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agb80 edited this page Feb 28, 2014 · 8 revisions

Important Notes

The following steps have been known to work and should be followed from up to bottom. If you deviate from this guide, do it with caution and make sure you don't violate any assumptions ProxyPoS makes about its environment.

If you find a bug

If you find a bug/error in this guide please submit an issue or pull request following the contribution guide.

The ProxyPoS installation consists of setting up the following components:

  1. Dependencies
  2. ProxyPoS
  3. Hardware Setup
  4. Install Init Script

1. Installing Dependencies

These instructions are proved for Linux Mint, instructions for other flavors of Debian-based distros should be similar.

You will first need to install the following packages:

  1. python version >= 2.6
  2. python imaging, python yaml & setuptools
  3. Git for install some packages needed
  4. For support USB printers, at least one of the supported libraries (libusb 1.0, libusb 0.1 or OpenUSB)

For example, the command:

$ sudo apt-get install python python-imaging python-setuptools python-yaml libusb-dev git

should install all these packages on most Debian-based systems with access to the proper package repositories.

1. Base libraries for ESC/PoS printers

If you are going to use the software with an USB printer, you must install pyusb Checkout the latest code from github Build and install it:

cd /tmp
git clone
cd pyusb
python build
sudo python install

If you are going to use the software with a serial printer, you must install pyserial For Debian based distros use this command:

sudo apt-get install pyserial

For Fedora & Centos based distros use this other command:

sudo yum install pyserial

2. python-qrcode

This is the python module to generate QR Codes Checkout the latest code from github Build and install it:

cd /tmp
git clone
cd python-qrcode
python build
sudo python install

3. python-escpos

This is the python module to communicate with ESC/PoS printers Checkout the latest code from github Build and install it:

cd /tmp
git clone
cd python-escpos
python build
sudo python install

2. ProxyPoS

Create user for ProxyPoS

sudo adduser --system --shell /bin/bash --group dialout --home /home/proxypos/ proxypos

We'll install ProxyPoS into home directory of the user proxypos:

# Clone ProxyPoS repository
cd /home/proxypos
sudo su - proxypos
git clone proxypos

Configure it

Copy the example ProxyPos config files and customice as you need

cp proxypos/config/logging.yaml.example config/logging.yaml
cp proxypos/config/printer.yaml.example config/printer.yaml

Make executable

Make main script executable

sudo chmod +x /home/proxypos/proxypos/proxypos-server

3. Hardware Setup

3.1 USB Printers

  1. Get the Product ID and Vendor ID from the lsusb command

    lsusb Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1a2b:1a2b Device name

  2. Write the values on the printer.yaml file

    vi /home/proxypos/proxypos/config/printer.yaml

  3. Create a udev rule to let users belonging to dialout group use the printer. You can create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-escpos.rules and add the following:

    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1a2b", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1a2b", MODE="0664", GROUP="dialout"

Replace idVendor and idProduct hex numbers with the ones that you got from the step #1.

  1. Restart udev

    sudo udevadm trigger sudo service udev restart

3.2 Serial Printers

  1. Must of the default values set by the DIP switches for the serial printers, have been set as default on the serial printer class, so the only thing you need to know is which serial port the printer is hooked up. devfile is an alphanumeric device file name under /dev filesystem, default value is /dev/ttyS0

  2. Write the correct values on the printer.yaml file

    vi /home/proxypos/proxypos/config/printer.yaml

3.3 Network Printers

  1. You only need the IP of your printer, either because it is getting its IP by DHCP or you set it manually. host is an alphanumeric host name, could be either DNS host name or IP address.

  2. Write the correct values on the printer.yaml file

    vi /home/proxypos/proxypos/config/printer.yaml

4. Install Init Script

Move the init script to /etc/init.d/proxypos:

sudo cp /home/proxypos/proxypos/init/sysvinit/ubuntu/proxypos /etc/init.d/
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/proxypos
sudo chown root: /etc/init.d/proxypos

Make ProxyPoS start on boot:

sudo update-rc.d proxypos defaults

Create directory for log files and set permissions

sudo mkdir /var/log/proxypos
sudo chown proxypos:root /var/log/proxypos

Start your ProxyPoS instance:

sudo /etc/init.d/proxypos start
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