Implementation of 3D game similar to Minecraft with infinite terrain model and basic physics in OpenGL API. The game was created as a final project of studies in computer science at the Silesian University of Technology. The game has been named as Pre-MakeFarm, as its development continues on a separate repository.
This game uses no engine!

A video showing how the game works
- Main menu.
- Loading a previously saved game world.
- Generation of a new game world.
- Infinite game terrain.
- The possibility of pausing the game.
- Basic physics.
- Various biomes (varied terrain).
- Equipment.
- Crafting.
- Health bar.
- Hotbar (quick access bar).
- Oxygen bar.
- Destroying and placing blocks.
- Swimming.
- FastNoise Lite - A noise generation library focused on high performance and a wide range of noise algorithms.
- GLEW - A library that allows checking at runtime which extensions are present and which function can be used. It provides OpenGL functions as well as OpenGL extensions.
- GLM - It is a mathematical library based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL). It contains a collection of classes and functions useful for creating vectors or matrices for OpenGL applications.
- Dear ImGui - A library for creating a user graphical interface. It is very often used for tool development, or for debugging purposes.
- ImGui-SFML - A library that allows to easily combine the SFML library with the Dear ImGui library.
- Serializer - It is a serialization framework that allows saving the objects directly to files in binary format.
- SFML - It is a fast and simple cross-platform library that allows easy access to windows, graphics, audio, or network
- TGui - This is the GUI library that is used to draw user interface in-game such as buttons, or sliders.
- GoogleTest - It is allows writing tests, and mock classes.
- CMake --- A multi-platform tool that allows to automatically manage of the compilation process.
- C++20 --- C++ standard to be released in December 2020.
- MSVC Compiler 14.34.31933 --- A compiler developed by Microsoft.
- CLion 2022.2 --- JetBrains' multi-platform integrated development environment for C/C++ languages.
- Clang-Format --- C++ code formatter to ensure a stylistically consistent code style and format.
- Git --- A distributed version control system for tracking code changes.
- Github --- A web hosting service that allows hosting development projects using the Git version control system.
Please see the external documentation.