This folder contains scripts that complement the functionality of the Azure Education portal.
Task | Script(s) | Documentation |
Bulk Sandbox Deployment Automation | |
Educators want a simple way to provide students with VMs based on a specific VM image (for example, Data Science VM), so students can learn the fundamentals of data science. These scripts achieve the following user stories: - Ability to deploy multiple DSVMs (Data Science Virtual Machine) in either Windows, Ubuntu, of Linux CentOS - Ability to deploy VMs from marketplace image, custom image, or DSVM - Ability to deploy VMs across one or multiple subscriptions (i.e. Each VM can be in its own subscription) - Ability for each VM to have its own Resource Group - Ability to create a clean VM image from a VM |
Bulk Adding AAD Existing users via Powershell | BulkAddAAD.ps1 data.txt |
his Powershell script reads a list of accounts to a .txt file, then assigns an Azure subscription to each of the students. Full instructions can be found in the file |
Create bulk accounts in Bash | students.csv |
This bash script will read a list of accounts to create from a csv to bulk create email addresses for students taking a course. It will assign an Azure subscription to each of the students. Full instructions can be found in the file |
Useful Commands for Azure Subscription via Powershell | | This is a set of Powershell scripts which will help you perform tasks on your Azure subscriptions. Simply run the commands within Powershell. |
Create Azure Resource Groups and asign user access via Powershell | EduPortalAzureBulkCreate.psm1 | A perfect solution for Group projects. This is a set of Powershell scripts which will help you perform tasks on your azure subscriptions. Simply run the command functions within Powershell. Functions: - New-Users - Creates new users based on content of the CSV - New-ResourceGroups - Creates new resource group and add users based on CSV content - Set-RBACPermissions - creates role based access control permission based on CSV |
Listing all your Azure Subscriptions via Powershell | ListAzureSubs.ps1 | This Powershell script lists the Azure Subscriptions and then lists a table format of the Azure SubscriptionName and Azure SubscriptionID. Simply run the commands. Navigate to the directory where the script lives: cd C:\my_path\yada_yada\ Execute the script: .\ListAzureSubs.ps1 Or you can run the PowerShell script from the command prompt or terminal like this: powershell -noexit C:\my_path\yada_yada\ListAzureSubs.ps1 Then copy and paste your Subscription IDs into the Excel for assigning users. |