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View your experiment output

Kate Friedman edited this page Apr 5, 2021 · 6 revisions

The output from your run will be found in the COMROT/ROTDIR you established. This is also where you placed your initial conditions. Within your COMROT you will have the following directory structure:


gfs.YYYYMMDD/CC/               <- contains deterministic long forecast gfs inputs/outputs
logs/                          <- logs for each cycle in the run
vrfyarch/                      <- contains files related to verification and archival


enkfgdas.YYYYMMDD/CC/mem###/   <- contains EnKF inputs/outputs for each cycle and each member
gdas.YYYYMMDD/CC/              <- contains deterministic gdas inputs/outputs
gfs.YYYYMMDD/CC/               <- contains deterministic long forecast gfs inputs/outputs, available from the first full cycle on depending on chosen gfs long forecast frequency (gfs_cyc)
logs/                          <- logs for each cycle in the run
vrfyarch/                      <- contains files related to verification and archival

Here is an example COMROT for a cycled run as it may look several days in (note the archival steps remove older cycle folders as the run progresses):

-bash-4.2$ ll /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/Joe.Schmo/comrot/testcyc192
total 88
drwxr-sr-x   4 Joe.Schmo stmp  4096 Oct 22 04:50 enkfgdas.20190529
drwxr-sr-x   4 Joe.Schmo stmp  4096 Oct 22 07:20 enkfgdas.20190530
drwxr-sr-x   6 Joe.Schmo stmp  4096 Oct 22 03:15 gdas.20190529
drwxr-sr-x   4 Joe.Schmo stmp  4096 Oct 22 07:15 gdas.20190530
drwxr-sr-x   6 Joe.Schmo stmp  4096 Oct 22 03:15 gfs.20190529
drwxr-sr-x   4 Joe.Schmo stmp  4096 Oct 22 07:15 gfs.20190530
drwxr-sr-x 120 Joe.Schmo stmp 12288 Oct 22 07:15 logs
drwxr-sr-x  13 Joe.Schmo stmp  4096 Oct 22 07:07 vrfyarch