or more zero-fee operations, that block is invalid.
- SafeBox now stored in chunks to facilitate checkpoint distribution
- Reintroduce orphan blocks operations on main blockchain
- Added Checkpointing:
- Checkpoint created on every 100'th block
- Added network operations to transfer Checkpoint chunks (compressed)
- Addded In-Protocol PASA Exchanging:
- New Operation: List Account, used to list an account for public or private sale
- New Operation: Delist Account, used to delist an account from sale
- New Operation: Buy Account, used to purchase an account lised for sale
- Updated Operation: Transaction, can be used in place of Buy Account operation in private account sales
- RPC API Changes:
- All changes are backwards-compatible for current 3rd-party infrastructure providers (exchanges, wallets).
- However, use of param "ophash" has been changed in V2, see "Operation Object changes" section to know how to use "old_ophash" param value
- JSON changes:
- Account Object changes:
- Added param "state" (values can be "normal" or "listed". When listed then account is for sale)
- If "state" is "listed" then will fill next values:
- "locked_until_block", "price", "seller_account"
- "private_sale" : Boolean value
- "new_enc_pubkey" : (Only on "private_sale" = true) - HEXASTRING with private sale encoded public key
- Added param "name": String
- Name available chars: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*()-+{}[]_:"|<>,.?/~
- Name first char: (cannot start with number): abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#$%^&*()-+{}[]_:"|<>,.?/~
- Name lenght: Empty or 3..64 chars length
- Added param "type": Integer (Valid values from 0..65535)
- Operation Object changes:
- Changed param "ophash": Current returned value of "ophash" is not the same than previous builds (changed calculation method)
- New param "old_ophash": Will return previous "ophash" value only for old blocks (prior to v2 protocol activation)
- New param "subtype" : Based on "optype" param, this param allows to discrimine point of view of operation (sender/receiver/buyer/seller ...)
- New param "signer_account" : Will return the account that signed (and payed fee) for this operation
- Param "enc_pubkey": Will return both change key and the private sale public key value
- About method "findoperation" and "ophash"
- Due to changed "ophash" param value calculation, method "findoperation" will find old "ophash" values too
- This is to avoid 100% compatibility, but remember that returned "Operation object" will contain "ophash" value calculated in new format only (you can read "old_ophash" value in older blocks)
- New methods:
- "listaccountforsale" : Lists an account for sale (public or private)
- Params:
- "account_target" : Account to be listed
- "account_signer" : Account that signs and pays the fee (must have same public key that listed account, or be the same)
- "price": price account can be purchased for
- "seller_account" : Account that will receive "price" amount on sell
- "new_b58_pubkey"/"new_enc_pubkey": If used, then will be a private sale
- "locked_until_block" : Block number until this account will be locked (a locked account cannot execute operations while locked)
- "fee","payload","payload_method","pwd"
- Params:
- "signlistaccountforsale" : Signs a List an account for sale (public or private) for cold wallets
- Params: Same "listaccountforsale" params, and also:
- "rawoperations" : HEXASTRING with previous signed operations (optional)
- "signer_b58_pubkey"/"signer_enc_pubkey" : The current public key of "account_signer"
- "last_n_operation" : The current n_operation of signer account
- Params: Same "listaccountforsale" params, and also:
- "delistaccountforsale" : Delist an account for sale
- Params:
- "account_target" : Account to be delisted
- "account_signer" : Account that signs and pays the fee (must have same public key that delisted account, or be the same)
- "fee","payload","payload_method","pwd"
- Params:
- "signdelistaccountforsale" : Signs a List an account for sale (public or private) for cold wallets
- Params: Same "delistaccountforsale" params, and also:
- "rawoperations" : HEXASTRING with previous signed operations (optional)
- "signer_b58_pubkey"/"signer_enc_pubkey" : The current public key of "account_signer"
- "last_n_operation" : The current n_operation of signer account
- Params: Same "delistaccountforsale" params, and also:
- "buyaccount" : Buy an account previously listed for sale (public or private)
- Params:
- "buyer_account","account_to_purchase",
- "price","seller_account",
- "new_b58_pubkey"/"new_enc_pubkey","amount",
- "fee","payload","payload_method","pwd"
- Params:
- "signbuyaccount" : Signs a buy operation for cold wallets
- Params: Same "buyaccount" params, and also:
- "rawoperations" : HEXASTRING with previous signed operations (optional)
- "signer_b58_pubkey"/"signer_enc_pubkey" : The current public key of "buyer_account"
- "last_n_operation" : The current n_operation of buyer account
- Params: Same "buyaccount" params, and also:
- "changeaccountinfo" : Changes an account Public key, or name, or type value (at least 1 on 3)
- Params:
- "account_target" : Account to be delisted
- "account_signer" : Account that signs and pays the fee (must have same public key that target account, or be the same)
- "new_b58_pubkey"/"new_enc_pubkey": If used, then will change the target account public key
- "new_name": If used, then will change the target account name
- "new_type": If used, then will change the target account type
- "fee","payload","payload_method","pwd"
- "signchangeaccountinfo" : Signs a change account info for cold cold wallets
- Params: Same "changeaccountinfo" params, and also:
- "rawoperations" : HEXASTRING with previous signed operations (optional)
- "signer_b58_pubkey"/"signer_enc_pubkey" : The current public key of "account_signer"
- "last_n_operation" : The current n_operation of signer account
- Params: Same "changeaccountinfo" params, and also:
- "findaccounts" : Find accounts by name/type and returns them as an array of Account objects
- Returned array will be sorted by account number
- Params:
- "name" : (String) If has value, will return the account that match name
- "type" : (Integer) If has value, will return accounts with same type
- "start" : (Integer) Start account (by default, 0)
- "max" : (Integer) Max of accounts returned in array (by default, 100)
- "listaccountforsale" : Lists an account for sale (public or private)
- Updated methods:
- "changekey" : Added param "account_signer" that allow to pay fee using another account with same public key than target "account" param. This allows to change keys on empty accounts (balance = 0) and pay fee
- "signchangekey" : Added param "account_signer", same use that in "changekey" method
- Account Object changes:
- GUI changes: (not available on daemon)
- New columns "name" and "type" on accounts
- Information about Accounts/Operation using F1
- Operations form now accepts: (Will be active after V2 protocol activation)
- List account for sale (public or private)
- Delist account
- Buy account
- Change account name/type
- Operations form allows to search for accounts using F2 over an account edit box
- Changes in text showing operations information
- Other changes:
- Bug for china users fixed
- Bugs fixed
- Allow multiselect accounts (GUI wallet)
- Priority for operations with fee:
- Allow miner server (pools) to select what to mine using pascalcoin_daemon.ini file (daemon only)
- RPC_SERVERMINER_MAX_OPERATIONS_PER_BLOCK: Max of operations that can be included in a block (Default 5000, min value 1000)
- RPC_SERVERMINER_MAX_ZERO_FEE_OPERATIONS: Max of operations with 0 fee that can be included in a block (Default 2000, min value 400)
- Operations with fee have always preference over 0 fee operations (will be mined first)
- If operations with fee fills all the buffer, then no zero fee operation will be included
- Allow miner server (pools) to select what to mine using pascalcoin_daemon.ini file (daemon only)
- Fixed bug on receiving big blocks and slow net connection to prevent never synchronize
- Fixed bug on miner server that produces "invalid operations hash" error on valid solutions with 0 operations
- Fixed bug on file storage
- Fixed minor bugs
- Corrected fee result on RPC calls as a negative number on "Change key" operations
- Corrected PASCURRENCY value to be limited as a 4 decimal digits on RPC calls
- JSON-RPC method "getaccountoperations" changed: if param "start" is -1, will include pending operations, otherwise not
- Fixed bug: On "getaccountoperations" if an account had a lot of operations (receive tx included) then sometimes app crashed when executing depth search.
- Note: High depth search is slow because it search always starting from current state, going backwards, in order to return past balance. This can be a slow method on some account with high transactions volume.
- Added Network Timestamp Adjustment (NAT) to calc valid timestamps
- Minimum 4 active connections to calc median used for NAT, otherwise use local timestamp
- Based on IP's (to prevent a malicious IP timejacking, each IP is only used once)
- Removed IP's and recalculated after disconnecting (to prevent malicious node connecting/disconnecting for timejacking)
- New blocks will not be accepted if using future timestamp greater than NAT timestamp + 15 seconds (also, mantaining current protocol rule >= lastBlock.timestamp)
- Network protocol fixed to 5-5 (Nodes with version prior to 1.5 will not be allowed)
- Added protection for non included operations on a block, to prevent continuous sending. Only will resend operations once.
- Bug #27 fixed: Invalid timestamp on FPC (PascalCoin#27)
- Method "getconnections" added "timediff" to know timestamp diff of node
- Method "payloaddecrypt" added "unenc_hexpayload" result value with HEXASTRING of unencrypted payload
- Fixed some "Random Memory access violation errors" bugs found caused by multithreading and disconnected nodes
- Fixed issue #23: RPC findoperation fails to find operation by opHash
- Miners best practices: Sending new job with new timestamp every 30 seconds
- Buffering last 10 sent jobs to miners
- Small delay prior to destroy a connection to prevent exception handling
- Minor logs changes
- Added a jobs buffer for miners. This will allow to submit old job solutions (limited buffer). (Fix the "tx" issue)
- Miner jobs will not be sent every time a transaction is received, thet will be buffered and sent every few seconds (Fix the "tx" issue)
- Better network performance, allowing more operations and nodes thanks to buffering before relaying
- Daemon: Allow select on ini file how many connections can handle
- Fixed a locking when deleting connections
- Memory leak fixed on RPC-JSON commands
- Memory leak fixed on node connections
- Improved network speed processing new blocks/operations
- Some minor bugs
- Net protocol upgrade to 4-5
- Introducing "more work" with high priority than "more high". Work is calculated based on target. Higher target (more work) is more important than higher length
- Solved locking/crash bug on high connections (caused by bad thread locking)
- Improved network connection
- Added JSON-RPC port 4003 protection Whitelist (only allowed IP's can use JSON-RPC)
- Adding "maturation" param to "JSON Operation object", return null when operation is not included on a blockchain yet, 0 means that is included in highest block and so on...
- Fixing miner timestamp value to prevent invalid time
- Max JSON-RPC miner connections is now 1000 (before, 10)
- JSON-RPC miner enabled at pascalcoin_daemon (linux daemon)
- Screen messages for daemon
- pascalcoin_daemon.ini file for daemon
- Improved JSON communications with Miner client (Port 4009 by default)
- Deleted adding numeration to JSON miner clients (only sends miner name)
- Minor changes
- JSON-RPC changes:
- Added method "signsendto" to allow a off-line wallet sign transaction operations without being syncrhonized
- Added method "signchangekey" to allow a off-line wallet sign change key operations without being syncrhonized
- Added method "executeoperations" to allow a on-line wallet execute operations signed off-line
- Added method "operationsinfo" that will decode operations signed off-line
- Added param "max" at JSON-RPC method "getblocks"
- Changed param name "deep" for "depht" in "getaccountoperations". Deep will be available for compatibility.
- Changed result for "changekeys". Now returns a "JSON operation object" array with each change key operation result
- Changes on "JSON Operation object": May return a "valid" param and "errors" param
- Corrected a memory leak when processing JSON-RPC calls
- Better performance in connection protocol
- Updated protocol available to 1
- Updated net protocol to 3-4
- Important bug corrected
- JSON-RPC modifications:
- New param "b58_pubkey", can be used instead of "enc_pubkey": b58_pubkey is a Base58 encoded public key with checksum, is the value that Wallet exports/imports public key
- New JSON object type Public Key: "name","can_use","enc_pubkey","b58_pubkey","ec_nid","x" and "y" for each public key
- Added params "start" and "max" to "getaccountoperations". By default deep=100, max=100 and start=0, so will return last 100 operations made to an account
- Added params "start" and "max" to "getblockoperations". By default max=100 and start=0, so will return last 100 operations made to a block
- Added params "start" and "max" to "getwalletaccounts". By default max=100 and start=0, so will return first 100 accounts of the wallet
- Added params "start" and "max" to "getwalletpubkeys". By default max=100 and start=0, so will return first 100 public keys of the wallet
- Will return a Public key JSON object
- Method "decodepubkey" allows params "enc_pubkey" or "b58_pubkey" (if used together, returns error if not match)
- Will return a Public key JSON object
- Method "changekey" allows params "new_enc_pubkey" or "new_b58_pubkey" (if used together, returns error if not match)
- Method "getwalletaccounts" allows params "enc_pubkey" or "b58_pubkey" (if used together, returns error if not match)
- Method "getwalletaccountscount" allows params "enc_pubkey" or "b58_pubkey" (if used together, returns error if not match)
- Method "getwalletcoins" allows params "enc_pubkey" or "b58_pubkey" (if used together, returns error if not match)
- Method "payloadencrypt" allows params "enc_pubkey" or "b58_pubkey" when payload_method="pubkey" (if used together, returns error if not match)
- Method "addnewkey" changed. Does not return an HEXASTRING with enc_pubkey, now returns a public key JSON object
- New methods:
- Method "changekeys". Similar to "changekey" but for multiple accounts at param "accounts" as a coma separated string (ex: "accounts"="1248,1753,85056"). Returns a JSON object with result information
- Method "lock" to lock wallet. Returns true if locked, returns false if wallet has no password (an empty string, must put a new password prior to lock)
- New method "getwalletpubkey". Search for "enc_pubkey" or "b58_pubkey" and returns a Public key JSON object
- Corrected a issue saving last 5 .bank files
- Improved protections for .bank corruption files
- Added "open data folder" button on options form
- Other minor changes
- Account checksum values modified to be more easy and more distributed: Checksum = ((N * 101) MOD 89)+10
- Allow find operations by "ophash"
- Show Operation "ophash" in operation payload decoder
- Added param "enc_pubkey" to "getwalletaccounts" JSON-RPC method to return only accounts from this public key
- Added params "pow" and "sbh" to "nodestatus" JSON-RPC method
- Added method "getwalletaccountscount" returning accounts count of the entire wallet or for a single "enc_pubkey"
- Added method "getwalletcoins" returning coins of the entire wallet or for a signle "enc_pubkey"
- Modified seed nodes distribution to send only checked IP nodes
- Corrected invalid operation block index when showing account operations
- JSON-RPC Server included
- Minor changes
- Corrected a BUG (BUG-101) that causes blocking connections when received more than 100 connections, causing "alone in the world" after a cert period time.
- It's necessary to update because new version will refuse old versions to make network stable.
- Cross compatible
- Can compile with Delphi or Lazarus (Free Pascal)
- New storage system. No more access database
- Network hashrate calculation
- Introducing basic JSON-RPC to allow GPU miners development (Third party).
- No more CPU mining due exists GPU mining
- Memory leaks corrections
- Introducing net protocol 2-3
- Source code modified, next build will be compiled with Lazarus and FPC
- Massive operations, selecting multiple accounts
- Filter accounts by balance
- Correct operations explorer order of operations for each block (descending order)
- Minor changes
- IMPORTANT: Introducing net protocol changes: Must update!
- More and more and more stable
- Prevents "Alone in the world" if everybody is updated ;-)
- Invalid local time detector with corrections
- IP nodes configurator
- Important changes to database
- Peer cache
- Issues with Connections
- More stable
- Miner key selector
- Invalid local time detector
- Improved hashing speed
- Allow mining without opening external ports
- Choose how many CPU's want to mine
- Show real-time pending operations waiting to be included in the block
- More stable
- Some miner modifications
- Included an option to Import/Export Wallet keys file
- Some miner modifications
- First stable version.
- Created with Genesis block hardcoded
- Published at same time than Genesis block. NO PREMINE