rot: .dot inspired tool in rust: helpers & export to .rot; need parsing
rot: .dot inspired tool in rust: helpers & export to .rot; need parsing
file system structure + directory walker
file system structure + directory walker
smaller sizes for gs2 & fpwd
smaller sizes for gs2 & fpwd
filte-rs: filte binary; 'i' prefix for modes, / to split mode & patte…
filte-rs: filte binary; 'i' prefix for modes, / to split mode & patte…
making new filter: to use modifiers or transformers
making new filter: to use modifiers or transformers
filter lines with: Has, Excludes, Glob & Regex\!
filter lines with: Has, Excludes, Glob & Regex\!
scanning files, this should be another binary
scanning files, this should be another binary
todos-rs: list todos; example usage
todos-rs: list todos; example usage
todos-rs for simple cli & tui todo program
todos-rs for simple cli & tui todo program
gs2 now doesn't break when git repo has no remote
gs2 now doesn't break when git repo has no remote
gs2: added some comments to show formatting
gs2: added some comments to show formatting
gs2: .into_iter().collect() -> .collect()
gs2: .into_iter().collect() -> .collect()
updated gs2 to check for updates in remote, still need to make it faster
updated gs2 to check for updates in remote, still need to make it faster
fpwe/gs2 result<git2::Error> instead of unwrap; print whitespace befo…
fpwe/gs2 result<git2::Error> instead of unwrap; print whitespace befo…
fpwe/gs2 branch is not bright+underlined purple instead of just under…
fpwe/gs2 branch is not bright+underlined purple instead of just under…
fpwe/gs2 improved README added gs2 stripped release build to bin/
fpwe/gs2 improved README added gs2 stripped release build to bin/
fpwe/gs2 removed fetch (should be in a separate options); added README
fpwe/gs2 removed fetch (should be in a separate options); added README