Translation resource packs for Sodium and its affiliates and Forge branches.
English / 简体中文
Translation resource packs for Sodium and its affiliates and Forge branches .
This resource pack has been created because Sodium authors do not accept PR for language files.
(It is possible to stop updating sodium translation, Sodium Translation Project )
Magnesium/Rubidium Extras i18n : ForgeModi18n/MgRb-Extras-i18n
Magnesium/Rubidium DynamicLights i18n : ForgeModi18n/MgRbDynamicLights-i18n
Sodium author: JellySquid
Chlorine author: hanetzer
Halogen author: sporn
Magnesium author: someoneelsewastaken
Rubidium author: Asek3
Sodium-Extra author: Flashy Reese
Rubidium-Extra author: dimadencep
Better Sodium Video Settings Button author: LimeShulkerBox
Use CFPAOrg/Minecraft-Mod-Language-Package for automatic packaging within the repository (following the CC-BY-NC-SA license agreement).
This Resource Pack is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.