diff --git a/biothings_explorer/service-provider-trapi.yaml b/biothings_explorer/service-provider-trapi.yaml index 19d10f21..53ff746f 100644 --- a/biothings_explorer/service-provider-trapi.yaml +++ b/biothings_explorer/service-provider-trapi.yaml @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ openapi: 3.0.3 +## made this document by copying https://github.com/NCATS-Tangerine/translator-api-registry/blob/master/biothings_explorer/smartapi.yaml +## section-by-section and adjusting when needed info: contact: email: cwu@scripps.edu @@ -13,12 +15,15 @@ info: title: Service Provider TRAPI version: 2.8.1 x-trapi: - version: 1.2.0 + version: 1.2.0 ## will update to 1.3 once all instances have trapi1.3 code asyncquery: true operations: - - lookup - ## look at https://standards.ncats.io/operation.json for details - ## perhaps advertise "lookup_and_score"? + ## look at https://standards.ncats.io/operation.json for details. was previously lookup + - lookup_and_score + ## no batch_size_limit (BTE manages IDs for QNodes and sub-queries internally) + ## /query endpoints have a limit of 15 requests/client/min + ## /meta_knowledge_graph endpoints have a limit of 30 requests/client/min + ## other endpoints don't have rate limits x-translator: infores: "infores:service-provider-trapi" biolink-version: 2.4.8 @@ -39,17 +44,18 @@ servers: description: Non-ITRB dev (primary internal use) x-maturity: development tags: -- name: 1.2.0 +- name: 1.2.0 ## will update to 1.3 once all instances have trapi1.3 code - name: meta_knowledge_graph - name: query - name: asyncquery - name: translator - name: trapi - name: biothings -## Note: BTE has custom behavior so DO NOT blindly copy-paste the TRAPI specs / schemas below +## Note: BTE has custom behavior so DO NOT blindly copy-paste the TRAPI specs / schemas into the document below ## instead go through it and copy-paste in sections as-needed ## examples are using MyVariant-specific query paths: + ## copied directly from TRAPI spec /meta_knowledge_graph: get: tags: @@ -63,6 +69,7 @@ paths: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MetaKnowledgeGraph' + ## modified TRAPI spec: example and BTE-specific parameters, used by developers running local instances of BTE /query: post: tags: @@ -71,7 +78,6 @@ paths: Query Service Provider's SMARTAPI KP APIs (that have x-bte annotation) as an individual TRAPI service description: '' - operationId: queryTeam parameters: - description: option to choose whether or not to enable caching in: query @@ -141,10 +147,19 @@ paths: application/json: schema: type: string - x-swagger-router-controller: swagger_server.controllers.query_controller ## need to remove the extra stuff from server url to use this endpoint.. ## example: https://api.bte.ncats.io/check_query_status/{id} + ## not TRAPI spec: BTE-specific endpoint related to asyncquery # /check_query_status/{id}: + # ## moved because smartapi-editor gave alert that a non-existent post endpoint wouldn't know what {id} is + # parameters: + # - description: job-id + # in: path + # name: id + # required: true + # ## Cache refreshing means this will be changing pretty often, so not including an example + # schema: + # type: string # get: # tags: # - asyncquery @@ -155,15 +170,7 @@ paths: # the Response. # description: '' # parameters: - # - description: job-id - # ## could add example like hY2BrhJfcN (successfully completed) or ovllMzFfCe (failed) - # in: path - # name: id - # required: true - # ## Cache refreshing means this will be changing pretty often, so not including an example - # schema: - # type: string - # - description: option to override original query log level + # - description: option to override original query log level # in: query # name: log_level # required: false @@ -203,7 +210,7 @@ paths: # properties: # response: # $ref: '#/components/schemas/Response' - ## note that the AsyncQuery schema is changed to make callback optional + ## modified TRAPI spec: summary sections tell users that AsyncQuery schema was changed to make callback optional /asyncquery: post: tags: @@ -295,6 +302,13 @@ paths: schema: type: string components: + ## look for comments to see parts that have been modified for BTE + ## - Query: comment out workflow.allOf section since the $ref breaks execution of + ## BTE's api-schema-builder/openapi-validator-middleware + ## - AsyncQuery: callback property not required (commented it out of the 'required' field), + ## comment out workflow.allOf section + ## - Response: comment out workflow.allOf section + ## - QNode: commented out an example for some reason schemas: Query: description: >- diff --git a/biothings_explorer/smartapi.yaml b/biothings_explorer/smartapi.yaml index 7ee43d0b..afc8939a 100644 --- a/biothings_explorer/smartapi.yaml +++ b/biothings_explorer/smartapi.yaml @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ info: title: BioThings Explorer ReasonerStdAPI version: 2.8.1 x-trapi: - version: 1.2.0 + version: 1.2.0 ## will update to 1.3 once all instances have trapi1.3 code asyncquery: true operations: - - lookup - ## look at https://standards.ncats.io/operation.json for details - ## perhaps advertise "lookup_and_score"? + ## look at https://standards.ncats.io/operation.json for details. was previously lookup + - lookup_and_score + ## no batch_size_limit (BTE manages IDs for QNodes and sub-queries internally) + ## /query endpoints have a limit of 15 requests/client/min + ## /meta_knowledge_graph endpoints have a limit of 30 requests/client/min + ## other endpoints don't have rate limits x-translator: infores: "infores:biothings-explorer" biolink-version: 2.4.8 @@ -22,6 +25,11 @@ info: team: - Exploring Agent servers: +## ITRB Production and Test are deployed manually, based on the staging instance +## ITRB CI / staging is basically deployed manually, from main branches +## - automatic for updates in bte-trapi-workspace main branch, but those rarely happen +## - we could technically control what branches are used (but right now we don't do this) +## non-ITRB dev: total manual control on updates (what branches of modules are used for updates) - url: https://bte.transltr.io/v1 description: ITRB Production server x-maturity: production @@ -35,17 +43,18 @@ servers: description: Non-ITRB dev (primary internal use) x-maturity: development tags: -- name: 1.2.0 +- name: 1.2.0 ## will update to 1.3 once all instances have trapi1.3 code - name: meta_knowledge_graph - name: query - name: asyncquery - name: translator - name: trapi - name: biothings -## Note: BTE has custom behavior so DO NOT blindly copy-paste the TRAPI specs / schemas below +## Note: BTE has custom behavior so DO NOT blindly copy-paste the TRAPI specs / schemas into the document below ## instead go through it and copy-paste in sections as-needed ## examples are using MyVariant-specific query paths: + ## copied directly from TRAPI spec /meta_knowledge_graph: get: tags: @@ -59,6 +68,7 @@ paths: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MetaKnowledgeGraph' + ## copied from /meta_knowledge_graph above and modified: BTE-specific endpoint /smartapi/{smartapi_id}/meta_knowledge_graph: get: tags: @@ -80,6 +90,7 @@ paths: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MetaKnowledgeGraph' + ## copied from /meta_knowledge_graph above and modified: BTE-specific endpoint /team/{team_name}/meta_knowledge_graph: get: tags: @@ -105,12 +116,12 @@ paths: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MetaKnowledgeGraph' + ## modified TRAPI spec: example and BTE-specific parameters, used by developers running local instances of BTE /query: post: tags: - query summary: Query BioThings Explorer TRAPI API as ARA with a TRAPI query - operationId: query parameters: - description: option to choose whether or not to enable caching in: query @@ -180,13 +191,12 @@ paths: application/json: schema: type: string - x-swagger-router-controller: swagger_server.controllers.query_controller + ## copied from /query above and modified: BTE-specific endpoint /smartapi/{smartapi_id}/query: post: tags: - query summary: Query individual SmartAPI KP API (that has x-bte annotation) as a TRAPI API - operationId: querySmartAPI parameters: - description: SmartAPI ID of an API, you can get it from https://smart-api.info/registry in: path @@ -263,7 +273,7 @@ paths: application/json: schema: type: string - x-swagger-router-controller: swagger_server.controllers.query_controller + ## copied from /query above and modified: BTE-specific endpoint /team/{team_name}/query: post: tags: @@ -272,7 +282,6 @@ paths: Query an individual Translator team's SMARTAPI KP APIs (that have x-bte annotation) as an individual TRAPI service using team name description: '' - operationId: queryTeam parameters: - description: Translator Team Name, e.g. Service Provider, Multiomics Provider in: path @@ -353,8 +362,17 @@ paths: application/json: schema: type: string - x-swagger-router-controller: swagger_server.controllers.query_controller + ## not TRAPI spec: BTE-specific endpoint related to asyncquery /check_query_status/{id}: + ## moved because smartapi-editor gave alert that a non-existent post endpoint wouldn't know what {id} is + parameters: + - description: job-id + in: path + name: id + required: true + ## Cache refreshing means this will be changing pretty often, so not including an example + schema: + type: string get: tags: - asyncquery @@ -365,13 +383,6 @@ paths: the Response. description: '' parameters: - - description: job-id - in: path - name: id - required: true - ## Cache refreshing means this will be changing pretty often, so not including an example - schema: - type: string - description: option to override original query log level in: query name: log_level @@ -412,8 +423,7 @@ paths: properties: response: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Response' - ## note that the AsyncQuery schema is changed to make callback optional - /asyncquery: + ## modified TRAPI spec: summary sections tell users that AsyncQuery schema was changed to make callback optional /asyncquery: post: tags: - asyncquery @@ -498,6 +508,7 @@ paths: application/json: schema: type: string + ## copied from /asyncquery above and modified: BTE-specific endpoint /smartapi/{smartapi_id}/asyncquery: post: tags: @@ -592,6 +603,7 @@ paths: application/json: schema: type: string + ## copied from /asyncquery above and modified: BTE-specific endpoint /team/{team_name}/asyncquery: post: tags: @@ -692,6 +704,13 @@ paths: schema: type: string components: + ## look for comments to see parts that have been modified for BTE + ## - Query: comment out workflow.allOf section since the $ref breaks execution of + ## BTE's api-schema-builder/openapi-validator-middleware + ## - AsyncQuery: callback property not required (commented it out of the 'required' field), + ## comment out workflow.allOf section + ## - Response: comment out workflow.allOf section + ## - QNode: commented out an example for some reason schemas: Query: description: >-