Trainee information attrievement by two methods:
- By specific date
- By specific name
retreive selected trainee's exercise info according to aforementioned method
exercise information contains:
- name
- time
- weight
- set
- number
- current state (whether one had finished)
Create private chatting room with every trainee
Community available for all users including trainees and trainers
- uploading image with comment
- reply message for each feed
Create exercise information for each date in the calender provided
main calender
adding exercise
item inserted
Chatting room with trainer
above mentioned community
Timer with number input for the ease of trainees' training
- Naver Login SDK (네아로);
- Support login using naver Id;
Nodejs server with mysql databases:
- login_information databases;
- user_information databases;
- exercise_information for each users databases;
- Chat room information for each users;
- Chatting log history for each chat room;
- feed information for the community;
- upload feed image by (bitmap -> String) convertion and following (String -> bitmap).
- Reply message history for each feed;
The followings are set of mysql databases;
Socket io connection for real time chat connection for individual trainees;
- Exploit join to create individaul room for socket system
- use to send socket event to specific room
Calender view to store information for each dates;
- data stored with calender view date information
Recycler view to maintain and show information dynamically
- feed information
- replies for feed
- exercise information for each dates
- chat messages
- trainee lists in trainer tab
- Used Dialog and chips for concise exercise selection.
- Check boxs and Delete icon in each items in exercise list for concise state insertion and deletion.
- Use nine patch image for natural chat box.
- Use type recycler view to distinguish message from trainer and message sent from me.