diff --git a/docs/cdm54ToolingSupport.html b/docs/cdm54ToolingSupport.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cb33a3ef --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/cdm54ToolingSupport.html @@ -0,0 +1,1462 @@ + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + +This tables below contain an overview of which standard OHDSI tools +make use of which OMOP CDM fields. The goal is to inform ETL developers, +tooling developers and CDM extensions.
+Currently four OHDSI tools have been evaluated: DataQualityDashboard, +Achilles, Atlas (Data Sources and Cohort creation) and Feature +Extraction.
+Tool | +Supports CDM Field if | +Link to resource used | +
DataQualityDashboard | +Part of Field Level checks | +https://github.com/OHDSI/DataQualityDashboard/blob/main/inst/csv/OMOP_CDMv5.4_Field_Level.csv | +
Achilles | +Covered by at least one Achilles analysis | +https://github.com/OHDSI/Achilles/blob/main/inst/csv/achilles/achilles_analysis_details.csv | +
Atlas Data Sources | +A statistic based on the field is shown in a ‘Data Sources’ +visualisation | +https://atlas-demo.ohdsi.org/ | +
Atlas Cohort | +Used in te Atlas User Interface for cohort definition criteria +(directly, or via ‘Add attribute’) | +https://atlas-demo.ohdsi.org/ | +
Feature Extraction | +Used in one of the Feature Extraction analyses | +https://github.com/OHDSI/FeatureExtraction/blob/main/inst/csv/ | +
General criteria: - ✔️ if the field essential for OMOP CDM definition
+(Primary Key, Foreign Key) e.g. person_id not explicitly used, but
+essential. (if the PK is marked as False, it typically means the whole
+table is not used in the tool e.g. _source_value
+that are used for traceability in ETL) - ❗ if field is used by the
+tool, but not in a meaningful way. e.g. provider_id
+Achilles only checked for a valid foreign key to the provider table.
Abbreviations | ++ |
PK | +Primary Key | +
SV | +Source Value (for data quality / etl validation) | +
BC | +Backwards Compatibility, to support CDM <v5.4 | +
FC | +Forwards Compatibility, to easy support for CDM v6 in the +future. | +
cdmTableName | +cdmFieldName | +Special Fields | +DQD (v1.0) | +Achilles (v1.7) | +Atlas Cohort (v2.10) | +Atlas Cohort (v2.12) | +Atlas Data Sources (v2.12) | +Feature Extraction (v3.2) | +Comment | +
PERSON | +person_id | +PK | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | ++ |
PERSON | +gender_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | ++ |
PERSON | +year_of_birth | ++ | ✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | ++ |
PERSON | +month_of_birth | ++ | ✔️ | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
PERSON | +day_of_birth | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
PERSON | +birth_datetime | +FC | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
PERSON | +race_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | ++ |
PERSON | +ethnicity_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | ++ |
PERSON | +location_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +Achilles only does FK check | +
PERSON | +provider_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +Achilles only does FK check | +
PERSON | +care_site_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +Achilles only does FK check | +
PERSON | +person_source_value | +SV | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
PERSON | +gender_source_value | +SV | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
PERSON | +gender_source_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
PERSON | +race_source_value | +SV | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
PERSON | +race_source_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
PERSON | +ethnicity_source_value | +SV | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
PERSON | +ethnicity_source_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
cdmTableName | +cdmFieldName | +Special Fields | +DQD (v1.0) | +Achilles (v1.7) | +Atlas Cohort (v2.10) | +Atlas Cohort (v2.12) | +Atlas Data Sources (v2.12) | +Feature Extraction (v3.2) | +Comment | +
OBSERVATION_PERIOD | +observation_period_id | +PK | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | ++ |
OBSERVATION_PERIOD | +person_id | +Pid | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | ++ |
OBSERVATION_PERIOD | +observation_period_start_date | ++ | ✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | ++ |
OBSERVATION_PERIOD | +observation_period_end_date | ++ | ✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | ++ |
OBSERVATION_PERIOD | +period_type_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
cdmTableName | +cdmFieldName | +Special Fields | +DQD (v1.0) | +Achilles (v1.7) | +Atlas Cohort (v2.10) | +Atlas Cohort (v2.12) | +Atlas Data Sources (v2.12) | +Feature Extraction (v3.2) | +Comment | +
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +visit_occurrence_id | +PK | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | ++ |
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +person_id | +Pid | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | ++ |
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +visit_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | ++ |
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +visit_source_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +visit_source_value | +SV | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +visit_start_date | ++ | ✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +Achilles check 1900 | +
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +visit_start_datetime | +FC | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +visit_end_date | ++ | ✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +❗ | +✔️ | ++ |
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +visit_end_datetime | +FC | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +visit_type_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +provider_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +Atlas uses provider.specialty_concept_id | +
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +care_site_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +✔️ | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +Achilles only does FK check, Atlas uses +care_site.place_of_service_concept_id | +
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +admitted_from_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +admitted_from_source_value | +SV | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +Achilles check 1900 | +
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +discharged_to_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +discharged_to_source_value | +SV | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +Achilles check 1900 | +
VISIT_OCCURRENCE | +preceding_visit_occurrence_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
cdmTableName | +cdmFieldName | +Special Fields | +DQD (v1.0) | +Achilles (v1.7) | +Atlas Cohort (v2.10) | +Atlas Cohort (v2.12) | +Atlas Data Sources (v2.12) | +Feature Extraction (v3.2) | +Comment | +
EPISODE | +episode_id | +PK | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
EPISODE | +person_id | +Pid | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
EPISODE | +episode_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
EPISODE | +episode_start_date | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
EPISODE | +episode_start_datetime | +FC | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
EPISODE | +episode_end_date | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
EPISODE | +episode_end_datetime | +FC | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
EPISODE | +episode_parent_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
EPISODE | +episode_number | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
EPISODE | +episode_object_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
EPISODE | +episode_type_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
EPISODE | +episode_source_value | +SV | +✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
EPISODE | +episode_source_concept_id | ++ | ✔️ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | +❗ | ++ |
This was an effort by the CDM Working Group in 2022. *Credits: Clair +Blacketer, Maxim Moinat, Nitin Park