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Project: Payment Application

Project Overview

Project Introduction

Payment systems are now available everywhere and everyone interacts with these systems every day. There are different types of transactions you can make, SALE, REFUND, Pre-Authorization, and VOID.

  • SALE: means to buy something and its price will be deducted from your bank account.
  • REFUND: this means that you will return something and wants your money back to your bank account.
  • Pre-Authorization: means holding an amount of money from your account, e.g Hotel reservation.
  • VOID: this means canceling the transaction, e.g if the seller entered the wrong amount.

You are required to implement the SALE transaction only by simulating the card, terminal(ATM), and the server.

Project Requirements

  1. Development environment preparation.
  2. Implement the card module.
  3. Implement the terminal module.
  4. Implement the server module.
  5. Implement the application.
  6. Testing the application.

Application Flowchart

Application Flowchart

The project can be distributed over 6 main tasks:

Development environment preparation

  1. Create modules folders.
  2. Create .c and .h file for each module.
  3. Add header file guard.
  4. Create the main.c file.

Implement the card module

  1. Fill in card.h file with functions' prototypes and typedefs.
  2. Implement getCardHolderName function.
  3. Implement getCardExpiryDate function.
  4. Implement getCardPAN function.

Implement the terminal module

  1. Fill in terminal.h file with functions' prototypes and typedefs.
  2. Implement getTransactionDate function.
  3. Implement isCardExpried function.
  4. Implement gatTransactionAmount function.
  5. Implement isBelowMaxAmount function.
  6. Implement setMaxAmount function.

Implement the server module

  1. Fill in server.h file with functions' prototypes and typedefs.
  2. Implement server-side accounts' database.
  3. Implement server-side transactions' database.
  4. Implement recieveTransactionData function.
  5. Implement isValidAccount function.
  6. Implement isAmountAvailable function.
  7. Implement saveTransaction function.

Implement the application

  1. Fill in application.h file with functions' prototypes.
  2. Implement appStart function.

Testing the application

  1. Transaction approved user story.
  2. Exceed the maximum amount user story.
  3. Insufficient fund user story.
  4. Expired card user story.
  5. Invalid card user story.

Testing the application

Transaction approved user story

As a bank customer have an account and has a valid and not expired card, I want to withdraw an amount of money less than the maximum allowed and less than or equal to the amount in my balance, so that I am expecting that the transaction is approved and my account balance is reduced by the withdrawn amount.

Exceed the maximum amount user story

As a bank customer have an account, that has a valid and not expired card, I want to withdraw an amount of money that exceeds the maximum allowed amount so that I am expecting the transaction declined.

Insufficient fund user story

As a bank customer have an account and has a valid and not expired card, I want to withdraw an amount of money less than the maximum allowed and larger than the amount in my balance so that I am expecting that the transaction declined.

Expired card user story

As a bank customer have an account and a valid but expired card, I want to withdraw an amount of money so that I expect that the transaction declined.

Stolen card user story

As a bank customer have an account and has a valid and not expired but stolen card, I want to block anyone from using my card so that I am expecting that any transaction made by this card is declined.