To run without building, download latest version of cdoc2-cli.jar from
Run from cdoc2-java-ref-impl parent directory
mvn clean package
Will create cdoc2-cli/target/cdoc2-cli-<version>.jar
Run from cdoc2-cli directory
Latest help can be seen by running:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-<version>.jar
where <version>
must be replaced with the latest version built. Example 0.0.12-SNAPSHOT
Sample generated CDOC2 documents are located at cdoc2-java-ref-impl/test/testvectors
Commands for creating and decrypting sample files using cdoc2-cli are in cdoc2-java-ref-impl/test/
To create:
- Output file
- with generated private key
- to recipient
- to encrypt file ''
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar create --file /tmp/mydoc.cdoc -p keys/bob_pub.pem
Server must be running, see cdoc2-capsule-server/ for starting the server
To store keys in key server, specify addition --server
When encrypting for est-eid card, -r
can be used
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar create --server=config/localhost/ -f /tmp/localhost_id-card.cdoc -r 37903130370
Optionally cdoc2-cli also supports encrypting with "soft" key or certificate
Public key (-p
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar create --server=config/localhost/ -f /tmp/localhost.cdoc -p keys/cdoc2client_pub.pem
Certificate (-c
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar create --server=config/localhost/ -f /tmp/localhost.cdoc -c keys/cdoc2client-certificate.pem
Key capsule expiration date can be requested when adding expiry duration:
-exp P365D
Default expiration duration will be used if it is not requested by the client. Default and max expiration durations are configurable values in put-server and get-server.
Generate key with openssl (minimum length 32 bytes):
openssl rand -base64 32
Base64 encoded keys must be prefixed with 'base64,', so that key becomes "base64,HHeUrHfo+bCZd//gGmEOU2nA5cgQolQ/m18UO/dN1tE="
Encrypt with generated key and label 'label_b64secret':
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar create --secret "label_b64secret:base64,aejUgxxSQXqiiyrxSGACfMiIRBZq5KjlCwr/xVNY/B0=" -f /tmp/symmetric.cdoc
Or secret read from file (so that secret is not exposed through process list)
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar create @keys/b64secret.option -f /tmp/symmetric.cdoc
cat keys/b64secret.option --secret "label_b64secret:base64,aejUgxxSQXqiiyrxSGACfMiIRBZq5KjlCwr/xVNY/B0="
Or encrypt with password clear text (note, that password also can be encoded to base64 format, as secret):
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar create --password "passwordlabel:myPlainTextPassword" -f /tmp/password.cdoc
Decryption is done with the same label and key used for encryption
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar decrypt @keys/b64secret.option -f /tmp/symmetric.cdoc -o /tmp
Or with the same label and password used for encryption:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar decrypt --password "passwordlabel:myPlainTextPassword" -f /tmp/password.cdoc --output /tmp
If cdoc2 file contains only one password, then specifying label is not required and label can be omitted:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar decrypt --password ":myPlainTextPassword" -f /tmp/password.cdoc --output /tmp
Or with the same label and secret used for encryption:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar decrypt --secret "label_b64secret:base64,aejUgxxSQXqiiyrxSGACfMiIRBZq5KjlCwr/xVNY/B0=" -f /tmp/symmetric.cdoc --output /tmp
Key and label can be safely stored in a password manager.
To decrypt:
- CDOC2 file
- with decryption private EC key
- to output directory
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar decrypt --file /tmp/mydoc.cdoc -k keys/bob.pem --output /tmp
Server must be running, see cdoc2-capsule-server/ for starting the server
To decrypt CDOC document that has its keys distributed through key server, cdoc-cli must have --server
Configuration for id-card (certificate for mutual TLS and private key is read from smart-card)
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar decrypt --server=config/localhost/ -f /tmp/localhost_id-card.cdoc -o /tmp/
It is also possible to decrypt documents created with "soft" keys, but configuration for mutual TLS (properties file) and key (read separately from a file) must match. Also, server must be configured to trust client certificate used for mutual TLS.
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar decrypt --server=config/localhost/ -f /tmp/localhost.cdoc -k keys/cdoc2client.pem -o /tmp/
First encrypt the document:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar create --secret "mylongpasswd:longstringthatIcanremember,butothersdon'tknow" -f /tmp/symmetric.cdoc
Create different directory for re-encrypted container:
mkdir -p /tmp/cdoc2
Then re-encrypt it with password for long-term storage:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar re-encrypt --encpassword "passwordlabel:myPlainTextPassword" --secret "mylongpasswd:longstringthatIcanremember,butothersdon'tknow" -f /tmp/symmetric.cdoc --output /tmp/cdoc2
For testing decryption ensure the correct re-encrypted container location:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar decrypt --password "passwordlabel:myPlainTextPassword" -f /tmp/cdoc2/symmetric.cdoc --output /tmp/cdoc2
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar list --file /tmp/mydoc.cdoc -k keys/bob.pem
or with server scenario:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar list --server=config/localhost/ -f /tmp/localhost.cdoc -k keys/cdoc2client.pem
or with password:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar list --file /tmp/symmetric.cdoc --password "passwordlabel:myPlainTextPassword"
or with secret:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar list --file /tmp/symmetric.cdoc --secret "label_b64secret:base64,aejUgxxSQXqiiyrxSGACfMiIRBZq5KjlCwr/xVNY/B0="
List recipients. Prints recipient types and key labels from CDOC header.
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar info -f /tmp/id.cdoc
cdoc2-cli can download authentication certificate (Isikutuvastus PIN1) from SK LDAP directory
To create cdoc for recipient with id code 37101010021 use:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar create --file /tmp/mydoc.cdoc -r 37101010021
To decrypt:
- CDOC file mydoc.cdoc
- use private key from ID-card slot 0 (Isikutuvastus PIN1)
- Decrypt files from cdoc file into current directory
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar decrypt -f mydoc.cdoc
- Run DigiDoc4 client
- Crypto -> Add file (choose random file)
- Recipients -> Certificate from card -> click on certificate -> Show Certificate -> Save
Saved certificate will be .cer file (same as der)
- Run DigiDoc4 client
- Crypto -> Add file (choose random file)
- Recipients -> Enter personal code -> Search -> Show Certificate -> Save
To create:
- Output file
- with generated private key
- to recipient with certificate
(DER or PEM formats are supported) - to encrypt file ''
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar create --file /tmp/mydoc.cdoc -c keys/cdoc2client-certificate.pem
Decrypt created container with private key:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar decrypt -f /tmp/mydoc.cdoc -k keys/cdoc2client.pem --output /tmp
Verify that DigiDoc4 client is running and can access ID-card
cdoc2-cli will try to configure itself automatically. If OpenSC library is installed to non-standard location, then specify its location by setting 'pkcs11-library' property:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar decrypt -Dpkcs11-library=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -f mydoc.cdoc
More tips for debugging ID-card related issues are provided in cdoc2-lib/pkcs11.README file
Set with -D option
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar decrypt -Dee.cyber.cdoc2.overwrite=false -f mydoc.cdoc
PKCS11 library location. Default is platform specific
Common OpenSC library locations:
- For Windows, it could be C:\Windows\SysWOW64\opensc-pkcs11.dll
- For Linux, it could be /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
- For OSX, it could be /usr/local/lib/
- OpenSC is installed
- SafeNet Authentication Client (provides the pkcs11 library) is installed. See for details.
- Create an OpenSC configuration file
for the USB device in the following format
To find the slot for the SafeNet eToken, execute:
pkcs11-tool --module /usr/lib/ -L
List entries on the eToken device:
keytool -providerclass -providerarg opensc-safenet.cfg -storetype PKCS11 -storepass YOUR-SAFENET-PIN -list
Export Certificate from the SafeNet eToken device:
keytool -providerclass -providerarg opensc-safenet.cfg -storetype PKCS11 -storepass YOUR-SAFENET-PIN -alias YOUR_ENTRY_ALIAS -exportcert -rfc -file etoken-cert.pem
Encrypt certificate as described in the "Encrypting documents with certificate" section.
List files encrypted for the eToken device by specifying pkcs11 library, slot and key alias:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar list -f file-for-etoken.cdoc -Dpkcs11-library=/usr/lib/ -s 2 -a cdoc2-test
Decrypt files encrypted for the eToken device by specifying pkcs11 library, slot and key alias:
java -jar target/cdoc2-cli-*.jar decrypt -f file-for-etoken.cdoc -Dpkcs11-library=/usr/lib/ -s 2 -a cdoc2-test
When decrypting, is overwriting files allowed. Default is false
default 98.0
Decrypting will be stopped if disk usage is over maxDiskUsagePercentage
default 1000
Decrypting will be stopped if container contains over tarEntriesThreshold entries (files)
default 10.0
Decrypting will be stopped if compressed file compression ratio is over compressionThreshold
default true
Key label format can be defined while encrypting. Machine parsable format is enabled by default
and free text format is allowed if the property disabled.
Machine-readable format is following, where <data>
is the key label value:
default true
Key label <data>
field contains different parameters. File name is one of them. For security
purpose it can be hidden in configuration. File name is added by default.