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This package contains launch files for control of an autonomous Renault Twizy at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.

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Launch Files

See launch files in launch. Here is a quick guide to an excerpt of the available launch files:

  • navigation.launch
    Main launch file for running on the physical car. Nodes in this file are expected to run on the Twizy's on-board computer. To give the car a goal to drive towards through a GUI you can then start rviz separately (manually, possibly in another terminal window) on your local computer, see rviz.launch. Communication between rviz on your local computer and the rest of the ROS-nodes on the on-board computer is then accomplished according to MultipleMachines on the ROS wiki.

  • webots_keyop.launch
    Demo launch file showing the car driving locally in simulation by keyboard control. This launch file might not run on the car's on-board computer since webots might not be installed on there.

  • webots_navigation.launch
    Main launch file for twizy simulation. This file starts every node you need to simulate the car locally in Webots in a way which is meant to simulate running navigation.launch on the actual car. This launch file might not run on the car's on-board computer since webots might not be installed on there.

  • rviz.launch
    Starts rviz using the configuration contained in this package for visualisation of the Twizy.