A collection of ARM-based detections for Azure/AzureAD based TTPs
ID |
Name |
Deploy |
AZT201.1 |
User Account |
AZT201.2 |
Service Principal Account |
AZT202 |
Password Spraying |
AZT203 |
Malicious Application Consent |
ID |
Name |
Requires Azure Monitor Agent? |
Deploy |
AZT301.1 |
Virtual Machine Scripting: RunCommand |
N |
AZT301.1 |
Virtual Machine Scripting: RunCommand with PowerShell Logging |
Y |
AZT301.2 |
Virtual Machine Scripting: CustomScriptExtension |
N |
AZT301.2 |
Virtual Machine Scripting: CustomScriptExtension with PowerShell Logging |
Y |
AZT301.3 |
Virtual Machine Scripting: Desired State Configuration |
N |
AZT301.3 |
Virtual Machine Scripting: Desired State Configuration with PowerShell Logging |
Y |
AZT301.4 |
Virtual Machine Scripting: Compute Gallery Application |
N |
AZT301.5 |
Virtual Machine Scripting: AKS Command Invoke |
N |
AZT301.6 |
Virtual Machine Scripting: Vmss Run Command |
N |
AZT302.1 |
Unmanaged Scripting: Automation Account Hybrid Worker Group |
AZT302.2 |
Unmanaged Scripting: Automation Account RunAs Account |
AZT302.3 |
Unmanaged Scripting: Automation Account Managed Identity Account |
ID |
Name |
Deploy |
AZT402 |
Elevated Access Toggle |
AZT403.1 |
Local Resource Hijack: Cloud Shell .IMG |
AZT404.1 |
Function Application |
AZT405.1 |
Azure AD Application: Application Role |
AZT405.2 |
Azure AD Application: Application API Permissions |
AZT405.3 |
Azure AD Application: Application Registration Owner |
ID |
Name |
Deploy |
AZT501.1 |
Account Manipulation: User Account Manipulation |
AZT501.2 |
Account Manipulation: Service Principal Account |
AZT501.3 |
Account Manipulation: Azure VM Local Administrator Manipulation |
AZT502.1 |
Account Creation: User Account Creation |
AZT502.2 |
Account Creation: Service Principal Creation |
AZT502.3 |
Account Creation: Guest Account Creation |
AZT503.1 |
HTTP Trigger: Logic Application HTTP Trigger |
AZT503.2 |
HTTP Trigger: Function App HTTP Trigger |
AZT503.3 |
HTTP Trigger: Runbook Webhook |
AZT503.4 |
HTTP Trigger: WebJob |
AZT504 |
Watcher Tasks |
AZT505 |
Scheduled Jobs: Runbook Schedules |
AZT506 |
Network Security Group Modification |
AZT508 |
Azure Policy |
ID |
Name |
Deploy |
AZT601.1 |
Steal Managed Identity JsonWebToken: Virtual Machine IMDS Request |
AZT601.2 |
Steal Managed Identity JsonWebToken: Azure Kubernetes Service IMDS Request |
AZT601.3 |
Steal Managed Identity JsonWebToken: Logic Application JWT PUT Request |
AZT601.5 |
Steal Managed Identity JsonWebToken: Automation Account Runbook |
AZT602.1 |
Steal Service Principal Certificate: Automation Account RunAs Account |
AZT604.1 |
Azure Key Vault Dumping: Azure Key Vault Secret Dump |
AZT604.2 |
Azure Key Vault Dumping: Azure Key Vault Certificate Dump |
AZT604.3 |
Azure Key Vault Dumping: Azure Key Vault Key Dump |
AZT605.1 |
Resource Secret Reveal: Storage Account Access Key Dumping |
AZT605.2 |
Resource Secret Reveal: Automation Account Credential Secret Dump |
ID |
Name |
Deploy |
AZT701.1 |
SAS URI Generation: VM Disk SAS URI |
AZT701.2 |
SAS URI Generation: Storage Account File Share SAS |
AZT703.1 |
Replication: Storage Account Replication |
AZT704.1 |
Soft-Delete Recovery: Key Vault |
AZT704.2 |
Soft-Delete Recovery: Key Vault |
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