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The One Probe (or TOP in short) is a more immersive version of WAILA. You don't get to see the information tooltip all the time but only when you have the probe in your hand (note that this mod can be configured to show the information all the time just like WAILA).
The purpose of this mod is to show on-screen information about the block you are looking at whenever you hold the probe in your hand (or off-hand). The mod itself will show basic information like the name of the block, the mod for the block and also the tool to use for harvesting the block. In addition this mod will also show the amount of RF energy that is stored in the block (if the block supports RF) and if you are sneaking it will also give a list of all items that are in the block if it is an inventory (like a chest).
This mod is very configurable so you can disable all the features mentioned above if they do not fit your playing style or modpack.
This mod also has a flexible API that other mods can use to add more information. Deep Resonance will use this mod to show information about the crystals and liquids. RFTools will also have support for this mod. The API can be found here: https://github.com/McJty/TheOneProbe/tree/master/src/main/java/mcjty/theoneprobe/api but you can also get it from maven by adding this to your build.gradle:
repositories {
maven { // TOP
name 'tterrag maven'
url "http://maven.tterrag.com/"
dependencies {
deobfCompile "mcjty.theoneprobe:TheOneProbe:1.9.4-0.0.1beta3-1"
Download: http://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/245211-the-one-probe#t1:other-downloads
- By default you need to craft the probe to be able to see the information (unless you disable this requirement in the config)
- The probe works while it is in your off hand or normal hand
- Show RF information if the block supports RF
- Show inventory contents for chests or other inventories (only when sneaking)
- Using the /topcfg command you can (client side) reconfigure the position as well as the look of the probe information tooltip
- You can also change settings in the theoneprobe.cfg file
- An API is provided so that mods can add their own information for the probe
- There are three probe modes:
- Normal: used when holding a probe in your hand. Show basic information
- Extended: used when sneaking. Show extra information
- Admin: only shown when the creative probe is in your hand