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Zingo Android and iOS apps

App Store:
Google Play:

iOS build instructions


  1. yarn
  2. nodejs recommended version v16.16.0 LTS.
  3. Install Rust
  4. Add the ios targets rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios x86_64-apple-ios
  5. cargo install cargo-lipo
  6. cargo install cbindgen
  7. sudo gem install cocoapods to install cocoapods


  1. In the ./rust/ios directory, run ./ This step will take a long time.
  2. In the ./ios directory, run pod install
  3. From the root ./ of the project, run yarn install
  4. Run yarn react-native start to start the dev server
  5. Run yarn run ios to install the app on an emulator/connected device. You can also open the ./ios folder in XCode and run it there.

For notes on known issues and problems, see the trouble-shooting notes.

Android build instructions


  1. docker (for building the rust library)
  2. yarn
  3. nodejs recommended version v16.16.0 LTS.
  4. Android Studio or commandline tools

Carefully follow the instructions to setup Android Studio for your operating system. It is not neccessary to install watchman or the Android 12 system images.

If you do not have a physical device, you can create and start a new Android 11, API 30 emulator device compatible with the chip on your system and start the emulated device.

Bash shortcut

It is possible emulate android with the command line.

  1. install sdkmanager (or included with androidstudio). standalone setup has a quirk as navigated in scripts/ then sdkmanager must be added to PATH.
  2. run scripts/ -a x86 to automatically set up the android sdk, build the app, and stream it to the emulator. it will boot, then take a minute to load from a local port. outputs are generated in android/app/build/outputs/emulator_output/


  1. Start docker daemon
  2. AS A NONROOT USER: In the rust/ directory, run ./ This step will take a long time.
  3. From the root of the project, run yarn install
  4. Run yarn react-native start to start the dev server
  5. Run yarn run android to compile and install the app on an emulator or connected device. You can also open the android directory in Android Studio as a project, select 'app' and the API 30 system image in the upper toolbar and click the "Run 'app'" button.

Android Tests


  1. sdkmanager (android commandline tools or android studio)

Integration Tests

  1. To create a quick-boot snapshot. From the root directory, run: ./scripts/ -a x86_64 -s
  2. To run the integration tests. From the root directory, run: ./scripts/ -a x86_64
  3. To test other ABIs, such as x86. Specify the target ABI with the -a flag: -a x86

For more information. From the root directory, run: ./scripts/ -h

The first run may take a long time to download the x86 and x86_64 system images.

Alternatively, to run gradle managed devices integration tests. From the root directory, run: ./scripts/

e2e Tests with Detox

  1. build to step 3.

  2. choose a build target to run against. currently works against x86 and x86_64. download and create emulator with sdkmanager. ./scripts/ -a x86 if you already have the emulator created, you can target it without recreating it: ./scripts/ -a x86_64

  3. yarn detox build -c android.emu.x86

  4. yarn detox test -c android.emu.x86 or to run a specific test: yarn detox test -c android.emu.x86 new_wallet