Built using Ruby 3.2.2
Run Rspec Init
rspec --init
Install Ruby 3.2.2
Can install with rbenv
Run via terminal stdin:
ruby app.rb < sample-input.txt
Run via an argument:
ruby app.rb sample-input.txt
Go to root directory and below in terminal/iterm2, etc.
rspec spec/app_spec.rb
My thoughts for this command line Ruby application were as follows.
I would take input as stated:
- Via stdin redirected or piped
- As a file path if the first argument was provided
After setting up the input mechanisms, I knew I had to parse out each line of the input, as each of those were a match.
The tricky part was figuring out when a matchday ended.
The way I figured a matchday would end, was as such.
Given all the input lines were consumed, once I had a count of the input lines, I knew that those were the number of matches.
So given I had 12 lines/matches, let's say, I knew that 6 teams were playing against each other.
And if teams could only play once a day, that math would make it so that each match day was 3 matches.
Using that count of matches, based on the total input lines, I was able to first get a count of all inputs, and then continue iterating through all input lines and then parse out the information I needed.
Using a running count and a modulo as computed above, I was able to log matchday stats when needed.
For pointing, as indicated in the prompt, I did the following:
A win for a team would net the winning team 3 points. A tie would net both teams 1 point. And a loss for a team would net 0 points. I implemented that logic.
I think that does it!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Moises Montenegro