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Debugging RxJS can be challenging.

I created a simple debug tap replacment and a debug service for debugging state activity As I've found trying to fix other left persons's code, rxjs isnt easy to get a grip of when things go wrong. Especially if your not the original disigner of the code you work on. I dont feel myself an expert in this area, though i was able to create a few helpfull tools. A state log service, and debugging logging that logs to console in devmode only with some level setting.

Angular NgRx-Debug.service.ts

This logs all the store events. Depending on your code this logging might overwhelm you, so maybe you only want RxJs-debug.ts To use it :

  1. This service needs be be added in app.module.ts as a provider, alike provider :[NgRxDebugService] and an import.
  2. Then in app.component.ts
    1. import it {NgRxDebugService} from "./utils/NgRx-Debug.service"; (from where you saved this in your project)
    2. inside the constructor add a private ngRxDebugService: NgRxDebugService
    3. inside ngOninit add if(isDevMode()){ this.ngRxDebugService.init();}

Angular RxJs-Debug.ts

RxJs console debug (simple), log only in devmode

I've created this as a simple tool that can be used in place of tap and console.log commands
With the benefit that this command only works in developer mode.

Within the code the log levels can be altered, and it can be disabled as well.
As you wont need this often, but rather in case of problems.
And you would not want to log all that info in a production environment.
Hence this code was created.

There are 3 kind of commands:

  • Alike console.log but only in developer mode.

    //logs to console in only in debug and if a local var is set (to log on a per file base)  
    ConsoleLog(this.verbose, 'after which anything you did as with console', addindVars, debuggingarrays, etc );  
    ConsoleWarn(this.verbose, 'after which anything you did as with console', addindVars, debuggingarrays, etc );  
    ConsoleError(this.verbose, 'after which anything you did as with console', addindVars, debuggingarrays, etc );  

    ConsoleLog as console.log but without the dot.
    Logs messages to the console, but only in debug mode, based upon a leading boolean which you can set on a per file basis
    There is an overide function so we can put in callerInfo as well

    ConsoleLog(...messages: Loggable[]); simple logging (logable can be a series of vars of any type)
    ConsoleLog(verbose: boolean, ...messages: Loggable[]) logging is verbose = true
    ConsoleLog(callerInfo: string, verbose: boolean, ...messages: Loggable[] mention some calller info identification file or function

  • RxJS pipe logger that can be used from within your pipe

       switchMap((carStores: CarStore[]) => from(catStores)),
       filter((bs: CarStore) => === carStoreId && bs.nodeId === nodeId),
       RxJsDebug(this.verbose, RxJsLoggingLevel.INFO, 'Filtered CarStore by ID and nodeId:')
     // or directly in a pipe => state.batStores).pipe( RxJsDebug(RxJsLoggingLevel.INFO, 'Current batStores state in component:')).subscribe();

    It's command options explained :

    //basic use :
    RxJsDebug(  RxJsLoggingLevel.INFO, 'Edit mode:' )
    //to include a stack trace
    RxJsDebug(  RxJsLoggingLevel.INFO, 'Edit mode:', true )
    //to make logging dependable as well by a local variable (alike ConsoleDebug)
    RxJsDebug(  this.verbose, RxJsLoggingLevel.INFO, 'Edit mode:', true )   //set a local var this.verbose too true for the place you want to debug.
  • RxJs PipeFlow logger Essentially its the pipe logger but it can log a bit more

    RxJsDebugFlow(RxJsLoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'some text of what you debug:', false, {subscribe: true, finalize: true})
    // there is an overload too so it accepts also this.verbose when false it wont ouptut
    RxJsDebugFlow(this.verbose, RxJsLoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'some text of what you debug:', false, {subscribe: true, finalize: true})

The first command, you can use basically to replace tap to console logging, though this outputs only devmode only and is controled by a verbose boolean.
The seccond command, yu can use to replace Top(x)=>console.log(x) and it will ouptut only in devmode (can make use of a verbose boolean as well). The third is more an extention and does log basic life cycle info as well (verry basic sorry)


just copy RjXs-debug.ts file to a utils folder, link to it with an import and you're ready to go.
The commands are documented so using it shouldn't be a big problem.


I got inspired by some scripts and examples, and had some ideas about it as well.
And i had a need to log a lot of RxJs flows, and thus i didnt want to make the code ugly
by putting in between tap(value => {console.log('Spy:', value);} everywhere.
As that would run in production as well, this checks if its running in debug mode.
I gues maybe in some edge case you still like to use tap, but with this it can be a lot less.

If you like it, give it a star

Well i'm curious if people actually make use of things i provide for free. If you give me a star, then I know people use it, and then i wont delete it.