+ If you're looking to run a javascript files to interact with the
+ blockchain, you can use the tsx package to run the files directly from
+ the command line.
+ This guide will walk you through setting up a simple project using
+ MeshSDK. By the end, you'll have a working environment that can create
+ a wallet, build and sign transactions, and submit them to the
+ blockchain.
+ In this tutorial, we'll cover:
+ -
+ Creating a package.json file to manage your project dependencies.
+ - Installing the necessary packages, including MeshSDK.
+ -
+ Writing a TypeScript script to create a wallet and send a
+ transaction.
+ - Running your project to see the results.
+ Let's get started!
+ Setting up
+ Create a package.json file
+ First, create a new `package.json` file in the root of your project
+ with the following content:
+ Install the necessary packages
+ Open your terminal and run these commands to install the required
+ packages and MeshSDK:
+ Here's how your `package.json` file should look after installing the
+ packages:
+ -
+ @meshsdk/core: Core functionality for network interactions,
+ wallets, and transactions.
+ -
+ tsx: Allows running TypeScript files directly from the command
+ line.
+ Make a simple transaction
+ Create the index.ts file
+ Next, create a new `index.ts` file in the root of your project and
+ add the following code:
+ Explanation:
+ -
+ Wallet Initialization: The code sets up a new wallet using
+ MeshWallet with a mnemonic key and a blockchain provider.
+ -
+ Transaction Creation: A new transaction is created to send 1 ADA
+ to a specific address. The transaction is built, signed, and
+ submitted to the blockchain.
+ - Output: The transaction hash is logged to the console.
+ Run Your Application
+ In the code, you must replace `YOUR_KEY_HERE` with a valid
+ blockfrost key, and replace the mnemonic words with your own. You
+ can visit{' '}
+ Blockfrost
+ {' '}
+ to get a free API key, and generate a new mnemonic key from the{' '}
+ Mesh website
+ .
+ Finally, start your application by running this command:
+ If everything is set up correctly, you should see the transaction
+ hash logged to the console. Congratulations! You've successfully
+ created a wallet and sent a transaction using MeshSDK.
+ You can find the complete code for this guide in the{' '}
+ Mesh GitHub repo
+ .
+ >
+ );
+export default GuideNextjsPage;
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