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List of available Azure CLI extensions | Microsoft Docs
A complete list of officially supported Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) extensions that are provided and maintained by Microsoft.

Available Azure CLI extensions

This article is a complete list of the available extensions for the Azure CLI which are supported by Microsoft. The list of extensions is also available from the CLI. To get it, run az extension list-available:

az extension list-available --output table

You will be prompted to install an extension on first use.

Extension Required Minimum CLI Version Description Status Release Notes
acat 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Acat Extension. Preview 1.0.0b1
account 2.38.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools SubscriptionClient Extension GA 0.2.5
acrquery 2.48.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AcrQuery Extension Preview 1.0.1
acrtransfer 2.0.67 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Acrtransfer Extension Preview 1.1.0
ad 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DomainServicesResourceProvider Extension GA 0.1.0
aem 2.19.1 Manage Azure Enhanced Monitoring Extensions for SAP GA 0.3.0
ai-examples 2.2.0 Add AI powered examples to help content. Preview 0.2.5
aks-preview 2.61.0 Provides a preview for upcoming AKS features Preview 13.0.0b8
aksarc 2.32.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools HybridContainerService Extension GA 1.4.23
akshybrid 2.32.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools HybridContainerService Extension Experimental 0.1.2
alb 2.67.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ALB Extension. Preview 2.0.0
alertsmanagement 2.45.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AlertsManagementClient Extension Preview 1.0.0b1
alias 2.0.50.dev0 Support for command aliases Preview 0.5.2
amg 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Azure Managed Grafana Extension GA 2.5.5
amlfs 2.49.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Amlfs Extension. GA 1.0.0
aosm 2.54.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Aosm Extension Preview 2.0.0b1
apic-extension 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ApicExtension Extension. Preview 1.2.0b1
application-insights 2.55.0 Support for managing Application Insights components and querying metrics, events, and logs from such components. GA 1.2.2
appservice-kube 2.34.1 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools App Service on Kubernetes Extension Preview 0.1.10
arcappliance 2.51.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Arcappliance Extension GA 1.4.0
arcdata 2.3.1 Tools for managing ArcData. GA 1.5.21
arcgateway 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Arcgateway Extension. Preview 1.0.0b1
astronomer 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Astronomer Extension. GA 1.0.0
attestation 2.55.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AttestationManagementClient Extension Preview 1.0.0
authV2 2.23.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Authv2 Extension GA 0.1.3
automanage 2.44.1 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Automanage Extension. Preview 0.1.2
automation 2.55.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AutomationClient Extension Experimental 1.0.0b1
azure-cli-ml 2.3.1 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AzureML Command Module GA 1.41.0
azure-devops 2.30.0 Tools for managing Azure DevOps. GA 1.0.1
azure-firewall 2.61.0 Manage Azure Firewall resources. GA 1.2.2
azure-iot 2.46.0 The Azure IoT extension for Azure CLI. GA 0.25.0
azure-iot-ops 2.53.0 The Azure IoT Operations extension for Azure CLI. GA 1.2.0
azure-sphere 2.45.0 The Azure Sphere extension for Azure CLI. GA 1.0.1
azurelargeinstance 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Azurelargeinstance Extension. Preview 1.0.0b4
azurestackhci 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AzureStackHCI Extension Experimental 0.2.9
baremetal-infrastructure 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools BaremetalInfrastructure Extension. Preview 3.0.0b2
bastion 2.62.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Bastion Extension. GA 1.4.0
billing-benefits 2.43.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools BillingBenefits Extension. Preview 0.1.0
blueprint 2.50.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Blueprint Extension Experimental 0.3.2
change-analysis 2.37.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ChangeAnalysis Extension. Preview 0.1.0
cli-translator 2.13.0 Translate ARM template to executable Azure CLI scripts. Experimental 0.3.0
cloud-service 2.55.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ComputeManagementClient Extension GA 1.0.1
command-change 2.19.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools CommandChange Extension. Preview 1.0.0b1
communication 2.59.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools CommunicationServiceManagementClient Extension GA 1.11.2
confcom 2.26.2 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Confidential Container Security Policy Generator Extension GA 1.2.1
confidentialledger 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ConfidentialLedger Extension GA 1.0.0
confluent 2.56.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ConfluentManagementClient Extension GA 0.6.0
connectedk8s 2.64.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Connectedk8s Extension GA 1.10.6
connectedmachine 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ConnectedMachine Extension Preview 1.1.0
connectedvmware 2.0.67 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Connectedvmware Extension GA 1.2.1
containerapp 2.62.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Containerapp Extension Preview 1.1.0b3
cosmosdb-preview 2.17.1 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Cosmosdb-preview Extension GA 1.2.0
costmanagement 2.55.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools CostManagementClient Extension GA 1.0.0
csvmware 2.0.67 Manage Azure VMware Solution by CloudSimple. Preview 0.3.0
custom-providers 2.3.1 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Custom Providers Extension Experimental 0.2.1
customlocation 2.0.67 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Customlocation Extension GA 0.1.3
databox 2.48.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Databox Extension. GA 1.1.0
databricks 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DatabricksClient Extension GA 1.1.0
datadog 2.17.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MicrosoftDatadogClient Extension Experimental 0.1.1
datafactory 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DataFactoryManagementClient Extension GA 1.0.3
datamigration 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DataMigrationManagementClient Extension Preview 1.0.0b4
dataprotection 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DataProtectionClient Extension GA 1.5.5
datashare 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DataShareManagementClient Extension Experimental 0.2.0
deploy-to-azure 2.0.60 Deploy to Azure using Github Actions. Preview 0.2.0
desktopvirtualization 2.55.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Desktopvirtualization Extension. GA 1.0.0
dev-spaces 2.1.0 Dev Spaces provides a rapid, iterative Kubernetes development experience for teams. GA 1.0.6
devcenter 2.67.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DevCenter Extension GA 6.2.3
diskpool 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools StoragePoolManagement Extension Experimental 0.2.0
dms-preview 2.27.0 Support for new Database Migration Service scenarios. Preview 0.15.0
dnc 2.51.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Dnc Extension. Preview 0.2.1
dns-resolver 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DnsResolverManagementClient Extension GA 1.0.0
durabletask 2.67.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Durabletask Extension. Preview 1.0.0b3
dynatrace 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Dynatrace Extension. GA 1.1.0
edgeorder 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools EdgeOrderManagementClient Extension Experimental 0.1.0
edgezones 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Edgezones Extension. Preview 1.0.0b1
elastic 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MicrosoftElastic Extension Preview 1.0.0b3
elastic-san 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ElasticSan Extension. Preview 1.2.0b1
eventgrid 2.51.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools EventGrid Command Module. Preview 1.0.0b2
express-route-cross-connection 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ExpressRouteCrossConnection Extension. GA 1.0.0
firmwareanalysis 2.55.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Firmwareanalysis Extension. Preview 1.0.0
fleet 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Fleet Extension GA 1.4.0
fluid-relay 2.39.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools FluidRelay Extension. GA 0.1.0
footprint 2.11.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools FootprintMonitoringManagementClient Extension Experimental 1.0.0
front-door 2.57.0 Manage networking Front Doors. GA 1.2.0
functionapp 2.0.46 Additional commands for Azure Functions. Preview 0.1.1
fzf 2.9.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools fzf Extension Experimental 1.0.2
gallery-service-artifact 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools GalleryServiceArtifact Extension. Preview 1.0.0b1
graphservices 2.49.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Graphservices Extension. Preview 1.0.0b1
guestconfig 2.3.1 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools GuestConfigurationClient Extension Experimental 0.1.1
hack 2.0.67 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Hack Extension Preview 0.4.3
hardware-security-modules 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AzureDedicatedHSMResourceProvider Extension Experimental 0.2.0
hdinsightonaks 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Hdinsightonaks Extension. Preview 1.0.0b3
healthbot 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools HealthbotClient Extension Experimental 0.1.0
healthcareapis 2.66.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools HealthcareApisManagementClient Extension GA 1.0.1
hpc-cache 2.3.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools StorageCache Extension GA 0.1.5
hybridaks 2.32.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools HybridContainerService Extension Experimental 0.2.4
image-copy-extension 2.68.0 Support for copying managed vm images between regions GA 1.0.1
image-gallery 2.3.0 Support for Azure Image Gallery Experimental 0.1.3
import-export 2.3.1 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools StorageImportExport Extension Preview 1.0.0b1
informatica 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Informatica Extension. Preview 1.0.0b1
init 2.0.67 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Init Extension Preview 0.1.0
interactive 2.0.62 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Interactive Shell Preview 1.0.0b1
internet-analyzer 2.0.67 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Internet Analyzer Extension Preview 1.0.0b1
ip-group 2.0.67 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools IpGroup Extension Preview 0.1.2
k8s-configuration 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools K8s-configuration Extension GA 2.1.0
k8s-extension 2.51.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools K8s-extension Extension GA 1.6.3
k8s-runtime 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools K8sRuntime Extension. GA 1.0.4
k8sconfiguration 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools K8sconfiguration Extension Preview 0.2.4
kusto 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools KustoManagementClient Extension GA 0.5.0
load 2.66.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Load Testing Extension. GA 1.6.0
log-analytics 2.61.0 Support for Azure Log Analytics query capabilities. Preview 1.0.0b1
log-analytics-solution 2.50.0 Support for Azure Log Analytics Solution GA 1.0.1
logic 2.55.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Logic Extension. GA 1.1.0
maintenance 2.67.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MaintenanceManagementClient Extension Preview 1.7.0b2
managedccfs 2.45.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Managedccfs Extension. Preview 0.2.0
managednetworkfabric 2.61.0 Support for managednetworkfabric commands based on 2024-02-15-preview API version. GA 7.1.0
managementpartner 2.61.0 Support for Management Partner preview GA 1.0.0
mcc 2.61.0 Microsoft Connected Cache CLI Commands. Preview 1.0.0b2
mdp 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Mdp Extension. GA 1.0.1
mesh 2.50.0 Support for Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Mesh - Public Preview Preview 1.0.0a1
microsoft-fabric 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Microsoft Fabric Extension. Preview 1.0.0b1
mixed-reality 2.49.0 Mixed Reality Azure CLI Extension. Preview 0.0.5
ml 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AzureMachineLearningWorkspaces Extension GA 2.35.0
mobile-network 2.55.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MobileNetwork Extension. GA 1.0.0
monitor-control-service 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MonitorClient Extension GA 1.2.0
monitor-pipeline-group 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MonitorPipelineGroup Extension. Preview 1.0.0b2
multicloud-connector 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MulticloudConnector Extension. GA 1.0.1
neon 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Neon Extension. Preview 1.0.0b2
netappfiles-preview 2.61.0 Provides a preview for upcoming Azure NetApp Files (ANF) features. Preview 1.0.0b3
network-analytics 2.51.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools NetworkAnalytics Extension. Preview 1.0.0b1
networkcloud 2.67.0 Support for Azure Operator Nexus network cloud commands based on 2024-10-01-preview API version. Preview 3.0.0b1
new-relic 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools NewRelic Extension. GA 1.0.0
next 2.20.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Next Extension Experimental 0.1.3
nexusidentity 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Nexusidentity Extension Preview 1.0.0b4
nginx 2.68.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Nginx Extension Preview 2.0.0b8
notification-hub 2.49.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Notification Hub Extension GA 1.0.0a1
nsp 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Nsp Extension. Preview 1.0.0b3
offazure 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AzureMigrateV2 Extension Experimental 0.1.0
oracle-database 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools OracleDatabase Extension. GA 1.0.0
orbital 2.39.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Orbital Extension. GA 0.1.0
palo-alto-networks 2.51.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools PaloAltoNetworks Extension. Preview 1.1.1b1
partnercenter 2.0.67 Microsoft Azure CLI Extension for Partner Center Preview 0.2.4
peering 2.3.1 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools PeeringManagementClient Extension GA 1.0.0
playwright-cli-extension 2.67.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools PlaywrightCliExtension Extension. Preview 1.0.0b1
portal 2.67.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Portal Extension Preview 1.0.0b1
powerbidedicated 2.56.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools PowerBIDedicated Extension Preview 1.0.0b1
providerhub 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ProviderHub Extension Preview 1.0.0b1
purview 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools PurviewManagementClient Extension Preview 0.1.0
quantum 2.41.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Quantum Extension Preview 1.0.0b4
qumulo 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Qumulo Extension. GA 2.0.0
quota 2.54.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AzureQuotaExtensionAPI Extension GA 1.0.0
rdbms-connect 2.19.0 Support for testing connection to Azure Database for MySQL & PostgreSQL servers. GA 1.0.7
redisenterprise 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools RedisEnterprise Extension. Preview 1.2.1b1
reservation 2.50.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Reservation Extension GA 0.3.1
resource-graph 2.22.0 Support for querying Azure resources with Resource Graph. GA 2.1.1
resource-mover 2.50.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ResourceMoverServiceAPI Extension Preview 1.0.0b1
sap-hana 2.0.46 Additional commands for working with SAP HanaOnAzure instances. GA 0.6.5
scenario-guide 2.20.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Scenario Guidance Extension Experimental 0.1.1
scheduled-query 2.54.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Scheduled_query Extension Preview 1.0.0b1
scvmm 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools SCVMM Extension GA 1.1.2
self-help 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools SelfHelp Extension. Preview 0.4.0
sentinel 2.37.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Sentinel Extension. Experimental 0.2.0
serial-console 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools for Serial Console Extension Preview 1.0.0b2
serviceconnector-passwordless 2.60.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Serviceconnector-passwordless Extension GA 3.3.0
site-recovery 2.51.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools SiteRecovery Extension. Experimental 1.0.0
spring 2.56.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools spring Extension GA 1.26.1
spring-cloud 2.45.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools spring-cloud Extension GA 3.1.8
ssh 2.45.0 SSH into Azure VMs using RBAC and AAD OpenSSH Certificates GA 2.0.6
stack-hci 2.54.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AzureStackHCIClient Extension GA 1.1.0
stack-hci-vm 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Stack-HCi-VM Extension GA 1.6.5
standbypool 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Standbypool Extension. GA 1.0.0
staticwebapp 2.39.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Staticwebapp Extension Preview 1.0.0
storage-actions 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools StorageActions Extension. Preview 1.0.0b1
storage-blob-preview 2.27.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Storage-blob-preview Extension Preview 1.0.0b1
storage-mover 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools StorageMover Extension. GA 1.1.0
storage-preview 2.61.0 Provides a preview for upcoming storage features. Preview 1.0.0b5
storagesync 2.55.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MicrosoftStorageSync Extension GA 1.0.1
stream-analytics 2.15.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools StreamAnalyticsManagementClient Extension GA 1.0.0
subscription 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Subscription Extension. Preview 1.0.0b2
support 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Support Extension GA 2.0.1
terraform 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Terraform Extension. Preview 1.0.0b1
timeseriesinsights 2.50.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools TimeSeriesInsightsClient Extension GA 1.0.0b1
traffic-collector 2.40.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools TrafficCollector Extension. GA 1.0.0
trustedsigning 2.57.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Trustedsigning Extension. Preview 1.0.0b2
virtual-network-manager 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools NetworkManagementClient Extension GA 1.3.1
virtual-network-tap 2.61.0 Manage virtual network taps (VTAP). Preview 1.0.0b2
virtual-wan 2.55.0 Manage virtual WAN, hubs, VPN gateways and VPN sites. GA 1.0.1
vm-repair 2.0.67 Auto repair commands to fix VMs. GA 2.0.3
vmware 2.54.0 Azure VMware Solution commands. GA 7.1.0
webapp 2.23.0 Additional commands for Azure AppService. Preview 0.4.0
webpubsub 2.56.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Webpubsub Extension GA 1.7.0
workloads 2.61.0 Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Workloads Extension. GA 1.1.0