Releases: OneSignal/OneSignal-Website-SDK
Release 151100
Category Slidedown
- Adds support for Category Slidedown (documentation)
- Update to WebSDK Sandbox
Release 151002
Send Unique Outcome for Web
Adds support for sending unique outcomes for Web called using sendUniqueOutcome
Release 151001
Includes an additional parameter device_type
to the request body in onNotificationOpen
function of ServiceWorker class
Release 151000
Time and page view count based prompt delays
Added support for time and page view count based delay on automatic prompts, i.e. native and slidedown - #630.
- New settings are available in web settings at OneSignal dashboard.
- Supported for typical and custom configurations.
- Existing configurations not affected, to use please update your app config first.
More information in our docs here.
Small fix for simplified debugging of service worker. Flip the flag self.shouldLog
on your service worker and see OneSignal logs output for your service worker.
Release 150900
New session tracking and support for web outcomes
- NEW Outcomes
- Session count now track after un-focusing the site for 30+ seconds then coming back.
- Before session counts were track by browser session.
- Time spent on site now tracked.
More details in this PR -> Feature branch: new session logic + outcomes #624
Release 150800
Confirmed Deliveries
Release 150713
Firefox 72+ Sub-domain & Player recreate Fixes; ServiceWorker install optimization
Release 150712
Includes a fix for Require Interaction Bug (#577)
Any promises between user click on the html element and the browser prompting for permission are treated as breaking direct interaction rule by browser which results in the native prompt not showing up.
Replaced the promisified call to get the current subscription status with pre-saving it to local storage and retrieving the value from there, since local storage calls are synchronous.
Release 150711
Omit ServiceWorker install on a HTTPS host page when using a subdomain setup
- Fixed bug where we would attempt to install a ServiceWorker on a HTTPS domains even for HTTP/ subdomain setups which do not require the site to host one
- PR #571
Release 150710
Notification Display Fix for Chrome macOS 10.15
- Fixed notifications not displaying on macOS 10.15 Chrome when presist is enabled.
- Due to limitations of macOS 10.15 notifications won't persistent now.
- This is
bug is noted by Chromium issue 1007418, Google is applying the same fix / workaround in Chrome 79.- Update: Google issue is now hidden, need to confirm if fixed in Chrome 79+ now.
- See issue Chromium issue 1064641 which is a related issue.
- PR #568
- Also fixed the same issue for Opera on macOS 10.14+