diff --git a/en/coding/conditions.html b/en/coding/conditions.html index 1f1c268..62b5fb5 100644 --- a/en/coding/conditions.html +++ b/en/coding/conditions.html @@ -22,32 +22,11 @@ \ `N` means the total number of conditions within the IF statement and the way the evaluation of conditions happens. -
N | -Number of Conditions | -Logical Operator | -
0 | -1 | -the IF statement is true if the condition is true | -
1..7 | -2..8 | -AND (all conditions must be true for the IF statement to be true) |
21..27 | -2..8 | -OR (at least one of the conditions must be true for the IF statement to be true) |
Name | -Escape Sequence | -Byte Form | -
Null | -\0 | -00 | -
Backspace | -\b | -08 | -
Tab | -\t | -09 | -
Line Feed | -\n | -0A | -
Carriage Return | -\r | -0D | -
Numeric escape sequence | -\xnn |
-nn |
Escape char | -\char |
-char |
Title | -Naming schema | -Parameters order | -Game | -
GTA III | -community | -custom | -all versions of GTA III | -
GTA VC | -community | -custom | -all versions of Vice City | -
GTA SA v1.0 | -community | -custom | -SA v1.0 | -
GTA SA v2.0 | -community | -custom | -SA v2.0 | -
GTA SA (v1.0 - SCR) | -Rockstar | -original | -SA v1.0 | -
GTA LCS | -Rockstar | -original | -all versions of Liberty City Stories | -
GTA VCS (PSP) | -Rockstar | -original | -VCS for PSP | -
GTA VCS (PS2) | -Rockstar | -original | -VCS for PS2 | -
VC Mobile | -community | -custom | -VC Android and iOS versions | -
SA Mobile | -community | -custom | -SA Android and iOS versions | -
Extension Name | -Source | -Edit Modes where available | -
**CLEO** `{$USE CLEO}` | -CLEO for GTA III CLEO for Vice City CLEO 4.4 CLEO Android |
-GTA III Vice City GTA SA v1.0, v2.0, (v1.0 - SCR) SA Mobile VC Mobile | -
**ini** `{$USE ini}` | -IniFiles.cleo plugin (ships with CLEO) |
-GTA III Vice City GTA SA v1.0, v2.0, (v1.0 - SCR) |
**file** `{$USE file}` | -FileSystemOperations plugin (ships with CLEO) |
-GTA III Vice City GTA SA v1.0, v2.0, (v1.0 - SCR) |
**bitwise** `{$USE bitwise}` | -IntOperations plugin (ships with CLEO4) |
-GTA III Vice City GTA SA v1.0, v2.0, (v1.0 - SCR) |
**clipboard** `{$USE clipboard}` | -ClipboardControl plugin | -GTA III Vice City GTA SA v1.0, v2.0, (v1.0 - SCR) |
**memory** `{$USE memory}` | -MemoryModule plugin | -GTA III Vice City |
**CLEO+** `{$USE CLEO+}` | -CLEO+ plugin | -GTA SA v1.0, v2.0, (v1.0 - SCR) | -
**newOpcodes** `{$USE newOpcodes}` | -newOpcodes plugin | -GTA SA v1.0, v2.0 | -
**Restoration** `{$USE Restoration}` | -Opcode Restoration Project | -Vice City | -
Game | -File Name | -Location | -
GTA III | -SCM.INI | -data\gta3 | -
Vice City | -VCSCM.INI | -data\vc | -
San Andreas | -SASCM.INI | -data\sa | -
Liberty City Stories | -LCSSCM.INI | -data\lcs | -
Vice City Stories | -VCSSCM.INI | -data\vcs | -
VC Mobile | -VCSCM.INI | -data\vc_mobile | -
SA Mobile | -SASCM.INI | -data\sa_mobile | -
$10 | -$10[0] | -
$11 | -$10[1] | -
$12 | -$10[2] | -
Index | -Debug Option | -
3 | -VAR_COUNTER | -
Key/Combo | -Operation | -
**Main Menu** | -- |
`F5` * | -open a file as a script and disassemble | -
`F6` * | -compile the editor content to a script file | -
`F7` * | -compile the editor content to a script file and copy it to the game's scripts directory | -
`F8` * | -run the game for the current [edit mode](../../edit-modes/README.md) | -
`F10` | -open the [options](options/README.md) window | -
`F12` | -open the documentation | -
**Text** | -- |
`TAB`, `Shift`+`TAB` | -indent the selected text to the left / right (tab) | -
`Ctrl`+`Alt`+`A` `Ctrl`+`Alt`+`D` |
-indent the selected text to the left / right (by one character) | -
`Ctrl`+`Alt`+`B` `Ctrl`+`Alt`+`N` `Ctrl`+`Alt`+`M` |
-toggle different modes of the text selection: Normal, Columnar (same as selection with pressed `Alt`), Lines | -
`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`U` `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`L` |
-convert the word to uppercase / lowercase | -
`Ctrl`+`+` | -increase the text size (zoom in) | -
`Ctrl`+`-` | -decrease the text size (zoom out) | -
`Ctrl`+`T` | -delete the word under the cursor | -
`Ctrl`+`Y` | -delete the line | -
`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`Y` | -clear the line | -
`Ctrl`+`Q` * | -[comment / uncomment](../coding/comments.md) the line | -
**Navigation** | -- |
`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`B` | -jump between brackets: `{}`, `()`, `<>`, `[]` | -
`Ctrl`+`Up/Down` | -scroll the page one line up / down | -
`Ctrl`+`Mouse Wheel Up/Down` | -page up / down | -
`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`0..9` | -toggle a bookmark on the line | -
`Ctrl`+`0..9` | -navigate to line with the bookmark | -
`Ctrl`+`G` * | -go to the line | -
`Alt`+`Right` * | -navigate to symbol under the cursor (a label, mission or function) | -
`Alt`+`Left` * | -navigate back to the previous position (where Navigate to Symbol was called) | -
`Ctrl`+`Enter` | -open a file which name is under the cursor (see also relative path priorities) | -
**Code** | -- |
`Ctrl`+`Space` | -show the list of classes / class members / models / labels / variables / missions | -
`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`Space` | -show the list of parameters for the current class command | -
`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`C` * | -insert the player's coordinates | -
`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`E` * | -insert the player's z_angle | -
`F1` | -find an opcode with the word under the cursor (with ignoring of `_` and `.`) | -
`Ctrl`+`F1` | -find an opcode with the word under the cursor (without ignoring of `_` and `.`) | -
`F2` | -use the word under the cursor to expand to the code template with the same name | -
`Ctrl`+`J` | -show the list of code templates | -
`Ctrl`+`M` | -start/stop recording of a macro (keystroke pressings sequence) | -
`Ctrl`+`P` | -replay macro/pause while processing | -
`Ctrl`+`H` * | -convert the number under the cursor from decimal to hexadecimal and vice versa | -
`Ctrl`+`Alt`+`H` * | -convert the model name under the cursor to its numeric ID and vice versa | -
**Misc** | -- |
`Ctrl`+`~` | -open console | -
`Alt`+`S` | -(when the list of models is active) re-sort the list | -
|indent the selected text to the left / right (by one character)| +|`Ctrl`+`Alt`+`B`
|toggle different modes of the text selection: Normal, Columnar (same as selection with pressed `Alt`), Lines| +|`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`U`
|convert the word to uppercase / lowercase| +|`Ctrl`+`+`|increase the text size (zoom in)| +|`Ctrl`+`-`|decrease the text size (zoom out)| +|`Ctrl`+`T`|delete the word under the cursor| +|`Ctrl`+`Y`|delete the line| +|`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`Y`|clear the line| +|`Ctrl`+`Q` *|[comment / uncomment](../coding/comments.md) the line| +|**Navigation**|\s| +|`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`B`|jump between brackets: `{}`, `()`, `<>`, `[]`| +|`Ctrl`+`Up/Down`|scroll the page one line up / down| +|`Ctrl`+`Mouse Wheel Up/Down`|page up / down| +|`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`0..9`|toggle a bookmark on the line| +|`Ctrl`+`0..9`|navigate to line with the bookmark| +|`Ctrl`+`G` *|go to the line| +|`Alt`+`Right` *|navigate to symbol under the cursor (a label, mission or function)| +|`Alt`+`Left` *|navigate back to the previous position (where Navigate to Symbol was called)| +|`Ctrl`+`Enter`|open a file which name is under the cursor (see also relative path priorities)| +|**Code**|\s| +|`Ctrl`+`Space`|show the list of classes / class members / models / labels / variables / missions| +|`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`Space`|show the list of parameters for the current class command| +|`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`C` *|insert the player's coordinates| +|`Ctrl`+`Shift`+`E` *|insert the player's z_angle| +|`F1`|find an opcode with the word under the cursor (with ignoring of `_` and `.`)| +|`Ctrl`+`F1`|find an opcode with the word under the cursor (without ignoring of `_` and `.`)| +|`F2`|use the word under the cursor to expand to the code template with the same name| +|`Ctrl`+`J`|show the list of code templates| +|`Ctrl`+`M`|start/stop recording of a macro (keystroke pressings sequence)| +|`Ctrl`+`P`|replay macro/pause while processing| +|`Ctrl`+`H` *|convert the number under the cursor from decimal to hexadecimal and vice versa| +|`Ctrl`+`Alt`+`H` *|convert the model name under the cursor to its numeric ID and vice versa| +|**Misc**|\s| +|`Ctrl`+`~`|open console| +|`Alt`+`S`|(when the list of models is active) re-sort the list| \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/en/scm-documentation/ascii-character-codes.html b/en/scm-documentation/ascii-character-codes.html index b17e345..b01bab9 100644 --- a/en/scm-documentation/ascii-character-codes.html +++ b/en/scm-documentation/ascii-character-codes.html @@ -11,194 +11,176 @@ ```sb3 0AD3: 0@v = string_format "Example %c" <id> ``` -Character | -id | -
- | GTA III | -Vice City | -San Andreas | -SA Mobile | -LCS | -VCS | -
**main size (in bytes)** | -131072 | -225512 | -200000 | -200000 | -- | - |
**mission size (in bytes)** | -32768 | -35000 | -69000 | -69000 | -- | - |
**number of missions** | -120 | -120 | -200 | -- | - | - |
**mission cleanup list** | -50 | -50 | -75 | -- | - | - |
**model names (2nd segment)** | -200 | -220 | -395 | -- | - | - |
**running scripts** | -128 | -128 | -96 | -96 | -- | - |
**local variables** | -16+2 [timers](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables) | -16+2 [timers](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables) | -32+2 [timers](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables) 1024 total in missions |
-40+2 [timers](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables) | -96+2 [timers](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables) | -- |
**gosub nesting levels** | -4 | -6 | -8 | -8 | -- | - |
**text draw** | -2 | -48 | -96 | -96 | -- | - |
**jump table labels** | -N/A | -N/A | -75 | -- | N/A | -- |
**external scripts** | -N/A | -N/A | -82 | -- | N/A | -- |
**external script attachments** | -N/A | -N/A | -70 | -- | N/A | -- |
**car generators** | -160 | -185 | -500 | -- | - | - |
**radar blips** | -32 | -75 | -175 | -250 | -- | - |
**pickups** | -336 | -336 | -620 | -620 | -- | - |
**last opcode** | -0481 | -05a8 | -0a4e | -0a90 | -- | - |
**spheres** | -16 | -16 | -16 | -- | - | - |
**car saving garage types** | -16..18 | -16..18, 24..32 | -16..18, 24..32, 39..45 | -16..18, 24..32, 39..45 | -- | - |
**garages** | -32 | -32 | -50 | -- | - | - |
32+2 [timers](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables)
1024 total in missions
|40+2 [timers](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables)|96+2 [timers](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables)|\s| +|**gosub nesting levels**|4|6|8|8|\s|\s| +|**text draw**|2|48|96|96|\s|\s| +|**jump table labels**|N/A|N/A|75|\s|N/A|\s| +|**external scripts**|N/A|N/A|82|\s|N/A|\s| +|**external script attachments**|N/A|N/A|70|\s|N/A|\s| +|**car generators**|160|185|500|\s|\s|\s| +|**radar blips**|32|75|175|250|\s|\s| +|**pickups**|336|336|620|620|\s|\s| +|**last opcode**|0481|05a8|0a4e|0a90|\s|\s| +|**spheres**|16|16|16|\s|\s|\s| +|**car saving garage types**|16..18|16..18, 24..32|16..18, 24..32, 39..45|16..18, 24..32, 39..45|\s|\s| +|**garages**|32|32|50|\s|\s|\s| {% hint style="info" %} Originally posted by CyQ on [GTAForums.com](http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=213017\&view=findpost\&p=3145932) diff --git a/en/scm-documentation/gta3/pedtypes.html b/en/scm-documentation/gta3/pedtypes.html index 2c8505a..e9f816f 100644 --- a/en/scm-documentation/gta3/pedtypes.html +++ b/en/scm-documentation/gta3/pedtypes.html @@ -8,108 +8,33 @@ - ```sb3 009A: 0@ = create_actor <ID> 0 at 0 0 0 ``` -ID | -Type | -
0 | -player1 | -
1 | -player2 | -
2 | -player3 | -
3 | -player4 | -
4 | -civmale | -
5 | -civfemale | -
6 | -cop | -
7 | -gang1 | -
8 | -gang2 | -
9 | -gang3 | -
10 | -gang4 | -
11 | -gang5 | -
12 | -gang6 | -
13 | -gang7 | -
14 | -gang8 | -
15 | -gang9 | -
16 | -emergency | -
17 | -fireman | -
18 | -criminal | -
19 | -unused | -
20 | -prostitute | -
21 | -special | -
ID | -Icon | -Description | -
0 | - | -Small pink square, unused | -
1 | - | -Asuka Kasen | -
2 | - | -8-Ball's bomb shop | -
3 | - | -Catalina | -
4 | - | -Player | -
5 | - | -Cop car, unused | -
6 | - | -Donald Love | -
7 | - | -8-Ball | -
8 | - | -El Burro (Diablo) | -
9 | - | -D-Ice (Hood) | -
10 | - | -Joey Leone | -
11 | - | -Kenji Kasen | -
12 | - | -King Courtney (Yardie) | -
13 | - | -Luigi | -
14 | - | -North | -
15 | - | -Ray Machowski | -
16 | - | -Salvatore Leone | -
17 | - | -Safehouse | -
18 | - | -Pay 'n' Spray | -
19 | - | -Toni Cipriani | -
20 | - | -Ammu-Nation | -
ID | -Name | -
PLR | -Leone's suit | -
PLR2 | -Lawyer's suit | -
PLR3 | -Casual clothes | -
PLR4 | -Chauffeur's clothes | -
PLR5 | -Overalls | -
PLR6 | -Tuxedo | -
PLR7 | -Avenging Angel's fatigues | -
PLR8 | -'The King' jumpsuit | -
PLR9 | -Cox Mascot suit | -
PLR10 | -Underwear | -
PLR11 | -Hero garb | -
PLR12 | -'Dragon' jumpsuit | -
PLR13 | -Antonio | -
PLR14 | -Sweats | -
PLR15 | -Wiseguy | -
PLR16 | -Goodfella | -
ID | -Name | -
0 | -Leone | -
1 | -Triad | -
2 | -Diablo | -
3 | -Yakuza | -
4 | -Yardie | -
5 | -Colombian | -
6 | -Hood | -
7 | -Forelli | -
8 | -Sindacco | -
ID | -Name | -
0 | -PLAYER | -
1 | -COP | -
2 | -SWAT | -
3 | -FBI | -
4 | -ARMY | -
5 | -MEDIC | -
6 | -FIREMAN | -
7 | -MALE01 | -
8 | -(unknown) | -
9 | -TAXI_D | -
10 | -PIMP | -
11 | -CRIMINAL01 | -
12 | -CRIMINAL02 | -
13 | -MALE02 | -
14 | -MALE03 | -
15 | -FATMALE01 | -
16 | -FATMALE02 | -
17 | -FEMALE01 | -
18 | -FEMALE02 | -
19 | -FEMALE03 | -
20 | -FATFEMALE01 | -
21 | -FATFEMALE02 | -
22 | -PROSTITUTE | -
23 | -PROSTITUTE2 | -
24 | -P_MAN1 | -
25 | -P_MAN2 | -
26 | -P_WOM1 | -
27 | -P_WOM2 | -
28 | -CT_MAN1 | -
29 | -CT_MAN2 | -
30 | -CT_WOM1 | -
31 | -CT_WOM2 | -
32 | -LI_MAN1 | -
33 | -LI_MAN2 | -
34 | -LI_WOM1 | -
35 | -LI_WOM2 | -
36 | -DOCKER1 | -
37 | -DOCKER2 | -
38 | -SCUM_MAN | -
39 | -SCUM_WOM | -
40 | -WORKER1 | -
41 | -WORKER2 | -
42 | -B_MAN1 | -
43 | -B_MAN2 | -
44 | -B_MAN3 | -
45 | -B_WOM1 | -
46 | -B_WOM2 | -
47 | -B_WOM3 | -
48 | -MOD_MAN | -
49 | -MOD_WOM | -
50 | -ST_MAN | -
51 | -ST_WOM | -
52 | -FAN_MAN1 | -
53 | -FAN_MAN2 | -
54 | -FAN_WOM | -
55 | -HOS_MAN | -
56 | -HOS_WOM | -
57 | -CONST1 | -
58 | -CONST2 | -
59 | -SHOPPER1 | -
60 | -SHOPPER2 | -
61 | -SHOPPER3 | -
62 | -STUD_MAN | -
63 | -STUD_WOM | -
64 | -CAS_MAN | -
65 | -CAS_WOM | -
68 | -HITMAN | -
79 | -GANG01 (LEONE_A) | -
80 | -GANG02 (LEONE_B) | -
81 | -GANG03 (TRIAD_A) | -
82 | -GANG04 (TRIAD_B) | -
83 | -GANG05 (DIABLO_A) | -
84 | -GANG06 (DIABLO_B) | -
85 | -GANG07 (YAKUZA_A) | -
86 | -GANG08 (YAKUZA_B) | -
87 | -GANG09 (YARDIE_A) | -
88 | -GANG10 (YARDIE_B) | -
89 | -GANG11 (COLOMBIAN_A) | -
90 | -GANG12 (COLOMBIAN_B) | -
91 | -GANG13 (HOOD_A) | -
92 | -GANG14 (HOOD_B) | -
93 | -GANG15 (FORELLI_A) | -
94 | -GANG16 (FORELLI_B) | -
95 | -GANG17 (SINDACCO_A) | -
96 | -GANG18 (SINDACCO_B) | -
ID | -Description | -
AVERY | -Avery Carrington | -
BABY | -Giovanni Casa (baby) | -
BIKER1 | -Biker Dude 1 | -
BIKER2 | -Biker Dude 2 | -
CAMP_MAN | -Campaign Worker | -
CAMP_WOM | -Campaign Worker 2 | -
CASA | -Giovanni Casa | -
CHAUFF | -Chauffeur | -
DELIASS | -Deli Assistant | -
DONOVAN | -O'Donovan | -
EIGHT | -8Ball | -
FKENNY | -Father Kenny (not used) | -
FRANFOR | -Franco Forelli | -
GRDANG1 | -Avenging Angel | -
GRDANG2 | -Avenging Angel 2 | -
GREASE | -Grease Zuko | -
GUN_ASS | -Gun assistant | -
HOBO_01 | -Donald Love 2 | -
HOLEJOG | -Mayor RC Hole (Jogging outfit) | -
HOPPER | -Jane Hopper | -
JD_SHOT | -Dead JD | -
JDMADE | -JD O'Toole - Made Man | -
KAS_01 | -Toshiko Kasen (kimono) | -
KAZUKI | -Kazuki Kasen | -
LOVE_01 | -Donald Love | -
M_HOLE | -Mayor RC Hole | -
MAR_01 | -Maria | -
MASTOR | -Massimo Torrini (Assassin) | -
MCAFFRY | -Det. Leon McAffrey | -
MICKEYH | -Mickey H | -
MIGUEL | -Miguel | -
NED_01 | -Ned Burner (Reporter) | -
PAULIE | -Paulie Sindacco | -
PHILC | -Phil Cassidy | -
PLR10 | -player (skin: boxer Shorts) | -
PLR11 | -player (skin: bad super hero) | -
PLR12 | -player (skin: dragon) | -
PLR2 | -player (skin: lawyer) | -
PLR3 | -player (skin: travel clothes) | -
PLR4 | -player (skin: chauffeur) | -
PLR5 | -player (skin: hockey mask) | -
PLR6 | -player (skin: tuxedo) | -
PLR7 | -player (skin: avenging angel) | -
PLR8 | -player (skin: the King of Rock'n Roll) | -
PLR9 | -player (skin: cock's mascot) | -
RAY_01 | -Ray (Bad Cop) | -
SAL_01 | -Salvatore (Mob Don) | -
THUG_01 | -Sicilian Thug 1 | -
THUG_02 | -Sicilian Thug 2 | -
TOOL_01 | -JD O'Toole | -
VINC_01 | -Vincenzo Cilli | -
WAYNE | -Wayne (Biker Dude) | -
WKAS_01 | -Toshiko Kasen (western) | -
Weapon ID | -Model ID | -Name | -
0 | -- | -Unarmed | -
1 | -259 | -- |
2 | -260 | -- |
3 | -261 | -- |
4 | -262 | -- |
5 | -263 | -- |
6 | -264 | -- |
7 | -265 | -- |
8 | -266 | -- |
9 | -267 | -- |
10 | -268 | -- |
11 | -269 | -- |
12 | -270 | -Grenades | -
13 | -291 | -- |
14 | -271 | -- |
15 | -272 | -- |
16 | -273 | -- |
17 | -274 | -Pistol | -
18 | -275 | -.357 | -
19 | -277 | -Shotgun | -
20 | -278 | -- |
21 | -279 | -- |
22 | -281 | -- |
23 | -282 | -Micro-SMG | -
24 | -283 | -- |
25 | -284 | -SMG | -
26 | -280 | -M4 | -
27 | -276 | -AK-47 | -
28 | -285 | -Sniper Rifle | -
29 | -286 | -- |
30 | -287 | -Rocket Launcher | -
31 | -288 | -Flame-Thrower | -
32 | -289 | -- |
33 | -290 | -Minigun | -
34 | -? | -- |
35 | -? | -- |
36 | -292 | -- |
ID | -Description | -
0 | -Sunny | -
1 | -Cloudy | -
2 | -Rainy | -
3 | -Foggy | -
4 | -Extra sunny | -
5 | -Hurricane | -
6 | -Extra colors | -
7 | -Snow | -
Button | -Enum | -On foot | -In a vehicle | -
0 | -LEFTSTICKX | -Left / Right | -Steer Left / Right | -
1 | -LEFTSTICKY | -Forward / Backwards | -Steer Forward / Backward | -
2 | -RIGHTSTICKX | -Special Ctrl Left / Right | -Turret Left / Right | -
3 | -RIGHTSTICKY | -Special Ctrl Up / Down | -Turret Up / Down, Lean Up / Down | -
4 | -LEFTSHOULDER1 | -Action | -Secondary Fire | -
5 | -LEFTSHOULDER2 | -Previous Weapon | -Look Left | -
6 | -RIGHTSHOULDER1 | -Aim | -Handbrake | -
7 | -RIGHTSHOULDER2 | -Next Weapon | -Look Right | -
8 | -DPADUP | -Group Ctrl Back | -Next Radio Station | -
9 | -DPADDOWN | -Group Ctrl Forward | -Previous Radio Station | -
10 | -DPADLEFT | -Conversation - No | -No | -
11 | -DPADRIGHT | -Conversation - Yes | -Yes, Trip Skip | -
12 | -START | -- | - |
13 | -SELECT | -Change Camera | -Change Camera | -
14 | -SQUARE | -Jump / Zoom In | -Brake / Reverse | -
15 | -TRIANGLE | -Enter vehicle | -Exit vehicle | -
16 | -CROSS | -Sprint / Zoom Out | -Accelerate | -
17 | -CIRCLE | -Attack | -Shoot | -
18 | -LEFTSHOCK | -Crouch | -Horn | -
19 | -RIGHTSHOCK | -Look Behind | -Sub-mission | -
Texture | -Model | -[Body part](player-body-parts.html) | -Description | -
player_torso | -torso | -0 | -Torso (default) | -
vestblack | -vest | -0 | -Black Tank | -
vest | -vest | -0 | -White Tank | -
tshirt2horiz | -tshirt2 | -0 | -Striped T-Shirt | -
tshirtwhite | -tshirt | -0 | -White T-Shirt | -
tshirtilovels | -tshirt | -0 | -L.S. T-Shirt | -
tshirtblunts | -tshirt | -0 | -Sharps T-Shirt | -
shirtbplaid | -shirtb | -0 | -Plaid Shirt | -
shirtbcheck | -shirtb | -0 | -Checkered Shirt | -
field | -field | -0 | -Combat Jacket | -
tshirterisyell | -tshirt | -0 | -Eris T-Shirt | -
tshirterisorn | -tshirt | -0 | -Eris T-Shirt2 | -
trackytop2eris | -trackytop1 | -0 | -Track Top | -
bbjackrim | -bbjack | -0 | -Rimmers Jacket | -
bballjackrstar | -bbjack | -0 | -R-Star Jacket | -
baskballdrib | -baskball | -0 | -Dribblers Vest | -
baskballrim | -baskball | -0 | -Saint's Shirt | -
sixtyniners | -tshirt | -0 | -69ers T-Shirt | -
bandits | -baseball | -0 | -Bandits Top | -
tshirtprored | -tshirt | -0 | -ProLaps T-Shirt | -
tshirtproblk | -tshirt | -0 | -ProLaps Black T | -
trackytop1pro | -trackytop1 | -0 | -Track Top | -
hockeytop | -sweat | -0 | -Slappers Top | -
bbjersey | -sleevt | -0 | -Baseball T | -
shellsuit | -trackytop1 | -0 | -Leisure Top | -
tshirtheatwht | -tshirt | -0 | -White Heat T | -
tshirtbobomonk | -tshirt | -0 | -Bobo Ape T | -
tshirtbobored | -tshirt | -0 | -Red Bobo T | -
tshirtbase5 | -tshirt | -0 | -Base 5 T | -
tshirtsuburb | -tshirt | -0 | -Suburban T | -
hoodyamerc | -hoodya | -0 | -Mercury Hood | -
hoodyabase5 | -hoodya | -0 | -Base 5 Hood | -
hoodyarockstar | -hoodya | -0 | -Rockstar Hood | -
wcoatblue | -wcoat | -0 | -Vest & T-Shirt | -
coach | -coach | -0 | -Grn Windbreaker | -
coachsemi | -coach | -0 | -Blk Windbreaker | -
sweatrstar | -sweat | -0 | -Rockstar Sweat | -
hoodyAblue | -hoodyA | -0 | -Blue Hoody | -
hoodyAblack | -hoodyA | -0 | -Black Hoody | -
hoodyAgreen | -hoodyA | -0 | -Green Hoody | -
sleevtbrown | -sleevt | -0 | -Brown Shirt | -
shirtablue | -shirta | -0 | -Sky Blue Shirt | -
shirtayellow | -shirta | -0 | -Yellow Shirt | -
shirtagrey | -shirta | -0 | -Gray Shirt | -
shirtbgang | -shirtb | -0 | -Green Shirt | -
tshirtzipcrm | -tshirt | -0 | -Cream Logo T | -
tshirtzipgry | -tshirt | -0 | -Gray Logo T | -
denimfade | -denim | -0 | -Jean Jacket | -
bowling | -hawaii | -0 | -Bowling shirt | -
hoodjackbeige | -hoodjack | -0 | -Hooded Jacket | -
baskballloc | -baskball | -0 | -Loc-Down Vest | -
tshirtlocgrey | -tshirt | -0 | -Loc-Down T | -
tshirtmaddgrey | -tshirt | -0 | -Madd Tagg T | -
tshirtmaddgrn | -tshirt | -0 | -Green Tagg T | -
suit1grey | -suit1 | -0 | -Gray Jacket | -
suit1blk | -suit1 | -0 | -Black Jacket | -
leather | -leather | -0 | -Biker Jacket | -
painter | -painter | -0 | -Chore Coat | -
hawaiiwht | -hawaii | -0 | -Hawaiian Shirt | -
hawaiired | -hawaii | -0 | -Blue Hawaiian | -
sportjack | -trackytop1 | -0 | -Sports Jacket | -
suit1red | -suit1 | -0 | -Red Jacket | -
suit1blue | -suit1 | -0 | -Blue Jacket | -
suit1yellow | -suit1 | -0 | -Yellow Jacket | -
suit2grn | -suit2 | -0 | -Tweed Jacket | -
tuxedo | -suit2 | -0 | -Tuxedo Pants | -
suit1gang | -suit1 | -0 | -Green Jacket | -
letter | -sleevt | -0 | -Letterman Top | -
Texture | -Model | -Body part | -Description | -
player_legs | -legs | -2 | -Legs (default) | -
worktrcamogrn | -worktr | -2 | -Woodland Camo | -
worktrcamogry | -worktr | -2 | -Urban Camo | -
worktrgrey | -worktr | -2 | -Gray Pants | -
worktrkhaki | -worktr | -2 | -Olive Pants | -
tracktr | -tracktr | -2 | -Sweat Pants | -
tracktreris | -tracktr | -2 | -Track Pants | -
jeansdenim | -jeans | -2 | -Blue Jeans | -
legsblack | -legs | -2 | -Black Boxers | -
legsheart | -legs | -2 | -Heart Boxers | -
biegetr | -chinosb | -2 | -Beige Pants | -
tracktrpro | -tracktr | -2 | -Track Pants | -
tracktrwhstr | -tracktr | -2 | -Black Track Pants | -
racktrblue | -tracktr | -2 | -Blue Track Pants | -
tracktrgang | -tracktr | -2 | -Green Track Pants | -
bbshortwht | -boxingshort | -2 | -Ball Shorts | -
boxshort | -boxingshort | -2 | -Boxing Shorts | -
bbshortred | -boxingshort | -2 | -Dribbler Shorts | -
shellsuittr | -tracktr | -2 | -Leisure Pants | -
shortsgrey | -shorts | -2 | -Gray Shorts | -
shortskhaki | -shorts | -2 | -Olive Shorts | -
chongergrey | -chonger | -2 | -Gray Chonglers | -
chongergang | -chonger | -2 | -Green Chonglers | -
chongerred | -chonger | -2 | -Red Chonglers | -
chongerblue | -chonger | -2 | -Blue Chonglers | -
shortsgang | -shorts | -2 | -Green Shorts | -
denimsgang | -jeans | -2 | -Green Jeans | -
denimsred | -jeans | -2 | -Red Jeans | -
chinosbiege | -chinosb | -2 | -Beige Khakis | -
chinoskhaki | -chinosb | -2 | -Olive Khakis | -
cutoffchinos | -shorts | -2 | -Beige Shorts | -
cutoffchinosblue | -shorts | -2 | -Blue Shorts | -
chinosblack | -chinosb | -2 | -Black Khakis | -
chinosblue | -chinosb | -2 | -Blue Khakis | -
leathertr | -leathertr | -2 | -Leather Pants | -
leathertrchaps | -leathertr | -2 | -Leather Chaps | -
suit1trgrey | -suit1tr | -2 | -Gray Pants | -
suit1trblk | -suit1tr | -2 | -Black Pants | -
cutoffdenims | -shorts | -2 | -Jean Shorts | -
suit1trred | -suit1tr | -2 | -Red Pants | -
suit1trblue | -suit1tr | -2 | -Blue Pants | -
suit1tryellow | -suit1tr | -2 | -Yellow Pants | -
suit1trgreen | -suit1tr | -2 | -Tweed Pants | -
suit1trblk2 | -suit1tr | -2 | -Tuxedo Pants | -
suit1trgang | -suit1tr | -2 | -Green Pants | -
Texture | -Model | -Body part | -Description | -
foot | -feet | -3 | -Shoes ; (default) | -
cowboyboot2 | -biker | -3 | -Cowboy Boots | -
bask2semi | -bask1 | -3 | -Hi-Top Kicks | -
bask1eris | -bask1 | -3 | -Hi-Top Sneaks | -
sneakerbincgang | -sneaker | -3 | -Green Low-Tops | -
sneakerbincblu | -sneaker | -3 | -Blue Low-Tops | -
sneakerbincblk | -sneaker | -3 | -Black Low-Tops | -
sandal | -flipflop | -3 | -Sandals | -
sandalsock | -flipflop | -3 | -Sandal & Socks | -
flipflop | -flipflop | -3 | -Flip-Flops | -
hitop | -bask1 | -3 | -Mid-Top Sneaker | -
convproblk | -conv | -3 | -Black Hi-Tops | -
convproblu | -conv | -3 | -Blue Hi-Tops | -
convprogrn | -conv | -3 | -Green Hi-Tops | -
sneakerprored | -sneaker | -3 | -Red Sneakers | -
sneakerproblu | -sneaker | -3 | -Blue Sneakers | -
sneakerprowht | -sneaker | -3 | -White Sneakers | -
bask1prowht | -bask1 | -3 | -White Mid-Tops | -
bask1problk | -bask1 | -3 | -Black Mid-Tops | -
boxingshoe | -biker | -3 | -Boxing Shoes | -
convheatblk | -conv | -3 | -Black Hi-Tops | -
convheatred | -conv | -3 | -Red Hi-Tops | -
convheatorn | -conv | -3 | -Orange Hi-Tops | -
sneakerheatwht | -sneaker | -3 | -White Low-Tops | -
sneakerheatgry | -sneaker | -3 | -Gray Low-Tops | -
sneakerheatblk | -sneaker | -3 | -Black Low-Tops | -
bask2heatwht | -bask1 | -3 | -White Hi-Tops | -
bask2heatband | -bask1 | -3 | -Strap Sneakers | -
timbergrey | -bask1 | -3 | -Gray Boots | -
timberred | -bask1 | -3 | -Red Boots | -
timberfawn | -bask1 | -3 | -Brown Boots | -
timberhike | -bask1 | -3 | -Hiking Boots | -
cowboyboot | -biker | -3 | -Cowboy Boots | -
biker | -biker | -3 | -Biker Boots | -
snakeskin | -biker | -3 | -Snake Skin | -
shoedressblk | -shoe | -3 | -Black Shoes | -
shoedressbrn | -shoe | -3 | -Brown Shoes | -
shoespatz | -shoe | -3 | -Spats | -
Texture | -Model | -Body part | -Description | -
dogtag | -neck | -13 | -Dogtags | -
neckafrica | -neck | -13 | -Africa Pendant | -
stopwatch | -neck | -13 | -Stop Watch | -
necksaints | -neck | -13 | -Saints Chain | -
neckhash | -neck | -13 | -Leaf Chain | -
necksilver | -neck2 | -13 | -Silver Cuban | -
neckgold | -neck2 | -13 | -Gold Cuban | -
neckropes | -neck2 | -13 | -Silver Chain | -
neckropeg | -neck2 | -13 | -Gold Chain | -
neckls | -neck | -13 | -L.S. Chain | -
neckdollar | -neck | -13 | -Dollar Chain | -
neckcross | -neck | -13 | -Cross Chain | -
Texture | -Model | -Body part | -Description | -
watchpink | -watch | -14 | -Pink Watch | -
watchyellow | -watch | -14 | -Yellow Watch | -
watchpro | -watch | -14 | -Pro-Laps White | -
watchpro2 | -watch | -14 | -Pro-Laps Black | -
watchsub1 | -watch | -14 | -Face Watch | -
watchsub2 | -watch | -14 | -Face Black | -
watchzip1 | -watch | -14 | -Zip Blue | -
watchzip2 | -watch | -14 | -Zip Gold | -
watchgno | -watch | -14 | -Gold Gnocchi | -
watchgno2 | -watch | -14 | -Silver Gnocchi | -
watchcro | -watch | -14 | -Gold Crowex | -
watchcro2 | -watch | -14 | -Silver Crowex | -
Texture | -Model | -Body part | -Description | -
groucho | -grouchos | -15 | -Joke Glasses | -
zorro | -zorromask | -15 | -Joke Mask | -
eyepatch | -eyepatch | -15 | -Eyepatch | -
glasses01 | -glasses01 | -15 | -Black Shades | -
glasses04 | -glasses04 | -15 | -Brown Shades | -
bandred3 | -bandmask | -15 | -Red Rag | -
bandblue3 | -bandmask | -15 | -Blue Rag | -
bandgang3 | -bandmask | -15 | -Green Rag | -
bandblack3 | -bandmask | -15 | -Black Rag | -
glasses01dark | -glasses01 | -15 | -Aviators | -
glasses04dark | -glasses04 | -15 | -Sun Glasses | -
glasses03 | -glasses03 | -15 | -Green Tint | -
glasses03red | -glasses03 | -15 | -Red Tint | -
glasses03blue | -glasses03 | -15 | -Blue Tint | -
glasses03dark | -glasses03 | -15 | -Black Shades | -
glasses05dark | -glasses03 | -15 | -Black Shades | -
glasses05 | -glasses03 | -15 | -Black Rim | -
Texture | -Model | -Body part | -Description | -
bandred | -bandana | -16 | -Red Rag Back | -
bandblue | -bandana | -16 | -Blue Rag Back | -
bandgang | -bandana | -16 | -Green Rag Back | -
bandblack | -bandana | -16 | -Black Rag Back | -
bandred2 | -bandknots | -16 | -Red Rag Front | -
bandblue2 | -bandknots | -16 | -Blue Rag Front | -
bandblack2 | -bandknots | -16 | -Black Rag Front | -
bandgang2 | -bandknots | -16 | -Green Rag Front | -
capknitgrn | -capknit | -16 | -Watch Cap | -
captruck | -captruck | -16 | -Trucker Hat | -
cowboy | -cowboy | -16 | -Cowboy Hat | -
hattiger | -cowboy | -16 | -Leopard Cowboy | -
helmet | -helmet | -16 | -Fullface Helmet | -
moto | -moto | -16 | -MotoX Helmet | -
boxingcap | -boxingcap | -16 | -Boxing Helmet | -
hockey | -hockeymask | -16 | -Hockey Mask | -
capgang | -cap | -16 | -Green Cap | -
capgangback | -capback | -16 | -Green Cap (Back) | -
capgangside | -capside | -16 | -Green Cap (Side) | -
capgangover | -capovereye | -16 | -Grn Cap (Tilt) | -
capgangup | -caprimup | -16 | -Grn Cap (Up) | -
bikerhelmet | -bikerhelmet | -16 | -Helmut | -
capred | -cap | -16 | -Red Cap | -
capredback | -capback | -16 | -Red Cap (Back) | -
capredside | -capside | -16 | -Red Cap (Side) | -
capredover | -capovereye | -16 | -Red Cap (Tilt) | -
capredup | -caprimup | -16 | -Red Cap (Up) | -
capblue | -cap | -16 | -Blue Cap | -
capblueback | -capback | -16 | -Blue Cap (Back) | -
capblueside | -capside | -16 | -Blue Cap (Side) | -
capblueover | -capovereye | -16 | -Blue Cap (Tilt) | -
capblueup | -caprimup | -16 | -Blue Cap (Up) | -
skullyblk | -skullycap | -16 | -Black Skully | -
skullygrn | -skullycap | -16 | -Green Skully | -
hatmancblk | -hatmanc | -16 | -Black Sun Hat | -
hatmancplaid | -hatmanc | -16 | -Plaid Sun Hat | -
capzip | -cap | -16 | -Cap | -
capzipback | -capback | -16 | -Cap (Back) | -
capzipside | -capside | -16 | -Cap (Side) | -
capzipover | -capovereye | -16 | -Cap Tilted | -
capzipup | -caprimup | -16 | -Cap Rim Up | -
beretred | -beret | -16 | -Red Beret | -
beretblk | -beret | -16 | -Black Beret | -
capblk | -cap | -16 | -Black Cap | -
capblkback | -capback | -16 | -Black Cap (Back) | -
capblkside | -capside | -16 | -Black Cap (Side) | -
capblkover | -capovereye | -16 | -Black Cap (Tilt) | -
capblkup | -caprimup | -16 | -Black Cap (Up) | -
trilbydrk | -trilby | -16 | -Dark Trilby | -
trilbylght | -trilby | -16 | -Light Trilby | -
bowler | -bowler | -16 | -Black Derby | -
bowlerred | -bowler | -16 | -Red Derby | -
bowlerblue | -bowler | -16 | -Blue Derby | -
bowleryellow | -bowler | -16 | -Yellow Derby | -
boater | -boater | -16 | -Gray Boater | -
bowlergang | -bowler | -16 | -Green Derby | -
boaterblk | -boater | -16 | -Black Boater | -
Texture | -Model | -Body part | -Description | -
gimpleg | -gimpleg | -17 | -Gimp Suit | -
valet | -valet | -17 | -Valet Uniform | -
countrytr | -countrytr | -17 | -Rural Clothes | -
croupier | -valet | -17 | -Croupier | -
policetr | -policetr | -17 | -Cop | -
balaclava | -balaclava | -17 | -Ski Mask | -
pimptr | -pimptr | -17 | -Pimp Suit | -
garageleg | -garagetr | -17 | -Racing Suit | -
medictr | -medictr | -17 | -Medic Uniform | -
Name | ID | GXT | -
Name | -Position | -Description | -Notes | -
**Los Santos** | -- | - | - |
CJSAFE | -(2502.31,-1699.36,12.4323) | -Ganton garage | -- |
CESAFE1 | -(1352.58,-636.657,108.135) | -Muholland garage | -- |
MUL_LAN | -(1640.37,-1520.07,12.5118) | -Downtown garage | -used in "Life's a Beach" |
IMP_LA | -(1523.92,-1653.23,4.72837) | -impound lot | -- |
DUF_LAS | -(1873.97,-2096.55,12.487) | -El Corona garage | -used in "Los Desperados" |
LASBOMB | -(1843.91,-1858.8,12.3645) | -bomb shop | -- |
MODGLAS | -(1809.46,-2150.67,12.4283) | -Cesar's garage | -- |
CARLAS1 | -(1694.8,-2088.7,12.3636) | -El Corona garage | -- |
BURG_LK | -(2738.4,-2012.55,12.5759) | -burglary garage | -- |
MODLAST | -(2640.78,-2049.99,12.543) | -Loco Low Co | -- |
SPLAW2 | -(491.103,-1747.55,9.45516) | -Verona Beach Pay n Spray | -- |
BEACSV | -(319.326,-1768.93,3.35686) | -Santa Maria Beach garage | -- |
BODLAWN | -(1038.24,-1025.67,31.1027) | -Transfender | -- |
SPRLAE | -(2056.6,-1835.9,12.5443) | -Idlewood Pay n Spray | -- |
SPRLAE | -(1021.81 -1018.71 30.9081) | -Temple Pay n Spray | -- |
**San Fierro** | -- | - | - |
FDORSFE | -(-2171.43,649.416,49.8742) | -Wu Zi's garage | -- |
MICHDR | -(-1790.97,1209.71,23.763) | -Michelle's garage | -- |
SAV1SFE | -(-2108.92,886.553,75.566) | -Windy road garage | -- |
IMP_SF | -(-1652.78,647.502,-6.04924) | -impound lot | -- |
MDS1SFS | -(-2728.53,212.295,3.45112) | -"Wheels Arch Angel" garage | -- |
TBON | -(-2735.46,60.7331,3.07005) | -garage a block south of "Wheels Arch Angel" | -- |
SVGSFS1 | -(-2454.02,-131.556,25.0886) | -Hashbury garage | -- |
MDSSFSE | -(-1941.04,251.714,33.4274) | -Transfender | -- |
SPRSFSE | -(-1908.93,292.353,40.0413) | -Downtown Pay n Spray | -- |
BRGSFSE | -(-2112.48,-21.214,34.303) | -burglary garage | -- |
HBGDSFS | -(-2057.35,150.803,27.8286) | -Doherty garage #1 left | -- |
LCKSFSE | -(-2043.1,118.609,27.821) | -Doherty garage #2 right | -- |
SPRSFW | -(-2430.13,1013.71,49.3413) | -Juniper Hollow Pay n Spray | -- |
SAV1SFW | -(2699.12,821.489,49.0042) | -Paradiso garage | -- |
- | (-1694.78 1033.15 44.1937) | -Esplanade North garage | -used in "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom" |
- | (-1794.15 1429.69 4.37321) | -Downtown garage | -"Ran Fa Li" | -
**Las Venturas** | -- | - | - |
VGELOCK | -(2602.6,1438.84,9.8337) | -burglary garage | -- |
VECMOD | -(2382.28,1044,9.8337) | -Transfender | -- |
VESVGRG | -(2449.5,695.018,10.4742) | -Rockshore West garage | -- |
IMP_LV | -(2218.06,2448.06,-8.43807) | -impound lot | -- |
VGSHNGR | -(1550.98,1155.36,8.97329) | -AT 400 hangar | -- |
BLOB2 | -(2002.96,2303.72,9.61706) | -Welding and Wedding bomb shop | -- |
BLOB1 | -(1968.23,2157.88,9.59696) | -Redsands East Pay n Spray | -- |
BLOB6 | -(1408.65,1899.52,10.115) | -Redsands West garage | -- |
BLOB69 | -(1269.2,2525.14,9.80013) | -Prickle Pine garage | -- |
BLOB7 | -(929.554,2008.59,10.115) | -Whitewood Estates garage | -- |
TIMY1 | -(2389.6,1483.26,9.81843) | -unused Pay n Spray | -(the door doesn't work) | -
**Countryside** | -- | - | - |
CN2SPRY | -(-103.636,1112.42,18.7017) | -Fort Carson Pay n Spray | -- |
CN2GAR1 | -(-364.439,1194.37,18.597) | -Fort Carson garage | -- |
CN2GAR2 | -(430.059,2542.31,15.166) | -Verdant Meadows garage | -- |
GHOSTDR | -(-397.297,2223.17,41.3824) | -garage | - used in "Interdiction" |
DHANGAR | -(383.843,2433.28,15.166) | -Verdant Meadows Hangar | -- |
CESPRAY | -(715.806,-462.403,14.9635) | -Dillimore Pay n Spray | -- |
BURBDOO | -(2227.6,168.649,26.4635) | -Palomino Creek garage | -- |
BURBDO2 | -(783.155,-492.75,16.3361) | -Dillimore garage | -- |
CNSPRAY | -(-1424.11,2576.61,54.8156) | -El Quebrados Pay n Spray | -- |
AMUMIS | -(-2114.42,-2462.27,29.4809) | -Angel Pine Ammunation garage | -
Texture | -Model | -[Body part](player-body-parts.html) | -Description | -
afro | -afro | -1 | -Afro | -
afrobeard | -afro | -1 | -Afro & Beard | -
afroblond | -afro | -1 | -Blonde Afro | -
afrogoatee | -afro | -1 | -Afro & Goatee | -
afrotash | -afro | -1 | -Afro & Stash | -
bald | -head | -1 | -Bald Head | -
baldbeard | -head | -1 | -Bald & Beard | -
baldgoatee | -head | -1 | -Bald & Goatee | -
baldtash | -head | -1 | -Bald & Stash | -
beard | -head | -1 | -Cesar & Beard | -
cornrows | -cornrows | -1 | -Cornrow | -
cornrowsb | -cornrows | -1 | -Blonde Cornrow | -
elvishair | -elvishair | -1 | -Elvis Hair | -
flattop | -flattop | -1 | -FlatTop | -
goatee | -head | -1 | -Cesar & Goatee | -
groovecut | -groovecut | -1 | -Groove Cut | -
hairblond | -head | -1 | -Blonde Hair | -
hairblue | -head | -1 | -Blue Hair | -
hairgreen | -head | -1 | -Green Hair | -
hairpink | -head | -1 | -Pink Hair | -
hairred | -Head | -1 | -Red Hair | -
highafro | -highafro | -1 | -High Afro | -
highfade | -head | -1 | -High Fade | -
jhericurl | -jheri | -1 | -Jheri Curl | -
mohawk | -mohawk | -1 | -Mowhawk | -
mohawkbeard | -mohawk | -1 | -Mohawk & Beard | -
mohawkblond | -mohawk | -1 | -Blonde Mowhawk | -
mohawkpink | -mohawk | -1 | -Pink Mowhawk | -
player_face | -head | -1 | -Cesar | -
slope | -slope | -1 | -Slope | -
tash | -head | -1 | -Cesar & Stash | -
tramline | -tramline | -1 | -Detail Cut | -
wedge | -wedge | -1 | -Wedge | -
Number | -Name | -Description | -
1 | -ABATOIR | -Sindacco Abattoir | -
1 | -AMMUN1 | -Ammu-Nation | -
1 | -CARMOD1 | -TransFender | -
1 | -FDREST1 | -World of Coq | -
1 | -GF1 | -Denise's | -
1 | -JETINT | -Shamal interior | -
1 | -LACS1 | -Sub Urban | -
1 | -LAHS1B | -House | -
1 | -MAFCAS | -Caligulas Casino | -
1 | -MAFCAS2 | -Penthouse Suites | -
1 | -- | -Saint Mark's | -
1 | -SMASHTV | -Warehouse | -
1 | -- | -Stadium with wooden sandbox | -
1 | -SVVGHO1 | -Hotel Suite | -
1 | -SWEETS | -Sweet's House | -
1 | -- | -Trailer | -
1 | -TSDINER | -Truck Stop | -
1 | -WUZIBET | -Wu Zi Mu's | -
2 | -BARBERS | -Barber | -
2 | -BDUPS1 | -B Dup's Crack Palace | -
2 | -CARMOD2 | -Loco Low Co. | -
2 | -CARTER | -Smokes Crack Palace | -
2 | -GF2 | -Katie's | -
2 | -LAHS1A | -House | -
2 | -LASTRIP | -Strip Club | -
2 | -RYDERS | -Ryder's Place | -
2 | -SVVGHO2 | -Hotel Suite | -
2 | -VGHSB1 | -House | -
2 | -VGHSB3 | -House | -
3 | -BARBER2 | -Barber | -
3 | -BDUPS | -B Dup's apartment | -
3 | -BIKESCH | -Bike School | -
3 | -BROTHL1 | -Whore House | -
3 | -CARLS | -The Johnson House | -
3 | -CARMOD3 | -Wheel Arch Angels | -
3 | -CHANGER | -Wardrobe | -
3 | -CSSPRT | -Pro-Laps | -
3 | -DRIVES | -Driving School | -
3 | -DRIVES2 | -Driving School | -
3 | -GENOTB | -Inside Track Betting | -
3 | -GF3 | -Helena's | -
3 | -LAHSB4 | -House | -
3 | -OGLOCS | -OG Loc's | -
3 | -PAPER | -Planning Department | -
3 | -PDOMES | -The Pleasure Domes | -
3 | -PDOMES2 | -The Pleasure Domes | -
3 | -POLICE3 | -LVPD HQ | -
3 | -SEXSHOP | -Sex Shop | -
3 | -S1TEST | -Middle of nowhere | -
3 | -STRIP2 | -Strip Club | -
3 | -STUDIO | -Blastin' Fools Records studio | -
3 | -TATTO3 | -Tattoo Parlor | -
4 | -AMMUN2 | -Ammu-Nation | -
4 | -DINER1 | -Diner | -
4 | -DIRBIKE | -Dirt Stadium | -
4 | -GF4 | -Michelle's | -
4 | -LAHS2A | -House | -
4 | -LAHSS6 | -House | -
4 | -SFHSM2 | -House | -
4 | -X711S2 | -24-7 | -
5 | -CSDESGN | -Victim | -
5 | -DINER2 | -Diner | -
5 | -FDPIZA | -Pizza Stack | -
5 | -GANG | -Vagos Gang House | -
5 | -GF5 | -Barbara's | -
5 | -GYM1 | -Ganton Gym | -
5 | -LACRAK | -Crack Den | -
5 | -LAHSB3 | -House | -
5 | -MADDOGS | -Madd Dogg's Crib | -
5 | -MDDOGS | -Madd Dogg's Crib | -
5 | -SFHSB1 | -House | -
5 | -SVHOT1 | -Hotel Suite | -
5 | -VGHSM2 | -House | -
6 | -AMMUN3 | -Ammu-Nation | -
6 | -AMMUN5 | -Ammu-Nation | -
6 | -BROTHEL | -Whore House | -
6 | -GF6 | -Millie's | -
6 | -GYM2 | -Cobra Marital Arts | -
6 | -LAHSB1 | -House | -
6 | -POLICE1 | -LSPD HQ | -
6 | -RCPLAY | -Zero's RC Shop | -
6 | -REST2 | -Secret Valley | -
6 | -SFHSB2 | -House | -
6 | -SFHSS2 | -House | -
6 | -SVCUNT | -Safe House | -
6 | -SVSFSM | -Safe House | -
6 | -X7_11S | -24-7 | -
7 | -8TRACK | -8-Track Stadium | -
7 | -AMMUN4 | -Ammu-Nation | -
7 | -GYM3 | -Below the Belt Gym | -
7 | -LAHSB2 | -House | -
7 | -OFTEST | -Middle of nowhere | -
8 | -BURHOUS | -Colonel Fuhrberger's | -
8 | -SFHSS1 | -House | -
8 | -SVLAMD | -Safe House | -
9 | -FDCHICK | -Cluckin' Bell | -
9 | -LAHS2B | -House | -
9 | -SFHSB3 | -House | -
9 | -SVGNMT2 | -Motel room | -
9 | -SVVGMD | -Safe House | -
10 | -DESHOUS | -Abandoned AC tower | -
10 | -FDBURG | -Burger Shot | -
10 | -POLICE2 | -SFPD HQ | -
10 | -SVGNMT1 | -Motel room | -
10 | -TRICAS | -The Four Dragon's | -
10 | -- | -The Four Dragon's Casino's maintenance room | -
10 | -SVSFMD | -Safe House | -
10 | -VGHSM3 | -House | -
10 | -X711S3 | -24-7 | -
10 | -- | -Zero's No Man's Land | -
11 | -BAR2 | -Bar | -
11 | -SVLASM | -Safe House | -
12 | -BARBER3 | -Barber | -
12 | -MOROOM | -Motel room | -
12 | -SVLABIG | -Safe House | -
14 | -CSEXL | -Didier Sachs | -
14 | -AIRPOR2 | -Los Santos International Airport | -
14 | -AIRPORT | -Francis Intl. Airport | -
15 | -CSCHP | -Binco | -
15 | -MOTEL1 | -Jefferson Motel | -
15 | -SFHSM1 | -House | -
15 | -VGHSS1 | -House | -
15 | -VGSHM2 | -House | -
15 | -VGSHM3 | -House | -
15 | -VGSHS2 | -House | -
16 | -- | -Stadium with giant round circular raised platform in middle | -
16 | -TATTOO | -Tattoo Parlor | -
16 | -X7_11C | -24-7 | -
17 | -BAR1 | -Bar | -
17 | -DAMIN | -Generator Hall | -
17 | -FDDONUT | -Rusty Brown's | -
17 | -TATTO2 | -Tattoo Parlor | -
17 | -X7_11D | -24-7 | -
18 | -ATRIUME | -Atrium | -
18 | -ATRIUMX | -Attrium | -
18 | -CLOTHGP | -Zip | -
18 | -GENWRHS | -Warehouse | -
18 | -UFOBAR | -Lil' Probe Inn | -
18 | -X7_11B | -24-7 | -
Description | -ID | -
Type | -Description | -
0 | -PLAYER1 | -
1 | -PLAYER2 | -
4 | -CIVMALE | -
5 | -CIVFEMALE | -
6 | -COP | -
7 | -GANG1 (Ballas) | -
8 | -GANG2 (Grove Street Families) | -
9 | -GANG3 (Los Santos Vagos) | -
10 | -GANG4 (San Fierro Rifa) | -
11 | -GANG5 (Da Nang Boys) | -
12 | -GANG6 (Mafia) | -
13 | -GANG7 (Mountain Cloud Triad) | -
14 | -GANG8 (Varrio Los Aztecas) | -
15 | -GANG9 (unused) | -
16 | -GANG10 (unused) | -
17 | -DEALER | -
18 | -MEDIC | -
19 | -FIREMAN | -
20 | -CRIMINAL | -
21 | -BUM* | -
22 | -PROSTITUTE | -
23 | -SPECIAL | -
24 | -MISSION1 | -
25 | -MISSION2 | -
26 | -MISSION3 | -
27 | -MISSION4 | -
28 | -MISSION5 | -
29 | -MISSION6 | -
30 | -MISSION7 | -
31 | -MISSION8 | -
ID | -Description | -
0 | -[Torso](clothes.md#torso) | -
1 | -[Head](haircuts.md) | -
2 | -[Legs](clothes.md#legs) | -
3 | -[Shoes](clothes.md#legs) | -
4 | -[Lower left arm](tattoos.md#lower-left-arm) | -
5 | -[Upper left arm](tattoos.md#upper-left-arm) | -
6 | -[Upper right arm](tattoos.md#upper-right-arm) | -
7 | -[Lower right arm](tattoos.md#lower-right-arm) | -
8 | -[Back top](tattoos.md#back-top) | -
9 | -[Left chest](tattoos.md#left-chest) | -
10 | -[Right chest](tattoos.md#right-chest) | -
11 | -[Stomach](tattoos.md#stomach) | -
12 | -[Lower back](tattoos.md#lower-back) | -
13 | -[Necklace](clothes.md#necklaces) | -
14 | -[Bracelet/Watch](clothes.md#watches) | -
15 | -[Glasses](clothes.md#glasses) | -
16 | -[Hats](clothes.md#hats) | -
17 | -[Special clothes as Valet, Gimp suit](clothes.md#special) | -
Description | -ID | -GUI | -GXT | -
ID | -Description | -
ANDRE | -Andre | -
BBTHIN | -Big Bear (thin) | -
BB | -Big Bear (fat) | -
CAT | -Catalina | -
CESAR | -Cesar | -
COPGRL1 | -The naked girl 1 | -
COPGRL2 | -Girl 1 | -
CLAUDE | -Claude from GTA3 | -
CROGRL1 | -The naked girl 2 | -
CROGRL2 | -Girl 2 | -
DWAYNE | -Dwayne | -
EMMET | -Emmet | -
FORELLI | -Forelli | -
JANITOR | -mechanic | -
JETHRO | -Jethro | -
JIZZY | -Jizzy | -
HERN | -Hernandes | -
GANGRL1 | -The naked girl 3 | -
GANGRL2 | -Girl 3 | -
GUNGRL1 | -The naked girl 4 | -
GUNGRL2 | -Girl 4 | -
KENDL | -Kendel | -
MACCER | -Maccer | -
MADDOGG | -Mad Dog | -
MECGRL1 | -The naked girl 5 | -
MECGRL2 | -Girl 5 | -
NURGRL1 | -The naked nurse | -
NURGRL2 | -nurse | -
NURGRL2 | -nurse | -
OGLOC | -OG Loc | -
PAUL | -Kent Paul | -
PULASKI | -Pulaski | -
ROSE | -Ken Rosenberg | -
RYDER1 | -Ryder (1) | -
RYDER2 | -Ryder (2) | -
RYDER3 | -Ryder (3) | -
SINDACO | -Sindaco | -
SMOKE | -Big Smoke | -
SMOKEV | -with body armour | -
SUZIE | -Suzie | -
SWEET | -Sweet | -
TBONE | -T Bone | -
TENPEN | -Tenpeni | -
TORINO | -Torino | -
TRUTH | -righteous man | -
WUZIMU | -Wu Zi | -
ZERO | -Zero | -
ID | -Description | -
0 | -Progress made | -
1 | -Total progress | -
2 | -Furthest Hoop | -
3 | -Distance travelled on foot | -
4 | -Distance travelled by car | -
5 | -Distance travelled by motorbike | -
6 | -Distance travelled by boat | -
7 | -Distance travelled by golf cart | -
8 | -Distance travelled by helicopter | -
9 | -Distance travelled by plane | -
10 | -Longest Wheelie distance | -
11 | -Longest Stoppie distance | -
12 | -Longest 2 wheels distance | -
13 | -Weapon Budget | -
14 | -Fashion Budget | -
15 | -Property Budget | -
16 | -Auto Repair and Painting Budget | -
17 | -Longest Wheelie time | -
18 | -Longest Stoppie time | -
19 | -Longest 2 wheels time | -
20 | -Food Budget | -
21 | -Fat | -
22 | -Stamina | -
23 | -Muscle | -
24 | -Max Health | -
25 | -Sex appeal | -
26 | -Distance travelled by swimming | -
27 | -Distance travelled by bicycle | -
28 | -Distance travelled on treadmill | -
29 | -Distance travelled on exercise bike | -
30 | -Tattoo budget | -
31 | -Hairdressing budget | -
32 | -Girlfriend budget | -
33 | -Prostitute budget | -
34 | -Furniture budget | -
35 | -Money spent gambling | -
36 | -Money made from pimping | -
37 | -Money won gambling | -
38 | -Biggest gambling win | -
39 | -Biggest gambling loss | -
40 | -Largest burglary swag | -
41 | -Money made from burglary | -
42 | -Money spent building property | -
43 | -unused | -
44 | -Longest treadmill time | -
45 | -Longest exercise bike time | -
46 | -Heaviest weight on bench press | -
47 | -Heaviest weight on dumbbells | -
48 | -Best time in 8-Track | -
49 | -BMX best time | -
50 | -Lightest weight | -
51 | -Longest chase time with 5 or more stars | -
52 | -Last chase time with 5 or more stars | -
53 | -Wage bill | -
54 | -Strip club budget | -
55 | -Car modification budget | -
56 | -Time spent shopping | -
57 | -Time spent gambling | -
58 | -Time spent on longest mission | -
59 | -Time spent on quickest mission | -
60 | -Average mission time | -
61 | -Drugs budget | -
62 | -Total shopping budget | -
63 | -Time spent underwater | -
64 | -Total respect | -
65 | -Girlfriend respect | -
66 | -Clothes respect | -
67 | -Fitness respect | -
68 | -Respect | -
69 | -Pistol Skill | -
70 | -Silenced Pistol Skill | -
71 | -Desert Eagle Skill | -
72 | -Shotgun Skill | -
73 | -Sawn-Off Shotgun Skill | -
74 | -Combat Shotgun Skill | -
75 | -Machine Pistol Skill | -
76 | -SMG Skill | -
77 | -AK-47 Skill | -
78 | -M4 Skill | -
79 | -Rifle Skill | -
80 | -Appearance | -
81 | -Gambling | -
82 | -119 unused | -
120 | -People wasted by others | -
121 | -People you've wasted | -
122 | -Road Vehicles destroyed | -
123 | -Boats destroyed | -
124 | -Planes & Helicopters destroyed | -
125 | -Cost of property damaged | -
126 | -Bullets fired | -
127 | -Kgs of explosives used | -
128 | -Bullets that hit | -
129 | -Tires popped with gunfire | -
130 | -Number of headshots | -
131 | -Total number of wanted stars attained | -
132 | -Total number of wanted stars evaded | -
133 | -Times busted | -
134 | -Days passed in game | -
135 | -Number of hospital visits | -
136 | -Safehouse visits | -
137 | -Times cheated | -
138 | -Vehicle Resprays | -
139 | -Maximum INSANE Jump distance | -
140 | -Maximum INSANE Jump height | -
141 | -Maximum INSANE Jump flips | -
142 | -Maximum INSANE Jump rotation | -
143 | -Best INSANE stunt awarded | -
144 | -Unique Jumps found | -
145 | -Unique Jumps done | -
146 | -Mission attempts | -
147 | -Missions passed | -
148 | -Total number of missions in game | -
149 | -Cash made in a Taxi | -
150 | -Passengers dropped off | -
151 | -People saved in an Ambulance | -
152 | -Criminals killed on Vigilante Mission | -
153 | -Total fires extinguished | -
154 | -Packages Delivered | -
155 | -Assassinations | -
156 | -Last dance score | -
157 | -Highest Vigilante Mission level | -
158 | -Highest Paramedic Mission level | -
159 | -Highest Firefighter Mission level | -
160 | -Driving skill | -
161 | -Number of Truck missions passed | -
162 | -Money made in Truck | -
163 | -Recruited gang members killed | -
164 | -Armor | -
165 | -Energy | -
166 | -Photographs Taken | -
167 | -Rampages attempted | -
168 | -Rampages passed | -
169 | -Flight time | -
170 | -Times drowned | -
171 | -Number of girls pimped | -
172 | -Best position in 8-Track | -
173 | -Time on jetpack | -
174 | -Shooting range levels passed | -
175 | -Most cars parked on 'Valet Parking' | -
176 | -Kills since last checkpoint | -
177 | -Total legitimate kills | -
178 | -Number of 'Bloodring' kills | -
179 | -Total time in bloodring | -
180 | -No more hurricanes Flag | -
181 | -City unlocked | -
182 | -Number of Police bribes | -
183 | -Number of cars stolen | -
184 | -Current number of girlfriends | -
185 | -Number of disastrous dates | -
186 | -Number of girls dated | -
187 | -Number of times scored with a girl | -
188 | -Number of successful dates | -
189 | -Number of girls dumped | -
190 | -Number of prostitutes visited | -
191 | -Number of houses burgled | -
192 | -Number of safes cracked | -
193 | -Burgular status | -
194 | -Number of stolen items sold | -
195 | -Number of eight balls in pool | -
196 | -Total number of wins playing pool | -
197 | -Total number of losses playing pool | -
198 | -Times visited the gym | -
199 | -Body type | -
200 | -Number of meals eaten | -
201 | -Money made in Quarry | -
202 | -Time taken to Complete Quarry | -
203 | -Number of furniture purchased | -
204 | -Favorite console game | -
205 | -Highest civilian peds killed on Rampage | -
206 | -Highest police peds killed on Rampage | -
207 | -Highest civilian vehicles destroyed on Rampage | -
208 | -Highest police vehicles destroyed on Rampage | -
209 | -Highest number of tanks destroyed on Rampage | -
210 | -Pimping level | -
211 | -Kickstart best score | -
212 | -Best lap time in 8-Track | -
213 | -Number of vehicles exported | -
214 | -Number of vehicles imported | -
215 | -Highest basketball score | -
216 | -Fires started | -
217 | -Amount of drugs sold | -
218 | -Amount of drugs bought | -
219 | -Best lap time in dirt track | -
220 | -Best time in dirt track | -
221 | -Best position in dirt track | -
222 | -NRG-500 best time | -
223 | -Flying skill | -
224 | -Respect Mission | -
225 | -Lung capacity | -
226 | -Game gore rating | -
227 | -Game sex rating | -
228 | -Respect Mission Total | -
229 | -Bike skill | -
230 | -Cycling skill | -
231 | -Snapshots taken | -
232 | -Total snapshots | -
233 | -Luck | -
234 | -Territories taken over | -
235 | -Territories lost | -
236 | -Territories held | -
237 | -Highest number of territories held | -
238 | -Gang members recruited | -
239 | -Enemy gang members killed | -
240 | -Friendly gang members killed | -
241 | -Horseshoes collected | -
242 | -Total horseshoes | -
243 | -Oysters collected | -
244 | -Total oysters | -
245 | -Calories | -
246 | -2 Player Rampage best time | -
247 | -2 Player Car Rampage best time | -
248 | -2 Player On Foot Rampage best time | -
249 | -2 Player Chopper Rampage best time | -
250 | -2 Player Bike Rampage best time | -
251 | -'Keepie Uppy' best time | -
252 | -Progress with Denise | -
253 | -Progress with Michelle | -
254 | -Progress with Helena | -
255 | -Progress with Barbara | -
256 | -Progress with Katie | -
257 | -Progress with Millie | -
258 | -Best position in Lowrider Race | -
259 | -Best time in Lowrider Race | -
260 | -Best position in Little Loop | -
261 | -Best time in Little Loop | -
262 | -Best position in Backroad Wanderer | -
263 | -Best time in Backroad Wanderer | -
264 | -Best position in City Circuit | -
265 | -Best time in City Circuit | -
266 | -Best position in Vinewood | -
267 | -Best time in Vinewood | -
268 | -Best position in Freeway | -
269 | -Best time in Freeway | -
270 | -Best position in Into the Country | -
271 | -Best time in Into the Country | -
272 | -Best position in Badlands A | -
273 | -Best time in Badlands A | -
274 | -Best position in Badlands B | -
275 | -Best time in Badlands B | -
276 | -Best position in Dirtbike Danger | -
277 | -Best time in Dirtbike Danger | -
278 | -Best position in Bandito County | -
279 | -Best time in Bandito County | -
280 | -Best position in Go-Go-Kart | -
281 | -Best time in Go-Go-Kart | -
282 | -Best position in San Fierro Fastlane | -
283 | -Best time in San Fierro Fastlane | -
284 | -Best position in San Fierro Hills | -
285 | -Best time in San Fierro Hills | -
286 | -Best position in Country Endurance | -
287 | -Best time in Country Endurance | -
288 | -Best position in SF to LV | -
289 | -Best time in SF to LV | -
290 | -Best position in Dam Rider | -
291 | -Best time in Dam Rider | -
292 | -Best position in Desert Tricks | -
293 | -Best time in Desert Tricks | -
294 | -Best position in LV Ringroad | -
295 | -Best time in LV Ringroad | -
296 | -Best time in World War Aces | -
297 | -Best time in Barnstorming | -
298 | -Best time in Military Service | -
299 | -Best time in Chopper Checkpoint | -
300 | -Best time in Whirly Bird Waypoint | -
301 | -Best time in Heli Hell | -
302 | -Drive-thru mission accomplished | -
303 | -Management Issues mission accomplished | -
304 | -555 WE TIP mission accomplished | -
305 | -Yay Ka-Boom-Boom mission accomplished | -
306 | -Fish in a Barrel mission accomplished | -
307 | -Breaking the Bank at Caligula's mission accomplished | -
308 | -A Home In The Hills mission accomplished | -
309 | -maybe set riot mode | -
310 | -Ryder's mission Robbing Uncle Sam accomplished | -
311 | -Mike Toreno mission accomplished | -
312 | -Architectural Espionage mission accomplished | -
313 | -Jizzy mission accomplished | -
314 | -Reuniting the Families mission accomplished | -
315 | -Small Town Bank mission accomplished | -
316 | -Photo Opportunity mission accomplished | -
317 | -Don Peyote mission accomplished | -
318 | -Local Liquor Store mission accomplished | -
319 | -Badlands mission accomplished | -
320 | -Playing time | -
321 | -Hidden Packages found | -
322 | -Tags sprayed | -
323 | -Least favorite gang | -
324 | -Gang members wasted | -
325 | -Criminals wasted | -
326 | -Most Favorite Radio Station | -
327 | -Least Favorite Radio Station | -
328 | -Current weapon skill | -
329 | -Weapon skill levels | -
330 | -Pilot ranking | -
331 | -Strongest Gang | -
332 | -2nd strongest gang | -
333 | -3rd strongest gang | -
334 | -Money lost gambling | -
335 | -Riot Mission accomplished | -
336 | -Gang strength | -
337 | -Territory under control | -
338 | -Are you going to San Fierro? mission accomplished | -
339 | -High Noon mission accomplished | -
340 | -The Green Sabre mission accomplished | -
341 | -maybe Catalina meeting | -
342 | -maybe Wu Zi meeting | -
Texture | -Model | -Body Part | -Tattoo Name | -Image | -
4weed | -4WEED | -4 | -Weed | - | -
4rip | -4RIP | -4 | -Grave | - | -
4spider | -4SPIDER | -4 | -Spider | - | -
Texture | -Model | -Body Part | -Tattoo Name | -Image | -
5gun | -5GUN | -5 | -Gun | - | -
5cross | -5CROSS | -5 | -Cross | - | -
5cross2 | -5CROSS2 | -5 | -Rose | - | -
5cross3 | -5CROSS3 | -5 | -Clown | - | -
Texture | -Model | -Body Part | -Tattoo Name | -Image | -
6aztec | -6AZTEC | -6 | -Aztec | - | -
6crown | -6CROWN | -6 | -Web | - | -
6clown | -6CLOWN | -6 | -Clown | - | -
6africa | -6AFRICA | -6 | -Africa | - | -
Texture | -Model | -Body Part | -Tattoo Name | -Image | -
7cross | -7CROSS | -7 | -Cross | - | -
7cross2 | -7CROSS2 | -7 | -Cross | - | -
7cross3 | -7CROSS3 | -7 | -Cross | - | -
7mary | -7MARY | -7 | -Mary | - | -
Texture | -Model | -Body Part | -Tattoo Name | -Image | -
8sa | -8SA | -8 | -Grove St . | - | -
8sa2 | -8SA2 | -8 | -San Andreas | - | -
8sa3 | -8SA3 | -8 | -San Fierro | - | -
8westside | -8WESTSD | -8 | -Westside | - | -
8santos | -8SANTOS | -8 | -Los Santos | - | -
8poker | -8POKER | -8 | -Card | - | -
8gun | -8GUN | -8 | -Gun | - | -
Texture | -Model | -Body Part | -Tattoo Name | -Image | -
9crown | -9CROWN | -9 | -Crown | - | -
9gun | -9GUN | -9 | -Gun | - | -
9gun2 | -9GUN2 | -9 | -Gun | - | -
9homeboy | -9HOMBY | -9 | -Homeboy | - | -
9bullet | -9BULLT | -9 | -Bullet | - | -
9rasta | -9RASTA | -9 | -Rasta | - | -
Texture | -Model | -Body Part | -Tattoo Name | -Image | -
10ls | -10LS | -10 | -Los Santos | - | -
10ls2 | -10LS2 | -10 | -Los Santos | - | -
10ls3 | -10LS3 | -10 | -Los Santos | - | -
10ls4 | -10LS4 | -10 | -Los Santos | - | -
10ls5 | -10LS5 | -10 | -Los Santos | - | -
10og | -10OG | -10 | -O.G. | - | -
10weed | -10WEED | -10 | -Grove | - | -
Texture | -Model | -Body Part | -Tattoo Name | -Image | -
11grove | -11GROVE | -11 | -Grove | - | -
11grove2 | -11GROV2 | -11 | -Grove | - | -
11grove3 | -11GROV3 | -11 | -Grove | - | -
11dice | -11DICE | -11 | -Dice | - | -
11dice2 | -11DICE2 | -11 | -Dice | - | -
11jail | -11JAIL | -11 | -Jail | - | -
11godsgift | -11GGIFT | -11 | -God's Gift | - | -
Texture | -Model | -Body Part | -Tattoo Name | -Image | -
12angels | -12ANGEL | -12 | -Angel | - | -
12mayabird | -12MAYBR | -12 | -Mayan Bird | - | -
12dagger | -12DAGER | -12 | -Dagger | - | -
12bandit | -12BNDIT | -12 | -Masks | - | -
12cross7 | -12CROSS | -12 | -Cross | - | -
12mayaface | -12MYFAC | -12 | -Mayan Face | - | -
Type | -Engine | -Carriage 1 | -Carriage 2 | -Carriage 3 | -Carriage 4 | -Carriage 5 | -
1,2,4,7,11: | -#STREAK | -#STREAKC | -#STREAKC | -- | - | - |
3: | -#FREIGHT | -#FREIFLAT | -#FREIFLAT | -#FREIFLAT | -- | - |
5: | -#STREAK | -#STREAKC | -#STREAKC | -#STREAKC | -- | - |
6: | -#FREIGHT | -#FREIFLAT | -#FREIFLAT | -- | - | - |
8: | -#TRAM | -#TRAM | -- | - | - | - |
9,14: | -#TRAM | -- | - | - | - | - |
10: | -#FREIGHT | -#FREIFLAT | -- | - | - | - |
15: | -#STREAK | -- | - | - | - |
Model name | -Model ID | -Variant | -
#ambulan | -416 | -**Numbers:**\ -**0:** 64\ -**1: **16\ -**2:** 47 | -
#artict1 | -435 | -**Side Ads:**\ -**0: **Cok-o-Pops\ -**1:** Munky Juice\ -**2:** Hinterland\ -**3:** Zip\ -**4:** RS Haul\ -**5:** Ranch | -
#artict2 | -450 | -**Contents:**\ -**0:** Filled with gravel /** **coal / stone | -
#bagboxb | -607 | -**Contents:**\ -**0, 1, 2: **Various distributions of loose baggage | -
#baggage | -485 | -**Rear Cargo Items:**\ -**0: **Earmuffs\ -**1:** Small Case\ -**2:** Large Case | -
#barracks | -433 | -**Bed Covering:**\ -**0: **Opaque Fabric\ -**1:** Camo Netting | -
#benson | -499 | -**Side Ads:**\ -**0: **Shady Industries\ -**1:** LSD\ -**2:** The Uphill Gardener\ -**3:** Discount Furniture | -
#bf400 | -581 | -**Exhausts:**\ -**0: **Single Type 1\ -**1:** Single Type 2\ -**Fairings (with windshields):**\ -**3: **Dual Type3\ -**4:** Half-size\ -**5:** Full-size | -
#bfinject | -424 | -**Body: **\ -**0: **Side Panels | -
#bloodra | -504 | -**Numbers/ Roof Color:**\ -**0: **328/ White\ -**1:** 464/ Check\ -**2:** 172/ Check\ -**3:** 100/ White\ -**4:** 284/ White\ -**5:** 505/ Check | -
#bobcat | -422 | -**Bed Items:**\ -**0: **Spare Tire\ -**1:** Sprunk Cans | -
#burrito | -482 | -**Roof Items:**\ -**0: **Roof Lights + Spoiler | -
#caddy | -457 | -**Rear Cargo Items (Driver Side): **\ -**0:** Golfbag1\ -**1:** Satchel1\ -**2:** Golfbag2\ -**Rear Cargo Items (Pass Side):**\ -**3:** Satchel2\ -**4:** Golfbag3\ -**5:** Golfbag4 | -
#camper | -483 | -**0: **Open Curtains & Second Bench Seat\ -**1:** Open Roof & Vent Closed & Curtains Bed in Back Peace Sign | -
#cheetah | -415 | -**Side Mirrors:**\ -**0:** Single, Placed High\ -**1:** Dual, Placed Normally | -
#coach | -437 | -**Name on Side:**\ -**0: **Big O Tours\ -**1:** Bikini Line | -
#coastg | -472 | -**Various Items:**\ -**0: **Items all Over\ -**1:** Items Grouped in Back\ -**3:** Items all Over +2 Oars in Front | -
#fcr900 | -521 | -**Exhausts: **\ -**0:** Single Type1\ -**1:** Dual Type1\ -**2:** Dual Type2\ -**Fairings (with Windshields):**\ -**3: **Half-size\ -**4:** Full-size | -
#firetruk | -407 | -**Numbers:**\ -**0: **64\ -**1:** 16\ -**2:** 47 | -
#flatbed | -455 | -**Cargo:**\ -**0: **Crates in Front\ -**1:** Crates in center under Tarp\ -**2:** Two Sets of crates (Front and Back) | -
#hotknife | -434 | -**0:** Partial Engine Cover | -
#hotrina | -502 | -**Numbers:**\ -**0: **96\ -**1: **67\ -**2: **73\ -**3: **52\ -**4: **45\ -**5: **14 | -
#hotrinb | -503 | -**Numbers:**\ -**0: **82\ -**1: **26\ -**2: **65\ -**3: **07\ -**4: **36\ -**5: **60 | -
#kart | -571 | -**Body Panels:**\ -**0: **Both Sides\ -**1: **Steering Column | -
#launch | -595 | -**Roofs:**\ -**0: **Over passenger section\ -**1: **Over driver section | -
#marquis | -484 | -**0: **Windshield over cabin Entrance | -
#mesa | -500 | -**0: **Roof Over Back\ -**1: **Roll Bar in Back | -
#monstera | -556 | -**0: **Roof Spoiler\ -**1: **Roof Lights\ -**2: **Roll Bar with Lights | -
#monsterb | -557 | -**1: **Roof Lights | -
#mrwhoop | -423 | -**Rear Sign:**\ -**0: **Cherry Popping Good\ -**1: **Slow Children Ahead | -
#mule | -414 | -**Side Ads:**\ -**0: **Toy Corner\ -**1: **Binco\ -**2: **Semi\ -**3: **Shafted Appliances | -
#nrg500 | -522 | -**Exhausts: **\ -**0: **Single Pair1\ -**1: **Single Pair2\ -**2: **Dual Pair2\ - \ -**Fairings (with Windshields):**\ -**3: **Smooth\ -**4: **With Side Cutouts | -
#patriot | -470 | -**Cargo Area:**\ -**0: **Low Cover\ -**1: **Roof/High Cover\ -**2: **Roll Bar | -
#peren | -404 | -**0: **Roof Rack | -
#picador | -600 | -**Items in Bed:**\ -**0: **Planks\ -**1: **Sprunk Cans | -
#pony | -413 | -**0: **Sound System in Back | -
#reefer | -453 | -**Items in Back:**\ -**0: **Boxes of Fish\ -**1: **Bench | -
#romero | -442 | -**Coffins:**\ -**0: **Brown Style1\ -**1: **Black Style2\ -**2: **Brown Style3 | -
#rumpo | -440 | -**Side Ads:**\ -**0: **Cok-o-Pops\ -**1: **Harry Plums\ -**2: **Dick Goblin's\ -**3: **Final Build\ -**4: **Transfender\ -**5:** Wheel Arch Angels | -
#sadler | -543 | -**Items in Bed:**\ -**0: **Two Propane Tanks & Crate\ -**1: **Two Barrels\ -**2: **Sprunk Cans\ -**3: **Open Crates | -
#sadlshit | -605 | -**Items in Bed:**\ -**0: **Two Propane Tanks & Crate\ -**1: **Two Barrels\ -**2: **Sprunk Cans\ -**3: **Open Crates | -
#securica | -428 | -**Side Logo:**\ -**0: **Chuff\ -**1: **Lock&Load | -
#slamvan | -535 | -**Steering Wheel:**\ -**0: **Normal\ -**1: **Chain | -
#stallion | -439 | -**Roof:**\ -**0: **Hardtop\ -**1: **Softtop (up)\ -**2: **Softtop (folded) | -
#supergt | -506 | -**0: **Full Roof | -
#swatvan | -601 | -**Number:**\ -**0: **1\ -**1: **9\ -**2: **6\ -**3: **7 | -
#topfun | -459 | -**0: **Boxes of Toys in Back | -
#tram | -449 | -? | -
#trash | -408 | -**0: **Some bits of trash sticking out of the back | -
#utility | -552 | -**0, 1: **Cones, Barrel in back, Cone lying on passenger | driver side rail | -
#walton | -478 | -**Items in Bed:**\ -**0: **Two Propane Tanks\ -**1: **Open Crates\ -**2: **Propane Tank and Barrel | -
#windsor | -555 | -**0: **Roof | -
#yankee | -456 | -**Side Ads:**\ -**0: **Big Gas\ -**1: **RS Haul\ -**2: **Star Balls\ -**3: **Flower Power | -
#zr350 | -477 | -**0: **Rear Spoiler | -
Name | -ID | -Model | -Group | -GUI | -GXT | -
Description | -ID | -GXT | -
Type | -Description | -
0 | -BUSINESS | -
1 | -DESERT | -
7 | -GANGLAND | -
8 | -BEACH | -
9 | -SHOPPING | -
10 | -PARK | -
11 | -INDUSTRY | -
16 | -AIRPORT | -
17 | -GOLF_CLUB | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
LA | -Los Santos | -LA | -
RIH1a | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH1b | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH2 | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH3a | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH3b | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH4 | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH5a | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH5b | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH6a | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH6b | -Richman | -RIH | -
MUL1a | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL1b | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL1c | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL2a | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL2b | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL3 | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL4 | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL5a | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL5b | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL5c | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL6 | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL7a | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL7b | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MULINT | -Mulholland Intersection | -MULINT | -
SUN1 | -Temple | -SUN | -
SUN2 | -Temple | -SUN | -
SUN3a | -Temple | -SUN | -
SUN3b | -Temple | -SUN | -
SUN3c | -Temple | -SUN | -
SUN4 | -Temple | -SUN | -
CHC1a | -Las Colinas | -CHC | -
CHC1b | -Las Colinas | -CHC | -
CHC2a | -Las Colinas | -CHC | -
CHC2b | -Las Colinas | -CHC | -
CHC3 | -Las Colinas | -CHC | -
CHC4a | -Las Colinas | -CHC | -
CHC4b | -Las Colinas | -CHC | -
VIN1a | -Vinewood | -VIN | -
VIN1b | -Vinewood | -VIN | -
VIN2 | -Vinewood | -VIN | -
VIN3 | -Vinewood | -VIN | -
LDT1a | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT1b | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT1c | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT3 | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT4 | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT5 | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT6 | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT7 | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT8 | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
GLN1 | -Glen Park | -GLN | -
GLN1b | -Glen Park | -GLN | -
GLN2a | -Glen Park | -GLN | -
LFL1a | -Los Flores | -LFL | -
LFL1b | -Los Flores | -LFL | -
MKT1 | -Market | -MKT | -
MKT2 | -Market | -MKT | -
MKT3 | -Market | -MKT | -
MKT4 | -Market | -MKT | -
MARKST | -Market Station | -MARKST | -
JEF1a | -Jefferson | -JEF | -
JEF1b | -Jefferson | -JEF | -
JEF2 | -efferson | -JEF | -
JEF3a | -Jefferson | -JEF | -
JEF3b | -Jefferson | -JEF | -
JEF3c | -Jefferson | -JEF | -
ROD1a | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD1b | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD1c | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD2a | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD2b | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD3a | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD3b | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD4a | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD4b | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD4c | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD5a | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD5b | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
MAR1 | -Marina | -MAR | -
MAR2 | -Marina | -MAR | -
MAR3 | -Marina | -MAR | -
THALL1 | -Commerce | -COM | -
COM1a | -Commerce | -COM | -
COM1b | -Commerce | -COM | -
COM2 | -Commerce | -COM | -
COM3 | -Commerce | -COM | -
COM4 | -Commerce | -COM | -
ELS1a | -East Los Santos | -ELS | -
ELS1b | -East Los Santos | -ELS | -
ELS2 | -East Los Santos | -ELS | -
ELS3a | -East Los Santos | -ELS | -
ELS3b | -East Los Santos | -ELS | -
ELS3c | -East Los Santos | -ELS | -
ELS4 | -East Los Santos | -ELS | -
EBE1 | -East Beach | -EBE | -
EBE2a | -East Beach | -EBE | -
EBE2b | -East Beach | -EBE | -
EBE3c | -East Beach | -EBE | -
PER1 | -Pershing Square | -PER1 | -
IWD1 | -Idlewood | -IWD | -
IWD2 | -Idlewood | -IWD | -
IWD3a | -Idlewood | -IWD | -
IWD3b | -Idlewood | -IWD | -
IWD4 | -Idlewood | -IWD | -
IWD5 | -Idlewood | -IWD | -
GAN1 | -Ganton | -GAN | -
GAN2 | -Ganton | -GAN | -
CONF1a | -Conference Center | -CONF | -
CONF1b | -Conference Center | -CONF | -
CITYS | -City Hall | -CITYS | -
LMEX1a | -Little Mexico | -LMEX | -
LMEX1b | -Little Mexico | -LMEX | -
UNITY | -Unity Station | -UNITY | -
SMB1 | -Santa Maria Beach | -SMB | -
SMB2 | -Santa Maria Beach | -SMB | -
VERO1 | -Verona Beach | -VERO | -
VERO2 | -Verona Beach | -VERO | -
VERO3 | -Verona Beach | -VERO | -
VERO4a | -erona Beach | -VERO | -
VERO4b | -Verona Beach | -VERO | -
LIND1a | -Willowfield | -LIND | -
LIND1b | -Willowfield | -LIND | -
LIND2a | -Willowfield | -LIND | -
LIND2b | -Willowfield | -LIND | -
LIND3 | -Willowfield | -LIND | -
LIND4a | -Willowfield | -LIND | -
LIND4c | -Willowfield | -LIND | -
ELCO1 | -El Corona | -ELCO | -
ELCO2 | -El Corona | -ELCO | -
PLS | -Playa del Seville | -PLS | -
BLUF1a | -Verdant Bluffs | -BLUF | -
BLUF1b | -Verdant Bluffs | -BLUF | -
BLUF2 | -Verdant Bluffs | -BLUF | -
LAIR1 | -Los Santos International | -LAIR | -
LAIR2a | -Los Santos International | -LAIR | -
LAIR2b | -Los Santos International | -LAIR | -
LBAG1 | -Los Santos International | -LAIR | -
LBAG2 | -Los Santos International | -LAIR | -
LBAG3 | -Los Santos International | -LAIR | -
LDOC1a | -Ocean Docks | -LDOC | -
LDOC1b | -Ocean Docks | -LDOC | -
LDOC2 | -Ocean Docks | -LDOC | -
LDOC3a | -Ocean Docks | -LDOC | -
LDOC3b | -Ocean Docks | -LDOC | -
LDOC3c | -Ocean Docks | -LDOC | -
LDOC4 | -Ocean Docks | -LDOC | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
RED | -Red County | -RED | -
MONT | -Montgomery | -MONT | -
MONT1 | -Montgomery | -MONT | -
MONINT | -Montgomery Intersection | -MONINT | -
HBARNS | -Hampton Barns | -HBARNS | -
HANKY | -Hankypanky Point | -HANKY | -
BLUAC | -Blueberry Acres | -BLUAC | -
FERN | -Fern Ridge | -FERN | -
PANOP | -The Panopticon | -PANOP | -
PALO | -Palomino Creek | -PALO | -
BLUEB | -Blueberry | -BLUEB | -
BLUEB1 | -Blueberry | -BLUEB | -
TOPFA | -Hilltop Farm | -TOPFA | -
NROCK | -North Rock | -NROCK | -
DILLI | -Dillimore | -DILLI | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
SF | -San Fierro | -SF | -
BATTP | -Battery Point | -BATTP | -
ESPN1 | -Esplanade North | -ESPN | -
ESPN2 | -Esplanade North | -ESPN | -
ESPN3 | -Esplanade North | -ESPN | -
ESPE1 | -Esplanade East | -ESPE | -
ESPE2 | -Esplanade East | -ESPE | -
ESPE3 | -Esplanade East | -ESPE | -
JUNIHO | -Juniper Hollow | -JUNIHO | -
SFDWT1 | -Downtown | -SFDWT | -
SFDWT2 | -Downtown | -SFDWT | -
SFDWT3 | -Downtown | -SFDWT | -
SFDWT4 | -Downtown | -SFDWT | -
SFDWT5 | -Downtown | -SFDWT | -
SFDWT6 | -Downtown | -SFDWT | -
PARA | -Paradiso | -PARA | -
CALT | -Calton Heights | -CALT | -
FINA | -Financial | -FINA | -
BAYV | -Palisades | -BAYV | -
JUNIHI | -Juniper Hill | -JUNIHI | -
CHINA | -Chinatown | -CHINA | -
CIVI | -Santa Flora | -CIVI | -
WESTP1 | -Queens | -WESTP | -
WESTP2 | -Queens | -WESTP | -
WESTP3 | -Queens | -WESTP | -
CITYS | -City Hall | -CITYS | -
THEA1 | -King's | -THEA | -
THEA2 | -King's | -THEA | -
THEA3 | -King's | -THEA | -
EASB1 | -Easter Basin | -EASB | -
EASB2 | -Easter Basin | -EASB | -
GARC | -Garcia | -GARC | -
SFGLF3 | -Garcia | -GARC | -
CRANB | -Cranberry Station | -CRANB | -
OCEAF1 | -Ocean Flats | -OCEAF | -
OCEAF2 | -Ocean Flats | -OCEAF | -
OCEAF3 | -Ocean Flats | -OCEAF | -
HASH | -Hashbury | -HASH | -
DOH1 | -Doherty | -DOH | -
DOH2 | -Doherty | -DOH | -
SFBAG2 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
SFBAG3 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
SFBAG1 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
SFAIR1 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
SFAIR2 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
SFAIR3 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
SFAIR4 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
SFAIR5 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
FLINTC | -Flint County | -FLINTC | -
CUNTC1 | -Avispa Country Club | -CUNTC | -
CUNTC2 | -Avispa Country Club | -CUNTC | -
CUNTC3 | -Avispa Country Club | -CUNTC | -
SFGLF1 | -Avispa Country Club | -CUNTC | -
SFGLF2 | -Avispa Country Club | -CUNTC | -
SFGLF4 | -Avispa Country Club | -CUNTC | -
HAUL | -Fallen Tree | -HAUL | -
HILLP | -Missionary Hill | -HILLP | -
EBAY | -Easter Bay Chemical | -EBAY | -
EBAY2 | -Easter Bay Chemical | -EBAY | -
ETUNN | -Easter Tunnel | -ETUNN | -
SILLY1 | -Foster Valley | -SILLY | -
SILLY2 | -Foster Valley | -SILLY | -
SILLY3 | -Foster Valley | -SILLY | -
SILLY4 | -Foster Valley | -SILLY | -
FARM | -The Farm | -FARM | -
BEACO | -Beacon Hill | -BEACO | -
FLINTI | -Flint Intersection | -FLINTI | -
FLINTR | -Flint Range | -FLINTR | -
LEAFY | -Leafy Hollow | -LEAFY | -
BACKO | -Back o Beyond | -BACKO | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
WHET | -Whetstone | -WHET | -
MTCHI1 | -Mount Chiliad | -MTCHI | -
MTCHI2 | -Mount Chiliad | -MTCHI | -
MTCHI3 | -Mount Chiliad | -MTCHI | -
MTCHI4 | -Mount Chiliad | -MTCHI | -
CREEK | -Shady Creeks | -CREEK | -
CREEK1 | -Shady Creeks | -CREEK | -
SHACA | -Shady Cabin | -SHACA | -
ANGPI | -Angel Pine | -ANGPI | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
VE | -Las Venturas | -VE | -
YBELL1 | -Yellow Bell Golf Course | -YBELL | -
YBELL2 | -Yellow Bell Golf Course | -YBELL | -
SPIN | -Spinybed | -SPIN | -
KACC | -K.A.C.C. Military Fuels | -KACC | -
PRP1 | -Prickle Pine | -PRP | -
PRP2 | -Prickle Pine | -PRP | -
PRP3 | -Prickle Pine | -PRP | -
PRP4 | -Prickle Pine | -PRP | -
YELLOW | -Yellow Bell Station | -YELLOW | -
JTN1 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
JTN2 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
JTN3 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
JTN4 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
JTN5 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
JTN6 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
JTN7 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
JTN8 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
PINT | -Pilson Intersection | -PINT | -
ISLE | -The Emerald Isle | -ISLE | -
ROCE1 | -Roca Escalante | -ROCE | -
ROCE2 | -Roca Escalante | -ROCE | -
WWE | -Whitewood Estates | -WWE | -
WWE1 | -Whitewood Estates | -WWE | -
OVS | -Old Venturas Strip | -OVS | -
CREE | -Creek | -CREE | -
REDE1 | -Redsands East | -REDE | -
REDE2 | -Redsands East | -REDE | -
REDE3 | -Redsands East | -REDE | -
REDW1 | -Redsands West | -REDW | -
REDW2 | -Redsands West | -REDW | -
REDW3 | -Redsands West | -REDW | -
REDW4 | -Redsands West | -REDW | -
HGP | -Harry Gold Parkway | -HGP | -
STRIP1 | -The Strip | -STRIP | -
STRIP2 | -The Strip | -STRIP | -
JTW1 | -Julius Thruway West | -JTW | -
JTW2 | -Julius Thruway West | -JTW | -
VISA1 | -The Visage | -VISA | -
VISA2 | -The Visage | -VISA | -
STAR1 | -Starfish Casino | -STAR | -
STAR2 | -Starfish Casino | -STAR | -
CONST1 | -Starfish Casino | -STAR | -
RING | -The Clown's Pocket | -RING | -
SRY | -Sobell Rail Yards | -SRY | -
JTE1 | -Julius Thruway East | -JTE | -
JTE2 | -Julius Thruway East | -JTE | -
JTE3 | -Julius Thruway East | -JTE | -
JTE4 | -Julius Thruway East | -JTE | -
BFLD1 | -Blackfield | -BFLD | -
BFLD2 | -Blackfield | -BFLD | -
CALI1 | -Caligula's Palace | -CALI | -
CALI2 | -Caligula's Palace | -CALI | -
VAIR1 | -Las Venturas Airport (English) | -VAIR | -
VAIR2 | -Las Venturas Airport (English) | -VAIR | -
VAIR3 | -Las Venturas Airport (English) | -VAIR | -
LVBAG | -Las Venturas Airport (English) | -VAIR | -
PIRA | -Pirates in Men's Pants | -PIRA | -
ROY | -Royal Casino | -ROY | -
PILL1 | -Pilgrim | -PILL | -
PILL2 | -Pilgrim | -PILL | -
LST | -Linden Station | -LST | -
LINDEN | -Linden Station | -LINDEN | -
HIGH | -The High Roller | -HIGH | -
STRIP3 | -The Strip | -STRIP | -
STRIP4 | -The Strip | -STRIP | -
PINK | -The Pink Swan | -PINK | -
CAM | -The Camel's Toe | -CAM | -
GGC1 | -Greenglass College | -GGC | -
GGC2 | -Greenglass College | -GGC | -
LDS | -Linden Side | -LDS | -
LVA1 | -LVA Freight Depot | -LVA | -
LVA2 | -LVA Freight Depot | -LVA | -
LVA3 | -LVA Freight Depot | -LVA | -
LVA4 | -LVA Freight Depot | -LVA | -
LVA5 | -LVA Freight Depot | -LVA | -
DRAG | -The Four Dragons Casino | -DRAG | -
LOT | -Come-A-Lot | -LOT | -
BINT1 | -Blackfield Intersection | -BINT | -
BINT2 | -Blackfield Intersection | -BINT | -
BINT3 | -Blackfield Intersection | -BINT | -
BINT4 | -Blackfield Intersection | -BINT | -
JTS1 | -Julius Thruway South | -JTS | -
JTS2 | -Julius Thruway South | -JTS | -
BFC1 | -Blackfield Chapel | -BFC | -
BFC2 | -Blackfield Chapel | -BFC | -
RIE | -Randolph Industrial Estate | -RIE | -
LDM | -Last Dime Motel | -LDM | -
RSE | -Rockshore East | -RSE | -
RSW1 | -Rockshore West | -RSW | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
ROBAD | -Tierra Robada | -ROBAD | -
ROBAD1 | -Tierra Robada | -ROBAD | -
ELQUE | -El Quebrados | -ELQUE | -
SUNNN | -Bayside | -SUNNN | -
BYTUN | -Bayside Tunnel | -BYTUN | -
ALDEA | -Aldea Malvada | -ALDEA | -
SUNMA | -Bayside Marina | -SUNMA | -
BARRA | -Las Barrancas | -BARRA | -
ROBINT | -Robada Intersection | -ROBINT | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
BONE | -Bone County | -BONE | -
PAYAS | -Las Payasadas | -PAYAS | -
VALLE | -Valle Ocultado | -VALLE | -
ELCA | -El Castillo del Diablo | -ELCA | -
ELCA1 | -El Castillo del Diablo | -ELCA | -
ELCA2 | -El Castillo del Diablo | -ELCA | -
ARCO | -Arco del Oeste | -ARCO | -
MEAD | -Verdant Meadows | -MEAD | -
BRUJA | -Las Brujas | -BRUJA | -
TOM | -Regular Tom | -TOM | -
REST | -Restricted Area | -REST | -
BIGE | -'The Big Ear' (English) | -BIGE | -
PALMS | -Green Palms | -PALMS | -
OCTAN | -Octane Springs | -OCTAN | -
PROBE | -Lil' Probe Inn | -PROBE | -
CARSO | -Fort Carson | -CARSO | -
QUARY | -Hunter Quarry | -QUARY | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
LSINL | -Los Santos Inlet | -LSINL | -
FLINW | -Flint Water | -FLINW | -
FISH | -Fisher's Lagoon | -FISH | -
SANB1 | -San Fierro Bay | -SANB | -
SANB2 | -San Fierro Bay | -SANB | -
SHERR | -Sherman Reservoir | -SHERR | -
SASO | -San Andreas Sound | -SASO | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
GANTB | -Gant Bridge | -GANTB | -
GANTB1 | -Gant Bridge | -GANTB | -
*DAM | -The Sherman Dam | -DAM | -
GARV | -Garver Bridge | -GARV | -
GARV1 | -Garver Bridge | -GARV | -
GARV2 | -Garver Bridge | -GARV | -
KINC | -Kincaid Bridge | -KINC | -
KINC1 | -Kincaid Bridge | -KINC | -
KINC2 | -Kincaid Bridge | -KINC | -
FALLO | -Fallow Bridge | -FALLO | -
MART | -Martin Bridge | -MART | -
MAKO | -The Mako Span | -MAKO | -
FRED | -Frederick Bridge | -FRED | -
Button | -Enum | -On foot | -In a vehicle | -
0 | -LEFTSTICKX | -Left / Right | -Steer Left / Right | -
1 | -LEFTSTICKY | -Forward / Backwards | -Steer Forward / Backward | -
2 | -RIGHTSTICKX | -Special Ctrl Left / Right | -Turret Left / Right | -
3 | -RIGHTSTICKY | -Special Ctrl Up / Down | -Turret Up / Down, Lean Up / Down | -
4 | -LEFTSHOULDER1 | -Action | -Radio | -
5 | -LEFTSHOULDER2 | -Previous Weapon | -Look Left | -
6 | -RIGHTSHOULDER1 | -Aim | -Handbrake | -
7 | -RIGHTSHOULDER2 | -Next Weapon | -Look Right | -
8 | -DPADUP | -Forward | -- |
9 | -DPADDOWN | -Backward | -- |
10 | -DPADLEFT | -Strafe Left | -Steer Left | -
11 | -DPADRIGHT | -Strafe Right | -Steer Right | -
12 | -START | -- | - |
13 | -SELECT | -Change Camera | -Change Camera | -
14 | -SQUARE | -Jump / Zoom In | -Brake / Reverse | -
15 | -TRIANGLE | -Enter vehicle | -Exit vehicle | -
16 | -CROSS | -Sprint / Zoom Out | -Accelerate | -
17 | -CIRCLE | -Attack | -Shoot | -
18 | -LEFTSHOCK | -Crouch | -Horn | -
19 | -RIGHTSHOCK | -Look Behind | -Sub-mission | -
ID | -Name | -
0 | -Cubans | -
1 | -Haitians | -
2 | -Street wannabees | -
3 | -Columbians (Diaz's) | -
4 | -Renta Cops (PIGs) | -
5 | -Bikers | -
6 | -Vercetti (yours) | -
7 | -Golfers | -
8 | -Army (special gang) | -
ID | -Enum | -Description | -
1 | -GARAGE_MISSION | -Placeholder garage (inactive garage) | -
2 | -GARAGE_BOMBSHOP1 | -Bomb shop with timed detonator | -
3 | -GARAGE_BOMBSHOP2 | -Bomb shop with engine ignition detonation | -
4 | -GARAGE_BOMBSHOP3 | -Bomb shop with remote-control detonator | -
5 | -GARAGE_RESPRAY | -Spray garage It excludes Ambulance, Barracks, Bus, Coach, Enforcer, FBI Rancher, Firetruck, Police, Rhino |
6 | -GARAGE_COLLECTORSITEMS | -invalid garage | -
7 | -GARAGE_COLLECTSPECIFICCARS | -Car eater, functions similar to export garages but accepts any cars and gives no reward | -
8 | -GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_1 | -Sunshine Autos export garage 1 | -
9 | -GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_2 | -Sunshine Autos export garage 2 | -
10 | -GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_3 | -Sunshine Autos export garage 3 | -
11 | -GARAGE_FORCARTOCOMEOUTOF | -unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will stay opened if anything is in the garage and will close itself if there's nothing in the garage | -
12 | -GARAGE_60SECONDS | -invalid garage | -
13 | -GARAGE_CRUSHER | -invalid garage | -
14 | -GARAGE_MISSION_KEEPCAR | -unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will always close itself | -
15 | -GARAGE_FOR_SCRIPT_TO_OPEN | -unused garage, normally closed but if opened it can't close | -
16 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_ONE | -Save garage (El Swanko Casa) | -
17 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_TWO | -Save garage (Hyman Condo 1) | -
18 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_THREE | -Save garage (Hyman Condo 2) | -
19 | -GARAGE_FOR_SCRIPT_TO_OPEN_AND_CLOSE | -garage used in "Copland", normally closed and can be controlled normally | -
20 | -GARAGE_KEEPS_OPENING_FOR_SPECIFIC_CAR | -unused garage, normally closed and can be controlled normally | -
21 | -GARAGE_MISSION_KEEPCAR_REMAINCLOSED | -unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will always close itself | -
22 | -GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_4 | -Sunshine Autos export garage 4 | -
23 | -GARAGE_FOR_SCRIPT_TO_OPEN_FOR_CAR | -Army garage used in "Sir, Yes Sir!", normally closed and can be controlled normally | -
24 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_FOUR | -Save garage (Hyman Condo 3) | -
25 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_FIVE | -Save garage (Ocean Heights Apartment) | -
26 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_SIX | -Save garage (Links View Apartment) | -
27 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_SEVEN | -Save garage (Sunshine Autos 1) | -
28 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_EIGHT | -Save garage (Sunshine Autos 2) | -
29 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_NINE | -Save garage (Sunshine Autos 3) | -
30 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_TEN | -Save garage (Sunshine Autos 4) | -
31 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_ELEVEN | -Save garage (Vercetti Estate) | -
32 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_TWELVE | -Save garage (unused) | -
Spray garage
It excludes Ambulance, Barracks, Bus, Coach, Enforcer, FBI Rancher, Firetruck, Police, Rhino
| +|6|GARAGE_COLLECTORSITEMS|invalid garage| +|7|GARAGE_COLLECTSPECIFICCARS|Car eater, functions similar to export garages but accepts any cars and gives no reward| +|8|GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_1|Sunshine Autos export garage 1| +|9|GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_2|Sunshine Autos export garage 2| +|10|GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_3|Sunshine Autos export garage 3| +|11|GARAGE_FORCARTOCOMEOUTOF|unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will stay opened if anything is in the garage and will close itself if there's nothing in the garage| +|12|GARAGE_60SECONDS|invalid garage| +|13|GARAGE_CRUSHER|invalid garage| +|14|GARAGE_MISSION_KEEPCAR|unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will always close itself| +|15|GARAGE_FOR_SCRIPT_TO_OPEN|unused garage, normally closed but if opened it can't close| +|16|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_ONE|Save garage (El Swanko Casa)| +|17|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_TWO|Save garage (Hyman Condo 1)| +|18|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_THREE|Save garage (Hyman Condo 2)| +|19|GARAGE_FOR_SCRIPT_TO_OPEN_AND_CLOSE|garage used in "Copland", normally closed and can be controlled normally| +|20|GARAGE_KEEPS_OPENING_FOR_SPECIFIC_CAR|unused garage, normally closed and can be controlled normally| +|21|GARAGE_MISSION_KEEPCAR_REMAINCLOSED|unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will always close itself| +|22|GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_4|Sunshine Autos export garage 4| +|23|GARAGE_FOR_SCRIPT_TO_OPEN_FOR_CAR|Army garage used in "Sir, Yes Sir!", normally closed and can be controlled normally| +|24|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_FOUR|Save garage (Hyman Condo 3)| +|25|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_FIVE|Save garage (Ocean Heights Apartment)| +|26|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_SIX|Save garage (Links View Apartment)| +|27|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_SEVEN|Save garage (Sunshine Autos 1)| +|28|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_EIGHT|Save garage (Sunshine Autos 2)| +|29|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_NINE|Save garage (Sunshine Autos 3)| +|30|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_TEN|Save garage (Sunshine Autos 4)| +|31|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_ELEVEN|Save garage (Vercetti Estate)| +|32|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_TWELVE|Save garage (unused)| [https://gtamods.com/wiki/Garage#Vice_City](https://gtamods.com/wiki/Garage#Vice_City) diff --git a/en/scm-documentation/vc/interiors.html b/en/scm-documentation/vc/interiors.html index 784f87e..1bc4b2e 100644 --- a/en/scm-documentation/vc/interiors.html +++ b/en/scm-documentation/vc/interiors.html @@ -8,87 +8,25 @@ -ID | -Description | -
0 | -outside | -
1 | -hotel | -
2 | -mansion | -
3 | -bank | -
4 | -mall | -
5 | -stripclub | -
6 | -lawyers | -
7 | -cafe robina | -
8 | -concert | -
9 | -studio | -
10 | -shooting range | -
11 | -apartment/bikerbar | -
12 | -policeHQ | -
14 | -stadium1 | -
15 | -stadium2 | -
16 | -stadium3 | -
17 | -Malibu club | -
18 | -Print Works | -
ID | -Type | -
0 | -player1 | -
1 | -player2 | -
2 | -player3 | -
3 | -player4 | -
4 | -civmale | -
5 | -civfemale | -
6 | -cop | -
7 | -gang1 | -
8 | -gang2 | -
9 | -gang3 | -
10 | -gang4 | -
11 | -gang5 | -
12 | -gang6 | -
13 | -gang7 | -
14 | -gang8 | -
15 | -gang9 | -
16 | -emergency | -
17 | -fireman | -
18 | -criminal | -
19 | -unused | -
20 | -prostitute | -
21 | -special | -
ID | -Icon | -Description | -
0 | - | -Small pink square | -
1 | - | -Player position | -
2 | - | -Pink arrow | -
3 | - | -North | -
4 | - | -Avery Carrington | -
5 | - | -Big Mitch Baker | -
6 | - | -Colonel Cortez | -
7 | - | -Ricardo Diaz | -
8 | - | -Kent Paul | -
9 | - | -Lawyer (Ken Rosenberg) | -
10 | - | -Phil Cassidy | -
11 | - | -Biker's Bar | -
12 | - | -Boatyard | -
13 | - | -Malibu Club | -
14 | - | -Cubans | -
15 | - | -Film Studio | -
16 | - | -Ammu-nation | -
17 | - | -Haitians | -
18 | - | -Toolshop | -
19 | - | -Safe House | -
20 | - | -Pole Position Club | -
21 | - | -Cherry Poppers Factory | -
22 | - | -Kaufman Cabs | -
23 | - | -Love Fist | -
24 | - | -Print Works | -
25 | -- | (no icon) | -
26 | - | -Sunshine Autos | -
27 | - | -Pay 'n' Spray | -
28 | - | -Clothes | -
29 | - | -Vercetti's Mansion | -
30 | - | -Phone | -
31 | - | -Wildstyle Radio station | -
32 | - | -Flash Radio station | -
33 | - | -KChat Radio station | -
34 | - | -Fever Radio station | -
35 | - | -VRock Radio station | -
36 | - | -VCPR Radio station | -
37 | - | -Espantoso Radio station | -
38 | - | -Emotion Radio station | -
39 | - | -Wave Radio station | -
Type | -Slot | -Name | -Model | -Icon | -
0 | -1 | -Unarmed | -- |  | -
1 | -1 | -Brass Knuckles | -#brassknuckle | - | -
2 | -2 | -Screwdriver | -#screwdriver | - | -
3 | -2 | -Golf Club | -#golfclub | - | -
4 | -2 | -Night Stick | -#nitestick | - | -
5 | -2 | -Knife | -#knifecur | - | -
6 | -2 | -Baseball Bat | -#bat | - | -
7 | -2 | -Hammer | -#hammer | - | -
8 | -2 | -Cleaver | -#cleaver | - | -
9 | -2 | -Machete | -#machete | - | -
10 | -2 | -Katana | -#katana | - | -
11 | -2 | -Chainsaw | -#chnsaw | - | -
12 | -3 | -Grenade | -#grenade | - | -
13 | -3 | -Remote Detonator | -#bomb | - | -
14 | -3 | -Tear gas | -#teargas | - | -
15 | -3 | -Molotov | -#molotov | - | -
16 | -3 | -Missile | -#missile | -- |
17 | -4 | -Colt (.45) | -#colt45 | - | -
18 | -4 | -Python (.357) | -#python | - | -
19 | -5 | -Chrome Shotgun | -#chromegun | - | -
20 | -5 | -S.P.A.S 12 Shotgun | -#shotgspa | - | -
21 | -5 | -Stubby Shotgun | -#buddyshot | - | -
22 | -6 | -Tec-9 | -#tec9 | - | -
23 | -6 | -Uzi 9mm | -#uzi | - | -
24 | -6 | -Ingram Mac 10 | -#ingramsl | - | -
25 | -6 | -MP5 | -#mp5lng | - | -
26 | -7 | -M4 | -#m4 | - | -
27 | -7 | -Ruger | -#ruger | - | -
30 | -8 | -Rocket Launcher | -#rocketla | - | -
31 | -8 | -Flame Thrower | -#flame | - | -
32 | -8 | -M60 | -#M60 | - | -
33 | -8 | -Minigun | -#minigun | - | -
35 | -8 | -Helicopter Cannon | -- | - |
28 | -9 | -Sniper Rifle | -#sniper | - | -
29 | -9 | -PSG-1 (.308 Sniper) | -#laser | - | -
34 | -10 | -Detonator | -- | - |
36 | -10 | -Camera | -#camera | - | -
ID | -Name | -
OUT_F1 | -Army Fatigues | -
OUT_F2 | -Casuals | -
OUT_F3 | -Leisure | -
OUT_F4 | -Trailer Trash | -
OUT_F5 | -Cuban Style | -
OUT_F6 | -Pastel Suit | -
OUT_F7 | -Tracksuit | -
OUT_F8 | -Hood | -
OUT_F9 | -Hired Muscle | -
OUT_F10 | -Repo-Man | -
OUT_F11 | -Smuggler | -
OUT_F12 | -Smart Suit | -
OUT_F13 | -Winner | -
OUT_F14 | -Wet Suit | -
ID | -Name | -
0 | -Umberto's guys | -
1 | -Cholos | -
2 | -Sharks | -
3 | -Army | -
4 | -Security | -
5 | -Bikers | -
6 | -Vance gang | -
7 | -Golfer | -
8 | -Marty's | -
ID | -Description | -
0 | -Sunny | -
1 | -Cloudy | -
2 | -Rainy | -
3 | -Foggy | -
4 | -Extra sunny | -
5 | -Hurricane | -
6 | -Extra colors | -
7 | -Ultra sunny | -
Key | -id | -
Letra | -Tipo de elemento | -Tamaño del elemento (bytes) | -
i | -número entero | -4 | -
f | -número decimal | -4 | -
s | -cadena corta | -8 | -
v | -cadena larga | -16 | -
N | -Número de Condiciones | -Operador Lógico | -
0 | -1 | -la declaración IF es verdadera (`true`) sí la condición es verdadera | -
1..7 | -2..8 | -`AND` (todas las condiciones deben ser verdaderas para que la declaración IF sea verdadera) | -
21..27 | -2..8 | -`OR` (al menos una de las condiciones debe ser verdadera para que la declaración IF sea verdadera) | -
Nombre | -Secuencias de Escape | -Forma de byte | -
Nulo | -\0 | -00 | -
Backspace | -\b | -08 | -
Tabulador | -\t | -09 | -
Salto de línea | -\n | -0A | -
Retorno de carril | -\r | -0D | -
Escape de número | -\x`nn` | -`nn` | -
Escape de carácter | -\`char` | -`char` | -
Titulo | -Esquema de nombres | -Orden de parámetros | -Juego | -
GTA III | -comunidad | -personalizado | -todas las versiones de GTA III | -
GTA VC | -comunidad | -personalizado | -todas las versiones de Vice City | -
GTA SA v1.0 | -comunidad | -personalizado | -SA v1.0 | -
GTA SA v2.0 | -comunidad | -personalizado | -SA v2.0 | -
GTA SA (v1.0 - SCR) | -Rockstar | -original | -SA v1.0 | -
GTA LCS | -Rockstar | -original | -todas las versiones de Liberty City Stories | -
GTA VCS (PSP) | -Rockstar | -original | -VCS para PSP | -
GTA VCS (PS2) | -Rockstar | -original | -VCS para PS2 | -
VC Mobile | -comunidad | -personalizado | -versiones de VC Android y iOS | -
SA Mobile | -comunidad | -personalizado | -versiones de SA Android y iOS | -
Nombre de la Extensión | -Fuente | -Modos de Edición donde estén disponibles | -
**CLEO** `{$USE CLEO}` | -CLEO para GTA III CLEO para Vice City CLEO 4.4 CLEO Android |
-GTA III Vice City GTA SA v1.0, v2.0, (v1.0 - SCR) SA Mobile VC Mobile | -
**ini** `{$USE ini}` | -IniFiles.cleo plugin (enviado en CLEO) |
-GTA III Vice City GTA SA v1.0, v2.0, (v1.0 - SCR) |
**file** `{$USE file}` | -FileSystemOperations plugin (enviado en CLEO) |
-GTA III Vice City GTA SA v1.0, v2.0, (v1.0 - SCR) |
**bitwise** `{$USE bitwise}` | -IntOperations plugin (enviado en CLEO4) |
-GTA III Vice City GTA SA v1.0, v2.0, (v1.0 - SCR) |
**clipboard** `{$USE clipboard}` | -ClipboardControl plugin | -GTA III Vice City GTA SA v1.0, v2.0, (v1.0 - SCR) |
**memory** `{$USE memory}` | -MemoryModule plugin | -GTA III Vice City |
**CLEO+** `{$USE CLEO+}` | -CLEO+ plugin | -GTA SA v1.0, v2.0, (v1.0 - SCR) | -
**newOpcodes** `{$USE newOpcodes}` | -newOpcodes plugin | -GTA SA v1.0, v2.0 | -
**Restoration** `{$USE Restoration}` | -Opcode Restoration Project | -Vice City | -
Juego | -Nombre del Archivo | -Localización | -
GTA III | -SCM.INI | -data\gta3 | -
Vice City | -VCSCM.INI | -data\vc | -
San Andreas | -SASCM.INI | -data\sa | -
Liberty City Stories | -LCSSCM.INI | -data\lcs | -
Vice City Stories | -VCSSCM.INI | -data\vcs | -
VC Mobile | -VCSCM.INI | -data\vc_mobile | -
SA Mobile | -SASCM.INI | -data\sa_mobile | -
$10 | -$10[0] | -
$11 | -$10[1] | -
$12 | -$10[2] | -
Indice | -Opción de Depuración | -
3 | -VAR_COUNTER | -
Tecla/Combinación | -Operación | -
**Menú Principal** | -- |
`F5` * | -abrir un archivo como un script y desensamblar | -
`F6` * | -compilar el contenido del editor en un archivo de script | -
`F7` * | -compila el contenido del editor en un archivo de script y cópialo en el directorio de scripts del juego | -
`F8` * | -ejecutar el juego para el [modo de edición](../edit-modes/README.md) actual | -
`F10` | -abrir la ventana de [opciones](options/README.md) | -
`F12` | -abrir la documentación | -
**Texto** | -- |
`TAB`, `Shift` + `TAB` | -sangrar el texto seleccionado a la izquierda/derecha (tabulador) | -
`Ctrl` + `Alt` + `A`\ -`Ctrl` + `Alt` + `D` | -Sangrar el texto seleccionado a la izquierda/derecha (por un carácter) | -
`Ctrl` + `Alt` + `B`\ -`Ctrl` + `Alt` + `N`\ -`Ctrl` + `Alt` + `M` | -alternar diferentes modos de selección de texto: Normal, Columnar (igual que la selección con `Alt` presionado), Líneas | -
`Ctrl` + `Shift` + `U`\ -`Ctrl` + `Shift` + `L` | -convertir la palabra a mayúsculas/minúsculas | -
`Ctrl` + `+` | -aumentar el tamaño del texto (acercar) | -
`Ctrl` + `-` | -disminuir el tamaño del texto (alejar) | -
`Ctrl` + `T` | -eliminar la palabra debajo del cursor | -
`Ctrl` + `Y` | -eliminar la línea | -
`Ctrl` + `Shift` + `Y` | -limpiar la línea | -
`Ctrl` + `Q` * | -[comentar/descomentar](../coding/comments.md) la línea | -
**Navegación** | -- |
`Ctrl` + `Shift` + `B` | -saltar entre paréntesis: `{}`, `()`, `<>`, `[]` | -
`Ctrl` + `Up/Down` | -desplazar la página una línea hacia Arriba/Bajo | -
`Ctrl` + `Rueda del Ratón Arriba/Bajo` | -pagina Arriba/Bajo | -
`Ctrl` + `Shift` + `0..9` | -alternar un [marcador](features.md#bookmarks-quick-jump) en la línea | -
`Ctrl` + `0..9` | -navegar hasta la línea con el [marcador](features.md#bookmarks-quick-jump) | -
`Ctrl` + `G` * | -ir a la línea | -
`Alt` + `Right` * | -[navegar al símbolo](features.md#navigate-to-symbol) debajo del cursor (una etiqueta, misión o función) | -
`Alt` + `Left` * | -navegar de regreso a la posición anterior (donde se llamó a [Navegar a símbolo](features.md#navigate-to-symbol)) | -
`Ctrl` + `Enter` | -abra un archivo cuyo nombre esté bajo el cursor (vea también [prioridades relativas de la ruta](../coding/directives.md#$include)) | -
**Código** | -- |
`Ctrl` + `Space` | -mostrar la lista de clases, miembros, modelos, etiquetas, variables y misiones | -
`Ctrl` + `Shift` + `Space` | -mostrar la lista de parámetros para el comando de clase actual | -
`Ctrl` + `Shift` + `C` * | -inserta las [coordenadas del jugador](features.md#player-coordinates-management) | -
`Ctrl` + `Shift` + `E` * | -inserta el [angulo Z del jugador](features.md#player-coordinates-management) | -
`F1` | -encuentre un opcode con la palabra debajo del cursor (ignorando `_` y `.`) | -
`Ctrl` + `F1` | -encuentre un opcode con la palabra debajo del cursor (sin ignorar `_` y `.`) | -
`F2` | -use la palabra debajo del cursor para expandirse a la [plantilla de código] (../edit-modes/code-templates.md) con el mismo nombre | -
`Ctrl` + `J` | -mostrar la lista de [plantillas de código](../edit-modes/code-templates.md) | -
`Ctrl` + `M` | -iniciar/detener la grabación de una [macro](features.md#keypress-recording-macro)(secuencia de pulsaciones de teclas) | -
`Ctrl` + `P` | -reproducir/pausar [macro](features.md#keypress-recording-macro) mientras se procesa | -
`Ctrl` + `H` * | -convertir el número debajo del cursor de decimal a hexadecimal y viceversa | -
`Ctrl` + `Alt` + `H` * | -convertir el nombre del modelo bajo el cursor a su ID numérico y viceversa | -
**Varios** | -- |
`Ctrl` + `Ñ` | -abrir la [consola](console.md) | -
`Alt` + `S` | -(cuando la lista de modelos está activa) reordenar la lista | -
Carácter | -ID | -
- | GTA III | -Vice City | -San Andreas | -SA Mobile | -LCS | -VCS | -
**tamaño principal (en bytes)** | -131072 | -225512 | -200000 | -200000 | -- | - |
**tamaño de la misión (en bytes)** | -32768 | -35000 | -69000 | -69000 | -- | - |
**numero de misiones** | -120 | -120 | -200 | -- | - | - |
**lista de limpieza de la misión** | -50 | -50 | -75 | -- | - | - |
**nombres de modelos (2do segmento)** | -200 | -220 | -395 | -- | - | - |
**scripts corriendo** | -128 | -128 | -96 | -96 | -- | - |
**variables locales** | -16+2 [temporizadoras](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables) | -16+2 [temporizadoras](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables) | -32+2 [temporizadoras](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables) 1024 en misiones |
-40+2 [temporizadoras](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables) | -96+2 [temporizadoras](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables) | -- |
**gosubs anidados** | -4 | -6 | -8 | -8 | -- | - |
**dibujo de texto** | -2 | -48 | -96 | -96 | -- | - |
**saltos en tablas de etiquetas** | -N/A | -N/A | -75 | -- | N/A | -- |
**scripts externos** | -N/A | -N/A | -82 | -- | N/A | -- |
**adjuntos de script externos** | -N/A | -N/A | -70 | -- | N/A | -- |
**generadores de coches** | -160 | -185 | -500 | -- | - | - |
**elementos en el radar** | -32 | -75 | -175 | -250 | -- | - |
**recogibles** | -336 | -336 | -620 | -620 | -- | - |
**ultimo opcode** | -0481 | -05a8 | -0a4e | -0a90 | -- | - |
**esferas de misiones** | -16 | -16 | -16 | -- | - | - |
**tipos de garajes para guardar coches** | -16..18 | -16..18, 24..32 | -16..18, 24..32, 39..45 | -16..18, 24..32, 39..45 | -- | - |
**garages** | -32 | -32 | -50 | -- | - | - |
32+2 [temporizadoras](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables)
1024 en misiones
|40+2 [temporizadoras](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables)|96+2 [temporizadoras](../coding/variables.md#timer-variables)|\s| +|**gosubs anidados**|4|6|8|8|\s|\s| +|**dibujo de texto**|2|48|96|96|\s|\s| +|**saltos en tablas de etiquetas**|N/A|N/A|75|\s|N/A|\s| +|**scripts externos**|N/A|N/A|82|\s|N/A|\s| +|**adjuntos de script externos**|N/A|N/A|70|\s|N/A|\s| +|**generadores de coches**|160|185|500|\s|\s|\s| +|**elementos en el radar**|32|75|175|250|\s|\s| +|**recogibles**|336|336|620|620|\s|\s| +|**ultimo opcode**|0481|05a8|0a4e|0a90|\s|\s| +|**esferas de misiones**|16|16|16|\s|\s|\s| +|**tipos de garajes para guardar coches**|16..18|16..18, 24..32|16..18, 24..32, 39..45|16..18, 24..32, 39..45|\s|\s| +|**garages**|32|32|50|\s|\s|\s| {% hint style="info" %} Publicado originalmente por CyQ en [GTAForums.com](http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=213017\&view=findpost\&p=3145932) diff --git a/es/scm-documentation/gta3/pedtypes.html b/es/scm-documentation/gta3/pedtypes.html index 8b9f085..2b5e3c7 100644 --- a/es/scm-documentation/gta3/pedtypes.html +++ b/es/scm-documentation/gta3/pedtypes.html @@ -13,103 +13,29 @@ 009A: 0@ = create_actor <ID> 0 at 0 0 0 ``` -ID | -Tipo | -
0 | -player1 | -
1 | -player2 | -
2 | -player3 | -
3 | -player4 | -
4 | -civmale | -
5 | -civfemale | -
6 | -cop | -
7 | -gang1 | -
8 | -gang2 | -
9 | -gang3 | -
10 | -gang4 | -
11 | -gang5 | -
12 | -gang6 | -
13 | -gang7 | -
14 | -gang8 | -
15 | -gang9 | -
16 | -emergency | -
17 | -fireman | -
18 | -criminal | -
19 | -unused | -
20 | -prostitute | -
21 | -special | -
ID | -Icono | -Descripción | -
0 | - | -Small pink square, unused | -
1 | - | -Asuka Kasen | -
2 | - | -8-Ball's bomb shop | -
3 | - | -Catalina | -
4 | - | -Player | -
5 | - | -Cop car, unused | -
6 | - | -Donald Love | -
7 | - | -8-Ball | -
8 | - | -El Burro (Diablo) | -
9 | - | -D-Ice (Hood) | -
10 | - | -Joey Leone | -
11 | - | -Kenji Kasen | -
12 | - | -King Courtney (Yardie) | -
13 | - | -Luigi | -
14 | - | -North | -
15 | - | -Ray Machowski | -
16 | - | -Salvatore Leone | -
17 | - | -Safehouse | -
18 | - | -Pay 'n' Spray | -
19 | - | -Toni Cipriani | -
20 | - | -Ammu-Nation | -
ID | -Nombre | -
PLR | -Leone's suit | -
PLR2 | -Lawyer's suit | -
PLR3 | -Casual clothes | -
PLR4 | -Chauffeur's clothes | -
PLR5 | -Overalls | -
PLR6 | -Tuxedo | -
PLR7 | -Avenging Angel's fatigues | -
PLR8 | -'The King' jumpsuit | -
PLR9 | -Cox Mascot suit | -
PLR10 | -Underwear | -
PLR11 | -Hero garb | -
PLR12 | -'Dragon' jumpsuit | -
PLR13 | -Antonio | -
PLR14 | -Sweats | -
PLR15 | -Wiseguy | -
PLR16 | -Goodfella | -
ID | -Nombre | -
0 | -Leone | -
1 | -Triad | -
2 | -Diablo | -
3 | -Yakuza | -
4 | -Yardie | -
5 | -Colombian | -
6 | -Hood | -
7 | -Forelli | -
8 | -Sindacco | -
ID | -Nombre | -
0 | -PLAYER | -
1 | -COP | -
2 | -SWAT | -
3 | -FBI | -
4 | -ARMY | -
5 | -MEDIC | -
6 | -FIREMAN | -
7 | -MALE01 | -
8 | -(unknown) | -
9 | -TAXI_D | -
10 | -PIMP | -
11 | -CRIMINAL01 | -
12 | -CRIMINAL02 | -
13 | -MALE02 | -
14 | -MALE03 | -
15 | -FATMALE01 | -
16 | -FATMALE02 | -
17 | -FEMALE01 | -
18 | -FEMALE02 | -
19 | -FEMALE03 | -
20 | -FATFEMALE01 | -
21 | -FATFEMALE02 | -
22 | -PROSTITUTE | -
23 | -PROSTITUTE2 | -
24 | -P_MAN1 | -
25 | -P_MAN2 | -
26 | -P_WOM1 | -
27 | -P_WOM2 | -
28 | -CT_MAN1 | -
29 | -CT_MAN2 | -
30 | -CT_WOM1 | -
31 | -CT_WOM2 | -
32 | -LI_MAN1 | -
33 | -LI_MAN2 | -
34 | -LI_WOM1 | -
35 | -LI_WOM2 | -
36 | -DOCKER1 | -
37 | -DOCKER2 | -
38 | -SCUM_MAN | -
39 | -SCUM_WOM | -
40 | -WORKER1 | -
41 | -WORKER2 | -
42 | -B_MAN1 | -
43 | -B_MAN2 | -
44 | -B_MAN3 | -
45 | -B_WOM1 | -
46 | -B_WOM2 | -
47 | -B_WOM3 | -
48 | -MOD_MAN | -
49 | -MOD_WOM | -
50 | -ST_MAN | -
51 | -ST_WOM | -
52 | -FAN_MAN1 | -
53 | -FAN_MAN2 | -
54 | -FAN_WOM | -
55 | -HOS_MAN | -
56 | -HOS_WOM | -
57 | -CONST1 | -
58 | -CONST2 | -
59 | -SHOPPER1 | -
60 | -SHOPPER2 | -
61 | -SHOPPER3 | -
62 | -STUD_MAN | -
63 | -STUD_WOM | -
64 | -CAS_MAN | -
65 | -CAS_WOM | -
68 | -HITMAN | -
79 | -GANG01 (LEONE_A) | -
80 | -GANG02 (LEONE_B) | -
81 | -GANG03 (TRIAD_A) | -
82 | -GANG04 (TRIAD_B) | -
83 | -GANG05 (DIABLO_A) | -
84 | -GANG06 (DIABLO_B) | -
85 | -GANG07 (YAKUZA_A) | -
86 | -GANG08 (YAKUZA_B) | -
87 | -GANG09 (YARDIE_A) | -
88 | -GANG10 (YARDIE_B) | -
89 | -GANG11 (COLOMBIAN_A) | -
90 | -GANG12 (COLOMBIAN_B) | -
91 | -GANG13 (HOOD_A) | -
92 | -GANG14 (HOOD_B) | -
93 | -GANG15 (FORELLI_A) | -
94 | -GANG16 (FORELLI_B) | -
95 | -GANG17 (SINDACCO_A) | -
96 | -GANG18 (SINDACCO_B) | -
ID | -Descripción | -
AVERY | -Avery Carrington | -
BABY | -Giovanni Casa (baby) | -
BIKER1 | -Biker Dude 1 | -
BIKER2 | -Biker Dude 2 | -
CAMP_MAN | -Campaign Worker | -
CAMP_WOM | -Campaign Worker 2 | -
CASA | -Giovanni Casa | -
CHAUFF | -Chauffeur | -
DELIASS | -Deli Assistant | -
DONOVAN | -O'Donovan | -
EIGHT | -8Ball | -
FKENNY | -Father Kenny (not used) | -
FRANFOR | -Franco Forelli | -
GRDANG1 | -Avenging Angel | -
GRDANG2 | -Avenging Angel 2 | -
GREASE | -Grease Zuko | -
GUN_ASS | -Gun assistant | -
HOBO_01 | -Donald Love 2 | -
HOLEJOG | -Mayor RC Hole (Jogging outfit) | -
HOPPER | -Jane Hopper | -
JD_SHOT | -Dead JD | -
JDMADE | -JD O'Toole - Made Man | -
KAS_01 | -Toshiko Kasen (kimono) | -
KAZUKI | -Kazuki Kasen | -
LOVE_01 | -Donald Love | -
M_HOLE | -Mayor RC Hole | -
MAR_01 | -Maria | -
MASTOR | -Massimo Torrini (Assassin) | -
MCAFFRY | -Det. Leon McAffrey | -
MICKEYH | -Mickey H | -
MIGUEL | -Miguel | -
NED_01 | -Ned Burner (Reporter) | -
PAULIE | -Paulie Sindacco | -
PHILC | -Phil Cassidy | -
PLR10 | -player (skin: boxer Shorts) | -
PLR11 | -player (skin: bad super hero) | -
PLR12 | -player (skin: dragon) | -
PLR2 | -player (skin: lawyer) | -
PLR3 | -player (skin: travel clothes) | -
PLR4 | -player (skin: chauffeur) | -
PLR5 | -player (skin: hockey mask) | -
PLR6 | -player (skin: tuxedo) | -
PLR7 | -player (skin: avenging angel) | -
PLR8 | -player (skin: the King of Rock'n Roll) | -
PLR9 | -player (skin: cock's mascot) | -
RAY_01 | -Ray (Bad Cop) | -
SAL_01 | -Salvatore (Mob Don) | -
THUG_01 | -Sicilian Thug 1 | -
THUG_02 | -Sicilian Thug 2 | -
TOOL_01 | -JD O'Toole | -
VINC_01 | -Vincenzo Cilli | -
WAYNE | -Wayne (Biker Dude) | -
WKAS_01 | -Toshiko Kasen (western) | -
ID | -Modelo | -Nombre | -
0 | -- | -Unarmed | -
1 | -259 | -- |
2 | -260 | -- |
3 | -261 | -- |
4 | -262 | -- |
5 | -263 | -- |
6 | -264 | -- |
7 | -265 | -- |
8 | -266 | -- |
9 | -267 | -- |
10 | -268 | -- |
11 | -269 | -- |
12 | -270 | -Grenades | -
13 | -291 | -- |
14 | -271 | -- |
15 | -272 | -- |
16 | -273 | -- |
17 | -274 | -Pistol | -
18 | -275 | -.357 | -
19 | -277 | -Shotgun | -
20 | -278 | -- |
21 | -279 | -- |
22 | -281 | -- |
23 | -282 | -Micro-SMG | -
24 | -283 | -- |
25 | -284 | -SMG | -
26 | -280 | -M4 | -
27 | -276 | -AK-47 | -
28 | -285 | -Sniper Rifle | -
29 | -286 | -- |
30 | -287 | -Rocket Launcher | -
31 | -288 | -Flame-Thrower | -
32 | -289 | -- |
33 | -290 | -Minigun | -
34 | -? | -- |
35 | -? | -- |
36 | -292 | -- |
ID | -Descripción | -
0 | -Sunny | -
1 | -Cloudy | -
2 | -Rainy | -
3 | -Foggy | -
4 | -Extra sunny | -
5 | -Hurricane | -
6 | -Extra colors | -
7 | -Snow | -
De pie | -En vehículo | -Enum | -Botón | -
Nombre | ID | GXT | -
Nombre | -Posición | -Descripción | -Notas | -
**Los Santos** | -- | - | - |
CJSAFE | -(2502.31,-1699.36,12.4323) | -Ganton garage | -- |
CESAFE1 | -(1352.58,-636.657,108.135) | -Muholland garage | -- |
MUL_LAN | -(1640.37,-1520.07,12.5118) | -Downtown garage | -used in "Life's a Beach" |
IMP_LA | -(1523.92,-1653.23,4.72837) | -impound lot | -- |
DUF_LAS | -(1873.97,-2096.55,12.487) | -El Corona garage | -used in "Los Desperados" |
LASBOMB | -(1843.91,-1858.8,12.3645) | -bomb shop | -- |
MODGLAS | -(1809.46,-2150.67,12.4283) | -Cesar's garage | -- |
CARLAS1 | -(1694.8,-2088.7,12.3636) | -El Corona garage | -- |
BURG_LK | -(2738.4,-2012.55,12.5759) | -burglary garage | -- |
MODLAST | -(2640.78,-2049.99,12.543) | -Loco Low Co | -- |
SPLAW2 | -(491.103,-1747.55,9.45516) | -Verona Beach Pay n Spray | -- |
BEACSV | -(319.326,-1768.93,3.35686) | -Santa Maria Beach garage | -- |
BODLAWN | -(1038.24,-1025.67,31.1027) | -Transfender | -- |
SPRLAE | -(2056.6,-1835.9,12.5443) | -Idlewood Pay n Spray | -- |
SPRLAE | -(1021.81 -1018.71 30.9081) | -Temple Pay n Spray | -- |
**San Fierro** | -- | - | - |
FDORSFE | -(-2171.43,649.416,49.8742) | -Wu Zi's garage | -- |
MICHDR | -(-1790.97,1209.71,23.763) | -Michelle's garage | -- |
SAV1SFE | -(-2108.92,886.553,75.566) | -Windy road garage | -- |
IMP_SF | -(-1652.78,647.502,-6.04924) | -impound lot | -- |
MDS1SFS | -(-2728.53,212.295,3.45112) | -"Wheels Arch Angel" garage | -- |
TBON | -(-2735.46,60.7331,3.07005) | -garage a block south of "Wheels Arch Angel" | -- |
SVGSFS1 | -(-2454.02,-131.556,25.0886) | -Hashbury garage | -- |
MDSSFSE | -(-1941.04,251.714,33.4274) | -Transfender | -- |
SPRSFSE | -(-1908.93,292.353,40.0413) | -Downtown Pay n Spray | -- |
BRGSFSE | -(-2112.48,-21.214,34.303) | -burglary garage | -- |
HBGDSFS | -(-2057.35,150.803,27.8286) | -Doherty garage #1 left | -- |
LCKSFSE | -(-2043.1,118.609,27.821) | -Doherty garage #2 right | -- |
SPRSFW | -(-2430.13,1013.71,49.3413) | -Juniper Hollow Pay n Spray | -- |
SAV1SFW | -(2699.12,821.489,49.0042) | -Paradiso garage | -- |
- | (-1694.78 1033.15 44.1937) | -Esplanade North garage | -used in "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom" |
- | (-1794.15 1429.69 4.37321) | -Downtown garage | -"Ran Fa Li" | -
**Las Venturas** | -- | - | - |
VGELOCK | -(2602.6,1438.84,9.8337) | -burglary garage | -- |
VECMOD | -(2382.28,1044,9.8337) | -Transfender | -- |
VESVGRG | -(2449.5,695.018,10.4742) | -Rockshore West garage | -- |
IMP_LV | -(2218.06,2448.06,-8.43807) | -impound lot | -- |
VGSHNGR | -(1550.98,1155.36,8.97329) | -AT 400 hangar | -- |
BLOB2 | -(2002.96,2303.72,9.61706) | -Welding and Wedding bomb shop | -- |
BLOB1 | -(1968.23,2157.88,9.59696) | -Redsands East Pay n Spray | -- |
BLOB6 | -(1408.65,1899.52,10.115) | -Redsands West garage | -- |
BLOB69 | -(1269.2,2525.14,9.80013) | -Prickle Pine garage | -- |
BLOB7 | -(929.554,2008.59,10.115) | -Whitewood Estates garage | -- |
TIMY1 | -(2389.6,1483.26,9.81843) | -unused Pay n Spray | -(the door doesn't work) | -
**Countryside** | -- | - | - |
CN2SPRY | -(-103.636,1112.42,18.7017) | -Fort Carson Pay n Spray | -- |
CN2GAR1 | -(-364.439,1194.37,18.597) | -Fort Carson garage | -- |
CN2GAR2 | -(430.059,2542.31,15.166) | -Verdant Meadows garage | -- |
GHOSTDR | -(-397.297,2223.17,41.3824) | -garage | - used in "Interdiction" |
DHANGAR | -(383.843,2433.28,15.166) | -Verdant Meadows Hangar | -- |
CESPRAY | -(715.806,-462.403,14.9635) | -Dillimore Pay n Spray | -- |
BURBDOO | -(2227.6,168.649,26.4635) | -Palomino Creek garage | -- |
BURBDO2 | -(783.155,-492.75,16.3361) | -Dillimore garage | -- |
CNSPRAY | -(-1424.11,2576.61,54.8156) | -El Quebrados Pay n Spray | -- |
AMUMIS | -(-2114.42,-2462.27,29.4809) | -Angel Pine Ammunation garage | -
Textura | -Modelo | -[Parte del Cuerpo](player-body-parts.html) | -Descripción | -
afro | -afro | -1 | -Afro | -
afrobeard | -afro | -1 | -Afro & Beard | -
afroblond | -afro | -1 | -Blonde Afro | -
afrogoatee | -afro | -1 | -Afro & Goatee | -
afrotash | -afro | -1 | -Afro & Stash | -
bald | -head | -1 | -Bald Head | -
baldbeard | -head | -1 | -Bald & Beard | -
baldgoatee | -head | -1 | -Bald & Goatee | -
baldtash | -head | -1 | -Bald & Stash | -
beard | -head | -1 | -Cesar & Beard | -
cornrows | -cornrows | -1 | -Cornrow | -
cornrowsb | -cornrows | -1 | -Blonde Cornrow | -
elvishair | -elvishair | -1 | -Elvis Hair | -
flattop | -flattop | -1 | -FlatTop | -
goatee | -head | -1 | -Cesar & Goatee | -
groovecut | -groovecut | -1 | -Groove Cut | -
hairblond | -head | -1 | -Blonde Hair | -
hairblue | -head | -1 | -Blue Hair | -
hairgreen | -head | -1 | -Green Hair | -
hairpink | -head | -1 | -Pink Hair | -
hairred | -Head | -1 | -Red Hair | -
highafro | -highafro | -1 | -High Afro | -
highfade | -head | -1 | -High Fade | -
jhericurl | -jheri | -1 | -Jheri Curl | -
mohawk | -mohawk | -1 | -Mowhawk | -
mohawkbeard | -mohawk | -1 | -Mohawk & Beard | -
mohawkblond | -mohawk | -1 | -Blonde Mowhawk | -
mohawkpink | -mohawk | -1 | -Pink Mowhawk | -
player_face | -head | -1 | -Cesar | -
slope | -slope | -1 | -Slope | -
tash | -head | -1 | -Cesar & Stash | -
tramline | -tramline | -1 | -Detail Cut | -
wedge | -wedge | -1 | -Wedge | -
Numero | -Nombre | -Descripción | -
1 | -ABATOIR | -Sindacco Abattoir | -
1 | -AMMUN1 | -Ammu-Nation | -
1 | -CARMOD1 | -TransFender | -
1 | -FDREST1 | -World of Coq | -
1 | -GF1 | -Denise's | -
1 | -JETINT | -Shamal interior | -
1 | -LACS1 | -Sub Urban | -
1 | -LAHS1B | -House | -
1 | -MAFCAS | -Caligulas Casino | -
1 | -MAFCAS2 | -Penthouse Suites | -
1 | -- | -Saint Mark's | -
1 | -SMASHTV | -Warehouse | -
1 | -- | -Stadium with wooden sandbox | -
1 | -SVVGHO1 | -Hotel Suite | -
1 | -SWEETS | -Sweet's House | -
1 | -- | -Trailer | -
1 | -TSDINER | -Truck Stop | -
1 | -WUZIBET | -Wu Zi Mu's | -
2 | -BARBERS | -Barber | -
2 | -BDUPS1 | -B Dup's Crack Palace | -
2 | -CARMOD2 | -Loco Low Co. | -
2 | -CARTER | -Smokes Crack Palace | -
2 | -GF2 | -Katie's | -
2 | -LAHS1A | -House | -
2 | -LASTRIP | -Strip Club | -
2 | -RYDERS | -Ryder's Place | -
2 | -SVVGHO2 | -Hotel Suite | -
2 | -VGHSB1 | -House | -
2 | -VGHSB3 | -House | -
3 | -BARBER2 | -Barber | -
3 | -BDUPS | -B Dup's apartment | -
3 | -BIKESCH | -Bike School | -
3 | -BROTHL1 | -Whore House | -
3 | -CARLS | -The Johnson House | -
3 | -CARMOD3 | -Wheel Arch Angels | -
3 | -CHANGER | -Wardrobe | -
3 | -CSSPRT | -Pro-Laps | -
3 | -DRIVES | -Driving School | -
3 | -DRIVES2 | -Driving School | -
3 | -GENOTB | -Inside Track Betting | -
3 | -GF3 | -Helena's | -
3 | -LAHSB4 | -House | -
3 | -OGLOCS | -OG Loc's | -
3 | -PAPER | -Planning Department | -
3 | -PDOMES | -The Pleasure Domes | -
3 | -PDOMES2 | -The Pleasure Domes | -
3 | -POLICE3 | -LVPD HQ | -
3 | -SEXSHOP | -Sex Shop | -
3 | -S1TEST | -Middle of nowhere | -
3 | -STRIP2 | -Strip Club | -
3 | -STUDIO | -Blastin' Fools Records studio | -
3 | -TATTO3 | -Tattoo Parlor | -
4 | -AMMUN2 | -Ammu-Nation | -
4 | -DINER1 | -Diner | -
4 | -DIRBIKE | -Dirt Stadium | -
4 | -GF4 | -Michelle's | -
4 | -LAHS2A | -House | -
4 | -LAHSS6 | -House | -
4 | -SFHSM2 | -House | -
4 | -X711S2 | -24-7 | -
5 | -CSDESGN | -Victim | -
5 | -DINER2 | -Diner | -
5 | -FDPIZA | -Pizza Stack | -
5 | -GANG | -Vagos Gang House | -
5 | -GF5 | -Barbara's | -
5 | -GYM1 | -Ganton Gym | -
5 | -LACRAK | -Crack Den | -
5 | -LAHSB3 | -House | -
5 | -MADDOGS | -Madd Dogg's Crib | -
5 | -MDDOGS | -Madd Dogg's Crib | -
5 | -SFHSB1 | -House | -
5 | -SVHOT1 | -Hotel Suite | -
5 | -VGHSM2 | -House | -
6 | -AMMUN3 | -Ammu-Nation | -
6 | -AMMUN5 | -Ammu-Nation | -
6 | -BROTHEL | -Whore House | -
6 | -GF6 | -Millie's | -
6 | -GYM2 | -Cobra Marital Arts | -
6 | -LAHSB1 | -House | -
6 | -POLICE1 | -LSPD HQ | -
6 | -RCPLAY | -Zero's RC Shop | -
6 | -REST2 | -Secret Valley | -
6 | -SFHSB2 | -House | -
6 | -SFHSS2 | -House | -
6 | -SVCUNT | -Safe House | -
6 | -SVSFSM | -Safe House | -
6 | -X7_11S | -24-7 | -
7 | -8TRACK | -8-Track Stadium | -
7 | -AMMUN4 | -Ammu-Nation | -
7 | -GYM3 | -Below the Belt Gym | -
7 | -LAHSB2 | -House | -
7 | -OFTEST | -Middle of nowhere | -
8 | -BURHOUS | -Colonel Fuhrberger's | -
8 | -SFHSS1 | -House | -
8 | -SVLAMD | -Safe House | -
9 | -FDCHICK | -Cluckin' Bell | -
9 | -LAHS2B | -House | -
9 | -SFHSB3 | -House | -
9 | -SVGNMT2 | -Motel room | -
9 | -SVVGMD | -Safe House | -
10 | -DESHOUS | -Abandoned AC tower | -
10 | -FDBURG | -Burger Shot | -
10 | -POLICE2 | -SFPD HQ | -
10 | -SVGNMT1 | -Motel room | -
10 | -TRICAS | -The Four Dragon's | -
10 | -- | -The Four Dragon's Casino's maintenance room | -
10 | -SVSFMD | -Safe House | -
10 | -VGHSM3 | -House | -
10 | -X711S3 | -24-7 | -
10 | -- | -Zero's No Man's Land | -
11 | -BAR2 | -Bar | -
11 | -SVLASM | -Safe House | -
12 | -BARBER3 | -Barber | -
12 | -MOROOM | -Motel room | -
12 | -SVLABIG | -Safe House | -
14 | -CSEXL | -Didier Sachs | -
14 | -AIRPOR2 | -Los Santos International Airport | -
14 | -AIRPORT | -Francis Intl. Airport | -
15 | -CSCHP | -Binco | -
15 | -MOTEL1 | -Jefferson Motel | -
15 | -SFHSM1 | -House | -
15 | -VGHSS1 | -House | -
15 | -VGSHM2 | -House | -
15 | -VGSHM3 | -House | -
15 | -VGSHS2 | -House | -
16 | -- | -Stadium with giant round circular raised platform in middle | -
16 | -TATTOO | -Tattoo Parlor | -
16 | -X7_11C | -24-7 | -
17 | -BAR1 | -Bar | -
17 | -DAMIN | -Generator Hall | -
17 | -FDDONUT | -Rusty Brown's | -
17 | -TATTO2 | -Tattoo Parlor | -
17 | -X7_11D | -24-7 | -
18 | -ATRIUME | -Atrium | -
18 | -ATRIUMX | -Attrium | -
18 | -CLOTHGP | -Zip | -
18 | -GENWRHS | -Warehouse | -
18 | -UFOBAR | -Lil' Probe Inn | -
18 | -X7_11B | -24-7 | -
Descripción | -Partícula | -
Tipo | -Descripción | -
0 | -PLAYER1 | -
1 | -PLAYER2 | -
4 | -CIVMALE | -
5 | -CIVFEMALE | -
6 | -COP | -
7 | -GANG1 (Ballas) | -
8 | -GANG2 (Grove Street Families) | -
9 | -GANG3 (Los Santos Vagos) | -
10 | -GANG4 (San Fierro Rifa) | -
11 | -GANG5 (Da Nang Boys) | -
12 | -GANG6 (Mafia) | -
13 | -GANG7 (Mountain Cloud Triad) | -
14 | -GANG8 (Varrio Los Aztecas) | -
15 | -GANG9 (unused) | -
16 | -GANG10 (unused) | -
17 | -DEALER | -
18 | -MEDIC | -
19 | -FIREMAN | -
20 | -CRIMINAL | -
21 | -BUM* | -
22 | -PROSTITUTE | -
23 | -SPECIAL | -
24 | -MISSION1 | -
25 | -MISSION2 | -
26 | -MISSION3 | -
27 | -MISSION4 | -
28 | -MISSION5 | -
29 | -MISSION6 | -
30 | -MISSION7 | -
31 | -MISSION8 | -
ID | -Descripción | -
0 | -[Torso](clothes.md#torso) | -
1 | -[Head](haircuts.md) | -
2 | -[Legs](clothes.md#legs) | -
3 | -[Shoes](clothes.md#legs) | -
4 | -[Lower left arm](tattoos.md#lower-left-arm) | -
5 | -[Upper left arm](tattoos.md#upper-left-arm) | -
6 | -[Upper right arm](tattoos.md#upper-right-arm) | -
7 | -[Lower right arm](tattoos.md#lower-right-arm) | -
8 | -[Back top](tattoos.md#back-top) | -
9 | -[Left chest](tattoos.md#left-chest) | -
10 | -[Right chest](tattoos.md#right-chest) | -
11 | -[Stomach](tattoos.md#stomach) | -
12 | -[Lower back](tattoos.md#lower-back) | -
13 | -[Necklace](clothes.md#necklaces) | -
14 | -[Bracelet/Watch](clothes.md#watches) | -
15 | -[Glasses](clothes.md#glasses) | -
16 | -[Hats](clothes.md#hats) | -
17 | -[Special clothes as Valet, Gimp suit](clothes.md#special) | -
Descripción | -ID | -GUI | -GXT | -
ID | -Descripción | -
ANDRE | -Andre | -
BBTHIN | -Big Bear (thin) | -
BB | -Big Bear (fat) | -
CAT | -Catalina | -
CESAR | -Cesar | -
COPGRL1 | -The naked girl 1 | -
COPGRL2 | -Girl 1 | -
CLAUDE | -Claude from GTA3 | -
CROGRL1 | -The naked girl 2 | -
CROGRL2 | -Girl 2 | -
DWAYNE | -Dwayne | -
EMMET | -Emmet | -
FORELLI | -Forelli | -
JANITOR | -mechanic | -
JETHRO | -Jethro | -
JIZZY | -Jizzy | -
HERN | -Hernandes | -
GANGRL1 | -The naked girl 3 | -
GANGRL2 | -Girl 3 | -
GUNGRL1 | -The naked girl 4 | -
GUNGRL2 | -Girl 4 | -
KENDL | -Kendel | -
MACCER | -Maccer | -
MADDOGG | -Mad Dog | -
MECGRL1 | -The naked girl 5 | -
MECGRL2 | -Girl 5 | -
NURGRL1 | -The naked nurse | -
NURGRL2 | -nurse | -
NURGRL2 | -nurse | -
OGLOC | -OG Loc | -
PAUL | -Kent Paul | -
PULASKI | -Pulaski | -
ROSE | -Ken Rosenberg | -
RYDER1 | -Ryder (1) | -
RYDER2 | -Ryder (2) | -
RYDER3 | -Ryder (3) | -
SINDACO | -Sindaco | -
SMOKE | -Big Smoke | -
SMOKEV | -with body armour | -
SUZIE | -Suzie | -
SWEET | -Sweet | -
TBONE | -T Bone | -
TENPEN | -Tenpeni | -
TORINO | -Torino | -
TRUTH | -righteous man | -
WUZIMU | -Wu Zi | -
ZERO | -Zero | -
ID | -Descripción | -
0 | -Progress made | -
1 | -Total progress | -
2 | -Furthest Hoop | -
3 | -Distance travelled on foot | -
4 | -Distance travelled by car | -
5 | -Distance travelled by motorbike | -
6 | -Distance travelled by boat | -
7 | -Distance travelled by golf cart | -
8 | -Distance travelled by helicopter | -
9 | -Distance travelled by plane | -
10 | -Longest Wheelie distance | -
11 | -Longest Stoppie distance | -
12 | -Longest 2 wheels distance | -
13 | -Weapon Budget | -
14 | -Fashion Budget | -
15 | -Property Budget | -
16 | -Auto Repair and Painting Budget | -
17 | -Longest Wheelie time | -
18 | -Longest Stoppie time | -
19 | -Longest 2 wheels time | -
20 | -Food Budget | -
21 | -Fat | -
22 | -Stamina | -
23 | -Muscle | -
24 | -Max Health | -
25 | -Sex appeal | -
26 | -Distance travelled by swimming | -
27 | -Distance travelled by bicycle | -
28 | -Distance travelled on treadmill | -
29 | -Distance travelled on exercise bike | -
30 | -Tattoo budget | -
31 | -Hairdressing budget | -
32 | -Girlfriend budget | -
33 | -Prostitute budget | -
34 | -Furniture budget | -
35 | -Money spent gambling | -
36 | -Money made from pimping | -
37 | -Money won gambling | -
38 | -Biggest gambling win | -
39 | -Biggest gambling loss | -
40 | -Largest burglary swag | -
41 | -Money made from burglary | -
42 | -Money spent building property | -
43 | -unused | -
44 | -Longest treadmill time | -
45 | -Longest exercise bike time | -
46 | -Heaviest weight on bench press | -
47 | -Heaviest weight on dumbbells | -
48 | -Best time in 8-Track | -
49 | -BMX best time | -
50 | -Lightest weight | -
51 | -Longest chase time with 5 or more stars | -
52 | -Last chase time with 5 or more stars | -
53 | -Wage bill | -
54 | -Strip club budget | -
55 | -Car modification budget | -
56 | -Time spent shopping | -
57 | -Time spent gambling | -
58 | -Time spent on longest mission | -
59 | -Time spent on quickest mission | -
60 | -Average mission time | -
61 | -Drugs budget | -
62 | -Total shopping budget | -
63 | -Time spent underwater | -
64 | -Total respect | -
65 | -Girlfriend respect | -
66 | -Clothes respect | -
67 | -Fitness respect | -
68 | -Respect | -
69 | -Pistol Skill | -
70 | -Silenced Pistol Skill | -
71 | -Desert Eagle Skill | -
72 | -Shotgun Skill | -
73 | -Sawn-Off Shotgun Skill | -
74 | -Combat Shotgun Skill | -
75 | -Machine Pistol Skill | -
76 | -SMG Skill | -
77 | -AK-47 Skill | -
78 | -M4 Skill | -
79 | -Rifle Skill | -
80 | -Appearance | -
81 | -Gambling | -
82 | -119 unused | -
120 | -People wasted by others | -
121 | -People you've wasted | -
122 | -Road Vehicles destroyed | -
123 | -Boats destroyed | -
124 | -Planes & Helicopters destroyed | -
125 | -Cost of property damaged | -
126 | -Bullets fired | -
127 | -Kgs of explosives used | -
128 | -Bullets that hit | -
129 | -Tires popped with gunfire | -
130 | -Number of headshots | -
131 | -Total number of wanted stars attained | -
132 | -Total number of wanted stars evaded | -
133 | -Times busted | -
134 | -Days passed in game | -
135 | -Number of hospital visits | -
136 | -Safehouse visits | -
137 | -Times cheated | -
138 | -Vehicle Resprays | -
139 | -Maximum INSANE Jump distance | -
140 | -Maximum INSANE Jump height | -
141 | -Maximum INSANE Jump flips | -
142 | -Maximum INSANE Jump rotation | -
143 | -Best INSANE stunt awarded | -
144 | -Unique Jumps found | -
145 | -Unique Jumps done | -
146 | -Mission attempts | -
147 | -Missions passed | -
148 | -Total number of missions in game | -
149 | -Cash made in a Taxi | -
150 | -Passengers dropped off | -
151 | -People saved in an Ambulance | -
152 | -Criminals killed on Vigilante Mission | -
153 | -Total fires extinguished | -
154 | -Packages Delivered | -
155 | -Assassinations | -
156 | -Last dance score | -
157 | -Highest Vigilante Mission level | -
158 | -Highest Paramedic Mission level | -
159 | -Highest Firefighter Mission level | -
160 | -Driving skill | -
161 | -Number of Truck missions passed | -
162 | -Money made in Truck | -
163 | -Recruited gang members killed | -
164 | -Armor | -
165 | -Energy | -
166 | -Photographs Taken | -
167 | -Rampages attempted | -
168 | -Rampages passed | -
169 | -Flight time | -
170 | -Times drowned | -
171 | -Number of girls pimped | -
172 | -Best position in 8-Track | -
173 | -Time on jetpack | -
174 | -Shooting range levels passed | -
175 | -Most cars parked on 'Valet Parking' | -
176 | -Kills since last checkpoint | -
177 | -Total legitimate kills | -
178 | -Number of 'Bloodring' kills | -
179 | -Total time in bloodring | -
180 | -No more hurricanes Flag | -
181 | -City unlocked | -
182 | -Number of Police bribes | -
183 | -Number of cars stolen | -
184 | -Current number of girlfriends | -
185 | -Number of disastrous dates | -
186 | -Number of girls dated | -
187 | -Number of times scored with a girl | -
188 | -Number of successful dates | -
189 | -Number of girls dumped | -
190 | -Number of prostitutes visited | -
191 | -Number of houses burgled | -
192 | -Number of safes cracked | -
193 | -Burgular status | -
194 | -Number of stolen items sold | -
195 | -Number of eight balls in pool | -
196 | -Total number of wins playing pool | -
197 | -Total number of losses playing pool | -
198 | -Times visited the gym | -
199 | -Body type | -
200 | -Number of meals eaten | -
201 | -Money made in Quarry | -
202 | -Time taken to Complete Quarry | -
203 | -Number of furniture purchased | -
204 | -Favorite console game | -
205 | -Highest civilian peds killed on Rampage | -
206 | -Highest police peds killed on Rampage | -
207 | -Highest civilian vehicles destroyed on Rampage | -
208 | -Highest police vehicles destroyed on Rampage | -
209 | -Highest number of tanks destroyed on Rampage | -
210 | -Pimping level | -
211 | -Kickstart best score | -
212 | -Best lap time in 8-Track | -
213 | -Number of vehicles exported | -
214 | -Number of vehicles imported | -
215 | -Highest basketball score | -
216 | -Fires started | -
217 | -Amount of drugs sold | -
218 | -Amount of drugs bought | -
219 | -Best lap time in dirt track | -
220 | -Best time in dirt track | -
221 | -Best position in dirt track | -
222 | -NRG-500 best time | -
223 | -Flying skill | -
224 | -Respect Mission | -
225 | -Lung capacity | -
226 | -Game gore rating | -
227 | -Game sex rating | -
228 | -Respect Mission Total | -
229 | -Bike skill | -
230 | -Cycling skill | -
231 | -Snapshots taken | -
232 | -Total snapshots | -
233 | -Luck | -
234 | -Territories taken over | -
235 | -Territories lost | -
236 | -Territories held | -
237 | -Highest number of territories held | -
238 | -Gang members recruited | -
239 | -Enemy gang members killed | -
240 | -Friendly gang members killed | -
241 | -Horseshoes collected | -
242 | -Total horseshoes | -
243 | -Oysters collected | -
244 | -Total oysters | -
245 | -Calories | -
246 | -2 Player Rampage best time | -
247 | -2 Player Car Rampage best time | -
248 | -2 Player On Foot Rampage best time | -
249 | -2 Player Chopper Rampage best time | -
250 | -2 Player Bike Rampage best time | -
251 | -'Keepie Uppy' best time | -
252 | -Progress with Denise | -
253 | -Progress with Michelle | -
254 | -Progress with Helena | -
255 | -Progress with Barbara | -
256 | -Progress with Katie | -
257 | -Progress with Millie | -
258 | -Best position in Lowrider Race | -
259 | -Best time in Lowrider Race | -
260 | -Best position in Little Loop | -
261 | -Best time in Little Loop | -
262 | -Best position in Backroad Wanderer | -
263 | -Best time in Backroad Wanderer | -
264 | -Best position in City Circuit | -
265 | -Best time in City Circuit | -
266 | -Best position in Vinewood | -
267 | -Best time in Vinewood | -
268 | -Best position in Freeway | -
269 | -Best time in Freeway | -
270 | -Best position in Into the Country | -
271 | -Best time in Into the Country | -
272 | -Best position in Badlands A | -
273 | -Best time in Badlands A | -
274 | -Best position in Badlands B | -
275 | -Best time in Badlands B | -
276 | -Best position in Dirtbike Danger | -
277 | -Best time in Dirtbike Danger | -
278 | -Best position in Bandito County | -
279 | -Best time in Bandito County | -
280 | -Best position in Go-Go-Kart | -
281 | -Best time in Go-Go-Kart | -
282 | -Best position in San Fierro Fastlane | -
283 | -Best time in San Fierro Fastlane | -
284 | -Best position in San Fierro Hills | -
285 | -Best time in San Fierro Hills | -
286 | -Best position in Country Endurance | -
287 | -Best time in Country Endurance | -
288 | -Best position in SF to LV | -
289 | -Best time in SF to LV | -
290 | -Best position in Dam Rider | -
291 | -Best time in Dam Rider | -
292 | -Best position in Desert Tricks | -
293 | -Best time in Desert Tricks | -
294 | -Best position in LV Ringroad | -
295 | -Best time in LV Ringroad | -
296 | -Best time in World War Aces | -
297 | -Best time in Barnstorming | -
298 | -Best time in Military Service | -
299 | -Best time in Chopper Checkpoint | -
300 | -Best time in Whirly Bird Waypoint | -
301 | -Best time in Heli Hell | -
302 | -Drive-thru mission accomplished | -
303 | -Management Issues mission accomplished | -
304 | -555 WE TIP mission accomplished | -
305 | -Yay Ka-Boom-Boom mission accomplished | -
306 | -Fish in a Barrel mission accomplished | -
307 | -Breaking the Bank at Caligula's mission accomplished | -
308 | -A Home In The Hills mission accomplished | -
309 | -maybe set riot mode | -
310 | -Ryder's mission Robbing Uncle Sam accomplished | -
311 | -Mike Toreno mission accomplished | -
312 | -Architectural Espionage mission accomplished | -
313 | -Jizzy mission accomplished | -
314 | -Reuniting the Families mission accomplished | -
315 | -Small Town Bank mission accomplished | -
316 | -Photo Opportunity mission accomplished | -
317 | -Don Peyote mission accomplished | -
318 | -Local Liquor Store mission accomplished | -
319 | -Badlands mission accomplished | -
320 | -Playing time | -
321 | -Hidden Packages found | -
322 | -Tags sprayed | -
323 | -Least favorite gang | -
324 | -Gang members wasted | -
325 | -Criminals wasted | -
326 | -Most Favorite Radio Station | -
327 | -Least Favorite Radio Station | -
328 | -Current weapon skill | -
329 | -Weapon skill levels | -
330 | -Pilot ranking | -
331 | -Strongest Gang | -
332 | -2nd strongest gang | -
333 | -3rd strongest gang | -
334 | -Money lost gambling | -
335 | -Riot Mission accomplished | -
336 | -Gang strength | -
337 | -Territory under control | -
338 | -Are you going to San Fierro? mission accomplished | -
339 | -High Noon mission accomplished | -
340 | -The Green Sabre mission accomplished | -
341 | -maybe Catalina meeting | -
342 | -maybe Wu Zi meeting | -
Textura | -Modelo | -(Parte del Cuerpo)[player-body-parts.md] | -Nombre | -Imagen | -
4weed | -4WEED | -4 | -Weed | - | -
4rip | -4RIP | -4 | -Grave | - | -
4spider | -4SPIDER | -4 | -Spider | - | -
Textura | -Modelo | -(Parte del Cuerpo)[player-body-parts.md] | -Nombre | -Imagen | -
5gun | -5GUN | -5 | -Gun | - | -
5cross | -5CROSS | -5 | -Cross | - | -
5cross2 | -5CROSS2 | -5 | -Rose | - | -
5cross3 | -5CROSS3 | -5 | -Clown | - | -
Textura | -Modelo | -(Parte del Cuerpo)[player-body-parts.md] | -Nombre | -Imagen | -
6aztec | -6AZTEC | -6 | -Aztec | - | -
6crown | -6CROWN | -6 | -Web | - | -
6clown | -6CLOWN | -6 | -Clown | - | -
6africa | -6AFRICA | -6 | -Africa | - | -
Textura | -Modelo | -(Parte del Cuerpo)[player-body-parts.md] | -Nombre | -Imagen | -
7cross | -7CROSS | -7 | -Cross | - | -
7cross2 | -7CROSS2 | -7 | -Cross | - | -
7cross3 | -7CROSS3 | -7 | -Cross | - | -
7mary | -7MARY | -7 | -Mary | - | -
Textura | -Modelo | -(Parte del Cuerpo)[player-body-parts.md] | -Nombre | -Imagen | -
8sa | -8SA | -8 | -Grove St . | - | -
8sa2 | -8SA2 | -8 | -San Andreas | - | -
8sa3 | -8SA3 | -8 | -San Fierro | - | -
8westside | -8WESTSD | -8 | -Westside | - | -
8santos | -8SANTOS | -8 | -Los Santos | - | -
8poker | -8POKER | -8 | -Card | - | -
8gun | -8GUN | -8 | -Gun | - | -
Textura | -Modelo | -(Parte del Cuerpo)[player-body-parts.md] | -Nombre | -Imagen | -
9crown | -9CROWN | -9 | -Crown | - | -
9gun | -9GUN | -9 | -Gun | - | -
9gun2 | -9GUN2 | -9 | -Gun | - | -
9homeboy | -9HOMBY | -9 | -Homeboy | - | -
9bullet | -9BULLT | -9 | -Bullet | - | -
9rasta | -9RASTA | -9 | -Rasta | - | -
Textura | -Modelo | -(Parte del Cuerpo)[player-body-parts.md] | -Nombre | -Imagen | -
10ls | -10LS | -10 | -Los Santos | - | -
10ls2 | -10LS2 | -10 | -Los Santos | - | -
10ls3 | -10LS3 | -10 | -Los Santos | - | -
10ls4 | -10LS4 | -10 | -Los Santos | - | -
10ls5 | -10LS5 | -10 | -Los Santos | - | -
10og | -10OG | -10 | -O.G. | - | -
10weed | -10WEED | -10 | -Grove | - | -
Textura | -Modelo | -(Parte del Cuerpo)[player-body-parts.md] | -Nombre | -Imagen | -
11grove | -11GROVE | -11 | -Grove | - | -
11grove2 | -11GROV2 | -11 | -Grove | - | -
11grove3 | -11GROV3 | -11 | -Grove | - | -
11dice | -11DICE | -11 | -Dice | - | -
11dice2 | -11DICE2 | -11 | -Dice | - | -
11jail | -11JAIL | -11 | -Jail | - | -
11godsgift | -11GGIFT | -11 | -God's Gift | - | -
Textura | -Modelo | -(Parte del Cuerpo)[player-body-parts.md] | -Nombre | -Imagen | -
12angels | -12ANGEL | -12 | -Angel | - | -
12mayabird | -12MAYBR | -12 | -Mayan Bird | - | -
12dagger | -12DAGER | -12 | -Dagger | - | -
12bandit | -12BNDIT | -12 | -Masks | - | -
12cross7 | -12CROSS | -12 | -Cross | - | -
12mayaface | -12MYFAC | -12 | -Mayan Face | - | -
Tipo | -Maquina | -Carril 1 | -Carril 2 | -Carril 3 | -Carril 4 | -Carril 5 | -
1,2,4,7,11: | -#STREAK | -#STREAKC | -#STREAKC | -- | - | - |
3: | -#FREIGHT | -#FREIFLAT | -#FREIFLAT | -#FREIFLAT | -- | - |
5: | -#STREAK | -#STREAKC | -#STREAKC | -#STREAKC | -- | - |
6: | -#FREIGHT | -#FREIFLAT | -#FREIFLAT | -- | - | - |
8: | -#TRAM | -#TRAM | -- | - | - | - |
9,14: | -#TRAM | -- | - | - | - | - |
10: | -#FREIGHT | -#FREIFLAT | -- | - | - | - |
15: | -#STREAK | -- | - | - | - |
Model name | -Model ID | -Variant | -
#ambulan | -416 | -**Numbers:**\ -**0:** 64\ -**1: **16\ -**2:** 47 | -
#artict1 | -435 | -**Side Ads:**\ -**0: **Cok-o-Pops\ -**1:** Munky Juice\ -**2:** Hinterland\ -**3:** Zip\ -**4:** RS Haul\ -**5:** Ranch | -
#artict2 | -450 | -**Contents:**\ -**0:** Filled with gravel /** **coal / stone | -
#bagboxb | -607 | -**Contents:**\ -**0, 1, 2: **Various distributions of loose baggage | -
#baggage | -485 | -**Rear Cargo Items:**\ -**0: **Earmuffs\ -**1:** Small Case\ -**2:** Large Case | -
#barracks | -433 | -**Bed Covering:**\ -**0: **Opaque Fabric\ -**1:** Camo Netting | -
#benson | -499 | -**Side Ads:**\ -**0: **Shady Industries\ -**1:** LSD\ -**2:** The Uphill Gardener\ -**3:** Discount Furniture | -
#bf400 | -581 | -**Exhausts:**\ -**0: **Single Type 1\ -**1:** Single Type 2\ -**Fairings (with windshields):**\ -**3: **Dual Type3\ -**4:** Half-size\ -**5:** Full-size | -
#bfinject | -424 | -**Body: **\ -**0: **Side Panels | -
#bloodra | -504 | -**Numbers/ Roof Color:**\ -**0: **328/ White\ -**1:** 464/ Check\ -**2:** 172/ Check\ -**3:** 100/ White\ -**4:** 284/ White\ -**5:** 505/ Check | -
#bobcat | -422 | -**Bed Items:**\ -**0: **Spare Tire\ -**1:** Sprunk Cans | -
#burrito | -482 | -**Roof Items:**\ -**0: **Roof Lights + Spoiler | -
#caddy | -457 | -**Rear Cargo Items (Driver Side): **\ -**0:** Golfbag1\ -**1:** Satchel1\ -**2:** Golfbag2\ -**Rear Cargo Items (Pass Side):**\ -**3:** Satchel2\ -**4:** Golfbag3\ -**5:** Golfbag4 | -
#camper | -483 | -**0: **Open Curtains & Second Bench Seat\ -**1:** Open Roof & Vent Closed & Curtains Bed in Back Peace Sign | -
#cheetah | -415 | -**Side Mirrors:**\ -**0:** Single, Placed High\ -**1:** Dual, Placed Normally | -
#coach | -437 | -**Name on Side:**\ -**0: **Big O Tours\ -**1:** Bikini Line | -
#coastg | -472 | -**Various Items:**\ -**0: **Items all Over\ -**1:** Items Grouped in Back\ -**3:** Items all Over +2 Oars in Front | -
#fcr900 | -521 | -**Exhausts: **\ -**0:** Single Type1\ -**1:** Dual Type1\ -**2:** Dual Type2\ -**Fairings (with Windshields):**\ -**3: **Half-size\ -**4:** Full-size | -
#firetruk | -407 | -**Numbers:**\ -**0: **64\ -**1:** 16\ -**2:** 47 | -
#flatbed | -455 | -**Cargo:**\ -**0: **Crates in Front\ -**1:** Crates in center under Tarp\ -**2:** Two Sets of crates (Front and Back) | -
#hotknife | -434 | -**0:** Partial Engine Cover | -
#hotrina | -502 | -**Numbers:**\ -**0: **96\ -**1: **67\ -**2: **73\ -**3: **52\ -**4: **45\ -**5: **14 | -
#hotrinb | -503 | -**Numbers:**\ -**0: **82\ -**1: **26\ -**2: **65\ -**3: **07\ -**4: **36\ -**5: **60 | -
#kart | -571 | -**Body Panels:**\ -**0: **Both Sides\ -**1: **Steering Column | -
#launch | -595 | -**Roofs:**\ -**0: **Over passenger section\ -**1: **Over driver section | -
#marquis | -484 | -**0: **Windshield over cabin Entrance | -
#mesa | -500 | -**0: **Roof Over Back\ -**1: **Roll Bar in Back | -
#monstera | -556 | -**0: **Roof Spoiler\ -**1: **Roof Lights\ -**2: **Roll Bar with Lights | -
#monsterb | -557 | -**1: **Roof Lights | -
#mrwhoop | -423 | -**Rear Sign:**\ -**0: **Cherry Popping Good\ -**1: **Slow Children Ahead | -
#mule | -414 | -**Side Ads:**\ -**0: **Toy Corner\ -**1: **Binco\ -**2: **Semi\ -**3: **Shafted Appliances | -
#nrg500 | -522 | -**Exhausts: **\ -**0: **Single Pair1\ -**1: **Single Pair2\ -**2: **Dual Pair2\ - \ -**Fairings (with Windshields):**\ -**3: **Smooth\ -**4: **With Side Cutouts | -
#patriot | -470 | -**Cargo Area:**\ -**0: **Low Cover\ -**1: **Roof/High Cover\ -**2: **Roll Bar | -
#peren | -404 | -**0: **Roof Rack | -
#picador | -600 | -**Items in Bed:**\ -**0: **Planks\ -**1: **Sprunk Cans | -
#pony | -413 | -**0: **Sound System in Back | -
#reefer | -453 | -**Items in Back:**\ -**0: **Boxes of Fish\ -**1: **Bench | -
#romero | -442 | -**Coffins:**\ -**0: **Brown Style1\ -**1: **Black Style2\ -**2: **Brown Style3 | -
#rumpo | -440 | -**Side Ads:**\ -**0: **Cok-o-Pops\ -**1: **Harry Plums\ -**2: **Dick Goblin's\ -**3: **Final Build\ -**4: **Transfender\ -**5:** Wheel Arch Angels | -
#sadler | -543 | -**Items in Bed:**\ -**0: **Two Propane Tanks & Crate\ -**1: **Two Barrels\ -**2: **Sprunk Cans\ -**3: **Open Crates | -
#sadlshit | -605 | -**Items in Bed:**\ -**0: **Two Propane Tanks & Crate\ -**1: **Two Barrels\ -**2: **Sprunk Cans\ -**3: **Open Crates | -
#securica | -428 | -**Side Logo:**\ -**0: **Chuff\ -**1: **Lock&Load | -
#slamvan | -535 | -**Steering Wheel:**\ -**0: **Normal\ -**1: **Chain | -
#stallion | -439 | -**Roof:**\ -**0: **Hardtop\ -**1: **Softtop (up)\ -**2: **Softtop (folded) | -
#supergt | -506 | -**0: **Full Roof | -
#swatvan | -601 | -**Number:**\ -**0: **1\ -**1: **9\ -**2: **6\ -**3: **7 | -
#topfun | -459 | -**0: **Boxes of Toys in Back | -
#tram | -449 | -? | -
#trash | -408 | -**0: **Some bits of trash sticking out of the back | -
#utility | -552 | -**0, 1: **Cones, Barrel in back, Cone lying on passenger | driver side rail | -
#walton | -478 | -**Items in Bed:**\ -**0: **Two Propane Tanks\ -**1: **Open Crates\ -**2: **Propane Tank and Barrel | -
#windsor | -555 | -**0: **Roof | -
#yankee | -456 | -**Side Ads:**\ -**0: **Big Gas\ -**1: **RS Haul\ -**2: **Star Balls\ -**3: **Flower Power | -
#zr350 | -477 | -**0: **Rear Spoiler | -
Nombre | -ID | -Modelo | -Grupo | -GUI | -GXT | -
Descripción | -ID | -GXT | -
Tipo | -Descripción | -
0 | -BUSINESS | -
1 | -DESERT | -
7 | -GANGLAND | -
8 | -BEACH | -
9 | -SHOPPING | -
10 | -PARK | -
11 | -INDUSTRY | -
16 | -AIRPORT | -
17 | -GOLF_CLUB | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
LA | -Los Santos | -LA | -
RIH1a | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH1b | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH2 | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH3a | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH3b | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH4 | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH5a | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH5b | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH6a | -Richman | -RIH | -
RIH6b | -Richman | -RIH | -
MUL1a | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL1b | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL1c | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL2a | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL2b | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL3 | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL4 | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL5a | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL5b | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL5c | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL6 | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL7a | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MUL7b | -Mulholland | -MUL | -
MULINT | -Mulholland Intersection | -MULINT | -
SUN1 | -Temple | -SUN | -
SUN2 | -Temple | -SUN | -
SUN3a | -Temple | -SUN | -
SUN3b | -Temple | -SUN | -
SUN3c | -Temple | -SUN | -
SUN4 | -Temple | -SUN | -
CHC1a | -Las Colinas | -CHC | -
CHC1b | -Las Colinas | -CHC | -
CHC2a | -Las Colinas | -CHC | -
CHC2b | -Las Colinas | -CHC | -
CHC3 | -Las Colinas | -CHC | -
CHC4a | -Las Colinas | -CHC | -
CHC4b | -Las Colinas | -CHC | -
VIN1a | -Vinewood | -VIN | -
VIN1b | -Vinewood | -VIN | -
VIN2 | -Vinewood | -VIN | -
VIN3 | -Vinewood | -VIN | -
LDT1a | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT1b | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT1c | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT3 | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT4 | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT5 | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT6 | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT7 | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
LDT8 | -Downtown Los Santos | -LDT | -
GLN1 | -Glen Park | -GLN | -
GLN1b | -Glen Park | -GLN | -
GLN2a | -Glen Park | -GLN | -
LFL1a | -Los Flores | -LFL | -
LFL1b | -Los Flores | -LFL | -
MKT1 | -Market | -MKT | -
MKT2 | -Market | -MKT | -
MKT3 | -Market | -MKT | -
MKT4 | -Market | -MKT | -
MARKST | -Market Station | -MARKST | -
JEF1a | -Jefferson | -JEF | -
JEF1b | -Jefferson | -JEF | -
JEF2 | -efferson | -JEF | -
JEF3a | -Jefferson | -JEF | -
JEF3b | -Jefferson | -JEF | -
JEF3c | -Jefferson | -JEF | -
ROD1a | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD1b | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD1c | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD2a | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD2b | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD3a | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD3b | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD4a | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD4b | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD4c | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD5a | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
ROD5b | -Rodeo | -ROD | -
MAR1 | -Marina | -MAR | -
MAR2 | -Marina | -MAR | -
MAR3 | -Marina | -MAR | -
THALL1 | -Commerce | -COM | -
COM1a | -Commerce | -COM | -
COM1b | -Commerce | -COM | -
COM2 | -Commerce | -COM | -
COM3 | -Commerce | -COM | -
COM4 | -Commerce | -COM | -
ELS1a | -East Los Santos | -ELS | -
ELS1b | -East Los Santos | -ELS | -
ELS2 | -East Los Santos | -ELS | -
ELS3a | -East Los Santos | -ELS | -
ELS3b | -East Los Santos | -ELS | -
ELS3c | -East Los Santos | -ELS | -
ELS4 | -East Los Santos | -ELS | -
EBE1 | -East Beach | -EBE | -
EBE2a | -East Beach | -EBE | -
EBE2b | -East Beach | -EBE | -
EBE3c | -East Beach | -EBE | -
PER1 | -Pershing Square | -PER1 | -
IWD1 | -Idlewood | -IWD | -
IWD2 | -Idlewood | -IWD | -
IWD3a | -Idlewood | -IWD | -
IWD3b | -Idlewood | -IWD | -
IWD4 | -Idlewood | -IWD | -
IWD5 | -Idlewood | -IWD | -
GAN1 | -Ganton | -GAN | -
GAN2 | -Ganton | -GAN | -
CONF1a | -Conference Center | -CONF | -
CONF1b | -Conference Center | -CONF | -
CITYS | -City Hall | -CITYS | -
LMEX1a | -Little Mexico | -LMEX | -
LMEX1b | -Little Mexico | -LMEX | -
UNITY | -Unity Station | -UNITY | -
SMB1 | -Santa Maria Beach | -SMB | -
SMB2 | -Santa Maria Beach | -SMB | -
VERO1 | -Verona Beach | -VERO | -
VERO2 | -Verona Beach | -VERO | -
VERO3 | -Verona Beach | -VERO | -
VERO4a | -erona Beach | -VERO | -
VERO4b | -Verona Beach | -VERO | -
LIND1a | -Willowfield | -LIND | -
LIND1b | -Willowfield | -LIND | -
LIND2a | -Willowfield | -LIND | -
LIND2b | -Willowfield | -LIND | -
LIND3 | -Willowfield | -LIND | -
LIND4a | -Willowfield | -LIND | -
LIND4c | -Willowfield | -LIND | -
ELCO1 | -El Corona | -ELCO | -
ELCO2 | -El Corona | -ELCO | -
PLS | -Playa del Seville | -PLS | -
BLUF1a | -Verdant Bluffs | -BLUF | -
BLUF1b | -Verdant Bluffs | -BLUF | -
BLUF2 | -Verdant Bluffs | -BLUF | -
LAIR1 | -Los Santos International | -LAIR | -
LAIR2a | -Los Santos International | -LAIR | -
LAIR2b | -Los Santos International | -LAIR | -
LBAG1 | -Los Santos International | -LAIR | -
LBAG2 | -Los Santos International | -LAIR | -
LBAG3 | -Los Santos International | -LAIR | -
LDOC1a | -Ocean Docks | -LDOC | -
LDOC1b | -Ocean Docks | -LDOC | -
LDOC2 | -Ocean Docks | -LDOC | -
LDOC3a | -Ocean Docks | -LDOC | -
LDOC3b | -Ocean Docks | -LDOC | -
LDOC3c | -Ocean Docks | -LDOC | -
LDOC4 | -Ocean Docks | -LDOC | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
RED | -Red County | -RED | -
MONT | -Montgomery | -MONT | -
MONT1 | -Montgomery | -MONT | -
MONINT | -Montgomery Intersection | -MONINT | -
HBARNS | -Hampton Barns | -HBARNS | -
HANKY | -Hankypanky Point | -HANKY | -
BLUAC | -Blueberry Acres | -BLUAC | -
FERN | -Fern Ridge | -FERN | -
PANOP | -The Panopticon | -PANOP | -
PALO | -Palomino Creek | -PALO | -
BLUEB | -Blueberry | -BLUEB | -
BLUEB1 | -Blueberry | -BLUEB | -
TOPFA | -Hilltop Farm | -TOPFA | -
NROCK | -North Rock | -NROCK | -
DILLI | -Dillimore | -DILLI | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
SF | -San Fierro | -SF | -
BATTP | -Battery Point | -BATTP | -
ESPN1 | -Esplanade North | -ESPN | -
ESPN2 | -Esplanade North | -ESPN | -
ESPN3 | -Esplanade North | -ESPN | -
ESPE1 | -Esplanade East | -ESPE | -
ESPE2 | -Esplanade East | -ESPE | -
ESPE3 | -Esplanade East | -ESPE | -
JUNIHO | -Juniper Hollow | -JUNIHO | -
SFDWT1 | -Downtown | -SFDWT | -
SFDWT2 | -Downtown | -SFDWT | -
SFDWT3 | -Downtown | -SFDWT | -
SFDWT4 | -Downtown | -SFDWT | -
SFDWT5 | -Downtown | -SFDWT | -
SFDWT6 | -Downtown | -SFDWT | -
PARA | -Paradiso | -PARA | -
CALT | -Calton Heights | -CALT | -
FINA | -Financial | -FINA | -
BAYV | -Palisades | -BAYV | -
JUNIHI | -Juniper Hill | -JUNIHI | -
CHINA | -Chinatown | -CHINA | -
CIVI | -Santa Flora | -CIVI | -
WESTP1 | -Queens | -WESTP | -
WESTP2 | -Queens | -WESTP | -
WESTP3 | -Queens | -WESTP | -
CITYS | -City Hall | -CITYS | -
THEA1 | -King's | -THEA | -
THEA2 | -King's | -THEA | -
THEA3 | -King's | -THEA | -
EASB1 | -Easter Basin | -EASB | -
EASB2 | -Easter Basin | -EASB | -
GARC | -Garcia | -GARC | -
SFGLF3 | -Garcia | -GARC | -
CRANB | -Cranberry Station | -CRANB | -
OCEAF1 | -Ocean Flats | -OCEAF | -
OCEAF2 | -Ocean Flats | -OCEAF | -
OCEAF3 | -Ocean Flats | -OCEAF | -
HASH | -Hashbury | -HASH | -
DOH1 | -Doherty | -DOH | -
DOH2 | -Doherty | -DOH | -
SFBAG2 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
SFBAG3 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
SFBAG1 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
SFAIR1 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
SFAIR2 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
SFAIR3 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
SFAIR4 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
SFAIR5 | -Easter Bay Airport (English) | -SFAIR | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
FLINTC | -Flint County | -FLINTC | -
CUNTC1 | -Avispa Country Club | -CUNTC | -
CUNTC2 | -Avispa Country Club | -CUNTC | -
CUNTC3 | -Avispa Country Club | -CUNTC | -
SFGLF1 | -Avispa Country Club | -CUNTC | -
SFGLF2 | -Avispa Country Club | -CUNTC | -
SFGLF4 | -Avispa Country Club | -CUNTC | -
HAUL | -Fallen Tree | -HAUL | -
HILLP | -Missionary Hill | -HILLP | -
EBAY | -Easter Bay Chemical | -EBAY | -
EBAY2 | -Easter Bay Chemical | -EBAY | -
ETUNN | -Easter Tunnel | -ETUNN | -
SILLY1 | -Foster Valley | -SILLY | -
SILLY2 | -Foster Valley | -SILLY | -
SILLY3 | -Foster Valley | -SILLY | -
SILLY4 | -Foster Valley | -SILLY | -
FARM | -The Farm | -FARM | -
BEACO | -Beacon Hill | -BEACO | -
FLINTI | -Flint Intersection | -FLINTI | -
FLINTR | -Flint Range | -FLINTR | -
LEAFY | -Leafy Hollow | -LEAFY | -
BACKO | -Back o Beyond | -BACKO | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
WHET | -Whetstone | -WHET | -
MTCHI1 | -Mount Chiliad | -MTCHI | -
MTCHI2 | -Mount Chiliad | -MTCHI | -
MTCHI3 | -Mount Chiliad | -MTCHI | -
MTCHI4 | -Mount Chiliad | -MTCHI | -
CREEK | -Shady Creeks | -CREEK | -
CREEK1 | -Shady Creeks | -CREEK | -
SHACA | -Shady Cabin | -SHACA | -
ANGPI | -Angel Pine | -ANGPI | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
VE | -Las Venturas | -VE | -
YBELL1 | -Yellow Bell Golf Course | -YBELL | -
YBELL2 | -Yellow Bell Golf Course | -YBELL | -
SPIN | -Spinybed | -SPIN | -
KACC | -K.A.C.C. Military Fuels | -KACC | -
PRP1 | -Prickle Pine | -PRP | -
PRP2 | -Prickle Pine | -PRP | -
PRP3 | -Prickle Pine | -PRP | -
PRP4 | -Prickle Pine | -PRP | -
YELLOW | -Yellow Bell Station | -YELLOW | -
JTN1 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
JTN2 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
JTN3 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
JTN4 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
JTN5 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
JTN6 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
JTN7 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
JTN8 | -Julius Thruway North | -JTN | -
PINT | -Pilson Intersection | -PINT | -
ISLE | -The Emerald Isle | -ISLE | -
ROCE1 | -Roca Escalante | -ROCE | -
ROCE2 | -Roca Escalante | -ROCE | -
WWE | -Whitewood Estates | -WWE | -
WWE1 | -Whitewood Estates | -WWE | -
OVS | -Old Venturas Strip | -OVS | -
CREE | -Creek | -CREE | -
REDE1 | -Redsands East | -REDE | -
REDE2 | -Redsands East | -REDE | -
REDE3 | -Redsands East | -REDE | -
REDW1 | -Redsands West | -REDW | -
REDW2 | -Redsands West | -REDW | -
REDW3 | -Redsands West | -REDW | -
REDW4 | -Redsands West | -REDW | -
HGP | -Harry Gold Parkway | -HGP | -
STRIP1 | -The Strip | -STRIP | -
STRIP2 | -The Strip | -STRIP | -
JTW1 | -Julius Thruway West | -JTW | -
JTW2 | -Julius Thruway West | -JTW | -
VISA1 | -The Visage | -VISA | -
VISA2 | -The Visage | -VISA | -
STAR1 | -Starfish Casino | -STAR | -
STAR2 | -Starfish Casino | -STAR | -
CONST1 | -Starfish Casino | -STAR | -
RING | -The Clown's Pocket | -RING | -
SRY | -Sobell Rail Yards | -SRY | -
JTE1 | -Julius Thruway East | -JTE | -
JTE2 | -Julius Thruway East | -JTE | -
JTE3 | -Julius Thruway East | -JTE | -
JTE4 | -Julius Thruway East | -JTE | -
BFLD1 | -Blackfield | -BFLD | -
BFLD2 | -Blackfield | -BFLD | -
CALI1 | -Caligula's Palace | -CALI | -
CALI2 | -Caligula's Palace | -CALI | -
VAIR1 | -Las Venturas Airport (English) | -VAIR | -
VAIR2 | -Las Venturas Airport (English) | -VAIR | -
VAIR3 | -Las Venturas Airport (English) | -VAIR | -
LVBAG | -Las Venturas Airport (English) | -VAIR | -
PIRA | -Pirates in Men's Pants | -PIRA | -
ROY | -Royal Casino | -ROY | -
PILL1 | -Pilgrim | -PILL | -
PILL2 | -Pilgrim | -PILL | -
LST | -Linden Station | -LST | -
LINDEN | -Linden Station | -LINDEN | -
HIGH | -The High Roller | -HIGH | -
STRIP3 | -The Strip | -STRIP | -
STRIP4 | -The Strip | -STRIP | -
PINK | -The Pink Swan | -PINK | -
CAM | -The Camel's Toe | -CAM | -
GGC1 | -Greenglass College | -GGC | -
GGC2 | -Greenglass College | -GGC | -
LDS | -Linden Side | -LDS | -
LVA1 | -LVA Freight Depot | -LVA | -
LVA2 | -LVA Freight Depot | -LVA | -
LVA3 | -LVA Freight Depot | -LVA | -
LVA4 | -LVA Freight Depot | -LVA | -
LVA5 | -LVA Freight Depot | -LVA | -
DRAG | -The Four Dragons Casino | -DRAG | -
LOT | -Come-A-Lot | -LOT | -
BINT1 | -Blackfield Intersection | -BINT | -
BINT2 | -Blackfield Intersection | -BINT | -
BINT3 | -Blackfield Intersection | -BINT | -
BINT4 | -Blackfield Intersection | -BINT | -
JTS1 | -Julius Thruway South | -JTS | -
JTS2 | -Julius Thruway South | -JTS | -
BFC1 | -Blackfield Chapel | -BFC | -
BFC2 | -Blackfield Chapel | -BFC | -
RIE | -Randolph Industrial Estate | -RIE | -
LDM | -Last Dime Motel | -LDM | -
RSE | -Rockshore East | -RSE | -
RSW1 | -Rockshore West | -RSW | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
ROBAD | -Tierra Robada | -ROBAD | -
ROBAD1 | -Tierra Robada | -ROBAD | -
ELQUE | -El Quebrados | -ELQUE | -
SUNNN | -Bayside | -SUNNN | -
BYTUN | -Bayside Tunnel | -BYTUN | -
ALDEA | -Aldea Malvada | -ALDEA | -
SUNMA | -Bayside Marina | -SUNMA | -
BARRA | -Las Barrancas | -BARRA | -
ROBINT | -Robada Intersection | -ROBINT | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
BONE | -Bone County | -BONE | -
PAYAS | -Las Payasadas | -PAYAS | -
VALLE | -Valle Ocultado | -VALLE | -
ELCA | -El Castillo del Diablo | -ELCA | -
ELCA1 | -El Castillo del Diablo | -ELCA | -
ELCA2 | -El Castillo del Diablo | -ELCA | -
ARCO | -Arco del Oeste | -ARCO | -
MEAD | -Verdant Meadows | -MEAD | -
BRUJA | -Las Brujas | -BRUJA | -
TOM | -Regular Tom | -TOM | -
REST | -Restricted Area | -REST | -
BIGE | -'The Big Ear' (English) | -BIGE | -
PALMS | -Green Palms | -PALMS | -
OCTAN | -Octane Springs | -OCTAN | -
PROBE | -Lil' Probe Inn | -PROBE | -
CARSO | -Fort Carson | -CARSO | -
QUARY | -Hunter Quarry | -QUARY | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
LSINL | -Los Santos Inlet | -LSINL | -
FLINW | -Flint Water | -FLINW | -
FISH | -Fisher's Lagoon | -FISH | -
SANB1 | -San Fierro Bay | -SANB | -
SANB2 | -San Fierro Bay | -SANB | -
SHERR | -Sherman Reservoir | -SHERR | -
SASO | -San Andreas Sound | -SASO | -
Zone ID | -GXT Value | -GXT Key | -
GANTB | -Gant Bridge | -GANTB | -
GANTB1 | -Gant Bridge | -GANTB | -
*DAM | -The Sherman Dam | -DAM | -
GARV | -Garver Bridge | -GARV | -
GARV1 | -Garver Bridge | -GARV | -
GARV2 | -Garver Bridge | -GARV | -
KINC | -Kincaid Bridge | -KINC | -
KINC1 | -Kincaid Bridge | -KINC | -
KINC2 | -Kincaid Bridge | -KINC | -
FALLO | -Fallow Bridge | -FALLO | -
MART | -Martin Bridge | -MART | -
MAKO | -The Mako Span | -MAKO | -
FRED | -Frederick Bridge | -FRED | -
Botón | -Enum | -De pie | -En un vehículo | -
0 | -LEFTSTICKX | -Left / Right | -Steer Left / Right | -
1 | -LEFTSTICKY | -Forward / Backwards | -Steer Forward / Backward | -
2 | -RIGHTSTICKX | -Special Ctrl Left / Right | -Turret Left / Right | -
3 | -RIGHTSTICKY | -Special Ctrl Up / Down | -Turret Up / Down, Lean Up / Down | -
4 | -LEFTSHOULDER1 | -Action | -Radio | -
5 | -LEFTSHOULDER2 | -Previous Weapon | -Look Left | -
6 | -RIGHTSHOULDER1 | -Aim | -Handbrake | -
7 | -RIGHTSHOULDER2 | -Next Weapon | -Look Right | -
8 | -DPADUP | -Forward | -- |
9 | -DPADDOWN | -Backward | -- |
10 | -DPADLEFT | -Strafe Left | -Steer Left | -
11 | -DPADRIGHT | -Strafe Right | -Steer Right | -
12 | -START | -- | - |
13 | -SELECT | -Change Camera | -Change Camera | -
14 | -SQUARE | -Jump / Zoom In | -Brake / Reverse | -
15 | -TRIANGLE | -Enter vehicle | -Exit vehicle | -
16 | -CROSS | -Sprint / Zoom Out | -Accelerate | -
17 | -CIRCLE | -Attack | -Shoot | -
18 | -LEFTSHOCK | -Crouch | -Horn | -
19 | -RIGHTSHOCK | -Look Behind | -Sub-mission | -
ID | -Nombre | -
0 | -Cubans | -
1 | -Haitians | -
2 | -Street wannabees | -
3 | -Columbians (Diaz's) | -
4 | -Renta Cops (PIGs) | -
5 | -Bikers | -
6 | -Vercetti (yours) | -
7 | -Golfers | -
8 | -Army (special gang) | -
ID | -Enum | -Descripción | -
1 | -GARAGE_MISSION | -Placeholder garage (inactive garage) | -
2 | -GARAGE_BOMBSHOP1 | -Bomb shop with timed detonator | -
3 | -GARAGE_BOMBSHOP2 | -Bomb shop with engine ignition detonation | -
4 | -GARAGE_BOMBSHOP3 | -Bomb shop with remote-control detonator | -
5 | -GARAGE_RESPRAY | -Spray garage It excludes Ambulance, Barracks, Bus, Coach, Enforcer, FBI Rancher, Firetruck, Police, Rhino |
6 | -GARAGE_COLLECTORSITEMS | -invalid garage | -
7 | -GARAGE_COLLECTSPECIFICCARS | -Car eater, functions similar to export garages but accepts any cars and gives no reward | -
8 | -GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_1 | -Sunshine Autos export garage 1 | -
9 | -GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_2 | -Sunshine Autos export garage 2 | -
10 | -GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_3 | -Sunshine Autos export garage 3 | -
11 | -GARAGE_FORCARTOCOMEOUTOF | -unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will stay opened if anything is in the garage and will close itself if there's nothing in the garage | -
12 | -GARAGE_60SECONDS | -invalid garage | -
13 | -GARAGE_CRUSHER | -invalid garage | -
14 | -GARAGE_MISSION_KEEPCAR | -unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will always close itself | -
15 | -GARAGE_FOR_SCRIPT_TO_OPEN | -unused garage, normally closed but if opened it can't close | -
16 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_ONE | -Save garage (El Swanko Casa) | -
17 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_TWO | -Save garage (Hyman Condo 1) | -
18 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_THREE | -Save garage (Hyman Condo 2) | -
19 | -GARAGE_FOR_SCRIPT_TO_OPEN_AND_CLOSE | -garage used in "Copland", normally closed and can be controlled normally | -
20 | -GARAGE_KEEPS_OPENING_FOR_SPECIFIC_CAR | -unused garage, normally closed and can be controlled normally | -
21 | -GARAGE_MISSION_KEEPCAR_REMAINCLOSED | -unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will always close itself | -
22 | -GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_4 | -Sunshine Autos export garage 4 | -
23 | -GARAGE_FOR_SCRIPT_TO_OPEN_FOR_CAR | -Army garage used in "Sir, Yes Sir!", normally closed and can be controlled normally | -
24 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_FOUR | -Save garage (Hyman Condo 3) | -
25 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_FIVE | -Save garage (Ocean Heights Apartment) | -
26 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_SIX | -Save garage (Links View Apartment) | -
27 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_SEVEN | -Save garage (Sunshine Autos 1) | -
28 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_EIGHT | -Save garage (Sunshine Autos 2) | -
29 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_NINE | -Save garage (Sunshine Autos 3) | -
30 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_TEN | -Save garage (Sunshine Autos 4) | -
31 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_ELEVEN | -Save garage (Vercetti Estate) | -
32 | -GARAGE_HIDEOUT_TWELVE | -Save garage (unused) | -
Spray garage
It excludes Ambulance, Barracks, Bus, Coach, Enforcer, FBI Ranciretruck, Police, Rhino
| +|6|GARAGE_COLLECTORSITEMS|invalid garage| +|7|GARAGE_COLLECTSPECIFICCARS|Car eater, functions similar to export garages but accepts any cars and gives no reward| +|8|GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_1|Sunshine Autos export garage 1| +|9|GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_2|Sunshine Autos export garage 2| +|10|GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_3|Sunshine Autos export garage 3| +|11|GARAGE_FORCARTOCOMEOUTOF|unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will stay opened if anything is inarage and will close itself if there's nothing in the garage| +|12|GARAGE_60SECONDS|invalid garage| +|13|GARAGE_CRUSHER|invalid garage| +|14|GARAGE_MISSION_KEEPCAR|unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will always close itself| +|15|GARAGE_FOR_SCRIPT_TO_OPEN|unused garage, normally closed but if opened it can't close| +|16|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_ONE|Save garage (El Swanko Casa)| +|17|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_TWO|Save garage (Hyman Condo 1)| +|18|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_THREE|Save garage (Hyman Condo 2)| +|19|GARAGE_FOR_SCRIPT_TO_OPEN_AND_CLOSE|garage used in "Copland", normally closed and can be controlled normally| +|20|GARAGE_KEEPS_OPENING_FOR_SPECIFIC_CAR|unused garage, normally closed and can be controlled normally| +|21|GARAGE_MISSION_KEEPCAR_REMAINCLOSED|unused garage, normally closed but if opened it will always close itself| +|22|GARAGE_COLLECTCARS_4|Sunshine Autos export garage 4| +|23|GARAGE_FOR_SCRIPT_TO_OPEN_FOR_CAR|Army garage used in "Sir, Yes Sir!", normally closed and can be controlled no| +|24|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_FOUR|Save garage (Hyman Condo 3)| +|25|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_FIVE|Save garage (Ocean Heights Apartment)| +|26|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_SIX|Save garage (Links View Apartment)| +|27|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_SEVEN|Save garage (Sunshine Autos 1)| +|28|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_EIGHT|Save garage (Sunshine Autos 2)| +|29|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_NINE|Save garage (Sunshine Autos 3)| +|30|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_TEN|Save garage (Sunshine Autos 4)| +|31|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_ELEVEN|Save garage (Vercetti Estate)| +|32|GARAGE_HIDEOUT_TWELVE|Save garage (unused)| [https://gtamods.com/wiki/Garage#Vice_City](https://gtamods.com/wiki/Garage#Vice_City) diff --git a/es/scm-documentation/vc/interiors.html b/es/scm-documentation/vc/interiors.html index ee3262e..157de22 100644 --- a/es/scm-documentation/vc/interiors.html +++ b/es/scm-documentation/vc/interiors.html @@ -8,87 +8,25 @@ -ID | -Descripción | -
0 | -outside | -
1 | -hotel | -
2 | -mansion | -
3 | -bank | -
4 | -mall | -
5 | -stripclub | -
6 | -lawyers | -
7 | -cafe robina | -
8 | -concert | -
9 | -studio | -
10 | -shooting range | -
11 | -apartment/bikerbar | -
12 | -policeHQ | -
14 | -stadium1 | -
15 | -stadium2 | -
16 | -stadium3 | -
17 | -Malibu club | -
18 | -Print Works | -
ID | -Tipo | -
0 | -player1 | -
1 | -player2 | -
2 | -player3 | -
3 | -player4 | -
4 | -civmale | -
5 | -civfemale | -
6 | -cop | -
7 | -gang1 | -
8 | -gang2 | -
9 | -gang3 | -
10 | -gang4 | -
11 | -gang5 | -
12 | -gang6 | -
13 | -gang7 | -
14 | -gang8 | -
15 | -gang9 | -
16 | -emergency | -
17 | -fireman | -
18 | -criminal | -
19 | -unused | -
20 | -prostitute | -
21 | -special | -
ID | -Icono | -Descripción | -
0 | - | -Small pink square | -
1 | - | -Player position | -
2 | - | -Pink arrow | -
3 | - | -North | -
4 | - | -Avery Carrington | -
5 | - | -Big Mitch Baker | -
6 | - | -Colonel Cortez | -
7 | - | -Ricardo Diaz | -
8 | - | -Kent Paul | -
9 | - | -Lawyer (Ken Rosenberg) | -
10 | - | -Phil Cassidy | -
11 | - | -Biker's Bar | -
12 | - | -Boatyard | -
13 | - | -Malibu Club | -
14 | - | -Cubans | -
15 | - | -Film Studio | -
16 | - | -Ammu-nation | -
17 | - | -Haitians | -
18 | - | -Toolshop | -
19 | - | -Safe House | -
20 | - | -Pole Position Club | -
21 | - | -Cherry Poppers Factory | -
22 | - | -Kaufman Cabs | -
23 | - | -Love Fist | -
24 | - | -Print Works | -
25 | -- | (no icon) | -
26 | - | -Sunshine Autos | -
27 | - | -Pay 'n' Spray | -
28 | - | -Clothes | -
29 | - | -Vercetti's Mansion | -
30 | - | -Phone | -
31 | - | -Wildstyle Radio station | -
32 | - | -Flash Radio station | -
33 | - | -KChat Radio station | -
34 | - | -Fever Radio station | -
35 | - | -VRock Radio station | -
36 | - | -VCPR Radio station | -
37 | - | -Espantoso Radio station | -
38 | - | -Emotion Radio station | -
39 | - | -Wave Radio station | -
Tipo | -Casilla | -Nombre | -Modelo | -Icono | -
0 | -1 | -Unarmed | -- |  | -
1 | -1 | -Brass Knuckles | -#brassknuckle | - | -
2 | -2 | -Screwdriver | -#screwdriver | - | -
3 | -2 | -Golf Club | -#golfclub | - | -
4 | -2 | -Night Stick | -#nitestick | - | -
5 | -2 | -Knife | -#knifecur | - | -
6 | -2 | -Baseball Bat | -#bat | - | -
7 | -2 | -Hammer | -#hammer | - | -
8 | -2 | -Cleaver | -#cleaver | - | -
9 | -2 | -Machete | -#machete | - | -
10 | -2 | -Katana | -#katana | - | -
11 | -2 | -Chainsaw | -#chnsaw | - | -
12 | -3 | -Grenade | -#grenade | - | -
13 | -3 | -Remote Detonator | -#bomb | - | -
14 | -3 | -Tear gas | -#teargas | - | -
15 | -3 | -Molotov | -#molotov | - | -
16 | -3 | -Missile | -#missile | -- |
17 | -4 | -Colt (.45) | -#colt45 | - | -
18 | -4 | -Python (.357) | -#python | - | -
19 | -5 | -Chrome Shotgun | -#chromegun | - | -
20 | -5 | -S.P.A.S 12 Shotgun | -#shotgspa | - | -
21 | -5 | -Stubby Shotgun | -#buddyshot | - | -
22 | -6 | -Tec-9 | -#tec9 | - | -
23 | -6 | -Uzi 9mm | -#uzi | - | -
24 | -6 | -Ingram Mac 10 | -#ingramsl | - | -
25 | -6 | -MP5 | -#mp5lng | - | -
26 | -7 | -M4 | -#m4 | - | -
27 | -7 | -Ruger | -#ruger | - | -
30 | -8 | -Rocket Launcher | -#rocketla | - | -
31 | -8 | -Flame Thrower | -#flame | - | -
32 | -8 | -M60 | -#M60 | - | -
33 | -8 | -Minigun | -#minigun | - | -
35 | -8 | -Helicopter Cannon | -- | - |
28 | -9 | -Sniper Rifle | -#sniper | - | -
29 | -9 | -PSG-1 (.308 Sniper) | -#laser | - | -
34 | -10 | -Detonator | -- | - |
36 | -10 | -Camera | -#camera | - | -
ID | -Nombre | -
OUT_F1 | -Army Fatigues | -
OUT_F2 | -Casuals | -
OUT_F3 | -Leisure | -
OUT_F4 | -Trailer Trash | -
OUT_F5 | -Cuban Style | -
OUT_F6 | -Pastel Suit | -
OUT_F7 | -Tracksuit | -
OUT_F8 | -Hood | -
OUT_F9 | -Hired Muscle | -
OUT_F10 | -Repo-Man | -
OUT_F11 | -Smuggler | -
OUT_F12 | -Smart Suit | -
OUT_F13 | -Winner | -
OUT_F14 | -Wet Suit | -
ID | -Nombre | -
0 | -Umberto's guys | -
1 | -Cholos | -
2 | -Sharks | -
3 | -Army | -
4 | -Security | -
5 | -Bikers | -
6 | -Vance gang | -
7 | -Golfer | -
8 | -Marty's | -
ID | -Descripción | -
0 | -Sunny | -
1 | -Cloudy | -
2 | -Rainy | -
3 | -Foggy | -
4 | -Extra sunny | -
5 | -Hurricane | -
6 | -Extra colors | -
7 | -Ultra sunny | -
Tecla | -ID | -