Acknowledgements: Chapters 3 and 7 of
Case sensitive (capitalization matters!)
Indentation is meaningful (loops, conditions, function definition)
- unless you see \ at the end of the previous line
- thus, \ allows arbitrary indents, for clarity, of multi-line long statements
- unless you see \ at the end of the previous line
Multiple commands can be on a line separated by ;
Data types
- Dynamically typed (variable type is set when assigned, upcast when needed)
- Strings are in single or double quotes; triple it to verbatim special characters
- True, False and None are Boolean and empty values
Lists and tuples. Indexing starts from 0. [0:1] means ONLY the first element
- Lists [] are ordered, mutable (you can insert, remove, append)
- Tuples() are ordered, immutable
Arrays are in the numpy module, not basic Python
- reshape, ravel, resize, squeeze(), etc.
Dictionaries are unordered sets of {key:value} pairs.
Flow control * if : <-- Note Colon!
- action * while : <-- Note Colon!
- action that had better change the condition! * for in : <-- Iterable may be a list, or range(n) from 0 to n
- action
Exceptions and errors
try: <-- Note Colon!
- action
except: <-- Note Colon!
- backup action
raise (errortype)
Procedural syntax: result = function(arguments, keywords)
- arguments must be present, ordered by position; then keyword=value,... optionally in any order
Object oriented syntax: the . symbol
- An object is an instance of a class
- object.something is an attribute
- object.method() calls the method (makes its action happen)
- dir(object) shows all available methods/attributes for its class
- some core methods have underscores like a.__doc__ are "private" (definitional). Don't mess with these.
- class names follow the CapWords convention
Modules and namespaces: The heart of Python's power
- import module (as shortname)
- from module import submodule ... (as shortname)
- modules are objects: they have attribiutes and methods
- Hover over an object and hit shift+tab in Jupyter to see its definition
- Hover to the right of . and hit tab to see autocomplete help on its available attributes and methods