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+title: Introduction to MarcEdit
+teaching: 10
+exercises: 0
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives
+- Explain what the MarcEdit software does
+- Explain how the MarcEdit software can help work with library bibliographic data and library MARC files
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: questions
+- What is MarcEdit?
+- What can MarcEdit do?
+## What is MarcEdit?
+MarcEdit is a suite of tools created and maintained by Terry Reese. The tools together form the MarcEdit software. These tools provide numerous functions which can be used to create, edit, and manipulate library metadata, particularly, though not limited to, records in a variety of MARC formats and standards. In this way, the MarcEdit software is MARC agnostic and can work with Unimarc or MARC21. MarcEdit can be used to:
+- make small, single, edits to individual MARC records
+- make edits across many MARC records at a single time
+- automate common edits/processes
+- validate your data against defined MARC rules
+- convert data between different formats
+- enhance your data
+- pull data from external sources
+The features offered by the suite of MarcEdit tools continue to evolve, with new features added as the software is updated by Terry Reese. [A comprehensive list of features](https://marcedit.reeset.net/features) is available on the MarcEdit website.
+Although the ability to create, view and edit MARC records is built into many pieces of library and bibliographic management software, MarcEdit is particularly flexible and powerful for manipulating MARC data in bulk. With MarcEdit's wide-ranging functionality and integration into other library software and services, it is a very powerful toolkit for anyone working with bibliographic data.
+## MarcEdit's Primary Features
+### Profiling MARC Data
+Before working with any data file, it is advantageous to understand that data. MarcEdit can help you answer common questions you might have of your data, such as: How many records are in the file? Does the file contain MARC data that describes only books, and are those books print and/or electronic? Do the records follow national metadata standards and best practices needed for your local systems?
+Getting a profile of the MARC data in your file can help you make a plan on what changes need to be made to the file. Further, it can help you automate some of the changes if this type of file is one that you work with often.
+### Manipulating MARC Data
+MarcEdit is like the Swiss army knife for MARC data. You can perform single (one record) or global (all records) edits such as adding or deleting MARC fields, subfields and indicator values. Other edit functions include building fields using MARC data from other fields, or changing the case of data in a field. You can also run functions that update your MARC data to the content standard Resource Description and Access (RDA) or assign OCLC's FAST subject headings to records in the file.
+### Tasks and Automation
+If you have a list of changes to make, MarcEdit allows you to package these together to be run one after another in Tasks. These packages of changes can then be saved for future use. This is one of the ways to automate your work, making manipulating your MARC data easier and quicker.
+### Integrations
+MarcEdit can integrate with OCLC's WorldCat and Ex Libris' Alma library system platform. Thanks to these integrations, you can retrieve records from external services, manipulate the records, and then push the changes back to the system integration of your choice.
+Using MarcEdit you can harvest [OAI or Open Archives Initiative for Harvesting Metadata Protocol](https://www.openarchives.org/pmh/) Dublin Core or MARC21 records. Though not necessarily an integration, harvested records can also be manipulated.
+### Regular Expressions
+MarcEdit allows for the use of regular expressions in many of its MARC data manipulation features. Regular expressions are a sequence of text to identify a search pattern. This is a powerful tool that allows greater flexibility when manipulating MARC data.
+## Getting help
+If you encounter problems installing MarcEdit or using a MarcEdit feature, a good source of support is the [MarcEdit mailing list](https://listserv.gmu.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=marcedit-l). [The MarcEdit website has a list of places where you can get help using the software](https://marcedit.reeset.net/help) including:
+- [The MarcEdit Knowledgebase](https://marcedit.reeset.net/archives/category/knowledge_base)
+- [The MarcEdit 101 Webinar](https://marcedit.reeset.net/marcedit-101-workshop)
+- [A set of video tutorials on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrHRsJ91nVFScJLS91SWR5awtFfpewMWg)
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: keypoints
+- MarcEdit is a tool for working with bibliographic metadata, specifically in the MARC format
+- MarcEdit can be used to open, review and edit MARC files
+- MarcEdit provides advanced features and integrations to support the manipulation of MARC files
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+title: Getting Started with MarcEdit
+teaching: 20
+exercises: 3
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives
+- Locate top level menu features
+- Explain the top level menu features
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: questions
+- How is MarcEdit organized?
+- What are the top level features?
+- Where are the top level features located?
+## Getting Started with MarcEdit
+## Top Level Menu Features
+When you launch MarcEdit, the main window opens. From here, you can access the suite of MarcEdit tools, features, plug-ins, quick links, or help.
+### MarcEdit Main Window: Top Level Menu
+In the main window top level menu, there are three options: Tools, Plug-ins, and Help.
+### Tools
+The Tools menu allows you to access a number of different basic and advanced features. Features to highlight include:
+- Preferences
+- The MarcEdit regular expression store
+- OAI Harvester
+- Export either MARC records or records reformatted as a text delimited csv (comma separated value) or tsv (tab separated value) file
+- MARC Processing Tools: MARCsplit, MARCcompare, MARCjoin, MARCmerge, find duplicate records, RDA Helper, or MARCValidator
+- Delimited Text Translator
+- Utilities that include a verify URL tool
+One thing you'll notice is that there are both shortcuts, linked icons, and menu options that lead to the same features or tools. For example, to update your preferences, you can go to Tools → Preferences, use the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+Shift+P, or click on the gearbox in the upper left hand corner of the main window.
+#### Preferences
+In MarcEdit, Preferences allow you to configure the main window and various tools, such as the MarcEditor (the tool used to manipulate MARC data). For example, you can change the font, font size, or select your most frequently used tools to display as shortcuts in the main window. In Preferences, you can also configure settings for other tools beyond the main window menu such as the MarcEditor where you can update the default character encoding for records that are opened in this tool (such as MARC8 or UTF-8) , integrations with OCLC, or accessibility settings.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Let's add a shortcut to our main window
+1. Click on the gearbox in the top left corner or go to Tools → Preferences
+2. Select "Main Window" in the Preferences window in the left hand pane
+3. In the right hand pane, select RDA Helper
+4. Click Ok
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge
+## Name three other tools or features that can be changed in Preferences.
+::::::::::::::: solution
+## Solution
+1. Click on the gear icon in the main window or go to Tools → Preferences
+2. In the left hand pane, look at the names there
+3. Tools or features that can be changed in Preferences: Main Window, Bibframe, MarcEditor, MARCEngine, Ease of Use, File Associations, Language, Locations, Other, Updates, Configure Watcher, ILS Integration, OCLC API Integration.
+### Plug-Ins
+There are a number of useful plugins that can be added to MarcEdit to extend its functionality. An example is the MARC to [KBART or Knowledge bases and related tools](https://www.niso.org/standards-committees/kbart/kbart-frequently-asked-questions) converter. You can find more information on plugins on the [MarcEdit Plugin page](https://marcedit.reeset.net/managing-plugins-in-marcedit).
+### Help
+This top level menu Help allows you to find information on updates, about your current MarcEdit installation, and links out to video tutorials or online help.
+### History
+MarcEdit remembers what you did last. You can see this history in the Quick Links section which is a drop down of features and tools you frequently use. Although not related to a history of what you did last in MarcEdit, the "What would you like to do?" box in the upper right hand corner is convenient for quickly finding tools and features in MarcEdit.
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: keypoints
+- MarcEdit offers the ability to add shortcuts to the main window
+- MarcEdit allows you to set preferences for features and tools such as the main window or the MarcEditor
+- Preferences can be accessed using the gearbox icon and selecting Tools → Preferences, or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P
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+title: Working with MARC files
+teaching: 20
+exercises: 1
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives
+- Explain the difference between mrc and mrk MARC file formats
+- Successfully break and open a file of MARC records in the MarcEditor
+- Explain character encoding and its importance
+- Understand how to read a MARC record in the MarcEditor
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: questions
+- What is a MARC binary file?
+- What does it mean to break and make a MARC file and how do I open a file of MARC records in MARCedit?
+- Why is encoding important?
+- How does the MarcEditor display MARC records?
+## Working with MARC files
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: callout
+## MARC file types
+MarcEdit recognizes the following MARC file types:
+ File type
+ |
+ File extension
+ |
+ Usage
+ |
+ Binary MARC file
+ |
+ mrc
+ |
+ File format typically used in an ILS or LSP. Other file extensions provided by vendors (ex. marc, dat, bin) are equivalent. Binary is format consisting of a series of sequential bytes, each of which is eight bits in length.
+ |
+ Mnemonic MARC Text File
+ |
+ mrk
+ |
+ File format used by MarcEdit that is a human readable version of the binary file.
+ |
+ MARC UTF-8 Text File
+ |
+ mrk8
+ |
+ Legacy file format for MARC mnemonic files saved with UTF8 encoding.
+ |
+ MARCXML file
+ |
+ xml
+ |
+ A MARC file expressed in the eXtensible Markup format or a text-based format for representing structured information.
+ |
+To work with a MARC file in the MARCEditor your file needs to be in MARC mnemonic format. If you only have a binary file, then that file needs to be converted to the mnemonic format.
+### MARC Tools
+To work with MARC data files or convert between metadata formats for library bibliographic data recognized by MarcEdit, click on the MARC Tools icon that has the crossed hammer and spanner in the upper left hand corner of the main menu. The available features are:
+- MarcBreaker: This "breaks" the MARC binary file into a readable (mnemonic) format that can be edited in the MarcEditor.
+- MarcMaker: This takes the readable (mnemonic) format MARC data file and creates the MARC binary file.
+- MARC21 to MARC21XML: This converts a MARC21 file to MARC21XML.
+- MARC21XML to MARC21: This converts a MARC21XML file to a MARC21 binary file.
+- MARC to JSON: This converts a MARC21 file to a JSON file.
+- JSON to MARC: This converts a JSON file to a MARC21 file.
+- JSON to XML: This converts a JSON file to XML.
+- XML to JSON: This converts an XML file to JSON.
+The conversions from one encoding standard to another, as in MARC21 to MARC21XML, rely on eXtensible stylesheets. MarcEdit comes with several default stylesheets which come from those maintained by the Library of Congress. If you are familiar with stylesheets, you can also create your own.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: callout
+## Character Encoding
+To ensure the integrity of your data you need to select the correct character encoding for your dataset. MarcEdit does not automatically detect character encoding, however, UTF8 is set as the default encoding scheme. You can update the encoding scheme when using the MarcBreaker, or you can update the default in Preferences → MarEditor → Default Encoding. For more information on character encoding and translating from one encoding to another, see [The MarcEdit Field Guide](https://marcedit.reeset.net/learning_marcedit/9-2/dealing-with-character-encodings-in-marcedit/)
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Break a MARC Binary File
+To transform our binary MARC file (.mrc) into MARC mnemonic human readable format (.mrk), you use the MarcBreaker.
+##### Break a MARC (.mrc) file to use in the MarcEditor
+1. Launch MarcEdit and from the main window click on the MARC Tools Icon.
+2. In the MARC Tools window, Select Operation → MARCBreaker.
+3. In the field, Select Data to Process, click the file folder image to the right of the Open box to browse for the sample MARC data file (.mrc). Double click the found file to select it.
+4. Next, you will need save your file in the MARC mnemonic format (.mrk) by clicking the file folder to the right of the Save As box. Select the location and name you would like to give your new file.
+5. Under Character encoding select UTF8 as default character encoding.
+6. Click execute.
+7. Once you click execute the newly created .mrk file will be available to open in the MarcEditor. Under Results at the bottom of the window you will see a count of the records in your file. Click Edit Records to open the .mrk file in the MarcEditor.
+**Note:** When you break a .mrc file and create a new .mrk file for editing in the MarcEditor, you are making a copy of your data in a new file format. As a result, any edits you make to the .mrk file in the MarcEditor will not automatically be reflected in the original .mrc file. We will cover saving and compiling (using the MarcMaker) to create an updated .mrc file in an upcoming lesson.
+## MARC Record layout in the MarcEditor
+You should now see the MARC records from the file displaying in the MarcEditor:
+{alt='MarcEditor screen with file open'}
+The MarcEditor displays the records in what is called the 'Mnemonic MARC Text File' format (file extension \*.mrk). Each line in the file represents a field in a MARC record:
+=245 14$aThe Lord of the Rings /$c J.R.R. Tolkien.
+This example breaks down as follows:
+ = | Each line/field starts with the '=' sign.
+ |
+ 245 | The '=' is followed immediately by the three character MARC field code.
+ |
+ [two spaces] | The MARC field is always followed by two spaces.
+ |
+ 14 | The field indicators follow the spaces if the field has indicators. When an indicator is not coded a \\ is used. For the control or fixed fields where no indicators are used, the field content starts directly after the spaces.
+ |
+ \$aThe Lord of the Rings /\$c J.R.R. Tolkien. | The field content contains the subfields (indicated using the \$ symbol) and the text. Because the subfields use the \$ symbol, any real occurrences of the dollar symbol (e.g. for currency) is shown as [dollar] instead. Unlike in some cataloguing applications, there are no spaces between subfield codes and the subfield text.
+ |
+Records in the MarcEditor display are separated by a blank line.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: callout
+## MARC syntax in the MarcEditor
+Understanding the layout of MARC data in the MarcEditor is key to using the program's tools successfully. For instance, in some tools it is important to specify a field's indicators directly preceeding the first subfield. Throughout this workshop we will highlight how different tools rely on this syntax to apply edits.
+The MarcEditor divides a file of MARC records into 'pages' of 100 records. You can scroll up and down the page of MARC records using the scroll bar as usual, but to see the next 100 records you need to use the Next/Previous page controls which are at the bottom left of the screen. The MarcEditor can handle very large files of MARC records, because it never tries to load all the records at the same time.
+## Setting MarcEditor Preferences
+You can adjust the number of records displayed per 'page' through the MarcEditor preferences which can be accessed through the Edit → Preferences menu option from the MarcEditor, or through the 'Settings' icon on the opening screen of MarcEdit.
+Within the MarcEditor preferences you can adjust the font and font size within the MarcEditor. You can also set your character encoding defaults. If you navigate to File Associations within the Preferences window, you can select Associate (`*.mrc`) files with the MarcBreaker and Associate (`*.mrk`) files with the MarcEditor. Setting these file associations will make it easy to break `.mrc` files and edit `.mrk` files.
+If you change your preferences for the MarcEditor, the tool used to work with MARC data, you can always go back to the default settings.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Reset settings for the MarcEditor in Preferences
+1. Click Edit → Preferences
+2. Select "MarcEditor" in the Preferences window in the left hand pane
+3. In the right hand pane, select Set Defaults for either font or font size
+4. Click Ok
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: keypoints
+- MarcEdit can work with a variety of file formats
+- The MARC Tools Icon allow you to convert data from one file format to another
+- The MarcEditor works with a MarcEdit specific mnemonic format of MARC records (.mrk)
+- It is necessary to break a MARC binary file to work with that MARC data in the MarcEditor. The extension of these easily readable MARC files are .mrk rather than the binary extension of .mrc
+- Understanding the layout (syntax) of MARC records in the MarcEditor is key to working with the records.
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+title: Layout of the MarcEditor
+teaching: 10
+exercises: 0
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives
+- Explain what the MarcEditor does
+- Explain how the MarcEditor features can help work with MARC files
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: questions
+- What is the MarcEditor?
+- How are MARC files organized in the MarcEditor
+## The MarcEditor
+The MarcEditor is a discreet utility within MarcEdit that enables you to work with your MARC data in an easily human and machine readable format.
+## MarcEditor Top Level Menu
+The MarcEditor has a robust set of features available via the top level menu. Features can be accessed through the menu or through shortcut keys. The shortcut key for a feature appears next to it in the menu.
+{alt='MarcEdit top level menu'}
+### MarcEditor Top Level Menu Features
+Each top level menu heading contains so many gems. Below are some highlights of those features that are frequently used when working with a set of MARC data.
+- Save, Save As, Open, Recent: This is where you'll find those important functions of saving, saving as, opening up a recent file, or opening a new file.
+- Select Records for Edit: This is where you can select a subset of your data to work with.
+- Compile File: This is the same function as MarcMaker, meaning that the readable MARC data file (.mrk) being edited in the MarcEditor will be converted to a MARC binary file (.mrc).
+- Find and Replace: You can find or find and replace just on the current page or in the entire file.
+- Edit Shortcuts: This is where you can change the case, find records that have a missing MARC field or duplicate MARC field, or find fields with a missing word.
+- Jump To: You can use this to jump to a record in the file.
+- Insert/Edit 006 or 008: This will open a form to easily insert or edit these fixed fields.
+- Delete Record: You can delete one or more records in a range or based on invalid encoding characters.
+If you need to change the font and size for the current MARC data you are working on in the MarcEditor, this is the place to do that.
+- Create a custom report
+- Get a count of all the MARC Fields in the MARC Data
+- Get a count of the records based on type (book, serials, video recordings, etc.)
+- MARCValidator
+- Add/Delete Marc Fields
+- Edit subfields
+- Edit Indicators
+- Build a new MARC field
+- RDA Helper
+- Sort By
+OCLC WorldCat: Requires OCLC Integration Setup
+- Search WorldCat
+- Add/Delete/Update OCLC Bibliographic Data
+- Create/Update Bibliographic Data
+- Update Holdings
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: keypoints
+- MarcEditor is a tool to work with MARC data in an easily readable format
+- The MarcEditor can be used to perform a number of different functions such as adding, deleting MARC fields or subfields, building MARC fields, running reports, or checking the validity of MARC data
+- The MarcEditor can be used to perform one task at a time or automate a set of tasks for particular types of MARC files
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+title: Profiling Your MARC data
+teaching: 10
+exercises: 5
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives
+- Access reports for getting an overview of your MARC data
+- Find tools to locate errors in your MARC records by using the MARCedit Edit toolbar
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: questions
+- How do I use different reports to get an overview of my MARC file?
+- How do I locate errors in my records?
+- How do I use the Edit Shortcuts tool to identify and fix common errors?
+## Profiling your MARC data
+The MarcEditor provides multiple reporting options and tools to help you profile your MARC data and understand the contents of your file. Reports are located under the Reports tab.
+### Overview reports
+The `Material Type Report` can be used to identify the types of resources described in your MARC file. This report is helpful when you're uncertain of what resources are represented in your file, or to locate potential errors.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Run Material Type Report
+To run the Material Type Report
+1. Click Reports
+2. Select Material Type Report
+3. Click Generate Report
+If we expect our MARC file to contain only book records, we can easily locate and review records with other material types by using the `Find Records by Type` Report.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Run Find Records by Type Report
+To run the Find Records by Type Reports
+1. Click Reports
+2. Select Material Type Report
+3. Select material type of records you want to review from the drop-down list. For this exercise select Continuing Resources.
+ A window will open displaying the Leader of each record. Double click on a result to be brought to that record in the MarcEditor.
+4. Click Close to exit the results window
+The `Field Count` Report can also be used to profile your data. The Field Count Report lists each field found in your records, the number of times each field occurs in the record set, and the total number of records each field occurs in. While high level, the results can tell you about the cataloguing standards used (260 vs. 264) and identify potential errors (repeating non-repeatable fields), missing fields, local fields, etc.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Run Field Count Report
+To run the Field Count Reports
+1. Click Reports
+2. Select Field Count
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge
+## Locate errors using the Field Count Report
+1. What do the field count results tell us about our records?
+2. Looking at fields 100-300 do any of the results indicate errors in our records?
+::::::::::::::: solution
+## Solution
+1. Field count outlines each field found in our records, the number of times it occurs, and how many records it occurs in. Field count can also tell us the number of records in our file (536).
+2. Non-repeatable field 245 occurs more times than the number of records it's found in. At least one record contains multiple 245 fields. Field 245 appears in one less record than other required fields.
+### Edit functions
+Other useful tools for profiling your data can be found under the Edit tab.
+Like many applications, the MarcEditor provides a `Find` function. Find is particularly useful for locating and reviewing all instances of a MARC field within your data, or locating a particular text string within your data.
+We can use Find to locate and review the 245 field.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Run Find Function
+To use the Find function
+1. Click Edit
+2. Select Find (*Ctrl+f will also launch the `Find` function)
+3. In the "Find what:" dialogue box enter =245
+4. Click Find All
+**Note:** When using `Find` to locate instances of a specific field, make sure to include the preceding = before the field number. Including the = ensures only matches on field number will be returned.
+The Find results list is organized by record number, displaying the matched field content on the left, and the record number the field belongs to on the right. We can see from our results that Record # 8 appears twice, signaling that this record contains two 245 fields. By double clicking on "Jump to record #: 8" we could go directly to the record in our file to edit it. However, next we will show you a set of tools that can be used to locate and fix common errors like duplicate fields.
+The `Find Records With Duplicate Tags` function allows us to easily locate records with a duplicated field.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Run Find Records With Duplicate Tags Function
+1. Click Edit
+2. Select Edit Shortcuts
+3. Select Field Edits
+4. Click Find Records With Duplicate Tags
+5. In the dialogue box enter 245 and click OK
+The results list includes two records with duplicate 245 fields, # 8 and # 28. Click on Jump to Record # to be taken to the record in the MarcEditor. Once on the record you can manually delete the incorrect 245 field.
+The `Find Records Missing Field` function allows us to easily locate records with a missing field. To run this function
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Run Find Records Missing Field Function
+1. Click Edit
+2. Select Edit Shortcuts
+3. Select Field Edits
+4. Click Find Records Missing Field
+5. In the dialogue box enter 245 and click OK
+The results list will show one record missing a 245 field. Click on Jump to Record # to be taken to the record in the MarcEditor.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge
+## Correct the missing 245 field
+1. What's the issue with this record? Is the 245 formatted correctly?
+::::::::::::::: solution
+## Solution
+1. The 245 field number is formatted incorrectly. The MarcEditor relies on a standard format to identify and take actions on fields. Remove the rogue space and update the field number to correct this record.
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: keypoints
+- MarcEditor provides many different tools and reports to profile and edit your MARC records
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+title: Manipulating MARC data basics
+teaching: 40
+exercises: 6
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives
+- Explain how to find, find all, and replace
+- Explain how to add, update, and remove fields, subfields, indicators, and fixed fields
+- Explain the difference between save and compile
+- Successfully manipulate MARC data
+- Successfully save your MARC data
+- Successfully compile your MARC data
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: questions
+- How can MARC data be manipulated?
+- How can fields, subfields, and/or indicators be added, changed, or removed?
+- How can fixed fields be manipulated?
+- What is the difference between save and compile?
+## Manipulating MARC data
+We've seen how we can manually and individually edit records in the MarcEditor, however, MarcEdit provides a number of more powerful ways to manipulate our MARC data. Fields, subfields, indicators can be added, removed, or changed. Fixed fields can be corrected. Fields and subfields specific to RDA can be added while AACR2 conventions are removed. It is possible to work with a subset of MARC data and then incorporate those changes into the original whole MARC data set. The variations sometime seem endless and give more weight to the nickname of MarcEdit, the swiss army knife of MARC data.
+### Find, Find All, and Replace
+Like many other applications, the MarcEditor offers the ability to Find, Find All, and Replace.
+Find: Find will search as a keyword what you enter into the Find window search box. This option will only search the current page in the MarcEdit. Remember that the default settings splits the MARC records into 100 for each page. Find will only search those records on the page you are currently on.
+Find All: Find all will search for your search terms entered in the Find window search box over all the pages, or all your MARC records.
+Replace: Replace works alongside Find or Find all. You have the option to Replace just those on the page or Replace all where the replace occurs on all pages in all records.
+If you want to Find or Find all a MARC field, you will need to include the equals sign before the MARC field. For example, if you type in the search box 856, Find or Find All will search for 856 as a keyword anywhere. If there is a title such as "The Jourey of the 856 people", this will then show up in your search results. If you search for =856, it will find anything with that string. If for example there is a title with "... =856 ..." then this will also appear in the search results. Typically the equals before the MARC tage will bring up that MARC tag.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Find, Find All, and Replace using the MARC field 856
+1. Go to Edit->Find (or CTRL+F)
+2. In the search box in the new window, type in 856
+3. Click Find
+4. What results to you see?
+5. Close that window
+6. Go to Edit->Find (or CTRL+F)
+7. In the search box in the new window, type in =856
+8. Click Find All
+9. What results to you see
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge
+## Add a proxy to the MARC field 856
+1. Find those MARC fields 856 where there is a subfield 3 for Full text follow by a subfield u
+2. Add this proxy https://proxy.edu?url=
+::::::::::::::: solution
+## Solution
+1. Click Edit->Replace
+2. In the search box for Find, type in =856 40\$3Full text:\$u
+3. In the search box for Replace, type in =856 40\$3Full text:\$uhttps://proxy.edu?url=
+4. Undo those changes.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: callout
+## Find and Replace
+Remember to always verify that the search results of the Find or Find All. Find or Find all will search that exact phrase or string that you put into the search box either on that page (Find) or in every record (Find all).
+### Add/Delete a MARC field
+To add or delete a MARC field, go to Tools in the upper menu in the MarcEditor and select Add/Delete Field. This will open a new Batch Editing Tools window. The Add/Delete Field functions are on the same menu level and you will need to select the action of either add or delete using the buttons on the right hand side.
+In the top middle section of the window, there are two data entry fields: Field and Field Data. Enter the MARC field number you want to add or delete in the Field dialogue box. Then enter the indicators, subfields, and data in Field Data dialogue box. Remember to include the dollar sign to indicate a subfield.
+{alt='MarcEdit empty Add/Delete Field dialog'}
+{alt='MarcEdit completed Add/Delete Field dialog'}
+To add the field, click the Add Field button and to delete any matching fields, click the Delete Field button.
+For both the Add Field and Delete Field functions there are a number of different options that can be applied to control the updates.
+The options to Add a Field include, if the field you are adding already exists, it can be inserted first in the list of those MARC fields or last. MARC fields can be added only if that MARC field is not already present in that record or based on the presence of other criteria found in other MARC fields. For example, a MARC field `655 \4$aElectronic books` can be added to only those records that are eBooks based on the data in the LDR or 008.
+The options to Delete a Field include removing duplicates, removing MARC fields based on field position, removing MARC fields that do not match what is entered in the Field Data, or removing invalid UTF-8 MARC fields. For example, to ensure that only the field `655 \4$aElectronic books`. is present in the MARC data, the option Remove if field data does not match can be selected.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge
+## Add and then delete a MARC field
+1. Add a 655 for electronic books with first indicators blank and second indicator 4 to the MARC data.
+2. Delete that 655 that you just added.
+::::::::::::::: solution
+## Solution
+1. Go to Tools in the upper menu in the MarcEditor
+2. Select Add/Delete Field (F7)
+3. In the Field box enter 655, in the Field Data box enter `\4$aElectronic books`.
+4. Click Add Field. You can also preview this change by clicking on the arrow on the right of Add Field and selecting Preview in the 7.5 version of MarcEdit
+5. Check your MARC data. Was this MARC field added?
+6. To delete this field, go back to Tools and select Add/Delete Field (F7)
+7. In the Field box enter 655
+8. In the Field Data box enter `\4$aElectronic books`.
+9. Click on the Delete Field button. You can also preview this change by clicking on the arrow on the right side and selecting Preview in the 7.5 version of MarcEdit
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: callout
+## Metacharacter syntax in the MarcEditor
+Within the batch editing tools, MarcEdit uses the X metacharacter to represent a numeric range for selecting and editing fields. For example, if you enter 24X, that edit will act on fields 240-249; if you enter 5XX, that edit will act on fields 500-599.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge
+## Delete a range of MARC fields that begin with a number
+1. Verify your data contains multiple 9XX fields.
+2. Delete all 9XX fields.
+::::::::::::::: solution
+## Solution
+1. Verify your file has multiple 9XX fields by using the Field Count report (Reports → Field Count), or by using Find (Edit → Find "=9" → Find All)
+2. Go to Tools in the upper menu in the MarcEditor
+3. Select Add/Delete Field (F7)
+4. In the Field box add 9XX
+5. Click on the Delete Field button. You can also preview this change by clicking on the arrow on the right side and selecting Preview in the 7.5 version of MarcEdit
+### Add, Delete, or Change information for a subfield in a MARC field
+To edit subfield data within a given field, go to Tools and select Edit Subfield Data. A new Batch Editing Tools window will open (notice that this is the same window that opened for Add/Delete a field, you can also navigate between the MarcEdit Batch Editing Tools using the labels on the left hand side of the window). From here you can add a new subfield, delete a subfield, or replace text in a subfield. Set your desired subfield edit conditions by selecting the appropriate option(s) from the Search Options list.
+To add a subfield, enter the MARC field and then the subfield. The text you would like to add in that subfield is entered in Replace With box. Select New subfield only from the Search Options below and then click Replace Text. Even though you are adding a subfield, you still click Replace Text. For adding a subfield, the information that goes in that field doesn't go in the box called Field Data, see the example below.
+To delete a subfield, enter the MARC field and then the subfield. Select Delete Subfield from the Search Options and then click Remove Text.
+To replace text in a subfield, enter the MARC field, the subfield, the text (or information) that needs to be changed in the Field Data box. Enter your updated text in the Replace with box. Click on Replace Text.
+{alt='MarcEdit empty edit subfield dialog'}
+{alt='MarcEdit completed edit subfield dialog'}
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: callout
+## Ability to Preview and Special Undo
+As of version 7.5, you can preview all of these changes before making them.
+If you complete a batch edit that produces unexpected or undesirable results, you can perform a Special Undo by selecting Edit → Special Undo.
+This will only on your most recent batch edit. If you perform an action after your batch edit, Special Undo will not undo your batch change but the action you just performed.
+Undo and Special Undo are different. Undo undoes a manual edit whereas Special Undo undoes a bulk edit.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge
+## Add and then Delete a MARC subfield
+1. Change the `$5` for the MARC field 500 from FU to your own Library of Congress Organization Code. If you are unsure of your Library of Congress Organization Code, update the code to XYZ.
+2. Delete that `$5` that you just changed.
+::::::::::::::: solution
+## Solution
+1. Go to Tools in the upper menu in the MarcEditor
+2. Select Edit Subfield Data (F9)
+3. Add 500 in the Field box, 5 in the Subfield box, FU in the Field Data box, and your LC Organization Code in the Replace With box
+4. Click on the Replace Text button.
+5. Check your MARC data. Was FU changed to your LC Organization Code?
+6. To delete this subfield, go back to Tools and select Edit Subfield Data (F9)
+7. Enter 500 in the Field box, 5 in the Subfield box
+8. Click on the Remove Text button.
+### Change one or both indicators in a MARC field
+Sometimes it is necessary to change one or both indicators of a MARC field. To edit field indicators, go to Tools and select Edit Indicators. This will open a new Batch Editing Tools window. Enter the MARC field and the indicators that you would like to change. Enter the new indicators you want in the Replace With Indicators box. Here you will want to be careful of the combinations of indicators. If you leave the Indicators box blank and add indicators in the Replace With Indicators box, all the indicators for that MARC field will be changed to the indicators entered in the Replace With Indicators box.
+{alt='MarcEdit empty edit indicators dialog'}
+{alt='MarcEdit completed edit indicators dialog'}
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge
+## Change an indicator for a MARC field in your MARC data
+1. Change the first indicator of the MARC field 050 to 1 for those MARC fields 050 that have a first indicator blank and a second indicator 4.
+::::::::::::::: solution
+## Solution
+1. Go to Tools in the upper menu in the MarcEditor
+2. Select Edit Indicators (F8)
+3. Add `050` in the Field box, `\4` in the Indicators box, and `14` in the Replace With Indicators box. Leave the Field data box blank
+4. Click on the Replace button.
+5. Check your MARC data. Were the `050 \4` updated to be `050 14`?
+## Working with MARC fixed fields
+Working with fixed fields can be difficult. In the MarcEditor, you can edit one fixed field at a time using the easy editing window. If you put your cursor on that fixed field, such as an 008 or 006, then go to Edit and select Field 006 or Field 008. This will open up a window where you can edit the fixed field for that specific MARC record. To add one fixed field, put your cursor on the line where you want that fixed field inserted, go to Edit and then select Field 006 or 008. In the window, edit the fields for that specific record.
+{alt='MarcEdit fixed fields editor'}
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: callout
+## Batch Editing Fixed Fields in Multiple MARC Records
+Sometimes it is necessary to change a fixed field for all records in your MARC data. You can use the Edit Field function. For this, you will need to know the position of the fixed field. For this, you can consult the [OCLC Bibliographic Standards and Formats](https://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en.html) or [the Library of Congress Bibliographic Marc Standard](https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/). This is also possible using the Replace function and regular expressions which will be covered in Lesson 09.
+If you need to add a fixed field, you can use the Tools and select Add/Delete. You will need to have the 006 already formed. For example, you can add one 006 using the method explained above, copy that, and then use the Tools, Add field, to then add the 006. Remember that fixed fields don't have indicators.
+## Saving, Compiling and Version Control
+The MARC data that you manipulate in the MarcEditor is in a human and computer readable mnemonic `.mrk` file format that was broken from the original binary `.mrc` file. You will notice that the file name of the file you're working on, displayed at top of the MarcEditor, has the file extension `.mrk`. If you look at the file in your file directory, the file icon color is blue whereas the binary `.mrc` MARC file icon is purple.
+### Saving
+When you save in the MarcEditor, you are saving your latest changes as a `.mrk` file. Using File → Save will save edits into your current `.mrk` file, overwriting the original. To keep a copy of your original `.mrk` data, select File → Save As and choose a new file name for your edited records.
+### Compiling
+To save your edited records back into a MARC binary `.mrc` file (the file format typically required to load MARC records in external systems such as your ILS or LSP) use the compile feature. Select File → Compile File into MARC. Choose a new file name for your edited `.mrc` file. Using the same file name as your original `.mrc` file will overwrite the unedited file.
+Records can also be compiled outside of the MarcEditor using the MarcMaker tool. To use the MarcMaker, from the Main Menu select MARC Tools. In the MARC Tools window, under Select Operation choose MarcMaker. Under Select Data to Process, in the Open box, select the `.mrk` file you'd like to compile. In the Save As box, specify the location and file name for your new `.mrc` file. Set the character encoding options as required, and then click Execute. Once compiled, you will see a message under Results specifying the number of records in the new `.mrc` file.
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: keypoints
+- MarcEdit can be used to edit any part of the MARC data including the Leader, fixed fields, fields, indicators, subfields and the content in those fields.
+- MarcEdit comes with an array of tools to manipulate data and validate MARC.
diff --git a/07-manipulating-MARC-data-advanced.md b/07-manipulating-MARC-data-advanced.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d712177f
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+title: Manipulating MARC data advanced
+teaching: 25
+exercises: 3
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives
+- Explain Build New Field, RDA Helper and Select Records for Edit advanced functions
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: questions
+- How can Build New Field be used to combine elements from existing MARC fields into a new field?
+- How can the RDA Helper be used?
+- How can Select Records for Edit be used to manipulate a subset of your MARC file?
+## Build New Field
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: callout
+## Building a MARC field
+Sometimes it is necessary to create a new MARC field based on the content of existing MARC fields.
+This is possible using the function called, Build New Field.
+{alt='Build New Field Window'}
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Let's build a new `035 9\$a` using the data from the 001 and static data
+1. Go to Tools → Build New Field
+2. In the new window, in the field box, type in `=035 9\$a(LCMarcEdit){001}`
+3. Select the box to "Always add this field"
+4. Click Process
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge
+## Use the Build New Field to add a proxy to the `856$u`
+1. For eResources, it is sometimes necessary to add your institution's proxy information to the url in the `856$u`. Add `https://exampleproxy.edu/login?url=` prefix to the url in the `856$u`.
+::::::::::::::: solution
+## Solution
+1. Go to Tools → Build New Field
+2. In the new window, in the field box, type in `=856 40\$uhttps://exampleproxy.edu/login?url={856$u}`
+3. Select the box to "Replace Existing Field"
+4. Click Process
+## RDA Helper
+Records aren't created equal in that we encounter MARC data that follows different descriptive cataloging standards. There are a number of records cataloged according to the AACR2 standard or even AACR or earlier. Sometimes it is necessary to make sure these records follow the current RDA descriptive cataloging standard. MarcEdit lets you do this through the function called RDA Helper.
+To run the RDA Helper, go to Tools and select RDA Helper. In the window that opens, you can pick and choose how you would like to transform your records to align better with the RDA descriptive standard. For example, you can add the RDA fields 336, 337, and 338 for content, media, and carrier types. You can update the MARC field 040 to include the `$e` rda and delete the GMD statement. You can also evaluate the 260/264.
+{alt='MarcEdit RDA Helper'}
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge
+## Run the RDA Helper on your MARC data
+1. Run the RDA Helper with these settings: Add 336, 337, 338; Modify the 040; Evaluate the 260/264; Always use the copyright symbol; Expand abbreviations; Remove the GMD.
+::::::::::::::: solution
+## Solution
+1. Go to Tools in the upper menu in the MarcEditor
+2. Select RDA Helper
+3. Check off the settings listed above
+4. Click the OK button.
+5. Check your MARC data. Do you see the changes?
+## Select Records to Edit
+There are times when you need to work on a subset of your MARC data. The Select Records for Edit function allows you do this.
+Before using the Select Records for Edit function, save your file to capture recent edits.
+Go to File and click on Select Records for Edit. In the window, you will see Display Field in the lower right hand corner. This is where you enter the MARC field you want to see displayed once you import your file. You can enter a MARC field and subfield or just a MARC field. The MARC field and/or subfield that you add in this box will provide the criteria you need to select records you want to edit. Once you have entered the Display Field, click on Import File. This will import the MARC (`.mrk`) file that you are currently working on. You can select another MARC (`.mrk`) file in the box Source MARC file.
+{alt='MarcEdit empty Select Records for Edit dialog'}
+To select only the records you want to edit, enter your criteria in the Search box and click the magnifying glass icon. Records in your file where the contents of the selected Display Field match your search criteria will be selected. Click on Export Selected to export these records and edit them.
+{alt='MarcEdit completed Select Records for Edit using the MARC field 245 dialog'}
+When saving the exported records you can choose to save the file as a new record subset (Save As), or merge the edits back into your complete record set (Save).
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Let's add cutters to call numbers in the 099
+1. Go to File → Select Records to Edit
+2. In the new window, type in `099$b` in the Field Display
+3. Click on Import File
+4. In the search box, type in "Display field not found" to locate all records missing `099$b`
+5. Click the magnifying glass icon. A pop up window will indicate the number of records selected that match your criteria. Click OK.
+6. Click on Export Selected. A pop up window indicate that your selected records have been extracted. Click OK.
+7. A new MarcEditor window will open. Note the temporary file name at the top of the editor window indicating this file is distinct from your main file. In the new MarcEditor, go to Tools → Call Number tools → Cuttering Tools → Generate Cutters.
+8. In the field box enter 099 and click Process
+9. Check your results by using Find All `=099`
+10. Select File → Save. A pop up window will indicate your extracted data with edits has been saved back into your main file. Click OK.
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: keypoints
+- Advanced reports and functions are available in MarcEdit to apply global and selective edits
+- MarcEdit comes with an array of tools to manipulate data and validate MARC.
diff --git a/08-tasks-and-automation.md b/08-tasks-and-automation.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..357bd1e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/08-tasks-and-automation.md
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+title: Tasks and Automation
+teaching: 20
+exercises: 2
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives
+- Explain how to create, manage, edit, and run tasks
+- Successfully create and run a new task
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: questions
+- What are tasks?
+- How do you manage and create new tasks?
+- How do you run tasks?
+## Tasks and Automation
+When working with MARC records regularly, you will likely encounter record sets where the data needs the same or very similar approach. A good example is electronic resource records where the resource URL in the 856 field will require the addition of an institution-specific proxy stem. Another example is adding RDA content, carrier, and media terms and codes to your records. Because MARC records typically need to meet cataloguing community standards and local best practices, it is necessary to manipulate MARC data to fit these standards and practices. In the previous lessons learned how to apply one change at a time. In this lesson, we will learn how to string together and automate these changes so they can be re-used in the future.
+In the MarcEditor, tasks are the tool that enable such automation. A task is a series of changes to MARC data that occur in the sequence they are entered in the task. One can think of tasks as a mini script of sorts that string together different MarcEditor functions that manipulate MARC data in some way. All tasks are created, managed, and run in the MarcEditor. In this way, tasks are another way to manipulate your data and are an extension of the other tools offered in the MarcEditor.
+## What are Tasks?
+A task is a series of MarcEdit functions to manipulate data. In the previous lessons, we ran one function at a time. Tasks string a set of functions together so you can run them as a group. Tasks run each function one after another. As such, it is important to think about how you order the functions in your task. For instance, if you want to add your institutions' proxy and the MARC data already has a proxy that you need to delete, your task has to account for that and remove the old proxy before adding a new one.
+Tasks are managed through the Task Manager in the MarcEditor. To access the Task Manager, go to Tools and then Manage Tasks in the top level menu. This will open the Task Manager window.
+In this window, you will see any tasks that you have created previously. You will see the name that you gave those tasks, the path to where those files are saved on your local computer, a shortcut, and a description. At the bottom of this window you will also have two options "Task Actions" and "Manage Existing Tasks".
+Task Actions include:
+- New Task: This will create a new task.
+- Clone: This will duplicate an existing task.
+- Delete: This will remove a task.
+- Edit: This will allow you to edit an existing task.
+- Rename: This will let you assign a different name to an existing task.
+Manage Existing Tasks include:
+- Assign to Group: This will let you put tasks into different categories or groups.
+- Assign keystrokes: This will let you assign shortcut keys to tasks.
+- Backup all tasks: This will let you backup your tasks to your local computer.
+- Delete Task Group: This is to remove an existing group.
+- Export Task File: This will save a selected task to your local computer for reuse or sharing.
+- Import Task File: This will bring in a task from your local computer.
+- New Task Group: This will allow you to create a new group.
+- Relink tasks: This will allow you to relink tasks.
+- Remove From Group: This will let you remove a task from a group.
+- Rename Group: This will allow you to rename a group.
+The difference between these two actions lists might seem confusing at first. Task Actions allow you to work with a particular task in terms of creating and managing one specific task at a time. The Manage Existing Tasks menu allows you to create and manage groups, exporting and importing, and assigning keyboard shortcuts to tasks.
+Tasks don't have to be categorized in groups or be linked to keyboard shortcuts. This is up to the users and their preference for how they organize their task workspace.
+## Create a New Task
+To create a task in the MarcEditor, Go to Tools in the top level menu and then Manage Tasks. In the Task Actions menu, select "New Task" from the dropdown menu and then click Select. In the dialogue box, enter the name of your task and click OK. This opens the Edit Task List window where you will see the name you gave your task, a description, tasks, and actions.
+Please note that though the Task List Name box allows you to change the name, these changes will not save. To change the name of a task, you need to go to Task Actions and select Rename task.
+You can add or update a description in this task list window. The box in the middle will list the functions (or tasks) for this particular task. If there are none, this window will be empty.
+Actions include:
+- Add: Add a new function or task
+- Copy: Clone a function or task already in the list
+- Delete: Delete a function or task
+- Edit: Change an existing function or task
+You can add a new task by clicking on the plus button. You can add any type of function available in the MarcEditor Tools and Edit Shortcuts menu options. This includes the RDA Helper, build a new field, change the case of a MARC field, or generate cutters. You can even include a list of functions (tasks) from another Task.
+Click on save at the left bottom corner of the Task List window to save your Task. From there you can close the Task Manager window. To run a task, go to Tools → Assigned Tasks → Current Tasks.
+If you have created many Tasks, it does help to assign them to groups to more easily find what you need. If you don't use Groups, the Task Manager will list all of your Tasks in alphabetical order and it might be difficult to see them, especially on small screens such as laptops.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge
+## Create and run a new Task that runs the RDA helper and removes 9XX fields
+::::::::::::::: solution
+## Solution
+1. Go to Tools in the upper menu in the MarcEditor
+2. Select Manage Tasks
+3. In the Task Manager window, in Task Actions, select New Task
+4. Click Select.
+5. Name your Task
+6. In the Task List window, you can describe this task.
+7. Click on the plus button and add RDA Helper.
+8. Click on the plus button and add a new Add Delete Task Field
+9. In the new window to delete a field, add 9XX and click on Delete field.
+10. Save Task
+11. Close the Task Manager
+12. Go to Tools, then Assigned Tasks, and select your task that you just created
+13. Check your MARC data. Are the 9xx gone? Does every record now have the appropriate RDA fields?
+## Managing your Tasks
+To edit an existing task, go to Tools → Manage Tasks. In the Task Manger select the task you want to edit, this will highlight the task. Under Task Actions choose Edit Task and click Select. This will open the Edit Task List window. Just like when creating a new task, you can add, delete, or edit functions in your task. Use the up and down arrows to the right to reorder your functions.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge
+## Add a proxy to the `856 40$u` in your Task
+1. After you run your Task, your MARC records should have your institution's proxy before the URL. Remember to check your data first to see if there are any proxy stems present. You will need to remove any existing proxies before running your Task. If the MARC data has different types of electronic URLs (resource, related resource, etc.) as noted in the MARC field 856 indicators, you will need to account for that in your Task.
+::::::::::::::: solution
+## Solution
+1. Go to Tools in the upper menu in the MarcEditor
+2. Select Manage Tasks
+3. Select the Task you just created. The selected Task will be highlighted.
+4. In Task Actions, select Edit Task and click Select.
+5. Select the plus button and select "Add a Replace All Task"
+6. Replace the `856 40$u` with `856 40$u[your proxy]`. Remember to add 2 spaces after the MARC field.
+7. Save
+8. Close out of the Task Manager
+9. Run your Task again
+10. Check your MARC data. Do you see the changes?
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: callout
+## Copying Functions to Tasks
+It's possible to copy many functions run in the MarcEditor to a Task for easy reuse. To copy a function, look for the "Copy Task" button in the Batch Editing Tools and Replace Text windows. By clicking "Copy Task" after you've designed and run a function successfully, you can save that function. To add the function to a Task, go to Tools → Manage Tasks. In the Task Manger, under Task Actions choose New Task and click Select. Once in the Edit Task List window, right click and select "Paste Task Action". You can also add the function to an existing Task by selecting Edit Task, instead of New Task.
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: keypoints
+- MarcEdit tasks are a way to automate a series of functions
+- Tasks can consist of any type of function among the MarcEditor tools
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d9b44fa
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+title: Integrations
+teaching: 10
+exercises: 0
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives
+- Explain what integrations are
+- Explain how integrations support advanced record actions
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: questions
+- What are integrations?
+- What work can integrations support?
+## Integrations
+MarcEdit has the ability to interface (or integrate) with other applications. Integrations with other cataloguing utilities, such as vendor ILS and LSP systems and OCLC WorldCat, support advanced actions which can include downloading records, pushing new records or record updates, and setting holdings (OCLC WorldCat). Currently, MarcEdit can integrate with the ILS Alma, Koha, or a local ILS if you are able to connect to the host database. MarcEdit can be set up to integrate with OCLC's APIs for metadata and connect to OCLC or the Library of Congress (either UTF-8 or MARC8) Z39.50 services.
+For the ILS integrations you will need one or some of the following:
+- Host URL of the database
+- Username and password
+- Token
+If you are setting up an integration to your ILS, it is recommended to touch base with those who have already done this. For example, for Alma, you can reach out to the Alma listserv to get guidance.
+For the OCLC API integration, you will need to request an API key with OCLC. You will need the Registry API, Metadata API, and Search API. It is recommended to consult OCLC's help page on [setting up MarcEdit OCLC integration](https://help.oclc.org/Librarian_Toolbox/OCLC_APIs/Troubleshooting/How_do_I_set_up_MarcEdit_OCLC_Integration%3F?sl=en) as well as Terry Reese's information from his blog.
+For the Z39.50 integration, you will need to enter your username and password in the settings. For OCLC, this is your Connexion number and password. For the Z39.50 search for OCLC, there are options for the types of searches performed and translating records to UTF-8.
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: keypoints
+- Understand what integrations are and why they're useful
+- Understand where to set up an integration
diff --git a/10-regular-expressions.md b/10-regular-expressions.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4a8ee86
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+++ b/10-regular-expressions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+title: Regular Expressions
+teaching: 15
+exercises: 20
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives
+- Understand what regular expressions are and how they can support advanced editing in the MarcEditor
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: questions
+- What are regular expressions?
+- Where and how can you use regular expressions in the MarcEditor?
+- What types of edits can you accomplish with regular expressions?
+## Regular Expressions
+Regular expressions, often referred to as regex, are a tool you can use to match, capture and manipulate data across your MARC record file. Regular expressions are comprised of a sequence of literal characters and metacharacters which are formulated to match a particular pattern found in your data that you want to manipulate. A detailed introduction to working with regular expressions can be found in the [Library Carpentry lesson Introduction to Working with Data (Regular Expressions)](https://librarycarpentry.org/lc-data-intro/index.html). In this lesson we will focus on the application of regex in the MarcEditor.
+## Regular Expressions in MarcEdit
+MarcEdit uses the .NET regular expression syntax. Visit the .Net [Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/regular-expression-language-quick-reference) for a breakdown of the syntax used for regex metacharacters in MarcEdit. You can also download the [.Net Regex metacharacter reference sheet](https://download.microsoft.com/download/D/2/4/D240EBF6-A9BA-4E4F-A63F-AEB6DA0B921C/Regular%20expressions%20quick%20reference.pdf) to support the creation of your own regular expressions in MarcEdit.
+Many MarcEdit functions support the use of regular expressions for data selection and manipulation. They include: Find and Replace, Edit Field, Copy Field, Swap Field, Build New Field, Delete Field, Record Validation, and both the Extract and Delete Selected Records tool. The intent of this lesson is to demonstrate where and how you can leverage regular expressions to work with your MARC data.
+## Edit Field Data
+With regular expressions you can easily locate variations in your data and replace them with a single value. In our file the OCLC identifier in the 035 field uses the prefixes `on`, `ocn`, and `ocm`, but our library formats the OCLC with the `(OCoLC)` prefix. Instead of running three Edit Field Data functions to update these prefixes, we can use a regular expression in the Edit Field Data tool to replace these prefixes with the `(OCoLC)` prefix in a single edit.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Update 035 OCLC prefixes
+1. Select Tools → Edit Field Data
+2. Enter the following values:
+ Field: `035` Find: `on|ocn|ocm` Replace: `(OCoLC)`
+3. Check Use Regular Expressions box
+4. Click drop down menu → Preview Results
+5. Verify your results look as expected, close preview tab and then click Process
+ In this regular expression we use the pipe (`|`) metacharacter to specify that we are looking for the string `on` OR `ocn` OR `ocm`. We then replace the captured string with `(OCoLC)`.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: callout
+## Knowing your dataset
+Regular expressions are a powerful tool, but using them can sometimes lead to unexpected and undesirable results if you do not know your dataset. In the Edit Field Data exercise above, any 035 field containing the string `on`, `ocn`, or `ocm` would have had these values replaced with `(OCoLC)`.
+For example: `=035 \\$a(SFUonline)638023` would have become `=035 \\$a(SFU(OCoLC)line)638023`
+Reviewing your dataset before employing regular expressions is a good best practice. The MarcEditor Preview Results feature also supports trial and error.
+## Find and Replace
+The Find and Replace tool is another useful way to identify and manipulate data in the MarcEditor with the support of regular expressions. In our file the local call numbers in the `090` field are formatted without a space between the class and subclass (ex. `LD1780` and not `LD 1780`). To update the call number to follow our local policy we need to isolate the components of the call number so we can add a space between them. We can do this with a regular expression by employing groups.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Add a space between 090 class and subclass
+1. Select Edit → Find
+2. Enter `=090` in the Find box and click Find All
+ Review the list of `090` fields, what observations can you make about the call numbers in this field?
+ Review shows us that not all call numbers begin with letters. We do not want to add a space to these call numbers and need to account for this in our regular expression.
+3. In the Find window, click Replace to bring up the Replace Text functions
+4. In the Find box enter the regular expression `(=090 \\\\\$a[A-Z]+)(\d.*)`
+ This regular expression uses two sets of `()` to capture groups and then manipulate them.
+- Broken down, the first group `(=090 \\\\\$a[A-Z]+)` will match the literal string `=090 \\$a` (the additional backslashes are used to escape the regex metacharacters `\` and `$` so that they will be read as literals) followed by any single capital letter in the range A to Z (`[A-Z]`) one or more times (`+`). By specifying that the regular expression must locate a capital letter at the start of the call number, the regular expression will not edit the call numbers that begin with a digit.
+- The second group `(\d.*)` will match any digit (`\d`) followed by any character (`.`) zero or more times (`*`)
+5. In the Replace box enter `$1 $2`
+ This regular expression refers back to the groups we defined and captured in the Find box. `$1` refers to the group defined in the first set of brackets, and `$2` refers to the group defined in the second set of brackets. If we had defined additional groups they would be referred to chronologically as `$3`, `$4` etc. The regular expression `$1 $2` will output the contents of the two captured groups with a space between them.
+6. Check the Use regular expressions box
+7. Click drop down menu → Preview Results
+8. Verify your results look as expected, close preview tab and then click Process
+## Select Records for Edit
+The Select Records for Edit tool, introduced in lesson 6, allows you to isolate and then work with a subset of your records. Regular expressions can be a powerful tool to help you isolate the subset of records you want to work with.
+In this example we want to add the electronic journals genre form (`655 \\4$aElectronic journals`) to our electronic continuing resource records.
+Working with fixed fields, where character position and coded values impart specific meaning, can be difficult for the human eye. However, regular expressions make it easy to specify the position of a character in a text string in order to find, select or update that data.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Isolate continuing resource records
+1. From the top level menu select File → Select Records for Edit
+2. The file you are working on will be selected by default in the Source MARC file box. To import the Leader for review, enter LDR in the Display Field Box and Click Import.
+3. To isolate continuing resource records we find any records where `LDR/07` = `i` or `s`. In the Find box, enter the regular expression `.{7}[is].{16}`
+- This regular expression looks for any 7 characters (`.{7}`)(Leader positions 0-6), followed by the character `i` OR `s` (`[is]`) (Leader position 7), followed by any 16 characters (`.{16}`)(Leader positions 8-23)
+4. Check the Use Regular Expressions box and then click the magnifying glass. A popup window will let you know how many records were selected based on your criteria.
+5. Click Export Selected. You will get a popup will let you know the records have been extracted. Click OK.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: callout
+## Inverting your selection
+When using the Select Records for Edit tool you can use the Invert Selections option to select all records that DID NOT meet your criteria. This option can be helpful when you want to select all records except for those that meet a specific criteria.
+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: checklist
+## Edit selected records
+Now that we've isolated our continuing resource records, we can add a field for the electronic journals genre form (`655 \4$aElectronic journals`) to the electronic records in our subset.
+1. From the top level menu select Tools → Add/Delete Fields
+2. In the Batch Editing window, enter 655 in the Field box and enter `\4$aElectronic journals` in the Field Data Box. Under General Options select Use Regular Expression, and under Add Field Options select Add Field If Present/NOT Present.
+3. To add our 655 field to electronic records only, we need to specify what should be present in the record for the new field to be added.
+ What are some fields and values we might look at to determine format?
+ For this example we are going to use a regular expression to look for the presence of an 856 link or a the carrier type online resource. Enter the regular expression `=856|=338.+online resource` in the Find What box.
+- This regular expression looks for the string `=856` OR the string `=338` followed by any character (`.`) one or more times (`+`), followed by the string online resource
+4. Click Add Field. Review your data, were the new fields added correctly?
+After editing your subset of records, you can either save the edits back into the original file, or save the subset of records to a new file.
+To save the edits back into the original file, select File → Save (Ctrl+S). You will get a dialogue box indicating that your records have been saved back into the original file.
+To save your subset of records separately, select File → Save As. Specify the name and location of your new file and click Ok.
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: keypoints
+- Regular expressions are a powerful tool for selecting and editing your data in the MarcEditor
+- Regular expressions can be used in many functions and tools in MarcEdit and the MarcEditor
+- Knowing your data is essential to ensuring your regular expressions are working as intended
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+title: "Contributor Code of Conduct"
+As contributors and maintainers of this project,
+we pledge to follow the [The Carpentries Code of Conduct][coc].
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior
+may be reported by following our [reporting guidelines][coc-reporting].
+[coc-reporting]: https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/policies/incident-reporting.html
+[coc]: https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/policies/code-of-conduct.html
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7632871f
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+++ b/LICENSE.md
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+title: "Licenses"
+## Instructional Material
+All Carpentries (Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry, and Library Carpentry)
+instructional material is made available under the [Creative Commons
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+# Values for this lesson.
+# Which carpentry is this (swc, dc, lc, or cp)?
+# swc: Software Carpentry
+# dc: Data Carpentry
+# lc: Library Carpentry
+# cp: Carpentries (to use for instructor training for instance)
+# incubator: The Carpentries Incubator
+carpentry: 'lc'
+# Overall title for pages.
+title: 'Library Carpentry: MarcEdit'
+# Date the lesson was created (YYYY-MM-DD, this is empty by default)
+created: '2019-08-17'
+# Comma-separated list of keywords for the lesson
+keywords: 'software, data, lesson, The Carpentries'
+# Life cycle stage of the lesson
+# possible values: pre-alpha, alpha, beta, stable
+life_cycle: 'alpha'
+# License of the lesson materials (recommended CC-BY 4.0)
+license: 'CC-BY 4.0'
+# Link to the source repository for this lesson
+source: 'https://github.com/librarycarpentry/lc-marcedit'
+# Default branch of your lesson
+branch: 'main'
+# Who to contact if there are any issues
+contact: 'team@carpentries.org'
+# Navigation ------------------------------------------------
+# Use the following menu items to specify the order of
+# individual pages in each dropdown section. Leave blank to
+# include all pages in the folder.
+# Example -------------
+# episodes:
+# - introduction.md
+# - first-steps.md
+# learners:
+# - setup.md
+# instructors:
+# - instructor-notes.md
+# profiles:
+# - one-learner.md
+# - another-learner.md
+# Order of episodes in your lesson
+- 01-introduction.md
+- 02-top-level-menu-features.md
+- 03-working-with-MARC-files.md
+- 04-layout-of-the-MarcEditor.md
+- 05-profiling-your-MARC-data.md
+- 06-manipulating-MARC-data-basics.md
+- 07-manipulating-MARC-data-advanced.md
+- 08-tasks-and-automation.md
+- 09-integrations.md
+- 10-regular-expressions.md
+# Information for Learners
+# Information for Instructors
+# Learner Profiles
+# Customisation ---------------------------------------------
+# This space below is where custom yaml items (e.g. pinning
+# sandpaper and varnish versions) should live
+url: 'https://librarycarpentry.github.io/lc-marcedit'
+analytics: carpentries
+lang: en
diff --git a/data/marc_sample_data.mrc b/data/marc_sample_data.mrc
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+01799nam a2200325 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404100130009704200080011004300120011809900230013010000220015324502410017524600700041624600240048626001180051030000410062850001820066954600300085158803170088165000640119860000350126270000170129770000260131471000430134071000610138395100290144402059822520120613154605.0120613s2009 bl a c 000 0 por c aon795395013 aFUGcFUG0 aporafre apcc ae-fr--- aTR820.5b.D64 20091 aDoisneau, Robert.10aExposição a Renault de Doisneau, ano da França no Brasil =bExposition le Renault de Doisneau, année de la France au Bresil /cfotos de Robert Doisneau ; curadora da exposição, Ann Hindry ; assistida por Augusto Serra Negra.31aExposition le Renault de Doisneau, année de la France au Bresil14aRenault de Doisneau aCuritiba :bCasa Andrade Muricy ;aSão Paulo :bFederação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo,c2009. a120 p. :bill. (some col.) ;c27 cm. a"Curitiba, CAM, Casa Andrade Muricy, 23 de abril a 14 de junho ; São Paulo, FIESP, Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo, 26 de outubro a 6 de dezembro."5FU aIn Portuguese and French. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aDocumentary photographyzFrancey20th centuryvExhibitions.10aDoisneau, RobertvExhibitions.1 aHindry, Ann.1 aNegra, Augusto Serra.2 aCasa Andrade Muricy (Curitiba, Brazil)2 aFederação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo. 108aUFU01:005022159;5FU02371nem a2200481 i 450000100100000000500170001000700090002700800410003603400560007703500170013304000230015004100130017304200080018604300120019404900090020609900260021524501680024124601260040925500700053526400820060530000540068733600400074133700280078133800260080950000150083550000300085050000260088050000360090650000500094250000820099254600250107458803170109959900140141665100300143065500230146065500170148365500420150065500360154270000380157871000250161677502190164195100290186002117560320200128102336.0aj cafun200128r19931730xxui a 0 fre c1 aab21500000dW0420000eE0730000fN0470000gS0400000 aon1137595316 aFUGbengerdacFUG1 afrealat apcc af------ aFUGG 4aG8200 1730b.L52 199302aL'Afrique dressee sur les observations de mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et quelques autres sur les memoires les plus recens /cpar G. de L'Isle geographe.1 iTitle in upper margin:aAfrica accurate in imperia, regna, status & populos divisa, ad usum serenissimi Bourgundiae Ducis aScale approximately 1:21,500,000c(W 42°--E 73°/N 47°--S 40°) 1a[Place of publication not identified] :b[Publisher not identified],c[1993?] a1 map :bcolor ;c34 x 43 cm, on sheet 40 x 50 cm acartographic imagebcri2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia asheetbnb2rdacarrier aFacsimile. aRelief shown pictorially. aTitle from cartouche. aFour scale bars at bottom left. aDate of publication from date received stamp. aReproduction of Delisle's 1730 map published by Covens & Mortier (Amsterdam). aIn French and Latin. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a021175603 0aAfricavMapsvFacsimiles. 7aFacsimiles.2lcgft 7aMaps.2lcgft 7aFacsimiles.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411642 7aMaps.2fast0(OCoLC)fst014237041 aL'Isle, Guillaume de,d1675-1726.2 aCóvens et Mortier.08iReproduction of (manifestation):tAfrique dressee sur les observations de mrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et quelques autres sur les memoires les plus recens.dAmsterdam : Chez I. Covens & C. Mortier, [1730] 108aUFU01:004180756;5FU05910nam a2200385Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500200011804000130013809900110015110000220016224501210018426000570030551600480036253800680041053800400047850000500051850000580056850200480062652016790067452018720235352006280422550000230485350400410487659000320491758803170494965300930526669000460535969000290540585600610543495100290549502164156320120127090438.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu110214s2010 flu sbm s000 0 eng d aon773144842 a(SNX)UFE0042646 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aQuintos, Melanie.10aMission and conversion in the lives of Constantine-Cyril and Methodiush[electronic resource] /cby Melanie Quintos. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2010. aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format.5FU aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader.5FU aMode of access: World Wide Web.5FU aTitle from title page of source document.5FU aDocument formatted into pages; contains 83 pages.5FU aThesis (M.A.)--University of Florida, 2010.3 aABSTRACT: In the last third of the ninth century, the brothers Constantine-Cyril and Methodius embarked upon their mission to the Khazars, a Turkic polity that controlled parts of the Crimea and Black Sea region at the time, and the Moravians, a Slavic-speaking polity located between the Frankish and Byzantine Empires. As conversion mission, the Khazar mission is commonly regarded as a failure, whereas the Moravian mission is regarded as a success that paved the way for the spread of Christianity through the Slavic language. For the ultimate results of the Cyrillo-Methodian endeavor, one must go beyond Moravia, because when Methodius died in 885, his disciples were expelled. Methodius could not continue teaching without the patronage of the local ruler, which was easily lost in the midst of impermanent alliances of the ninth century. Similarly, the small number of conversions made by Constantine-Cyril in Khazaria were unconnected to the diplomatic success of procuring prisoners from the ruler of the Khazars. I reached this conclusion by comparing the two hagiographical texts, reading them through the lens of several conversion models. I make use of Richard Bulliet's theory of individual conversion as social conversion. Such a conversion exhibits mundane details, such as relocating to or being accepted by a concrete new community of co-religionists. However, this model is only feasible in a few cases throughout this study, and the historicity of such accounts as described in the texts cannot be attested. Indeed, Karl Morrison's theory of individual conversion as a metaphor rather than a historical conversion is more applicable throughout the text.3 aSuch a lens fits well with the nature of the hagiographical texts, probably written for a Slavic-speaking audience which was already Christian, and not a diplomatic account of Constantine-Cyril's mission. Bulliet's model of group conversion is applicable to the two-hundred Khazars, To determine the extent of conversion, I used Bulliet's model, which stipulates that for conversion to have occurred, there must be a recognition of a spiritual authority, autonomy of the religious authority such as a church having jurisdiction over legal affairs, and a merging of language with religion, during which a liturgical language comes into use. None of this occurs during or following the conversion of the Khazars, indicating that this conversion was not a lasting one. I note a further complication, because several figures that Constantine-Cyril met simply promise to convert, and he simply accepted it. Such promises of conversion occurred where there was initial, but not irremediable hostility of the would-be convert towards Constantine-Cyril. If the group or individual were implacably hostile towards Constantine-Cyril, confrontation and triumph over that group or individual would be the only option. The portrayal of the Khazars as potential converts shifted to a portrayal of the Khazars as irremediable in the time of Methodius's biographer, as the Khazars had become a dangerous enemy to the Byzantine Empire. The hostile tone of Methodius's biographer is visible at several points in the disputation with the Jews as well, leading me to believe that some portions in the disputation were added later. Later interpolations also encompass the linguistic portion of the Life of Constantine, because of the reference to the anachronistic Slavic letters. Similarly, portions of The Life of Methodius appear to have been written later than the late ninth century.3 aThe Life of Constantine contains one thread of continuity, that of the Samaritan and his son converting to Christianity, which foreshadows the hardness of the Jews' hearts during the disputation. I have not dealt with this significance with adequate thoroughness and more research needs to be done on the significance of this contrast. Through the course of my research, I was able to provide some possible answers for these important questions of authorial perspective as well as address my central argument: the conversions in both these texts had no bearing on the diplomatic thrust of imperial missions to the frontier. aIncludes vita.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references. aAdviser: Curta, Florin.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aByzantiumaConstantineaconversionaJewishaKhazaraMethodiusamissionaMoravianaSlavic aDissertations, AcademiczUFxHistory.5FU aHistory thesis, M.A.5FU403Full text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE00426465FU 108aUFU01:005053828;5FU08438nam a2200433Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500200011804000130013809900110015110000330016224501380019526000570033351600480039053800680043853800400050650000500054650000590059650200500065552011460070552012140185152009660306552012660403152007740529752010010607152002270707250000230729950400410732259000370736358803170740065300890771769000680780669000400787485600610791495100290797502164554820120125150558.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu110214s2010 flu sbm s000 0 eng d aon741564569 a(SNX)UFE0042435 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aFernandez-Diaz, Juan Carlos.10aCharacterization of surface roughness of bare agricultural soils using LiDARh[electronic resource] /cby Juan Carlos Fernandez-Diaz. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2010. aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format.5FU aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader.5FU aMode of access: World Wide Web.5FU aTitle from title page of source document.5FU aDocument formatted into pages; contains 172 pages.5FU aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2010.3 aABSTRACT: The characterization of surface roughness is an active area of research with relevance and applications to many fields of sciences and engineering. For example, in geology it is used to infer what type of process gave origin to particular surface morphologies. In hydrology it is used to model surface water runoff. Here the goal is to facilitate the use of active and passive microwave sensors to map soil moisture. For this purpose, surface roughness is considered the random height variations of the soil surface relative to a reference surface. Roughness is thus considered a stationary, single-scale random process characterized by three parameters: the root mean square (RMSh) of the height variations, the autocorrelation function (ACF) and its correlation length (CL). To obtain these parameters the general practice is to record the terrain height variation along two-dimensional (2D) transects using mechanical or non contact profilers. The data from these transects are first detrended to separate the reference surface and the random component, and then the random component is used to compute the roughness parameters.3 aThe current definition and parameterization of surface roughness have the advantages of being simple, but it is generally accepted that the way soil roughness needs to be measured and described for the modeling of microwave phenomena is not yet fully understood. Some practical challenges currently faced include: obtaining precise and accurate roughness parameter values from field instruments and techniques; obtaining measurements that do not contradict the currents assumptions of single scale, isotropy and simple Gaussian or exponential ACFs; obtaining good agreement between soil moisture measurements and the values derived from the microwave models using scattering and or emission observations and in situ roughness measurements. The research hypotheses tested in this work, that explain these limitations are: the existence of systematic and random errors that are not properly accounted for in the measurements; the inadequate practice of using 2D profiles to derive 3D characteristics of the surface; the scaling up of in situ roughness measurements under the assumptions of homogeneity and isotropy. To test these hypotheses, Scanning light detection and ranging (LiDAR) technology was employed.3 aLiDAR enables the digitization of surface height variations in three-dimensions (3D) and thus allows for an improved characterization of surface roughness. To address the above mentioned challenges in the characterization of surface roughness with LiDAR technology, a multi-step approach was followed. The first step was to investigate the factors that affect the precision and accuracy of roughness parameterization from 2D measurements. The next step was to analyze and test the current assumptions of roughness characterization following the traditional 2D formulation. This was followed by developing methodologies to characterize roughness from 3D information; that is truly representative of the entire surface. Finally, the issue of scaling was addressed by developing methodologies to use airborne LiDAR to derive millimeter level roughness maps of large areas and to prove the heterogeneity and anisotropy of roughness characteristics over large areas.3 aThe issue of the accuracy and precision of roughness parameters was studied by performing two accuracy assessments and a direct comparison between a meshboard and the ground-based LiDAR. The first accuracy assessment was based on computer generation of random rough surfaces and the second based on measurements employing roughness references. Results indicate that to obtain accurate and repeatable parameter values it is necessary to properly characterize the instrument random errors. The height variation measurements obtained with any instrument are the result of the addition of two random processes: the surface roughness and the instrument random error. If the instrument error is not properly characterized and considered, the computed roughness parameter values will be corrupted and thus inaccurate. Of the parameters, the RMSh is the least sensitive to instrument noise and it was determined that this parameter can be derived from ground-based LiDAR with an accuracy of better than 1mm. The achievable accuracy in retrieving the ACF and associated CL depends on the relative magnitudes of the surface's roughness and the instrument error. Correlation lengths can be accurately determined to better than a cm if the surface RMSh is larger than 1 cm.3 aWith regards to the assumptions used to characterize roughness using the traditional 2D formulation, it was found that agricultural surfaces exhibit multi-scale roughness characteristics. This contradicts the single-scale assumption. However, it is possible to obtain roughness at a particular scale if the proper detrending techniques are applied. It was also determined that the exponential and Gaussian ACF models are just two limiting cases, and that the majority of surfaces have characteristic ACFs intermediate between these two models. In contrast to what has been commonly reported, no correlation was found between the RMSh and CL. However, it was found that at small scales there is a possible negative correlation between RMSh and the maximum observable CL.3 a3D characterization of surfaces of agricultural fields reveals that they are generally even more multi-scale in terms of their roughness than is evident from the 2D formulation. Roughness parameters obtained from the 2D formulation underestimate the characteristics of the surface; by 25% in terms of the RMSh and 30% in terms of the CL. This is because profiles generally do not record the extremes of the surface in a single transect and do not necessary follow the trend of the entire surface. The assumptions of homogeneity and isotropy were proved to not be valid even for small areas. 3D digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from ground-based LiDAR allow for the characterization of roughness with advance tools in the spatial-temporal domain. When the characterization of millimeter level surface roughness of large areas is required, data from high resolution airborne LiDAR can be used. RMSh derived from airborne data was within 1 mm of the RMSh derived from ground-based LiDAR data.3 aIt is expected that the results from this work will motivate a paradigm shift in the way surface roughness data is derived, from a limited sample of in-situ 2D transects to remotely determining 3D roughness of large areas. aIncludes vita.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references. aAdviser: Shrestha, Ramesh L.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. alidaramappingamicrowaveamoisturearemotearmsharoughnessasensingasoilaterrain aDissertations, AcademiczUFxCivil and Coastal Engineering.5FU aCivil Engineering thesis, Ph.D.5FU403Full text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE00424355FU 108aUFU01:005053944;5FU02888nam a2200349Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500200011804000130013809900110015110000210016224501260018326000570030951600480036653800680041453800400048250000500052250000590057250200480063152012350067950000230191450400410193759000350197858803170201369000800233069000380241085600610244895100290250902164935620120127092338.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu110214s2010 flu sbm s000 0 eng d aon773144208 a(SNX)UFE0042648 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aYoon, Young-Min.10aChoosing an athlete as an endorserh[electronic resource] :bthe role of race, sport, and expertise /cby Young Min Yoon. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2010. aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format.5FU aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader.5FU aMode of access: World Wide Web.5FU aTitle from title page of source document.5FU aDocument formatted into pages; contains 114 pages.5FU aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2010.3 aABSTRACT: There is no doubt that using athlete endorsers is extremely important when they are used to promote a sports-related product. The purpose of this study based on the match-up hypothesis is to examine the effects of race, sport, and expertise of athletes on endorser-product fit, attitudes toward a product, and purchase intentions to a product. Students (N=252) from University of Florida participated in an experiment to test the hypotheses of this study. The findings of this study reveal that the race of an athlete can affect marketing outcomes, depending on the sport with which they are associated. That is, African American basketball athletes showed stronger fit with sports-related products than did Asian basketball athletes, and Asian taekwondo athletes had a more powerful impact on fit with sports-related products than did African American taekwondo athletes, regardless of the expertise level of the endorser. Further, this study also revealed that the fit of the endorser is key to creating both positive consumer attitudes toward a product and purchase intentions. Thus, marketers and promoters can effectively use the results when they choose the best athlete as an endorser for a sport-related product. aIncludes vita.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references. aAdviser: Sagas, Michael B.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxTourism, Recreation, and Sport Management.5FU aSport Management thesis, M.S.5FU403Full text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE00426485FU 108aUFU01:005054061;5FU01816nam a2200277Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008424501660009724600450026326000500030830000370035850000520039550000270044750001440047450503370061858803170095565000290127265000330130165000290133471000460136371000380140983000620144795100290150902172051820140411154858.0120223s2010 flu 000 0 eng d aon777941459 aFUBcFUB00aPractical and theoretical aspects of evidence for the family law practitioner /cThe Florida Bar Continuing Legal Education Committee and The Family Law Section.30aEvidence for the family law practitioner a[Tallahassee, FL] :bThe Florida Bar,cc2010. a1 v. (various pagings) ;c28 cm. a"Course classification: Intermediate level"5FU a"Course no. 1105R"5FU a" November 19, 2010. Live Presentation and Webcast: Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina,1881 SE 17th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316."5FU00tPreparation of evidence for trial /rRoberta Stanleyg(p. 1.1-1.43)(slideshow p. 1-33-1.43) --tA mock trial/participatory symposium on evidence /g(p. 2.1-2.36) --tEquity and discretion vs. the law of evidence /rRichard Yale Federg(p. 3.1-3.7)(slideshow) --tYes, you've been doing it wrong /rErvin Gonzalezg(p. 4.1-4.30).5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aEvidence (Law)zFlorida. 0aDomestic relationszFlorida. 0aTrial practicezFlorida.2 aFlorida Bar.bContinuing Legal Education.2 aFlorida Bar.bFamily Law Section. 0aFlorida Bar Continuing Legal Education course ;vno.1105R 108aUFU01:005056894;5FU01315nam a2200253Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000180008404300120010204900090011405000230012309900230014610000320016924500870020126000790028830000240036750001360039150400410052758803130056859900130088165000310089471101360092502214737620131017113530.0131017s1972 bl b f000 0 por d aon860902027 aFUGbengcFUG as-bl--- aFUGG 4aHT395.B6bS28 1972 aHT395.B6bS28 19721 aSantana, R. N. Monteiro de.10a"Planejamento regional :buma nova perspectiva" /cautor, Raimundo Nonato Santana. aBrasília :bMinistério do Planejamento e Coordenação Geral,c1972. a23 leaves ;c28 cm. aAt head of title: Seminário sobre Desenvolvimento Regional Brasil/Comunidade Econômica Européia, Brasília, outubro de 1972" aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a22147376 0aRegional planningzBrazil.2 aSeminário sobre Desenvolvimento Regional Brasil/Comunidade Econômica Européiad(1972 :cBrasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil)01101nam a2200265Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000230008504900090010810000380011724500410015524500400019626400100023630000310024633600260027733700280030333800270033150000590035858803170041759000300073459900140076465000280077895100290080602249775020181003180634.0181003s1997 xx a 000 0 eng d aon1055562445 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG1 aGrey, Timothy Christian,eauthor.10aFundo Mandorpampa Ecological Center.10aFundo Mandorpampa Ecological Center 0c1997. a62 leaves :billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aLandscape architecture project (University of Florida) aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Tina Gurucharri. a022497750 0aLandscape architecture. 108aUFU01:003089335;5FU01063nam a2200253Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000230008504900090010810000300011724500380014726400100018530000290019533600260022433700280025033800270027850000590030558803170036459000570068159900140073865000280075295100290078002258320820181003182149.0181003s1988 xx a 000 0 eng d aon1055562832 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG1 aMaines, Mark D.,eauthor.10aHemming Plaza :ba new beginning. 0c1988. a102 pgs :billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aLandscape architecture project (University of Florida) aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdvisers: Herrick Smith, Dan Donelin, Sara K. Grist. a022583208 0aLandscape architecture. 108aUFU01:003092229;5FU01123nam a2200253Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000230008504900090010810000300011724500480014726400950019530000390029033600260032933700280035533800270038359000360041050000350044658803170048159900140079865000280081295100290084002260943820180917104049.0180917s1985 flu 000 0 eng d aon1052620169 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG1 aHorne, Eliza C.,eauthor.10aJekyll Island 4-H Center /cEliza C. Horne. 1aGainesville, Florida :bUniversity of Florida, School of Architecture and Fine Arts,c1985 a84 pages :billustrations,c29 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aAdvisor: Sara Kay Williams.5FU aLandscape Architecture Project aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a022609438 0aLandscape architecture. 108aUFU01:003093302;5FU01347nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600260009710000180012324501010014126001000024230000330034250000210037550000350039650000360043150000550046750400520052258803110057465000390088565000160092470000180094071000350095871000350099395100290102802270982020110412091805.0110316s1961 tnua b f000 0 eng d aon707507161 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/ORNL-30271 aGunter, B. D.14aThe physical properties of rock salt as influenced by gamma rays /cB.D. Gunter and F.L. Parker. aOak Ridge, Tenn. :bOak Ridge National Laboratory for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission,c1961. avii, 71 p. :bill. ;c28 cm. a"ORNL-3027."5FU a"Date issued Mar 20 1961."5FU a"Contract No. 7405-eng-26."5FU a"UC-70--Waste Disposal and Processing"--Cover.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 66-68). aThis bibliographic record is available under a Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aRock saltxEffect of radiation on. 0aGamma rays.1 aParker, F. L.2 aOak Ridge National Laboratory.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 108aUFU01:005089216;5FU01616nam a2200289Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009705000240010909900240013324501940015726000870035130000450043850000210048350000280050450001280053250400410066058803130070165000640101465000330107865000530111171000550116471000780121995100290129702276076520110524084422.0110405s1980 cr a b 000 0 eng d aon711076276 aFUGcFUG acl----- 4aHD1790.5b.T42 1980 aHD1790.5b.T42 198000aTechnical change in the small farm sector :bresults from phase I and a research proposal submitted to the Ministry for Development Cooperation, Government of Holland for phases II and III. aSan José, Costa Rica :bInstituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas,c1980. a1 v. (various pagings) :bill. ;c28 cm. aCover title.5FU a"October 15, 1980."5FU aAt head of title: Proyecto Cooperativo de Investigación sobre Tecnología Agropecuaria en América Latina (PROTAAL)5FU aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aAgricultural development projectszLatin AmericaxPlanning. 0aFarms, SmallzLatin America. 0aAgriculturexTechnology transferzLatin America.2 aInter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences.2 aCooperative Research Project on Agricultural Technology in Latin America. 108aUFU01:005091581;5FU04835nam a2200373Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500200011804000130013809900110015110000170016224500760017926000570025551600480031253800680036053800400042850000500046850000590051850200500057752015630062752015240219050000230371450400410373759000310377858803170380965301640412669000480429069000330433885600610437195100290443202285652020120314160936.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu090626s2009 flu sbm s000 0 eng d aon780092460 a(SNX)UFE0022874 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aZhou, Qiong.10aEssays in applied econometricsh[electronic resource] /cby Qiong Zhou. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2009. aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format.5FU aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader.5FU aMode of access: World Wide Web.5FU aTitle from title page of source document.5FU aDocument formatted into pages; contains 113 pages.5FU aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2009.3 aABSTRACT: My research examines three separate studies of applied econometrics. In the first study, I empirically assess the impact of human capital acquisition from the target firm through a merger or an acquisition on post merger CEO turnover in the acquiring firm. Little is known about the effects of a merger or an acquisition on the acquiring firm's management team. The empirical evidence shows that merger is a way to acquire talented human capital, which will change both top management team and board structure of the acquiring firm, and thus result in leadership change in the acquiring firm. Using a sample of 236 mergers during 1996 to 2000 in the US, I find: (1) 46% of CEOs of acquiring firms are replaced within 5 years; 28% leave voluntarily, and 18% are forced to step down; (2) if the target firm's top executives are retained as top executives, the acquiring firm's CEO is more likely to leave; (3) if top executives of the target firm are retained as board directors in the acquiring firm, the acquiring firm's CEO is less likely to leave voluntarily, but no change occurs in the probability of being forced out. Next, I investigate the finite sample performance of several estimators proposed for the panel data Tobit regression model with individual effects, including the Honoré estimator and the continuously updating GMM estimator. The continuously updating GMM estimator is based on more conditional moment restrictions than the Honoré estimator, and consequently is more efficient than the Honoré estimator for large samples.3 aMy simulation study shows that the continuously updating GMM estimator performs not better, but in most cases worse than the Honoré estimator for small samples. The reason for this finding is that the continuously updating GMM estimator is based on more moment restrictions that require discarding observations. In my design, about seventy percent of observations are discarded. The too few observations lead to an imprecise weighting matrix estimate, which in turn leads to an unreliable updating GMM estimator. This study calls for an alternative estimation method that does not rely on trimming. In the final study, I propose a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for the panel data Tobit regression model with unknown individual effects. To overcome the problem occurred in chapter 2, my proposal is to use log likelihood density function instead of conditional moment restrictions in optimization problem. I suggest to approximate unknown density function of individual effects with a sieve estimator and to estimate finite dimensional unknown parameters and infinite dimensional sieve estimator jointly by applying the method of maximum likelihood estimation. Under some sufficient conditions, I show that (1) the sieve estimator of unknown density function for individual effects is consistent under certain metric; (2) the MLE estimators of the finite dimensional parameters are consistent and asymptotically normally distributed; (3) the estimator for the asymptotic covariance of the parameter is consistent. aIncludes vita.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references. aAdviser: Ai, Chunrong.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aacquiring acquisitionacensoredaCEOaconsistencyadataadistributionaestimationafirmalikelihoodamaximumamergeramodelapanelasimulationaTobitaturnover aDissertations, AcademiczUFxEconomics.5FU aEconomics thesis, Ph. D.5FU403Full text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE00228745FU 108aUFU01:004689897;5FU01094nam a2200253Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000230008504900090010810000260011724500800014326400100022330000310023333600260026433700280029033800270031850000590034558803170040459000480072159900140076965000280078395100290081102291886620181003194310.0181003s1980 xx a 000 0 eng d aon1055562637 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG1 aHolder, Tim,eauthor.10aFlorida USDA Federal Credit Union and Sweetwater Branch :bGainesville, FL. 0c1980. a97 leaves :billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aLandscape architecture project (University of Florida) aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdvisers: Dan W. Donelin, Vince R. Ellwood. a022918866 0aLandscape architecture. 108aUFU01:003104229;5FU01589cam a2200373 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000280008404900090011205000210012109900210014210000500016324500660021325000180027926400740029726400770037126400110044830000390045933600260049833700280052433800270055250000170057950000540059658803130065059900130096365000180097665000270099465500430102171000380106471000420110271000420114495100290118602319799220150512132628.0150512s1979 xx a 000 0 eng c aon908766040 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG 4aDS145b.L56 1979 aDS145b.L56 19791 aRockwell, George Lincoln,d1918-1967eauthor.10aLincoln Rockwell nails the Jews /c[George Lincoln Rockwell]. aThird edition 1a[Place of publication not identified] :bJ.V. Kenneth Morgan,c[1979] 2aLiverpool, West Virginia :bprinted by White Power Publications,c[1979] 4c©1979 a25 pages :billustrations ;c22 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aCover title. a"Excerpts from 'This time the world'" --Page [1]. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a23197992 0aAntisemitism. 0aAntisemitismxHistory. 7aAnti-Semitic literaturey1979.2rbgenr2 aJ. V. Kenneth Morgan,epublisher.2 aWhite Power Publications,epublisher.2 aAnti-Semitica Collection.5KEEPUF5FU 108aUFU01:001580398;5FU01126ntm a2200241Ka 450000100100000000500170001000700140002700800410004103500160008204000180009804300120011604900090012810000210013724501000015826000100025830000270026850200510029550400580034653301130040458803130051759900130083065100410084302346877020141015073336.0hd afu buuu140814s1953 xx b abm 000 0 eng d aon886930317 aFUGbengcFUG an-us-fl aFUGG1 aCherry, Ada Lou.14aThe United States Navy Yard at Pensacola, Florida, 1823-1862h[microform] /cby Ada Lou Cherry. c1953. avi, 116 leaves :bmap. aThesis (M.A.)--Florida State University, 1953. aIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 111-116). aMicrofilm of typescript.bTallahassee :cFlorida State University Library,d1965.e1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a23468770 0aPensacola Navy Yard (Fla.)xHistory.01492nam a2200301Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600280009710000250012524501490015024600260029926001280032530000310045350000230048450000410050750400500054853601100059858803110070865000220101965000130104165000180105470000210107271000300109371000380112395100290116102365578920110406145300.0110321s1955 nmua b f000 0 eng d aon707935856 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/LA-1972 UNM1 aKahn, Milton,d1918-14aThe exchange reaction between substituted benzyl iodides and potassium iodide.nV.,pp-Chlorobenzyl iodide /cby Milton Kahn and J.L. Riebsomer.30ap-Chlorobenzyl iodide aAlbuquerque, N.M. :bUniversity of New Mexico ;aLos Alamos, N.M. :bLos Alamos Scientific Laboratory, distributor,c[1955] a8 leaves :bill. ;c28 cm. a"LA-1972 UNM."5FU a"Report written: November 1955."5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (Leaf 8). aSubcontract with Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California, Los Alamos, New Mexico aThis bibliographic record is available under a Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPotassium iodide. 0aIodides. 0aIon exchange.1 aRiebsomer, J. L.2 aUniversity of New Mexico.2 aLos Alamos Scientific Laboratory. 108aUFU01:005155580;5FU01035ntm a2200241Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008405000280009709900170012510000200014224500920016226000100025430000200026450000230028450000200030758803110032760000260063860000410066465000590070595100290076402395759220110504095857.0110504s1994 xx 000 0 eng d aon719994061 aFUGcFUG 4aPR9265.9.B75bM936 1994 aPR9265.9.B751 aPollard, Velma.10aBlurring cultural boundaries-- :bthe Balm Yard in two Jamaican texts /cVelma Pollard. c1994. a10 p. ;c28 cm. aCaption title.5FU aTypescript.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under a Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.10aBrodber, Erna.tMyal.10aSenior, Olive.tDiscerner of hearts. 0aJamaican fictiony20th centuryxHistory and criticism. 108aUFU01:005178605;5FU01082nam a2200253Ki 45000010010000000050017000100080041000270350017000680400023000850490009001081000030001172 400770014726400100022430000400023433600260027433700280030033800270032850000590035558803170041459000260073159900140075765000280077195100290079902425391120181003205452.0181003s2002 xx a 000 0 eng d aon1055566108 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG1 aSchofield, Erik,eauthor. 10aMcGregor Smith Scout Reservation Master Plan :bCitrus County, Florida. 0c2002. a1 volume (unpaged) :billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aLandscape architecture project (University of Florida) aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser:Les Linscott. a024253911 0aLandscape architecture. 108aUFU01:003154171;5FU01341nam a2200289Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010708200180011610000440013424501490017826400790032730000220040633600260042833700280045433800270048250000170050950000450052658803170057159900130088861000400090165000140094171000670095595100290102202462340520150629135537.0150627s1966 nyu 000 0 eng d aon912052615 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG0 a327.44bC872f1 aCouve de Murville, Maurice,d1907-1999.10aAddress by His Excellency Maurice Couve de Murville, French minister of foreign affairs, before the French National Assembly, on April 14, 1966. 1aNew York,bAmbassade de France, Service de presse et d'information,c1966. a8 pages ;c28 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aCover title. a"Speeches & press conferences no. 244A". aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a2462340520aNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization. 0aCold War.1 aFrance.bAmbassade (U.S.).bService de presse et d'information 108aUFU01:001117993;5FU01082ntm a2200241Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708200170010910000330012624500580015926000800021730000240029750000230032150000290034458803130037365000350068665000380072171000520075995100290081102474462620120306160259.0120306s1957 xx 000 0 eng d aon779409584 aFUGcFUG an-us---14a320.1bM624p1 aCampbell, Angus,d1910-1980.14aThe properties of political issues /cAngus Campbell. a[Ann Arbor, Mich. :bSurvey Research Center, University of Michigan,c1957] a23 leaves ;c28 cm. aCaption title.5FU a"Preliminary draft."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPublic opinionzUnited States. 0aPolitical sciencezUnited States.2 aUniversity of Michigan.bSurvey Research Center 108aUFU01:001121901;5FU01250nam a2200301 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000130011704200080013004300210013805000210015909900100018010000500019024500820024024600140032226000330033630000210036958803170039060000450070765100320075265100480078465100430083265100440087595100290091902483856620110406133512.0110405s2009 bl 000 0 por c a9788578030216 a8578030214 aon711070878 aFUGcFUG apcc as-bl---ae-po--- 4aF2534b.M49 2009 aF25341 aMendonça, Carlos Raimundo Lisboa de,d1933-10aD. João VI :buma nova dialética /cCarlos Raimundo Lisboa de Mendonça.30aJoão VI aBelém :bPaka-Tatu,c2009. a106 p. ;c21 cm. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.00aJohnbVI,cKing of Portugal,d1767-1826. 0aBrazilxHistoryy1763-1822. 0aBrazilxHistoryyUnited Kingdom, 1815-1822. 0aPortugalxHistoryyJohn VI, 1816-1826. 0aPortugalxHistoryyMaria II, 1777-1816. 108aUFU01:005205464;5FU01197nam a2200229Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708200190010610000280012524502370015326000920039030000200048250400520050258803130055459900140086765000180088165000150089971000530091402507187320130723164434.0130723s1961 sp b 000 0 spa d aon853576033 aFUGcFUG aFUGG14a330.182bF333c1 aDi Fenizio, Ferdinando.10a¿Crisis de la econometria o crisis de la economia politica? /cdiscurso de ingreso del Académico Correspondiente, electo, para Italia,. Prof. Dr. D. Ferdinando Di Fenizio, leído en el acto de su recepción, 24 de mayo de 1961. aBarcelonab[Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas uy Financieras de Barcelona],c1961. a32 p. ;c22 cm. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 30-32). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a025071873 0aEconometrics. 0aEconomics.2 aAcademia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras.01392nam a2200277Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600320009710000210012924500970015026001500024730000280039749000480042550000230047350000300049650000510052650400520057758803130062965000260094265000280096871000240099683000650102095100290108502523236620110406112911.0110406s1961 nmua b f000 0 eng d aon711676319 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/SCTM-208-61(11)1 aNoble, Robert P.10aDielectric breakdown of printed wiring assemblies in electronic packages /cRobert P. Noble. a[Albuquerque, N.M.] :bSandia Corporation ;aWashington, D.C. :bAvailable from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce,c[1961] a21 p. :bill. ;c28 cm.1 aTechnical memorandum ;vSCTM-208-61(11)5FU a"August 1961."5FU a"Case No. 13.876.00."5FU a"UC-37 (Instruments) ; TID-4500, 16th Ed."5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 20-21). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aElectronic packaging. 0aBreakdown (Electricity)2 aSandia Corporation. 0aTechnical memorandum (Sandia Corporation) ;vSCTM-208-61(11) 108aUFU01:005218923;5FU02099nam a2200277Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008409900380009724501390013526000500027430000370032450000450036150000270040650001220043350000760055550506220063158803170125365000390157065000320160971000460164171000420168783000630172995100290179202533446920110413080508.0110411s2010 flu 000 0 eng d aon712068677 aFUBcFUB aKFF81b.F54 Probate no.0984R 201000aBasic probate, guardianship and elder law 2010 /cThe Florida Bar Continuing Legal Education Committee and the Young Lawyers Division. a[Tallahassee, FL] :bThe Florida Bar,cc2010. a1 v. (various pagings) ;c28 cm. a"Course classification: Basic level"5FU a"Course no. 0984R"5FU a"Live Presentations: February 4, 2010. Hilton Ft. Lauderdale Airport, February 5, 2010 - Tampa Airport Marriott."5FU a"Video Replays (12 locations): February 19, 2010 - March 12, 2010."5FU00tBasic probate /rLinda S. Griffing(p. 1.1-1.81)(assorted documents to open a formal administration of a testate estate)(Last will and testament of Albert E. Gator - ficticious) --tIntestacy and probate /rAndrew R. Boyerg(p. 2.1-2.23)(slideshow p. 2.1-2.18) --tHomestead /rRandy C. Bryang(p. 3.1-3.21) --tAdvanced directives and other less restrictive alternatives /rScott Solkoff, Babette Bachg(p. 4.1-4.7) --tBasic guardianship /rRobert M. Morgang(p. 5.1-5.84)(includes assorted checklists, orders and petitions) --tMedicare/Medicaid issues /rTeresa K. Bowmang(p. 6.1-6.20)(slideshow p.6.9-6.20).5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aProbate law and practicezFlorida. 0aGuardian and wardzFlorida.2 aFlorida Bar.bContinuing Legal Education.2 aFlorida Bar.bYoung Lawyers Division. 0aFlorida Bar Continuing Legal Education course ;vno.0984R. 108aUFU01:005223728;5FU01730nam a2200313Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300120010704900090011909900200012811000620014824501100021026400500032030000280037033600260039833700280042433800270045258803130047950400510079259900140084361000370085761000550089465100380094977602000098777602000118795100290138702542974820141027094621.0141024s1942 enk 000 0 eng d aon893671774 aFUGbengerdacFUG ae-pl--- aFUGG a281.9438bP768o2 aPolish Research Centre (London, England)eissuing agency.14aThe Orthodox Eastern Church in Poland,bpast and present /cedited by the Polish Research Centre, London. 1aLondon :bThe Polish Research Centre ,c1942. a[iv], 49 pages ;c22 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aIncludes bibliographical references (page iv). a02542974820aOrthodox Eastern ChurchzPoland.27aOrthodox Eastern Church.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00510210 7aPoland.2fast0(OCoLC)fst0120689108iOnline version:aPolish Research Centre (London, England).tOrthodox Eastern Church in Poland, past and present.dLondon : The Centre, 1942 (Ditchling, Sussex : Ditchling Press)w(OCoLC)59178826008iOnline version:aPolish Research Centre (London, England).tOrthodox Eastern Church in Poland, past and present.dLondon : The Centre, 1942 (Ditchling, Sussex : Ditchling Press)w(OCoLC)610404731 108aUFU01:000666290;5FU01335nam a2200349 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404100130010704200080012004900090012805000230013709900130016010000320017324500910020526400400029626400110033630000390034733600260038633700280041233800270044050000170046759900130048458803130049765000110081065000320082165000270085369000470088070000300092770000280095702547040120140207102252.0140207s1955 nyua 000 0 eng c aon870153488 aFUGbengerdacFUG0 aengaheb apcc aFUGG 4aBM695.P3bW34 1955 aBM695.P31 aWalkenfeld, Cecil,eauthor.14aThe traditional children's model Seder (and workshop) /carranged by Cecil Walkenfeld. 1aBrooklyn, N.Y. :bI. Flohr,c[1955] 4c©1955 a31 pages :billustrations ;c22 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aCover title. a25470401 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aSeder. 0aSedervJuvenile literature. 0aSederxLiturgyvTexts. 4aImprintzNew York (State)zNew Yorky1955.1 aFlohr, I.epublisher.5FU1 aFlohr, I.eprinter.5FU01792cam a2200385Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000280008504300120011304900090012508600220013411000430015624500500019924500500024926400730029930000560037233600260042833700280045433800260048249000190050850000320052758803170055965000490087665000610092565000390098665000720102565000600109765000500115765100450120783000600125295100320131295100330134495100290137702554655120180615104843.0180615s1995 dcu f000 0 eng d aon1040594705 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG an-us--- aFUGG0 aLC 3.4/2:61/995-22 aLibrary of Congress.bCopyright Office10aCopyright registration for computer programs.10aCopyright registration for computer programs.31aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Government Printing Office,c1995. a1 folded sheet (6 pages) :billustrations ;c28 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia asheetbnb2rdacarrier1 aCircular ;v61 a"September 1995"--Page [6]. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCopyrightxComputer programszUnited States. 0aCopyright and electronic data processingzUnited States. 0aCopyright licenseszUnited States. 7aCopyright and electronic data processing.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00878783 7aCopyrightxComputer programs.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00878722 7aCopyright licenses.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00878792 7aUnited States.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01204155 0aCircular (Library of Congress. Copyright Office) ;v61. 101aAMU01:000360670;5FTaFA 103aGCU01:000175482;5FFmFGC 108aUFU01:002813649;5FU01374nem a2200313Ia 450000100100000000500170001000700090002700800410003603400060007703500160008304000130009904300120011205000270012405200140015109900170016511000490018224500370023125500210026826000590028930000670034850000210041550000310043650000460046758803130051365000780082665000770090465100500098195100290103102558644720110803135653.0aj aazzn110505s200u ncu a 0 eng d0 aa aon720298883 aFUGcFUG an-us-nc 4aG3902.H65E68 200-b.H6 a3902bH65 aG3902.H65E681 aNorth Carolina.bOffice of Forest Resources.10aHolmes Educational State Forest. aScale not given. a[Raleigh, NC :bNorth Carolina Forest Service ;c200-] a1 map :b1 col. ;con sheet 22 x 28 cm., folded to 22 x 10 cm. aPanel title.5FU aIncludes text and ill.5FU aLocation map, text and ill. on verso.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aOutdoor educationzNorth CarolinazHolmes Educational State ForestvMaps. 0aRecreation areaszNorth CarolinazHolmes Educational State ForestvMaps. 0aHolmes Educational State Forest (N.C.)vMaps. 108aUFU01:005233415;5FU01580njm a2200313Ka 450000100100000000500170001000700150002700800410004202000180008302000150010103500160011604000130013205000320014509900150017710000270019224500500021926000590026930000410032849000390036951100440040850000220045250001040047454600240057850502190060258803170082165000380113880000610117695100290123702564737720110512093936.0sd fungnn|||e|110512p20101966bl ppnn n por d a9788579711046 a8579711045 aon722815400 aFUGcFUG 4aML410.B923bB93 2010 vol. 4 aML410.B9231 aBuarque, Chico,d1944-10aChico Buarque de Hollandah[sound recording]. a[São Paulo] :bAbril Coleções,c℗2010, ©1966. a1 sound disc :bdigital ;c4 3/4 in.1 aColeção Chico Buarque ;v45FU0 aChico Buarque with assisting musicians. aCompact disc.5FU aIn booklet containing biographical information, lyrics, and credits (45 p. : ill. (some col.)).5FU aSung in Portuguese.0 aA banda -- Tem mais samba -- A Rita -- Ela e sua janela -- Madalena foi pro mar -- Pedro pedreiro -- Amanhã ninguém sabe -- Você não ouviu -- Juca -- Olê olá -- Meu refrão -- Sonho de um carnaval.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPopular musiczBrazily1961-1970.1 aBuarque, Chico,d1944-tColeção Chico Buarque ;v04. 108aUFU01:005237864;5FU01881nam a2200313Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008409900220009724501010011924600570022025000120027726000690028930000270035849000590038550001210044450000260056550000220059150000410061350503770065458803130103165000300134465000290137465000270140371000520143083000560148295100290153802575277220110525102035.0110525s1999 sz a 000 0 eng d aon727052563 aFUGcFUG aTS1449b.T49 199900aTextiles :btensile properties of fabrics = Textiles : propriétés des étoffes en traction.11aTextilesb: propriétés des étoffes en traction a1st ed. aGeneva :bInternational Organization for Standardization,c1999. a2 v. :bill. ;c27 cm.1 aInternational standard ;vISO 13934-1, ISO 13934-25FU a"This publication reproduced under license with the American National Standard Institute (ANSI)."--running note.5FU aTitle from cover.5FU a"1999-02-15."5FU aReference no. ISO 13934:1999(E).5FU0 aPart 1. Determination of maximum force and elongation at maximum force using the strip method = Partie 1. Détermination de la force maximale et de l'allongement à la force maximale par la méthode sur bande -- Part 2. Determination of maximum force using the grab method = Partie 2. Détermination de la force maximale par la méthode d'arrachement (grab test).5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aTextile fabricsxTesting. 0aTextile fibersxTesting. 0aStrength of materials.2 aInternational Organization for Standardization. 0aInternational standard ;vISO 13934-1, ISO 13934-2. 108aUFU01:005250023;5FU01218nam a2200265Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600320009710000460012924500590017526000540023430000280028849000480031650000270036450000260039150400490041758803130046665000200077965000350079971000240083483000650085895100290092302581941420110526120835.0110526s1959 nmua b f000 0 eng d aon727133779 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/SCTM-140-59(16)1 aCropper, W. H.q(William Herbert),d1927-10aRadiation-induced coloration in glass /cW.H. Cropper. a[Albuquerque, N.M.] :bSandia Corporation,c1959. a19 p. :bill. ;c28 cm.1 aTechnical memorandum ;vSCTM-140-59(16)5FU a"August 20, 1959."5FU a"Case No. 720.0."5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 18). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aGlass, Colored. 0aGlassxEffect of radiation on.2 aSandia Corporation. 0aTechnical memorandum (Sandia Corporation) ;vSCTM-140-59(16) 108aUFU01:005252813;5FU01380nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600240009710000180012124500790013926000940021830000280031250000190034050000260035950000260038550001330041150400490054458803130059365000230090665000430092970000190097271000350099171000350102695100290106102591071120110610095543.0110607s1954 tnua b 000 0 eng d aon729370816 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/SEP-1601 aSeigle, L. L.10aMechanism of dimensional instability /c[by L.L. Seigle and A.J. Opinsky]. aOak Ridge, Tenn. :bU.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Service,c[1954] a23 p. :bill. ;c28 cm. a"SEP-160."5FU aTitle from cover.5FU a"August 2, 1954."5FU a"Classification cancelled or changed to UNCLASSIFIED by authority of TIS Change Notice No. 1849 by ASB TISOR, date 8/14/55."5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 23). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aUranium compounds. 0aLattice dynamicsxMathematical models.1 aOpinsky, A. J.2 aOak Ridge National Laboratory.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 108aUFU01:005259633;5FU01778nam a2200361Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000130011704300120013005000220014209900110016424502880017525000200046326000550048330000260053849000340056450001260059850000240072458803170074865000510106565000440111665000430116065000380120365000300124165000230127165000160129470000330131083000440134395100290138702601907020110613134541.0110613r20101872mtu 001 0 eng d a9781169836501 a116983650X aon730261453 aFUGcFUG ae-uk-en 4aPR1120b.O43 2010 aPR112003aAn Old English miscellany :bcontaining a bestiary, Kentish sermons, proverbs of Alfred, religious poems of the thirteenth century, from manuscripts in the British Museum, Bodleian Library, Jesus College library, etc. /cedited with introduction and index of words by Richard Morris. aLarge print ed. a[Whitefish, MT] :bKessinger Publishing,c[2010?]. axvi, 308 p. ;c29 cm.1 aKessinger legacy reprints5FU aFacsimile reprint. Originally published: London : Published for the Early English Text Society by N. Trübner, 1872.5FU aIncludes index.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aEnglish literatureyMiddle English, 1100-1500. 0aAnimalsvFolklorevEarly works to 1800. 0aChristian literature, English (Middle) 0aSermons, MedievalzEnglandzKent. 0aSermons, English (Middle) 0aProverbs, English. 0aBestiaries.1 aMorris, Richard,d1833-1894. 0aKessinger Publishing's legacy reprints. 108aUFU01:005263970;5FU01099nam a2200277Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009704900090010905000240011807000260014209900100016810000190017824500640019726000440026130000390030550000200034450000200036458803130038459900140069765000310071165000250074279700540076702609152320130507142926.0130507s1961 si a 001 0 eng d aon842011186 aFUGcFUG aa-my--- aFUGG 4aSB409b.H4 Suppl. 11 a96.21bH497m Suppl. 1 aSB4091 aAddison, G. H.10aMalayan orchid hybrids :bFirst supplement /cG.H. Addison. aSingapore :bGovt. Print. Off.,c[1961] a90 p. :bill. (some col.),c27 cm. aIncludes index. aIncludes index. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a026091523 0aOrchidszMalaysiazMalaya. 0aPlant hybridization.23aThomas Sheehan Orchidaceae Collection5KEEPUF5FU03153nam a2200373Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500150010203500200011704000130013709900110015010000200016124500950018126000570027659900070033351600440034053800640038453800360044850000460048450000540053050200500058452015110063450000190214550400410216459000270220558803170223265300690254969000450261869000300266385600570269395100290275002612490120121005154407.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu110620s2011 flu sbm s000 0 eng d a 812021107 a(SNX)UFE0042584 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aBurtoft, Shawn.10aCognitive significance and coextensionalityh[electronic resource] /cby Shawn M. Burtoft. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2011. agl aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format. aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader. aMode of access: World Wide Web. aTitle from title page of source document. aDocument formatted into pages; contains 61 pages. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2011.3 aABSTRACT: Cognitive significance, as Frege was thinking of it, is a value speakers assign to sentences based on their informativeness. He was particularly concerned with explaining how sentences containing coextensional terms that, intuitively, express the same thought, or proposition, can differ in this respect. For example, sentences of the form _a = a', express trivial truths and are knowable a priori, yet, sentences of the form _a = b' often convey information which is neither trivial nor grounded a priori. The question is how to explain this, given that both sentences (if true) say the same thing about the same object, namely, that a is identical to itself. This has come to be known as Frege's puzzle. Frege, and many others, have taken the puzzle as an indication that such sentences do not, in fact, say the same thing and, as a result, have sought to explain differences in cognitive significance semantically. My aim is twofold. First, I raise a number of objections to the semantic approach, among them an argument that assumptions implicit in the construction of the puzzle straightforwardly rule out a semantic solution. Second, in light of this, I consider the virtues of a non-semantic approach and ultimately outline a non-semantic solution that does the explanatory work with the fewest assumptions. As an added bonus, I show how this account easily extends to various related puzzles and problems, including empty names, negative existentials, and substitution in opaque contexts. aIncludes vita. aIncludes bibliographical references. aAdviser: Biro, John I. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. acognitiveaFregeanamesaproperapuzzleareferenceasignificance aDissertations, AcademiczUFxPhilosophy. aPhilosophy thesis, Ph. D.403Full text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE0042584 108aUFU01:005295351;5FU03066nam a2200361Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500200011804000130013809900110015110000240016224501330018626000570031951600480037653800680042453800400049250000500053250000580058250200480064052012570068850000230194550400410196859000340200958803170204365301250236069000730248569000560255885600610261495100290267502612793620120126182526.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu110620s2011 flu sbm s000 0 eng d aon758005838 a(SNX)UFE0042798 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aEnglish, Timothy S,10aOne-step steam and calcium activation of sawdust for apple juice purificationh[electronic resource] /cby Timothy S. English II a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2011. aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format.5FU aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader.5FU aMode of access: World Wide Web.5FU aTitle from title page of source document.5FU aDocument formatted into pages; contains 60 pages.5FU aThesis (M.E.)--University of Florida, 2011.3 aABSTRACT: Activated carbon was synthesized from a readily available agricultural byproduct, sawdust, using one-step steam activation and calcium impregnation with subsequent one-step steam activation. A carbon dose of 5,000 mg/L was necessary to reach the color removal capacity of 90% for a commercially available activated carbon, CA-50. Carbonized samples of sawdust exhibited minimal pore development, with methylene blue and congo red removals around 16% and 4% respectively. One-step steam samples had apple juice color removals as high as 79% and total pore volumes of up to 0.50 cc/g, as determined by nitrogen gas isotherm analysis. Calcium samples had similar apple juice color removal values (70-87% color removal), but significantly more mesopore volume (80-150% increase) and total pore volume (50% increase) over one-step steam samples. Further analysis of the Horvath-Kawazoe and density functional theory pore size distribution models found that the increase in the calcium samples' mesoporosity occurred due to increased general pore development and not at the expense of micropores. Linear correlations determined that increasing the pore volume of diameters greater than 40 Å led to increased apple juice color removal percentages. aIncludes vita.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references. aAdviser: Mazyck, David W.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aACTIVATED;aACTIVATION;aAPPLE;aCALCIUM;aCARBON;aCHEMICAL;aCOLOR;aJUICE;aMESOPORE;aMESOPOROSITY;aREMOVAL;aSTEAM aDissertations, AcademiczUFxEnvironmental Engineering Sciences.5FU aEnvironmental Engineering Sciences thesis, M.E.5FU403Full text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE00427985FU 108aUFU01:005295475;5FU03457nam a2200361Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500200011804000130013809900110015110000240016224501000018626000570028651600480034353800680039153800400045950000500049950000590054950200480060852017700065650000230242650400410244959000360249058803170252665300550284369000680289869000390296685600610300595100290306602613098820120126163916.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu110620s2011 flu sbm s000 0 eng d aon756692051 a(SNX)UFE0043034 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aFuller, Brett Allen10aIntegration of toll plaza modeling into corsimh[electronic resource] /cby Brett Allen Fuller. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2011. aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format.5FU aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader.5FU aMode of access: World Wide Web.5FU aTitle from title page of source document.5FU aDocument formatted into pages; contains 121 pages.5FU aThesis (M.E.)--University of Florida, 2011.3 aABSTRACT: In the U.S. there currently exists a financial crisis for the funding of necessary roadway maintenance and expansion. It has thus become necessary to find other means to fund transportation based projects. One such solution is public-private partnerships (P3s) in which a private investor funds a public transportation project and in turn the government entity allows the private investor to collect tolls to recoup their investment. As this type of partnership becomes a more popular option it will become necessary to develop tools necessary to assist engineers in the planning and design of the toll plazas placed along these new roadways. Simulation software is one of these tools. Simulation software such as CORSIM, Aimsun, and VISSIM, to name a few, are vital tools to the planning process of roadways as these programs allow engineers a means to analyze and visualize their proposed roadway designs under expected traffic conditions. This allows engineers an opportunity to develop the appropriate toll network design before construction even begins. This can greatly save federal, state, and local entities millions of dollars in expenses to correct or alter already started/completed projects. Unfortunately, few of these simulation programs are capable of properly simulating traditional toll plazas. CORSIM, one of the most widely utilized simulation programs in the U.S., does not currently allow for direct simulation of toll plaza facilities. This project resulted in the implementation of direct toll plaza modeling into CORSIM. This was accomplished through the development of new algorithms and modeling features. This document discusses the development, verification, and validation of the new toll plaza features implemented in CORSIM. aIncludes vita.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references. aAdviser: Washburn, Scott S.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aCORSIMaMODELINGaSIMULATIONaTOLLaTRANSPORTATION aDissertations, AcademiczUFxCivil and Coastal Engineering.5FU aCivil Engineering thesis, M.E.5FU403Full text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE00430345FU 108aUFU01:005295598;5FU03328cam a2200481Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000440008404900090012808600200013710000420015724501950019926001600039430000400055433600260059433700280062033800270064849000420067550000170071750000180073450000410075250400550079352010150084858803170186365000340218065000390221465000250225365000300227865000200230865000170232865000510234565000560239665000430245265000460249565000600254165000650260170000210266671000290268771000660271683000350278295100290281702617375520160114145518.0110623s1973 dcua b f000 0 eng d aon732629333 aFUGbengcFUGdOCLCOdOCLCFdOCLCQdFTU aFTUU0 aNAS 1.14:D-71081 aHunt, James L.q(James Larry),d1939-10aHeating and flow-field studies on a straight-wing hypersonic reentry vehicle at angles of attack from 20 ̊to 80 ̊with simulation of real-gas trends /cby James L. Hunt and Robert A. Jones. aWashington, D.C. :bNational Aeronautics and Space Administration ;a[Springfield, Va.] :b[For sale by the National Technical Information Service],c1973. a94 pages :billustrations ;c27 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aNASA technical note ;vNASA TN D-7108 aCover title. a"March 1973." aPrepared at Langley Research Center. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 29-30). aData are presented from a series of phase-change heat transfer and flow visualization tests at Mach 7.4, 8, and 10.3 in air, Mach 19.5 in nitrogen, Mach 20.3 in helium, and Mach 6 in tetrafluoromethane (CF4) on the windward surface of a straight wing hypersonic reentry configuration for angles of attack from 20 deg to 80 deg. The results indicate that: (1) for hypersonic stream Mach numbers, the flow field over the straight-wing configuration is essentially independent of Mach number, (2) transition Reynolds number decreases with increasing angle of attack, (3) at some critical angle of attack, the wing-shock standoff distance is greatly increased and the stagnation line moves downstream from the wing leading edge, (4) value of the critical angle of attack is very sensitive to the flow shock density ratio or effective gamma, and (5) at angles of attack above the critical value for all gases, the nondimensional level of heat transfer to the wing is higher for the higher shock density ratio flows. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aSpace vehiclesxAerodynamics. 0aSpace vehiclesxAtmospheric entry. 0aAerodynamic heating. 0aAerodynamics, Hypersonic. 0aSpace shuttles. 0aGases, Real. 7aAerodynamic heating.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00798175 7aAerodynamics, Hypersonic.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00798215 7aGases, Real.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00938694 7aSpace shuttles.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01127852 7aSpace vehiclesxAerodynamics.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01127952 7aSpace vehiclesxAtmospheric entry.2fast0(OCoLC)fst011279591 aJones, Robert A.2 aLangley Research Center.1 aUnited States.bNational Aeronautics and Space Administration 0aNASA technical note ;vD-7108. 108aUFU01:005297345;5FU01366nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600240009710000190012124500930014026002030023330000280043650000190046450000230048350000270050650400520053358803130058565000300089865000280092870000180095671000350097471000210100993600170103095100290104702621059820110629114345.0110629s1955 tnua b f000 0 eng d aon733552595 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.AT 7:22/ISC-2541 aRathbun, E. R.10aGeiger-Müeller counters for low energy electrons /cby E.R. Rathbun, Jr., E.N. Jensen. aOak Ridge, Tenn. :bUnited States Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Service ;aWashington, D.C. :bFor sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,c[1955] a39 p. :bill. ;c27 cm. a"ISC-254."5FU a"August 1950."5FU a"Ames Laboratory."5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 37-38). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aGeiger-Müller counters. 0aElectronsxMeasurement.1 aJensen, E. N.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission.2 aAmes Laboratory. aPR 252802149 108aUFU01:005298761;5FU02500ngm a2200493Ia 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700100004600800410005603500160009704000130011304300210012605000140014709900140016124502180017526000520039351100450044550801440049050000540063450000380068850000190072658601140074552001800085953800340103958803170107360000220139065000720141265000450148465000500152965000510157965000640163065500230169465500220171765500190173970000220175870000230178070000250180370000330182871000210186171000250188271000210190785600490192895100290197702623513920110811132309.0g060 o vnvd cvaiz|110706s2010 xxu060 vleng d aon739098481 aFUGcFUG an-us-waan-us--- 4aHQ1034.W2 aHQ1034.W200aFor my wife--h[videorecording] :bthe making of an activist for marriage equality /cCinema Libre Studio presents ; a Trick Dog Films production ; produced by LD Thompson ; written & directed by David Rothmiller. a[United States] :bCinema Libre Studio,cc2010.0 aNarrators, Charlene Strong, Scott Brick. aEdited by David Rothmiller ; music by Bill Rieflin, Peter Buck, Moby, John Harry Fleming, Miles & Karina, Stef Albert Bothma, Bryan Ingram. aOriginally produced as a documentary in 2008.5FU aAlso available in DVD format.5FU aNot rated.5FU aSeattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, 2008: Best local film, Audience favorite prize for "best documentary". aFaced with tragedy and discrimination at her partner's deathbed, Charlene Strong decided to speak out against injustice, rising to prominence as an advocate for LGBT equality. aMode of access: Internet.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.10aStrong, Charlene. 0aGay couplesxLegal status, laws, etc.zWashington (State)zSeattle. 0aGay rightszWashington (State)zSeattle. 0aLesbian coupleszWashington (State)zSeattle. 0aDrowning victimszWashington (State)zSeattle. 0aSame-sex marriagexLegal status, laws, etc.zUnited States. 0aDocumentary films. 0aNonfiction films. 0aFeature films.1 aStrong, Charlene.1 aBrick, Scott.4nrt1 aThompson, L. D.4pro1 aRothmiller, David.4aus4drt2 aTrick Dog Films.2 aCinema Libre Studio.1 aSnagFilms (Firm)41uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/UF/lib/for_my_wife/5FU 108aUFU01:005299720;5FU01683nam a2200301Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600240009710000170012124501760013824600960031426002080041030000240061849000440064250000430068650000580072950000640078758803130085165000250116465000170118965000210120671000490122771000350127683000410131195100290135202633221920110712132235.0110712s1965 cou f000 0 eng d aon740886664 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/RFP-5311 aMolen, G. F.10aCompatibility studies of anion exchange resins.nPart I,pThe compatibility of Dowex 1x4 nitrate form anion resin with nitric acid and oxides of nitrogen /cby G.F. Molen.30aCompatibility of Dowex 1x4 nitrate form anion resin with nitric acid and oxides of nitrogen aGolden, Colo. :bDow Chemical Company, Rocky Flats Division ;a[Springfield, Va. :bAvailable from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, National Bureau of Standards,c1965] avi, 12 p. ;c28 cm.1 aAEC research and development report5FU a"Distribution Date: May 17, 1965."5FU a"RFP-531 ; UC-4 Chemistry ; TID-4500 (40th Ed.)."5FU a"U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Contract AT(29-1)-1106."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aIon exchange resins. 0aNitric acid. 0aNitrogen oxides.2 aDow Chemical Company.bRocky Flats Division.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 0aAEC research and development report. 108aUFU01:005303484;5FU01831nam a2200325Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008410000310009724502510012824600220037926001450040130000290054650000590057558803110063465000380094565000490098365000390103265000440107165000310111565000330114665000300117969000200120971001110122971000670134071000350140771000340144295100290147602650941620120106165215.0120106q18721880enka j 000 f eng d aon771038675 aFUGcFUG0 aAuthor of Harry's battles.10aArchie Grey, or, Doing it heartily /cby the Author of "Harry's battles," "Winifred Leigh," &c., &c. ; published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education, appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.30aDoing it heartily aLondon :bSociety for Promoting Christian Knowledge ;aNew York :bPott, Young, & Co.,c[between 1872 and 1880]e(Oxford :fClarendon Press) a124 p. :bill. ;c16 cm. aPott, Young, & Co. operated between 1872 and 1880.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under a Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aChristian lifevJuvenile fiction. 0aChildrenxConduct of lifevJuvenile fiction. 0aConduct of lifevJuvenile fiction. 0aBrothers and sistersvJuvenile fiction. 0aSuccessvJuvenile fiction. 0aDiligencevJuvenile fiction. 0aUnclesvJuvenile fiction. 4aBldny1876.5FU2 aSociety for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain).bCommittee of General Literature and Education.2 aSociety for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain)4pbl2 aPott, Young, and Company.4pbl2 aOxford University Press.4prt 108aUFU01:002218704;5FU01478nam a2200253Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009704900090010908200200011810000290013824504240016725000180059126000640060930000300067350000580070350000630076158803130082459900140113765000350115165100380118602657758020130605084417.0130605s1957 gw 001 0 ger d aon846831393 aFUGcFUG ae-gx--- aFUGG04a331.8255aZ96r21 aZurmühlen, Heribert A.14aDas Recht der Wiedergutmachung für Angehörige des öffentlichen Dienstes:bEine Sammlung d. einschlägigen Rechtsvorschriften mit Erl. zum Gesetz zur Regelung der Wiedergutmachung nationalsozialist. Unrechts für Angehörige des öffentlichen Dienstes (BWGöD) vom 11. Mai 1951 (BGBl I S. 291) in der Fassung der 3. Novelle zum BWGöD (Gesetz vom 23. Dezember 1955, BGB1 I S. 820) /cHeribert A. Zurmühlen. a2. erg. Aufl.3 aBad Godesberg :bAllgemeiner Beamtenschutzbund e.V.,c1957. axxii, 85, 48 p. ;c21 cm. aWith this is bound: Ergänzungsheft. 1957. 48 p.5FU aIncludes supplement, "Ergänzungsheft" (48 p.) and index. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a026577580 0aEmployers' liabilityzGermany. 0aGermanyxOfficials and employees.01808nam a2200337Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009710000190010924500570012826000660018530000490025150000750030050000830037559000510045850502810050958803130079065000450110365000390114865000470118765000240123465500360125869000200129470000250131470000300133970000490136970000230141895100290144102673931120110715155512.0110715s184u enka j 000 f eng d aon741365464 aFUGcFUG ae-uk-st1 aParley, Peter.10aPeter Parley's tales about boys, at home and abroad. a[London] :bThomas Holmes,c[184-?]e([London] :fW.J. Sears) a188 p., [1] leaf of plates :bill. ;c13 cm. aFrontispiece engraved by H. Rolls after Francis Philip Stephanoff.5FU aDate of publication based on binding indicating publication in the 1840's.5FU aBaldwin Library copy 1 lacks frontispiece.5FU0 aThe lost sea boys -- The young reformers: a story of the times -- Humility -- Sincerity -- Detraction -- On self-conduct, as regulated by the principles of religion -- The snake charmer -- On the value of time -- Patience in sickness -- Falsehood -- Civility and ceremony.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aBoysxConduct of lifevJuvenile fiction. 0aConduct of lifevJuvenile fiction. 0aShip captainszScotlandvJuvenile fiction. 0aChildren's stories. 7aChildren's storiesy1845.2lcsh 4aBldny1845.5FU1 aHolmes, Thomas.4pbl1 aSears, William John.4prt1 aStephanoff, Francis Philip,d1788-1860.4ill1 aRolls, Henry.4egr 108aUFU01:002228364;5FU01467nam a2200301Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010708200150011624500360013125000250016726400580019230000250025033600260027533700280030133800260032950000420035550002400039750500710063758803130070859900140102165000410103565000320107671000280110895100290113602680247420170411094857.0170411s1950 enk 000 0 eng d aon982113824 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG04a307bC582d00aDiscovery :bAmplified edition. aFirst revised issue. 1aLedbury, Herefordshire :bLe Play House Press,c1950. a3 sheets ;c72-26 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia asheetbnb2rdacarrier aTitle from panel on verso of sheet 1. a"This broadsheet (brought up to date 1947) is published by Le Play House Press ... Further particulars of Civic and Regional Survey publications are obtainable from the Manager, Le Play House Press, Ledbury, Herefordshire," -- Sheet 2.0 aSheet 1. Nature -- Sheet 2. Local history -- Sheet 3. The Present. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a026802474 0aSocial sciencesxStudy and teaching. 0aCivicsxStudy and teaching.2 aInstitute of Sociology. 108aUFU01:001705938;5FU01227nam a2200241Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010708200170011610000470013324502530018026400490043330000220048233600260050433700280053033800270055850000390058558803130062459900140093765000340095102707878120140108111102.0140108s1932 ilu 000 0 eng d aon867724620 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4a658.8bH711s1 aHoffman, Paul G.q(Paul Gray),d1891-1974.10aSelling and sales management :bvocations for those interested in them /caddress delivered by Paul G. Hoffman, President, the Studebaker Corporation of America, before the undergraduates of the University of Chicago on Wednesday, February 3, 1932. 1a[Chicago] :b[University of Chicago],c1932. a8 leaves ;c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aCover title ; author from caption. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a027078781 0aSales personnelxTraining of.01873nam a2200409Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009710000330010924000130014224500810015524600130023626000870024930000410033649000430037750001170042050000440053758803110058160000510089265000460094365000390098965000330102865000430106165000310110465000340113565000440116965000360121365100320124965500420128169000200132371000250134371000270136883000390139595100290143402709324620111205145811.0111205q18411843enka j 000 f eng d aon767519683 aFUGcFUG af-et---1 aJohnson, Samuel,d1709-1784.10aRasselas14aThe history of Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia :ba tale /cby Samuel Johnson.14aRasselas aLondon :bTilt and Bogue,c[between 1841 and 1843]e(London :fBradbury and Evans) axi, [1], 168, 8 p. :bill. ;c11 cm.1 aTilt's miniature classical library5FU aPublisher operated at address between 1841 and 1843; cf. P.A.H. Brown London publishers and printers p. 202.5FU aPublisher's catalogue follows text.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under a Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.10aJohnson, Samuel,d1709-1784vJuvenile fiction. 0aYouthxConduct of lifevJuvenile fiction. 0aConduct of lifevJuvenile fiction. 0aHappinessvJuvenile fiction. 0aVoyages and travelsvJuvenile fiction. 0aPrincesvJuvenile fiction. 0aFriendshipvJuvenile fiction. 0aBrothers and sistersvJuvenile fiction. 0aPhilosophersvJuvenile fiction. 0aEthiopiavJuvenile fiction. 7aPublishers' cataloguesy1842.2rbgenr 4aBldny1842.5FU2 aTilt and Bogue.4pbl2 aBradbury & Evans.4prt 0aTilt's miniature classical library 108aUFU01:002242807;5FU01961nam a2200313Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010708200190011610000540013524502370018924602180042626400920064430000220073633600260075833700280078433800270081250000230083950002880086258803130115059900140146365000280147765000270150565000270153271000590155995100290161802719488220141223142238.0141223s1953 dcu i000 0 spa d aon898593571 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4a331.833bW267o1 aWare, Caroline F.q(Caroline Farrar),d1899-1990.10aObservaciones sobre el Programa del Centro Interamericano de Vivienda en lo relativo a los aspectos sociales de vivienda /cpor Caroline F. Ware, Consultora, Sección de Servicio Social, División de Trabajo y de Asuntos Sociales.1 iAt head of title:aCentro Interamericano de Vivienda, Proyecto 22 del Programa de Asistencia Técnica de la Organización de los Estados Americanos patrocinada por el Consejo Interamericano Económico y Social. 1aWashington, D.C. :bDivisión de Vivienda y Planeamiento, Unión Panamericana,c1953. a10 pages ;c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier a"Diciembre, 1953." a"Informe preparado... a petición del director de proyecto, Anatole A. Solow, jefe de la División de Vivienda y Planeamiento, Unión Panamericana, para servir como ayuda en el desarrollo de estudios sociales como parte del plan de estudios del Centro Interamericano de Vivienda." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a027194882 0aCommunity organization. 0aSocial work education. 0aCommunity development.2 aPan American Union.bDivision of Housing and Planning. 108aUFU01:001722320;5FU02000nam a2200409Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008410000470009724500700014426000410021430000340025552001280028950000500041758803130046765000320078065000440081265000310085665000310088765000370091865000280095565000410098365000420102465000590106660000610112565000600118665000630124665000580130965000510136765500380141865500370145669000200149370000220151371000260153595100290156102731214420140813095214.0110628s1956 iluab j 000 1 eng d aon733294649 aFUGcFUG1 aBaum, L. Frankq(Lyman Frank),d1856-1919.14aThe Wizard of Oz /cby L. Frank Baum ; illustrated by Dale Ulrey. aChicago :bReilly & Lee Co.,cc1956. a236 p. :bcol. ill. ;c24 cm. aAfter a cyclone transports her to The Land of Oz, Dorothy must seek out the great wizard in order to return home to Kansas. aColor map of The Land of Oz on endpapers.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCyclonesvJuvenile fiction. 0aOz (Imaginary place)vJuvenile fiction. 0aWitchesvJuvenile fiction. 0aWizardsvJuvenile fiction. 0aGood and evilvJuvenile fiction. 0aHomevJuvenile fiction. 0aChildren's dreamsvJuvenile fiction. 0aVoyages, ImaginaryvJuvenile fiction. 0aWizard of Oz (Fictitious character)vJuvenile fiction.10aGale, Dorothyc(Fictitious character)vJuvenile fiction. 0aCowardly Lion (Fictitious character)vJuvenile fiction. 0aScarecrow (Fictitious character : Baum)vJuvenile fiction. 0aTin Woodman (Fictitious character)vJuvenile fiction. 0aToto (Fictitious character)vJuvenile fiction. 7aFantasy literaturey1956.2rbgenr 7aImaginary voyagesy1956.2rbgenr 4aBldny1956.5FU1 aUlrey, Dale.4ill2 aReilly & Lee Co.4pbl 108aUFU01:002252500;5FU01139cam a2200277Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002701000130006803500160008104000280009704900090012505000170013408200170015109900110016810000220017924501210020126000480032230000380037033600260040833700280043433800270046259900140048958803130050365000260081670000190084202744297720131107134203.0790924s1961 nyua 000 0 eng a61007362 aocm05419358 aDLCbengerdacCLEdFUG aFUGG aHF5429b.02514a658.87bO16s aHF54291 aOcko, Judy Young.10aSallys̕ selling primer :bfundamentals of retail salesmanship /cby Judy Young Ocki ; illustrated by Edna M. Kaula. aNew York :bFairchild Publications,c[1961] a66 pages :billustration ;c21 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier a027442977 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aClerks (Retail trade)1 aKaula, Edna M.01538nam a2200301Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010708200170011611100720013324500890020524600790029426400900037330000230046333600260048633700280051233800270054050000170056750000180058450002010060258803130080359900140111665000210113071000560115195100290120702762045720150108105518.0150108s1939 flu 000 0 eng aon899534444 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4a340.7bF636s2 aShort Course for Attorneys-at-Law :d(1939 :cGainesville, Florida)10aShort Course for Attorneys-At-Law :bGainesville, Florida, November 24 and 25, 1939.1 aLectures given at Short Course for Attorneys-At-Law, November 24-25, 1939. 1a[Gainesville, Florida] :b[University of Florida, General Extension Division],c1939. a88 leaves ;c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aCover title. aMimeographed. aTipped in front: General Extension Division Record, University of Florida, Vol. 21, No. 4, October, 1939, "Short Course for Attorneys-at-Law," consisting of announcement and program of conference. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a027620457 0aLawvCongresses.2 aUniversity of Florida.bGeneral Extension Division. 108aUFU01:001742849;5FU01368ntm a2200277Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009705000270010909900160013624500470015226000120019930000200021150000200023150000650025150001880031650400410050458803130054565000370085865000290089571000430092471100940096795100290106102780666620111013131313.0111013s1983 xx b 000 0 eng d aon756843773 aFUGcFUG aa-ph--- 4aHD6073.R482bP666 1983 aHD6073.R48200aWomen and rice farming in the Philippines. c[1983?] a32 p. ;c28 cm. aTypescript.5FU a"... prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture"--Foreword.5FU a"A country report prepared for the Women in Rice Farming Systems Conference, 26-30 September, 1983 a thte International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines."5FU aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aWomen rice workerszPhilippines. 0aRice tradezPhilippines.1 aPhilippines.bMinistry of Agriculture.2 aWomen in Rice Farming Systems Conferenced(1983 :cInternational Rice Research Institute) 108aUFU01:004967829;5FU04186nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500200011804000130013809900110015110000300016224501350019226000570032751600480038453800680043253800400050050000500054050000590059050200500064952012870069952010720198650000230305850400410308159000420312259000350316458803170319959900190351665300860353569000460362169000310366785600610369895100290375902799399520141113092555.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu101019s2010 flu sbm s000 0 eng d aon814307353 a(SNX)UFE0041455 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aGrubbs, Cortney Michelle.10aConfessing captivityh[electronic resource] :bqueer narratives of trauma by American women writers /cby Cortney Michelle Grubbs. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2010. aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format.5FU aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader.5FU aMode of access: World Wide Web.5FU aTitle from title page of source document.5FU aDocument formatted into pages; contains 168 pages.5FU aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2010.3 aABSTRACT: The agenda of this project is to trace the evolution of American women‟s writing in order to rediscover how the experiences of captivity and trauma are-and continue to be-intertwined. I argue that American women‟s confessional writing continues to evoke the language of captivity, along with the formal properties of the captivity narrative in order to articulate experiences physical, emotional, and psychological traumas. My dissertation posits that Mary Rowlandson‟s 17th-century captivity narrative and Hannah Webster Foster‟s 18th-century epistolary novel The Coquette serve as the origin points for American women‟s confessional writing. In Rowlandson‟s text, captivity signifies traumatic experiences-including physical confinement, identity crises (including acclimation to a captor‟s environment), and the difficulties of "restoration" (or returning to one‟s once familiar culture). Rowlandson‟s rhetoric of captivity continues to be instrumental in discussing the physical and psychological traumas of gender normalizations; contemporary memoirs Christine Jorgensen‟s Autobiography and Susanna Kaysen‟s Girl, Interrupted transform the medical case study into a captivity narrative-allowing them to be the "experts" of their own experiences.3 aJorgensen‟s text chronicles her experiences of being "trapped in the wrong body" and how normalizations of gender and sexuality kept her rhetorically captive; and Kaysen‟s memoir describes her two years as a youth in a mental institution, primarily as a result of social and gender norms. Foster‟s novel expands the concept of captivity to include normalizations of gender, class, and sexuality; the novel addresses abuse toward women, particularly within the domestic space-and the silences surrounding these abuses. Alice Walker‟s novel The Color Purple and Laurie Halse Anderson‟s adolescent novel Speak describe the daily lives of protagonists who are sexually, emotionally, and physically abused in their youth. By asserting their own agency and promoting witnessing amongst readers, all of these narrative voices create a witnessing public-similar to what Michael Warner terms a "counterpublic," a subversive community, amongst readers. And, the afterward provides several scenarios for helping teachers create a witnessing public in their classrooms. aIncludes vita.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references. aWas inaccessible until 2012-08-315FU aAdviser: Bryant, Marsha C.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. ajkr 2011125FU aAmericanacaptivityaconfessionagenderaqueerasexualityatraumaawitnessawomen aDissertations, AcademiczUFxEnglish.5FU aEnglish thesis, Ph. D.5FU403Full text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE00414555FU 108aUFU01:004979534;5FU01366nas a2200313 a 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006101000150010203500160011704000130013304200080014604300120015405000190016609900140018511000230019924500980022224600290032026000460034930000110039550000460040658800560045258800390050858803130054765000930086065100700095395100290102302808643920110719152322.0m d l co cg||||a||||110719u200uuuuuflu|| l0 0eng c a2011229743 aon741674680 aFUGcFUG apcc an-us-fl 4aHG4028.B8bG35 aHG4028.B81 aGainesville (Fla.)10aFinancial and operating plan ...h[electronic resource] :b[and] Capital improvement plan ...10aCapital improvement plan aGainesville, Fla. :bCity of Gainesville. aCD-ROM aPDF version of the original document.5FU aDescription based on: 2009/2010; title from CD-ROM. aLatest issue consulted: 2009/2010. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCapital investmentszFloridazGainesvillexAppropriations and expendituresvPeriodicals. 0aGainesville (Fla.)xAppropriations and expendituresvPeriodicals. 108aUFU01:005381341;5FU01451nam a2200265Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600330009711000300013024501090016026000600026930000510032949000450038050000250042550000560045050001610050658803130066765000650098071000350104571000350108083000410111595100290115602812286320110725090142.0110725s1957 dcua 000 0 eng aon742341074 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/BAW-1019 Suppl.12 aBabcock & Wilcox Company.10aLiquid metal fuel reactor experiment (Phase 1C) :bsupplement to LMFRE reference design report BAW-1019. aWashington, DC. :bOffice of Technical Services,c1957. aiv, 30 leaves :bill., (some folded) ;c28 cm.1 aAEC Research and development report.5FU a"December 1957."5FU a"BAW 1019 Supplement 1 UC-81 AEC R & D report."5FU a"Note: the section on chemical processing systems was prepared jointly by the Babcock & Wilcox Company and Union Carbide Nuclear Company" -- title page.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aLiquid metal fast breeder reactorsxDesign and construction.2 aUnion Carbide Nuclear Company.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 0aAEC research and development report. 108aUFU01:005383770;5FU01375nam a2200301Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000230008504900090010805000110011709900110012824501040013926000990024330000400034233600260038233700280040833800270043650000210046350000480048450400410053258803170057359900130089065000360090365000350093971000700097495100290104402819492320181012130115.0181012s1938 flua b s000 0 eng d aon1056710745 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4aLC1043 aLC104300aOccupational surveys :bTIE 222 /cSchool of Trade and Industrial Education, University of Florida. aDaytona Beach, Fla. :bUniversity of Florida, School of Trade and Industrial Education,c1938. a28 leaves :billustrations ;c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aCover title.5FU aMimeographed, on one side of leaf only.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a28194923 0aVocational educationxResearch. 0aTechnical educationxResearch.2 aUniversity of Florida.bSchool of Trade and Industrial Education. 108aUFU01:001774085;5FU01025nam a2200253Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010708200210011610000290013724500480016626400540021430000220026833600260029033700280031633800270034458803130037159900140068465000270069865000320072571000140075702822695020131004103247.0131004s1910 po 000 0 por aon859401209 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG14a354.46908bL533s1 aLeitão, A. de S. Maia.10aServiço de Saude Colonial :bsua reforma. 3aPorto :bImprensa Moderna de Manoel Cello,c1910. a38 pages ;c19 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a028226950 0aPublic healthzAngola. 0aHealth care reformzAngola.1 aPortugal.01378nam a2200301Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600240009710000210012124500980014226000630024030000300030350000580033350000440039150000260043550000470046158803130050865000200082165000260084170000180086770000170088571000770090271000350097971000330101495100290104702825890520120309125857.0110804s1957 tnua 000 0 eng d aon744896834 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/BMI-9881 aSaller, Henry A.10aStudies of the bomb reduction of thorium halides /cby H.A. Saller, Keeler, J.R., Cuddy, L.J. aOak Ridge, Tenn. :bOak Ridge National Laboratory,c[1957] ap. 5-19 :bill. ;c28 cm. a"Report No. BMI-988; Contract No. W-7405-eng-92."5FU a"Date declassified: March 1, 1957."5FU a"March 22, 1955."5FU a"Technology - Feed matherials"--Cover.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aThorium alloys. 0aReduction (Chemistry)1 aKeeler, J. R.1 aCuddy, L. J.2 aOak Ridge National Laboratory.bTechnical Information Service Extension.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission.2 aBattelle Memorial Institute. 108aUFU01:005390596;5FU01267nam a2200253Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008410000220009724500590011926000270017830000660020550001080027150000470037950000360042658803130046265000320077565500380080769000230084579600350086871000810090395100290098402830864720110809163033.0110809s2000 xx a 000 0 eng d aon746080209 aFUGcFUG1 aCoffey, Marjorie.10aTrapezoidal box with four folded paper fans /cCoffey. a[S.l. :bs.n.,c2000?] a4 folded paper fans :bcol. ill. ;c1 at 15 cm., 3 at 6.5 cm. aIssued in trapezoidal box 19.5 cm long covered in pastel marbling. Large fan autographed, "Coffey."5FU aFrom the author's personal collection.5FU aTitle created by cataloger.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aMiniature booksvSpecimens. 7aMiniature books (Printing)2rbpri 4aImprinty2000.5FU13aCoffey, Marjorie.,edonor.5FU2 aHarold and Mary Jean Hanson Rare Book Collection.bBook Arts Collection.5FU 108aUFU01:005393526;5FU01747nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600280009710000200012524500780014524600220022326001840024530000280042950000290045750000230048650000660050950000940057552003290066958803130099865000280131165000190133971000350135871000350139395100290142802833147120110816100805.0110816s1955 tnua f000 0 eng d aon746853969 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/CF-53-2-1121 aKasten, Paul R.10aBoiler reactor operation.nPart II,pReactor governors /cby P.R. Kasten.30aReactor governors aOak Ridge, Tenn. :bU.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Service ;a[Washington, D.C. :bAvailable from the Office of Technical Services, Dept. of Commerce,c1955] a12 p. :bill. ;c27 cm. a"February 12, 1953."5FU a"CF-53-2-112."5FU a"Date Declassified: November 30, 1955."--P. [2] of cover.5FU aWork performed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory under Contract No. W-7405-Eng-26.5FU3 aBoiling reactors can be automatically regulated so as to satisfy varying power demand. A flexible control system consists of a shielded fuel reservoir maintained at constant pressure connected to the reactor core, in combination with a core-pressure-controlled valve which regulates the flow of steam by-passing the turbine. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aBoiling water reactors. 0aNuclear fuels.2 aOak Ridge National Laboratory.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 108aUFU01:005394903;5FU00906nam a2200217Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708200180010610000280012424500720015225000330022426000320025730000270028950000160031658803130033259900140064595100290065902835984620120925165356.0120925s1916 gw 000 0 ger d aon811068534 aFUGcFUG aFUGG14a831.91bH762d1 aHolz, Arno,d1863-1929.10aDafnis :blyrisches Porträt aus dem 17. Jahrhundert /cArno Holz. aKriegsausg., 35. u. 36. Tsd. aDresden :bReissner,c1916. axxii, 266 p. ;c19 cm. aIn Fraktur. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a028359846 108aUFU01:001783801;5FU01959nam a2200361Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300300009724500310012724600120015826001240017030000280029450001740032250000460049650101450054258803130068760000480100065000540104865000560110265000460115865000340120465000520123865000510129065100700134165500310141169000200144270000370146270000380149971000310153795100290156802840353320110822115041.0110822q18451867enka j 000 f eng d aon747428744 aFUGcFUG ae-sp---an------as------04aThe seeker and the finder.18aStories aLondon (Paternoster Row) :bGroombridge and Sons,c[between 1845 and 1867]e(London (13, Mark Lane) :fRichard Barrett) a47 p. :bill. ;c15 cm. aEarliest date based on publisher's address, later date based on printer's address; established from Brown, P. London publishers and printers c. 1800-1870, p. 10, 78.5FU aIllustrations engraved by E. Whimper.5FU aWith: The sea-kings. London (Paternoster Row) : Groombridge and Sons, [between 1845 and 1867] (London (13, Mark Lane) : Richard Barrett)5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.10aColumbus, ChristophervJuvenile literature. 0aExplorerszSpainvBiographyvJuvenile literature. 0aExplorerszAmericavBiographyvJuvenile literature. 0aVoyages and travelsvJuvenile literature. 0aSailingvJuvenile literature. 0aAdventure and adventurersvJuvenile literature. 0aIndians of North AmericavJuvenile literature. 0aAmericaxDiscovery and explorationxSpanishvJuvenile literature. 7aBiographiesy1856.2rbgenr 4aBldny1856.5FU1 aBarrett, Richardc(Printer)4prt1 aWhymper, Edward,d1840-1911.4egr2 aGroombridge and Sons.4pbl 108aUFU01:005402456;5FU01053nam a2200229Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708200220010610000320012824500440016026000690020430000280027349001040030150000110040558803130041659900140072983000510074395100290079402842123720121011092644.0121008s1963 po a 000 p por d aon812198661 aFUGcFUG aFUGG04a860.08aP195 v.771 aGonzález Hermosa, Fausto.10aNão sei pedir Clemência /cHergoto. aLisboa :bOrganizada e Editada José Dos Santos Marques,c1963. a18 p. :bill. ;c16 cm.1 aPanorâmica poética Luso-Hispânica ; Colecção antológica de lingua Portugesa e Espanhola aPoems. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a028421237 0aPanorâmica poética Luso-Hispânica ;v77. 108aUFU01:001787704;5FU01103nam a2200229Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600180010924501350012726000660026230000190032850000230034750000290037058803130039965000320071265000460074471000540079095100290084402844525520110830112804.0110830s1939 dcu f000 0 eng d aon748365617 aFUGcFUG an-us---0 aA 36.2:C 193900aFarmers' cash income in October totaled $894,000,000 /cUnited States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. aWashington, D.C. :bBureau of Agricultural Economics,c[1939] a2 p. ;c27 cm. aCaption title.5FU a"November 24, 1939."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aFarm incomezUnited States. 0aFarmersxEconomic aspectszUnited States.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Agricultural Economics. 108aUFU01:005404698;5FU01130nam a2200253K 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000180008404300120010204900090011408200220012310000210014524000290016624501470019526000670034230000290040950400410043858803130047959900140079265000140080665000310082070000250085102846248620140203111848.0140203s1967 pl b b 000 0 pol d aon869738753 aFUGbengcFUG ae-gx--- aFUGG04a940.5413aS689zPb1 aSolovʹev, S. P.12aZamysli i plany.lGerman10aZamierzenia i plany :bprzegląd planów wojennych niemieckiego Sztabu Generalnego /cSiergiej Sołowjow ; [tłumaczył Edward Bagieński]. aWarszawa :bWydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej,c[1967] a354 p. :bmaps ;c20 cm. aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a028462486 0aStrategy. 0aPolitics and warzGermany.1 aBagieński, Edward.01304cam a2200277Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000180008404100130010205000230011508200200013809900110015810000380016924501620020725000110036926000360038030000210041649000460043750000870048350400610057058803130063170000320094470000210097695100290099702847708120111219144128.0111219s1960 ag b 000 0 spa d aon768772770 aFUGcFUGdFUG0 aspaheng 4aPS3053bH4518 196014a818.3bT488seSm aPS30531 aThoreau, Henry David,d1817-1862.10aHenry David Thoreau :bescritos selectos sobre naturaleza y libertad /crecopilación e introducción de Oscar Cargill ; [traducción de Mario A. Marino]. a1. ed. aBuenos Aires :bÁgora,c1960. a176 p. ;c20 cm.0 aColección hombres y problemas ;v355FU aTranslation of: Henry David Thoreau : selected writings on nature and liberty.5FU aIncludes selected bibliographical references (p. 21-22). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.1 aCargill, Oscar,d1898-1972.1 aMarino, Mario A. 108aUFU01:001790883;5FU00908nam a2200205Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708200190010610000490012524500600017426000560023430000210029058803130031159900140062470000350063895100290067302854686420120917154659.0120917s1927 dk 000 1 dan d aon810088848 aFUGcFUG aFUGG04a891.853aR458s1 aReymont, Władysław Stanisław,d1867-1925.10aSommeren /cW.S. Reymont ; oversat af Valdemar Rørdam. aKøbenhavn :bForlagt Af H. Aschehoug & Co.,c1927. a266 p. ;c22 cm. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a0285468641 aRørdam, Valdemar,d1872-1946. 108aUFU01:001795030;5FU01153nam a2200217Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708200170010610000410012324500750016425000170023926000480025630000250030450502500032958803130057959900140089295100290090602863888820120801141109.0120801s1898 nyu 000 0 eng d aon802903587 aFUGcFUG aFUGG04a824.8aS848v1 aStevenson, Robert Louis,d1850-1894.10aVirginibus Puerisque :band other papers /cby Robert Louis Stevenson. aAuthor's ed. aNew York :bCharles Scribner's Sons,c1898. avi, 278 p. ;c20 cm.0 aVirginibus puerisque -- Crabbed age and old youth -- An apology for idlers -- Ordered south -- AEs triplex -- El Dorado -- The English admirals -- Some portraits by Raeburn -- Child's play -- Walking tours -- Pan's pipes -- A plea for gas lamps. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a028638888 108aUFU01:001800338;5FU01074cam a2200241Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000180008404900090010208200190011110000350013024000310016524500800019626000510027630000270032749000640035458803130041859900140073160000380074570000200078395100290080302870066920121126162236.0121126s1952 tu 000 d tur d aon819343679 aFUGcFUGdFUG aFUGG04a832.7aH443aTa1 aHebbel, Friedrich,d1813-1863.10aAgnès Bernauer.lTurkish10aAgnes Bernauer /cHebbel ; bu eseri Vecahat Akyol dilimize çevirmiştir. aİstanbul :bMilli Eğitim Basımevi,c1952. aviii, 138 p. ;c18 cm.0 aDünya edebiyatından tercümeler. Alman Klasikleri ;v78 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a02870066910aBernauer, Agnes,dd. 1435vDrama.1 aAkyol, Vecahat. 108aUFU01:001803906;5FU01679ngm a2200397Ki 450000100100000000500170001000700100002700800410003703500170007804000270009504900090012213000210013124500270015226400680017930000620024733600500030933700230035933800340038249000350041650000360045153800160048750800270050351100450053052001110057554600160068658803170070259900140101965000310103365500390106465500240110370000360112770000260116370000240118970000370121395100310125002878047120180827124617.0vf cbahou180827p19uu1978it 091 vuita d aon1049988769 aFLAREbengerdacFLARE aFLAR0 aDriver.lItalian10aDriver l'imprendibile. 2aMilano, Italy :bVideo Star,c[date of distribution not given]. a1 videocassette (91 minutes) :bsound, color ;c1/2 inch. atwo-dimensional moving imagebtdi2rdacontent avideobv2rdamedia avideocassettebvf2rdacarrier0 aItalian video collection5FOFT aOriginal film released in 1978. aVHS format. aDirector: Walter Hill.0 aRyan O'Neal, Bruce Dern, Isabelle Adjani a"A getaway driver becomes the latest assignment for a tenacious detective."--IMDB, viewed August 27, 2018. aIn Italian. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a028780471 0aMotion pictures, American. 7aAction and adventure films.2lcgft 7aCrime films.2lcgft1 aHill, Walter,d1942-edirector.1 aO'Neal, Ryan,eactor.1 aDern, Bruceeactor.1 aAdjani, Isabelle,d1955-eactor. 107aCFU01:000376567;5FOFT01133cam a2200253Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000180008404900090010205000160011110000280012724501900015526000410034530000210038658803130040770000220072070000330074274000170077574000140079274000230080674000210082995100290085002880835320160808084020.0121016s1891 nyu 000 0 lat d aon813166348 aFUGcFUGdFUG aFUGG 4a871bC7ob.a1 aCicero, Marcus Tullius.14aThe De senectute, De amicitia, Paradoxa, and Somnium Scipionis of Cicero, and The life of Atticus /cby Cornelius Nepos, with English notes, critical and explanatory, by Charles Anthon. aNew York,bHarper & Brothers,c1891. a349 p. ;c19 cm. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.1 aNepos, Cornelius.1 aAnthon, Charles,d1797-1867.0 aDe amicitia.0 aParadoxa.0 aSomnium Scipionis.0 aLife of Atticus. 108aUFU01:001810837;5FU01046nam a2200229Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708200180010610000440012424500710016825000120023926000490025130000240030049000790032458803130040359900140071660000570073095100290078702886382520121114100448.0121114s1865 dk 000 1 dan d aon817925206 aFUGcFUG aFUGG04a839.8136 I46v1 aIngemann, Bernhard Severin,d1789-1862.10aValdemar Seier :bhistorisk roman /caf Bernhard Severin Ingemann. a8. udg. aKjøbenhavn :bC. A. Reitzels Forlag,c1865. a3 v. in 1 ;c18 cm.0 aSamlede historiske digte og romaner af Bernhard Severin Ingemann ;vv. 2-4 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a02886382500aValdemarbII,cKing of Denmark,d1170-1241vFiction. 108aUFU01:001814191;5FU00917nam a2200217Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708200170010610000390012324500900016224600160025225000140026826000390028230000230032158803130034459900130065795100290067002892116320151204113545.0120801s1926 fr 000 p fre d aon802929083 aFUGcFUG aFUGG04a841.8aS187a1 aSamain, Albert Victor,d1858-1900.10aAux flancs du vase :bsuivi de Polyphème et de poemes inachevés /cAlbert Samain.13aPolyphème a93e éd. aParis :bMercvre de France,c1926. a[199] p. ;c19 cm. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a28921163 108aUFU01:001817985;5FU01013nam a2200217Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000180008404900090010208200170011110000580012824000200018624500930020626000400029930000240033949000680036358803130043159900140074470000370075802896423220140310142732.0140310s1945 tu 000 0 tur d aon872136199 aFUGbengcFUG aFUGG04a871aS2tm.Ts1 aSeneca, Lucius Annaeus,dapproximately 4 B.C.-65 A.D.10aMedea.lTurkish10aMedeĭa /cAnkara dil ve tarih...Samim Sinanoğlu tarafĭndan tercüme edilmiştir. aAnkara :bMaarif Matbaasĭ,c1945. axi, 47 p. ;c18 cm.0 aDünya Edebiyatĭndan Tercümeler. Lâtin klâsikleri ;v8 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a0289642321 aSinanoğlu, Samim,etranslator.01376ntm a2200277Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300120010704900090011908200160012810000360014424501640018026400580034430000530040233600260045533700280048133800270050950001250053650400510066159900140071258803130072665000400103970000190107902902310920131107130403.0131107s1955 flua b 000 0 eng d aon862231638 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us-fl aFUGG14a536.2bE36d1 aEisenstadt, Melvin M.,eauthor.10aDetermination of heat flow through a roof, under typical Florida weather conditions, by means of a hydraulic analogue /cby Melvin Eisenstadt and John Bennett. 0a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c[1955] a36 leaves (some folded) :billustrations,c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aOn cover: Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, College of Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (leaf 14). a029023109 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aRoofsxThermal propertieszFlorida.1 aBennett, John.02927nem a2200589Ii 450000100100000000500170001000700090002700800410003603400560007703500160013304000230014904100130017204300300018504900090021505000200022405200090024405200090025305200090026209900100027124500290028124600280031024600610033825500840039926400690048330000540055233600400060633700280064633800260067450000360070050000300073650001210076650001000088750001900098750000430117750000900122051000340131051000480134451000340139254600580142658803130148459900140179753001010181165100610191265100430197365100500201665500230206670000340208970000680212370000530219185600640224495100290230802907800920150312090452.0aj cazzn150107q15611574it i a 0 lat d1 aab40000000dW0190000eE0080000fN0373000gS0000000 aon899265956 aFUGbengerdacFUG alataita af-mu---aff-----afw----- aFUGG 4aG8740 1561b.G3 a8820 a8740 a8220 aG874000aMavritania nvova tavola.3 aMauritania nuova tavola1 iText title on verso :aMavritania, prima tavola di libia aScale approximately 1:40,000,000c(W 19°00ʹ--E 8°00ʹ/N 37°30ʹ--S 0°00ʹ) 1a[Venice] :b[publisher not identified],c[between 1561 and 1574] a1 map :bcolor ;c18 x 25 cm, on sheet 23 x 32 cm acartographic imagebcri2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia asheetbnb2rdacarrier aCopper engraving, hand colored. aRelief shown pictorially. aOne of the earliest printed maps of French West Africa. The origin of the Nile is based on the geography of Ptolemy. aScale estimated and derived from latitude lines. Geographic coordinates converted to Greenwich. aUnable to determine date. Map is a revised and expanded version from Ptolemy's Geographia published in different states in Italian, newly engraved by Valgrisi from Gastaldi's 1548 maps. aSignature T, "19" below text on verso. aAppears in a revised Italian edition of Ptolemy's Geographia, translated by Ruscelli.4 aNorwich. Maps of Africa,c3134 aMoreland & Bannister,cp. 68 and Appendix A4 aPhillips,c371, 373, 380, 381 aTitle and placenames in Latin. Italian text on verso. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a029078009 aElectronic reproduction also available from George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida. 0aAfrica, French-speaking WestvMapsvEarly works to 1800. 0aMauritaniavMapsvEarly works to 1800. 0aAfrica, NorthwestvMapsvEarly works to 1800. 7aEarly maps.2lcgft0 aPtolemy,dactive 2nd century.1 aRuscelli, Girolamo,d-approximately 1565,eeditor,etranslator.1 aValgrisi, Vincenzo,dactive 1540-1572eengraver.41yClick here for digital copyuhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00075574 108aUFU01:002356554;5FU03696cem a2200661 i 450000100100000000500170001000700090002700800410003603400550007703500170013204000350014904100130018404200080019704300300020504900090023505000200024405200090026405200090027309900100028210000360029224501230032824600310045125500850048226400750056730000620064233600400070433700280074433800270077250000360079950000300083550000470086550000600091250000970097250000460106950003550111550000580147051000660152851000830159453001080167754600580178558803170184359900140216065000720217465100460224665100390229265100530233165100380238465500420242265500430246465500360250765500230254370000560256670000380262278701090266077601720276985600640294195100290300502908621320200406101358.0aj canzn191028m17281740enki e 0 eng c1 aab4600000dW0101000eE0200000fN0441500gN0253000 aon1125164239 aFUGbengerdaedcrmccFUGdFUG1 alatheng apcc aff-----af------amm----- aFUGG 4aG8220b1728 .S4 a8220 a5672 aG82201 aSenex, John,d-1740,eengraver.13aIn notitiam ecclasiasticam Africae tabula geographica /cauctore G. De L'Isle e Regiá scientiarum academia Parisiis.30aAfricae tabula geographica aScale approximately 1:4,600,000c(W 10°10ʹ--E 20°00ʹ/N 44°15ʹ--N 25°30ʹ) 1a[London] :b[John Senex and Charles Price],c[approximately 1728-1740] a1 map :bcolor ;c47.5 x 62.2 cm, on sheet 51.8 x 67.1 cm acartographic imagebcri2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aCopper engraving, hand colored. aRelief shown pictorially. aTitle and imprint in decorative cartouche. aDate of publication and imprint from reference sources. aMap of North Africa including Mediterranean Sea area, with Spain, Italy and parts of Greece. a"Johan Senex sculpsit F.R.S."--Cartouche. aMap first appeared in the 1714 English Atlas, which was issued jointly by Senex and John Maxwell. With Senex's decision to re-engrave all of his early signatures to record his election to the fellowship of the Royal Society in 1728, "F.R.S." is included after his name with maps after 1728.--(Cf. Shirley, Maps in the atlases of the British Library). aFrom: Senex's English atlas, editions from 1728-1740.4 aMaps in the atlases of the British Library,cT.SEN-1d, 1e, 1f3 aTooley, R.V. Collector's guide to maps of the African continent & South Africa aElectronic reproduction also available online from George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida. aIn Latin. Translation of explanatory text in English. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a029086213 0aEcclesiastical geographyzAfrica, NorthvMapsvEarly works to 1800. 0aAfrica, NorthvMapsvEarly works to 1800. 0aAfricavMapsvEarly works to 1800. 0aMediterranean RegionvMapsvEarly works to 1800. 7aAfrica.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01239509 7aEarly maps.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01752681 7aEarly works.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411636 7aMaps.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423704 7aEarly maps.2lcgft1 aPrice, C.q(Charles),dactive 1680-1720epublisher.1 aL'Isle, Guillaume de,d1675-1726.08iContained in (manifestation):tEnglish atlas ...d[London] : [John Senex and Charles Price], [1728-1740]08iOnline version:aSenex, John, -1740.tIn notitiam ecclasiasticam Africae tabula geographica.d[London] : [John Senex and Charles Price], [1728-1740]w(OCoLC)112516433941yClick here for digital copyuhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00075535 108aUFU01:002357170;5FU01873nam a2200373 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404100230009704200080012004300120012805000300014008200300017009900100020010000240021024500950023426000560032930000280038549001040041350000570051750001340057454600460070850400540075458803130080865000260112165000380114765000370118570000230122271001000124583000980134593600270144395100290147002914454420110923095931.0110923s1970 it a b 000 0 ita c aon754190833 aFUGcFUG0 aitabengbfrebita apcc ae-it--- 4aQE272b.P3 vol. 27 pte. 9 a550.6bP1251m v. 27 pt. 9 aQE2721 aFerrero, Maddalena.12aL'evoluzione del genere Conus tel terziario Veneto /cMaddalena Ferrero, Giuliano Piccoli. aPadova :bSocietá cooperativa tipografica,c1970. a34 p. :bill. ;c32 cm.1 aMemorie degli Istituti di geologia e mineralogia dell'Università di Padova ;vv. 27, [pte. 9]5FU a"Con 26 figure nel testo e 3 tavole fuori testo"5FU aAt head of title: Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Centro di studio per la geologia e la petrografia,1a sezione geologica.5FU aSummaries in English, French and Italian. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. [30]-34). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aConuszItalyzVeneto. 0aGeology, StratigraphicyTertiary. 0aPhysical geologyzItalyzVeneto.1 aPiccoli, Giuliano.2 aConsiglio nazionale delle ricerche (Italy).bCentro di studio per la geologia e la petrografia. 0aMemorie degli Istituti di geologia e mineralogia dell'Università di Padova ;vv. 27, pt. 9. aPR 312180238 603168840 108aUFU01:005448483;5FU01156nam a2200241Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600220009710000490011924500840016825000130025226000580026530000190032349000770034250000240041958803170044365000320076070000180079283000750081095100290088502920565820110927082744.0110927s1923 dcu f000 0 eng d aon754793984 aFUGcFUG0 aA 1.14/2:259/rev.1 aWinston, John R.q(John Robinson),db. 1890.10aCommercial control of citrus melanose /cby John R. Winston and John J. Bowman. aRev. ed. aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Dept. of Agriculture,c1923. a8 p. ;c23 cm.1 aDepartment circular / United States Department of Agriculture ;v2595FU a"October 1923."5FU a588 This bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCitrusxDiseases and pests.1 aBowman, J. J. 0aDepartment circular (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;v259. 108aUFU01:005453629;5FU01916nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000180008404900090010208200160011110000250012724500480015226000320020030000330023250000740026550000340033950000200037350000850039350000650047850505950054358803130113859000670145165000140151873000490153273000450158102925388520170120094452.0131216m19351948xx a 000 0 eng d aon865477518 aFUGbengcFUG aFUGG04a97.31aK75s1 aKobuski, Clarence E.10aStudies in Theaceae /cClarence E. Kobuski. a[S.l. :bs.n.],c1935-1948. a15 v. in 1 :bill. ;c25 cm. aReprinted from Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, v.16-29; 1935-48.5FU aParts 9-10 not published?5FU aCaption titles. aCollection of offprints from the Journal of the Arnold Arboretum, vol. XVI-XXIX. av. 3 reprinted from Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden.0 aI. Eurya subgen. Ternstroemiopsis -- II. Cleyera. -- III. Eurya subgenera. Euryodes and Penteurya. -- IV. New and noteworthy species of Eurya. -- V. Theaceae of New Guinea. -- VI. Genus Symplococarpon Airy-shaw. -- VII. American species of the genus Cleyera. -- VIII. Synopsis of the genus Freziera. -- XI. Killipiodendron. -- XII. Notes on the South American species of Ternstroemia. -- XIII. Notes on the Mexican and Central American species of Ternstroemia. -- XV. Review of the genus adinandra. -- XVI. Bibliographical notes on the genus Laplacea. -- XVII. Review of the genus Bonnetia. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aUniversity of Florida copy is missing no. 9-10 and no. 14.5FU 0aTheaceae.02aJournal of the Arnold Arboretum ;nv. 16-29.02aAnnals of the Missouri Botanical Garden.01095cam a2200205Ka 450000500170000000800410001703500160005804000180007404900090009207000140010124500980011526000570021330000450027050001690031558803130048459900140079765000110081165000150082270000520083720130712152347.0130712s1923 flua 000 0 eng d aon852698008 aFUGcFUGdFUG aFUGG1 a462bP21400aPapers and documents on mushrooms, fungi, and fungus diseases /ccollected by H. Harold Hume. a[Gainesville, Fla. :bUniversity of Florida,c1923?] a1 v. (various pagings) :bill. :c28 cm. aPapers on mushrooms, fungi and fungal diseases of plants collected by H. Harold Hume dated from 1891-1923, chiefly experiment station bulletins from various states. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a029290901 0aFungi. 0aMushrooms.1 aHume, H. Haroldq(Hardrada Harold),d1875-1965.01145nam a2200217Ka 450000500170000000800410001703500160005804000130007404900090008707000130009624500570010926000110016630000450017752000600022250000350028250502180031758803130053559900140084865000130086270000520087520130830151532.0130830s1940 xx a 000 0 eng d aon857307645 aFUGcFUG aFUGG1 a69bD63700aDocuments on tobacco /ccollected by H. Harold Hume. c[1940] a1 v. (various pagings) :bill. ;c24 cm. aDocuments on tobacco from 1902 and 1940 bound together. aSpine: Harold Hume Collection.0 aThe growing of tobacco under shade in Connecticut -- Control of blackfire of tobacco in western Kentucky / E.M. Johnson and W.D. Valleau -- Cost of curing white burley tobacco with artificial heat / Geo. B. Byers. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a029311112 0aTobacco.1 aHume, H. Haroldq(Hardrada Harold),d1875-1965.02161nam a2200337Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600220009724501450011926001000026430000320036449000310039653000410042750000190046850000270048750000840051450000620059852004780066058803130113865000410145165000200149265000360151270000180154871000380156671000290160485600990163383000620173295100290179402932365220160716111104.0111006s1943 wiua f000 0 eng d aon756038883 aFUGcFUG0 aA 13.27/14:1343-A00aSummary of a study of temperatures attained in a dummy aircraft wing during the summer at Madison, Wisconsin /cby F.L. Browne ... [et al.]. aMadison, Wis. :bU.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory,c[1943] a3, [1] p. :bill. ;c26 cm.1 a[Report] ;vno. 1343-A5FU aAlso available in electronic format. aCaption title. a"January 1943"--Cover. a"This report is one of a series issued to aid the nation's war program"--Cover. a"In cooperation with the University of Wisconsin"--Cover.3 aBecause of the poor ventilation of the enclosed air spaces and the dark camouflage paints with which military aircraft are painted, some of the woodwork becomes heated to temperatures far above those of the surrounding air when the craft are on the ground in bright sunshine. The experiments discussed here were made to give an indication of the magnitude of the tempertures that may be attained and some of their consequent effects on the moisture content of the woodwork. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aAirframesxEffect of temperature on. 0aWoodxMoisture. 0aWoodxEffect of temperature on.1 aBrowne, F. L.2 aForest Products Laboratory (U.S.)2 aUniversity of Wisconsin.41uhttps://archive.org/details/fstudyof00forezTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. 0aReport (Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.)) ;vno. 1343-A. 108aUFU01:005461809;5FU01629nam a2200337Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600200009710000470011724500990016426001000026330000320036349000260039553000410042150000230046250000320048550000660051750400480058358803130063165000260094465000210097065000200099170000240101171000380103571000290107385601000110283000600120295100290126202934711720140409120745.0111010s1938 wiua b f000 0 eng d aon756501908 aFUGcFUG0 aA 13.27/14:12351 aStamm, Alfred J.q(Alfred Joaquim),d1897-10aSurface-bound versus capillary-condensed water in wood /cby Alfred J. Stamm, and L.A. Hansen. aMadison, Wis. :bU.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory,c[1938] a5, [2] p. :bill. ;c26 cm.1 a[Report] ;vR12355FU aAlso available in electronic format. aCaption title.5FU a"February 1938"--Cover.5FU a"In cooperation with the University of Wisconsin"--Cover.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 5). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCellulosexChemistry. 0aWoodxChemistry. 0aWoodxMoisture.1 aHansen, Lawrence A.2 aForest Products Laboratory (U.S.)2 aUniversity of Wisconsin.41uhttps://archive.org/details/boundvers00forezTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. 0aReport (Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.)) ;vno. 1235. 108aUFU01:005463331;5FU01377nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600200009710000220011724501290013926001000026830000330036849000230040150000230042450000230044750000660047058803130053665000400084965000220088970000200091171000380093171000290096983000600099895100290105802936420620111012161355.0111012s1948 wiua f000 0 eng d aon756784255 aFUGcFUG0 aA 13.27/14:17321 aYoungquist, W. G.14aThe abrasive resistance of wood as determined with the U.S. Navy wear-test machine /cby W.G. Youngquist and Bert P. Munthe. aMadison, Wis. :bU.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory,c[1948] a8, [20] p. :bill. ;c26 cm.1 aRept. ;vR17325FU aCaption title.5FU a"1948"--Cover.5FU a"In cooperation with the University of Wisconsin"--Cover.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aWoodxAbrasion resistancexTesting. 0aFlooring, Wooden.1 aMunthe, Bert P.2 aForest Products Laboratory (U.S.)2 aUniversity of Wisconsin. 0aReport (Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.)) ;vno. 1732. 108aUFU01:005464410;5FU01214nam a2200217Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600140009724501340011126000460024530000200029149000920031158803130040365000640071665000650078071000510084583000710089695100290096702939076020111105101613.0111017s1900 dcu s f000 0 eng d aon757338645 aFUGcFUG0 aA 10.3:7800aStatistics of the land-grant colleges and agricultural experiment stations in the United States for the year ended June 30, 1899. aWashington :bGovt. Print. Office,c1900. a39 p. ;c23 cm.1 aBulletin / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations ;vno. 78.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aState universities and collegeszUnited StatesvStatistics. 0aAgricultural experiment stationszUnited StatesvStatistics.1 aUnited States.bOffice of Experiment Stations. 0aBulletin (United States. Office of Experiment Stations) ;vno. 78. 108aUFU01:005466443;5FU01263nam a2200265Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600230009711000390012024500940015926001000025330000200035350000230037350000240039650000590042058803130047965000370079265000350082965000400086471000290090471000350093395100290096802955991620120406104757.0111019s1977 wiu b f000 0 eng d aon757731327 aFUGcFUG0 aA 13.27/7:In 2/9772 aForest Products Laboratory (U.S.).10aList of publications of interest to teachers of industrial arts and vocational education. aMadison, Wis. :bU.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory,c[1977] a10 p. ;c28 cm. aCaption title.5FU a"October 1977."5FU a"In cooperation with the University of Wisconsin."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aWoodxUtilizationvBibliography. 0aIndustrial artsvBibliography. 0aVocational educationvBibliography.2 aUniversity of Wisconsin.1 aUnited States.bForest Service 108aUFU01:005486219;5FU01376nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600210009724500250011826001000014330000240024349000250026750000210029250000260031350001670033950000660050658803130057265000240088565000100090971000380091971000290095773000120098683000590099895100290105702961537020111024154832.0111024s1930 wiu f000 0 eng d aon758360525 aFUGcFUG0 aA 13.27/14:R 81000aStructural material. aMadison, Wis. :bU.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory,c[1930] a12 leaves ;c26 cm.1 a[Report] ;vR8105FU aCover title.5FU a"February, 1930."5FU a"Extract from 'Simplified Practice Recommendation R 16-29, Lumber (Fourth Edition)' of the Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C."5FU a"In cooperation with the University of Wisconsin"--Cover.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aBuilding materials. 0aWood.2 aForest Products Laboratory (U.S.)2 aUniversity of Wisconsin.0 aLumber. 0aReport (Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.)) ;vno. 810. 108aUFU01:005491080;5FU03226nam a2200565Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300120010704900090011910000460012824501660017424600240034025000450036426400410040930000390045033600260048933700280051533800270054349000260057050000500059650000400064650001090068651000760079551000560087152004150092758803170134259001140165959900140177365000420178765000570182965000610188665000310194765100520197865000570203065000530208765000380214065100420217865500390222065500460225965500270230565500420233265500590237469000280243370001100246171000330257183000270260495100290263102961911120160628142656.0160608s1909 nyu j 000 1 eng d aon951434609 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us-ca aFUGG1 aAlger, Horatio,cJr.,d1832-1899eauthor.14aThe young miner,bor, Tom Nelson out west /cby Horatio Alger, Jr. ; author of "Frank's campaign," "Hector's inheritance," "Helping himself," "Do and dare," etc.30aTom Nelson out west a[Running newsboy, American boys edition] 1aNew York :bHurst & Company,c[1909] a241, 17 unnumbered pages ;c19 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aAlger series for boys aReprint. Originally published 1879 by Loring. aPublisher's catalogue follows text. aDate and edition from Horatio Alger Society website. Format 30 - Running newsboy, American boys edition.3 aChase, Brad. Thomas D. Hurst and his publication of Horatio Alger books4 aBennett, Bob. Horatio Alger, Jr. bibliography,c209 aTom Nelson travels to California with the intention to help support his family, who has, unfortunately fallen upon hard times. Tom works diligently in the gold mines and experiences some short-lived success. He and his friend, Mr. Ferguson try their luck elsewhere, heading for the city where they earn a considerable amount of money. Meanwhile, Tom must bring his fortune home in time to save the family home. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aBaldwin Library copy 1, "Engine II" pictorial front, copy 2 "Captain II" front, lacking pgs. 1-4.5KEEPUF5FU a029619111 0aMinerszCaliforniavJuvenile fiction. 0aGold mines and miningzCaliforniavJuvenile fiction. 0aAdventure and adventurerszCaliforniavJuvenile fiction. 0aSuccessvJuvenile fiction. 0aCaliforniaxGold discoveriesvJuvenile fiction. 7aAdventure and adventurers.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00797447 7aGold mines and mining.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00944469 7aMiners.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01022485 7aCalifornia.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01204928 7aFiction.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423787 7aJuvenile works.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 7aBildungsromans.2lcgft 7aPublishers' cataloguesy1909.2rbgenr 7aPublishers' pictorial bindings (Binding)y1909.2rbbin 4aBldny1909.5KEEPUF5FU1 iReprint of (manifestation):aAlger, Horatio,cJr.,d1832-1899tYoung miner, or, Tom Nelson in California.2 aHurst & Company,epublisher. 0aAlger series for boys. 108aUFU01:002394442;5FU01313nam a2200265Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600190010910000240012824500490015226000870020130000200028850000230030850000240033150000160035550001920037158803130056365000380087665000320091471000720094695100290101802962789820120619161845.0111026s1961 dcu f000 0 eng d aon758679328 aFUGcFUG an-us---0 aA 1.40:F 87/271 aFreeman, Orville L.10aRural area development :bland reform, 1961. a[Washington, D.C.] :bU.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary,c[1961?] a10 p. ;c27 cm. aCaption title.5FU a"USDA 3086-61."5FU a"2799."5FU a"Address by Secretary of Agriculture, Orville L. Freeman, at dedication of the Moutain Run Watershed Project near Culpeper, Virginia, on Saturday, September 23, 1961, 2:00 p.m., EDT."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aRural developmentzUnited States. 0aLand reformzUnited States.1 aUnited States.bDepartment of Agriculture.bOffice of the Secretary 108aUFU01:005492006;5FU01567nam a2200337Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600210009710000220011824501060014024600450024626001000029130000240039149000260041553000410044150000230048250000280050550000660053358803130059965000210091265000150093365000130094870000170096171000380097871000290101685600960104583000590114195100290120002964576920140407164259.0111031s1926 wiu f000 0 eng d aon759121472 aFUGcFUG0 aA 13.27/14:R 9171 aRitter, George J.10aChemistry of wood.nVIII,pFurther studies of sapwood and heartwood /cby G.J. Ritter and L.C. Fleck.30aFurther studies of sapwood and heartwood aMadison, Wis. :bU.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory,c[1926] a2, [1] p. ;c26 cm.1 aRept. ;vno. R9175FU aAlso available in electronic format. aCaption title.5FU a"June 1926"--Cover.5FU a"In cooperation with the University of Wisconsin"--Cover.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aWoodxChemistry. 0aHeartwood. 0aSapwood.1 aFleck, L. C.2 aForest Products Laboratory (U.S.)2 aUniversity of Wisconsin.41uhttps://archive.org/details/woodf00forezTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. 0aReport (Forest Products Laboratory (U.S.)) ;vno. 917. 108aUFU01:005493230;5FU01523nam a2200301Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600300009710000210012724501590014826001470030730000320045449000400048650000250052650000780055150400520062958803130068165000260099465000230102065000300104370000240107370000230109771000350112083000370115595100290119202965775220111208093519.0111103s1954 ohua b f000 0 eng d aon759519575 aFUGcFUG0 aD 301.45/5:WADC-TR-53-4371 aThomassen, Lars.14aThe influence of surface treatment on the fatigue properties of titanium and titanium alloys /cLars Thomassen, Maurice J. Sinnott, Albert W. Demmler, Jr. aWright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio :bWright Air Development Center, Air Research and Development Command, United States Air Force,c[1954] aix, 59 p. :bill. ;c28 cm.1 aWADC technical report ;v53-4375FU a"February 1954."5FU a"Materials Laboratory ; Contract no. AF 33(616)-26 ; RDO No. 615-11."5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 58-59). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aSurfaces (Technology) 0aTitaniumxFatigue. 0aTitanium alloysxFatigue.1 aSinnott, Maurice J.1 aDemmler, Albert W.2 aWright Air Development Center. 0aWADC technical report ;v53-437. 108aUFU01:005494028;5FU01246nam a2200253Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600170009724500940011425000090020826000650021730000270028249000640030950000210037350000690039458803130046365000180077665000290079471000730082383000670089695100290096302968282520111109142254.0111109s1966 dcua f000 0 eng c aon760086315 aFUGcFUG0 aA 1.35:185/500aElm bark beetles /c[prepared by the Division of Forest Insect Research, Forest Service]. aRev. aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Government Printing Office,c[1966] a8 p. :bill. ;c23 cm.1 aUnited States. Dept. of Agriculture. Leaflet ;vno. 1855FU aCover title.5FU a"Revised March 1953 ; Slightly revised January 1966."--P. 2.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aBark beetles. 0aElmxDiseases and pests.1 aUnited States.bForest Service.bDivision of Forest Insect Research. 0aLeaflet (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;vno. 185. 108aUFU01:005495880;5FU01592nam a2200253Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600250009724501370012226001740025930000240043350000920045750000460054950000310059550201920062650000240081858803130084265000440115565000390119971000710123895100290130902972246520120105120615.0111118s1956 dcu b f001 0 eng d aon761386752 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/TID-330700aUranium recovery from raw materials :ba bibliography of unclassified report literature /c[United States Atomic Energy Commission]. aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States. Dept. of Energy ;aOak Ridge, Tenn. :bdistributed by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, U.S. Dept. of Energy,c1956. avi, 39 p. ;c27 cm. aPublished through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information.5FU a"December 1956; (TISE Issuance Date)"5FU a"TID-3307; Chemistry."5FU a"One hundred and sixty-two reports on uranium recovery from raw materials are annotated. References included were written prior to January 1953. A report number index is provided."--P. v. aIncludes index.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aUranium mines and miningvBibliography. 0aUraniumxMetallurgyvBibliography.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission.bDivision of Technical Information. 108aUFU01:005499163;5FU01144nam a2200253Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600160010924500270012526000900015230000290024249000330027150000210030450000260032558803130035165000380066465000350070271000510073783000730078895100290086102973582820111122145232.0111122s1964 dcua f000 0 eng d aon761942057 aFUGcFUG an-us---0 aA 1.100:17100aHow much is she worth? aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service,c1964. a[4] p. :bill. ;c27 cm.1 aPicture story ;vno. 1715FU aCover title.5FU a"September 1964."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCattlezUnited StatesxMarketing. 0aCattlexPriceszUnited States.1 aUnited States.bAgricultural Marketing Service 0aPicture story (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;vno. 171. 108aUFU01:005500172;5FU01421nam a2200301Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404100130009708600230011010000140013324501110014724600450025826000850030330000240038849000310041250000230044350000760046650000740054258803130061665000250092965000270095465000260098170000180100783000650102595100290109002977368820111129101409.0111129s1936 dcu f000 0 eng d aon764422394 aFUGcFUG1 aenghger0 aA 13.2:T772 no.3011 aVater, H.14aThe root system of pine, spruce, and beech =bDie Bewurzelung der Kiefer, Fichte und Buche /cby H. Vater.31aBewurzelung der Kiefer, Fichte und Buche a[Washington, D.C.] :bUnited States Forest Service, Division of Silvics,c[1936] a15 leaves ;c27 cm.1 aTranslation ;vno. 3015FU aCaption title.5FU a"Translated from the German, By: A.H. Krappe, April, 1936."--Cover.5FU a"From Tharandter Forstliches Jahrbuch 78(3): 65-85. 1927"--Cover.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPinexRootsxGrowth. 0aSprucexRootsxGrowth. 0aBeechxRootsxGrowth.1 aKrappe, A. H. 0aTranslation (United States. Division of Silvics) ;vno. 301. 108aUFU01:005503595;5FU02158ngm a2200481Ia 450000100100000000500170001000700100002700800410003702400180007802800480009603500160014404000130016004100480017324500330022125000240025426001010027830000530037953801110043250000240054354600990056751100650066650800880073150000270081951800370084650000320088352100150091552000810093058600200101158803170103165500260134865500260137469000240140069000280142470000210145270000220147370000260149570000180152170000210153970000220156071000300158279600350161295100290164702979130720120111131950.0vd cvaizu111202s2003 enk132 vlhin d1 a503223993757940aDVD-E-999 PlatinumbEros Enternational Inc. aon765976058 aFUGcFUG1 ahinjengjfrejgerjspajdutjitajporjswe00aTere naamh[videorecording]. aWidescreen version. aLondon :bEros International (Europe) Ltd. ;aSecaucus, N.J. :bEros Entertainment Inc.,c[2003] a1 videodisc (132 min.) :bsd., col. ;c4 3/4 in. aDVD format ; Dolby digital 5.1 surround ; 16 x 9 anamorphic (2.35:1 aspect ratio) ; NTSC, all regions.5FU aMotion picture.5FU aIn Hindi with English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish subtitles.1 aSalman Khan, Bhoomika Chawla, Mahima Chaudhry ... [et. al.]. aProducers, Mukesh Talreja, Sunil Manchanda ; director, Satish Kaushik ... [et al.]. aRelease date 2003.5FU aFilmed on location in India.5FU aA foreign film (India).5FU8 aNot rated. aStory of an obsessive lover who would go to any lengths to win his ladylove. aAwards: 4 wins. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aFeature films.2lcgft 7aRomance films.2lcgft 4aFilmdatey2003.5FU 4aFilmcountryzIndia.5FU1 aTalreja, Mukesh.1 aManchanda, Sunil.1 aKaushik, Satish.4drt1 aKhan, Salman.0 aBhoomika,d1978-1 aChaudhry, Mahima.2 aEros International (Firm)13aAllen, Gregory R.,edonor.5FU 108aUFU01:005504943;5FU01336nam a2200253Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600300009724500910012726001470021830000330036549000400039850000200043850000810045850400540053958803130059365000530090670000220095971000350098183000370101695100290105302980717020111208085233.0111103s1953 ohua b f000 0 eng d aon759520691 aFUGcFUG0 aD 301.45/5:WADC-TR-52-24500aTitanium alloys for elevated temperature application /cWilliam F. Carew ... [et al.]. aWright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio :bWright Air Development Center, Air Research and Development Command, United States Air Force,c[1953] aix, 124 p. :bill. ;c28 cm.1 aWADC technical report ;v52-2455FU a"May 1953."5FU a"Materials Laboratory ; Contract No. AF 33(038)-22806 ; RDO No. 615-11."5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 122-124). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aTitanium alloysxEffect of high temperatures on.1 aCarew, William F.2 aWright Air Development Center. 0aWADC technical report ;v52-245. 108aUFU01:005506192;5FU01451cam a2200301Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000280008404300120011204900090012405000240013309900140015724501730017126400580034430000540040233600260045633700280048233800270051050000290053758803170056665000500088365000500093365000620098371000450104571000300109095100290112002985279720161028101732.0161012s1965 fluab 000 0 eng d aon960464274 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG an-us-fl aFUGG 4aTC225.C43bP53 1965 aTC225.C4302aA Plan for improvements to Charlotte Harbor :ba preliminary feasibility study /cprepared for the Charlotte County Development Commission by Research Consultants, Inc. 1aTampa, Florida. :bResearch Consultants, Inc.,c1965. ai, 91 leaves :billustrations, maps ;c22 x 28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier a"August, 1965."--Page i. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aHarborszFloridazCharlotte CountyxPlanning. 0aRegional planningzFloridazCharlotte Harbor. 0aEconomic development projectszFloridazCharlotte County.2 aCharlotte County Development Commission.2 aResarch Consultants, Inc. 108aUFU01:001885664;5FU01185nam a2200265Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000130011705000250013009900150015524501070017024600380027726000500031530000290036550400410039458803170043560000270075265000200077970000240079979700670082395100290089002996885720120609182631.0120312s2011 enka b 010 0deng d a9780947884222 a094788422X aon779852361 aFUGcFUG 4aBM755.B394bP37 2011 aBM755.B39402aA passion for Judaism :ba festscrift, essays in honour of Tony Bayfield /cedited by Jonathan Romain.30aEssays in honour of Tony Bayfield aLondon :bMovement for Reform Judaism,c2011. a228 p. :bill. ;c21 cm. aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.10aBayfield, Tony,d1946- 0aReform Judaism.1 aRomain, Jonathan A.23aThe Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaica Endowment Fund.5FU 108aUFU01:005521021;5FU01305nam a2200241Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600170010924501300012626000900025630000300034649000870037650000250046358803130048865000520080165000580085371000470091183000760095895100290103402998477920120118095932.0120118s1961 dcu s f000 0 eng d aon773191306 aFUGcFUG an-us-wa0 aL 2.3:1303-600aOccupational wage survey, Seattle, Washington, August, 1961 /cUnited States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics,c[1961] aiii, 24 p. ;c21 x 28 cm.1 aBulletin / U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics ;vno. 1303-6.5FU a"November 1961."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aWageszWashington (State)zSeattlevStatistics. 0aOccupationszWashington (State)zSeattlevStatistics.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Labor Statistics 0aBulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics ;vno. 1303-6. 108aUFU01:005522290;5FU04774nam a2200361Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500200010204000130012209900110013510000180014624501010016426000570026551600440032253800640036653800360043050000460046650000550051250200490056752019160061652011150253250000190364750400410366659000310370758803170373859900150405565301630407069000690423369000530430285600570435502998925220140207154416.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu111227s2011 flu sbm s000 0 eng d a(SNX)UFE0043094 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aChen, Shuang.10aOptimization models for service and delivery planningh[electronic resource] /cby Shuang, Chen. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2011. aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format. aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader. aMode of access: World Wide Web. aTitle from title page of source document. aDocument formatted into pages; contains 128 pages. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2011.3 aABSTRACT: This dissertation considers the development of efficient algorithms and mixed-integer programming models in the context of several specific real world applications, including service and retail operations. We present models of three specific systems in the service and delivery planning context. We first consider a new class of stochastic resource allocation problems that requires simultaneously determining the customers that a capacitated resource must serve and the stock levels of multiple items that may be used in meeting these customers' demands. Our model considers a reward (revenue) for serving each assigned customer, a variable cost for allocating each item to the resource, and a shortage cost for each unit of unsatisfied customer demand in a single-period context. The model maximizes the expected profit resulting from the assignment of customers and items to the resource while obeying the resource capacity constraint. Our contribution includes providing an exact solution method for this mixed integer nonlinear optimization problem and presenting a family of efficient heuristic approaches based on applied probability. For these service supply chain operations, we demonstrate opportunities for strong financial returns and customer satisfaction by focusing on operational excellence. We then move to a new variant of the class of multi-item lot sizing problems where the planner must order in integer quantities of "case packs". A distribution case pack contains an assortment of varying quantities of different stock keeping units (SKUs) packed together in a single box or pallet, with a goal of reducing handling requirements in the distribution chain. While the inclusion of multiple items in one case pack reduces the number of touches individual items experience in the distribution chain, it can severely increase the complexity involved in retailer procurement planning.3 aThis complexity arises because different case packs (and the items within them) share certain (fixed) order costs, and the composition of the case pack requires ordering in defined combinations of multiple SKUs. Thus it is necessary to balance the tradeoff between the handling cost advantages and the reduced ordering flexibility and consequently increased probability of overstock. Since little past research in the literature has addressed this practice, which is widely accepted in industry, our contributions include successfully modeling and solving two retailer problems within this domain: (1) Procurement planning when a supplier of multiple items requires purchasing pre-defined case packs; (2) Integrated case pack configuration and procurement planning problem. The first problem focuses on the short-range decision to determine case pack orders given certain case pack configurations. As for the second long-range decision problem, we provide a model for jointly determining the retailer's optimal case-pack configuration and order timing decisions for a given demand stream over a finite horizon. aIncludes vita. aIncludes bibliographical references. aAdviser: Geunes, Joseph P. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aplm 201108 aallocationabendersabilinearachainadecompositionaheuristicaintegeramodelinganonlinearaoptimizationaprepackaprogrammingaresourceastochasticasupply aDissertations, AcademiczUFxIndustrial and Systems Engineering. aIndustrial and Systems Engineering thesis, Ph.D.403Full text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE004309403997nam a2200385Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500200011804000130013809900110015110000260016224501650018826000570035351600480041053800680045853800400052650000500056650000590061650200490067552009990072452011370172350000230286050400410288359000360292459000420296058803170300265300980331969000600341769000440347785600610352195100290358202999065220120308163651.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu111227s2011 flu sbm s000 0 eng d aon779541271 a(SNX)UFE0043230 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aKao, Ming-Wei Sherry.10aInfluence of harvest maturity and pre-storage conditioning on quality of melting and non-melting flesh peachesh[electronic resource] /cby Ming-Wei Sherry Kao. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2011. aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format.5FU aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader.5FU aMode of access: World Wide Web.5FU aTitle from title page of source document.5FU aDocument formatted into pages; contains 230 pages.5FU aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2011.3 aABSTRACT: Two melting flesh (MF) peach cultivars, ''Flordaprince'' and ''TropicBeauty'', and two non-melting flesh (NMF) peach cultivars, ''UFSun'' and ''Gulfking'', were sorted into different maturity groups (MG) at harvest based on peel ground color a* value (GCa*). The NMF cultivars harvested at different developmental stages generally produced higher climacteric ethylene at harvest and during ripening than the MF cultivars. The MF peaches were preclimacteric or at onset of the climacteric rise at harvest. The NMF cultivars can be harvested at more advanced developmental stages (MG 15-20) than the MF cultivars (MG 5-10) for immediate fresh market consumption due to the absence of rapid softening at late ripeness stage. The MF cultivars and NMF ''Gulfking'' fruit intended for low temperature storage should be harvested at MG 0-10 for best quality when ripened, but NMF ''UFSun'' needs to be harvested at a more advanced stage (MG 10-15) to avoid development of abnormal softening.3 aA second study focused on the effect of different pre-storage conditioning treatments on maintenance of fruit quality during ripening at ambient temperature (20°C) or after low temperature storage condition (0°C). NMF ''UFSun'' and NMF ''Delta'' peaches at commercial harvest maturity were immersed for 30 min in water at 25°C (Control) or 46°C (HW), or in 25°C water containing 100 μg/L 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), or in 46°C water containing 100 μg/L 1-MCP (HW x 1-MCP). It was found that 100 μg/L 1-MCP was insufficient to inhibit fruit softening for both of those NMF cultivars. The experiment was repeated with higher 1-MCP concentrations based on the climacteric ethylene production rate of the fruit measured before the treatment. The results indicate the HW treatment alone was most potent in delaying fruit softening of the NMF peaches during ambient temperature storage. Although low temperature storage prolonged the inhibitory effect of 1-MCP, both HW and HW x 1-MCP treatments were more effective than 1-MCP application for firmness retention of the NMF peaches during ripening after low temperature storage. aIncludes vita.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references. aAdviser: Brecht, Jeffrey K.5FU aCo-adviser: Williamson, Jeffrey G5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aheatamaturityapeachapectinmethylesteraseapolygalacturonaseapostharvestaqualityastorage aDissertations, AcademiczUFxHorticultural Science.5FU aHorticultural Science thesis, Ph.D.5FU403Full text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE00432305FU 108aUFU01:005522723;5FU04288nam a2200373Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500200010203500160012204000130013809900110015110000230016224501510018526000570033651600480039353800680044153800400050950000500054950000590059950200480065852012060070652009090191250000230282150400410284459000350288558803170292065304800323769000640371769000470378185600570382895100290388502999216420131126115951.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu111227s2011 flu sbm s000 0 eng d a(SNX)UFE0043443 aon779340896 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aFort, John Dudley.14aThe role of factors involving the environment in a forest livelihood decision of Malawian villagersh[electronic resource] /cby John Dudley Fort. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2011. aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format.5FU aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader.5FU aMode of access: World Wide Web.5FU aTitle from title page of source document.5FU aDocument formatted into pages; contains 102 pages.5FU aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2011.3 aABSTRACT: This research analyzed to what degree and in what form the environment occurs in local people's decision to produce charcoal, an illegal forest livelihood activity, in a protected reserve in Southern Malawi. Charcoal is a cooking fuel for urban dwellers and an important source of income for rural people living near forests. Using a three-step process, I created and tested an ethnographic decision tree model about villagers' decision to make charcoal. Semi-structured interviews (N=16) were conducted with heads of households to create a questionnaire of the criteria relevant to the decision to make charcoal. Then, responses from 27 structured interviews were used to construct a preliminary ethnographic decision tree model. Finally, the tree model was tested using an additional 37 household heads. This model predicted the responses of the test sample with 79% accuracy. A second tree model was created using the data from all 64 structured interviews. This second described the data with 92% accuracy. Within both models, considerations involving the environment do occur but they treat the forest as a site of natural capital rather than as a resource deserving special protection.3 aGovernment ministries and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) targeting conservation in the area are encouraged to consider the multiple paths by which a household can arrive at the decision to produce charcoal; these multiple paths indicate that no single intervention will stop charcoal production. From a theoretical perspective the research suggests that despite an awareness of forest decline and acknowledgement of their role in the change, the villagers currently making charcoal feel unable to explore alternatives due to a lack of economic opportunities. A broader consideration of the political, economic, and ecological history of the region reveals that household decisions about charcoal production are constrained by several exogenous factors. Any interventions designed to reduce charcoal production ought to consider the political, economic, and ecological forces driving this industry. aIncludes vita.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references. aAdviser: Monroe, Martha C.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. abiomassacapitalaCBNRMacharcoalaChichewaaconservationadecisionadevelopmentaecosystemaEDTMaemploymentaenforcementaenvironmentaestateaethnographicaethnographyaFisherafoodaforestafuelwoodafundaGladwinagovernmentaIDSaillegalaIUCNaIUPNalivelihoodaMalawiamillenniumaMMCTaMMFRamodelingamountainaMulanjeanatureaNGOaPESapoorapovertyaREDDaruralasensitizationaSLAastatisticalastrategyasustainabilityasustainableateaaWCEDaworldaworldwide aDissertations, AcademiczUFxInterdisciplinary Ecology.5FU aInterdisciplinary Ecology thesis, M.S.5FU403Full text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE0043443 108aUFU01:005522840;5FU03575nam a2200361Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500200010203500160012204000130013809900110015110000270016224501840018926000570037351600480043053800680047853800400054650000500058650000580063650200480069452017870074250000230252950400410255259000440259358803170263765300490295469000720300369000520307585600570312795100290318402999376520131126114223.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu111227s2011 flu sbm s000 0 eng d a(SNX)UFE0043400 aon779300371 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aAnderson, Joshua Russ.10aDetection of PaV1-infected conspecifics and its population structuring dynamics in the Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus)h[electronic resource] /cby Joshua Russ Anderson. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2011. aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format.5FU aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader.5FU aMode of access: World Wide Web.5FU aTitle from title page of source document.5FU aDocument formatted into pages; contains 59 pages.5FU aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2011.3 aABSTRACT: PaV1 (Panulirus argus virus 1) is a lethal contact-transmitted pathogen that infects the Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus. Juvenile lobsters are highly susceptible to this pathogen, which prior to mortality causes fundamental changes in their ecology. However, P. argus can reduce infection risk by avoiding shelters inhabited by infected lobsters. Based on its role in many other aspects of lobster ecology such as conspecific attraction and mate searching, I hypothesized that olfaction was the most likely mechanism by which lobsters detect PaV1-infected conspecifics. A series of Y-maze experiments were used to test this hypothesis and determine the source of the olfactory cue. Shelter avoidance behavior also has the potential to alter population structuring dynamics, and based on the type of cue, could be affected by local hydrodynamics. To investigate this, shelters and diseased cues were manipulated for wild populations in both high and low flow environments. Results showed that diseased avoidance is driven by olfaction via urine release, and moreover, the olfactory cue alone was equivalent in effectiveness to having a diseased lobster present and visible. When given a choice between sheltering with diseased or non-diseased conspecifics, lobsters rarely sheltered with diseased individuals. In the field, detection of PaV1-infected conspecifics can alter structuring dynamics of natural populations especially under low flow regimes by inducing emigration and redistribution of non-diseased animals relative to diseased conspecifics. In shelter-limited environments, as occurs in many regions of the Caribbean, the unavailability of shelters due to disease avoidance could increase juvenile mortality and potentially impact future adult stocks. aIncludes vita.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references. aAdviser: Behringer, Donald Charles.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. adiseasealobsteraolfactionaPanulirusaPaV1 aDissertations, AcademiczUFxForest Resources and Conservation.5FU aFisheries and Aquatic Sciences thesis, M.S.5FU403Full text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE0043400 108aUFU01:005522964;5FU01872nam a2200325Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600250009724500730012226001030019530000300029850000260032850000200035450000630037450001260043750000620056350400490062552003130067458803130098765000500130065000220135065000260137270000180139871000350141671000300145171000360148195100290151703000744120120105135100.0120105s1956 tnua b f000 0 eng d aon770698889 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/KAPL-51304aThe multistage pump-mix mixer settler /cby B.V. Coplan ... [et al]. aOak Ridge, Tenn. :bUnited States Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Service,c[1956] ap. 7-28 :bill. ;c26 cm. a"April 21, 1951."5FU a"KAPL-513."5FU a"Date declassified: January 5, 1956"--P. [2] of cover.5FU aOperated for the United States Atomic Energy Commission by the General Electric Company contract no. W-31-109-Eng-52.5FU aWork performed at the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 28).3 aThe widespread interest in countercurrent extraction using mixer-settlers has indicated the advisability of a detailed report on this subject. This report is twofold in purpose. To explain the general theory and construction of the pump-mix unit and to aid in training new operators for this particular unit. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aChemical engineeringxEquipment and supplies. 0aMixing machinery. 0aExtraction apparatus.1 aCoplan, B. V.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission.2 aGeneral Electric Company.2 aKnolls Atomic Power Laboratory. 108aUFU01:005524016;5FU01405nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600240009710000410012124500950016226001030025730000200036050000190038050000390039950000240043850000540046250001290051658803130064565000300095865000100098865000150099871000350101371000380104895100290108603001357220120109151119.0120109s1955 tnu f000 0 eng d aon771942577 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/LA-11391 aMullins, L. J.q(Lorin John),d1917-10aRemoval of iron from plutonium solution by basic acetate precipitation /cby L.J. Mullins. aOak Ridge, Tenn. :bUnited States Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Service,c[1955] a13 p. ;c26 cm. a"LA-1139."5FU a"Subject Category: Chemistry."5FU a"June 1, 1950."5FU a"Date Declassified: December 7, 1955"--P. [2]5FU aWork performed at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California under contract no. W-7405-eng-36.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPrecipitation (Chemistry) 0aIron. 0aPlutonium.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission.2 aLos Alamos Scientific Laboratory. 108aUFU01:005524478;5FU01682nam a2200313Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600180010924501610012726000890028830000300037749000960040750000230050358803130052665000420083965000450088165000470092665000420097365000480101565000510106365000530111465000480116771000470121583000770126295100290133903003955320120112103957.0120112s1962 dcu s f000 0 eng d aon772518688 aFUGcFUG an-us-va0 aL 2.3:1303-7500aOccupational wage survey, Norfolk-Portsmouth and Newport News-Hampton, Virginia, June 1962 /cUnited States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics,c1962. aiii, 20 p. ;c21 x 28 cm.1 aBulletin / United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics ;vno. 1303-755FU a"August 1962."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aWageszVirginiazNorfolkvStatistics. 0aWageszVirginiazPortsmouthvStatistics. 0aWageszVirginiazNewport NewsvStatistics. 0aWageszVirginiazHamptonvStatistics. 0aOccupationszVirginiazNorfolkvStatistics. 0aOccupationszVirginiazPortsmouthvStatistics. 0aOccupationszVirginiazNewport NewsvStatistics. 0aOccupationszVirginiazHamptonvStatistics.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Labor Statistics 0aBulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics ;vno. 1303-75. 108aUFU01:005526899;5FU01288nam a2200241Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600180010924501260012726000890025330000300034249000970037250000210046958803130049065000420080365000480084571000470089383000770094095100290101703009413720120117155925.0120117s1959 dcu s f000 0 eng d aon773087058 aFUGcFUG an-us-il0 aL 2.3:1240-1800aOccupational wage survey, Chicago, Illinois, April 1959 /cUnited States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics,c1959. aiii, 27 p. ;c21 x 28 cm.1 aBulletin / United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics ;vno. 1240-18.5FU a"June 1959."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aWageszIllinoiszChicagovStatistics. 0aOccupationszIllinoiszChicagovStatistics.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Labor Statistics 0aBulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics ;vno. 1240-18. 108aUFU01:005531229;5FU01430nam a2200277Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600130009710000490011024500840015926001200024330000210036349000960038450000230048050000470050350500360055058803130058665000410089965000360094065000240097671000520100083000710105295100290112303011565420120118104738.0120118s1887 dcu f000 0 eng d aon773193141 aFUGcFUG0 aA 28.4:31 aColman, Norman J.q(Norman Jay),d1827-1911.10aTreatment of the downy mildew and black-rot of the grape /c[Norman J. Colman]. aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Dept. of Agriculture, Botanical Division, Section of Vegetable Pathology,c[1887] a[2] p. ;c26 cm.1 aCircular / United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Section of Vegetable Pathology ;vno. 35FU aCaption title.5FU a"Washington, D.C., April 1887"--P. [2]5FU0 aLiquid remedies -- Powders.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aGrapesxDiseases and pestsxControl. 0aDowny mildew diseasesxControl. 0aBlack rotxControl.1 aUnited States.bSection of Vegetable Pathology. 0aCircular (United States. Section of Vegetable Pathology) ;vno. 3. 108aUFU01:005533984;5FU01296nam a2200241Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600180010924501320012726000900025930000300034949000870037950000240046658803130049065000460080365000520084971000470090183000770094895100290102503012008520120120101811.0120120s1964 dcu s f000 0 eng d aon773359905 aFUGcFUG an-us-ma0 aL 2.3:1385-1600aOccupational wage survey, Boston, Massachusetts, October 1963 /cUnited States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics,c[1964] aiii, 32 p. ;c21 x 26 cm.1 aBulletin / U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics ;vno. 1385-165FU a"January 1964."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aWageszMassachusettszBostonvStatistics. 0aOccupationszMassachusettszBostonvStatistics.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Labor Statistics 0aBulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics ;vno. 1385-16. 108aUFU01:005534442;5FU01721nam a2200349Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600250009710000180012224501400014026000750028030000320035549000290038749000440041650000230046050000660048350000350054950000290058450000960061350400510070958803130076065000330107365000250110665000150113171000500114671000350119683000700123183000410130195100290134203012564820120124113031.0120124s1959 wiua b f000 0 eng d aon773712834 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/MURA-5301 aSmith, Willy.10aEnergy and angular distribution of the particles resulting from the collision of a 15 Bev proton with a nucleon at rest /cWilly Smith. aMadison, Wis. :bMidwestern Universities Research Association,c[1959] a36 leaves :bill. ;c28 cm.1 aReport ;vnumber 5305FU1 aAEC research and development report5FU aCaption title.5FU a"UC-28, Particle Accelerators and High Voltage Machines."5FU a"TID-4500 (15th Edition)."5FU a"September 8, 1959."5FU aResearch supported by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Contract No. AEC AT(11-1)-384.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (leaf 36). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCollisions (Nuclear physics) 0aScattering (Physics) 0aParticles.2 aMidwestern Universities Research Association.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 0aReport (Midwestern Universities Research Association) ;vno. 530. 0aAEC research and development report. 108aUFU01:005534982;5FU01665nam a2200349Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600250009710000350012224500860015726000750024330000380031849000290035649000440038550000230042950000250045250000660047750000350054350000920057850400410067058803130071165000270102465000150105165000240106671000500109071000350114083000700117583000410124595100290128603012858720120125114045.0120125s1961 wiua b f000 0 eng d aon773815376 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/MURA-6231 aBladel, J. vanq(Jean),d1922-14aThe effect of curvature on the fields in a circular accelerator /cJ. Van Bladel. aMadison, Wis. :bMidwestern Universities Research Association,c[1961] a21, [17] leaves :bill. ;c28 cm.1 aReport ;vnumber 6235FU1 aAEC research and development report5FU aCaption title.5FU a"June 15, 1961."5FU a"UC-28, Particle Accelerators and High Voltage Machines."5FU a"TID-4500 (16th Edition)."5FU aResearch supported by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Contract No. AT(11-1)-384.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aParticle accelerators. 0aCurvature. 0aMagnetic resonance.2 aMidwestern Universities Research Association.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 0aReport (Midwestern Universities Research Association) ;vno. 623. 0aAEC research and development report. 108aUFU01:005535251;5FU01073nam a2200265Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009704900090010905000250011809900150014310000240015824500660018226000330024830000200028150000170030158803130031859900130063161000600064465000460070479700280075095100290077803013230420120810152733.0120810s1970 pn 000 0 eng d aon805728572 aFUGcFUG ancpn--- aFUGG 4aHS853.9.P2bP48 1970 aHS853.9.P21 aPhillips, Monroe T.10aHistory of Orchid Chapter, 1911-1970 /c[Monroe T. Phillips]. a[Canal Zone? :bs.n.,c1970] a16 p. ;c21 cm. aCover title. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a3013230420aOrder of the Eastern Star.bOrchid Chapter (Canal Zone) 0aFreemasonryzPanamazCanal ZonexHistory.23aPanama Canal Museum5FU 108aUFU01:005535605;5FU01288nam a2200241Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600180010924501260012726000900025330000300034349000960037350000210046958803130049065000420080365000480084571000470089383000770094095100290101703014066520120131093423.0120130s1961 dcu s f000 0 eng d aon774412023 aFUGcFUG an-us-il0 aL 2.3:1202-1500aOccupational wage survey, Chicago, Illinois, April 1957 /cUnited States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics,c[1957] aiii, 23 p. ;c21 x 26 cm.1 aBulletin / United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics ;vno. 1202-155FU a"July 1957."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aWageszIllinoiszChicagovStatistics. 0aOccupationszIllinoiszChicagovStatistics.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Labor Statistics 0aBulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics ;vno. 1202-15. 108aUFU01:005536435;5FU01356nam a2200265Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600140010924501860012326001010030930000210041050000210043150000320045250000230048450000240050758803130053165000700084465000440091465000490095871000540100795100290106103014292220120131155231.0120131s1930 dcu s f000 0 eng d aon774600549 aFUGcFUG an-us---0 aA 36.125:00aFarm value, gross income, and cash income from farm production.nPart III,pState summaries of the income estimates, 1924-1928 /c[prepared in the Bureau of Agricultural Economics]. aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics,c1930. a134 p. ;c27 cm. aCover title.5FU a"A preliminary report."5FU a"August 1930."5FU aChiefly tables.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aAgriculturexEconomic aspectszUnited StatesxStatesvStatistics. 0aFarm incomezUnited StatesvStatistics. 0aFarmsxValuationzUnited StatesvStatistics.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Agricultural Economics. 108aUFU01:005536635;5FU01664nam a2200277Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600240009710000200012124501000014126001740024130000280041549000460044350000240048950000700051350400490058352003010063258803130093365000220124665000220126871000240129083000430131495100290135703014685820120202094103.0120202s1960 nmua b f000 0 eng d aon774883344 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/SCR-2271 aWhitford, R. E.10aFlush printed circuit boards for timing switches for military applications /cby R.E. Whitford. aAlbuquerque, N.M. :bSandia Corporation, Technical Information Division ;aWashington, D.C. :bAvailable from the Office of Technical Services, Dept. of Commerce,c1960. a18 p. :bill. ;c28 cm.1 aSandia Corporation reprint ;vSCR-2275FU a"October 1960."5FU a"TID-4500 (15th Edition) ; Equipment methods and techniques."5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 18).3 aThis report presents design requirements for flush printed circuit boards that will function satisfactorily in timing devices for military applications. It also describes processes and materials that are satisfactory for the production of printed circuit boards that will meet these requirements. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPrinted circuits. 0aAutomatic timers.2 aSandia Corporation. 0aSandia Corporation reprint ;vSCR-227. 108aUFU01:005536989;5FU01606nam a2200337Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600260010910000190013524501100015426000660026430000290033049000120035950000210037150000970039250000390048950000590052850000870058750400540067458803130072865000140104165000270105571000460108271000350112871000350116383000410119895100290123903016737920120208104125.0120208s1956 tnua b 000 0 eng d aon775592880 aFUGcFUG an-us-fl0 aY 3.At 7:22/ORNL-15001 aColeman, C. F.10aRecovery of uranium as a single product from the Florida leached zone /creport prepared by C.F. Coleman. aOak Ridge, Tenn. :bTechnical Information Extension,c[1956]. a131 p. :bill. ;c28 cm.1 aAEC5FU a"ORNL-1500."5FU a"Work done by: D.J. Crouse, F.G. Seeley, E. Virginia Spivey, L.R. Phillips, J.O. Denis."5FU a"Date issued: March 31, 1953."5FU a"Date Declassified: March 14, 1956."--Cover verso.5FU a"Operated by Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Company Contract No. W-7405-eng-26."5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 125-126). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aLeaching. 0aUranium oreszFlorida.2 aCarbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation.2 aOak Ridge National Laboratory.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 0aAEC research and development report. 108aUFU01:005539276;5FU01780nam a2200325Ia 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000130011805000250013109900150015610000570017124500740022825000200030226000650032230000360038750002190042352000700064258800480071258803130076065000380107370000230111173000440113474000550117877601490123385600430138295100290142503021319620120210174635.0m o d cr mn| uucuu120210s1991 cau o 000 s lat d aon775785914 aFUGcFUG 4aPA6658.S36bA73 1991 aPA6658.S360 aScipio,cAfricanus,dapproximately 236 B.C.-183 B.C.10aOratioh[electronic resource] /cP. Cornelius Scipio Africanus maior. a[Text only ed.] a[Los Altos, Calif.] :bPackard Humanities Institute,cc1991. a1 online resource (1 text file) aTaken from the ed.: Oratorum Romanorum fragmenta liberae rei publicae / Henrica Malcovati. -- [3. ed.] -- Romae : In aedibus Io. Bapt. Paraviae et Sociorum, 1953. -- v.1 -- (Corpus scriptorum Latinorum Paravianum). aExtant fragment of speech by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus maior. aDescription based on CD-ROM version record. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aSpeeches, addresses, etc., Latin.1 aMalcovati, Enrica.0 aCorpus scriptorum Latinorum Paravianum.0 aOratorum Romanorum fragmenta liberae rei publicae.08iCD-ROM version:aScipio, Africanus, ca. 236-183 B.C.sSpeeches.tOratio.d[Los Altos, CA] : Packard Humanities Institute, c1991w(OCoLC)3304095740uhttp://latin.packhum.org/loc/127/1/0#0 108aUFU01:005547426;5FU01684nam a2200337Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008424500430009724600210014026000790016130000280024049000340026850000610030250001050036350501700046858803110063865000380094965000490098765000390103665000240107565500300109969000200112970000180114970000580116771000300122571000310125583000310128695100290131703021791320120131111517.0120131q18631867maua j 000 f eng d aon774555027 aFUGcFUG00aJessie's holiday :band other stories.18aJessie's holiday aBoston (No. 24 Cornhill) :bHenry A. Young & Co.,c[between 1863 and 1867] a64 p. :bill. ;c12 cm.1 aLittle favorites' library5FU aPublisher operated at address between 1863 and 1867.5FU aAdded series title page engraved by Russell-Richardson, other illustrations by Peirce and Hyde .5FU0 aJessie's holiday -- Opening the door -- The history of a lie -- Lottie and the voice -- A brother's charge -- A thankful spirit -- Small hands can do a kind act.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under a Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aChristian lifevJuvenile fiction. 0aChildrenxConduct of lifevJuvenile fiction. 0aConduct of lifevJuvenile fiction. 0aChildren's stories. 0aChildren's storiesy1865. 4aBldny1865.5FU1 aHyde, J.4ill1 aPeirce, H. Winthropq(Heman Winthrop),db. 1850.4ill2 aHenry A. Young & Co.4pbl2 aRussell & Richardson.4egr 0aLittle favorites' library. 108aUFU01:002446296;5FU01580nas a2200325 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002701000150006803500160008304000130009904200080011204300120012008600170013224501090014924600230025824600190028126000250030031000110032536200350033649000870037158800610045858800340051958803130055365000510086665000570091771000460097478501730102083000320119395100290122503022429320120217095552.0120203d18uu188udcuar s f0 0eng c a2012229497 aon775008690 aFUGcFUG apcc an-us---0 aA 27.9:n.s./00aReport on condition of crops, yield of grain per acre, and on freight rates of transportation companies.30aCondition of crops16aOctober report aWashington :bG.P.O. aAnnual1 aCeased with: 1885 or 1886.5FU1 aReport of the Statistician / Department of Agriculture ;vNew ser., report no.5FU aDescription based on: Oct., 1887; title from title page. aLatest issue consulted: 1885. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aGrainzUnited StatesvStatisticsvPeriodicals. 0aAgriculturezUnited StatesvStatisticsvPeriodicals.1 aUnited States.bDepartment of Agriculture00tReport on condition of crops, yield of grain per acre, labor and prices in Mexico, and freight rates of transportation companiesw(DLC) 2012229496w(OCoLC)7750085965FU 0aReport of the statistician. 108aUFU01:005548476;5FU01571nam a2200313Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008424501230009724600230022024600330024326000370027630000330031350000600034650000830040650001090048958803110059865000370090965000380094665000480098465000230103265500290105565500270108465500460111169000200115770000510117795100290122803022963220120427141807.0120426s183u enka j 000 p eng d aon789673457 aFUGcFUG04aThe riddler's riddle book, or, A choice collection of riddles /cby Peter Puzzlecap, esq., the Little Rhyming Riddler.18aBanbury chap books30aChoice collection of riddles aBanbury :bJ.G. Rusher,c[183-?] a16, [2] p. :bill. ;c12 cm. aPublisher's advertisements precede and follow text.5FU aDate of publication based on binding indicating publication in the 1830's.5FU aWith: History of a Banbury cake : an entertaining book for children. Banbury : J.G. Rusher, [183-?].5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under a Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aChristian lifevJuvenile poetry. 0aConduct of lifevJuvenile poetry. 0aChildrenxConduct of lifevJuvenile poetry. 0aChildren's poetry. 0aChildren's poetryy1835. 7aRiddlesy1835.2rbgenr 7aPublishers' advertisementsy1835.2rbgenr 4aBldny1835.5FU1 aRusher, John Golby,d1784-1877.4prt4pbl4bsl 108aUFU01:002447435;5FU01467nam a2200301 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000130011704200080013004300120013809900240015010000280017424501090020225000120031126001110032330000270043450400540046158803170051565100680083260000490090065000700094965000360101965000810105595100290113603025309420120227131834.0120227s2010 pe a b 000 0 spa c a9786124511103 a612451110X aon778372346 aFUGcFUG apcc as-pe--- aNC1455.P4bI54 20101 aInfante, Carlos,d1971-10aPoder, tensión y caricatura :bdurante el período final del Régimen Fujimorista /cCarlos Infante. a1a. ed. aLima, Peru :bFacultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de San cristobal de Humanga,c2010. a323 p.bill. ;c21 cm. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 311-323). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPeruxPolitics and governmenty1980-xCaricatures and cartoons.10aFujimori, AlbertoxCaricatures and cartoons. 0aDespotismzPeruxHistoryy20th centuryxCaricatures and cartoons. 0aCaricatures and cartoonszPeru. 0aPolitical corruptionzPeruxHistoryy20th centuryxCaricatures and cartoons. 108aUFU01:005552127;5FU01682cam a2200301Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000180008408600180010210000550012024501310017526001070030630000500041350000230046353000410048650000330052750001240056050400490068458803130073365000130104665000220105970000550108171000630113685601400119995100120133995100290135103026974420140507161308.0120229s1940 dcua b f000 0 eng d aon778704594 aFUGcFUGdFUG0 aA 56.19:E-4951 aVansell, George H.q(George Haymaker),d1892-1954.10aBrief presentation of the characteristics, contaminants, processing, and uses of beewax /cby Geo. H. Vansell and C.S. Bisson. a[Washington, D.C. :bU.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c1940] a11 p., [3] leaves of plates :bill. ;c26 cm. aCaption title.5FU aAlso available in electronic format. a"E-495 ; February 1940."5FU a"This circular is based on the results of investigations made in cooperation with University of California."--P. 1.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 11). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aBeeswax. 0aBeeswax industry.1 aBisson, Charles S.q(Charles Stewart),d1891-1940.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/briefpresentatio00unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. Details page links to full text. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005553943;5FU01473nam a2200313Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600180009710000190011524500880013426001070022230000200032953000410034950000230039050000170041350000260043050400520045658803130050865000270082165000180084870000170086670000320088371000630091585601400097895100120111895100290113003028521020140508162542.0120307s1941 dcu b f000 0 eng d aon779486544 aFUGcFUG0 aA 56.19:E-5481 aSwingle, M. C.10aPhthalonitrile as an insecticide /cby M.C. Swingle, J.B. Gahan, and A.M. Phillips. a[Washington, D.C. :bU.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c1941] a12 p. ;c27 cm. aAlso available in electronic format. aCaption title.5FU a"E-548."5FU a"September 1941."5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 11-12). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aBenzenedicarbonitrile. 0aInsecticides.1 aGahan, J. B.1 aPhillips, Arthur M.,d1903-1 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/phthalonitrileas00unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. Details page links to full text. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005556165;5FU01336nam a2200265Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600180009710000420011524500510015726001470020830000330035550000230038853000410041150000170045250000200046958803130048965000320080271000630083485601320089795100120102995100290104103029193820140529134405.0120313s1946 dcua f000 0 eng d aon779968424 aFUGcFUG0 aA 56.19:E-6931 aFarrar, C. L.q(Clayton Leon),d1904-10aTwo-queen colony management /cby C.L. Farrar. a[Washington, D.C. :bUnited States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c1946] a11, [3] p. :bill. ;c27 cm. aCaption title.5FU aAlso available in electronic format. a"E-693."5FU a"May 1946."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aBee culturexQueen rearing.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/twoquyma00unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. Details page links to full text. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005557318;5FU01535nas a2200301 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002701000150006803500160008304000130009904200080011208600220012024500840014226000670022636200600029349000200035350000240037350000740039758800890047158800690056058803130062965000820094271000380102471000350106278000900109783000170118795100290120403029669620120316111538.0120316u1959uuuunmu|| f0 0eng c a2012229596 aon780291800 aFUGcFUG apcc0 aY 3.At 7:22/LAMS-00aRadioactivity in environmental air at Los Alamos, New Mexico for the period ... aLos Alamos, Calif. :bLos Alamos Scientific Laboratory,c1960-1 aBegan with: LAMS-2397 (Nov. 17, 1958-Dec. 31, 1959)5FU1 aTID ;v45005FU a"LAMS" (Series)5FU a"Contract W-7405-eng-36 with the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission."5FU aDescripton based on: LAMS-2397 (Nov. 17, 1958-Dec. 31, 1959); title from title page. aLatest issue consulted: LAMS-2397 (Nov. 17, 1958-Dec. 31, 1959). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aRadioactive pollution of the atmospherezNew MexicozLos AlamosvPeriodicals.2 aLos Alamos Scientific Laboratory.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission.07tRadioactive fallout data collected from eleven atomic energy installtions for ...5FU 0aTID ;v4500. 108aUFU01:005557882;5FU01507nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600180009710000170011524501410013226001450027330000270041850000230044550000170046853000410048550000250052658803130055165000480086465000500091270000200096271000630098285601310104595100120117695100290118803034053220140604153645.0120321s1950 dcu f000 0 eng d aon781135454 aFUGcFUG0 aA 56.19:E-8101 aEwing, K. P.10aEarly-season application of insecticides on a community-wide basis for cotton-insect control in 1950 /cby K.P. Ewing and C.R. Parencia. a[Washington, D.C. :bU.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Administration, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c1950] a8 p. :bill. ;c27 cm. aCaption title.5FU a"E-810."5FU aAlso available in electronic format. a"December 1950."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCottonxDiseases and pestsxControlzTexas. 0aInsecticidesxIndustrial applicationszTexas.1 aParencia, C. R.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/eaappli00unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. Details page links to full text. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005564178;5FU01419nam a2200277Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600190009710000450011624500990016126001070026030000490036753000410041650000230045750000180048050000230049858803130052165000300083465000330086471000630089785601400096095100120110095100290111203034594120140513144717.0120326s1940 dcua f000 0 eng d aon781639527 aFUGcFUG0 aA 56.11:ET-1601 aReid, W. J.q(William John),d1902-1982.12aA system of classifying cabbage according to the extent of caterpillar injury /cby W.J. Reid. a[Washington, D.C. :bU.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c1940] a4 p., [3] leaves of plates :bill. ;c27 cm. aAlso available in electronic format. aCaption title.5FU a"ET-160."5FU a"August 1940."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPlantsxInsect resistance 0aCabbagexDiseases and pests.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/systemofclassify00unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. Details page links to full text. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005564964;5FU02944cam a2200325Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000250006802000220009303500160011504000280013104300210015904900090018005000220018909900110021124501240022224600650034626000700041130000210048149000290050250507440053150507850127558803170206065000210237765000360239865000530243470000370248783000650252495100290258903035304620130102104540.0120405s2011 dr 000 ddspa d a9789945469370 (pbk.) a9945469371 (pbk.) aon783803076 aFUGbengcFUGdZXCdFDA an-us---anwdr--- aFDAA 4aPQ7407b.M38 2011 aPQ740700aMáscaras errantes :bantología de dramaturgos dominicanos en los Estados Unidos /ccompilación, Dinorah Coronado.30aAntología de dramaturgos dominicanos en los Estados Unidos aSanto Domingo, República Dominicana :bEditora Nacional,c2011. a431 p. ;c23 cm.1 aColección Antologías0 aIntroducción -- La cosa nostra dominicana / Dio-genes Abréu -- Evocaciones / Kianny Antigua -- Capicúa : experimento folklórico-teatral en dos actos / José Bonillo -- Ya viene abuela / Dinorah Coronado -- La esposa y el maniquí / Paula Crequet -- La degradación de los agujeros negros / Frank Disla -- Luz negra / Cesáreo Mercedes -- Lazos del fin / Anastacio Jiménez -- Me lo dijo Adela / Claudio Marte -- El carnicero / Rubén Muñez -- Neurosis / Mirelle Palmansa -- El sacrificio / Gustavo Peña -- La luz de un cigarillo : una historia dominican-york / Marco Antonio Rodríguez -- El olor de Amadito / César Sánchez Beras -- Antesala de la muerte / Lucía Taveras -- Cama para dos / Alex Vásquez Escaño.00gIntroducción --tLa cosa nostra dominicana /rDio-genes Abréu --tEvocaciones /rKianny Antigua --tCapicúa :texperimento folklórico-teatral en dos actos /rJosé Bonillo --tYa viene abuela /rDinorah Coronado --tLa esposa y el maniquí /rPaula Crequet --tLa degradación de los agujeros negros /rFrank Disla --tLuz negra /rCesáreo Mercedes --tLazos del fin /rAnastacio Jiménez --tMe lo dijo Adela /rClaudio Marte --tEl carnicero /rRubén Muñoz --tNeurosis /rMirelle Palmansa --tEl sacrificio /rGustavo Peña --tLa luz de un cigarillo :tuna historia dominican-york /rMarco Antonio Rodríguez --tEl olor de Amadito /rCésar Sánchez Beras --tAntesala de la muerte /rLucía Taveras --tCama para dos /rAlex Vásquez Escaño.5FTaSU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aDominican drama. 0aDominican dramazUnited States. 0aDramatists, DominicanzUnited StatesvBiography.1 aCoronado, Carmen Dinorah,d1952- 0aColección Antologías (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) 108aUFU01:005565919;5FU01437nam a2200301Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600200009710000170011724500770013426001070021130000270031853000410034550000230038650000180040950000250042750400480045258803130050065000180081365000210083170000390085271000630089185601400095495100120109495100290110603036263620140519153238.0120404s1949 dcua b f000 0 eng d aon783517168 aFUGcFUG0 aA 77.313:ET-2781 aDavis, W. E.13aAn improved trap for collecting aphids /cby E.W. Davis and B.J. Landis. a[Washington, D.C. :bU.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c1949] a3 p. :bill. ;c27 cm. aAlso available in electronic format. aCaption title.5FU a"ET-278."5FU a"December 1949."5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 2). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aInsect traps. 0aAphidsxControl.1 aLandis, B. J.q(Birely J.),d1904-1 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/improvedtrapforc00unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. Details page links to full text. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005567127;5FU01535nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600250010924501440013426001160027830000190039449000420041350000230045550000260047853000410050458803130054565000590085865000530091771000630097085601310103383000400116495100120120495100290121603037094420131126090023.0120410s1947 dcu f000 0 eng d aon785186722 aFUGcFUG ae-cs---0 aA 56.13:366, suppl.500aPlant quarantine import restrictions of the Republic of Czechoslovakia :bColorado potato beetle regulations (Decree of February 24, 1939). aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c[1947] a2 p. ;c27 cm.1 aB.E.P.Q. ;v366, supplement no. 55FU aCaption title.5FU a"April 18, 1947."5FU aAlso available in electronic format. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPlant quarantinexLaw and legislationzCzechoslovakia. 0aColorado potato beetlexControlzCzechoslovakia.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/quarant47unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. Details page links to full text. 0aB.E.P.Q. (Series) ;v366, suppl. 5. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005568248;5FU01632nam a2200313Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008424500320009724600220012926000950015130000280024650000790027450001160035350000460046950101380051558803110065365000490096465000390101365000440105265000430109665000310113969000200117070000260119070000420121671000310125895100290128903042568020120412145237.0120412s1851 enka j 000 f eng d aon785605527 aFUGcFUG04aThe little fortune seekers.18aBuds and blossoms aLondon (Paternoster Row) :bGroombridge and Sons,c[ca. 1851?]e(London :fThomas Harrild) a23 p. :bill. ;c12 cm. aDate of publication from bound with title "A visit to Queen Victoria."5FU aPublisher operated at address between 1845 and 1879; cf. P.A.H. Brown London publishers and printers p. 78.5FU aIllustrations engraved by E. Whimper.5FU aWith: Cousin Johnny and his Indian nurse. London (Paternoster Row) : Groombridge and Sons, [ca. 1851?] (London : Thomas Harrild).5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under a Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aChildrenxConduct of lifevJuvenile fiction. 0aConduct of lifevJuvenile fiction. 0aBrothers and sistersvJuvenile fiction. 0aVoyages and travelsvJuvenile fiction. 0aCouragevJuvenile fiction. 4aBldny1851.5FU1 aHarrild, Thomas.4prt1 aWhymper, Elijah,dfl. 1848-1863.4egr2 aGroombridge and Sons.4pbl 108aUFU01:005582266;5FU01851nam a2200337Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600250010924501470013424601320028125000130041326001160042630000230054249000400056553000410060550000230064650000280066950000750069758803130077265000610108565000650114670000190121171000630123085601400129383000390143395100120147295100290148403043019220140205161840.0120416s1939 dcu f000 0 eng d aon785832824 aFUGcFUG an-us---0 aA 56.13:386/5th/rev.00aSec. 301.45a, list of articles exempt from certification requirements under the gypsy moth and brown-tail moth quarantine (Quarantine No. 45).30aList of articles exempt from certification requirements under the gypsy moth and brown-tail moth quarantine (Quarantine No. 45) a5th rev. aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c[1939] a[1] leaf ;c27 cm.1 aB.E.P.Q. ;v386, (5th revision)5FU aAlso available in electronic format. aCaption title.5FU a"November 6, 1939."5FU a"Lee A. Strong, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aGypsy mothxControlxLaw and legislationzUnited States. 0aBrowntail mothxControlxLaw and legislationzUnited States.1 aStrong, Lee A.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/sec30145alistofa00unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. Details page links to full text. 0aB.E.P.Q. (Series) ;v386, 5th rev. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005582950;5FU01504nam a2200313Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600160010924500680012526001020019330000190029549000240031450000210033850000250035953000410038450000390042550000750046458803130053965000520085270000190090471000630092385601330098683000300111995100120114995100290116103043354420140312133111.0120418s1936 dcu f000 0 eng d aon786049079 aFUGcFUG ae-dk---0 aA 56.13:40700aPlant-quarantine import restrictions of the Kingdom of Denmark. aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c[1936] a5 p. ;c27 cm.1 aB.E.P.Q. ;v4075FU aCover title.5FU a"July 18, 1936."5FU aAlso available in electronic format. a"(Superseding P.Q.C.A.--302)."5FU a"Lee A. Strong, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPlant quarantinexLaw and legislationzDenmark.1 aStrong, Lee A.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/denmarkin36unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. Details page links to full text. 0aB.E.P.Q. (Series) ;v407. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005583466;5FU01224nas a2200265 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002701000150006803500160008304000130009904200080011208600260012024500890014626000600023531000140029536200430030958800720035258800450042458803130046965000400078265000420082271000300086471000350089495100290092903046661920120423090332.0120423u1964uuuuvauqr p f0 0eng c a2012229631 aon787855452 aFUGcFUG apcc0 aY 3.At 7:22/BAW-3376-00aIrradiation performance of thoria-urania fuel materials, quarterly technical report. aLynchburg, Va., :bOffice of Technical Services.c1964- aQuarterly1 aBegan with: no. 1, May/Sept. 1964.5FU aDescription based on: no.1 (May/Sept. 1964); title from title page. aLatest issue consulted: (May/Sept. 1964) aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aIrradiationxResearchvPeriodicals. 0aNuclear fuelsxResearchvPeriodicals.2 aBabcock & Wilcox Company.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 108aUFU01:005589645;5FU01679nam a2200337Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600300010924500750013925000090021426001160022330000230033949000510036253000410041350000230045450000250047750000820050252000340058458803130061865000470093165000600097870000190103871000630105785601340112083000460125495100120130095100290131203047150020140324140410.0120424s1948 dcu f000 0 eng d aon788530879 aFUGcFUG alnbm---0 aA 77.317:455/rev./suppl.100aPlant-quarantine import restrictions of the British colony of Bermuda. aRev. aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c[1948] a[1] leaf ;c27 cm.1 aB.E.P.Q. ;v455, Revised, Supplement No. 15FU aAlso available in electronic format. aCaption title.5FU a"July 22, 1948."5FU a"Avery S. Hoyt, Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine."5FU0 aJapanese beetle restrictions. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aJapanese beetlexControlzBermuda Islands. 0aPlant quarantinexLaw and legislationzBermuda Islands.1 aHoyt, Avery S.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/colonymuda00unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. Details page links to full text. 0aB.E.P.Q. (Series) ;v455, rev., suppl. 1. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005590425;5FU02024ngm a2200445Ia 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700100004600800410005603500160009704000130011304300120012605000140013809900140015224502130016624600230037926000330040250000560043551100490049153800400054052001590058058803170073965000570105665000430111365000700115661000320122660000210125860000250127965500300130470000200133470000210135470000250137570000200140070000210142071000150144171000190145671000180147585600560149395100290154903047760020120427100516.0m c vz czazzu120427s2004 xx 071 vleng d aon790299600 aFUGcFUG an-us--- 4aHQ1034.U5 aHQ1034.U500aSaints & sinnersh[electronic resource] /cAvatar Films [presents] a Persona Films production ; writer and director: Abigail Honor ; producers: Yan Vizinberg, Abigail Honor ; original music by Michael Picton.3 aSaints and sinners a[S.l.] :bSnagFilms,cc2004. aVideo (71 min) available in Adobe Flash format.5FU0 aStarring Edward DeBonis, Vincent Maniscalco. aMode of access: World Wide Web.5FU aFocusing on a gay couple determined to be married in the Catholic Church, Saints & sinners explores the social and religious aspects of same-sex marriage. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aSame-sex marriagezUnited StatesxReligious aspects. 0aGay coupleszUnited StatesvBiography. 0aHomosexualityzUnited StatesxReligious aspectsxCatholic Church.20aCatholic ChurchxDoctrines.10aDeBonis, Edward.10aManiscalco, Vincent. 7aDocumentary films.2lcgft1 aHonor, Abigail.1 aDeBonis, Edward.1 aManiscalco, Vincent.1 aVizinberg, Yan.1 aPicton, Michael.2 aSnagFilms.2 aPersona Films.2 aAvatar Films.40uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/UF/lib/saints_and_sinners/5FU 108aUFU01:005591269;5FU01547nam a2200313Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600220010924500710013125000090020226001150021130000190032649000330034553000410037850000230041950000300044250000730047258803130054565000570085870000450091571000630096085601350102383000340115895100120119295100290120403048684920140325152344.0120430s1947 dcu f000 0 eng d aon792742623 aFUGcFUG af-sa---0 aA 77:317:471,Rev.00aPlant quarantine import restrictions of the union of South Africa. aRev. aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c1947. a6 p. ;c27 cm.1 aB.E.P.Q. ;v471, Revised5FU aAlso available in electronic format. aCaption title.5FU a"September 26, 1947."5FU a"P.N. Annand, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPlant quarantinexLaw and legislationzSouth Africa.1 aAnnand, P. N.q(Percy Nicol),d1898-19501 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/lawsouunioi00unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. Details page links to full text. 0aB.E.P.Q. (Series) ;v471,rev. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005592646;5FU01833nam a2200349Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600240010924501770013324600570031024600320036726001160039930000190051549000420053453000410057650000230061750000330064050000620067350000370073558803130077265000580108565000450114370000190118871000630120785601320127083000400140295100120144295100290145403049091620140409140503.0120502s1941 dcu f000 0 eng d aon792950448 aFUGcFUG an-us---0 aA 56.13:499/suppl.400aTitle 7--Agriculture, Chapter III--Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Part 301--Domestic Quarantine Notices :bJapanese beetle administrative instructions modified.30aJapanese beetle administrative instructions modified30aDomestic quarantine notices a[Washington, D.C. :bUnited States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c1941] a3 p. ;c27 cm.1 aB.E.P.Q. ;v499, supplement no. 45FU aAlso available in electronic format. aCaption title.5FU a"Effective May 1, 1941."5FU aThis section was originally issued under Sec. 301.48.5FU aSigned Lee A. Strong, Chief.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPlant quarantinexLaw and legislationzUnited States. 0aJapanese beetlexControlzUnited States.1 aStrong, Lee A.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/quaentor00unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. Details page links to full text. 0aB.E.P.Q. (Series) ;v499, suppl. 4. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005593267;5FU01575nam a2200301Ia 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000130011805000210013109900110015210000210016324500540018425000200023826000650025830000360032350001760035958800760053558803130061165000250092470000340094974000460098377601730102985600420120295100290124403049427920120726163758.0m o d cr mn| uucuu120504s1991 cau o 000 p lat d aon793104920 aFUGcFUG 4aPA6382b.A5 1991 aPA63821 aEnnius, Quintus.10aSaturaeh[electronic resource] /cQuintus Ennius. a[Text only ed.] a[Los Altos, Calif.] :bPackard Humanities Institute,cc1991. a1 online resource (1 text file) aTaken from the ed.: Ennianae poesis reliquiae iteratis curis / recensuit Johannes Vahlen. -- Exemplar photomechanice iteratum. -- Lipsiae : In aedibus B.G. Teubneri, 1928. aDescription based on CD-ROM version record for author's complete works. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aVerse satire, Latin.1 aVahlen, Johannes,d1830-1911.0 aEnnianae poesis reliquiae iteratis curis.08iCD-ROM version of author's complete works:aEnnius, Quintus.sWorks. 1991.tworks of Q. Ennius].d[Los Altos, CA] : Packard Humanities Institute, c1991w(OCoLC)3263402740uhttp://latin.packhum.org/loc/43/4/0#0 108aUFU01:005593825;5FU01448nam a2200301Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600160010924500620012526001020018730000200028949000240030950000210033350000240035453000410037850000800041958803130049965000510081270000190086371000630088285601300094583000300107595100120110595100290111703049879620140421135713.0120508s1941 dcu f000 0 eng d aon793230858 aFUGcFUG an-cn---0 aA 56.13:51400aPlant-quarantine import restrictions, Dominion of Canada. aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c[1941] a10 p. ;c27 cm.1 aB.E.P.Q. ;v5145FU aCover title.5FU a"May 12, 1941."5FU aAlso available in electronic format. aSigned Lee A. Strong, Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPlant quarantinexLaw and legislationzCanada.1 aStrong, Lee A.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/canada41unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. Details page links to full text. 0aB.E.P.Q. (Series) ;v514. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005594664;5FU01486nam a2200277Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600250009724501360012226001030025830000280036150000200038950000510040950000260046050400490048650201950053558803130073065000130104365000240105670000200108071000440110071000350114495100290117903050885920120514095418.0120510s1965 tnua b f000 0 eng d aon793395059 aFUGcFUG0 aY 3.At 7:22/ORINS-4602aA Chemical study of an ambient temperature catalytic benzen synthesis is used in radiocarbon dating /cby J.E. Noakes ... [et al.]. aOak Ridge, Tenn. :bU.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Service Extension,c1965. a11 p. :bill. ;c27 cm. a"ORINS-46."5FU a"February 26, 1965, [DTIE Issuance Date]."5FU aTitle from cover.5FU aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 11). aA chemical study was made of an ambient temperature catalytic method for synthesizing liquid benzene for acetylene gas in a manner ideally suited for liquid scintillation radiocarbon dating. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aBenzene. 0aRadioactive dating.1 aNoakes, John E.2 aOak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 108aUFU01:005596694;5FU04363nam a2200385Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500200011804000130013809900110015110000310016224502090019326000570040251600440045953800640050353800360056750000460060350000550064950200500070452016020075452009060235650000190326250400410328159000330332258803170335559900180367265301280369069000440381869000290386285600570389195100290394803050975520121026165154.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu120511s2011 flu sbm s000 0 eng d aon814391547 a(SNX)UFE0043528 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aPricope, Narcisa Gabriela.10aUsing remote sensing to create indicators of ecosystem variability for a semi-arid savanna watershed in the Kavango-Zambezi region of southern Africah[electronic resource] /cby Narcisa Gabriela Pricope. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2011. aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format. aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader. aMode of access: World Wide Web. aTitle from title page of source document. aDocument formatted into pages; contains 186 pages. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2011.3 aABSTRACT: This dissertation addresses changes in land and resource availability occurring as a result of climate, water variability and changes in fire regimes in a semi-arid savanna region in Southern Africa. The research combines geospatial analyses of climatological and hydrologic data and various remotely-sensed datasets to create measures of ecosystem variability and adaptability to natural and anthropogenic changes in sensitive ecosystems. The study area is the Chobe River Basin (CRB), a watershed shared between Botswana and Namibia situated at the heart of one of the world‟s largest transfrontier conservation areas, where different land-use management strategies and economic policies affect both the ecosystem and the livelihoods support system differentially. The southern African savanna is a highly variable environment and people have adapted to its harshness through the generations. However, in light of past and ongoing environmental changes, their ability to adapt may become threatened. By mapping and then analyzing the spatial and temporal variability of two important factors, namely flooding and fires, in conjunction with indices of vegetation health and productivity, the findings of this research can ultimately contribute to enhancing our understanding of local adaptation mechanisms to future environmental change. This is the first reconstruction of the spatial and temporal patterns of inundation for the last 25 years in the CRB, a transboundary basin with an unusual hydrologic regime and an important water resource for both human and wildlife populations.3 aIn the context of increasing temperatures, decreasing precipitation trends and increasing frequencies and intensities of El Niño episodes in southern Africa (Boko et al., 2007), I also investigated changes in fire incidences and marked shifts in fire seasonality both within and outside of protected areas of central Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA). These changes are likely to have a series of strong impacts on other components of fire regimes in semi-arid ecosystems that will, in turn, affect their ecology, structure, and function. This dissertation contributes to the field of land use and land change science by proposing a novel spatial coincidence analysis framework for analyzing how the inter- and intra-annual extents of inundation and fire are correlated with both annual patterns of vegetation productivity and multi-date changes in vegetation productivity. aIncludes vita. aIncludes bibliographical references. aAdviser: Binford, Michael W. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. ash 2011125FU aAfricaafire regimesageographyaGISainundationamanagementaremote sensingatransboundaryavegetation dynamicsawatershed aDissertations, AcademiczUFxGeography. aGeography thesis, Ph. D.40zFull text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE0043528 108aUFU01:005596867;5FU03953nam a2200385Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500200011804000130013809900110015110000190016224501430018126000570032451600440038153800640042553800360048950000460052550000550057150200500062652013120067652009250198850000190291350400410293259000300297358803170300359900180332065300420333869000640338069000370344485600570348195100290353803051020720121026165702.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu120511s2011 flu sbm s000 0 eng d aon814397619 a(SNX)UFE0043330 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aSun, Xingsong.10aModeling analysis of pavement layer interface bonding condition effects on cracking performanceh[electronic resource] /cby Xingsong Sun. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2011. aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format. aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader. aMode of access: World Wide Web. aTitle from title page of source document. aDocument formatted into pages; contains 128 pages. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2011.3 aABSTRACT: The structure of asphalt pavements are characterized by composition of pavement layers. Previous research has suggested that the bond conditions between pavement layers significantly affect the cracking performance. Open Graded Friction Course (OGFC), which is widely used in Florida, was generally considered as a function course and has lower cracking resistance. While for the top-down cracking, OGFC may be the first front in resisting the cracking. The primary objective of this study is to develop a model to evaluate the effects of interface bonding conditions on top-down and reflective cracking performance. Continuum and multi-scale modeling of the pavement structure were conducted for different layer combination and bonding conditions. The FEM modeling is implemented with Florida HMA Fracture Mechanics to evaluate the effects of bonded interface on cracking performance. It was found that the OGFC with a poor bond such as the conventional tack coat may reduce the cracking resistance of the structure. A well bond between the OGFC and underlying layer may result in a better cracking performance. It was determined in the multi-scale analysis that the interface affects the cracking performance by affecting the stress transmission through the interface in the pavement structures.3 aThe continuum model of the pavement structure with different bond conditions indicates that the different bond conditions may lead to totally different stress distribution in the pavement layers. Pavement with Novabond® as bonding agent has higher cracking resistance than the pavement with conventional tack coat as bonding agent. The modeling of composite specimen tests was performed to investigate the mechanism of the bonding effects on top-down and reflective cracking performance. Different bonding conditions were assumed due to the different application rate and type of the bonding agent. The modeling results show agreement with test results. The model and the assumption were considered reasonable. Novabond® was determined has a positive effect on top-down and reflective cracking performance. The model clearly proved that the interface bonding conditions have significant effect on cracking performance. aIncludes vita. aIncludes bibliographical references. aAdviser: Roque, Reynaldo. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. ash 2011125FU aasphaltacrackingafrictionapavement aDissertations, AcademiczUFxCivil and Coastal Engineering. aCivil Engineering thesis, Ph. D.40zFull text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE0043330 108aUFU01:005596983;5FU04254nam a2200385Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500200011804000130013809900110015110000290016224502190019126000570041051600440046753800640051153800360057550000460061150000550065750200500071252013010076252011100206350000190317350400410319259000310323358803170326459900180358165301150359969000420371469000260375685600570378295100290383903051067720131121225032.0m d s cr mnu|||uuuuu120511s2011 flu sbm s000 0 eng d aon814394316 a(SNX)UFE0042733 aFUGcFUG aLD17801 aVergara, Rodrigo,d1969-10aNeutral and adaptive genetic structure of the South American species of Nothofagus subgenus Lophozonia. natural history, conservation, and tree improvement implicationsh[electronic resource] /cby Rodrigo Vergara. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2011. aText (Electronic thesis) in PDF format. aSystem requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader. aMode of access: World Wide Web. aTitle from title page of source document. aDocument formatted into pages; contains 169 pages. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2011.3 aABSTRACT: The combined analysis of neutral and adaptive genetic variability is important to evaluate the genetic structure of forest trees and to help developing strategies of conservation and tree genetic improvement. I investigate the genetic diversity of the South American species of Nothofagus subgenus Lophosonia-N. obliqua, N. alpina, and N. glauca-emphasizing their intra- and interpopulational variability. I analyzed their genetic diversity by 1) measuring neutral variability at nuclear microsatellite DNA loci, and 2) measuring morphological traits on progeny-provenance trials (i.e. common gardens). For neutral markers I found relatively high genetic diversity levels (HE=0.50, 0.62, and 0.66 for N. glauca, N. alpina, and N. obliqua, respectively) and low but significant genetic structure (RST=9, 11, and 15% for N. glauca, N. obliqua, and N. alpina, respectively). In N. obliqua, this limited structure was spatially organized in three latitudinal groups. I also detected what appears to be introgression of N. alpina genes into N. obliqua in the northern populations. For growth traits (morphological) I found higher genetic structure (=0.57-0.89) than for neutral markers, and in N. obliqua these estimates were substantially higher (=0.85-0.89) than in N. alpina (=0.57-0.63).3 aHeritabilities in growth traits were higher for N. obliqua (h2=0.14-0.30) than for N. alpina (h2=0.06-0.14). There was a trend of faster growth in N. obliqua populations adapted to warmer and rainier environments and a tendency of presenting less dense stomata in populations adapted to colder environments. My neutral nuclear marker results support the multiple refugia hypothesis, suggesting several centers of genetic diversity. Moreover, these results indicate that N. obliqua and N. alpina are more genetically similar to each other than to N. glauca, and N. obliqua does not have sufficiently differentiated subgroups that could represent new taxa. The morphological traits demonstrate that natural selection plays an important role in generating adaptive variation in N. obliqua, indicating that this species may have a better chance to adapt to future climatic changes and should respond better to artificial selection than N. alpina. Finally, combining both data types, I propose conservation priorities among and within species, and breeding zones within species for tree improvement strategies. aIncludes vita. aIncludes bibliographical references. aAdviser: Soltis, Pamela S. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. ash 2011125FU abreedingaChileaconservationageneticsamicrosatellitesamorphologyaNothofagusapopulationaprovenancesaSSR aDissertations, AcademiczUFxBiology. aBotany thesis, Ph. D.40zFull text:uhttp://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/UFE0042733 108aUFU01:005597094;5FU01841nam a2200349Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600280010924501020013724600700023924600500030925000130035926001560037230000190052849000370054753000410058450000230062550000390064850000850068758803130077265000580108565000510114370000180119471000630121285601360127583000390141195100120145095100290146203052497420140424162051.0120514s1953 dcu f000 0 eng d aon793531242 aFUGcFUG an-us---0 aA 77.308/3:571/2nd/rev.00aAdministrative instructions :blist of approved packing materials and instructions for their use.30aList of approved packing materials and instructions for their use1 iAt head of title:aForeign quarantine notices a2nd rev. a[Washington, D.C.] :bUnited States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Administration, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c[1953] a2 p. ;c27 cm.1 aB.E.P.Q. ;v571, 2d Revision5FU aAlso available in electronic format. aCaption title.5FU a"Effective September 1, 1953."5FU aSigned W.L. Popham, Acting Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPlant quarantinexLaw and legislationzUnited States. 0aPackagingxLaw and legislationzUnited States.1 aPopham, W. L.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/instructions00unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. Details page links to full text. 0aB.E.P.Q. (Series) ;v571, 2nd rev. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005602281;5FU01484nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600170010924501240012626001540025030000230040449000240042753000410045150000230049250000250051558803130054065000510085365000570090471000630096185600990102483000300112395100120115395100290116503059658920140430120714.0120516s1951 dcu f000 0 eng d aon793724218 aFUGcFUG af-ao---0 aA 77.317:59100aPlant quarantine import restrictions of the Portuguese colony of Angola :bquarantine regulations (animals and plants). aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Administration, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine,c[1951] a[1] leaf ;c27 cm.1 aB.E.P.Q. ;v5915FU aAlso available in electronic format. aCaption title.5FU a"April 5, 1951."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPlant quarantinexLaw and legislationzAngola. 0aQuarantine, VeterinaryxLaw and legislationzAngola.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.41uhttps://archive.org/details/angolapo00unitzTitle scanned by Internet Archive on behalf of UF. 0aB.E.P.Q. (Series) ;v591. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005619482;5FU01293nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600150010924500810012426001010020530000190030649000190032550000230034450000270036750000660039458803130046065000370077365000570081070000190086771000480088683000280093495100120096295100290097403060197520120615165959.0120522s1933 dcu f000 0 eng d aon794078280 aFUGcFUG an-us---0 aA 48.5:35400aConditions governing the entry and treatment of narcissus bulb importations. aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Quarantine,c[1933] a3 p. ;c27 cm.1 aBPQ ;v3545FU aCaption title.5FU a"August 15, 1933."5FU a"Lee A. Strong, Chief, Bureau of Plant Quarantine"--P. 2.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPlant quarantinezUnited States. 0aNarcissus bulbsxLaw and legislationzUnited States.1 aStrong, Lee A.1 aUnited States.bBureau of Plant Quarantine. 0aB.P.Q. (Series) ;v354. lWI95FU 108aUFU01:005620710;5FU01314nai a2200265Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009708600290010924500580013824600460019626000520024250000250029458800700031958800260038958803130041565000640072861000510079265000660084371000430090983000670095295100290101903060554220120525142235.0120525u1976uuuudcu|| l f0 2eng d aon794280557 aFUGcFUG an-us---0 aD 101.11:55-1520-234-10/00aOperators manual , Army model AH-1S (MOD) helicopter.3 aOperator's manual helicopter attack AH-1S aWashington, D.C. :bThe Department of the Army. a"PIN:014865-000"5FU aDescription based on Change 27 (Aug. 30, 1989) ; title from cover aLates issue consulted aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aAttack helicopterszUnited StatesvHandbooks, manuals, etc.10aUnited States.bArmyvHandbooks, manuals, etc. 0aMilitary helicopterszUnited StatesvHandbooks, manuals, etc.1 aUnited States.bDepartment of the Army 0aDepartment of the Army technical manual ;vTM 55-1520-234-10/. 108aUFU01:005621449;5FU01062nam a2200265 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000130011704200080013004300120013805000250015009900150017510000200019024500410021026000460025130000590029750000210035658803170037760000320069465000410072695100290076703060772920120618144346.0120618s2010 py ach 000 0bspa c a9789995322854 a9995322854 aon795715488 aFUGcFUG apcc as-py--- 4aGV942.7.E7bB37 2010 aGV942.7.E71 aBarraza, Jorge.10aErico para siempre /cJorge Barraza. aAsunción :bEditorial El Lector,c2010. a286 p. :bill. (some col.), ports., facsims. ;c30 cm. aCover title.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.10aErico, Arsenio,d1915-1977. 0aSoccer playerszParaguayvBiography. 108aUFU01:005621924;5FU01370nam a2200289 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002701000130006803500160008104000130009704100130011004200080012309200240013110000190015524501560017426000550033030000280038549000350041354600600044850400410050858803130054965000150086270000710087771000370094883000660098595100290105103061105320120608170829.0120608s1960 rb a b 000 0 srp a65049305 aon794997749 aDLCcFUG0 asrpbger apcc a570.74bB429p v. 281 aTadić, Ante.10aNajvažniji pretstavnici školjaka roda Unio iz Save, Dunava i Kopačkog jezera ; Zbirka Unionida Prirodnjačkog muzeja u Beogradu /cAnte Tadić. aBeograd :bPrirodnjački muzej u Beogradu,c1960. a90 p. :bill. ;c24 cm.1 aPosebna izdanja ;vknj. 285FU aText in Serbian with summary for first title in German. aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aUnionidae.12aTadić, Ante.tZbirka Unionida Prirodnjačkog muzeja u Beogradu.2 aPrirodnjački muzej u Beogradu. 0aPosebna izdanja (Prirodnjački muzej u Beogradu) ;vknj. 28. 108aUFU01:005623172;5FU01424nam a2200253Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008408600220009724501220011926001090024130000280035049000600037850000210043850000250045950000950048450000560057958803130063565000940094871000430104283000560108595100290114103063017420120612160137.0120612s1958 dcua f000 0 eng d aon795249928 aFUGcFUG0 aD 101.11:TM 5-68700aRepairs and utilities :bfire protection equipment and appliances inspections, operations and preventive maintenance. a[Washington, DC] :bHeadquarters, Dept. of the Army :b[United States Government Printing Office,c1958] a16 p. :bill. ;c26 cm.1 aDepartment of the Army technical manual ;vTM 5-6875FU aCover title.5FU a"December 1957."5FU a"This manual supersedes TM 5-687, 15 January 1946, including C 2, 27 June 1956"--P. 1.5FU a"U.S. Government Printing Office: 1958"--P. 16.5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aFire preventionxEquipment and suppliesxMaintenance and repairvHandbooks, manuals, etc.1 aUnited States.bDepartment of the Army 0aDepartment of the Army technical manual ;vTM5-687. 108aUFU01:005633768;5FU01486nam a2200265Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708600250010610000230013124500740015426001060022830000250033449000160035950000210037550000220039652003970041858803130081565000280112871000350115683000170119199400120120803064881220120629153522.0120629s1962 tnu b f001 0 eng d aon797193800 aFUGcFUG aFUGG0 aY 3.At 7:22/TID-33141 aDavis, Theodore F.10aGraphite :ba selected bibliography /ccompiled by Theodore F. Davis. aOak Ridge, Tenn. :bUnited States Atomic Engery Commission, Division of Technical Information,c1962. aiv, 167 p. ;c27 cm.1 aTID ;v3314 a"February 1962." aIncludes indexes.3 aThis compilation contains 958 references to report and published literature. The references pertain primarily to reactor grade graphite, although information on the manufacture and uses of graphite in other fields is included. The references were selected from Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA), covering the period 1948 through mid-1961. Subject, author, and availability indexes are provided. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aGraphitevBibliography.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 0aTID ;v3314. aC0bFUG01299nam a2200253Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708600250010624501110013126001460024230000460038850000360043450000170047050000830048758803130057065000490088365000320093271000340096471000350099899400120103303064969520120709144940.0120709s1960 tnua f000 0 eng d aon798580718 aFUGcFUG aFUGG0 aY 3.At 7:22/NYO-932100aInvestigation of types of seals for main coolant pumps for large pressurized water reactor nuclear plants. aOak RIdge, Tenn. :bTechnical Information Service Extension,aWashington, DC :bOffice of Technical Services, Department of Commerce,c[1960] av, 80 p. :bill., (some folded) ;c28 cm. a"NYO-9321; Reactor Technology." a"June 1960." a"Work performed under Contract no. AT(30-1)-2547, New York Operations Office." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPressurized water reactorsxLoss of coolant. 0aPressurized water reactors.2 aEbasco Services Incorporated.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission. aC0bFUG02301nam a2200397Ia 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000130011804900090013105000220014009900110016210000300017324501420020324600330034524600310037825000200040926000650042930000370049450002550053158800760078658803130086265100410117570000500121670000330126673000630129974000630136274000440142574000310146977601890150085600700168985600730175985600710183203065266920120720150136.0m o d cr mn|---uucuu120720s1991 cau o 000 0 lat d aon801103717 aFUGcFUG aFUGG 4aPA6653b.A85 1991 aPA66530 aSallust,d86 B.C.-34 B.C.10aHistoriarum frr. ampliora ; Historiarum frr. e codicibus ; Historiarum frr. e papyrish[electronic resource] /cGaius Sallustius Crispus.30aHistoriarum frr. e codicibus30aHistoriarum frr. e papyris a[Text only ed.] a[Los Altos, Calif.] :bPackard Humanities Institute,cc1991. a1 online resource (3 text files) aTaken from the ed.: C. Sallusti Crispi Catilina, Iugurtha, Fragmenta ampliora / post A.W. Ahlberg edidit Alphonsus Kurfess. -- Editio tertia. -- Lipsiae : In aedibus B.G. Teubneri, 1957. -- (Bibliotheca scriptorum graecorum et romanorum Teubneriana); aDescription based on CD-ROM version record for author's complete works. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aRomexHistoryyRepublic, 265-30 B.C.1 aAhlberg, Axel W.q(Axel Wilhelm),d1874-1951.1 aKurfess, Alfons,d1889-1965.0 aBibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana.0 aC. Sallusti Crispi Catilina, Iugurtha, Fragmenta ampliora.0 aCatilina, Iugurtha, Fragmenta ampliora.02aHistoriarum frr. ampliora.08iCD-ROM version of author's complete works:aSallust, 86-34 B.C.sWorks. 1991.t[Works of C. Sallustius Crispus].d[Los Altos, CA] : Packard Humanities Institute, c1991w(OCoLC)32633597403Historiarum frr. ampliorauhttp://latin.packhum.org/loc/631/4/0#0403Historiarum frr. e codicibusuhttp://latin.packhum.org/loc/631/5/0#0403Historiarum frr. e papyrisuhttp://latin.packhum.org/loc/631/6/0#001846nam a2200349Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009710000340010624500740014024600300021426000590024430000320030350000620033550001570039750001050055459001170065958803130077665000230108965000490111265500290116165500470119065500600123769000160129770000570131370000440137071000260141471000240144079600320146403065520820120730154146.0120730q18521858nyua 000 p eng d aon802291845 aFUGcFUG aFUGG1 aCampbell, Thomas,d1777-1844.14aThe poetical works of Thomas Campbell /cedited by Rufus W. Griswold.18aCampbell's poetical works aNew York :bLeavitt & Allen,c[between 1852 and 1858.] av, 288 p. :bill. ;c13 cm. aFrontispiece engraved by Illman & Sons after H. Corbould. aIncludes some his most famous works: "The Pleasures of Hope", "Ye Mariners of England", "The Soldier's Dream", "Hohenlinden", and "Gertrude of Wyoming". aLeavitt & Allen published between 1852 and 1876. Illman & Sons did engravings between 1845 and 1858. aBaldwin Library copy: Inscription: Mary Grinstead. Presentation inscription: "From cousin Nellie P. Newell."5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aChildren's poetry. 0aMiniature booksvSpecimensvJuvenile poetry. 0aChildren's poetryy1856. 7aInscription (Provenance)y18562rbprob5FU 7aPresentation inscription (Provenance)y18562rbprov5FU 4aBldny1856.1 aGriswold, Rufus W.q(Rufus Wilmot),d1815-1857.4edt1 aCorbould, H.q(Henry),d1787-1844.4ill2 aLeavitt & Allen.4pbl2 aIllman & Sons.4egr13aWilson, Krissy,edonor.5FU01151nas a2200241 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002701000150006803500160008304000130009904200080011204300120012004900090013208600200014124500820016124600600024326000910030358800600039458800390045458803130049365000630080671000400086903066203020120810122832.0120810u19uuuuuudcu|| s f0 0eng c a2012229141 aon805723564 aFUGcFUG apcc an-us--- aFUGG0 aFS 5.254:5401A-00aSummary report on bachelor's and higher degrees conferred during the year ...10aBachelor's and higher degrees conferred during the year aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. aDescription based on: 1965/1966; title from title page. aLatest issue ocnsulted: 1965/1966. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aDegrees, AcademiczUnited StatesvStatisticsvPeriodicals.1 aUnited States.bOffice of Education01902cam a2200337Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000320008408600210011610000230013724501030016026000950026330000240035849000170038249000370039950000250043650000360046150002140049750400410071158803170075265000430106965000270111265000530113965000690119270000220126171000700128371000890135383000180144283001040146003066432420151112233157.0120820s1960 nyu b f000 0 eng d aon806954391 aFUGcFUGdFUGdOCLCFdOCLCQ0 aD 301.45/4-3:1021 aHessel, Alexander.10aWave propagation in a medium with a moving sinusoidal disturbance /cby A. Hessel and A.A. Oliner. aBrooklyn, N.Y. :bPolytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Microwave Research Institute,c[1960] a14 leaves ;c28 cm.1 aAFCRL ;v1021 aResearch report ;vPIBMRI-880-60 a"November 17, 1960." a"Contract No. AF-19(604)-2031." a"Prepared for Electronics Research Directorate, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Air Force Research Division, Air Research and Development Command, Laurence G. Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts." aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aMagnetospheric radio wave propagation. 0aElectromagnetic waves. 7aElectromagnetic waves.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00906574 7aMagnetospheric radio wave propagation.2fast0(OCoLC)fst010059021 aOliner, Arthur A.2 aPolytechnic Institute of Brooklyn.bMicrowave Research Institute.2 aAir Force Cambridge Research Laboratories (U.S.).bElectronics Research Directorate. 0aAFCRL ;v102. 0aResearch report (Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. Microwave Research Institute) ;vPIBMRI-880-60.01518nam a2200349Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404100130009704300120011004900090012205000280013108200150015909900110017424500760018524600090026126000780027030000200034850000220036854600360039058803170042665000610074365000520080465000650085665000560092165000220097765000170099971000530101673000560106979600430112503066639820120828114725.0120823s2004 nbu bo 000 0 eng d aon807987004 aFUGcFUG0 aengaspa ae-sp--- aFUGG00aPQ6144b.A532 v.29 no.104a860/.9219 aPQ614400aAnales de la literatura española contemporánea.nvolume 29, issue 118aALEC aLincoln, Neb. :bSociety of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies,cc2004. a367 p.;c22 cm. aTitle from cover. aArticles in English or Spanish. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aSpanish literaturey20th centuryxHistory and criticism. 0aSpanish literaturey20th centuryvBibliography. 6aLittérature espagnoley20e sièclexHistoire et critique. 6aRoman espagnoly20e sièclexHistoire et critique.17aLetterkunde.2gtt17aSpaans.2gtt2 aSociety of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies.0 aAnales de la literatura española contemporánea.13aNichols, Geraldine Cleary,edonor.5FU01210nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404100130009704300120011004900090012205000270013109900110015824500830016924600070025224600360025926000490029530000290034458803130037365000610068665000610074765000220080865000170083073000300084779600430087703067834220120829155507.0120829s1996 sp bo 001 0 spa d aon808623878 aFUGcFUG0 aspaaeng ae-sp--- aFUGG 4aPQ6001b.E875 t.9 no.2 aPQ600100aEspaña contemporánea :brevista de literatura y cultura ,EC.nTomo 9, no.210aEC3 aRevista de literatura y cultura a[Madrid] :bEspaña Contemporánea,c1996. a144 p. :bill. ;c24 cm. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aSpanish literaturey19th centuryxHistory and criticism. 0aSpanish literaturey20th centuryxHistory and criticism.17aLetterkunde.2gtt17aSpaans.2gtt0 aEspaña Contemporánea.13aNichols, Geraldine Cleary,edonor.5FU01452nam a2200337Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404100130009704300120011004900090012205000260013109900140015724500280017126000610019930000260026054600380028658803130032465000650063765000610070265000260076365000220078965000780081165000640088971000430095371000290099671000260102573000200105179600430107103069785920120928104112.0120905s1995 sp b 000 0 eng d aon809190849 aFUGcFUG aengacat ae-sp--- aFUGG00aPC3975.E1bC375 no.13 aPC3975.E100aCatalan writingnno. 13 aBarcelona :bInstitució des Lletres Catalanes,cc1995. a95 p.bill. ;c26 cm. aMostly English ; some in Catalan. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCatalan literaturey20th centuryxTranslations into English. 0aCatalan literaturey20th centuryxHistory and criticism.17aCatalaans (taal)2gtt17aLetterkunde.2gtt 6aLittérature catalaney20e sièclevAnthologiesvTraductions anglaises. 6aLittérature catalaney20e sièclexHistoire et critique.2 aInstitució de les Lletres Catalanes.2 aCentre Català del PEN.2 aInstitut Ramon Llull.0 aCatalan writing13aNichols, Geraldine Cleary,edonor.5FU01353nam a2200277Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000150006802000180008303500160010104000180011704300120013504900090014705000250015609900150018124501700019625000110036626001060037730000330048349000340051658803170055059900130086765000590088070000270093983001090096603070284020140826110004.0140826s2004 mx a 000 0 spa d a9685937133 a9789685937139 aon889227649 aFUGbengcFUG an-mx--- aFUGG 4aCD3679.X63bI59 2004 aCD3679.X6300aInventario del Archivo Parroquial Santa Cruz, Acalpixca, VIII Vicaría, Arzobispado de México, Xochimilco, Distrito Federal /cBerenice Bravo Rubio, coordinadora. a1. ed. a[México] :bADABI México, Apoyo al Desarrollo de Archivos y Bibliotecas de México, A.C.,c2004. a21 p. :bcol. ill. ;c21 cm.1 aColección Inventarios ;v14 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a30702840 0aChurch archiveszMexicozXochimilco (Distrito Federal)1 aBravo Rubio, Berenise. 0aColección Inventarios (Apoyo al Desarrollo de Archivos y Bibliotecas de México (Association)) ;v14.01021nam a2200241 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404200080009704900090010505000240011409900140013810000320015224500490018426000440023330000410027750000410031858803170035959900140067660000460069065000430073603070560220180820133516.0121019s2011 cu a c 000 0 spa c aon813390293 aFUGcFUG apcc aFUGG 4aN6605.D66bA97 2011 aN6605.D661 aDomínguez, Nelson,d1947-10aAutorretrato /cNelson Domínguez Cedeño. a[La Habana?] :bPabellón Cuba,c2011. a64 p. :bchiefly ill. ;c21 x 30 cm. a"Pabellón Cuba, abril-junio 2011." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a03070560210aDomínguez, Nelson,d1947-vExhibitions. 0aArt, Cubany20th centuryvExhibitions.01352nam a2200301 a 450000500170000000800410001702000180005802000150007603500160009104000130010704200080012004900090012805000230013709900140016010000270017424501530020124600190035426000480037330000410042150400410046259900130050358803170051660000410083360000400087465000470091470000260096171000630098720121016143304.0121016s2011 ck a bc 000 0 spa c a9789586642415 a9586642410 aon813144194 aFUGcFUG apcc aFUGG 4aN6679.M86bA4 2011 aN6679.M861 aMuñoz, Oscar,d1951-10aOscar Muñoz, protografías :bexposición retrospectiva, Museo de Arte del Banco de la República /c[textos, José Ignacio Roca, ... et al.].30aProtografías aBogotá :bBanco de la República,c2011. a187 p. :bill. (some col.) ;c26 cm. aIncludes bibliographical references. a30708884 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.10aMuñoz, Oscar,d1951-vExhibitions.10aMuñoz, Oscar,d1951-vInterviews. 0aArt, Colombiany21st centuryvExhibitions.1 aRoca, José Ignacio.2 aMuseo de Arte Banco de la República (Bogotá, Colombia)01495nam a2200277Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708600230010610000170012924501250014626000830027130000370035449000230039150000210041450001980043550400490063358803130068265000430099570000260103871000660106471000630113083000240119303073269520121003153830.0121003s1960 caua b f000 0 eng d aon811780591 aFUGcFUG aFUGG0 aD 301.45/18:60-4401 aHsieh, H. C.10aOn the optimum synthesis of sampled data multipole filters with random and nonrandom inputs /cH.C. Hsieh, C.T. Leondes. aLos Angeles, Calif. :bUniversity of California, Dept. of Engineering,c[1960] av, 37, 2, 3 p. :bill. ;c28 cm.1 aAFSOR TN ;v60-440 a"February 1960". a"... supported by the United States Air Force through the Office of Scientific Research of the Air Research and Development Command under Contract No. AF 49(638)-438, Project No. 9783."--P. ii. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 37). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aElectric filtersxMathematical models.1 aLeondes, Cornelius T.2 aUniversity of California, Los Angeles.bDept. of Engineering.1 aUnited States.bAir Force.bOffice of Scientific Research. 0aAFOSR TN ;v60-440.01841cam a2200325Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000340008408600230011810000190014124500650016026000910022530000350031649000180035149000700036950000190043950002080045850400510066658803170071765000270103465000530106171000740111471000760118871000630126471000460132771000430137383000280141683000710144403076429520151113005300.0121009s1961 caua b f000 0 eng d aon812300769 aFUGcFUGdOCLCAdOCLCFdOCLCQ0 aD 301.45/19-2:10141 aDimmick, R. R.10aPhase stability in frequency multipliers /cby R.R. Dimmick. aBerkeley, Calif. :bUniversity of California, Electronics Research Laboratory,c[1961] av, 43 leaves :bill. ;c28 cm.1 aAFOSR ;v10141 aInstitute of Engineering Research series ;vno. 60, issue no. 366 a"2 June 1961." a"Sponsored by AF Office of Scientific Research, Office of Aerospace Research; Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research; and Department of the Army Contract No. AF 49(638)-1043, Project No. 4751." aIncludes bibliographical references (leaf 43). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aFrequency multipliers. 7aFrequency multipliers.2fast0(OCoLC)fst009349672 aUniversity of California, Berkeley.bElectronics Research Laboratory.2 aUniversity of California, Berkeley.bInstitute of Engineering Research.1 aUnited States.bAir Force.bOffice of Scientific Research.1 aUnited States.bOffice of Naval Research.1 aUnited States.bDepartment of the Army 0aAFOSR (Series) ;v1014. 0aInstitute of Engineering Research series ;vno. 60, issue no. 366.01536nam a2200361 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000130011704200080013004300120013804900090015009900230015910000340018224501610021626000350037730000400041250000240045250400540047658803170053059900130084765000290086065000320088965000290092165000230095065000220097365000290099570000270102470000370105171000860108803077227420121031154417.0121015s2011 ck ab f b 000 0dspa c a9789588448442 a9588448441 aon812845145 aFUGcFUG apcc as-ck--- aFUGG aGB460.C7bP67 20111 aPosada Posada, Blanca Olivia.10aDiagnóstico de la erosión costera del territorio insular colombiano /cBlanca Oliva Posada Posada, William Henao Pineda, David Fernando Morales Giraldo. aSanta Marta :bINVEMAR,c2011. a112 p. :bcol. ill., maps ;c35 cm. aEscalas diferentes. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 109-112). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a30772274 0aBeach erosionzColombia. 0aShore protectionzColombia. 0aCoast changeszColombia. 0aIslandszColombia. 0aCoastszColombia. 0aGeomorphologyzColombia.1 aHenao Pineda, William.1 aMorales Giraldo, David Fernando.2 aInstituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras "José Benito Vives de Andreis."01644nam a2200361Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404100130009704900090011008600200011910000230013924500590016226000600022130000280028149000160030950000210032550000130034650000290035950001810038850000740056950400490064354600290069258803130072165000170103465000250105165000200107671000290109671000890112571000510121483000170126503077542120121018150302.0121018s1961 maua b f000 0 eng d aon813320931 aFUGcFUG1 aenghrus aFUGG0 aD 301.45/4-3:341 aPustovoĭt, V. I.10aOn linear theories of gravitation /cV.I. Pustovoĭt. aWest Newton, Mass. :bMorris D. Friedman, Inc.,c[1961] a11 p. :bill. ;c28 cm.1 aAFCRL ;v34 a"February 1961." a"P-161." a"S/A 2, AF19(604)-5969." a"Prepared for Electronics Research Directorate, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Air Force Research Division (ARDC), United States Air Force, Bedford, Massachusetts." aOriginally appeared in Izvestiia VUZ, Fizika, No. 3, 1960, pp. 63-71. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 11). aTranslated from Russian. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aGravitation. 0aRelativity (Physics) 0aLinear systems.2 aMorris D. Friedman, Inc.2 aAir Force Cambridge Research Laboratories (U.S.).bElectronics Research Directorate.1 aUnited States.bAir Force.bResearch Division. 0aAFCRL ;v34.01191nam a2200265Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009724500170010624600190012326000600014230000420020249000170024450000490026150000570031059001110036758803110047865000340078965500350082369000160085871000340087483000170090803077840620121023145828.0121022s192u enka j 000 0 eng aon813844728 aFUGcFUG aFUGG00aAnimals ABC.3 aAnimals A B C. aLondon (180 Fleet Street) :bRenwick of Otley,c[192-?] a1 v. (unpaged) :bcol. ill. ;c20 cm.1 aPunch series aCover title, imprint from p. [4] of wrapper. aDate of publication based on text and illustrations. aBaldwin Library copy bound with: Goosie Gander. London (180 Fleet Street) : Renwick of Otley, [192-?].5FU aThis bibliographic record is available under a Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aAnimalsvJuvenile literature. 7aAlphabet rhymesy1925.2rbgenr 4aBldny1925.2 aRenwick of Otley (Firm).4pbl 0aPunch series01775nam a2200265Ia 450000500170000000800410001702000180005802000150007603500160009104000130010704100130012004900090013305000250014209900150016724501120018226000440029430000210033850000580035950001050041750505760052258803170109859900130141565000560142870000250148420130130083533.0130130s2012 cau 000 1 eng d a9781612270708 a1612270700 aon826007812 aFUGcFUG1 aenghfre aFUGG 4aPQ1276.S35bN46 2012 aPQ1276.S3500aNemoville and other French scientific romances /ctranslated, annotated and introduced by Brian Stableford. aEncino, CA :bBlack Coat Press,cc2012. a328 p. ;c21 cm. aSubtitle on cover:Twelve proto-science fiction tales. aA collection of 12 French scientific romances written between 1757 and 1924 translated into English.0 aVoyages in the microcosm by a modern disciple of Pythagoras / Emerich de Vattel -- Archeopolis / Alfred Bonnardot -- All the way, the commune in 2073 / René du Mesnil de Maricourt -- The tell-tale insects / Alphonse Brown -- A professional scruple / Claude Manceau -- Cataclysm / Georges Bethuys -- A message from the planet Mars / C. Paulon -- The blue laboratory / C. Paulon -- Nemoville / Emma-Adèle Lacerte -- Three hundred years hence / Pierre Mille -- The eternal voyage, or The prospectors of space / José Moselli -- The planetary messenger / José Moselli. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a30780297 0aScience fiction, FrenchvTranslations into English.1 aStableford, Brian M.02402nam a2200337Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708600210010610000210012724501420014826000840029030000310037449000170040550000230042250000310044550000270047650002040050350400490070752006840075658803130144065000330175365000290178665000170181571000640183271000890189671000610198583000180204603078589020121101091107.0121101s1961 nyua b f000 0 eng d aon815625516 aFUGcFUG aFUGG0 aD 301.45/4-3:7811 aVigants, Arvids.10aPropagation of electromagnetic surface waves along cylindrical columns with arbitrary radial permittivity variation /cby Arvids Vigants. aNew York, N.Y. :bColumbia University, Dept. of Electrical Engineering,c[1961] av, 61 p. :bill. ;c28 cm.1 aAFCRL ;v781 a"August 31, 1961." a"Technical report no. 69." a"CU-17-61-AF-3879-EE." a"Prepared for Electronics Research Directorate, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Office of Aerospace Research, United States Air Force, Bedford, Massachusetts, Contract No. AF 19(604)3879." aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 61). aA method is derived for obtaining parameters which characterize higher order surface wave mode propagation on cylindrical columns with radially inhomogeneous permittivity bounded by a homogeneous medium. The method is well suited for application to boundary value problems where conventional Green's function techniques or expansions in series of known functions cannot be used since it works directly with the coefficients of a particular set of differential equations. The only theoretical restriction on the permittivity function is that it must be non-singular. Numerical results were obtained for some permittivity models as a demonstration of the application of the method. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aSurface waves (Oceanography) 0aBoundary value problems. 0aWave guides.2 aColumbia University.bDepartment of Electrical Engineering.2 aAir Force Cambridge Research Laboratories (U.S.).bElectronics Research Directorate.1 aUnited States.bAir Force.bOffice of Aerospace Research 0aAFCRL ;v781.02830ngm a2200409Ia 450000100100000000500170001000700100002700800410003702400170007803500160009504000130011104900090012409900210013324502570015424600250041124600270043626000570046330000540052049000460057453800090062050000520062952006490068150501950133058803170152559900130184254002540185565000440210965000330215365000230218670000190220970000320222870000200226071000340228071000300231471000300234483000460237403079330120180905163950.0vd mvaizu121126s2012 ohu180 vleng d1 a793573199058 aon819321214 aFUGcFUG aFUGG aTT920b.F76 201200aFrom plate to tureenh[videorecording] :bslab & coil building /cwith Gail Kendall ; directed by Jennifer Harnetty ; filmed and edited by Jennifer Harnetty and Kevin Davison ; produced by Ceramic Publications Company ; presented by Ceramic Arts Daily.00aSlab & coil building00aSlab and coil building aWesterville, OH :bAmerican Ceramic Society,cc2012. a2 videodiscs (180 min.) :bsd., col. ;c4 3/4 in.1 aCeramic Arts Daily presents video series. aDVD. a"ceramic arts daily video library."--Container. a"In this installment of the Ceramic Arts Daily presents video series, Gail Kendall presents her "low-tech" techniques for fabricating beautiful plates, platters, bowls, and tureens using bisque molds, soft slabs, and coils. Starting with the basics, Gail explains how to make structurally sound coil-built molds, and then uses those molds to make a variety of forms. In addition, she demonstrates her sgraffito techniques on soft slip, as well as her glazing process. all along the way, Gail draws on her many years as a professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, to discuss not just the "how to, " but the "why to," as well."--container.1 aDisc 1: Coil building a bisque mold -- Making a small bowl -- Large bowl with handles -- Plates -- Bonus video: Handles -- Disc 2: Soup tureen -- Glazing -- Conclusion -- Recipes -- Gallery. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a30793301 aThis film may be used for personal or classroom teaching only. No public performance or streaming of this film without license or permission. Please consult with your library liaison for more information on the availability of licensing.5KEEPUF5FU 0aPottery craftvHandbooks, manuals, etc. 0aPotteryxStudy and teaching. 0aDocumentary films.1 aKendall, Gail.1 aPoellot Harnetty, Jennifer.1 aDavison, Kevin.2 aCeramic Publications Company.2 aCeramic Arts Daily (Firm)2 aAmerican Ceramic Society. 0aCeramic Arts Daily presents video series.01661nam a2200313Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009724500230010626000600012930000490018950000920023850000510033050000300038150502070041158803110061859001360092965000520106565000420111765000240115965000230118365500300120665500290123669000160126571000340128171000320131503079779120121113152838.0121113s192u enka j 000 m eng aon817731141 aFUGcFUG aFUGG00aKiddie's karnival. aLondon (180 Fleet Street) :bRenwick of Otley,c[192-?] a1 v. (unpaged) :bill. (some col.) ;c27 cm. aDate of publication based on text and illustrations. Title on cover, imprint on p. [9]. aProduced by William Walker & Sons (Otley) Ltd. aContains verse and prose.0 aThe doctor and the dollies -- A little sweep -- The jungle ferry -- On the sands -- Going shopping -- A wonderful raid -- A story without words -- Sweet little bird -- Squashed! -- Peter Piper's Pepper. aThis bibliographic record is available under a Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aBaldwin Library copy bound with: Sugar and spice : and all that is nice. London (180 Fleet Street) : Renwick of Otley, [192-?].5FU 0aChildrenxConduct of lifevJuvenile literature. 0aConduct of lifevJuvenile literature. 0aChildren's stories. 0aChildren's poetry. 0aChildren's storiesy1925. 0aChildren's poetryy1925. 4aBldny1925.2 aRenwick of Otley (Firm).4pbl2 aWilliam Walker & Sons.4prt02143cam a2200385Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000390008408600240012310000190014724501010016624600800026726000980034730000330044549000200047849000320049850000250053050000320055550001750058750001390076250400500090158803170095165000240126865000330129265000170132565000430134265000500138565000590143570000240149471000890151871000500160783000210165783000790167803080929620151104115855.0121119s1962 coua b f000 0 eng d aon818665605 aFUGcFUGdOCLCAdOCLCFdOCLdOCLCQ0 aD 301.45/4-3:62-9511 aWait, James R.14aThe resonance characteristics of a corrugated sphere /cby James R. Wait and Carolen M. Jackson.1 iContract title:aAntenna patterns in the presence of finite ground surfaces aBoulder, Colo. :bCentral Radio Propagation Laboratory, National Bureau of Standards,c[1962] ap. 347-353 :bill. ;c27 cm.1 aAFCRL ;v62-9511 aScientific report ;vno. 23 a"November 23, 1962." a"Project 5635, Task 56350." a"Prepared for Electronics Research Directorate, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Office of Aerospace Research, United States Air Force, Bedford, Massachusetts." aArticle written for the Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards--D. Radio Propagation, Vol. 67D, No. 3, May-June 1963. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 353). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aMagnetic resonance. 0aSurface waves (Oceanography) 0aDielectrics. 7aDielectrics.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00893122 7aMagnetic resonance.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01005777 7aSurface waves (Oceanography)2fast0(OCoLC)fst011392471 aJackson, Carolen M.2 aAir Force Cambridge Research Laboratories (U.S.).bElectronics Research Directorate.1 aUnited States.bNational Bureau of Standards. 0aAFCRL ;v62-951. 0aScientific report (United States. National Bureau of Standards) ;vno. 23.01929nam a2200349Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404100130009704900090011008600200011910000290013924502750016824601140044326002720055730000200082949000200084950000220086950000690089150400510096054600280101158803130103965000170135265000200136965000260138970000240141571000390143971000460147873000250152483000300154903081783320121129110252.0121129s1963 pl b f000 0 eng d aon819639579 aFUGcFUG1 aenghpol aFUGG0 aC 41.22:T/113881 aJedliński, Zbigniew J.14aThe influence of triphenylmethyl and benzoyl peroxide on the polymerization and drying of linseed and tung oils =b(Wpływ trójfenylometylu i nadtlenku benzoilu na polimeryzację i schnięcie olejów inianego i tungowego) /cZbigniew Jedliński, Tadeusz Umiński.31aWpływ trójfenylometylu i nadtlenku benzoilu na polimeryzację i schnięcie olejów inianego i tungowego aWarszawa, Poland :bPublished for the National Science Foundation and the Dept. of Agriculture by Centralny Instytut Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej i Ekonomicznej ;a[Washington, D.C. :bAvailable from the Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept. of Commerce],c1963. a11 p. ;c28 cm.1 aOTS ;v61-11388 aTitle from cover. aFrom: Przemysł Chemiczny Vol. 13 (40), No. 7, 1957, p. 401-405. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. [12]). aTranslated from Polish. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aDrying oils. 0aPolymerization. 0aSurfaces (Technology)1 aUmiński, Tadeusz.2 aNational Science Foundation (U.S.)1 aUnited States.bDepartment of Agriculture0 aPrzemysł chemiczny. 0aOTS (Series) ;v61-11388.01538nam a2200313 a 450000500170000000800410001702000180005802000150007603500160009104000130010704200080012004300120012804900090014005000240014909900140017324500950018726000940028230000330037649000560040950400490046558803170051459900130083160000300084465000670087465000650094161000570100671001030106383000580116620130129102758.0130129s2010 bl a b f000 0 por c a9788573656923 a8573656921 aon825774155 aFUGcFUG apcc as-bl--- aFUGG 4aF2684.S44bS46 2010 aF2684.S4400aSepé Tiaraju :bherói guarani, missioneiro, rio-grandense e agora, herói brasileiro. aBrasília :bCentro de Documentação e Informação :bEdições Câmara,c2010. a51 p. :bill. ;c21 x 27 cm.1 aSérie Obras comemorativas. Personalidades ;vn. 1 aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 47). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a3082099000aSepé Tiaraju,dd. 1756. 0aGuarani IndianszBrazilzRio Grande do Sul (State)vBiography. 0aGuarani IndiansxMissionszBrazilzRio Grande do Sul (State)20aJesuitsxMissionszBrazilzRio Grande do Sul (State)1 aBrazil.bCongresso Nacional.bCâmara dos Deputados.bCentro de Documentação e Informação 0aSérie Obras comemorativas.pPersonalidades ;vn. 1.01433nas a2200277 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002701000150006803500160008304000130009904200080011204900090012008600210012924500800015026001590023031000150038950000100040450000910041450000310050558800730053658800740060958803130068365000490099671000670104571000430111203083230820121214135734.0121214u195uuuuumauqr p f0 0eng c a2012229970 aon821217231 aFUGcFUG apcc aFUGG0 aY 3.At 7:22/NYO-00aFundamentals of cold working and recrystallization, progress report No. ... aCambridge, Mass. :bDept. of Metallurgy, Mass. Institute of Technology ;aOak Ridge, Tenn. :bU.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Service aQuarterly. a"NYO" a"Work performed under contract No. AT(30-1)-1002, Scope 3, D.I.C. 6802"--p.2 of cover. a"Metallurgy and Ceramics." aLatest issue consulted: NYO-7073 (Progress report no. 17, Dec. 1954) aLatest issue consulted: NYO-7077 (Progress report no. 21, Sept. 1955) aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aRecrystallization (Metallurgy)vPeriodicals.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission.bTechnical Information Service.2 aMassachusetts Institute of Technology.01791nam a2200313Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404100130009704900090011008600240011910000210014324501930016424600810035726003010043830000270073950000220076650000190078850000810080750000260088850400480091454600290096258803130099165000530130465000350135771000390139271000460143103095264720130108105100.0130108s1965 is a b f000 0 eng d aon823613020 aFUGcFUG1 aenghrus aFUGG0 aC 41.22:tt/65-500241 aFonshtein, L. M.14aThe effect of irradiation of wheat endosperms on the growth and development of the plants =bVliyanie oblucheniya endosperma semyan pshenitsy na rost i razvitie rastenii /cL.M. Fonshtein.31aVliyanie oblucheniya endosperma semyan pshenitsy na rost i razvitie rastenii aJerusalem :bPublished pursuant to an agreement with the Dept. of Agriculture and the National Science Foundation by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations ;aSpringfield, Va. :bAvailable from U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information,c1965. a6 p. :bill. ;c24 cm. aTitle from cover. a"TT 65-50024." a"From: Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Trudy Instituta Genetiki, No. 28:153-157, 1961." a"IPST Cat. No. 1298." aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 6). aTranslated from Russian. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPlant cells and tissuesxEffect of radiation on. 0aWheatxEffect of radiation on.2 aNational Science Foundation (U.S.)1 aUnited States.bDepartment of Agriculture01437nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708600340010624501450014026000770028530000250036249000260038750000170041350000510043050000680048150400530054958803130060265000360091565000390095165000420099070000220103271000680105483000250112203097255820130116100856.0130116s1959 tnua b f001 0 eng d aon824488502 aFUGcFUG aFUGG0 aY 3.At 7:22/TID-3046(Suppl.2)00aRadiation application and fission product utilization :ba bibliography of selected unclassified literature /ccompiled by Gifford A. Young. a[Oak Ridge, Tenn. :bAEC Technical Information Service Extension,c1959] axi, 177 p. ;c28 cm.1 aTID ;v3046 (Suppl.2) aCover title. a"Isotopes - Industrial Technology ; July 1959" a"Office of Isotopes Development, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission" aIncludes bibliographical references and indexes. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aFission productsvBibliography. 0aRadiation dosimetryvBibliography. 0aRadioactive substancesvBibliography.1 aYoung, Gifford A.2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission.bOffice of Isotopes Development. 0aTID ;v3046(Suppl.2)02351nam a2200373Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404100130009704900090011008600240011924501780014324600520032126002380037330000200061149000300063150000220066150000830068350400410076650505330080754600360134058803130137665000130168965000130170265000210171570000280173670000260176471000330179071000390182371000460186273000290190883000400193703098383120130129090433.0130129s1963 yu b f000 0 eng d aon825768247 aFUGcFUG1 aenghhrv aFUGG0 aC 41.22:T/11252/1-500aSelected articles from "Arhiv Bioloških Nauka" =bIzabrani članci iz "Arhiva bioloških nauka" /c[translated by Božidar Filipović ; edited by Elizabeth Tornquist].31aIzabrani članci iz "Arhiva bioloških nauka" aBelgrade, Yugoslavia :bPublished for the Dept. of Agriculture and the National Science Foundation by the NOLIT Publishing House ;a[Washington, D.C. :bAvailable from the Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept. of Commerce],c1963. a34 p. ;c24 cm.1 aOTS ;v61-11252/1,2,3,4,5 aTitle from cover. aPublication from the Srpsko biološko društvo (Serbian Biological Society). aIncludes bibliographical references.0 aA contribution to the study of the biology of trichomonadidae, pt. II / by Zlatibor Petrović -- Effect of temperature and moisture on the exogenous development of Eimeria perforans and Eimeria stiediae / by Slobodan Šibalić -- A contribution to the study of the biology of Eimeria mitis tyzzer 1929 / by Slobodan Šibalić -- A contribution to the study of the biology of trichomonadidae, pt. III / by Zlatibor Petrović -- A contribution to the study of the biology of trichomonadidae, pt. IV / by Zlatibor Petrović. aTranslated from Serbo-Croatian. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aBiology. 0aEimeria. 0aTrichomonadidae.1 aFilipović, Božidar.1 aTornquist, Elizabeth.2 aSrpsko biološko društvo.2 aNational Science Foundation (U.S.)1 aUnited States.bDepartment of Agriculture0 aArhiv bioloških nauka. 0aOTS (Series) ;v61-11252/1,2,3,4,5.01485nam a2200313Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404100130009704900090011008600240011910000270014324501250017024600400029526001910033530000190052650000170054550000610056250000190062354600290064258803130067165000280098465000190101270000290103171000500106071000390111073000220114903099332920130205143754.0130205s1973 ii f000 0 eng d aon826774475 aFUGcFUG1 aenghrus aFUGG0 aC 41.22:tt/72-510791 aKaterburgskiĭ, A. M.10aKuuziku--a valuable food product =b(Kuuziku--tsennyi pishchevoi produkt) /cA.M. Katerburgskii, L.A. Konstantinovskaya.31aKuuziku--tsennyi pishchevoi produkt aNew Delhi :bPublished for the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service and the National Science Foundation by the Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre,c1973. a5 p. ;c24 cm. aCover title. aFrom: Voprosy Pitaniya, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 66-68, 1968. a"TT 72-51079." aTranslated from Russian. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aTurnipsxHybridization. 0aFoodxTesting.1 aKonstantinovskaya, L. A.1 aUnited States.bAgricultural Research Service2 aNational Science Foundation (U.S.)0 aVoprosy pitaniya.01480nam a2200301Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708600250010610000200013124500710015126001030022230000270032550000220035250000310037450000250040550000600043050001500049050400480064058803130068865000170100165000220101870000380104071000350107871000650111303099700220130211141818.0130211s1955 tnua b f000 0 eng d aon827231883 aFUGcFUG aFUGG0 aY 3.At 7:22/NYO-70551 aFlanagan, W. F.10aHall effect in solid solutions /cby W.F. Flanagan, B.L. Averbach. aOak Ridge, Tenn. :bUnited States Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Service,c[1955] a8 p. :bill. ;c28 cm. aTitle from cover. a"Technical report no. 33." a"November 18, 1955." a"NYO-7055 ; Subject category: Metallurgy and Ceramics." aWork performed under Contract No. AT(30-1)-1002 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Metallurgy, Cambridge, Massachusetts. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 4). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aHall effect. 0aSolutions, Solid.1 aAverbach, B. L.q(Benjamin Lewis)2 aU.S. Atomic Energy Commission.2 aMassachusetts Institute of Technology.bDept. of Metallurgy.04092nam a2200385Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000240016324501450018726000570033230000310038950000610042050000190048150200490050050400410054950600320059052014960062252007390211858800690285758803170292659000330324365300580327665500390333469000630337369000350343683000470347185200440351885601440356203099723420130211145346.0m o d s cr n ma mp120629s2012 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0043964_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aGiovinazzi, Serena.10aDaxx Mitotic Function Plays a Pivotal Role in Chemotherapy Resistance and Cancer Progressionh[electronic resource] /cby Serena Giovinazzi. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2012. a1 online resource (134 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2012. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aBreast cancer accounts yearly for 200,000 newly diagnosed American women and loss of 40,000 of them, representing the number one killer in middle-aged women. Taxanes are considered among the most active chemotherapeutic agents for breast cancer treatment however intrinsic and acquired resistances to taxanes, limit the successful therapeutic outcomes of breast cancer patients. Thus it is crucial to identify mechanisms of resistance and predictive markers that would allow differentiation of patients in taxane responders or non-responders to improve patients overall and cancer-free survival. While seeking for additional markers of taxane response, we identified the novel role of protein Daxx in taxane sensitivity in experimental models and, importantly, in breast cancer patients (Chapter 3). Daxx, a ubiquitously expressed nuclear protein with relevant roles in transcription and cancer progression, acts as a mitotic checkpoint protein that ensures cell death upon exposure to taxanes. We have demonstrated that this function is mediated by Daxx mitotic partner Ubiquitin Specific processing Protease-7 (USP7). We found that USP7 has a crucial role in mitotic progression, regulating stability of mitotic checkpoint proteins CHFR, Aurora A kinase and Bub3. Results described in this dissertation show that decreased USP7 expression impairs response to taxanes in cancer cell lines (Chapter 4). In addition, here we show that Daxx-USP7 complex is fundamental for faithful chromosomes3 asegregation in daughter cells. Decreased expression of USP7 leads to accumulation of several mitotic abnormalities and ultimately to aneuploidy, as we previously observed for Daxx (Chapter 5). In conclusion, this work identified a new biological role of Daxx and USP7 in mitosis where loss of these proteins can contribute to cancer initiation/progression and development of chemotherapy resistance. Thus, the study presented in this dissertation proposes Daxx and USP7 as predictive markers for taxane chemotherapy response to allow proper patient's stratification. In addition, by explaining one of the mechanisms of taxane resistance, this study allows rational choice of alternative therapeutic strategies to defeat breast cancer. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Ishov, Alexander M. aaneuploidyacanceradaxxamitosisasacataxanesausp7 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxMolecular Cell Biology (IDP). aMedical Sciences thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDCcAll Collection Groups40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0043964yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2014-05-315FU04254nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000240017924501630020326000570036630000310042350000610045450000190051550200490053450400410058350600320062452011150065652012540177158800690302558803170309459000390341159900190345065300770346965500390354669000560358569000510364183000470369285200440373985600610378303099736120131210102002.0m o d s cr n ma mp120629s2012 flu obm s000 u eng d aon864880588 a(FU)UFE0044088_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aHolmes, Lisa Marie.14aThe Effects of Project Based Learning on 21St Century Skills and No Child Left behind Accountability Standardsh[electronic resource] /cby Lisa Marie Holmes. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2012. a1 online resource (120 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ed.D.)--University of Florida, 2012. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThe purpose of this study was to determine ways Digital Biographies, a Project Based Learning Unit, developed 21st century skills while simultaneously supporting NCLB accountability standards. The main goal of this study was to inform professional practice by exploring ways to address two separate, seemingly opposing, demands of education in the 21st century: developing important skills students need to be successful in the workforce and addressing the heightened accountability standards of No Child Left Behind. Additional goals include: adding to the research literature examining Project Based Learning's effectiveness and to shed light on ways other teachers can enhance learning opportunities for special populations. The goal of action research is to develop a certain type of knowledge that focuses on professional practice. To achieve the primary goal of this study, a mixed-methods action research model was used to gather and analyze data from a total of 26 subjects as they participated in a PBL unit. The study group was comprised of 13 students categorized in two or more special populations.3 aThe comparison group was comprised of students not identified as belonging to any of the special populations groups. Standardized assessments, a teacher reflective journal, and rubric scores were analyzed to determine the ways PBL can support both the development of 21st century skills and NCLB accountability standards. A repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to determine the interaction effect of the standardized assessments. The teacher reflective journal was transcribed and coded to reveal overarching themes. Rubric scores from the teacher researcher and from a validation group were also analyzed. As evidenced by varied data, Digital Biographies proved to support NCLB accountability standards by increasing student achievement in reading and the FCAT success probability rate. It showed promise in developing technology and 21st century skills such as learning and innovation skills and information and technology skills. Additionally, it demonstrated a positive result in terms of closing the technology achievement gap between underserved students and their peers, especially in the area of constructing and demonstrating knowledge. Recommendations for classroom implementation and future research are discussed. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Ritzhaupt, Albert Dieter. ajkr 2012055FU a21stabasedabehindacenturyachildalearningaleftanoaprojectaskills 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxTeaching and Learning. aCurriculum and Instruction (CCD) thesis, Ed.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDCcAll Collection Groups40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0044088yClick here for full text03660nam a2200385Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000220016324501330018526000570031830000300037550000610040550000190046650200480048550400410053350600320057452015050060652003320211158800690244358803170251259000310282965300470286065500390290769000650294669000280301183000470303985200440308685601440313003099747220130211150647.0m o d s cr n ma mp120629s2012 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0044206_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aGowey, Marissa A.10aDisordered Eating and Health-Related Quality of Life in Overweight and Obese Youthh[electronic resource] /cby Marissa A Gowey. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2012. a1 online resource (58 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2012. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aResearch suggests that overweight and obese children have significantly lower health-related quality of life (HRQOL). However, the role of demographics in relation to HRQOL remains unclear. Additionally, factors with negative physical and psychosocial outcomes, such as disordered eating, have not been thoroughly investigated in association with HRQOL. The current study examines the relationship between demographic variables, disordered eating attitudes and behaviors, unhealthy weight control behaviors, and HRQOL. Participants were 181 overweight or obese youth ages 7-12 years and their parents in a behavioral weight management program. Prior to treatment, children were measured for height and weight and completed questionnaires regarding disordered eating attitudes and behaviors and HRQOL, while parents completed questionnaires regarding demographics and child HRQOL. Almost 17% of the sample endorsed clinically significant disordered eating attitudes and behaviors, while over two-thirds endorsed unhealthy weight control behaviors. Younger children endorsed more disordered eating and lower HRQOL, while children with higher BMI z-scores reported more unhealthy weight control behaviors and lower HRQOL. No significant relationships were found between gender and other variables. Disordered eating attitudes and behaviors and unhealthy weight control behaviors were negatively associated with HRQOL, although differences were revealed among parent-proxy and child-self report of HRQOL.3 aThis study suggests that a subset of overweight and obese children engage in disordered eating attitudes and unhealthy weight control behaviors, which has important implications for assessment and treatment. Furthermore, discrepancies between HRQOL reports underline the utility of multiple informants in research and practice. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Janicke, David M. achildrenadisorderedaeatingaobesityaqol 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxClinical and Health Psychology. aPsychology thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDCcAll Collection Groups40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0044206yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2014-05-315FU03307nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000270017924501070020626000570031330000300037050000610040050000190046150200480048050400410052850600320056952014950060152000580209658800690215458803170222359000280254059900180256865300270258665500390261369000550265269000380270783000470274585200440279285600610283603099758520131210095055.0m o d s cr n ma mp120629s2012 flu obm s000 u eng d aon864823641 a(FU)UFE0044308_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aSrinivasan, Aishwarya.10aDeposition of Indium Tin Oxide for Opto-Electronicsh[electronic resource] /cby Aishwarya Srinivasan. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2012. a1 online resource (58 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2012. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aProduction of clean and affordable energy is one of the major challenges the world is facing today. Photo-voltaic devices work on the principle of generation of electricity by utilizing energy from the sun. DSSCs are the most important third generation photo-voltaic cell and there have been novel attempts to modify the morphology of the photo-anode by the introduction of high aspect ratio nanowires. A suitable material for fabrication of DSSCs is Indium Tin oxide (ITO) because of high conductivity and transparency. This work focuses on the electrochemical fabrication of ITO films as an initial step to generate nanowires. In the first part, electrophoretic deposition of ITO nano-particles on aluminum substrates is discussed. Films were examined for their thickness, phase and conductivity. This part of the study could not be successfully applied to our system due to some limitations, which have been described. As an alternative, a novel approach for the electro-deposition of ITO is examined. The effect of dopant level on deposition was studied and films prepared with 10wt% tin showed a sheet resistance of 8.048x10-4 ?cm. It was observed that the sheet resistance increased with dopant level. Hence, an approximate 10 wt% or less tin was fixed for optimum conductivity. The transparency of the films has been an issue for both the mentioned techniques and it was realized that the lack of transparency could be due to the surface roughness of aluminum substrates and chloride3 aprecursor materials used in preparation of solutions. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Ziegler, Kirk. ats 2013055FU aelectrodepositionaito 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxChemical Engineering. aChemical Engineering thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDCcAll Collection Groups40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0044308yClick here for full text03086nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000190017924500750019826000570027330000310033050000610036150000190042250200490044150400410049050600320053152012750056358800690183858803170190759000280222459900190225265300320227165500390230369000690234269000420241183000470245385200440250085601440254403099773420131029111119.0m o d s cr n ma mp121012s2012 flu obm s000 u eng d aon858441992 a(FU)UFE0044430_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aLiu, Xiaoding.10aEssays in corporate financeh[electronic resource] /cby Xiaoding Liu. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2012. a1 online resource (120 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2012. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThe first study examines the economic consequences of IPO spinning using a sample of 56 companies going public in 1996-2000 in which top executives received allocations of other hot initial public offerings (IPOs) from the bookrunner. The 56 IPOs had first-day returns that were, on average, 23% higher than similar IPOs. The profits collected by these executives were only a small fraction of the incremental amount of money left on the table by their companies when they went public. These companies were dramatically less likely to switch investment bankers in a follow-on offer: only 6% of issuers whose executives were spun switched underwriters, whereas 31% of other issuers switched. These findings suggest that the spinning of executives accomplished its goal of affecting corporate decisions. The second study develops a theory of initial public offering underpricing based on differentiated underwriting services and localized competition. Even though a large number of investment banks compete for IPOs, if issuers care about non-price dimensions of underwriting, then the industry structure is best characterized as a series of local oligopolies. Model implications are tested on all-star analyst coverage, industry expertise, and other non-price dimensions. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Ritter, Jay R. amtc 2012085FU aipoaspinningaunderpricing 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxFinance, Insurance and Real Estate. aBusiness Administration thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDCcAll Collection Groups40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0044430yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2014-08-315FU04263nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000250017924501420020426000570034630000310040350000610043450000190049550200490051450400410056350600320060452014720063652007440210858800690285258803170292159000320323859900190327065302220328965500390351169000420355069000260359283000470361885200440366585601440370903099795720131122103748.0m o d s cr n ma mp121012s2012 flu obm s000 u eng d aon857766999 a(FU)UFE0044545_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aRinne, Craig Thomas.14aThe end of history and America firsth[electronic resource]b1990s Hollywood Westerns and post-Cold War America /cby Craig Thomas Rinne. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2012. a1 online resource (170 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2012. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aIn the early to mid-1990s, a substantial stream of Hollywood Westerns again nourished American audiences. My dissertation explains why the Western cycle of the 1990s occurred. Chapter 1 surveys the critical literature on the genre in the '90s, which usually asserts genre revisionism as the cause. While revisionism is crucial, I assert that the larger national, even global, events of the '90s equally influence these films. Following Phillip Wegner's cultural analysis of the era as a period of openness and uncertainty, prior to the restrictive tragedy of 9/11, I argue that the reopening of the frontier and representations of mythic history in the Western support Wegner's analysis of the 1990s as an open, experimental space. Chapter 2 closely examines numerous '90s Westerns and offers an overview of how these films changed some generic conventions to adapt to the post-Cold War political climate by branching into liberal and conservative modes. In Chapter 3, I turn to Clint Eastwood and the development of his senior persona, which reflects an aging American population recalling its violent 20th century past. Unforgiven (1993) most obviously incorporates his senior persona and addresses a violent past in frontier narratives. Traditional in terms of style, it subverts generic frameworks but ultimately affirms them within a new ideological balance. Chapter 4 examines The Last of the Mohicans (1992), which returns to the literary roots of the Western.3 aIt includes revisionism, like positive Native American portrayals and a sense of communal hope. This idyllic commune trying to survive a global struggle suggests the American populace during the Cold War, as the codes of racial struggle suggest the hidden costs of a brighter future. Chapter 5 addresses The Quick and the Dead (1995), a postmodern piece that references Sergio Leone's films. The film is a pastiche that touches upon multiple critiques of Cold War American society, but that ultimately can only suggest a violent fantasy of revolution that results in the transition of power to a slightly more benign heroic individual. Chapter 6 summarizes the Western cycle and concludes by examining its end, focusing on Dead Man (1995). aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Wegner, Phillip E. ajkr 2012085FU a1990sacinemaaclintacoldacooperadeadadeadmanadeppaeastwoodafilmafrontieragenreahollywoodajarmuschamannameansamohicansaninetiesaquickaraimiarinneastoneatombstoneaunforgivenawarawesternawesterns 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxEnglish. aEnglish thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDCcAll Collection Groups40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0044545yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2014-08-315FU11089nam a2200457Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000200017924501740019926000570037330000310043050000610046150000190052250200500054150400410059150600320063252017560066452018670242052019210428752012170620852019310742552005040935658800690986058803170992959000301024659900181027665300471029465500391034169000571038069000421043783000471047985200441052685600611057003099805920150110185633.0m o d s cr n ma mp121012s2012 flu obm s000 u eng d aon857717329 a(FU)UFE0044665_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aLewis, Jamal S.10aDevelopment of a Dendritic Cell-Targeting, Synthetic Biomaterial Microparticle Vaccine for the Prevention of Type 1 Diabetesh[electronic resource] /cby Jamal S. Lewis. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2012. a1 online resource (180 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2012. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aType 1 Diabetes (T1D) in both humans and non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice results from a breakdown of self-tolerance that is characterized by T cell-mediated β-cell destruction. Recently, this failure in homeostatic regulation has been attributed to a deficiency in the number and/ or function of dendritic cells (DCs) and regulatory T cells (Tregs). DCs are professional antigen presenting cells (APCs) with the capacity to instigate either the inflammatory or anti-inflammatory arms of the adaptive immune system. DCs influence peripheral immune tolerance via a number of modalities including the induction of effector T cell anergy and deletion, immune deviation, expansion and induction of regulatory T cells. With respect to Tregs, numerous studies have shown that this subpopulation of CD25+, FoxP3-expresssing T cells have functional defects and reduced frequency with progression of diabetes in NOD mice. These findings have inspired a novel, personalized approach to the treatment of autoimmune diseases including T1D, known as dendritic cell-based immunotherapy. Although DC-based immunotherapy has been developed to the point where it is currently being tested in humans, problems such as the plasticity and complexity of DC maturation, ex-vivo stability, shelf-life, and high costs restrict the widespread application of this therapeutic approach. One design strategy focuses on in vivo targeting of DCs with injectable, synthetic particulate systems that can deliver vaccine components including immunomodulatory agents. We are developing a multifunctional, synthetic microparticle-encapsulated vaccine that can be easily administered with simultaneous and continuous delivery using controlled-release materials (poly lactide-co-glycolide).3 aPoly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) particulate systems have gained widespread attention as a viable option for delivery of vaccines in the last quarter century. Qualities such as control of size, loading and release kinetics, immunogenicity, antigen processing and presentation, and surface functionalization superimpose to make PLGA microparticulate systems ideal for vaccine delivery to dendritic cells (DCs). Recent, efforts at controlling the DC polarity for mitigation of autoimmune disorders, such as type 1 diabetes (T1D) have intensified. Herein, we describe the development of a dendritic cell-targeting, PLGA microparticle vaccine for the abrogation of type 1 diabetes and applicable to other autoimmune diseases. The first objective was to enhance passive targeting of dendritic cells by microparticles. A number of studies have shown that active targeting of DCs using surface-modified particulate systems improves DC uptake and trafficking, and further escalates downstream immuno-stimulatory responses for cancer vaccine applications. However, given the immuno-stimulant pathways activated by the receptors targeted in these studies, other candidates which are non-inflammatory must be considered for auto-immune applications. We investigated the targeting of DCs using PLGA microparticles (MPs) in a non-stimulatory manner and assess efficacy in vitro and in vivo. We modified MPs by surface immobilizing DC receptor targeting molecules - antibodies (anti-CD11c, anti-DEC-205) or peptides (P-D2, RGD), where anti-CD11c antibody, P-D2 and RGD peptides target integrins and anti-DEC-205 antibody targets the c-type lectin receptor DEC-205. Our results demonstrate the modified MPs are neither toxic nor activating, and DC uptake of MPs in vitro is improved by the anti-DEC-205 antibody, the anti-CD11c antibody and the P-D2 peptide modifications.3 aThe P-D2 peptide MP modification significantly improved DC antigen presentation in vitro both at immediate and delayed time points. Notably, MP functionalization with P-D2 peptide and anti-CD11c antibody increased the rate and extent of MP translocation in vivo by DCs and macrophages (MΦs), with the P-D2 peptide modified MPs demonstrating the highest translocation. This work informs the design of non-activating polymeric microparticulate applications such as vaccines for autoimmune diseases. We then evaluated the efficacy of different MP formulations to confer tolerogenicity to DCs in vitro. The goal of this MP approach, inspired by DC-based immunotherapy, is to modulate DC phenotype in situ through targeted, local delivery of immunosuppressive agents. Cognizant that most immunomodulatory effects on immune cells occur when a plurality of agents are acting in concert we designed a unique dual MP system to deliver immunomodulatory agents simultaneously and precisely to their respective receptors. Specifically, we fabricated two classes of MPs: (i) phagocytosable MPs that could deposit their payload intracellularly and (ii) MPs that could not be readily taken up and release agents into the extracellular milieu. Phagocytosable MPs were loaded with pharmaceutical agents, either of rapamycin (RAPA), or retinoic acid (RA). While un-phagocytosable MPs encapsulated either transforming growth factor- beta1 (TGF-β1), or interleukin-10 (IL-10). We demonstrated that we can prepare MPs to desired size and encapsulating immunomodulatory agents via single and double emulsion, solvent evaporation techniques. The release kinetics of these MPs were all characterized, in general, they last for 4 weeks or greater. Additionally, we observed that in vitro, MP formulations with encapsulated agents generally effected greater modulation of DC stimulatory molecules than their soluble equivalent counterparts.3 aFurther, combination of single factor MPs led to cumulative dampening of DC activation markers but this is dependent on the combination of encapsulated factors. Similarly, we investigated the impact of our dual MP systems on inhibitory molecules. Results show that single dose agents at the concentrations and in the delivery format used in this study also inhibit expression of suppressive surface molecules on DCs. This was further intensified by simultaneous delivery of cytokines by un-phagocytosable MPs. However, downregulation of DC inhibitory molecules did not affect the ability of MP-treated DCs to suppress proliferation of allogenic T cells. To begin to decipher the observed severe immunosuppression by dual MP-treated DCs, we tested for generation of regulatory FoxP3+ T cells under the same conditions. Our results demonstrate that, with the exception of the RA/ TGF-β1 MPs group, the CD25+ FoxP3 expressing subpopulation of T cells is relatively constant for all treatments. This indicates the strong levels of suppression we observe for our MP formulations are most likely due to DC hypo-stimulatory state and T cell anergy, in addition to other uninvestigated mechanisms like T cell apoptosis.3 aOne dual MP system which showed great potential for in vivo tolerance induction based on in vitro testing was the Vit D3 MP in combination with the TGF-β1 MP. We compiled a dossier on the in vitro immune effects of this dual MP system then tested its efficacy as a type 1 diabetes prevention therapy. Moreover, we fabricated two classes of MPs sized ~ 1μm (phagocytosable) and 30 μm (un-phagocytosable). The phagocytosable MPs were loaded with Vit D3 and insulin. The un-phagocytosable MPs encapsulated TGF-B1 and GM-CSF. We confirmed loading and release kinetics of these drug-loaded using conventional particle degradation and drug detection methods. The release profiles show an initial burst release within the first week followed by a more gradual release for the next three weeks. The effects of the Vit D3/ TGF-β1 dual MP system on the expression of stimulatory molecules (MHC II, CD80, CD86) on DCs as well as the relevant control treatments were studied. In comparison to iDCs, all of these activating markers are down-regulated significantly by incubation with the combination of VitD3/ TGF-β1 MPs. Further, Vit D3/ TGF-β1 MP-treated DCs considerably inhibit proliferation of allogenic T cells. These MPs were injected into a cohort of 8 wk old, female NOD mice to investigate their efficacy at diabetes prevention. Injection of the combination of GM-CSF MPs + Vit D3 MPs + TGF-B1 MPs + hInsulin MPs resulted in a survival rate of 60% non-diabetic mice, compared to the blank MPs at 10% non-diabetic after 28 wks. Kaplan-Meier analysis at this point reveals the survival proportions for this group is significant compared to the control with a p-value of 0.045. onset of diabetes in NOD mice when treated at an age that is therapeutically relevant. In the future, we will investigate diabetes prevention with the targeted MPs, as we expect improved uptake of MPs in vivo to further promote diabetes prevention.3 aThese studies demonstrate that our engineered microparticle vaccine formulations can: (a) target DCs in vivo for uptake and trafficking; (b) modulate DC phenotype and further promote allogenic T cell hyporesponsiveness to exposed DCs; (c) prevent the onset of diabetes in NOD mice when treated at an age that is therapeutically relevant. In the future, we will investigate diabetes prevention with the targeted MPs, as we expect improved uptake of MPs in vivo to further promote diabetes prevention. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Keselowsky, Ben. ash 2012085FU aDCadiabetesamicroparticleaPLGAavaccine 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxBiomedical Engineering. aBiomedical Engineering thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDCcAll Collection Groups40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0044665yClick here for full text03469nam a2200385Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000210016324501070018426000570029130000300034850000610037850000190043950200480045850400410050650600320054752015090057952001680208858800690225658803170232559000300264265300330267265500390270569000700274469000340281483000470284885200440289585601440293903099816220130213162406.0m o d s cr n ma mp121012s2012 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0044777_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aBishop, Jesse M.14aThe Role of Rh B Glycoprotein in Renal Ammonia Metabolismh[electronic resource] /cby Jesse M Bishop. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2012. a1 online resource (47 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2012. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aRenal ammonia metabolism is a critical mechanism involved in the maintenance of acid-base homeostasis. ℗Renal epithelial cell transport, along with renal ammonia genesis are two major facets of renal ammonia metabolism. Recent studies have identified members of a family of ammonia specific transporters that play a critical role in renal epithelial℗transport. Rh B glycoprotein (Rhbg) is one member of the large family of ammonia specific transporters.℗ Rhbgis expressed in the kidney, liver, lung, gastrointestinal tract and skin.℗ ℗In the kidney, Rhbg is expressed in the basolateral plasma membrane in cells of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT),connecting segment (CNT), initial collecting tubule (ICT) and throughout the collecting duct.℗ The current study investigates the role of Rhbg in response to conditions that involve altered℗ renal ammonia metabolism. This includes an investigation into Rhbǵs role in hypokalemia and a preliminary investigation into the renal response to dietary protein restriction.℗ This study included the use of intercalated cell Rhbg knockout mice (IC-Rhbg-KO) and collecting duct Rhbg knockout mice (CD-Rhbg-KO) and control mice that had normal Rhbg expression. Rhbg protein expression increased in both the cortex and outer medulla in response to hypokalemia. In control mice, hypokalemia increased total urinary ammonia excretion, absolute ammonia concentration and urine pH, whereas in IC-Rhbg-KOmice, urine ammonia concentration did not change3 asignificantly from baselineand total urinary ammonia excretion was significantly less than in C mice.℗ Urine pH, Na+, K+ and volume were unaltered by IC-Rhbg-KO. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Weiner, David I. ahypokalemiaarhbgatransport 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxMolecular Genetics and Microbiology. aMedical Sciences thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDCcAll Collection Groups40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0044777yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2014-08-315FU01201nam a2200253Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708600220010610000160012824501030014426000660024730000280031350000190034150000440036050000920040450400520049658803130054865000250086165000440088670000170093003100120020130213130210.0130213s1958 dcua b f000 0 eng d aon827561520 aFUGcFUG aFUGG0 aY 3.At 7:40-2/9541 aBane, R. W.10aAnalytical chemistry in a nuclear research and development laboratory /cR.W. Bane and J.K. Brody. a[Washington, D.C.? :bU.S. Government Printing Office,c1958] a25 p. :bill. ;c28 cm. aCaption title. a"A/CONF.15/P/954 ; U.S.A. ; June 1958." a"Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy." aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 22-25). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aChemistry, Analytic. 0aNuclear energyxResearchxLaboratories.1 aBrody, J. K.00912nam a2200217Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009704900090010905000230011809900120014110000290015324500560018226000500023830000440028858803170033259900130064965100320066203101634920130222165758.0130222s2012 flua 000 0 eng d aon828205950 aFUGcFUG ancnq--- aFUGG 4aF1524.3b.F74 2012 aF1524.31 aFreeman, Richard,d1959-10aQuotes from Nicaragua /cimages by Richard Freeman. a[Gainesville, Fla.? :bMy Publisher],cc2012. a[39] p. :ball col. ill. ;c23 x 29 cm. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a31016349 0aNicaraguavPictorial works.01325nam a2200301 i 450000500170000000800410001703500160005804000230007404100130009704200080011004300120011804900090013005000240013909900130016310000240017624501020020024600580030226400620036030000470042233600260046933700280049533800270052354600830055058803130063359900140094665000320096065000310099220130829121923.0130829s2001 bl a 000 0 spa c aon857234309 aFUGbengerdacFUG1 aspaapor apcc acl----- aFUGG 4aHD3450.5b.S43 2001 aHD3450.51 aRodrigues, Roberto.13aLa segunda ola cooperativa :buna visión compartida /ctextos originales Dr. Roberto Rodrigues.31aSegunda onda cooperativa :buma visão compartilhada 1a[João Pessoa] :bDinâmica Gráfica e Editora,c2001. a41, 41 pagesbcolor illustrations ;c23 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aText in Spanish and Portuguese on inverted pages; Spanish title page selected. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a031021775 0aCooperationzLatin America. 0aInternational cooperation.01395nam a2200337Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000150006802000180008303500160010104000130011704100130013004300120014304900090015505000220016409900110018610000240019724500570022126000520027830000210033049000710035154600450042250400410046758803130050859900130082165000330083465100290086761000680089679600350096483000580099903102443320130318132157.0130318s1994 sw b 000 0 swe d a9176361160 a9789176361160 aon830320527 aFUGcFUG0 aswebeng ae-sw--- aFUGG 4aBJ1725b.J59 1994 aBJ17251 aJohannesson, Conny.10aEtik i förhandlingsstaten /cav Conny Johannesson. a[Växjö] :bHögskolan i Växjö,cc1994. a333 p. ;c21 cm.1 aActa Wexionensia. Serie 2, Ekonomi och politik,x0281-1588 ;vnr 5 aText in Swedish with summary in English. aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a31024433 0aProfessional ethicszSweden. 0aSwedenxEconomic policy.10aSweden.bRiksförsäkringsanstaltenxOfficials and employees.13aAllen, Gregory R.,edonor.5FU 0aActa Wexionensia.nSerie 2,pEconomy & politics ;v5.01339nam a2200265Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708600220010610000180012824501760014626000660032230000280038850000190041650000440043550000920047950400490057158803130062065000590093365000240099270000180101671000390103403102661020130306090823.0130306s1958 dcua b f000 0 eng d aon829087811 aFUGcFUG aFUGG0 aY 3.At 7:40-2/5251 aSmiley, S. H.14aThe development of a high capacity, continuous process for the preparation of uranium hexafluoride from uranium oxides and ore concentrates /cS.H. Smiley and D.C. Brater. a[Washington, D.C.? :bU.S. Government Printing Office,c1958] a23 p. :bill. ;c28 cm. aCaption title. a"A/CONF.15/P/525 ; U.S.A. ; June 1958." a"Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy." aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 23). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aUranium ore processing plantsxEquipment and supplies. 0aUranium enrichment.1 aBrater, D. C.2 aOak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant.01259nam a2200265Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708600220010610000150012824501300014326000660027330000280033950000190036750000440038650000920043050400490052258803130057165000370088465000340092170000200095570000180097503103081320130311104118.0130311s1958 dcua b f000 0 eng d aon829683037 aFUGcFUG aFUGG0 aY 3.At 7:40-2/7021 aWagner, P.10aSome mechanical properties of graphite in the temperature range 20° to 3000°C /cP. Wagner, A.R. Driesner, and E.A. Kmetko. a[Washington, D.C.? :bU.S. Government Printing Office,c1958] a28 p. :bill. ;c28 cm. aCaption title. a"A/CONF.15/P/702 ; U.S.A. ; June 1958." a"Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy." aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 19). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aGraphitexMechanical properties. 0aGraphitexThermal properties.1 aDriesner, A. R.1 aKmetko, E. A.01217nam a2200265Ia 450000500170000000800410001702000180005802000150007603500160009104000180010704300120012504900090013705000240014609900140017011000510018424500900023526000960032530000430042159000100046458803170047459900130079161000520080465000570085665000380091320130712110848.0130712s2009 pn a f000 0 spa d a9789962894414 a9962894417 aon852689711 aFUGbengcFUG ancpn--- aFUGG 4aHV1559.P2bP35 2009 aHV1559.P21 aPanama.bSecretaría Nacional de Discapacidad10aMemoria del quinquenio, período 2004-2009 /cSecretaría Nacional de Discapacidad. aPanamá, República de Panamá :bSENADIS, Secretatía Nacional de Discapacidad,c2009. a67 p. :bill. (chiefly col.) ;c29 cm. agift. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a3103614810aPanama.bSecretaría Nacional de Discapacidad. 0aPeople with disabilitiesxGovernment policyzPanama. 0aPeople with disabilitieszPanama.01240nam a2200265Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009708600230010610000210012924501090015026000660025930000280032550000190035350000450037250000920041750400520050958803130056165000320087465000340090670000150094070000190095503104019720130319152730.0130319s1958 dcua b f000 0 eng d aon830446772 aFUGcFUG aFUGG0 aY 3.At 7:40-2/17851 aBauer, Arthur A.10aPhysical metallurgy and properties of zirconium-uranium alloys /cA.A. Bauer, S. Kass, and K.M. Goldman. a[Washington, D.C.? :bU.S. Government Printing Office,c1958] a23 p. :bill. ;c28 cm. aCaption title. a"A/CONF.15/P/1785 ; U.S.A. ; June 1958." a"Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy." aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 22-23). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aUranium alloysxMetallurgy. 0aZirconium alloysxMetallurgy.1 aKass, Sam.1 aGoldman, K. M.02214cam a2200421 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002701000150006802000180008302000150010103500160011604000520013204200080018404300120019204900090020405000220021309900100023510000460024524500520029126400900034326400110043330000240044433600260046833700280049433800270052249000140054950400410056350505630060458803170116765100330148465100330151765100350155065000510158565100360163664800220167265500390169483000590173303106375320150327153528.0130603t20122012cu b 000 0 spa c a2013446479 a9789597218142 a9597218143 aon847846138 aFUGbengerdacFUGdDLCdOCLCFdFQGdOCLCOdFXG apcc anwcu--- aFXGG00aF1788b.R546 2012 aF17881 aRodríguez, Pedro Pablo,d1946-eauthor.10aEnsayos de mi mundo /cPedro Pablo Rodríguez. 1aLa Habana :bEdiciones La Memoria, Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau,c2012. 4c©2012 a114 pages ;c21 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aHomenajes aIncludes bibliographical references.0 aLa modernidad discursiva hispanoamericana : literatura, periodismo y mercado : ¿Un intento de contramodernidad? -- El proyecto ilustrado de modernidad en Cuba : modelo y realidad -- ¿Qué pasó con la Revolución del 95? -- El testimonio y la historiografía -- Contextualización de la crítica historiográfica -- Miró Argenter : entre el testimonio y la historiografía -- Raza y color : el dilema cubano -- El marxismo y la cultura cubana : apuntes al vuelo -- Cultura y otro mundo posible : cinco apuntes. -- Un desconocido : José Peralta. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCubaxHistoryy19th century. 0aCubaxHistoryy20th century. 0aCubaxSocial life and customs. 7aManners and customs.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01007815 7aCuba.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01205805 7a1800 - 19992fast 7aHistory.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411628 0aHomenajes (Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau)01173nam a2200277 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000130011704200080013004900090013805000240014709900140017110000400018524500500022525000130027526000670028830000200035549000370037550000710041258803170048359900130080083000820081303106880720180926141836.0130408s2012 cu 000 p spa c a9789593021050 a9593021051 aon836774273 aFUGcFUG apcc aFUGG 4aPQ7390.N6bC33 2012 aPQ7390.N61 aNogueras, Luis Rogelio,d1945-1985.10aCabeza de zanahoria /cLuis Rogelio Nogueras. a[2. ed.] aLa Habana :bUnión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba,cc2012. a64 p. ;c18 cm.1 aColección Sur. Poesía ;v187 aCollection of poems that won the Premio David de Poesía in 1967. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a31068807 0aColección Sur (Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba).pPoesía ;v187.01354nam a2200313Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009704900090010908600220011810000230014024500730016326000820023630000230031849000180034150000220035950000240038150000120040550000250041750000940044258803130053665000460084965100430089570000180093871000560095683000280101203115007220130404104129.0130404s1962 dcu f000 0 eng d aon835595385 aFUGcFUG ae-ru--- aFUGG0 aY 3.J 66:13/125371 aGrigorʹyev, A. A.10aIndustry of the Karelian SSR /cby A.A. Grigorʹyev and A.V. Ivanov. aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Joint Publications Research Service,c1962. aa, 29 p. ;c27 cm.1 aJPRS ;v12537 aTitle from cover. a"13 February 1962." a"SS-R." a"CSO: 2105-S"--P. a. aTranslation of excerpts from selected parts of the book entitled Karelʹskaya ASSR, 1956. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aIndustrieszRussia (Federation)zKarelia. 0aKarelia (Russia)xEconomic conditions.1 aIvanov, A. V.1 aUnited States.bJoint Publications Research Service 0aJPRS (Series) ;v12537.01312nam a2200325 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404100130009704200080011004900090011805000220012709900120014910000260016124000350018724501500022225000120037226000310038430000320041549000220044758803130046959900130078265000340079570000330082970000300086271000360089279600350092883000230096303131855520130507155202.0130426s1984 xr a j 000 0 cze c aon840900089 aFUGcFUG1 aczebslo apcc aFUGG 4aPZ70.C9bJ36 1984 aPZ70.C91 aJančová, Mária.10aBraček a sestrička.lCzech10aBratříček a sestřička /cMária Jančová ; [Ilustrovala Olga Čechová ; Ze slovenského ... přeložila Marie Vodičková]. a1. vyd. aPrague :bAlbatros,c1984. a60 p. :bcol. ill. ;c20 cm1 aPrvní čtení aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a31318555 0aChildren's literature, Czech.1 aVodičková, Marie,d1930-1 aČechová, Olga,d1925-2 aAlbatros (Firm)epublisher.5FU13aAllen, Gregory R.,edonor.5FU 0aPrvní čtení.01429nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404100180009704900090011505000210012409900110014510000230015624500810017926000540026030000200031450001360033450000880047050400410055854600300059958803130062960000580094279600300100071000520103073000570108203134614320130418143524.0130418s1964 it b 000 0 ita d aon839909603 aFUGcFUG aitaagrcalat aFUGG04aPA6484b.V3 1964 aPA64841 aVallot, Giampaolo.10aLucrezio e la morte :b(un giudizio di Teodoro Mommsen) /cGiampaolo Vallot. aPadova :bSocieta Cooperativa Tipografica,c1964. a12 p. ;c25 cm. a"Estratta dalle Memorie della Accademia Patavina di SS. LL. AA.: Classe di Scienze Morali, Lettere ed Arti - Vol. LXXVI (1963-64)." a"Presentata dal socio corr. P. Ferrarino nell'adunanza del 12 Marzo 1964."--P. [3]. aIncludes bibliographical references. aItalian, Greek and Latin. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.10aLucretius Carus, TitusxCriticism and interpretation.13aMarg, Walter,edonor.5FU2 aAccademia patavina di scienze, lettere ed arti.0 aClasse di scienze morali, lettere ed arti.nvol. 76.01279nam a2200289Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300210009704900090011808600210012724500550014826000820020330000230028549000170030850000220032550000250034750000120037250000250038450001010040958803130051065100580082365000250088171000560090683000270096203144605920130425095753.0130425s1961 dcu f000 0 eng d aon840817333 aFUGcFUG aa-iq---ae-ur--- aFUGG0 aY 3.J 66:13/889200aIraqi government target of critical Russian press. aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Joint Publications Research Service,c1961. aa, 10 p. ;c27 cm.1 aJPRS ;v8892 aTitle from cover. a"19 September 1961." a"SS-R." a"CSO: 5808-D"--P. a. aTranslations of selected articles on the Iraqi situation in various Russian-language newspapers. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aIraqxPolitics and governmenty1958-xPress coverage. 0aPresszSoviet Union.1 aUnited States.bJoint Publications Research Service 0aJPRS (Series) ;v8892.02783nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000270017924500920020626000570029830000300035550000610038550000190044650200490046550400410051450600320055552010440058758800690163158803170170059000350201759900190205265300540207165500390212569000440216469000420220883000470225085200210229785600670231803144747820140207112038.0m o d s cr n ma mp130222s2012 flu obm s000 u eng d aon869883872 a(FU)UFE0044845_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aClarkson, Joshua John.14aThe Desire for Consumption Knowledgeh[electronic resource] /cby Joshua John Clarkson. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2012. a1 online resource (78 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2012. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aAre consumers motivated to seek out experiences that enhance their appreciation within a product category-and if so, does their level of experiential expertise (or consumption knowledge) within a product category bias the types of experiences they value and pursue? These questions are central to the present research, which explores the premise that consumers value the accrual of consumption knowledge as a means of enhancing their hedonic appreciation of future consumption experiences in a product category. Four experiments demonstrate that a consumer's perceived level of experiential knowledge determines the types of novel consumption experiences that are sought within a product category. Specifically, novices seek a diverse set of experiences that broaden their consumption knowledge in a product category, whereas experts seek a focused set of experiences that deepen their consumption knowledge in a product category. Implications for current conceptualizations of both novelty-seeking and consumption knowledge are discussed. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Janiszewski, Chris A. ajkr 2012125FU aexpertisealearninganovelty-seekingaperceptions 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxMarketing. aBusiness Administration thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0044845/00001yClick here for full text04194nam a2200385Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000230016324501440018626000570033030000310038750000610041850000190047950200490049850400410054750600320058852015020062052009160212258800690303858803170310759000280342465300860345265500390353869000560357769000400363383000470367385200210372085600670374103144758220130426181758.0m o d s cr n ma mp130222s2012 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0044966_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aNazarian, Alireza.12aA Knowledge-Based Heuristic Approach to Explore the Genetic Architecture of Complex Diseasesh[electronic resource] /cby Alireza Nazarian. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2012. a1 online resource (210 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2012. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aComplex diseases constitute a class of disorders whose phenotypic variance is caused by the interplay of multiple genetic and environmental factors. Diabetes,hypertension, coronary artery disease, and Alzheimer's disease are a few examples of such diseases. Because complex disorders are of great public health importance and impose a lot of burden on patients and society, analyzing the complexity underlying their genetic architecture may help develop more efficient diagnostic tests and therapeutic protocols. In recent years, genome-wide association study (GWAS) has become the method of choice in genetic dissection of complex diseases. However,despite the continuous advances in revealing the genetic basis of many of complex diseases using GWAS, a major proportion of their genetic variance has remained unexplained,in part because GWAS is unable to reliably detect small individual risk contributions and to capture the underlying genetic heterogeneity and the interactions existing among genetic factors. In this study, I describe an innovative hypothesis-based method, called the Knowledge-based Association Studies (KBAS), to analyze the association between multiple genetic factors and a complex phenotype. Starting from sets of markers selected based on preexisting biological knowledge, the KBAS method generates multi-marker models relevant to the biological process underlying a complex trait for which genotype data is available. I also present the results obtained by testing the3 aapplicability of the KBAS method to large-scale genotyping datasets using the Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium (WTCCC) dataset.Analyzing a number of biological pathways, the method was able to identify several immune system related multi-SNP models significantly associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Crohn's disease (CD). RA-associated multi-SNP models were also replicated in an independent case-control dataset. Finally, I introduce a freely available software tool that implements the KBAS method. The method I present provides a framework for performing genome-wide association analysis in situations in which combinations of genetic factors jointly contribute to the genetic variance of a trait of interest, as is often the case in complex diseases. In contrast to hypothesis-free approaches, the results obtained by employing the KBAS method can be given a direct biological interpretation. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Riva, Alberto. aarchitectureacomplexadiseasesageneticagwasaheuristicaknowledgeapreexisting 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxGenetics and Genomics. aGenetics and Genomics thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0044966/00001yClick here for full text03945nam a2200421Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000290017924502690020826000570047730000300053450000610056450000190062550200480064450400410069250600320073352014780076552004000224358800690264358803170271259000370302959000360306659900180310265301260312065500390324669000600328569000430334583000470338885200210343585600670345603144769220140211142941.0m o d s cr n ma mp130222s2012 flu obm s000 u eng d aon870309409 a(FU)UFE0045105_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aUlrich, Jennifer Leslie.10aJapanese climbing fern (Lygodium Japonicum) propagation and invasionh[electronic resource]beffect of environmental variables on spore germination and consequences of establishment for understory plant communities and habitat quality /cby Jennifer Leslie Ulrich. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2012. a1 online resource (70 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2012. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aJapanese climbing fern (Lygodium japonicum) is an invasive vine that is problematic in forests of the southeastern United States. Improved understanding of the fern's germination requirements might better inform early detection and prevention strategies. In a controlled environment study, I evaluated how temperature, pine litter, and light intensity affected germination timing and success. I collected weekly gametophyte presence/absence and percent cover data from pots maintained at consistent temperature, light, and litter regimes. I analyzed differences between treatments using chi-squared tests, Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, and the Wilcoxon each pair method. Higher temperatures spurred germination sooner than lower temperatures. A lower germination temperature threshold was reached between 10 and 15°C. Spores under litter germinated earlier and displayed greater gametophyte cover, especially at colder temperatures. Light intensity did not significantly affect percentage of pots containing gametophytes or percent cover. Much about the fern's impact on natural systems remains unknown, including its effect on biodiversity and habitat quality. In a field study, I compared understory richness, diversity, composition, and bobwhite food species cover between fern-invaded and -free plots across three longleaf pine sites. While no differences were noted for species richness and diversity between plot types, these parameters decreased with increasing fern cover.3 aFunctional diversity was higher in invaded plots than free plots. Composition was different between plot types, with graminoids more associated with invaded plots. Bobwhite food cover decreased with increasing fern cover. Management should include litter removal prior to temperature-dependent peak spore germination and planting of native grasses to competitively discourage fern establishment. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Bohn, Kimberly Kirsten. aCo-adviser: Minogue, Patrick J. amw 2012125FU acompositionadiversityaecologyagametophyteagerminationahabitatainvasionalightalitterarichnessasporeatemperature 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxInterdisciplinary Ecology. aInterdisciplinary Ecology thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0045105/00001yClick here for full text01281nam a2200301Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000230011704100130014004900090015305000220016209900100018410000290019424000280022324500950025126000480034630000370039450400540043158803170048560000200080260000410082260000420086360000390090570000350094403145808120131031075100.0131025s2012 cu ac b 000 0cspa d a9789592930216 a959293021X aon861509773 aFUGbengcFUGdFXG1 aspaafre aFUGG 4aCS209b.H472 2012 aCS2091 aFaivre d'Arcier, Sabine.10aTrois Heredia.lSpanish14aLos tres Heredia /cSabine Faivre d'Arcier ; [traducción, Rafael Rodríguez Beltrán]. aLa Habana :bImagen Contemporánea.c2012. a408 p. :bill., ports. ;c23 cm. aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 399-408). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.30aHeredia family.10aHeredia, José María,d1803-1839.10aHeredia, José-Maria de,d1842-1905.10aHeredia, Severiano de,d1836-1901.1 aRodríguez Beltrán, Rafael.01300nam a2200313 i 450000500170000000800410001702000150005802000180007303500160009104000230010704200080013004900090013805000220014710000350016924500850020426400530028926400120034230000470035433600260040133700280042733800270045549000300048250400520051258803130056459900140087765000370089165100270092883000310095520130723115449.0130723s1993 ag ab g b 000 0 spa c a9509871370 a9789509871373 aon853548774 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG 4aHB2019b.B64 19931 aBolsi, Alfredo S. C.,eauthor.10aGeografia de la poblacion :blas estructuras demogŕaficas /cAlfredo S. Bolsi. 1aSan Isidro, Argentina :bEditorial Ceyne,c1993. 4c©1993. a127 pages :billustrations, maps ;c20 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aColeccion Geografica ;v9 aIncludes bibliographical references (page 127). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a031765447 0aPopulation geographyzArgentina. 0aArgentinaxPopulation. 0aColeccion Geografica ;v9.01496nam a2200337 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404200080010704900090011505000210012409900100014510000310015524501080018626400590029430000620035333600260041533700280044133800270046949000210049650000170051750001200053458803130065459900130096765000310098065000360101170000410104771000480108883000220113603179876120130822095239.0130821s1982 at b 000 0 eng c aon856519124 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG 4aQB465b.B53 1982 aQB4651 aBlades, J. Chris,eauthor.10aInterstellar absorption lines in the direction of extragalactic objects /cJ.C. Blades and D.C. Morton. 1aEpping, N.S.W. :bAnglo-Australian Observatory,c1982. a12 pages on [6] pages, [7] unnumbered pages ;c21 x 30 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aAAO PP ;vNo 168 aCover title. aThis was also published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 220, June 15, 1986, p.927-948. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a31798761 0aAstronomical spectroscopy. 0aAbsorbance scale (Spectroscopy)1 aMorton, D. C.q(Donald C.),eauthor.2 aAnglo-Australian Observatoryeissuing body. 0aAAO PP ;vNo 168.01935nam a2200277Ia 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000180008404300120010204900090011408600200012308800170014324501660016026000620032630000200038850000350040852006100044353600680105358803130112165000440143465000600147871000220153871000460156071000510160603181863220140610144127.0130712s1977 dcu t f000 0 eng d aon852690264 aFUGcFUGdFTU an-us--- aFTUG0 aFE 1.2:In 2/v.5 aFEA/N-76/41500aProject Independence evaluation system (PIES) documentation.nVolume V,pdrilling profile and regional allocation by profit maximization /cprepared by ICF, Inc. aWashington, DC :bU.S. Government Printing Office,c1977. a64 p. ;c28 cm. a"September 1976--front cover." aThis report describes the oil and gas drilling and allocation programs which were constructed for use in the FEA Oil and Gas Supply Model to eliminate the use of subjective judgment in determining drilling profiles. The fundamental assumption concerning the behavior of the industry is that the decisions as to where and how much to drill are based on purely economic considerations; i.e., drilling activity for the nation as a whole is directly linked to the expected future prices of oil and gas, and the allocation of drilling to each region depends upon the competing economics of the various regions. aSponsored by U.S. Federal Energy AdministrationbCO-05-50301-00 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aEnergy policyzUnited StatesxAnalysis. 0aEnergy consumptionzUnited StatesxComputer simulation.2 aICF Incorporated.2 aNational Energy Information Center (U.S.)1 aUnited States.bFederal Energy Administration.01413nam a2200325 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008602000180010103500160011904000230013504200080015804300120016604900090017805000220018709900110020910000210022024501120024126400680035330000600042133600260048133700280050733800270053550200690056250400560063158803170068765100400100465000430104403182845620130729170429.0130726s2010 rm ab b 000 0 rom c a9789735951887 a9735951886 z5948422008189 aon854185664 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc ae-rm--- aFUGG 4aHB3631b.K87 2010 aHB36311 aKurkó, Ibolya.10aDisparităţi geodemografice şi economice din România în perioada de tranziţie /cKurkó Ibolya. 1aCluj-Napoca, Romania :bPresa Universitară Clujeană,c2010. a442 pages :billustrations, maps (some color) ;c24 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier a"Teza a fost susținută public în ianuarie 2009."--Page 14. aIncludes bibliographical references (page 427-442). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aRomaniaxEconomic conditionsy1989- 0aDemographyxEconomic aspectszRomania.01135nam a2200217Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404900090009707000200010610000470012624502000017326000450037330000210041850000490043950000200048850500680050858803130057665000280088903184681020160921124215.0130819s1882 ncu a s001 0 eng d aon856012876 aFUGcFUG aFUGG1 a452.1122bN864b1 aCurtis, M. A.q(Moses Ashley),d1808-1872.10aGeological and natural history survey of North Carolina :bthe woody plants of the state, with descriptions and history of the trees, shrubs, and woody vinesnPart III,pBotany /cby M.A. Curtis. a[Raleigh :bprinter to the State,c1882] a272 p. ;c22 cm. a"Raleigh, Dec. 20, 1882."--Publisher's pref. aIncludes index.0 aThe woody plants -- Forest statistics -- Facilities for travel. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aBotanyzNorth Carolina.02784nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000210017924501290020026000570032930000310038650000610041750000190047850200500049750400410054750600320058852008940062058800690151458803170158359000280190059000310192859900180195965300710197765500390204869000420208769000270212983000470215685200210220385601500222403185534520140801064628.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp130815s2013 flu obm s000 u eng d aon885020941 a(FU)UFE0045162_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aHall, Matthew R.10aProgress and Powerh[electronic resource]bThe Electrification of the Urban American South, 1880-1920 /cby Matthew R. Hall. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2013. a1 online resource (274 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2013. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThis project seeks to understand the visions of the future and of progress southerners pursued through electrification in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. By comparing the motives and experiences of boosters in the post-Reconstruction South, this project seeks to understand how and why people championed electrification and how electrification reshaped the political, racial, and cultural fabric of the urban South. The examination of Richmond and Atlanta's experiences-two of the largest cities in the region-will draw parallels and unveil differences with the experience of other American and European cities. Understanding southerners' visions of progress, how different groups used electricity to attain those visions, and the unpredictable results will, I contend, change how we understand this period of Southern history and the history of technology more broadly. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Link, William. aCo-adviser: Adams, Sean P. ash 2013055FU aatlantaaboosteraelectricityalightarichmondastreetcaratrolley 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxHistory. aHistory thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0045162/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2014-05-315FU04401nam a2200433Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000320017924501650021126000570037630000310043350000610046450000190052550200490054450400410059350600320063452011160066652011530178258800690293558803170300459000320332159900190335365000330337265000310340565302000343665500390363669000400367569000340371583000470374985200210379685601500381703185545620140731085501.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp130815s2013 flu obm s000 u eng d aon884960919 a(FU)UFE0045308_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aMarshall, Adrianna Andrews.10aNon-orchestral, pre-service teachers attitudes and beliefs toward teaching strings in the public schoolsh[electronic resource] /cby Adrianna Andrews Marshall. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2013. a1 online resource (116 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2013. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThe purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes and beliefs of non-string playing, pre-service teachers regarding string education, as well as, their willingness to potentially accept a string teaching position in public schools after graduation. The participants for this study included (N=128) from thirteen universities who have enrollment status exceeding 150 undergraduate music education majors. Participants completed an online questionnaire entitled, Survey of String Method Courses for Non-String Playing, Pre-Service Music Education Majors. Their specialization areas varied among band, choral, and general music. Participants had completed one to three string methods courses, prior to completing the surveys. The questionnaire was comprised of 29 items regarding self-efficacy in string teaching ability, attitudes and beliefs of string education, willingness to teach orchestra in a public school setting, and attitudes towards completing a field experiences in strings. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and Tukey test was used to calculate differences among specialization areas.3 aResults showed that general music pre-service teachers had significantly more positives attitudes toward teaching strings in the public schools than pre-service band teachers. Results also revealed that pre-service teachers who specialize in band have significantly more positive attitudes toward accepting position to teach string than those specializing in choral music education. Results of the Tukey test indicate that the respondents who completed two string methods courses had significantly more positive attitudes toward teaching strings than those who only completed one course. Respondents who completed three courses also had significantly more positive attitudes than those who only completed one string methods course. Respondents identified particular strengths and weaknesses related to their abilities to teaching strings. Areas of strength included conducting a string ensemble, accompanying a beginner or intermediate orchestras on piano, and diagnosing and remediating students' string playing. Areas of weakness included demonstrating all string instruments for students, and selecting suitable literature for a string ensemble. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Hoffer, Charles R. ajkr 2013055FU 0aStudent teachersxAttitudes. 0aMusic teachersxAttitudes. aattitudesabeliefsaeducationaefficacyaexperienceafieldamethodsamusicanonaorchestraaorchestralaplayingapreapublicaquestionnaireaschoolsaselfaserviceastringsasurveyaundergraduate 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxMusic. aMusic Education thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0045308/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2015-05-315FU03553nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000220017924501610020126000570036230000310041950000610045050000190051150200480053050400410057850600320061952017500065158800690240158803170247059000300278759900180281765300290283565500390286469000670290369000500297083000470302085200210306785600670308803185556520140818124656.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp130815s2013 flu obm s000 u eng d aon887737124 a(FU)UFE0045464_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aMartin, Brittany.10aAssessing the relationships between food and affective items using the hedonic general labeled magnitude scaleh[electronic resource] /cby Brittany Martin. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2013. a1 online resource (108 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2013. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aFood and affective items are rarely measured using the same scale, but much can be learned about how individuals rate foods among their life experiences by doing so. Evaluation using the Hedonic general Labeled Magnitude Scale (HgLMS) allowed effective comparison of food and nonfood items. This scale ranges from the strongest disliking of any kind ever experienced (-100) to the strongest liking of any kind ever experienced (+100), and is personalized to individuals. The main objective of this study was to compare food and affective items using the HgLMS and to search for relationships between these items. Three hundred twenty-eight participants answered a questionnaire containing 179 items relating to foods and affective experiences using the HgLMS. Results were analyzed using SPSS. Amalgamative groups of both foods and affective items were formed conceptually then tested for internal consistency using Reliability Analysis (Cronbach Alpha). Groups were correlated to individual smell and food related affect variables using Linear Regression. Results showed most groups were statistically significant for the smell and food related variables. Participants were divided into "Foodie" and "Nonfoodie" groups. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed for positive groups, the Foodie mean was significantly higher and for negative groups the Foodie mean was significantly lower. Thus, Foodies have a stronger liking for foods than do Nonfoodies, and they rate affective items more intensely than do Nonfoodies. Individuals who get great pleasure from food are thus affectively more reactive. Overall, results show food and nonfood items can be effectively rated on the HgLMS. Affective liking is often highly correlated to liking for foods. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Sims, Charles A. amw 2013055FU aaffectahedonicascaling 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxFood Science and Human Nutrition. aFood Science and Human Nutrition thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0045464/00001yClick here for full text02574nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000240017924501360020326000570033930000300039650000610042650000190048750200480050650400410055450600320059552007300062758800690135758803170142659000300174359900190177365300340179265500390182669000550186569000380192083000470195885200210200585601500202603185566620140909160853.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp130815s2013 flu obm s000 u eng d aon890210623 a(FU)UFE0045569_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aMukherjee, Suhrita.10aDevelopment of an ultrahigh vacuum system to investigate surface chemical reactionsh[electronic resource] /cby Suhrita Mukherjee. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2013. a1 online resource (53 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2013. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aIn this work we tested the newly assembled ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) system along with the operating characteristics of the plasma source. These studies have been carried out by oxidizing a Pd(111) surface in UHV using atomic oxygen to generate a PdO(101) surface. The PdO(101) surface has then been investigated to observe similar oxidation behavior as seen in previous studies by our group. Experiments have been performed to calibrate the mass spectrometer (MS) signal intensities to quantify the atomic oxygen coverage on the Pd(111) surface . The results obtained from the temperature programmed desorption (TPD) spectroscopy of the PdO(101) thin film are compared to the ones obtained before to validate the plasma source. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Weaver, Jason F. aplm 2013055FU afilmathinaultrahighavacuum 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxChemical Engineering. aChemical Engineering thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0045569/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2015-05-315FU01765ntm a2200397Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010705000220011609900100013810000320014824500730018026400950025330000260034833600260037433700280040033800270042850000250045558803130048059000100079350000710080350400520087450000730092650000170099959900140101665000230103065000440105365000430109770000310114070000440117171000680121571000680128371000160135103186251820140519171756.0140519s1990 ncu b i000 0 eng aon880173687 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4aSD131b.K735 1990 aSD1311 aKramer, Randall A.eauthor.10aForest valuation /cRandall Kramer, Robert Healy, Robert Mendelsohn. 0a[Durhamn, N.C.] :b[School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Duke University],c1990. aiv, 37 pages ;c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier a"Preliminary draft". aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. agift. a"Paper prepared for World Bank Forest Policy Study, October 1990." aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 33-37). a"Preliminary Draft: Please do not cite or quote without permission." aCover title. a031862518 0aForest management. 0aForests and forestryxEconomic aspects. 0aForest conservationxEconomic aspects.1 aHealy, Robert G.,eauthor.1 aMendelsohn, Robert O.,d1952-,eauthor.2 aDuke University.bSchool of Forestry and Environmental Studies.2 aYale University.bSchool of Forestry and Environmental Studies.2 aWorld Bank.01485nam a2200325 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404200080010704900090011505000220012409900110014610000390015724501220019626401120031830000390043033600260046933700280049533800270052349000330055050400500058358803130063365000300094665000290097665000410100570000260104671000290107283000580110103191464620130927085720.0130927s1963 enka b 000 0 eng c aon858973830 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG 4aTK6643b.W53 1963 aTK66431 aWharton, William,d1918-,eauthor.10aTelevision co-channel interference :bthe effect of the polarity of modulation /cW. Wharton, A.M.I.E.E., D. Maurice. 1a[Tadworth, England] :bBritish Broadcasting Corporation, Engineering Division, Research Department,c[1963] a7 pages :billustrations ;c26 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aReport ;vno. T-105, 1963/15 aIncludes bibliographical references (page 7). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aTelevisionxInterference. 0aModulation (Electronics) 0aTelevisionxReceivers and reception.1 aMaurice, D.,eauthor.2 aBBC Research Department. 0aBBC Research Department report ;vno. T-105, 1963/15.02135nam a2200301Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300210010704900090012808600220013724500900015924600640024926400700031330000510038333600260043433700280046033800270048850000170051550002270053252005510075958803130131065000410162365000530166465000440171771000720176103198524520131016090846.0131016s1967 dcubc f000 0 eng d aon860835077 aFUGbengerdacFUG aa-tu---an-us--- aFUGG0 aS 18.2:Pro/Tur/6100aProgram and itinerary :bTurkey trade union cooperatives team, PIO/P 277-356-I-70127.30aTurkey trade union cooperatives team, PIO/P 277-356-I-70127 1aWashington, D.C. :bAgency for International Development,c[1967] a[5], 19, [9] leaves :bmap, portraits ;c27 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aCover title. a"Program under the auspices of: Agency for International Development ... Program arranged by: Trade Union Exchange Programs Division, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, United States Department of Labor ..."--Leaf [1]. aThe Turkish trade unionists participating in this program of technical assistance were in the United States from May 15 through July 11, 1967. The program was designed to provide the group an opportunity to examine the cooperative movement in the United States. The group met with trade unionists involved in the promotion of various types of cooperative enterprises including union sponsored housing projects, bank and credit unions and consumer retail outlets. Visits to several cities were a part of this Turkish industrial relations training. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aLabor union membersxTravelzTurkey. 0aLabor union membersxTraining ofzUnited States. 0aTechnical assistance, AmericanzTurkey.1 aUnited States.bAgency for International Developmenteissuing body.01694nam a2200337 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404200080010704900090011505000250012409900140014910000280016324501320019126401120032330000400043533600260047533700280050133800270052949000330055650400510058952001910064058803130083165000230114465000270116765000420119470000330123671000290126983000580129803199362520131025085856.0131025s1960 enka b 000 0 eng c aon861496981 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG 4aTK7871.92b.H37 1960 aTK7871.921 aHarvey, R. V.,eauthor.13aAn experimental transistor receiver for V.H.F. sound broadcast reception /cR.V. Harvey, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. ; W. Proctor Wilson. 1a[Tadworth, England] :bBritish Broadcasting Corporation, Engineering Division, Research Department,c[1960] a16 pages :billustrations ;c26 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aReport ;vno. G-078, 1960/18 aIncludes bibliographical references (page 16). aThis report describes the design of an experimental transistor f.m. broadcast receiver. The circuit uses ten transistors and embodies a recently developed type limiter and discriminator. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPower transistors. 0aTransistor amplifiers. 0aRadioxTransmitters and transmission.1 aWilson, W. Proctor,eauthor.2 aBBC Research Department. 0aBBC Research Department report ;vno. G-078, 1960/18.01408ntm a2200349 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404200080010704900090011505000240012409900140014810000300016224500840019226400110027630000440028733600260033133700280035733800270038550200570041250000100046950400580047959900130053753300880055058803130063865000210095165000130097265000140098565000230099965000360102203202724320140206135735.0140206t19871973xx ab abm 000 0 eng c aon869935482 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG 4aQL737.C22bF64 1973 aQL737.C221 aFollmann, E. H.,eauthor.10aComparative ecology and behavior of red and gray foxes /cby Erich H. Follmann. 4c©1973 axiv, 152 leaves :billustrations, maps. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aThesis (Ph. D.)--Southern Illinois University, 1973. aVita. aIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 115-124). a32027243 aPhotocopy.bAnn Arbor, Mich. :cUniversity Microfilms International,d1987.e21 cm. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aFoxesxBehavior. 0aRed fox. 0aGray fox. 0aHabitat selection. 0aResource partitioning (Ecology)01609nam a2200313 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404200080010704300120011504900090012708600200013624501260015624601060028226400620038826400660045030000400051633600260055633700280058233800270061049000280063750000990066558803130076465000480107765000410112571000590116683000700122503203776320131121100956.0131121p19671966dcu f000 0 eng c aon863633765 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc an-us--- aFUGG0 aCS 1.26:966/40203aAn examination for office aid :bFederal career clerical positions throughout the United States, $69.00 to $82.00 a week.30aOffice aid :bFederal career clerical positions throughout the United States, $69.00 to $82.00 a week 1aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Civil Service Commission,c1967. 2a[Washington, D.C.] :bU.S. Government Printing Office,c1966. a1 foldeed sheet (6 pages) ;c27 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aAnnouncement ;vno. 402 a"Opening date: January 10, 1967 ; Closing date: February 6, 1967 ; Test date: March 11, 1967." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCivil servicezUnited StatesxExaminations. 0aClerical occupationszUnited States.2 aUnited States Civil Service Commission,eissuing body. 0aAnnouncement (United States Civil Service Commission) ;vno. 402.01426nam a2200361 i 450000500170000000800410001702000180005802000150007603500160009104000230010704200080013004300300013804900090016805000220017709900120019910000440021124501230025526400430037826400110042130000360043233600260046833700280049433800270052249000190054950400410056858803170060959900130092665000150093965000110095465000130096570000440097883000420102220131224085138.0131224s2013 sp c b 000 0 spa c a9788490550052 a8490550050 aon866636793 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc ae-sp---acl-----an-us--- aFUGG 4aHB178.5bM33 2013 aHB178.51 aMaeztu, Ramiro de,d1875-1936,eauthor.13aEl sentido reverencial del dinero /cRamiro de Maeztu ; edición y prólogo de Ignacio García de Leániz Caprile. 1aMadrid :bEdiciones Encuentro,c[2013] 4c©2013 a192 pages :bportrait ;c23 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aEnsayos ;v505 aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a32070896 0aEconomics. 0aMoney. 0aFinance.1 aGarcía de Leániz, Ignacio,eeditor. 0aEnsayos (Ediciones Encuentro) ;v505.01061nam a2200241Ka 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000130008404300120009704900090010908600220011811000350014024500660017524600440024126000690028530000190035450000190037350000240039250000340041658803130045065000560076303208628220131219094501.0131219s1965 dcu f000 0 eng d aon865576392 aFUGcFUG an-us-nj aFUGG0 aL 13.14:N 42j/9651 aUnited States.bWomen's Bureau10aLabor laws affecting women :ba capsule summary : New Jersey.3 aLabor laws affecting women.pNew Jersey aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Dept. of Labor, Women's Bureau,c[1965] a9 p. ;c27 cm. aCaption title. a"February 1, 1965." a"Labor DC (WB 65-201)"--P. 9. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aWomenxEmploymentxLaw and legislationzNew Jersey.01881nam a2200313 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404200080010704300210011504900090013608600220014524501180016724600900028526400890037530000230046433600260048733700280051333800270054150000170056850000870058550000910067252003090076358803130107265100440138565000660142971000720149503221514820140115100247.0140115s1963 dcu f000 0 eng c aon868150197 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aa-ii---an-us--- aFUGG0 aS 18.2:Pro/Ind/4400aProgram and itinerary :bIndia ; placement of physically handicapped personnel project PIO/P 386-U-49-AB-1-30058.30aIndia placement of physically handicapped personnel project PIO/P 386-U-49-AB-1-30058 1aWashington, DC :bDepartment of State, Agency for International Development,c[1963] a14 leaves ;c27 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aCover title. a"Under the auspices of Department of State, Agency for International Development." aU.S. training : June 18 - November 29, 1963 ; European training : December 1-13, 1963. aProgram and itinerary for Madhavan K. Nair, a staff training officer in the Directorate of Training and Employment for the National Government of India. Mr. Nair will be introducing techniques for the placement and vocational rehabilitation of the physically handicapped workers upon his return to India. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aIndiaxOfficials and employeesxTravel. 0aVocational rehabilitationxStudy and teachingzUnited States.1 aUnited States.bAgency for International Developmenteissuing body.02059nam a2200349 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010705000240011609900130014010000260015324500950017926401130027430000390038733600260042633700280045233800270048049000480050750400510055550502730060652002660087958803130114565000240145865000440148265000290152665000260155565000250158171000290160683000740163503228751520140124105549.0140124s1965 enka b 000 0 eng c aon868989648 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4aTK7881.4b.D47 1965 aTK7881.41 aMears, R.J.,eauthor.14aThe design and construction of a free field sound measurement room /cR.J. Mears, M.I.E.E. 1a[Tadworth, England] :bBritish Broadcasting Corporation, Engineering Division, Research Department,c[1965]. a24 pages :billustrations,c26 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aTechnological report ;vno. A-090 (1965/23) aIncludes bibliographical references (page 24).0 aIntroduction -- Genearl building details -- Internal treatment of the free field sound measurement room -- Rotating shaft and actuating mechanism -- Services of the free field sound measurement room -- Electrical services and signal lines -- Conclusions -- References. a"The report describes the construction of the room, which has a working space of 20 ft 3 in. x 3 in. x 10 ft 3 in. high (6.17 m x 4.95 m x 3.12 m). The report also deals wit some of the design problems that were encountered, and the solutions to these problems. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aSoundxMeasurement. 0aSound studiosxDesign and construction. 0aArchitectural acoustics. 0aAcoustical materials. 0aAbsorption of sound.2 aBBC Research Department. 0aTechnological report (BBC Research Department) ;vno. A-090 (1965/23)01626nam a2200313Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300120010704900090011908600290012824501260015724600920028326400620037530000390043733600260047633700280050233800270053049000360055750000680059358803130066150000690097459900140104361000580105765000600111571000590117583000780123403235759120140203125315.0140127s1964 dcu f000 0 eng d aon869231485 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us--- aFUGG0 aCS 1.26:959/197-B/rev.-300aAnnouncing an Examination for Librarian :b$5,795 a year (Grade GS-7), for duty in Veterans Administration Installations.30aLibrarian, $5,795 a year (Grade GS-7) For duty in Veterans Administration Installations 1aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Civil Service Commission,c1964. a1 folded sheet (8 pages) ;c21 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aAnnouncement ;vno. 197 B rev.3 a"Issued June 22, 1959; Revised February 1964; No Closing Date." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a"Issued April 22, 1959; Revised February 1964; No Closing Date." a03235759120aUnited States Civil Service CommissionxExaminations. 0aGovernment librariansxJob descriptionszUnited States.2 aUnited States Civil Service Commission,eissuing body. 0aAnnouncement (United States Civil Service Commission) ;vno. 197 B rev.3.04359nam a2200385Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000200016324501750018326000570035830000300041550000610044550000190050650200490052550400410057450600320061552015070064752009870215458800690314158803170321059000310352765300640355865500390362269000650366169000290372683000470375585200210380285601500382303241350620140210122342.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp131018s2013 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0044377_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aN'zi, Amanda M.10aChild Directed Interaction Training with Kinship Foster Caregiversh[electronic resource]bAn Evaluation of Parenting Outcomes and Caregiver Benefits /cby Amanda M N'zi. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2013. a1 online resource (97 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2013. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aChildren in foster care are susceptible to multipleplacements which can result in poor attachment patterns as well as childinternalizing and externalizing problems. Kinship caregivers are the federallymandated preferred placement option for children in the child welfare system.Unfortunately, these caregivers experience greater levels of stress, displaylower levels of warmth, and experience increased difficulties handling childdisruptive behaviors when compared to other caregivers. Child problematic behavioris one of the most prominent stressors among all foster caregivers and aleading risk factor of multiple placements. Parent-Child Interaction Therapy(PCIT), already established as a ́best practicé in the field of child abusetreatment, teaches parents to engage their child in nurturing and cooperativeinteractions and manage difficult child behaviors. One component of PCIT, ChildDirected Interaction Training (CDIT), is a scientifically derived therapeuticinteraction that, through behavioral principles consciously applied, changescaregiver and child behaviors, fosters changes in reciprocal emotionalresponses, and results in a stronger attachment relationship. Using a randomized controlled trial design, this studyevaluated the efficacy of CDIT in a community center with 12 kinship caregiversand their children. Results indicated that following CDIT, kinship caregivershad less parenting stress and depression and reported a lower percentage of criticalverbal disciplinary responses3 athan wait-list control caregivers. Changes inparenting stress, depression, and critical verbal discipline practices remainedstable for the CDIT group at 3-month follow-up.℗Kinship caregivers receiving CDIT also used significantly more positiveattention skills and fewer negative leading behaviors during observedcaregiver-child interactions. No attrition occurred in this study, which isuncommon for parent training interventions. The success of CDIT likely dependedon the collaboration with a community resource center and community agencystaff and should be considered when planning new studies.℗ It will be important to replicate this studywith a larger sample to determine the stability of these findings. CDIT holdspromising evidence as a short term and cost-effective intervention for thisunderserved population in need of appropriate parent training in order to breakthe generational cycle of abuse and neglect and facilitate the growth ofhealthy reciprocal interactions. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Eyberg, Sheila M. aattachmentadisciplineafostercareaparentingapreschoolers 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxClinical and Health Psychology. aPsychology thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0044377/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2015-08-315FU03510nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000230017924501390020226000570034130000310039850000610042950000190049050200500050950400410055950600320060052014200063258800690205258803170212159000320243859000400247059900180251065300680252865500390259669000420263569000270267783000470270485200210275185603280277203241362420150630152543.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp131018s2013 flu obm s000 u eng d aon888063549 a(FU)UFE0045678_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aMingus, Matthew D.10aRe-envisioning Germany's mapped spaceh[electronic resource] :b(re)constructing national identity, 1945-1961 /cby Matthew D. Mingus. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2013. a1 online resource (325 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2013. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThis dissertation proposes a history about maps, the interests behind their (re)production, and the consequences they generate. Particularly, this is a story about one of the largest mapmaking and map dissemination projects in the history of the world - a moment which literally re-defined Germany and emphasized the value of cartography to the governments, corporations, and people operating within its borders (and sometimes, problematically, on them). From the Second World War to the erection of the Berlin Wall in 1961, this project tracks the development of geospatial thought and its various influences in Germany. A nation-state once so reliant on expansionist spatial policy was, after its defeat in the Second World War, forced to denazify its understanding of maps, cartography, and geography. The individuals and institutions involved in that (re)construction of German identity are explored here, with particular interest given to Emil Meynen and the Abteilung für Landeskunde. The history of Germany's territorial development from 1945-1961 undermines both the perceived objectivity of mapped space, and the nationalist narratives built from within (or along the borders of) state and corporate cartographies. It encourages the investigation of space as a category of historical study, and makes clear the need for a deeper exploration of the realities constructed by the manipulation of that space. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Giles, Geoffrey J. aCo-adviser: Bergmann, Peter Edward. amw 2013085FU acartographyageographyaGermanyahistoryamapsaoccupationawar 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxHistory. aHistory thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0045678/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2017-08-31xAccess originally restricted fo UF-affiliated persons/on-campus use until 2015-08-31; restriction extended to 2017-08-31 per author request (e-mail from C. Shorey 30 June 2015)5FU04345nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000220017924501640020126000570036530000310042250000610045350000190051450200490053350400410058250600320062352015120065552009050216758800690307258803170314159000340345859900180349265300520351065500390356269000690360169000470367083000470371785200210376485601500378503241373320140820155611.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp131018s2013 flu obm s000 u eng d aon888063763 a(FU)UFE0045787_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aRoemmich, Ryan T.10aEffects of dopaminergic therapy on locomotor adaptation and adaptive learning in persons with parkinson's diseaseh[electronic resource] /cby Ryan T Roemmich. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2013. a1 online resource (196 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2013. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aHuman gait must be highly adaptable to accommodate constantly changing environments. However, we are only beginning to understand how humans adapt and store gait patterns. Persons with Parkinson's disease (PD) exhibit a variety of locomotor deficits, including decreased gait velocity and the presence of gait asymmetry. While some treatments induce modest gait improvements, no interventions exist which restore parkinsonian gait to functionality similar to that of healthy adults. Thus, understanding how persons with PD adapt and store gait patterns and what neural mechanisms facilitate these processes could have significant impact on gait rehabilitation in PD. The purposes of this study were to investigate: 1) locomotor adaptation and adaptive learning in persons with PD in their native, unmedicated state and 2) how dopaminergic therapy may affect abilities to adapt and store new gait patterns in persons with PD. Ten participants with idiopathic PD who were being treated with stable doses of orally-administered dopaminergic therapy participated in this study. All participants performed two randomized sessions of testing on separate days: once while optimally-medicated (ON meds) and once after withdrawal from dopaminergic medication for at least 12 hours (OFF meds). During each session, we investigated locomotor adaptation as the participants walked on a split-belt treadmill (SBT) for ten minutes while the more-affected leg walked at 1.0 m/s and the less-affected leg walked at .50 m/s.3 aWe then assessed locomotor adaptive learning by observing: 1) the magnitude of the aftereffects during de-adaptation (once the belts returned to tied speeds immediately following SBT walking) and 2) the savings during re-adaptation (as the participants performed the same SBT walking task a second time after washout of aftereffects following the initial SBT task). When OFF meds, persons with PD exhibited significant decreases in step length aftereffects such that significantly less step length asymmetry was observed during de-adaptation. However, both locomotor adaptation and savings were relatively unaffected by dopamine. These findings suggest that dopaminergic pathways influence the storage of aftereffects but do not influence locomotor adaptation or savings. Thus, it appears important that persons with PD should be optimally-medicated if walking on the SBT in a rehabilitation setting. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Hass, Christopher J. amw 2013085FU aadaptationadiseaseagaitaparkinsonatreadmill 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxApplied Physiology and Kinesiology. aHealth and Human Performance thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0045787/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2014-08-315FU03921nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000240017924501030020326000570030630000310036350000610039450000190045550200490047450400410052350600320056452013210059652008770191758800690279458803170286359000270318059900190320765300390322665500390326569000440330469000280334883000470337685200210342385600670344403241384220140804133550.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp131018s2013 flu obm s000 u eng d aon885200165 a(FU)UFE0045913_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aJimenez, Elizabeth.10aGeneration of DNA Aptamers for Lung Cancer Studiesh[electronic resource] /cby Elizabeth Jimenez. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2013. a1 online resource (182 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2013. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aLung cancer is a very deadly disease and the number one cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. It is divided in two main groups, Small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) and Non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) which is further classified into adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and large cell carcinoma. Lung cancer is normally detected at stage III and stage IV with poor five-year survival rate. Due to the lack of specific symptoms, lung cancer can be misinterpreted as other respiratory infections due to an inefficient diagnosis capability. The subgroups in lung cancer are clinically differently and their response to treatments relies on the accurate classification in a particular subgroup. To address this issue, this dissertation investigated the use of aptamers as alternatives to antibodies for the diagnosis and accurate classification of lung cancer. Aptamers are short single-stranded synthetic nucleic acids, either DNA or RNA, capable of recognizing and binding their targets with high selectivity and specificity. Using cell-based SELEX as methodology, a panel of 6 aptamers was generated for the holistic study of lung cancer. The generated aptamers possess apparent dissociation constants in the nanomolar range, an indispensable feature in the biomedical application of these molecular probes.3 aFurthermore, these aptamers were validated against a pool of lung cancer cell lines corresponding to all subgroups. Aptamers HCH3, S1 and EJ4 showed affinity for the majority of cell lines tested. Simultaneously, these aptamers were probed with formalin-fixed and formalin fixed paraffin embedded cell-based model tissues. All aptamers tested were capable of recognizing and detecting their targets under these conditions. In addition, aptamers were utilized as recognition molecules on an aptamer-based strategy for the detection and enumeration of circulating tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. The developed assay was able to detect as few as ~ 50 cells in 7.5mL of blood. The concluding aptamer project was elucidating the aptamer DOV4's target. After SDS-PAGE gel and MS analysis, two proteins emerged as potential targets: Annexin A2 and desmoplakin-related proteins. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Tan, Weihong. ajkr 2013085FU aaptamersacanceracell-selexalung 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxChemistry. aChemistry thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0045913/00001yClick here for full text05659nam a2200421Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000310017924501430021026000570035330000300041050000610044050000190050150200480052050400410056850600320060952016300064152018350227152003580410658800690446458803170453359000310485059900180488165300810489965500390498069000500501969000330506983000470510285200210514985600670517003241395020140804121824.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp131018s2013 flu obm s000 u eng d aon885197855 a(FU)UFE0046032_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aMonteiro, Ana Paula Alves.10aImpact of Maternal Heat Stress during Late Gestation on Calf Performance and Healthh[electronic resource] /cby Ana Paula Alves Monteiro. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2013. a1 online resource (98 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2013. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aCalves born to and fed with colostrum from cows exposed to heat stress during the dry period have compromised passive transfer and cell-mediated immune function compared with calves born to cows under cooling. However, it is unknown if this compromised immune response is caused by calf or colostrum intrinsic factors. The objective of the first study was to evaluate the effect of maternal heat stress during the dry period on calf specific factors related to immune response and growth performance. Cows were dried off 46 d before expected calving and randomly assigned to a heat stress (HT, n = 18) or HT and cooled (CL, n = 17) environment. After calving the cows were milked and their colostrum was frozen for a subsequent study. Colostrum from cows exposed to a thermoneutral environment during the dry period was pooled and stored frozen (-20°C). Within the first 4 h of life, 3.8 L of the pooled colostrum was fed to calves from both HT and CL treatment groups. Day of birth was considered study d 0. Subsequently, all the calves were exposed to the same management and weaned at d 50. Blood samples were collected before colostrum feeding, 24 h after birth and twice weekly up to d 32. Total serum IgG concentrations were determined. Body weight was recorded at birth and at d 15, 30, 45 and 60. Relative to CL calves, HT calves were lighter at birth (38.3 vs. 43.1 kg) and at weaning (67 vs. 76 kg), but no differences in weight gain were observed up to d 60. Additionally, HT calves had lower apparent efficiency of IgG absorption (26.04 vs. 30.24 %), but no differences were observed for total IgG concentration.3 aIn the second study the objective was to evaluate the isolated effect of the colostrum from HT cows on calf immune response and growth performance. The experimental design was very similar to the first study, but all cows were under thermoneutral conditions during the dry period. At birth calves were blocked by gender and birth weight and then randomly assigned to one of two treatments, which meant they received colostrum from HT cows or CL cows. No treatment effect was observed on passive immune transfer, cell mediated immunity and postnatal growth. Thus, data from these first two studies suggest that heat stress during the last 6 wks of gestation negatively impacts the ability of the calf to acquire passive immunity regardless of colostrum source. The third study evaluated the effect of heat stress during late gestation on growth, fertility and milk production in the first lactation of the offspring. Data of animals obtained from previous experiments conducted during five consecutive summers were pooled and analyzed. The experimental design in those studies was similar to that described for the first study, but calves were not fed pooled colostrum, instead they were fed fresh or frozen colostrum from a single cow. Birth weight and survival of 146 calves (HT=74; CL=72) and body weight and growth rate from 72 heifers (HT=34; CL=38) were analyzed. Additionally, fertility and milk production in the first lactation from 38 heifers (HT=17; CL=21) were analyzed. CL heifers were heavier (P < 0.05) up to one year old, but had similar (P = 0.44) weight gain (305.8 ± 5.9 vs. 299.1 ± 6.3 kg) compared with HT heifers. No differences in age at first AI or age at first parturition was observed, but HT heifers had a greater number of services per conception than CL heifers (2.6 ± 0.3 vs. 1.8 ± 0.3, P = 0.03).3 aAdditionally, HT heifers tended to produce less milk up to 30 weeks of the first lactation compared with CL heifers (26.4 ± 2.1 vs. 30.9 ± 1.7 kg, P = 0.11). Data from this third study suggest that heat stress during the last 6 weeks of gestation negatively impacts fertility and milk production up to and through the first lactation of the offspring. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Dahl, Geoffrey E. ash 2013085FU acalvesadryaheataimmunityapassiveaperformanceaperiodapostnatalastress 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxAnimal Sciences. aAnimal Sciences thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0046032/00001yClick here for full text01326nam a2200265Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010708200170011610000220013324500670015526401990022230000540042133600260047533700280050133800270052949000240055650400690058052000440064958803130069365000210100665000330102703243789120140213114606.0140213s1964 bl a b 001 0 por d aon870444475 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4a584.5bF825e1 aFranco, Emmanuel.10aEstudo sôbre o anel vermelho do coqueiro /cEmmanuel Franco. 1aAracaju :bMinistério da Agricultura, Departamento de Defesa e Inspeção Agropecuária, Serviço de Defesa Sanitária Vegetal, Inspetoria de Defesa Sanitária Vegetal em Sergipe,c1964. a236 pages :billustrations (some folded) ;c23 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier0 aPublicação,v6. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages [207]-221) and index. aA study of red ring disease of coconut. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aBursaphelenchus. 0aCoconutxDiseases and pests.01515nam a2200313Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300120010704900090011908600270012824500800015524600370023526400620027230000240033433600260035833700280038433800270041249000400043950000570047958803130053650000570084961000580090665000450096465000520100971000590106183000810112003248339420140227084125.0140220s1971 dcu f000 0 eng d aon870878377 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us--- aFUGG0 aCS 1.26/4:971/WAH-105.00aLicensed practical nurse, GS-3 and GS-5 :bnursing assistant GS-2 and GS-3.00aNursing assistant, GS-2 and GS-3 1aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Civil Service Commission,c1971. a[4] pages ;c27 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aAnnouncement ;vno. WAH-105 (Local) a"Issued: March 26, 1971; Open until further notice." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a"Issued: March 26, 1971; Open until further notice."20aUnited States Civil Service CommissionxExaminations. 0aNursesxJob descriptionszUnited States. 0aNurses' aidesxJob descriptionszUnited States.2 aUnited States Civil Service Commission,eissuing body. 0aAnnouncement (United States Civil Service Commission) ;vno. WAH-105 (Local)03484nam a2200469 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000150006802000140008302000180009703500160011504000230013104200080015404300120016204900090017409900210018310000300020424502950023424600890052926400810061826400670069926400120076630000400077833600260081833700280084433800270087259000100089950001830090950400590109250506710115152006320182258803130245459900130276765100440278065100340282465100320285865100280289065000290291865000270294765000220297465000180299603250929520140623110245.0140623s2002 ne a b 000 0 eng c a0964704528 z964704528 a9780964704527 aon881623744 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc anwjm--- aFUGG aF1887b.T34 20021 aTafari-Ama, Imani,d1960-10aBlood, bullets and bodies :bsexual politics below Jamaica's poverty line ; the political economy of violence, power, gender, and embodiment in Jamaica's inner city /ca thesis submitted by Imani M. Tafari-Ama ; photographs by Imani M. Tafari-Ama ; edited & formatted by I. Jabulani Tafari.10aPolitical economy of violence, power, gender, and embodiment in Jamaica's inner city 1a[Place of publication not identified] :bMulti Media Communications,c[2002] 3aSt. Maartenslaan, Netherlands :bShaker Publishing BV,c[2002] 4c©2002. a402 pages :billustrations ;c23 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier agift. a"In fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies of the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 2002." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages [381]-402).0 aThe problematic -- Jamaica's political economy: deconstructing binary oppositions -- Deconstructing discourses of power: the history of domination and resistance -- A discourse of violence in inner-city Jamaica: the case of Southside -- Countering discourses of domination: gendered discourses of identity and resistance -- The politics of gendered poverty and violence -- The phallic symbols of selfhood: hegemonic masculinity, subordinate femininity -- The socially inscribed body: the discursive bridge between culture and the individual -- Practices of resistance: the body as a resource for exercising agency -- Conclusion: rising from the ashes: with a vision. a"Blood, bullets and bodies is Imani Tafare-Ama's quick catch-all way of describing the rapidly deteriorating situation on the streets of Kingston's inner-cities, a crisis situation spawned by the entrenched political economy of violence, power, gender and embodiment that is running amok in the concrete jungles of the Jamaican capital. This case study focuses on Southside, one of the inner-city communities in Kingston. Ms. Tafari-Ama's objective is to analyse this post-plantation island state's political economy, which has produced the unfortunate combination of poverty and violence in the urban areas."--page 4 of cover. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a32509295 0aJamaicaxPolitics and governmenty1962- 0aJamaicaxEconomic conditions. 0aJamaicaxSocial conditions. 0aJamaicaxHistoryy1962- 0aViolent crimeszJamaica. 0aInner citieszJamaica. 0aPovertyzJamaica. 0aSexzJamaica.02047nam a2200337Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010708600220011624501190013824600650025724600760032226400620039830000390046033600260049933700280052533800270055349000300058050000650061050001770067550000650085258803130091750001770123061000580140765000610146565000520152671000590157883000720163703252612920140313131850.0140313s1962 dcu f000 0 eng d aon872554636 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG0 aCS 1.26:962/293 B00aSummer employment for juniors in veterinary medicine student trainee (veterinarian) :b$5,540 a Year (Grade GS-7).30aStudent trainee (veterinarian) :b$5,540 a Year (Grade GS-7)1 iAt head of title:aSummer employment for Juniors in Veterinary Medicine 1aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Civil Service Commission,c1962. a1 folded sheet (3 pages) ;c27 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aAnnouncement ;vno. 293 B a"Issued: November 27, 1962; Closing date: January 15, 1963." a"Positions available in The Agricultural Research Service and the Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture at locations throughout the United States." a"Issued: November 27, 1962; Closing date: January 15, 1963." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a"Positions available in The Agricultural Research Service and the Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture at locations throughout the United States."20aUnited States Civil Service CommissionxExaminations. 0aEducation, CooperativexJob descriptionszUnited States. 0aVeterinariansxJob descriptionszUnited States.2 aUnited States Civil Service Commission,eissuing body. 0aAnnouncement (United States Civil Service Commission) ;vno. 293 B.01778nam a2200313Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300120010704900090011908600320012824500870016024600870024726400710033430000240040533600260042933700280045533800270048349000400051050000950055050001990064558803130084461000580115765000490121565000600126471000590132483000810138303253408420140320133830.0140320s1971 dcu f000 0 eng d aon874037361 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us--- aFUGG0 aCS 1.26/4:967/WA-7-13/rev.200aMessengers including messenger (motor vehicle operator) :bGS-2 ....$4,897 a year.1 iAt head of title:aCareer opportunities for persons entitled to Veteran preference 1aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Civil Service Commission,c1971. a[4] pages ;c27 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aAnnouncement ;vno. WA-7-13 (Local) a"Issued: May 16, 1967 ; Revised: March 1971 ; Applications accepted until further notice." a"Note: Competition in this examination is restricted by law to persons entitled to Veteran Preference. Applications will not be accepted from persons who are not entitled to Veteran Preference." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.20aUnited States Civil Service CommissionxExaminations. 0aMessengersxJob descriptionszUnited States. 0aMotor vehicle driversxJob descriptionszUnited States.2 aUnited States Civil Service Commission,eissuing body. 0aAnnouncement (United States Civil Service Commission) ;vno. WA-7-13 (Local)03764ngm a2200781Ii 450000100100000000500170001000700100002700800410003703500160007804000230009404100180011704300120013504600090014704900090015605000260016509900160019124501500020724600150035725700150037226400440038730000860043133600450051733700200056233800260058234400260060834600160063434700310065050000740068153800380075551800310079354601010082451100520092550801280097750000520110550000380115750503710119552003370156658803170190360000270222065000260224765000180227365100200229165500300231165500310234169000240237269000310239670000320242770000510245970000290251070000490253971000530258874000220264174000180266374000270268174000190270874000250272774000360275274000150278874000170280374000180282074000220283874000230286074000200288374000280290374000110293174000120294274000280295403253819620140326123818.0vd mvaizu140326s2011 flu059 vlhat d aon874842514 aFUGbengerdacFUG1 ahatafreaeng anwht--- k2010 aFUGG 4aPN1992.8.D6bM36 2011 aPN1992.8.D600aManno Charlemagne :bkonviksyon /cfilmmaker: Frantz Voltaire ; image montage: Jean Francois Chalut ; production: CIDIHCA and Fred Paul presents.30aKonviksyon aHaiti2naf 1a[Haiti] :bCIDIHCA & Fred Paul,c[2011] a1 videodisc (59 min.) :bsound, color with black and white sequences ;c4 3/4 in. atwo-dimensional moving image2rdacontent avideo2rdamedia avideodisc2rdacarrier adigitalboptical2rda b[NTSC]2rda avideo filebDVD video2rda aContainer has three summaries in Haitian Creole, French, and English. aDisc characteristics: DVD format. oFilmed on locationpHaiti. aLanguages on container: Haitian Creole, French, and English. Language on disc is Haitian Creole.0 aInterviewee: Emmanuel Charlemagne [and others]. aDirector: Frantz Voltaire ; photos and editing: Jean Franc̦ois Trawl ; image montage: Jean Franc̦ois Chalut [and others]. aOriginally produced in Haiti and released 2010. a[Sound and aspect ratio unknown].0 a1. Ki Moun ki Manno? -- 2. La Belle Epoque -- 3. Tout Kalite Enfliyans -- 4. Eleksyou 1957 -- 5. Franc̦ois Duvalier -- 6. Maryaj Jean-Claude ak Michelle -- 7. Twoubadou -- 8. Diva Nou Yo -- 9. Chante Danje -- 10. Negro Spirituals -- 11. Chantè Popilè -- 12. Kilti Peyi Nou -- 13. Premye Kontak ak Radyo -- 14. Pouki? -- 15. Lekzil -- 16. M'tounen Lakay an 1986. a"Documentary about the life of Haitian musician and song writer, Emmanuel Charlemagne. This artist was an important element of the popular Haitian socio-political movements in the 1980's and 1990's. His music has a strong presence and certainly influenced Haitian history prior to the departure of Jean-Claude Duvalier" --Container. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.10aChalmay, Manno,d1948- 0aMusiciansvBiography. 0aMusiczHaiti. 0aHaitixHistory. 7aDocumentary films.2lcgft 7aBiographical films.2lcgft 4aFilmcountryzHaiti. 4aFilmregionzLatin America.1 aVoltaire, Frantzedirector.1 aTrawl, Jean Franc̦ois.ephotographereeditor.1 aChalut, Jean Franc̦ois.1 aCharlemagne, Manno,d1948-2017einterviewee.2 aCIDIHCA & Fred Paul (Firm).eproduction company.02aKi Moun ki Manno?02aBelle Epoque.02aTout Kalite Enfliyans.02aEleksyou 1957.02aFranc̦ois Duvalier.02aMaryaj Jean-Claude ak Michelle.02aTwoubadou.02aDiva Nou Yo.02aChante Danje.02aNegro Spirituals.02aChantè Popilè.02aKilti Peyi Nou.02aPremye Kontak ak Radyo.02aPouki?02aLekzil.02aM'tounen Lakay an 1986.01567nam a2200301Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300120010704900090011908600210012824501680014924600630031724600650038026400620044530000390050733600260054633700280057233800270060049000330062750000460066058803130070661000580101965000540107771000590113183000750119003256382420140407123326.0140331s1954 dcu f000 0 eng d aon875194952 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us--- aFUGG0 aCS 1.26/4:954/3104aThe United States Civil Service Commission Announces An Examination For Correctional Officer (Male) :bCorrectional Officer (Female) : $3,410 a Year (Grades GS-5).30aCorrectional Officer (Male) :b$3,410 a Year (Grades GS-5)30aCorrectional Officer (Female) :b$3,410 a Year (Grades GS-5) 1aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Civil Service Commission,c1954. a1 folded sheet (6 pages) ;c21 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aAnnouncement ;vno. 31 Local a"Issued: May 11, 1954 ; No closing date." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.20aUnited States Civil Service CommissionxExaminations. 0aParole officersvJob descriptionszUnited States.2 aUnited States Civil Service Commission,eissuing body. 0aAnnouncement (United States Civil Service Commission) ;vno. 31 Local.01329nam a2200277Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300120010704900090011908600260012824500930015426400620024730000390030933600260034833700280037433800270040249000280042950000290045758803130048661000580079965000610085771000590091883000740097703257110620140407171821.0140407s1967 dcu f000 0 eng d aon875928235 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us--- aFUGG0 aCS 1.26/4:967/WA-7-1100aCorrectional Officer With the Federal Prison Service :bCareers, Challenge, Opportunity. 1aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Civil Service Commission,c1967. a1 folded sheet (5 pages) ;c27 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aAnnouncement ;vWA-7-11 a"Issued: April 4, 1967." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.20aUnited States Civil Service CommissionxExaminations. 0aCorrectional personnelvJob descriptionszUnited States.2 aUnited States Civil Service Commission,eissuing body. 0aAnnouncement (United States Civil Service Commission) ;vno. WA-7-11.02033cem a2200385Ii 450000100100000000500170001000700090002700800410003603400540007703500160013104000280014704300120017504900090018705000230019605200090021909900130022811000820024124500520032324600190037525500710039426401320046530000330059733600400063033700280067033800260069850001830072450001470090758803130105465000550136765000570142265000570147965000590153665100350159565500170163003259603920140421130730.0aj cazzn140421s1975 pe a f 0 spa d1 aab250000dW0771500eW0761500fN0114500gN0123000 aon877826684 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG as-pe--- aFUGG 4aG5311.G3 1975b.P4 a5311 aG5311.G31 aPeru.bOficina Nacional de Evaluación de Recursos Naturales,ecartographer.10aZona del proyecto Marcapomacocha mapa ecologico30aMapa ecologico aScale 1:250,000 ;c(W 77°15ʹ--W 76°15ʹ/N 11°45ʹ--N 12°30ʹ) 1a[Lima] :bRepública del Perú, Presidencia de la República, Oficina Nacional de Evaluación de Recursos Naturales,c1975. a1 map :bcolor ;c70 x 49 cm acartographic imagebcri2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia asheetbnb2rdacarrier a"Fuente: Carta Nacional Aerofotogramétrica 1:100,000 IGM. Información Temática y Comprobación de Campo ONERN, con mosaicos y fotografías aéreas SAN, tomadas en 1961." aIncludes location map, continuation map of Mantaro River basin, 10 bar graphs on precipitation and temperature, and 3 data information tables. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aNatural resourceszPeruzRimac River ValleyvMaps. 0aNatural resourceszPeruzMantaro River ValleyvMaps. 0aNatural resourceszPeruzLurín River ValleyvMaps. 0aNatural resourceszPeruzChillón River ValleyvMaps. 0aYauli (Peru : Province)vMaps. 7aMaps.2lcgft01530nam a2200289Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300120010704900090011908600210012824502630014926400610041230000230047333600260049633700280052233800270055049000290057750000340060658803130064061000580095365000490101165000490106071000590110983000720116803259862220140424113636.0140424s1960 dcu f000 0 eng d aon878066510 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us--- aFUGG0 aCS 1.26:960/227B00aProfessional Careers for Scientist Administrators in the Administration of research and training grants awards, and contracts in the Health Sciences :bNational Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland and Other Federal Agencies : $7,030 to $13,970 a year. . 1aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Civil Service Commission,c1960 a6 pages. ;c26 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aAnnouncement ;vno. 227B a"Issue Date: April 26, 1960." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.20aUnited States Civil Service CommissionxExaminations. 0aManagementxJob descriptionszUnited States. 0aScientistsxJob descriptionszUnited States.2 aUnited States Civil Service Commission,eissuing body. 0aAnnouncement (United States Civil Service Commission) ;vno. 227 B.01765nam a2200337Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300120010704900090011908600300012824501640015824601170032224600380043924600380047726400620051530000220057733600260059933700280062533800270065349000300068050000500071050000630076058803130082361000580113665000530119465000490124771000590129683000720135503263547820140502173258.0140502s1973 dcu f000 0 eng d aon878983222 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us--- aFUGG0 aCS 1.26/4/968/WAB-807/rev00aJobs as Agricultural and Biological Technicians :bBiological Laboratory Technicians, Grades GS-5 through GS-9 ; Agricultural Research Technicians, Grade GS-5.3 aAgricultural and Biological Technicians :bBiological Laboratory Technicians : Agricultural Research Technicians3 aBiological Laboratory Technicians3 aAgricultural Research Technicians 1aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Civil Service Commission,c1973. a6 pages ;c27 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aAnnouncement ;vWAB - 807 a"Issued: July 30, 1968 ; Revised: June 1973." a"The Federal Government Is An Equal Opportunity Employer." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.20aUnited States Civil Service CommissionxExaminations. 0aAgriculturistsvJob descriptionszUnited States. 0aBiologistsvJob descriptionszUnited States.2 aUnited States Civil Service Commission,eissuing body. 0aAnnouncement (United States Civil Service Commission) ;vWAB - 807.01547nam a2200301Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300120010704900090011908600190012824501210014724600370026826400620030530000410036733600260040833700280043433800270046249000270048950000510051650001170056758803130068461000580099765000620105571000590111783000690117603263690120140506155349.0140424s1957 dcu f000 0 eng d aon878073509 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us--- aFUGG0 aCS 1.26:957/2500aFederal Service Entrance Examination :bfor those who desire an opportunity for a career In the Federal Government..3 aCareer In the Federal Government 1aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Civil Service Commission,c1957. a1 folded sheet ([5] pages) ;c24 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aAnnouncement ;vno. 25 a"Reissued: October 1, 1957 ; No Closing Date." aIncludes admission to written test, list of Civil Service offices (attached), and admendment to no. 25 attached. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.20aUnited States Civil Service CommissionxExaminations. 0aCivil service positionsxJob descriptionszUnited States.2 aUnited States Civil Service Commission,eissuing body. 0aAnnouncement (United States Civil Service Commission) ;vno. 25.01948nam a2200397Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300120010704900090011908600160012824503030014424600270044724600360047424600220051024600280053224600280056024600380058824600260062624600160065224600270066826400620069530000390075733600260079633700280082233800270085049000280087750000500090558803130095561000580126865000500132665000450137671000590142183000700148003273429420140515164918.0140515s1953 dcu f000 0 eng d aon879705418 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us--- aFUGG0 aCS 1.26:35400aAnnouncing Examination For Bookbinder (Hand Work), Bookbinder (Machine Operations) $2.43 an hour :bCylinder Pressman $2.64 an hour, Printer-Hand Compositor $2.67 ah hour, Electrotyper (Finisher), Electrotyper (Molder) $2.88 an hour, Stereotyper $2.81 an hour, Junior Hand Compositor $1.38 an hour.30aBookbinder (Hand Work)30aBookbinder (Machine Operations)30aCylinder Pressman30aPrinter-Hand Compositor30aElectrotyper (Finisher)30aProperty Supply Clerk And Officer30aElectrotyper (Molder)30aStereotyper30aJunior Hand Compositor 1aWashington, D.C. :bU.S. Civil Service Commission,c1953. a1 folded sheet (8 pages) ;c21 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aAnnouncement ;vno. 354 a"Issued: January 20, 1953 ; No Closing Date." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.20aUnited States Civil Service CommissionxExaminations. 0aBookbindersvJob descriptionszUnited States. 0aClerksvJob descriptionszUnited States.2 aUnited States Civil Service Commission,eissuing body. 0aAnnouncement (United States Civil Service Commission) ;vno. 354.02014cam a2200517 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000390006802000360010702000320014302000290017502000290020402000260023303500160025904000280027504200080030304300120031104900090032305000210033208200120035309900100036524501710037526400940054626400110064030000240065133600260067533700280070133800270072949000260075650000220078250000140080450000220081850000140084050400410085458803170089559900130121265000350122565000310126065000370129165000470132865000220137565000180139770000380141570000260145383000170147903276055020140716083427.0140514t20142014it b 000 0 fre c a9788878922426 (L'Harmattan Italia) a8878922420 (L'Harmattan Italia) a9782336305165 (L'Harmattan) a233630516X (L'Harmattan) a9782849430224 (Tropique) a2849430226 (Tropique) aon881086134 aC3LbengerdacC3LdFUG apcc afw----- aFUGG 4aBL570b.E53 201414a362214 aBL57000aEnfance et sacrifice au Sénégal, Mali, Gabon :bécoles coraniques, pratiques d'initiation, abus et crimes rituels /cElisa Pelizzari, Omar Sylla (sous la dir.). 1aTorino :bL'Harmattan Italia ;aParis :bL'Harmattan ;aNoisy-le-Sec :bTropique,c[2014] 4c©2014 a198 pages ;c21 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aCollana "Africultura" aCollected essays. aJoint ed. aCollected essays. aJoint ed. aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a32760550 0aChild sacrificezAfrica, West. 0aChild abusezAfrica, West. 0aChildren's rightszAfrica, West. 0aChildrenzAfrica, WestxSocial conditions. 0aInitiation rites. 0aRitual abuse.1 aPelizzari, Elisa,d1963-eeditor.1 aSylla, Omar.eeditor. 0aAfricultura.01339nam a2200325 a 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000300006802000270009802000290012502000260015403500160018004000180019604200080021404900090022205000290023109900170026010000250027724500640030226000830036630000210044949000120047050400540048258803170053659900130085360000610086660000430092765000300097083000130100003282056920140702100825.0140702s2012 ne b 000 0 dut c a9789086870998 (Nederland) a9086870996 (Nederland) a9789028966888 (België) a9028966889 (België) aon882473716 aFUGbengcFUG apcc aFUGG 4aPQ2605.A3723bZ9373 2012 aPQ2605.A37231 aWeyembergh, Maurice.10aCamus :bde filosoof en de romancier /cMaurice Weyembergh. aZoetermeer, Nederland :bKlement ;aKalmthout, België :bPelckmans,c[2012?] a213 p. ;c22 cm.1 aDenkers aIncludes bibliographical references (p. 211-213). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a3282056910aCamus, Albert,d1913-1960xCriticism and interpretation.10aCamus, Albert,d1913-1960xPhilosophy. 0aPhilosophy in literature. 0aDenkers.02977nmc a2200313Ii 450000100100000000500170001000700150002700800410004203500160008304000230009904300120012204900090013405000230014309900130016624500970017924600500027626400790032630000350040533600380044033700260047833800340050450000120053859000090055050516950055958803170225459900130257165000350258465000440261903289378820161205101908.0co cgu||||||||161205s2013 cl q d spa d aon965197825 aFUGbengerdacFUG acl----- aFUGG14aHQ1460.5bR43 2013 aHQ1460.500aDivisión de Asuntos de Género :bpublicaciones seleccionadas (octubre de 2013) /cCEPAL.10aPublicaciones seleccionadas (octubre de 2013) 1aSantiago de Chile :bCentro Regional de Información de Desastres,c2013. a1 CD-ROM :bcolor ;c4 3/4 in. acomputer programbcop2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia acomputer discbcd2rdacarrier aSpanish agift0 aRedistribuir el cuidado: el desafío de las políticas -- Observatorio de Igualdad de Género de América Latina y el Caribe. Informe Anual 2012. Los bonos en la mira: aporte y carga para las mujeres -- El Estado frente a la autonomía de las mujeres -- Construyendo autonomía: compromisos e indicadores de género -- Si no se cuenta, no cuenta: información sobre la violencia contra las mujeres -- Una mirada a la crisis desde los márgenes -- El cuidado en acción: entre el derecho y el trabajo -- Privilegiadas y discriminadas: las trabajadoras del sector financiero -- Estadísticas para la equidad de género : magnitudes y tendencias en América Latina -- Manual de uso del Observatorio de Igualdad de Género de América Latina y el Caribe -- Informe anual 2011. El salto de la autonomía. De los márgenes al centro -- Objetivos de desarrollo del milenio. Informe 2006 : una mirada a la igualdad entre los sexos y la autonomía de la mujer en América Latina y el Caribe -- El cuidado de calidad desde el saber experto y su impacto de género. Análisis comparativo sobre cuidado infantil y de adultos y adultas mayores en el Uruguay -- Las encuestas sobre uso del tiempo y trabajo no remunerado en América Latina y el Caribe. Caminos recorridos y desafíos hacia el futuro -- Las relaciones de género entre la población rural del Ecuador, Guatemala y México -- Protección social y redistribución del cuidado en América Latina y el Caribe: el ancho de las políticas -- La utilización de las encuestas de uso del tiempo en las políticas públicas -- Políticas públicas e institucionalidad de género en América Latina (1985-2010). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a32893788 0aWomenzLatin AmericaxHistory. 0aWomen's rightszLatin AmericaxHistory.03869nam a2200397Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000230014304900090016605000180017509900140019310000290020724500570023626400570029330000500035033600260040033700260042633800360045250200570048850000190054550400410056458800690060552021610067458803170283559000370315259000370318959000650322669000410329183000510333285600670338385200210345003291879820140828070220.0m o d s cr |n||||ma|mp140819s2012 flua obm s000 0 eng d aon887801957 a(FU)AA00013402_00001 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4aLD1780.1 2012 aLD1780.1 1 aPorter, Rhonda,eauthor.10aHidden arts of Claiborne Parish /cby Rhonda Porter. 1a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2012. a1 online resource (56 pages) :billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier gCapstone projectbM.A.cUniversity of Floridad2012. aIncludes vita. aIncludes bibliographical references. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page.3 aThe motivation for this project has developed through the process of living in a community for over fifty years, yet discovering there are art forces at work within the community that have gone unnoticed to many who live and work here. Research shows that the injection of the arts can positively impact a community. Yet, we frequently overlook the creative and cultural arts found in small, rural communities as untapped sources for development. In this study, I conducted multiple case studies of the hidden arts found within one small rural community, Claiborne Parish, Louisiana, and considered the factors that contributed to the creation of these arts and possible community connections that are made as a result of these art activities. This study utilized mini-case studies of selected artists in Claiborne Parish, done primarily through interviews and observations, and documented through blogging, a website, and a photo documentary of significant people, events, and sites discovered throughout this study. I have chronicled and shared ongoing observations in the Hidden Arts of Claiborne Parish blog, located at http://hiddenartsofclaiborneparish.blogspot.com/. Community art resources discovered have been archived and annotated within my Hidden Arts of Claiborne Parish website, located at http://hiddenartsofclaiborneparish.weebly.com/. My website also utilizes the process of photo documentary and online curating in the creation of an art gallery sharing selected works. I have also written and self-published a paper that shares my observations and findings. This paper is available both on my website and in the University of Florida repository of Art Education Capstone papers. Through this study, I attempted to discover the hidden arts found within Claiborne Parish, identify factors that contributed to these activities, and connections that resulted with the community. My research attempts to identify and describe creative forces found within the borders of this small community, and as an incentive to cultivate creative behaviors, generate communication, and inspire future creative activities in Claiborne Parish and elsewhere. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Delacruz, Elizabeth M.. aCommittee Member: Kushins, Jodi. aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections.5FU aArt education capstone project, M.A. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections.5FU40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00013402/00001yClick here for full text aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC01931nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010705000280011609900070014410000460015124500670019726000380026430000250030233600260032733700280035333800270038150000650040858803130047359004720078650000650125865000200132365000220134369000390136570000360140470000300144079600360147071000480150673000270155403294742820140913110100.0140909s1940 enk 000 0 eng d aon890193751 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4aQ1b.N2 v.145 p.954-958 aQ11 aDarwin, Charles Galton,cSir,d1887-1962.10aThermodynamics and the lowest temperatures /cby C. G. Darwin. aLondon :bMacMillan & Co.,c1940. ap. 954-958 ;c26 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aPrinted in Nature, v.145, no.3686, p.954-958 (June 22, 1940) aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aHarold and Mary Jean Hanson Rare Book Collection copy is from the Ray and Cary Cooper Science Collection, an ongoing donation begun in 2006 by Dr. Raymond D. Cooper to the George A. Smathers Libraries, and housed in the Libraries' Department of Special & Area Studies Collections. The collection consists of books, journals, and offprints in the area of the history of science (aeronautics, chemistry, physics, technology), and the development of the atomic bomb.5FU aPrinted in Nature, v.145, no.3686, p.954-958 (June 22, 1940) 0aThermodynamics. 0aLow temperatures. 4aImprintzEnglandzLondony19405FU1 aCooper, Raymond D.,edonor.5FU1 aCooper, Cary,edonor.5FU13aCooper, Ray & Cary,edonor.5FU2 aRay and Cary Cooper Science Collection.5FU02aNaturenVol.145 (1940)02691nem a2200529 i 450000100100000000500170001000700090002700800410003603400550007703500160013204000230014804200080017104300210017904900090020005000200020905200090022909900150023811000440025324500130029724600330031025501500034326400520049326400110054530000610055633600400061733700280065733800260068550000340071150000700074550000300081550001770084550001170102250001190113950001070125851000200136558803170138559001050170259900140180765100190182165100190184065100390185965500360189865500170193471000400195174000320199177301380202303295948920151021153222.0aj canzn151021t18951893ilue a 1 eng 1 aab2471040dW0874500eW0800000fN0310000gN0243000 aon925926372 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc an-us-flan-us-ga aFUGG 4aG3930 1895b.R3 a3930 aG3930 18952 aRand McNally and Companyeissuing body.10aFlorida.1 iMap title on verso:aGeorgia aScale approximately 1:2,471,040 ; Statute miles 69.16 = 1 degree ; Kilometres 111.307 = 1 degreec(W 87°45ʹ--W 80°00ʹ/N 31°00ʹ--N 24°30ʹ) 1a[Chicago] :bRand McNally and Company,c[1895?] 4c©1893 a2 maps on 1 sheet, both sides :bcolor ;c23.0 x 31.8 cm acartographic imagebcri2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia asheetbnb2rdacarrier aTitles supplied by cataloger. aShows cities, towns, railroads, and counties in different colors. aDepths shown by isolines. aInsets: Map showing parts of Lake, Orange and Volusia counties (on enlarged scale) Scale approximately 1:900,000 -- Southern portion of Florida (on same scale as main map). aGeorgia map on verso. Indexes on opposite pages with population figures of Florida and Georgia from 1890 census. a"Rand, McNally & Co.'s Universal Atlas Map of Florida. Copyright, 1893, by Rand, McNally & Co."--Below scale bars. aAppears in: Rand McNally & Co.'s library atlas of the world. Chicago : Rand McNally and Company, 1895.4 aPhillips,c1002 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aFlorida History Map Collection copy trimmed to neat lines, lacking margins, page numbers, title.5FU a032959489 0aFloridavMaps. 0aGeorgiavMaps. 7aFlorida.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01205150 7aMaps.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423704 7aMaps.2lcgft2 aFlorida History Map Collection.5FU0 aLibrary atlas of the world.08iContained in (work):tRand, McNally & Co.'s Library atlas of the world.dChicago, Illinois: Rand McNally & Co., 1895w(OCoLC)1380490301136nam a2200301 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000150006802000180008303500160010104000230011704200080014004900090014805000270015709900170018410000280020124500540022926400380028330000220032133600210034333700250036433800230038959000750041259000100048750000110049758803130050859900130082103296996620150320142137.0150320s1993 cr 000 p spa c a9977965307 a9789977965307 aon905362196 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG 4aPQ7409.2.D64bO53 1993 aPQ7409.2.D641 aD'Oleo, Freddyeauthor.10aOjalá que hablen las hojas... /cFreddy D'Oleo. 1aSan José, CR :bVaritec,c1993. a77 pages ;c21 cm atext2rdacontent aunmediated2rdamedia avolume2rdacarrier aLatin American and Caribbean Collection copy signed by the author.5FU agift. aPoems. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a3296996601469nam a2200313 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000180008404200080010204900090011005000240011909900150014310000390015824500440019726400530024130000370029433600210033133700250035233800230037750000370040050000270043750001650046451000580062958803130068759000810100071000370108179700370111803300001220150223125255.0141010s1935 nyua 000 p eng c aon892745335 aFUGerdacFUG apcc aFUGG 4aPS3511.R94bG8 1935 aPS3511.R941 aFrost, Robert,d1874-1963eauthor.14aThe gold hesperidee /cby Robert Frost. 1aCortland, N.Y. :bThe Bibliophile Press,c[1935] a8 pages :billustration ;c19 cm atext2rdacontent aunmediated2rdamedia avolume2rdacarrier a"Copy number"--Verso title page. a"A"--Verso title page. a"This poem, one of Mr. Frost's most amusing and whimsical, and one of his own favorites, was first printed, 1921, in the magazine Farm and fireside."--Page [3].4 aCrane, J. Robert Frost, a descriptive catalogue.cA19 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aParkman Dexter Howe Library: Crane, first state, binding A. Howe RF 101.5FU2 aParkman Dexter Howe Library.5FU23aParkman Dexter Howe Library.5FU03942nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000260016324502440018926000570043330000310049050000610052150000190058250200490060150400410065050600320069152015050072352005090222858800690273758803170280659000300312359000330315365300290318665500390321569000440325469000280329883000470332685200210337385601500339403300042620141011212812.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp140401s2013 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0046122_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aAndrus, Matthew John.10aStructural and Electronic Investigations of Prussian Blue Analogue Heterostructuresh[electronic resource]bElucidating the Effects of Lattice Coupling on the Structrual Phase Behavior of Cobalt Hexacyanoferrates /cby Matthew John Andrus. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2013. a1 online resource (153 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2013. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aComplexes which transition between two states by external stimuli have intrigued scientist for decades. Only over the past twenty years has the charge transfer induced spin transitions (CTIST) phenomenon been reported. Already research on these types of materials, such as Prussian blue analogues (PBA), has been able to manifest themselves in a broad range of fields. Of the materials which exhibit a CTIST, the cobalt hexacyanoferrate (CoFe) PBAs are the most widely studied. Recently multifunctional heterostructures, which pair two or more components together in a single material, have been developed containing CoFe PBAs. Herein, heterostructured materials containing CoFe have been explored to investigate how pairing another material at the interface of a CoFe PBA effects the structural transformations. Heterostructures comprised of either nickel hexacyanochromate or cobalt hexacyanochromate and CoFe PBAs have been investigated and compared to single phase materials. For the purpose of studying the influence the interface coupling bulk and nanosized particles have also been prepared. The results suggest that when the CoFe PBA is the core material, the CTIST is strained when cooled from 300 K to 100 K. Furthermore, when irradiated at 100 K this strain is released. However, when the CoFe PBA is the shell material, the CTIST is strained at the interface, but can this can be overcome this strain when the shell thickness increase. Next, this work also probes the effect of morphology3 aand its influence on the CTIST by comparing hollow and cross-like heterostructures to bulk and nanosized core-shell particles. Then, using nanosized CoFe particles the role of the surface on the phase behavior is investigated and found to mediate these phase transitions. Finally, this work also investigates how infrared spectroscopy can be employed to rapidly characterize heterostructure PBA materials by determining the extinction coefficients of these analogues and applies them to these structures. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: TALHAM,DANIEL R. aCo-adviser: BRUCAT,PHILIP J. aanalogueablueaprussian 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxChemistry. aChemistry thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0046122/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2014-12-315FU03143nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000300017924501630020926000570037230000310042950000610046050000190052150200490054050400410058950600320063052012300066258800690189258803170196159000340227859000380231259900190235065300680236965500390243769000690247669000530254583000470259885200210264585600670266603300054020150409091807.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp140401s2013 flu obm s000 u eng d aon906819417 a(FU)UFE0046266_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aPappu, Vijay Sunder Naga.10aSupervised Machine Learning Models for Feature Selection and Classification on High Dimensional Datasetsh[electronic resource] /cby Vijay Sunder Naga Pappu. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2013. a1 online resource (132 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2013. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aHigh dimensional datasets are currently prevalent in many applications due to significant advances in technology over the past decade. High dimensional datasets are generally characterized by large number of features and relatively lesser number of samples. Classification tasks on such datasets pose significant challenges to the standard statistical methods and render many existing classification techniques impractical due to curse of dimensionality. Classification performance is improved by reducing the dimensionality using feature selection and/or feature extraction. In this work, we focus on building scalable efficient classification models for high dimensional datasets that would also be able to extract important features in addition to accurately predicting the class of unknown samples. In this regard, we begin with an overview of feature selection techniques and classification models and then proceed to introduce variants of existing methods that improve their generalization ability on high dimensional datasets. We also study a high-dimensional data application involving Raman Spectroscopy and propose a novel hierarchical classification framework to classify Breast cancer cells from non-cancer cells. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: PARDALOS,PANAGOTE M. aCo-adviser: BOGINSKIY,VLADIMIR L. ajkr 2013125FU acanceraclassificationadimensionsafeatureselectionasubspaces 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxIndustrial and Systems Engineering. aIndustrial and Systems Engineering thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0046266/00001yClick here for full text03573nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000320017924501570021126000570036830000300042550000610045550000190051650200480053550400410058350600320062452016780065658800690233458803170240359000270272059000280274759900180277565300990279365500390289269000570293169000400298883000470302885200210307585600670309603300064820150416131210.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp140401s2013 flu obm s000 u eng d aon907474093 a(FU)UFE0046404_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aRodrigues, Jolin Philentha.12aA Perfused Tumor Flow Phantom for Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticle-Mediated Hyperthermia Studiesh[electronic resource] /cby Jolin Philentha Rodrigues. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2013. a1 online resource (71 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2013. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aTargeted magnetic fluid hyperthermia (MFH) is a promising cancer therapy that achieves localized tumor heating which selectively destroys tumor cells while limiting side effects. This is achieved through the use of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) that are targeted to the tumor tissue which strongly couple to an applied alternating magnetic field (AMF) and produce heat through relaxation losses. Till date, there has been no satisfactory physical tumor phantom to study heat losses by blood perfusion during MFH. Here, a perfused flow phantom for MFH was studied in vitro, using a superporous hydrogel of poly(acrylamide-co-acrylic acid)/polyethyleneimine interpenetrating polymer network (P(AM-co-AA)/PEI IPN) to mimic tumor tissue. A new method for the entrapment of Iron (III) oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) in the tumor phantom was developed and optimized for varying concentrations. A flow vessel was designed to hold the tumor phantom and fit in the chamber of a nanoTherics MagneThermTM radiofrequency coil device which induced an AMF in the chamber. The AMF generated caused the IONPs to attain hyperthermic temperatures over a period of 60 minutes. The system was tested by monitoring temperature rise in the phantom under varying water flow conditions to replicate blood-tissue perfusion. Preliminary data acquired showed that blood flow perfusion does not seem to have a significant effect on MFH in targeted tumor tissue; at the iron oxide concentrations tested and flow conditions simulated; but further tests are required to study this. This model holds considerable promise for use in determining optimum heating parameters for the treatment of tumors with MFH. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: DOBSON,JON P. aCo-adviser: ALLEN,KYLE. ash 2013125FU acancerahydrogelsahyperthermiaaironamagneticananoparticlesaoxideaphantomapolymeratumor 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxBiomedical Engineering. aBiomedical Engineering thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0046404/00001yClick here for full text02453nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000280017924501130020726000570032030000310037750000610040850000190046950200480048850400410053650600320057752006010060958800690121058803170127959000320159659000380162859900180166665300660168465500390175069000680178969000510185783000470190885200210195585600670197603300666420150415103917.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp140905s2014 flu obm s000 u eng d aon907379241 a(FU)UFE0046437_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aCastro Cara, Francisco.14aThe Effect of Engineered Topographies on Marine Adhesiveh[electronic resource] /cby Francisco Castro Cara. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2014. a1 online resource (119 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2014. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aMussels have the ability to attach to a wide variety of materials by the production of a structure known as byssus. This byssus is formed by a number of adhesive plaques each connected to the inside of the animal through a collagen thread. The byssal plaque is a highly cross-linked protein adhesive that is segregated by the foot, a specialized appendix organ capable to identify chemical and physical features on the surface in order to identify a suitable attachment spot. This experiment is intended to investigate the effect of the micro-engineered pattern size in mussel attachment process. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: BRENNAN,ANTHONY B. aCo-adviser: BATICH,CHRISTOPHER D. ash 2014055FU aantifoulingaattachmentabiofoulingamicro-topographyamussel 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxMaterials Science and Engineering. aMaterials Science and Engineering thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0046437/00001yClick here for full text03063nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000210017924501130020026000570031330000310037050000610040150000190046250200490048150400410053050600320057152012750060358800690187858803170194759000330226459000370229759900190233465300500235365500390240369000460244269000300248883000470251885200210256585600670258603300677320150414124126.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp140905s2014 flu obm s000 u eng d aon907295048 a(FU)UFE0046563_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aStetler, Eric B.10aMultiplication Operators on Hilbert Spaces of Dirichlet Seriesh[electronic resource] /cby Eric B. Stetler. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2014. a1 online resource (101 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2014. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aIn this dissertation, certain classes of Hilbert function spaces of one-variable and multivariable Dirichlet series will be examined. Their corresponding multiplier algebras will be explored and, in certain cases, classified up to isometric isomorphism. In the one-variable case, Hilbert spaces of the form Hw = {Σ∞ n=n0 ann −s : Σ∞ n=n0 |an|2wn < ∞ } , will be considered, where {wn}∞ n=n0 is a sequence of positive numbers. Assuming certain conditions on these weight sequences, upper and lower bounds for the operator norms of the corresponding multiplication operators will be derived. The multiplier algebras of these spaces will be completely classified in the case that the weights are suitably chosen. Examples will be given of weight sequences for which conclusions similar to those of Hedenmalm, Lindqvist and Seip and McCarthy hold, but under alternate hypotheses on the weights. Moreover, it will be shown that this result is not subsumed under theirs. In the multivariable case, Hilbert spaces of the form Hw = {Σ∗ n≥n0 ann−s : Σ∗ n≥n0 |an|2wn < ∞ } will be investigated, where again, {wn}n≥n0 is a sequence of positive numbers. Results analogous to the one-variable case will be obtained under similar hypotheses on the weights. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: MCCULLOUGH,SCOTT A. aCo-adviser: JURY,MICHAEL THOMAS. ajkr 2014055FU adirichletahilbertamultipliersamultivariate 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxMathematics. aMathematics thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0046563/00001yClick here for full text04391nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000170016324501710018026000570035130000310040850000610043950000190050050200480051950400410056750600320060852014980064052011040213858800690324258803170331159000300362859000350365865300430369365500390373669000500377569000330382583000470385885200210390585600670392603300688320141015123628.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp140905s2014 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0046730_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aLi, Qizhang.10aEffect of Supplementing an Omega-3 Fatty Acid-Containing Product to Pig Diets on Growth and Immune Responses of Weanling Pigsh[electronic resource] /cby Qizhang Li. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2014. a1 online resource (100 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2014. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThe recognition that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) possess potent anti-inflammatory properties in human models has prompted studies investigating their efficacy for animal growth and immunity. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of feeding an n-3 PUFA-enriched diet on growth and immune response of weanling piglets. Newly weaned pigs (averaging 27 2 days of age and 8.1 0.7 kg of body weight were assigned randomly to receive a control (3% vegetable oil, n = 20) or n-3 PUFA-supplemented (3% Omega, n = 20) diet for 28 days after weaning. Diets were formulated to be isocaloric (3.3 Mcal / kg of diet) and isolysinic (14 g Lys / kg of diet). A diet gender week interaction was detected (P < 0.04) for body weight. Female pigs consuming the n-3 PUFA-enriched diet were lighter (P <0.01) at week 4 post-weaning than their counterparts fed the vegetable oil-supplemented diet. Newly weaned pigs gained more weight (P < 0.01), consumed more feed (P < 0.01) and had better feed efficiency (P < 0.01) between day 14 and 28 than between days 0 and 14 post-weaning. Peripheral IGF-1 concentration decreased (P < 0.01) between days 0 and 14 after weaning and then increased again by day 28 post-weaning. In piglets consuming the vegetable oil-enriched diet, plasma TNF concentration increased (P < 0.04) from 33.7 16.9 pg/mL to 92.7 14.1 pg/mL between days 0 and 14 post-weaning and remained elevated through out the remaining weeks of the study. The weaning-induced3 aincrease in serum TNF was completely abolished by adding n-3 PUFA to the piglet diet. With the exception of blood platelets and eosinophil cells, dietary n-3 PUFA had minimal effects on hematological characteristics. Fecal consistency scores improved (P < 0.01) with increasing weeks after weaning, but were similar between the two dietary treatments. Results of this study provided no evidence for n-3 PUFA modulation of fecal consistency score or hematological parameters of weanling piglets raised in the absence of significant immunological and environmental challenges. However, female pigs consuming the n-3 PUFA-supplemented diet were lighter at week 4 post-weaning compared with control group. Dietary n-3 PUFA may improve the immune status of weanling pigs, as reflected by considerably lower plasma TNF in pigs consuming n-3 PUFA than those fed a vegetable oil-enriched diet. Furthermore, the gradual increase of body weight, feed intake and feed efficiency following weaning may reflect a slow adaptation to post-weaning diets and a gradual improvement of the gastrointestinal microbiota. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: BADINGA,LOKENGA. aCo-adviser: BRENDEMUHL,JOEL H. agrowthaimmunityaomegaapigaweanling 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxAnimal Sciences. aAnimal Sciences thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0046730/00001yClick here for full text02906nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000230017924501030020226000570030530000300036250000610039250000190045350200480047250400410052050600320056152011640059358800690175758803170182659000300214359000340217359900180220765300310222565500390225669000420229569000240233783000470236185200210240885600670242903300699120150508163601.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp140905s2014 flu obm s000 u eng d aon908645715 a(FU)UFE0046838_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aWebb, Elizabeth E.10aControls over tundra non-growing season carbon lossh[electronic resource] /cby Elizabeth E Webb. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2014. a1 online resource (63 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2014. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aPermafrost soils store roughly 1672 Pg of carbon (C), twice the amount currently in the earth's atmosphere. But as high latitudes warm, this temperature-protected C reservoir will become vulnerable to higher rates of decomposition. In recent decades, air temperatures in the high latitudes have warmed more than other region globally, particularly during the winter. Over the coming century, the arctic winter is also expected to experience the most warming of any region or season, yet it is notably understudied. Though warming has been shown to increase plant productivity during the growing season, these seasonal C gains may be offset on an annual basis by C losses during the non-growing season (NGS). Here we present NGS CO2 flux data from the Carbon in Permafrost Experimental Heating Research (CiPEHR) project, a tundra ecosystem warming experiment in interior Alaska. Our goals were to compare methods of measuring winter CO2 flux, determine the environmental controls of winter CO2 flux, account for subnivean photosynthesis and late fall plant C uptake in our estimate of NGS CO2 exchange, and quantify the effect of warming on total NGS CO2 flux. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Schuur,Edward A. aCo-adviser: Martin,Timothy A. amw 2014055FU acarbonapermafrostawinter 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxBiology. aBotany thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0046838/00001yClick here for full text01983nam a2200325Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010709900380011624501330015424600290028726400500031626400110036630000410037733600210041833700250043933800230046450000440048750000230053150001160055450503880067058803170105865000680137565000680144371000460151171000380155783000620159503301731220151016133437.0141023s2013 flu 000 0 eng aon893621394 aFUBbengerdacFUB aFUBB aKFF81b.F54 Medical no.1586R 201300a5th annual FUNdamentals: "Medicaid in a day" /cThe Florida Bar Continuing Legal Education Committee and the Health Law Section.30aAnnual FUNdamentals, 5th 1a[Tallahassee, FL] :bThe Florida Bar,cc2013. 4c©2013 a1 volume (various pagings) ;c28 cm. atext2rdacontent aunmediated2rdamedia avolume2rdacarrier a"Course classification: Advanced level" a"Course no. 1586R" a" September 20, 2013. Renaissance Tampa International Plaza Hotel, 4200 Jim Walter Blvd., Tampa, Florida 33607"00tOverview of Florida Medicaid program /rSusan Tuiteg(p.1.1-1.23)(p. 1.14-1.23 slideshow) --tMedicaid long term care from the consumer's perspective /rLinda Chamberlaing(p. 2.1-2.29)(p. 2.12-2.23 slideshow) --tThe impact of health reform on medicaid /rAdam Rogersg(p. 4.1-4.15)(p. 4.9-4.14 slideshow) --tChanging medicaid public policy /rJan Gorrieg(p. 7.1-7.32)(slideshow). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aOlder peoplexMedical carexLaw and legislationzUnited States. 0aOlder peoplexMedical carezUnited StatesxLaw and legislation.2 aFlorida Bar.bContinuing Legal Education.2 aFlorida Bar.bHealth Law Section. 0aFlorida Bar Continuing Legal Education course ;vno.1586R03053ntm a2200397Ki 450000100100000000500170001000700140002700800410004103500160008204000230009804300210012104900090014205000200015109900090017124501810018024600310036126400550039230000510044733600260049833700270052433800350055150001500058650002040073652001400094050002040108050002010128450004290148558803130191465100580222765000540228571000440233971000590238374000540244283000420249685601170253803307104820150609144214.0hd afu|||buu|141118m19761985sp a f000 0 spa d aon895895286 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us-flae-sp--- aFUGG 4aF314b.S26 1976 aF31400aSanto Domingo :b[selected documents from the Audiencia de Santo Domingo subsection of the Gobierno section of the Archivo General de Indias related to the history of Florida].3 aAudiencia de Santo Domingo 0aSevilla :bArchivo General de Indias,c[1976-1985] a75 microfilm reels :bpositive ;c10 cm, 35 mm atextbtxt2rdacontent amicroformbh2rdamedia amicrofilm reelbhd2rdacarrier aProduction dates inferred from date on contents summary at beginning of first reel of reels numbered 28-B and from forms requesting microfilming. aThe Gobierno section of the Archivo General de Indias includes documents from the government bodies with supreme authority over the colonies: the Consejo de Indias and the Secretarías del Despacho. aConsists of documents dating from 1565 to 1765, during which time Florida was under the jurisdiction of the Audiencia de Santo Domingo. aConsists of: reels numbered 27-U (reels 1-2); reel 28-A (in part); reels numbered 28-B (reels 1-20); reels 28-H, 28-I, 28-J; reels numbered 28-K (reels 1-2, 21-63, 64 (in part), 65 (in part), 66-68). aReels numbered 28-B constitute. Cartas de gobernadores de la Florida (1565-1765). Madrid : Centro Nacional de Microfilm, 1985. (Publicaciones manuscritas / Archivo General de Indias ; pub. no 104) aReels 64 and 65 of the 28-K reels also contain manuscripts from the Audiencia de México subsection of the Gobierno section of the Archivo General de Indias. Reel 28-A contains manuscripts from both the Audiencia de México and the Audiencia de Santo Domingo subsections of the Gobierno section, the Papeles de Cuba section and the Indiferente General subsection (of the Gobierno section?) of the Archivo General de Indias aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aFloridaxHistoryySpanish colony, 1565-1763vSources. 0aManuscripts, SpanishzSpainzSevillevFacsimiles.2 aArchivo General de Indias,erepository.2 aP.K. Yonge Library of Florida History,ecurrent owner.0 aCartas de gobernadores de la Florida (1565-1765). 0aPublicaciones manuscritas ;vno. 104.4 yClick here for more information on holdingsuhttp://www.library.ufl.edu/spec/pkyonge/Microfilm/SpanHoldings.html02830ntm a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300120010704900090011905000250012809900140015310000350016724501360020226400100033830000580034833600260040633700280043233800270046050000140048750200710050150400410057252013660061358803170197959000260229659000260232265000480234865000520239669000440244803309111720141209070323.0141209s2014 xx abe b 000 0 eng d aon897803735 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us-fl aFUGG 4aLD1780.1 2014b.F825 aLD1780.1 1 aFranco, Christian B.,eauthor.10aSustainable healthcare facility :bimproving healthcare facility performance by addressing fear and anxiety /cChristian B. Franco. 0c2014. a51 pages :bcolor illustrations, maps, plans ;c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aPrintout. aMaster's Research Project (M. Arch.)--University of Florida, 2014. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 aTo state that humanity is in urgent need of sustainable solutions is a huge understatement. Resources are being depleted relentlessly and not only are we running out of options to sustain our modus vivendi, but we are taking away from other species in order to sustain our own. Our way of life has done irreparable damage that simply will not be ignored by the vast cycles of nature. However, our society is based around ideas of compassion, health) long life and prosperity. Our objective of health care is to reduce pain, discomfort, promote happier and healthier lifestyles, but more importantly, to prolong life, Basically, we are promoting longer lives for the most wasteful and nocive species that ever walked the earths So, the more successful we are in the latter, the less successful we will be in the first) unless a massive shift in behavior is adopted. The dichotomy of life and death, survival and demise takes place in healthcare centers where people are treated restively every second of the day. This project proposes a way in which we can heal ourselves while reducing the demise of nature and other species. This, however, integrates wide topics that must be mentioned without going into too much detail and research, as each topic can entail a research project of their own. Nevertheless, for an integrated approach, they have to be included. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aChair: Vandana Baweja aCo-chair: Peter Prugh 0aHealth facilitiesxDesign and construction. 0aSustainable buildingsxDesign and construction. 0aArchitecture research project, M. Arch.01966cam a2200373Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000370008404300120012108600170013308600190015011000530016924502700022224600700049226400730056230000210063533600260065633700280068233800270071049000250073749000420076250000210080458803170082565000290114265000320117165000430120365000400124665100450128670000570133171000890138883000630147783000520154003317201520151104104126.0150114s1900 dcu l f000 0 eng d aon900160170 aFUGbengerdacFUGdOCLCFdOCLCQ an-us---0 aY 1.1/2:39950 aY 1.1/7:56-5651 aUnited States.bCongress.bHouse,eissuing body.10aLetter from the Secretary of the Treasury :btransmitting a copy of a statement from the Chief of Division of Loans and Currency submitting an estimate of appropriation for expenses of currency /cL J. Gage, Secretary ; Treasury Department, Office of the Secretary.1 iAt head of title:aDistinctive paper for United States securities 2aWashington, D.C. :bUnited States Government Printing Office,c1900. a2 pages ;c23 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aH.doc. ;vNo. 56-5651 aU.S. congressional serial set ;v3995 a"April 3, 1900." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aStatuteszUnited States. 0aPaper moneyzUnited States. 7aPaper money.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01052532 7aStatutes.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01132185 7aUnited States.2fast0(OCoLC)fst012041551 aGage, Lyman J.q(Lyman Judson),d1836-1927,eauthor.1 aUnited States.bDepartment of the Treasury.bOffice of the Secretary,eissuing body. 0aHouse document (United States. Congress. House) ;v56-565. 0aUnited States congressional serial set ;v3995.01353nam a2200325 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000230011704200080014004900090014805000280015709900180018510000390020324500850024224600460032725000270037326400760040026400120047630000400048833600210052833700250054933800230057449000420059758803170063959900130095680000580096903320730720150401115807.0150401t20142014br a 000 f por c a9788523210854 a8523210857 aon905973443 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG 4aPQ9698.15.U25bM46 2014 aPQ9698.15.U250 aEuclides Neto,d1925-2000eauthor.12aO menino traquino :bcrônicas políticas e crônicas leves /cEuclides Neto.30aCrônicas políticas e crônicas leves a2a edição revista. 1aSalvador, Bahia, Brasil :bEDUFBA ;aSão Paulo, SP :bLittera,c2014. 4c©2014. a204 pages :billustration ;c21 cm. atext2rdacontent aunmediated2rdamedia avolume2rdacarrier1 aObras completas / Euclides Neto ;vIX aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a332073070 aEuclides Neto,d1925-2000.tWorks.f2013eauthor.v9.01302nam a2200301 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404200080010704300300011504900090014505000220015409900110017610000350018724500550022226400680027730000500034533600260039533700280042133800270044958803130047660000320078960000490082165000330087070000350090371000620093803324852920150311132901.0150310s1942 it a 000 0 ita c aon904608345 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc ae------aaw-----aff----- aFUGG 4aBS2515b.P53 1942 aBS25151 aRossi, Giovanni,cDoneauthor.10aPietro in Roma /cGiovanni Rossi, Dandolo Bellini. 1aAssisi :bEdizioni d'Arte della Pro Civitate Christiana,c1942. a28 unnumbered pages :billustrations ;c17 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.00aPeter,cthe Apostle, Saint.00aPeter,cthe Apostle, SaintxMonumentszRome. 0aChristian antiquitieszRome.1 aBellini, Dandoloeillustrator.2 aEdizioni d'arte della Pro Civitate Christianaepublisher.05703nam a2200385Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010203500160012704000230014304900090016605000180017509900140019310000300020724501660023726400570040330000510046033600260051133700260053733800360056350000610059950200590066050400410071952039320076058800690469258803170476159000230507859000290510169000520513083000470518285600670522985200210529603329651920150331101923.0m o d s cr |n||||ma|mp150331s2013 flua obm s000 0 eng d a(FU)AA00016058_00001 aon905904462 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4aLD1780.1 2013 aLD1780.1 1 aFranko, Matthew,eauthor.12aA Symbiotic Relationship between Golf Courses and Hydro Fracturing :bAchieved Through Visual, Physical, and Chemical Mitigation Techniques /cby Matthew Franko. 1a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2013. a1 online resource (147 pages) :billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. gTerminal projectbM.L.A.cUniversity of Floridad2013. aIncludes bibliographical references.3 aThe golf course and fracing industries have experienced much success but now have encountered certain issues within their respective markets. These issues, such as negative public perception and poor environmental practices, have created somewhat of an impasse for the two if they wish to be successful in the future. This investigation examined how these two seeming incompatible land use types can come together in order to solve each other⁰́₉s problems. The integration of fracing sites and golf courses provides a potential partnership between the two industries where they both complement each other in the exact areas in which they are lacking. Fracing can provide golf courses with the revenue necessary to pull them out of their financial hole while golf courses can provide fracing with the necessary land required to expand their operations but also provide the drainage infrastructure needed to safeguard the fracing process better. With minor structural interventions, the hydro-fracing process can put in place safety measures to prevent possible environmental disasters. These sites can potentially utilize bio-mediated soils in order to provide better clean up services and also aid in the sequestration and removal of potential contaminants. This infrastructure utilized for fracing can easily be retrofitted after the drilling process is complete and become an integral part of the golf course. These areas can be integrated with the course in the form of hazards, waste bunkers, or similar golf course elements. The two industries, when combined, can create a symbiotic relationship with each other as they both fulfill the current needs of one another. This will help to propel them into the future by improving both their financial performance as well as their public perception. The successful integration of the two will then lead to a future where both can operate harmoniously within the framework of our human environment. This project looked at how these two industries can be integrated through the exploration of a purposed fracing site on Eagle⁰́₉s Mere Country Club. This site was integrated into the framework of the course and various mitigation techniques were implemented for the site through the design of new golf course infrastructure. These fracing mitigation techniques will address visual problems, soil & water contamination, and a lack of safety structures. The key to these techniques is that they will mitigate the fracing site for its potential problems while also serving as integral components of the golf course. After this exercise it was found that much of the problems associated with fracing in regard to soil and water cleansing must be done off site. The water cleansing process requires techniques which can only be performed at treatment centers and are not available on site. However, the introduction of biomediated soil can help in cleansing some potential contaminants in the soil and then aid in the removal of any contaminated soil left over, specifically in the event of any accidents. Visual mitigation can be accomplished through the strategic placement of various vegetative screening areas ⁰́₃ also functioning in conjunction with the golf course. Further visual mitigation can be accomplished by properly planning the fracing site so as to limit its visual impact on the environment. Finally, various safety structures in the form of various swales can be constructed around a fracing site to serve as a potential containment area for any hazardous materials. These areas can later be retrofitted to be incorporated into the golf course and serve as a key component in the design of a golf course. The techniques developed in this study are rudimentary in nature; however they provide the pivotal first step towards making the fracing and the golf course industries safer, more profitable, and accepted by a broader range of the general public. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Bob Grist aCo-Adviser: Kay Williams aLandscape Architecture terminal project, M.L.A. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections.40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00016058/00001yClick here for full text aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC01724nam a2200385 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000230011704200080014004300120014804900090016005000250016909900150019410000380020924500750024725000230032226401300034526400120047530000410048733600210052833700250054933800230057449000640059750400670066158803170072859900130104561000480105865000520110665100600115865100550121883000650127303336646320150504110809.0150504t20142014dr a b 001 0 spa c a9789945498110 a9945498118 aon908337360 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc anwdr--- aFUGG 4aJL1139.A54bH47 2014 aJL1139.A541 aHerrera Catalino, Faustoeauthor.10aCrisis PRD :bun desafío a la democracia /cFausto Herrera Catalino. aSegunda edición. 1aSanto Domingo, Distrito Nacional, República Dominicano :bDirección de Publicaciones, Editora Universitaria, UASD,c2014. 4c©2014. a255 pages :billustrations ;c22 cm. atext2rdacontent aunmediated2rdamedia avolume2rdacarrier1 aPublicaciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 248-252) and index. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a3336646320aPartido Revolucionario DominicanoxHistory. 0aPolitical partieszDominican RepublicxHistory. 0aDominican RepublicxPolitics and governmenty1930-1961. 0aDominican RepublicxPolitics and governmenty1961- 0aPublicaciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo.01327nam a2200337 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000230011704200080014004300210014804900090016905000250017809900150020310000250021824500350024325000220027826400710030026400120037130000460038333600260042933700280045533800270048358803170051059900130082760000430084065000510088365000550093403340093420150618075748.0150618s2014 ag a g 6 000 1dspa c a9789872457891 a9872457891 aon911179446 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc as-ck---as-ec--- aFUGG 4aPN6790.C73bP69 2014 aPN6790.C730 aPower Paolaeauthor.10aVirus tropical /cPower Paola. a1a ed., 1a reimp. 1aCiudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires :bLa Editorial Común,c[2014] 4c©2014. a159 pages :bchiefly illustrated ;c21 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a3340093400aPower PaolavComic books, strips, etc. 0aColombianszEcuadorvComic books, strips, etc. 0aTeenage girlszColombiavComic books, strips, etc.01364nam a2200325 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002701000150006802000260008302000230010902000260013202000230015803500160018104000230019704200080022004900090022805000270023709900170026410000350028124500450031626400610036126400120042230000400043433600210047433700250049533800230052050501650054358803170070859900130102503342401020150625090603.0150625t20122012bh a 000 0 eng c a2015420847 a9789769535800q(v. 1) a976953580Xq(v. 1) a9789769535817q(v. 2) a9769535818q(v. 2) aon911621571 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG 4aPR9280.9.M67bM64 2012 aPR9280.9.M671 aMorter-Lewis, Corintheauthor.10aMoments in time /cCorinth Morter-Lewis. 1a[Benque Viejo, Belize?] :b[BRC Printing Ltd.?].c[2012] 4c©2012. a2 volumes :billustrations ;c21 cm atext2rdacontent aunmediated2rdamedia avolume2rdacarrier0 aV. 1. A collection of poems, two short stories & a play -- v. 2. A collection of poems, two short stories & a play : for upper primary and high school students. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a3342401003038nam a2200433Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010203500160012704000230014304900090016605000180017509900140019310000310020724500640023826400570030230000500035933600260040933700260043533800360046159000650049750200660056250000190062850400410064758800690068852011590075758803170191659000290223359000420226259000370230465500390234169000470238069000380242783000510246585600670251685200210258303360351620150729081815.0m o d s cr |n||||ma|mp150729s2012 flua obm s000 0 eng d a(FU)AA00013447_00001 aon915055150 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4aLD1780.1 2012 aLD1780.1 1 aHenderson, Alexa,eauthor.10aOrganic sound :ba living soundscape /cby Alexa Henderson. 1a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2012. a1 online resource (27 pages) :billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections.5FU gProject in lieu of thesisbM.A.cUniversity of Floridad2012. aIncludes vita. aIncludes bibliographical references. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page.3 aOrganic Sound is a music visualizer that expands the expectations of the viewer regarding the forms generated by sound. Attempts by artists in the fine arts, experimental film, contemporary installations, multimedia, and performing arts over the past hundred years to create a visual code for music have championed a genre based on the concepts of synesthesia and musical analogy. The resulting works of art have utilized abstract forms and colors to convey a visual message throughout the annals of visual music. Organic Sound seeks to push the boundaries between music visualization and motion picture, generating visuals that mimic lifelike representations from our biotic surroundings. Displaying the properties of intensity, pitch and waveform through material associations, Organic Sound will convey these qualities of sound, while creating a visual story for the viewer to consider, contemplate, and enjoy. Microphone input of sound will allow Organic Sound to respond to the viewer/participant's utterances and preferences, thus creating an interactive experience between the participant, the music, and the visual landscapes generated therefrom. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: James Oliverio. aCommittee Member: Angelos Barmpoutis. aCommittee Member: Anna Williams. 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDigital Arts and Sciences terminal project aDissertations, AcademiczUFxArt. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections.5FU40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00013447/00001yClick here for full text aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC01807nam a2200313 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010705000280011609900070014410000650015124500750021626400390029130000270033033600260035733700280038333800270041150000670043858803170050559004720082265000210129470000360131570000300135179600360138171000480141773000280146503364604820150828064202.0150828s1936 enk 000 0 eng d aon919310859 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4aQ1b.N2 v.137 p.298-299 aQ11 aDirac, P. A. M.q(Paul Adrien Maurice),d1902-1984,eauthor.10aDoes conservation of energy hold in atomic processes? /cP.A.M. Dirac. 0aLondon :bMacMillan & Co.,c[1936] apages 298-299 ;c26 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aPrinted in Nature, v.137, no. 3460, p.298-299 (Feb. 26, 1936). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aHarold and Mary Jean Hanson Rare Book Collection copy is from the Ray and Cary Cooper Science Collection, an ongoing donation begun in 2006 by Dr. Raymond D. Cooper to the George A. Smathers Libraries, and housed in the Libraries' Department of Special & Area Studies Collections. The collection consists of books, journals, and offprints in the area of the history of science (aeronautics, chemistry, physics, technology), and the development of the atomic bomb.5FU 0aNuclear physics.1 aCooper, Raymond D.,edonor.5FU1 aCooper, Cary,edonor.5FU13aCooper, Ray & Cary,edonor.5FU2 aRay and Cary Cooper Science Collection.5FU02aNature.nVol. 92 (1913)03170nam a2200457Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000280017924501670020726000570037430000310043150000610046250000190052350200490054250400410059150600320063252011720066458800690183658803170190559000300222259000310225259900180228365300890230165500390239069000640242969000360249383000470252983000110257683000100258783000110259783000120260885200210262085600710264103365079720170125130200.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp150108s2014 flu obm s000 u eng d aon969976940 a(FU)UFE0046711_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aWeekes, Johann Everton.10aPredicting the Vulnerability of Typical Commercial and Single Family Residential Buildings to Hurricane Damageh[electronic resource] /cby Johann Everton Weekes. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2014. a1 online resource (204 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2014. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aHurricane impacts have caused significant damage to residential and commercial structures, producing billions of dollars in insured losses. Numerical models are widely used by insurance companies in the prediction of loss cost. Several such loss projection models have been developed by private industry, and the State of Florida sponsored development of a non-proprietary hurricane loss model, known as the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model (FPHLM). This model resulted from a multi-university effort to quantify the damages and cost of repairs for structures that have been subjected to hurricane force winds. The original FPHLM focused on single-family residential housing. The model is now extended to cover commercial-residential buildings ranging from multi-story apartments to the high rise condominiums typically found lining the beaches of South Florida. This paper proposal focuses on the development of the exterior vulnerability component of the commercial-residential model, and provides a description of the strategies to probabilistically quantify physical exterior damage for two models: low-rise and mid/high rise commercial-residential structures. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: GURLEY,KURTIS R. aCo-adviser: PREVATT,DAVID. amw 2014085FU acatastropheahurricaneamodelingapredictionaresidentialastructuresavulnerability 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxCivil and Coastal Engineering. aCivil Engineering thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0046711/00001yClick here for full text5FU04110nam a2200469Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000250017924501490020426000570035330000310041050000610044150000190050250200490052150400410057050600320061152015040064352004610214758800690260858803170267759000420299459000380303659900180307465302260309265500390331869000640335769000360342183000470345783000110350483000100351583000110352583000120353685200210354885600710356903365092720170125123720.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp150108s2014 flu obm s000 u eng d aon969977002 a(FU)UFE0046980_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aNowrouzian, Roosbeh.10aSpatial Models for Analyzing the Effects of Land Use Patterns on Automobile Ownership and Usageh[electronic resource] /cby Roosbeh Nowrouzian. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2014. a1 online resource (119 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2014. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aEstimating location-sensitive or spatial models is gaining a lot of interest in transportation literature. In the conventional global (or aspatial) models, the marginal effect of every factor is assumed to be fixed over space and inherent similarities in behaviors of neighboring entities are largely ignored. However, the sensitivities to the same explanatory factor can change over space due to a variety of reasons such as differences in attitudes, preferences, and contextual effects. The need for spatial models is particularly relevant in the context of modeling the interactions between land-use patterns and travel behavior. This study contributes to the literature by developing a Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR), mixed-GWR, and Quasi Geographically-Weighted Poisson models to improve our understanding of impact of land use on person-miles traveled, vehicle-distance-traveled (VDT), vehicle-time-traveled (VTT), and car ownership at a disaggregate level. This research also demonstrates the benefits of estimated spatial models over simpler methods. The study area covers South East Florida (SE) metropolitan area which includes three counties: Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County. In this dissertation both micro level, and meso scale urban design indicators were created. The National Household Travel Surveys of 2008/2009 and the 1999 South East Florida Household Travel Surveys constituted the primary source of travel and socio-economic data. Various micro level built3 aenvironment measures were created to examine their impacts on PMT, VDT, VTT and car ownership. The 2010 statewide NAVTEQ road network file was used to determine the shortest-distance travel paths between each origin-destination pair. Overall this research contributes on understanding and quantifying relationship between PMT, VDT, VTT, car ownership and land use patterns using spatial non-stationary process in estimating impact of explanatory variables. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: SRINIVASAN,SIVARAMAKRISHNAN. aCo-adviser: ELEFTERIADOU,AGELIKI. amw 2014085FU acar-ownershipageographically-weighted-regressionamixed-geographically-weighted-poisson-regressionaperson-mile-traveledaquasi-geographically-weighted-poisson-regressionavehicle-distance-traveledavehicle-time-traveled 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxCivil and Coastal Engineering. aCivil Engineering thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0046980/00001yClick here for full text5FU03921nam a2200457Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000220016324502020018526000570038730000310044450000610047550000190053650200490055550400410060450600320064552015030067752004230218058800690260358803170267259000320298959000400302159900180306165300500307965500390312969000710316869000410323983000470328083000110332783000100333883000110334883000120335985200210337185600710339203365104020170119130001.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp150108s2014 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0047105_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aInman, Matthew C.10aMolecular Dynamics as a Foundation for Flux Prediction through Nanoporous Membranesh[electronic resource]bA Vectorized, Constraint-Free Approach to Conservative Simulations /cby Matthew C Inman. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2014. a1 online resource (165 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2014. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aA novel, open-cathode direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) has been designed and built by researchers at the University of North Florida and University of Florida. Foremost among the advances of this system over previous DMFC architectures is a passive water recovery system which allows product water to replenish that consumed at the anode. This is enabled by a specially-designed water pathway combined with a liquid barrier layer (LBL). The LBL membrane is positioned between the cathode catalyst layer and the cathode gas diffusion layer, and must exhibit high permeability and low diffusive resistance to both oxygen and water vapor, bulk hydrophobicity to hold back the product liquid water, and must remain electrically conductive. Maintaining water balance at optimum operating temperatures is problematic with the current LBL design, forcing the system to run at lower temperatures decreasing the overall system efficiency. This research presents a novel approach to nanoporous membrane design whereby flux of a given species is determined based upon the molecular properties of said species and those of the diffusing medium, the pore geometry, and the membrane thickness. A molecular dynamics (MD) model is developed for tracking Knudsen regime flows of a Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluid through an atomistic pore structure, hundreds of thousands of wall collision simulations are performed on the University of Florida HiPerGator supercomputer, and the generated trajectory information is used to3 adevelop number density and axial velocity profiles for use in a rigorous approach to total flux calculation absent in previously attempted MD models. Results are compared to other published approaches and diffusion data available in the literature. The impact of this study on various applications of membrane design is discussed and additional simulations and model improvements are outlined for future consideration. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: LEAR,WILLIAM E,JR. aCo-adviser: HAHN,DAVID WORTHINGTON. amw 2014085FU adiffusionadynamicsamdananotubesatransport 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxMechanical and Aerospace Engineering. aMechanical Engineering thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0047105/00001yClick here for full text5FU03488nam a2200457Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000270017924501490020626000570035530000300041250000610044250000190050350200480052250400410057050600320061152014760064358800690211958803170218859000370250559000400254259900180258265300770260065500390267769000740271669000570279083000470284783000110289483000100290583000110291583000120292685200210293885600710295903365117820170125115348.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp150108s2014 flu obm s000 u eng d aon969976925 a(FU)UFE0047240_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aFue, Kadeghe Goodluck.10aDevelopment of a Precision Irrigation Control System for Horticultural Food Crops in Tanzaniah[electronic resource] /cby Kadeghe Goodluck Fue. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2014. a1 online resource (92 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2014. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aAs the Tanzania population grows, scarcity of resources such as water and electricity will pose a great risk to horticultural crop production and society activities. Precision irrigation presents a great opportunity to save water and energy in agriculture. The current off-the-shelf machines used to control water are incompatible to Tanzanian conditions, very expensive, delicate, or do not have enough features. This study proposed a precision irrigation control system (PICS) prototype design and implementation that can be used in African countries, particularly in Tanzania. The PICS is a solar-powered control system that uses low cost electronic devices to automate drip irrigation and to determine when to irrigate and how much to irrigate. The hardware and software of the PICS were designed, integrated, and constructed in USA and then in Tanzania. Under testing, the PICS worked properly and achieved a high level of reliability and maintainability. The controller is a high tech tool that can be programmed wirelessly using a laptop and the data can be downloaded using any android based smartphone. The wireless technology incorporated can be used to transfer instant data of rainfall and soil moisture content. The system updates its data every four minutes (but can be reprogrammed). The system automates data cleaning while collecting instant information of the soil moisture, temperature, humidity and rainfall. It can store data at least for seven days. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: SCHUELLER,JOHN KENNETH. aCo-adviser: SCHUMANN,ARNOLD WALTER. amw 2014085FU acontrollerahorticultureairrigationaprecisionasolar-poweredawireless 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxAgricultural and Biological Engineering. aAgricultural and Biological Engineering thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0047240/00001yClick here for full text5FU03523nam a2200469Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000190017924500990019826000570029730000310035450000610038550000190044650200490046550400410051450600320055552015000058752000970208758800690218458803170225359000300257059000340260059900180263465300320265265500390268469000420272369000260276583000470279183000110283883000100284983000110285983000120287085200210288285601500290303365248520170302134319.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp150506s2014 flu obm s000 u eng d aon974372244 a(FU)UFE0047172_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aMcCann, Emily.10aGothic Futuresh[electronic resource]bModernist Gothic, Women's Modernism /cby Emily McCann. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2014. a1 online resource (199 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2014. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aMy dissertation focuses on British and American women writers' speculations on women's work in England's post-imperial future, 1936-1949. I survey Edith Sitwell, Djuna Barnes, H.D. and Elizabeth Bowen. These authors revise tropes from early female-authored Gothic fiction in order to disentangle women's intellectual labor from biological reproduction. These English, American expatriate, and Anglo-Irish writers occupied a doubly vexed position in their historical moment. As modernists, all were marginalized within the emergent tradition that would shape the modernist canon. As women, they were subject to paradoxical demands: nationalist discourse blamed women for imperial decline while dictating them to produce empire's future by birthing culturally and racially 'pure' citizens. In the texts I analyze, images of monstrous mothers, undead children, and crises of succession counter demands made on women's labor for the sake of the future by returning to the genre that first critiqued British ideologies of gendered public and private spheres, invoking a history of women's marginalization from civic life. Sitwell was a British aristocrat, Barnes and Doolittle were American expatriates, and Bowen Anglo-Irish, but their depictions of imperial decay suggest shared investment in not only England, but in understanding imperialism as a historical cycle, one that was beginning again with America's military and cultural ascendancy. Gothic tropes become the only means of articulating a3 ahistory of their moment that suggests how the future might emerge in more egalitarian terms. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: BRYANT,MARSHA C. aCo-adviser: WEGNER,PHILLIP E. aSF 2014125FU afeminismagothicamodernism 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxEnglish. aEnglish thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0047172/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2016-12-315FU04434nam a2200445Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000240016324502210018726000570040830000310046550000610049650000190055750200490057650400410062550600320066652015010069852009830219958800690318258803170325159000330356859000410360165300360364265500390367869000530371769000350377083000470380583000110385283000100386383000110387383000120388485200210389685600710391703365259120150904134924.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp150506s2014 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0047418_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aGarcia, Veronica J.10aNeuropeptidergic Modulation in the Stomatogastric Nervous Systemh[electronic resource]bCloning, Expression and Physiological Characterization of the Crustacean Cardioactive Peptide Receptor /cby Veronica J Garcia. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2014. a1 online resource (192 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2014. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aNeural networks are anatomically hard-wired in the adult animal, but are capable of extensive plasticity and flexibility, while still maintaining functional integrity. The source of this flexible network activity arises from neuromodulators and the expression of their cognate receptors. Both vertebrate and invertebrate neural systems use neuromodulators, such as monoamines and neuropeptides, to modify intrinsic properties and synapses of a network to create a diverse repertoire of behaviors. The stomatogastric ganglion is an ideal system for investigating peptide modulation due to its accessible, individually identifiable neurons, and modulatory effects on rhythm generation. Despite the 100+ peptides that have been identified in the system, no receptors have been described, and the theory of peptide modulation in the network rests at a binary, differential distribution of receptors, all of which converge to activate the same ionic current. In this thesis, I identify the first crustacean neuropeptide receptor and describe distribution and physiology of the receptor with respect to individual neurons and network perturbation in the STG. The Cancer borealis crustacean cardioactive peptide receptor (CbCCAPr) is expressed in all nervous tissues in the animal and one muscle tissue examined. In the STG, the CbCCAPr transcript is present in each neuron that responds to the receptor ligand, and is expressed at significantly different levels. In two identified cell-types, different3 atranscript levels correspond to differences in the maximal conductance and EC50 of the modulator-activated inward current, IMI. CbCCAPr is also expressed in a single neuron that does not respond to CCAP with the activation of IMI, but instead shows effects on synaptic currents. Perturbation of the network results in changes in expression of the receptor in an identified neuron which correspond to changes in IMI activation. Phylogenetic analysis of the receptor sequence strongly supports receptor identity according to the relationship to insect homologues and related mammalian neuropeptide receptors. The results presented in this thesis expand the understanding of GPCR-mediated circuit modulation by showing that even in local circuits there are cell type-specific quantitative differences in receptor expression and physiological responsiveness. In addition, these results strongly suggest the presence of activity-dependent regulation of GPCR-mediated neuromodulation. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: BUCHER,DIRK MARTIN. aCo-adviser: BATTELLE,BARBARA ANNE M. acpgacrustaceaaneuromodulation 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxNeuroscience (IDP). aMedical Sciences thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0047418/00001yClick here for full text5FU03673nam a2200469Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010203500250011804000130014305000110015609900120016710000270017924501380020626000570034430000300040150000610043150000190049250200480051150400410055950600320060052015050063252001960213758800690233358803170240259000320271959000360275159900180278765300570280565500390286269000680290169000510296983000470302083000110306783000100307883000110308883000120309985200210311185600710313203365269820170302121626.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp150506s2014 flu obm s000 u eng d aon974373137 a(FU)UFE0047562_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aBankovich, Brittany A.10aEcological and Economic Impacts of Non-Native Feral Swine in South Central Floridah[electronic resource] /cby Brittany A Bankovich. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2014. a1 online resource (90 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2014. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aFeral swine physically modify habitats, damage pastures, and alter plant community composition and diversity. We sought to understand how rooting by feral swine affected plant community dynamics in pastureland in south central Florida. We determined economic ramifications in terms of forage grass availability to cattle, and ecological consequences in terms of ecosystem services and habitat for native species. Feral swine rooting increased plant species diversity in pastures with low diversity, but the resulting plant community composition consisted of agriculturally unimportant species. Rooting had variable effects on plant species diversity in pastures with high initial diversity, but increased weedy species and dense stands of Carolina Redroot (Lachnanthes caroliniana). Rooting caused a reduction of forage grass in both pasture types, contributing economic and ecological losses. Next, we focused on understanding feral swine habitat use during the dry season, when water resources are limited and concentrated in wetland habitats. Some of these wetlands are protected areas, or they serve as drinking and foraging sites for cattle. Feral swine selected wetland habitats, particularly those that were restored or removed from agriculture. They also utilized wetland habitats shared with cattle, increasing the risk of disease transmission at these locations. In order to minimize damage to pastures and wetlands, which serve as vital habitat for both cattle and wildlife, and reduce the3 arisk of disease transmission between feral swine, cattle, and wildlife, we recommend that landowners implement a control program to reduce the number of feral swine on the ranching landscape. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: WISELY,SAMANTHA M. aCo-adviser: BRUNA,EMILIO M,III. amw 2014125FU aagricultureacattleahabitat-useainvasiveawetlands 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxWildlife Ecology and Conservation. aWildlife Ecology and Conservation thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0047562/00001yClick here for full text5FU02838nam a2200445Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000270016324501590019026000570034930000310040650000610043750000190049850200490051750400410056650600320060752008680063958800690150758803170157659000410189359000330193459900180196765300510198565500390203669000750207569000590215083000470220983000110225683000100226783000110227783000120228885200210230085600710232103365289320161218162208.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp150805s2015 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0047622_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aBoudreaux, Adam,cIII.10aFostering Resilience through a Leadership Development Programh[electronic resource]bExamining Perspectives from the Gulf Coast /cby Adam Boudreaux III. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2015. a1 online resource (212 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2015. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThe states bordering the Gulf of Mexico have endured a number of challenges to their economic, environmental, and social resilience over the last ten years. Issues such as the tri-state water wars, Hurricane Katrina, Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and the economic downturn have challenged these communities and their ability to move forward. Through application of a qualitative case study, using narrative interviews, the researcher seeks to investigate the effects of resilient leadership development in a Gulf coast community. Working to enhance leadership through a leadership development program designed to meet specific group needs, is it possible to create resilient leaders in these communities? The implications for this research could guide the facilitation and development of resilience in communities impacted by environmental and economic challenges. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: STEDMAN,NICOLE LAMEE PEREZ. aCo-adviser: CARTER,HANNAH S. agl 2015055FU adevelopmentaeducationaleadershiparesilience 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxAgricultural Education and Communication. aAgricultural Education and Communication thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0047622/00001yClick here for full text5FU04364nam a2200457Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000270016324501640019026000570035430000290041150000610044050000190050150200490052050400410056950600320061052014940064252009420213658800690307858803170314759000340346459000310349859900180352965300390354765500390358669000570362569000410368283000470372383000110377083000100378183000110379183000120380285200210381485600710383503365300320161219103101.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp150805s2015 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0047757_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aRamaswamy, Vijaykumar.10aDevelopment of High-Temperature-Superconducting Probe Technology for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopyh[electronic resource] /cby Vijaykumar Ramaswamy. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2015. a1 online resource (1 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2015. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aNuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a very powerful technique to study molecular structure and dynamics because of the rich chemical information it can extract. However, its inherent low sensitivity is the Achilles heel of NMR, especially when compared to other spectroscopic methods for metabolomics applications. Development of high-sensitivity detection technology is critical in improving the state-of-the-art. NMR probes based on High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) offer extremely high sensitivity and are particularly suitable for small-sample applications. Novel double-resonance HTS coils have been developed that are suitable for detecting two different nuclei. The advantage of these coils is the opportunity to optimize the sensitivity for two channels in the same probe. The double-resonance coils achieve this by placing two resonators on the same substrate. Isolation between these two resonators is achieved by making the magnetic fields from the resonators orthogonal to each other. Electromagnetic simulation was used in the design and optimization of superconducting resonators. Using these novel double-resonance HTS coil designs, a 1.5-mm probe optimized for detection sensitivity of 1H and 13C nuclei at 14.1 T is being developed. The performance of this probe is characterized with RF tests as well as NMR tests, and the performance is compared to a 1.5-mm 13C-optimized probe built previously by our group. Based on RF tests, a 60% improvement in 1H3 asensitivity and a 25% drop in 13C sensitivity are expected compared to the 13C-optimized probe. The measurements in NMR tests show a 45% improvement for 1H channel, while a 50% drop in sensitivity is seen for the 13C channel. The lineshape achieved with this probe is slightly lower compared to that achieved with other HTS based probes. Finally, this project addresses the problem of mechanical unreliability associated with the moveable loop coupling and tuning mechanism. A fixed inductive coupling loop along with a variable capacitive network is used to achieve frequency tuning and impedance matching. A discussion of the various loss mechanisms in these inductive loops offers an insight into novel strategies for optimal loop design. Incorporation of superconducting inductive loop for tuning and matching will not only improve the reliability of HTS probes, but also provide improvements in sensitivity achieved with HTS probes. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: EDISON,ARTHUR SCOTT. aCo-adviser: DING,MINGZHOU. agl 2015055FU ahigh-sensitivityahtsanmraprobes 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxBiomedical Engineering. aBiomedical Engineering thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0047757/00001yClick here for full text5FU02393nam a2200421Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000190016324500740018226000570025630000310031350000610034450000190040550200500042450400410047450600320051552005520054758800690109958803170116859000300148559000350151559900180155065300640156865500390163269000420167169000360171383000470174983000110179683000100180785200210181785601330183803365311120161219120408.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp150805s2015 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0048894_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aSmith, Ryan R.10aFirst and lasth[electronic resource] :bstories /cby Ryan R. Smith. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2015. a1 online resource (147 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.F.A.)--University of Florida, 2015. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 a"First and Last" is a collection of short stories loosely centered around the themes of home and habitation. There are stories about houses and apartments, homelands and military bases, inclusion and exclusion, disruptions of the home, intrusions upon the home, doors opened and closed or broken into. The collection explores the ways in which the home not only signifies safety and security but also comes to define the self. Conflict arises when the characters must decide who they are willing to let into their homes, and thus into their lives. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: LEAVITT,DAVID A. aCo-adviser: HOFMANN,MICHAEL H. agl 2015055FU aapartmentsaChekhovafictionahomesahousesashortastories 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxEnglish. aCreative Writing thesis, M.F.A. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. 0aUFIR. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0048894/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE5FU01810nam a2200313Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010709900290011610000320014524500570017726400590023430000270029333600260032033700280034633800270037450000880040158803170048959004720080665000260127865000150130470000360131970000300135579600360138570000270142171000480144803366121020150913125942.0150913s1932 gw 000 0 fre d aon921123271 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG aQC1b.Z48 v.78 p.318-3391 aKnoll, Max,d1897-eauthor.14aDas elektronenmikroskop /cvon M. Knoll und E. Ruska 1aBerlin :bDeutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft,c[1932] aPages 318-339 ;c25 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aExtracted from Zeitschrift fur Physik, vol. 78, p. 318-339, Berlin, Springer, 1932. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aHarold and Mary Jean Hanson Rare Book Collection copy is from the Ray and Cary Cooper Science Collection, an ongoing donation begun in 2006 by Dr. Raymond D. Cooper to the George A. Smathers Libraries, and housed in the Libraries' Department of Special & Area Studies Collections. The collection consists of books, journals, and offprints in the area of the history of science (aeronautics, chemistry, physics, technology), and the development of the atomic bomb.5FU 0aElectron microscopes. 0aElectrons.1 aCooper, Raymond D.,edonor.5FU1 aCooper, Cary,edonor.5FU13aCooper, Ray & Cary,edonor.5FU1 aRuska, Ernst,eauthor.2 aRay and Cary Cooper Science Collection.5FU02085nam a2200325Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010709900290011610000420014524501690018724600850035626400540044130000450049533600260054033700280056633800270059450000940062150400410071558803170075659004720107365000140154570000360155970000300159579600360162570000500166171000480171103373463520150929130406.0150929s1940 maua b 000 0 eng d aon922542381 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG aQ11b.N26 v.26 p.599-6041 aShapley, Harlow,d1885-1972,eauthor.10aGalactic and extragalactic studies.nX,pNote on latitude effect and radial gradients in the northern galactic hemisphere /cby Harlow Shapley and Rebecca B. Jones.3 aNote on latitude effect and radial gradients in the northern galactic hemisphere 1a[Boston] :bNational Academy of Sciences,c[1940] apages 599-604 :billustrations ;c26 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aIn the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 26, no. 10 ... October 1940. aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aHarold and Mary Jean Hanson Rare Book Collection copy is from the Ray and Cary Cooper Science Collection, an ongoing donation begun in 2006 by Dr. Raymond D. Cooper to the George A. Smathers Libraries, and housed in the Libraries' Department of Special & Area Studies Collections. The collection consists of books, journals, and offprints in the area of the history of science (aeronautics, chemistry, physics, technology), and the development of the atomic bomb.5FU 0aGalaxies.1 aCooper, Raymond D.,edonor.5FU1 aCooper, Cary,edonor.5FU13aCooper, Ray & Cary,edonor.5FU1 aJones, R.q(Rebecca Bradley),d1905-eauthor.2 aRay and Cary Cooper Science Collection.5FU02260ntm a2200445Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010710000330011624502160014924600260036526400430039126400110043430000790044533600260052433700280055033800270057849000350060550000590064050000450069950001520074451000650089656300500096158803170101165000310132865000360135965000420139565000350143765000320147265000440150465500460154865500490159469000200164370000370166371000330170071000450173383000360177803379733420151013150411.0151013t19161904nyuf j 000 1 eng d aon923861085 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG1 aWinfield, Arthur M.eauthor.14aThe Rover boys in camp,bor, The rivals of Pine Island /cby Arthur M. Winfield (Edward Stratemeyer) ; author of The Rover Boys at school, The Rover Boys on the ocean, the Putnam Hall series, etc. ; illustrated.3 aRivals of Pine Island 1aNew York :bGrosset & Dunlap,c[1916?] 4c©1904 avi, 263, 3 unnumbered pages, 4 leaves of plates :billustrations ;c20 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aFamous Rover boys' series ;v8 a"Rover Boys' series for Young Americans"--Bound cover. aPublisher's advertisements follows text. aReprint, originally published 1904 by Mershon Publishing. Date of publication from publisher's list following text. Title listed published in 1916.4 aJohnson, D. Stratemeyer pseudonyms and series books,c339S.8 aGreen cloth, stamped in black, red and white. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aAdventure and adventurers. 0aSchool campsvJuvenile fiction. 0aMilitary educationvJuvenile fiction. 0aCompetitionvJuvenile fiction. 0aBrothersvJuvenile fiction. 0aChildren of the richvJuvenile fiction. 7aPublishers' advertisementsy1916.2rbgenr 7aMystery and detective fictiony1916.2rbgenr 4aBldny1916.5FU1 aStratemeyer, Edward,d1862-1930.2 aGrosset & Dunlapepublisher.2 aMershon Company Pressecopyright holder. 0aFamous Rover boys' series ;v8.01973nam a2200325Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010709900360011610000550015224500760020726400480028330000450033133600260037633700280040233800270043050000190045750000790047650400410055558803170059659004720091365000110138570000360139670000300143279600360146271000480149873001010154603380418120151022081830.0151022s1914 enka b 000 0 eng d aon926039843 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG aQ1b.P5 6th Ser. v.27 p.757-7891 aThomson, J. J.q(Joseph John),d1856-1940eauthor.14aThe forces between atoms and chemical affinity /cby Sir J. J. Thomson. 1a[London] :bPhilosophical Magazine,c[1914] apages 757-789 :billustrations ;c23 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aCaption title. aTaken from the Philosophical Magazine, Ser 6, vol. 27, no. 161, May, 1914. aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aHarold and Mary Jean Hanson Rare Book Collection copy is from the Ray and Cary Cooper Science Collection, an ongoing donation begun in 2006 by Dr. Raymond D. Cooper to the George A. Smathers Libraries, and housed in the Libraries' Department of Special & Area Studies Collections. The collection consists of books, journals, and offprints in the area of the history of science (aeronautics, chemistry, physics, technology), and the development of the atomic bomb.5FU 0aAtoms.1 aCooper, Raymond D.,edonor.5FU1 aCooper, Cary,edonor.5FU13aCooper, Ray & Cary,edonor.5FU2 aRay and Cary Cooper Science Collection.5FU02aLondon, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical magazine and journal of science.nSer. 6, v.27 (1914)01750nam a2200373 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000230011704200080014004300120014804900090016005000260016909900160019524500860021126400440029726400110034130000410035233600260039333700280041933800270044749000240047450503310049850400410082958803170087059900130118765000400120065000430124070000360128370000320131983000250135103382133020151125083233.0151125t20142014cu a b 000 0cspa c a9789592663985 a959266398X aon930359602 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc anwcu--- aFUGG 4aGV863.25.A1bA46 2014 aGV863.25.A103aEl alma en el terreno :bestrellas del béisbol /cLeonardo Padura, Raúl Arce. 1aHabana :bEdiciones Extramuros,c[2014] 4c©2014 a239 pages :billustrations ;c20 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aMirón colección0 aManuel Alarcón -- Pedro Chávez -- Manuel Hurtado -- Don Miguel Cuevas -- Aquino Abreu -- Urbano González -- Lázaro Pérez -- Rigoberto Betancourt -- Nico Jiménez -- Guagua López -- Fidel Linares -- Modesto Verdura -- Félix Isasi -- Curro Pérez -- Wilfredo Sánchez -- Braudilio Vinent -- Agustín Marquetti. aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a33821330 0aBaseball playerszCubavInterviews. 0aBaseballzCubaxHistoryy20th century.1 aPadura, Leonardo,einterviewer.1 aArce, Raúl,einterviewer. 0aMirón colección.01688nam a2200313Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010707400200011608600220013610000420015824501610020026401150036130000220047633600260049833700260052433800360055050000210058650001570060758800530076458803170081765000260113470000230116071000920118371000590127585600400133403386965520161205102946.0151122s2003 xxu o f000 0 eng d aon930068182 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG a1061-F (online)0 aY 3.L 61:2 IN 3/81 aThompson, Spenserc(Reporter)eauthor10aInformation literacy meeting of experts :bPrague, the Czech Republic, September 20-23, 2003 /cWritten by Spenser Thompson, MLIS ; edited by Jill Cody, MPA 1a[Place of publication not identified] :bUnited States COmmission on Libraries and Information Science,c2003. a1 online resource atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier a"December 2003". a"Submitted by Cody Associates pursuant to Purchase Order No. ED-03-PO-2459 issued by the United States Commission on Libraries and Information Science". aTitle from title page, viewed November 22, 2015. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aInformation literacy.1 aCody, Jilleeditor1 aUnited States.bNational Commission on Libraries and Information Scienceeissuing body.2 aNational Forum on Information Literacy,eissuing body.40uhttps://purl.fdlp.gov/GPO/gpo12038801898nem a2200421 i 450000100100000000500170001000700090002700800410003603400540007703500160013104000230014704200080017004300120017804900090019005000200019905200090021909900100022811000430023824501840028125000370046525500990050226400430060130000550064433600400069933700280073933800260076750000280079350000530082150000170087450000760089150000350096758803170100265100220131965000290134165500170137071000400138771000490142703393372420151218121543.0aj canzn151218s1990 cr cg a 1 spa c1 aab800000dW0870000eW0823000fN0103000gN0080000 aon932644651 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc anccr--- aFUGG 4aG4860 1990b.J5 a4860 aG48602 aJiménez & Tanzi Ltda.ecartographer.10aMapa general de Costa Rica /cprepared in Costa Rica by Jiménez & Tanzi Ltd. ; with the cooperation of the National Geographical Institute and the Costa Rican Tourism Institute. aFirst edition in English - 1990. aScale approximately 1:800,000. 1 cm = 8,000 mc(W 87°00ʹ--W 82°30ʹ/N 10°30ʹ--N 8°00ʹ). 1aSan José :bJiménez & Tanzi,c1990 a1 map :bcolor ;c44 x 62 cm, folded to 25 x 10 cm acartographic imagebcri2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia asheetbnb2rdacarrier aAlso shows major roads. aRelief shown by gradient tints and spot heights. aPanel title. aIncludes indexes, distance chart, and 8 insets; also shows major roads. aText and directories on verso. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCosta RicavMaps. 0aRoadszCosta RicavMaps. 7aMaps.2lcgft2 aInstituto Costarricense de Turismo.2 aInstituto Geográfico Nacional (Costa Rica)01296cam a2200325 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000280008404200080011204300120012004900090013205000210014109900100016224500130017225000230018526400580020830000510026633600260031733700280034333800270037150400560039858803170045459900130077165000330078465000390081765000530085670000300090970000310093903401219920170227160158.0170227s2009 bo ab 000 0 spa c aon973888069 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG apcc as-bo--- aFUGG 4aSD579b.L44 2009 aSD57900aLegados. aPrimera edición. 1aSanta Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia :bBOLFOR II,c2009. a330 pages :bcolor ilustrations, maps :c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aIncludes bibliographical references (pages110-111). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a34012199 0aCommunity forestryzBolivia. 0aAgriculture and politicszBolivia. 0aForests and forestryxEconomic aspectszBolivia.1 aClavijo Fabiola,eeditor.1 aAñez, H. Dimas,eeditor.01887nam a2200325Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404900090010709900300011610000250014624500950017126400500026630000440031633600260036033700280038633800270041450000190044150000760046050400410053658803170057759004720089465000200136670000360138670000300142279600360145271000480148873000250153603404352420160617095034.0160224s1939 gw a b 000 0 ger d aon940777007 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG aQ3b.N7 27.Jahr p.402-4101 aFlügge, Siegfried.10aKann der Energieinhalt der Atomkerne technisch nutzbar gemacht werden? /cvon S. Flügge. 1aBerlin :bVerlag von Julius Springer,c[1939] apages 402-410 :billustrations ;c27 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aCaption title. aPrinted in Naturwissenschaften. 27. Jahrg., Heft 23/24, 11 August 1939. aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aHarold and Mary Jean Hanson Rare Book Collection copy is from the Ray and Cary Cooper Science Collection, an ongoing donation begun in 2006 by Dr. Raymond D. Cooper to the George A. Smathers Libraries, and housed in the Libraries' Department of Special & Area Studies Collections. The collection consists of books, journals, and offprints in the area of the history of science (aeronautics, chemistry, physics, technology), and the development of the atomic bomb.5FU 0aNuclear energy.1 aCooper, Raymond D.,edonor.5FU1 aCooper, Cary,edonor.5FU13aCooper, Ray & Cary,edonor.5FU2 aRay and Cary Cooper Science Collection.5FU0 aNaturwissenschaften.03427nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000220016324501340018526000570031930000310037650000610040750000190046850200500048750400410053750600320057852015020061052000320211258800690214458803170221359000270253059000330255765300860259065500390267669000440271569000290275983000470278883000110283585200210284685601500286703405363220160307170056.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp151214s2015 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0047838_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aPowers, Andrew R.10aElucidating a New Frontier in Metal-Metal Cycloaddition Reactionsh[electronic resource]bExploring iClick /cby Andrew R Powers. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2015. a1 online resource (296 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2015. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThis work presents the development of a new class of cycloaddition reactions involving metal azides and metal acetylides, given the moniker iClick. Along with a basic exploration of the reaction, kinetic interrogation of the triphenyl phosphine supported Au-Au iClick reaction helped to elucidate a reaction mechanism, which appears analogous to the generally accepted mechanism for Copper-catalyzded Azide Alkyne Cylcloaddition (CuAAC) reactions. An extension of the iClick reaction to gold fragments supported by a range of ligands other than triphenylphosphine is also presented. These ligands include triethylphosphine, N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHC), and triphenylphosphite. The steric bulk of these ligands, as well as their relative basicities effects the iClick reaction in different ways. Along with being applicable to Au, the iClick reaction has proven amenable to other metal-azides, including platinum, ruthenium, iridium, and rhodium. Lastly, in hopes to extend the iClick reaction to dipolarophilic species other than acetylides, gold-isocyanide ligands were subjected to reaction with metal-azides. The reaction of tBu-isocyanide gold with gold azide results in the formation of insoluble needle-like crystals, that appear to be metallopolymeric or oligomeric in form, consisting of tetrazole-linked gold(I) ions as the monomer unit. iClick has proven a versatile reaction, but has been met with some limitations, as discussed within. Insight as to the future of the iClick reaction3 ais provided herein as well. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: VEIGE,ADAM S. aCo-adviser: TALHAM,DANIEL R. aazideacuaacacycloadditionadipolaragoldahuisgenaiclickatriazolateatriazole 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxChemistry. aChemistry thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0047838/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2017-08-315FU04731nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000180016324500970018126000570027830000310033550000610036650000190042750200500044650400410049650600320053752015020056952013870207158800690345858803170352759000350384459000300387965300390390965500390394869000600398769000450404783000470409283000110413985200210415085601500417103405378320160307170552.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp151214s2015 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0049071_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aLuo, Jiexuan.10aNitrogen Fluxes and Dynamics in an Urban Watershedh[electronic resource] /cby Jiexuan Luo. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2015. a1 online resource (162 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2015. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aNitrogen fluxes have been reported in urban ecosystems in recent years. Little is known about N fluxes from areas with intense fertilization/irrigation, reclaimed water irrigation, or no irrigation, which are also common to an urban city. The main purpose of this dissertation was to identify major N sources in an urban watershed, Lake Alice watershed, and how N fluxes changes before they reached the receiving water, and the flow path in which the source N reached to receiving water. It can help land managers to prioritize the controlling N sources and make decisions for N management. This dissertation was comprised of five parts. First, a literature review provided background information about N cycling in global and regional (urban) scale, urban N management practices and introduction to in situ nitrate monitoring devices. Then N fluxes from three small urban catchments of different land uses were determined and compared regarding different management practices from each catchment. Sports Field Catchment (SFC) with intense fertilization/irrigation was found to produce the greatest N load (62 kg yr-1) compared to Reclaimed Water Irrigated Catchment and Control Catchment (with no irrigation). In addition, baseflow N was dominating in the N fluxes from SFC, indicating regular fertilization/irrigation practices were the major drivers for the great N load. Thirdly, spatial changes in N fluxes from catchments to basins in urban streams were investigated to determine the major N3 acontributor to Lake Alice watershed, and how hydrology drove the spatial changes of NO3-N concentrations was discussed. The results suggested that sports fields could be the largest N contributor to Lake Alice watershed and the streams delivering flow from sports fields could produce the greatest N load to Lake Alice. Dilution effect did happen along the flow paths of urban streams to Lake Alice, but Lake Alice was a sink for N, suggesting it was vulnerable to eutrophication if there was an addition of phosphorus. Fourthly, a comparison between high resolution in situ Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyzers (SUNAs) and autosamplers was made to determine the more effective approach in characterization storm events. It showed that SUNAs exhibited a better performance than autosamplers as they could capture more information during the storms than autosamplers, providing immediate signals for NO3-N response to hydrological changes. Finally the relationship between NO3-N concentrations and discharge was examined by SUNAs. There was a significant relationship between NO3-N concentrations and discharge. NO3-N concentration changes during storms were clockwise loops, suggesting immediate dilution effect. It can also be inferred from SUNA curves that the increasing NO3-N concentrations after storms were attributed to NO3-N-rich groundwater rather than surface runoff. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: HOCHMUTH,GEORGE J,II. aCo-adviser: CLARK,MARK W. abudgetacatchmentanitrogenaurban 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxInterdisciplinary Ecology. aInterdisciplinary Ecology thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0049071/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2016-08-315FU04535nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000210016324501680018426000570035230000310040950000610044050000190050150200500052050400410057050600320061152014970064352010610214058800690320158803170327059000270358759000420361465300990365665500390375569000560379469000460385083000470389683000110394385200210395485601500397503405393420160308104838.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp151214s2015 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0049191_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aMurphy, Rachael.12aA Tool of the Tradesh[electronic resource]bTechnology Integration by Career and Technical Education Faculty in a Canadian Community College /cby Rachael Murphy. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2015. a1 online resource (157 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ed. D.)--University of Florida, 2015. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aEducational institutions have adopted technological innovations to support teaching and learning, and teaching with technology is now an expected part of the educator's role. The introduction of these innovations has resulted in meaningful changes to professional practice for educators. This qualitative interpretive study examined how eleven faculty in a school of hospitality and tourism at a Canadian community college experienced the integration of technology into their teaching practices. A thorough review of literature pertinent to technology integration in higher education, theories of technology adoption, and the community college context is presented, and was used to inform the conceptual framework guiding this research. Data collected through interviews revealed how these faculty used technology in practice, the barriers and facilitators they confronted with its adoption, and how they learned to integrate technology. Findings revealed that participants were using technology, but significant variation was evident in the technologies they used, and how they were used in their teaching practices. Innovations and tools that were perceived as being applicable and useful to teaching a hospitality or tourism trade were viewed more positively and used more often. Similar outcomes were identified when participants perceived a technology offered a benefit to themselves, their teaching practices, or their students. Further, support from colleagues and dedicated technology3 adepartments facilitated technology integration. Institutional, personal, and classroom barriers that hindered technology integration were also identified in this study. The findings revealed that some college-wide technology initiatives may not be applicable to hospitality and tourism education settings, and the need for program or trade specific tools and technologies was addressed. Colleagues and professional development programming at the college were identified as effective sources for learning to integrate technology. A discussion of the findings in relation to relevant literature highlights similarities and differences to prior research, and an amended conceptual framework adapted to reflect the findings uncovered through this study is also presented. Implications for professional practice, professional context, and the specific field are shared, including recommendations to continue promoting and supporting technology integration at the institution where this study was conducted. Finally, suggestions for future research are provided. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: KUMAR,SWAPNA. aCo-adviser: DAWSON,KARA MARIEHOPKINS. acareerandtechnicaleducationacommunitycollegeafacultyahighereducationatechnologyintegration 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxTeaching and Learning. aCurriculum and Instruction thesis, Ed. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0049191/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2017-08-315FU03834nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000210016324501760018426000570036030000300041750000610044750000190050850200480052750400410057550600320061652015050064852004120215358800690256558803170263459000300295159000330298165301060301465500390312069000670315969000480322683000470327483000110332185200210333285600710335303405403420160509221859.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp151214s2015 flu obm s000 u fre d a(FU)UFE0049340_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aAmgott, Natalie.12aL'emploi des marqueurs discursifs en français chez des Montréalais francophones issus de l'immigration latino-américaineh[electronic resource] /cby Natalie Amgott. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2015. a1 online resource (70 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.A.)--University of Florida, 2015. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aBilingual Montreal has long attracted sociolinguists to study the social factors conditioning French language in Montreal. As Montreal evolves from a bilingual to multilingual or plurilingual city, this study aims to examine immigrant speakers of French. We target the Latin-American Montrealers whose parents immigrated to Montreal or who immigrated to Montreal during the critical period of language acquisition. By exploring the linguistic and scholarly environments of eight speakers, we analyze the influence of language environment on the production of discourse markers. This semanto-pragmatic particle is learned in social contexts and we therefore expect a correlation between the weight of Spanish, English, and/or French in one's life and the production of discourse markers that will either reflect the influence of the local variety of Quebec French or will show the potential influence of Spanish or English linguistic environments. We choose the nine discourse markers: alors, ben, comme, donc, fait que, genre, la, pis, and tu sais. We analyze the linguistic factors of co-occurrence and function and the extralinguistic factors of school environment and linguistic environment (with six sub-factors: family, friends, media, work, origins, and neighborhood). We find that alors, donc, fait que, and pis are most employed with a consecutive function, but that fait que is more discursive than the other three. Likewise, we find that comme and genre are more discursive in function than3 aapproximative. Our extralinguistic factors show the significance of school environment and family, and the insignificance of the other factors in discourse marker production by this population. We thus conclude that more speakers are needed or that discourse marker production is, for the most part, not influenced by linguistic environments for speakers who acquire the language during the critical period. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: BLONDEAU,HELENE. aCo-adviser: ANTES,THERESA A. adiscourseaFrenchagrammaticalizationahispanophonealinguisticsamarkersaMontrealasociolinguistics 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxLanguage, Literature and Culture. aFrench and Francophone Studies thesis, M.A. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0049340/00001yClick here for full text5FU01612cam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804900090014606600070015510000570016224500610021926400360028030000230031633600260033933700260036533800360039149000310042754200710045858803170052965500420084683000300088888000530091888000540097188000340102588001070105988000350116685600610120103405747920160405140349.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160309s2004 ja 000 u jpn aon944185377 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG c$11 aAkutagawa, Ryūnosuke,d1892-1927.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aDenkichi no katakiuchi /cAkutagawa Ryūnosuke. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2004. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v34 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/lPublicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v34.1 6100-01/$1a芥川竜之介,d1892-1927,eauthor.106245-02/$1a伝吉の敵打ち /c芥川竜之介.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v34 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 芥川龍之介全集5. [東京?] : ちくま文庫、筑摩書房, 1987. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v34.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000879/files/34_15220.html01575cam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804900090014606600070015510000490016224500470021126400360025830000230029433600260031733700260034333800360036949000340040554200710043958803170051065500420082783000330086988000500090288000480095288000370100088000860103788000380112385600640116103411571720160405140541.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160314s2008 ja 000 u jpn aon944444501 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG c$11 6880-01aKishida, Kunio,d1890-1954,eauthor.106880-02aIjutsu no shinpo /cKishida Kunio. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2008. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v46864 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/lPublicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v46864.1 6100-01/$1a岸田国士,d1890-1954,eauthor.106245-02/$1a医術の進步 /c岸田国士.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v46864 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 岸田國士全集5. [東京?] : 岩波書店, 1991. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v46864.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001154/files/46864_30572.html01637cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900090015406600070016310000510017024500620022126400340028330000230031733600260034033700260036633800360039249000330042854200690046158803170053065500380084783000320088588000530091785600630097088000600103388000360109388001090112988000370123803412116920160330182735.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160316s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon944913932 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG c$11 aMiyamoto, Yuriko,d1899-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aAi wa shinpi na shūdōjō /cMiyamoto Yuriko. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v3074 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v3074.1 6100-01/$1a宮本百合子,d1899-1951,eauthor.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000311/files/3074_10631.html106245-02/$1a愛は神秘な修道場 /c宮本百合子.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v3074 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 宮本百合子全集 第十四卷. [東京?] : 新日本出版社, 1979. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v3074.01593cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900090015406600070016310000500017024500500022026400340027030000230030433600260032733700260035333800360037949000320041554200690044758803170051665500380083383000310087188000530090285600610095588000540101688000350107088000900110588000360119503412463020160331103305.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160309s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon944199014 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG c$11 aOkamoto, Kanoko,d1889-1939.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aChirimen no kokoro /cOkamoto Kanoko. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v439 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v439.1 6100-01/$1a岡本かの子,d1889-1939,eauthor.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000076/files/439_4287.html106245-02/$1a縮緬のこころ /c岡本かの子.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v439 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 日本の名随筆38 装. [東京?] : 作品社, 1985. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v439.01588cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900090015406600070016310000470017024500470021726400340026430000230029833600260032133700260034733800360037349000320040954200690044158803170051065500420082783000310086988000470090085600620094788000450100988000350105488001010108988000360119003412473520160331122611.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160309s2005 ja 000 u jpn aon944187697 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG c$11 6880-01aDazai, Osamu,d1909-1948,eauthor.106880-02aJūnigatsu yōka /cDazai Osamu. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2005. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v253 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v253.1 6100-01/$1a太宰治,d1909-1948,eauthor.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000035/files/253_20056.html106245-02/$1a十二月八日 /c太宰治.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v253 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 太宰治全集5. [東京?] : ちくま文庫、筑摩書房, 1989. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v253.01602cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900090015406600070016310000490017024500450021926400340026430000230029833600260032133700260034733800360037349000320040954200690044158803170051065500420082783000310086988000470090085600620094788000450100988000350105488001150108988000360120403412483520160331124902.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160309s2005 ja 000 u jpn aon944196860 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG c$11 6880-01aIzumi, Kyōka,d1873-1939,eauthor.106880-02aKunisada egaku /cIzumi Kyōka. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2005. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v529 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v529.1 6100-01/$1a泉鏡花,d1873-1939,eauthor.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000050/files/529_20653.html106245-02/$1a国貞えがく /c泉鏡花.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v529 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 鏡花短篇集 川村二郎編. [東京?] : 岩波文庫、岩波書店, 1987. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v529.01601cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900090015406600070016310000520017024500490022226400340027130000230030533600260032833700260035433800360038049000320041654200690044858803170051765500420083483000310087688000500090785600620095788000450101988000350106488001040109988000360120303412493620160331183728.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160309s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon944198766 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG c$11 aNatsume, Sōseki,d1867-1916.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aHigan sugi made /cNatsume Sōseki. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v765 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v765.1 6100-01/$1a夏目漱石,d1867-1916,eauthor.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000148/files/765_14961.html106245-02/$1a彼岸過迄 /c夏目漱石.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v765 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 夏目漱石全集6. [東京?] : ちくま文庫、筑摩書房, 1988. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v765.01625cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900090015406600070016310000520017024500570022226400340027930000230031333600260033633700260036233800360038849000320042454200690045658803170052565500460084283000310088888000500091985600620096988000570103188000350108888001040112388000360122703412503720160331184412.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160309s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon944204028 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG c$11 aYumeno, Kyūsaku,d1889-1936.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aOkashi no dai butōkai /cYumeno Kyūsaku. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v928 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v928.1 6100-01/$1a夢野久作,d1889-1936,eauthor.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000096/files/928_21744.html106245-02/$1aお菓子の大舞踏会 /c夢野久作.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v928 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 夢野久作全集1. [東京?] : ちくま文庫、筑摩書房, 1992. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v928.01665cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804900120014606600070015810000490016524500530021426400360026730000230030333600260032633700260035233800360037849000330041454200690044758803170051665000470083365500380088083000320091885600630095088000500101388000540106388000360111788001130115388000370126603412513720160317175433.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160310s2008 ja 000 u jpn aon944250614 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aItami, Mansaku,d1900-1946.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aEngi shidōron sōan /cItami Mansaku. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2008. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v1190 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aMotion pictures.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01027285 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v1190.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000231/files/1190_31196.html1 6100-01/$1a伊丹万作,d1900-1946,eauthor.106245-02/$1a演技指導論草案 /c伊丹万作.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v1190 6534-00/$1pOriginal verson: 現代日本思想大系 14 芸術の思想. [東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1964. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v1190.01582nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000500016024500490021026400360025930000230029533600260031833700260034433800360037049000330040654200690043958803170050865500420082583000320086785600630089988000530096288000540101588000360106988000900110588000370119503412523720160317175732.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160314s2009 ja 000 u jpn aon944447462 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKunikida, Doppo,d1871-1908,eauthor.106880-02aWasurenu hitobito /cKunikida Doppo. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2009. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v1409 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v1409.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000038/files/1409_34798.html1 6100-01/$1a国木田独步,d1871-1908,eauthor.106245-02/$1a忘れえぬ人々 /c国木田独步.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v1409 6534-00/$1pOriginal verson: 武蔵野. [東京?] : 岩波文庫、岩波書店, 1939. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v1409.01574nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000500016024500460021026400360025630000230029233600260031533700260034133800360036749000330040354200690043658803170050565500460082283000320086885600630090088000500096388000420101388000360105588000960109188000370118703412533720160317180122.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160311s2005 ja 000 u jpn aon944343701 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aMiyazawa, Kenji,d1896-1933.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aMatsuri no ban /cMiyazawa Kenji. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2005. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v1938 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v1938.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000081/files/1938_18756.html1 6100-01/$1a宮沢賢治,d1896-1933,eauthor.106245-02/$1a祭の晚 /c宮沢賢治.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v1938 6534-00/$1pOriginal verson: 風の又三郎. [東京?] : 角川文庫、角川書店, 1988. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v1938.01548nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000470016024500350020726400360024230000230027833600260030133700260032733800360035349000330038954200690042258803170049165500420080883000320085085600630088288000470094588000330099288000360102588001000106188000370116103412543720160317180446.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160311s2005 ja 000 u jpn aon944344440 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aDazai, Osamu,d1909-1948,eauthor.106880-02aSuzume /cDazai Osamu. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2005. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v2273 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v2273.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000035/files/2273_20145.html1 6100-01/$1a太宰治,d1909-1948,eauthor.106245-02/$1a雀 /c太宰治.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v2273 6534-00/$1pOriginal verson: 太宰治全集8. [東京?] : ちくま文庫、筑摩書房, 1989. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v2273.01652nam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000510016024500480021126400360025930000230029533600260031833700260034433800360037049000330040654200690043958803170050865000470082565500380087283000320091085600620094288000500100488000490105488000360110388001140113988000370125303412553820160317182138.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160311s2009 ja 000 u jpn aon944350798 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aTerada, Torahiko,d1878-1935.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aEiga zakkan.n2 /cTerada Torahiko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2009. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v2481 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aMotion pictures.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01027285 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v2481.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000042/files/2481_9720.html1 6100-01/$1a寺田寅彦,d1878-1935,eauthor.106245-02/$1a映画雑感.n2 /c寺田寅彦.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v2481 6534-00/$1pOriginal verson: 寺田寅彦随筆集 第四卷. [東京?] : 岩波文庫、岩波書店, 1948. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v2481.01574nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000550016024500500021526400360026530000230030133600260032433700260035033800360037649000330041254200690044558803170051465500380083183000320086985600630090188000530096488000450101788000360106288000890109888000370118703412564220160317182806.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160317s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon944950696 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aHagiwara, Sakutarō,d1886-1942,eauthor.106880-02aNatsu bōshi /cHagiwara Sakutarō. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v1765 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v1765.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000067/files/1765_24369.html1 6100-01/$1a萩原朔太郎,d1886-1942,eauthor.106245-02/$1a夏帽子 /c萩原朔太郎.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v1765 6534-00/$1pOriginal verson: 日本の名随筆38 装. [東京?] : 作品社, 1985. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v1765.01564nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000480016024500420020826400360025030000230028633600260030933700260033533800360036149000340039754200690043158803170050065000380081783000330085585600640088888000470095288000390099988000370103888001010107588000380117603412574420160317183238.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160314s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon944444877 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aYoshii, Isamu,d1886-1960,eauthor.106880-02aSuikyōroku /cYoshii Isamu. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v51239 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v51239.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001497/files/51239_41901.html1 6100-01/$1a吉井勇,d1886-1960,eauthor.106245-02/$1a酔狂錄 /c吉井勇.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v51239 6534-00/$1pOriginal verson: 日本の名随筆 別卷55 恋心. [東京?] : 作品社, 1995. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v51239.01664nam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000490016024500700020926400360027930000230031533600260033833700260036433800360039049000340042654200690046058803170052965000470084665500380089383000330093185600640096488000500102888000630107888000370114188000860117888000380126403412584620160317183804.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160314s2007 ja 000 u jpn aon944448665 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKishida, Kunio,d1890-1954,eauthor.106880-02aGekisaku o kokorozasu wakai hitobito ni /cKishida Kunio. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2007. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v44548 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPerforming arts.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01057887 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v44548.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001154/files/44548_27425.html1 6100-01/$1a岸田国士,d1890-1954,eauthor.106245-02/$1a劇作を志す若い人々に /c岸田国士.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v44548 6534-00/$1pOriginal verson: 岸田國士全集21. [東京?] : 岩波書店, 1990. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v44548.01568nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000490016024500480020926400360025730000230029333600260031633700260034233800360036849000340040454200690043858803170050765500380082483000330086285600640089588000500095988000480100988000370105788000860109488000380118003412594820160317184236.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160314s2005 ja 000 u jpn aon944450067 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKishida, Kunio,d1890-1954,eauthor.106880-02aBōkansha no gen /cKishida Kunio. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2005. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v44360 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v44360.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001154/files/44360_19483.html1 6100-01/$1a岸田国士,d1890-1954,eauthor.106245-02/$1a傍観者の言 /c岸田国士.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v44360 6534-00/$1pOriginal verson: 岸田國士全集20. [東京?] : 岩波書店, 1990. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v44360.01594nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000510016024500490021126400360026030000230029633600260031933700260034533800360037149000330040754200690044058803170050965500380082683000320086485600630089688000530095988000510101288000360106388001080109988000370120703412604920160317184823.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160316s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon944915792 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aMiyamoto, Yuriko,d1899-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aKatei to gakusei /cMiyamoto Yuriko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v3193 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v3193.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000311/files/3193_10869.html1 6100-01/$1a宮本百合子,d1899-1951,eauthor.106245-02/$1a家庭と学生 /c宮本百合子.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v3193 6534-00/$1pOriginal verson: 宮本百合子全集 第十四卷. [東京?] : 新日本出版社, 1979. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v3193.01596nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000520016024500510021226400360026330000230029933600260032233700260034833800360037449000340041054200690044458803170051365000410083083000330087185600640090488000500096888000480101888000370106688001050110388000380120803412614920160317185133.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160316s2008 ja 000 u jpn aon944919045 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aFukuzawa, Yukichi,d1835-1901,eauthor.106880-02aGakusha anshinron /cFukuzawa Yukichi. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2008. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v47054 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEducation.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00902499 0aAozora bunko6880-04v47054.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000296/files/47054_30634.html1 6100-01/$1a福沢諭吉,d1835-1901,eauthor.106245-02/$1a学者安心論 /c福沢諭吉.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v47054 6534-00/$1pOriginal verson: 福沢諭吉教育論集. [東京?] : 岩波文庫、岩波書店, 1991. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v47054.01598nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000510016024500460021126400360025730000230029333600260031633700260034233800360036849000340040454200690043858803170050765500460082483000330087085600640090388000530096788000450102088000370106588001080110288000380121003412625020160317185758.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160316s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon944925325 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aSuzuki, Miekichi,d1882-1936,eauthor.106880-02aHoshi no onna /cSuzuki Miekichi. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v45180 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v45180.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000107/files/45180_23820.html1 6100-01/$1a鈴木三重吉,d1882-1936,eauthor.106245-02/$1a星の女 /c鈴木三重吉.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v45180 6534-00/$1pOriginal verson: 日本児童文学大系 第一〇卷. [東京?] : ほるぷ出版, 1978. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v45180.01531nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000470016024500320020726400360023930000230027533600260029833700260032433800360035049000340038654200690042058803170048965500420080683000330084885600640088188000470094588000330099288000370102588000810106288000380114303412635020160317190049.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160317s2005 ja 000 u jpn aon944958782 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aMori, Ōgai,d1862-1922,eauthor.106880-02aGan /cMori Ōgai. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2005. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v45224 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v45224.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000129/files/45224_19919.html1 6100-01/$1a森鷗外,d1862-1922,eauthor.106245-02/$1a雁 /c森鷗外.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v45224 6534-00/$1pOriginal verson: 雁. [東京?] : 新潮社、新潮文庫, 1948. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v45224.01584cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000470017324500420022026400340026230000230029633600260031933700260034533800360037149000340040754200690044158803170051065500380082783000330086585600640089888000500096288000450101288000370105788000900109488000380118403414859520160401124954.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160321s2007 ja 000 u jpn aon945210445 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aAizu, Yaichi,d1881-1956,eauthor.106880-02aIppen no ishi /cAizu Yaichi. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2007. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v46511 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v46511.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001245/files/46511_25607.html1 6100-01/$1a会津八一,d1881-1956,eauthor.106245-02/$1a一片の石 /c会津八一.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v46511 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 日本の名随筆88 石. [東京?] : 作品社, 1990. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v46511.01636cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000570017324500550023026400340028530000230031933600260034233700260036833800360039449000330043054200690046358803170053265500380084983000320088785600630091988000530098288000480103588000360108388001180111988000370123703414869720160518114159.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160321s2007 ja 000 u jpn aon945197984 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 aAkutagawa, Ryūnosuke,d1892-1927.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aSagi to oshidori /cAkutagawa Ryūnosuke. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2007. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v3816 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v3816.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000879/files/3816_27302.html1 6100-01/$1a芥川竜之介,d1892-1927,eauthor.106245-02/$1a鷺と鴛鴦 /c芥川竜之介.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v3816 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 筑摩全集類聚 芥川龍之介全集第四巻. [東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1971. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v3816.01588cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000470017324500400022026400340026030000230029433600260031733700260034333800360036949000330040554200690043858803170050765500420082483000320086685600630089888000470096188000420100888000360105088001030108688000370118903414897020160401142055.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160318s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon945078505 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 aHara, Tamiki,d1905-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aHaikyo kara /cHara Tamiki. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v1854 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v1854.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000293/files/1854_21717.html1 6100-01/$1a原民喜,d1905-1951,eauthor.106245-02/$1a廃墟から /c原民喜.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v1854 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 夏の花・心願の国. [東京?] : 新潮文庫、新潮社, 1973. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v1854.01618cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000520017324500470022526400340027230000230030633600260032933700260035533800360038149000340041754200690045158803170052065500460083783000330088385600640091688000530098088000600103388000370109388000880113088000380121803414909120160401145109.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160318s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon945082790 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aToyoshima, Yoshio,d1890-1955,eauthor.106880-02aKinshokishoki /cToyoshima Yoshio. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v42630 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v42630.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000906/files/42630_23012.html1 6100-01/$1a豊島与志雄,d1890-1955,eauthor.106245-02/$1aキンショキショキ /c豊島与志雄.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v42630 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 豊島与志雄童話集. [東京?] : 海鳥社, 1990. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v42630.01675cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000520017324500640022526400340028930000230032333600260034633700260037233800360039849000340043454200690046858803170053765500380085483000330089285600640092588000530098988000690104288000370111188001270114888000380127503414919220160401145437.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160318s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon945097659 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aToyoshima, Yoshio,d1890-1955,eauthor.106880-02aBarakku kyojūsha e no kotoba /cToyoshima Yoshio. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v42491 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v42491.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000906/files/42491_21119.html1 6100-01/$1a豊島与志雄,d1890-1955,eauthor.106245-02/$1aバラック居住者への言葉 /c豊島与志雄.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v42491 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 豊島与志雄著作集 第六卷(随筆・評論・他). [東京?] : 未来社, 1967. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v42491.01595cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000520017324500470022526400340027230000230030633600260032933700260035533800360038149000330041754200690045058803170051965500380083683000320087485600620090688000500096888000480101888000360106688000940110288000370119603414931320160401152702.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160319s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon945135576 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 aNatsume, Sōseki,d1867-1916.6880-01eauthor.106880-02a"Kokoro" jijo /cNatsume Sōseki. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v4688 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v4688.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000148/files/4688_9466.html1 6100-01/$1a夏目漱石,d1867-1916,eauthor.106245-02/$1a「心」自序 /c夏目漱石.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v4688 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 漱石全集 第十六卷. [東京?] : 岩波書店, 1995. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v4688.01696cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000510017324500800022426400340030430000230033833600260036133700260038733800360041349000330044954200690048258803170055165500550086883000320092385600620095588000530101788000850107088000360115588001060119188000370129703414941620160401153039.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160321s2002 ja 000 u jpn aon945226536 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 aMiyamoto, Yuriko,d1899-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aItoko e no tegami :bKodomo no ie no monogatari /cMiyamoto Yuriko. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2002. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v2749 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPersonal correspondence.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919948 0aAozora bunko6880-04v2749.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000311/files/2749_7373.html1 6100-01/$1a宮本百合子,d1899-1951,eauthor.106245-02/$1a従妹への手紙 :b「子供の家」の物語 /c宮本百合子.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v2749 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 宮本百合子全集 第九巻. [東京?] : 新日本出版社, 1980. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v2749.01887cam a2200409Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000500017324500830022326400340030630000230034033600260036333700260038933800360041549000420045149000340049354200690052758803170059665500390091383000430095283000330099585600640102888000500109288000790114288000450122188000370126688000900130388000460139388000380143903414951920160401153351.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160322s2009 ja 000 u jpn aon945385873 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 aSakaguchi, Ango,d1906-1955.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aDate Masamune no shiro e norikomu :bSendai no maki /cSakaguchi Ango. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2009. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAngo no shin Nihon chiri ;v31 6880-04aAozora bunko ;v45903 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aDiaries.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423794 06880-05aAngo no shin Nihon chiri ;v3. 0aAozora bunko6880-06v45903.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001095/files/45903_37422.html1 6100-01/$1a坂口安吾,d1906-1955,eauthor.106245-02/$1a伊達政宗の城へ乗込む :b仙台の巻 /c坂口安吾.1 6490-03/$1a安吾の新日本地理 ;v31 6490-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v45903 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 坂口安吾全集 11. [東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1998. 06830-05/$1a安吾の新日本地理 ;v3. 06830-06/$1a青空文庫 ;v45903.01895cam a2200421Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000500017324500510022326400340027430000230030833600260033133700260035733800360038349000490041949000330046854200690050158803170057065100370088765500420092483000500096683000320101685600630104888000500111188000510116188000420121288000360125488001030129088000430139388000370143603415120520160404104459.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160322s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon945388869 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 aOkamoto, Kidō,d1872-1939.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aSenshitsushi (Tō) /cOkamoto Kidō. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aChūgoku kaiki shōsetsushū ;v61 6880-04aAozora bunko ;v1300 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aChina.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01206073 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 06880-05aChūgoku kaiki shōsetsushū ;v6. 0aAozora bunko6880-06v1300.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000082/files/1300_11896.html1 6100-01/$1a岡本綺堂,d1872-1939,eauthor.106245-02/$1a宣室志(唐) /c岡本綺堂.1 6490-03/$1a中国怪奇小説集 ;v61 6490-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v1300 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 中国怪奇小説集. [東京?] : 光文社文庫、光文社, 1994. 06830-05/$1a中国怪奇小説集 ;v6. 06830-06/$1a青空文庫 ;v1300.01609cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000470017324500380022026400340025830000230029233600260031533700260034133800360036749000330040354200690043658803170050565500460082283000320086885600630090088000500096388000420101388000360105588001190109188000370121003415130820160404105457.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160323s2005 ja 000 u jpn aon945469440 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aUnno, Jūza,d1897-1949,eauthor.106880-02aDenkibato /cUnno Jūza. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2005. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v3534 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v3534.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000160/files/3534_18457.html1 6100-01/$1a海野十三,d1897-1949,eauthor.106245-02/$1a電気鳩 /c海野十三.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v3534 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 海野十三全集 第4巻 十八時の音楽浴. [東京?] : 三一書房, 1989. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v3534.01599cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000500017324500340022326400340025730000230029133600260031433700260034033800360036649000330040254200690043558803170050465500420082183000320086385600630089588000530095888000390101188000360105088001140108688000370120003415141620160404110842.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160323s2004 ja 000 u jpn aon945443692 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 aOkamoto, Kanoko,d1889-1939.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aAi /cOkamoto Kanoko. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2004. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v4996 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v4996.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000076/files/4996_15646.html1 6100-01/$1a岡本かの子,d1889-1939,eauthor.106245-02/$1a愛 /c岡本かの子.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v4996 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 日本幻想文学集成10 岡本かの子. [東京?] : 国書刊行会, 1992. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v4996.01653cam a2200373Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000510017324500420022426400340026630000230030033600260032333700260034933800360037549000330041154200690044458803170051365000400083065100370087083000320090785600630093988000530100288000420105588000360109788001090113388000370124203415152720160404112313.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160323s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon945458004 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 aMiyamoto, Yuriko,d1899-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aShūshin /cMiyamoto Yuriko. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v3499 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aFamilies.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01728849 7aJapan.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01204082 0aAozora bunko6880-04v3499.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000311/files/3499_12405.html1 6100-01/$1a宮本百合子,d1899-1951,eauthor.106245-02/$1a修身 /c宮本百合子.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v3499 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 宮本百合子全集 第十六巻. [東京?] : 新日本出版社, 1980. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v3499.01586cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000490017324500410022226400340026330000230029733600260032033700260034633800360037249000330040854200690044158803170051065500420082783000320086985600630090188000470096488000390101188000360105088001010108688000370118703415163720160404114246.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160324s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon945560392 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aIzumi, Kyōka,d1873-1939,eauthor.106880-02aYōsōki /cIzumi Kyōka. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v3650 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v3650.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000050/files/3650_12120.html1 6100-01/$1a泉鏡花,d1873-1939,eauthor.106245-02/$1a妖僧記 /c泉鏡花.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v3650 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 泉鏡花集成4. [東京?] : ちくま文庫、筑摩書房, 1995. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v3650.01626cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000520017324500440022526400340026930000230030333600260032633700260035233800360037849000330041454200690044758803170051665500420083383000320087585600630090788000500097088000420102088000360106288001290109888000370122703415223120160404142727.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160325s2007 ja 000 u jpn aon945573448 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 aHiguchi, Ichiyō,d1872-1896.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aYuki no hi /cHiguchi Ichiyō. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2007. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v4528 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v4528.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000064/files/4528_27842.html1 6100-01/$1a樋口一葉,d1872-1896,eauthor.106245-02/$1a雪の日 /c樋口一葉.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v4528 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 新日本古典文学大系 明治編 24 樋口一葉集. [東京?] : 岩波書店, 2001. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v4528.01617cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000500017324500450022326400340026830000230030233600260032533700260035133800360037749000340041354200690044758803170051665500460083383000330087985600640091288000500097688000450102688000370107188001090110888000380121703415233620160404143506.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160325s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon945579064 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKusuyama, Masao,d1884-1950,eauthor.106880-02aChūgina inu /cKusuyama Masao. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v33211 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v33211.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000329/files/33211_13250.html1 6100-01/$1a楠山正雄,d1884-1950,eauthor.106245-02/$1a忠義な犬 /c楠山正雄.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v33211 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 日本の諸国物語. [東京?] : 講談社学術文庫、講談社, 1983. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v33211.01684nam a2200373Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804100080014104900120014906600070016110000520016824500460022026400340026630000230030033600260032333700260034933800360037549000340041154200690044558803170051465000410083165100430087283000330091585600640094888000500101288000420106288000370110488001310114188000380127203415245020160404145745.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160325s2004 ja 000 u jpn aon945578933 aFUGbengerdacFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 aOriguchi, Shinobu,d1887-1953.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aMizu no onna /cOrikuchi Shinobu. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2004. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v16031 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEthnology.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00916106 7afst01204082.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01204082 0aAozora bunko6880-04v16031.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000933/files/16031_14239.html1 6100-01/$1a折口信夫,d1887-1953,eauthor.106245-02/$1a水の女 /c折口信夫.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v16031 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 古代研究1祭りの発生. [東京?] : 中公クラシックス、中央公論新社, 2002. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v16031.01607cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000500017324500410022326400340026430000230029833600260032133700260034733800360037349000340040954200690044358803170051265500460082983000330087585600640090888000500097288000390102288000370106188001090109888000380120703415284220160405082017.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160325s2004 ja 000 u jpn aon945578894 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKusuyama, Masao,d1884-1950,eauthor.106880-02aYumedo no /cKusuyama Masao. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2004. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v18381 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v18381.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000329/files/18381_14262.html1 6100-01/$1a楠山正雄,d1884-1950,eauthor.106245-02/$1a夢殿 /c楠山正雄.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v18381 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 日本の英雄伝説. [東京?] : 講談社学術文庫、講談社, 1983. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v18381.01660cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000530017324500520022626400340027830000230031233600260033533700260036133800360038749000340042354200690045758803170052665500420084383000330088585600640091888000530098288000540103588000370108988001340112688000380126003415301320160405094638.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160326s2004 ja 000 u jpn aon945614452 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aTanaka, Kōtarō,d1880-1941,eauthor.106880-02aHokkesō no kaii /cTanaka Kōtarō. 1aJapan :bAozora Bunko,c2004. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v42281 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v42281.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000154/files/42281_16632.html1 6100-01/$1a田中貢太郎,d1880-1941,eauthor.106245-02/$1a法華僧の怪異 /c田中貢太郎.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v42281 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 怪奇・伝奇時代小説選集3 新怪談集. [東京?] : 春陽文庫、春陽堂書店, 1999. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v42281.01660cam a2200373Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000510017324500470022426400360027130000230030733600260033033700260035633800360038249000340041854200690045258803170052165000400083865500380087883000330091685600640094988000500101388000510106388000370111488000970115188000380124803415372720160406105509.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160330s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon945693219 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 aTerada, Torahiko,d1878-1935.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aNikakai sonota /cTerada Torahiko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v43283 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPainting.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01050567 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v43283.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000042/files/43283_23769.html1 6100-01/$1a寺田寅彦,d1878-1935,eauthor.106245-02/$1a二科会その他 /c寺田寅彦.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v43283 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 寺田寅彦全集 第八巻. [東京?] : 岩波書店, 1997. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v43283.01605cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000500017324500510022326400360027430000230031033600260033333700260035933800360038549000340042154200690045558803170052465500420084183000330088385600640091688000500098088000480103088000370107888000900111588000380120503415383620160406110958.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160328s2009 ja 000 u jpn aon945633004 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 aSakaguchi, Ango,d1906-1955.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aShōgo no satsujin /cSakaguchi Ango. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2009. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v42951 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v42951.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001095/files/42951_35647.html1 6100-01/$1a坂口安吾,d1906-1955,eauthor.106245-02/$1a正午の殺人 /c坂口安吾.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v42951 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 坂口安吾全集 14. [東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1999. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v42951.01650cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000500017324500480022326400360027130000230030733600260033033700260035633800360038249000340041854200690045258803170052165500460083883000330088485600640091788000530098188000510103488000370108588001280112288000380125003415395520160406112720.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160330s2010 ja 000 u jpn aon945699150 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKozakai, Fuboku,d1890-1929,eauthor.106880-02aHokori wa kataru /cKosakai Fuboku. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2010. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v48057 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v48057.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000262/files/48057_40213.html1 6100-01/$1a小酒井不木,d1890-1929,eauthor.106245-02/$1a塵埃は語る /c小酒井不木.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v48057 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 小酒井不木探偵小説選 〔論創ミステリ叢書8〕. [東京?] : 論創社, 2004. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v48057.01610cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000510017324500490022426400360027330000230030933600260033233700260035833800360038449000340042054200690045458803170052365500380084083000330087885600640091188000500097588000510102588000370107688000970111388000380121003415406120160406113829.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160330s2005 ja 000 u jpn aon945693292 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 aTerada, Torahiko,d1878-1935.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aAru hi no keiken /cTerada Torahiko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2005. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v43439 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v43439.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000042/files/43439_17199.html1 6100-01/$1a寺田寅彦,d1878-1935,eauthor.106245-02/$1aある日の経験 /c寺田寅彦.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v43439 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 寺田寅彦全集 第八巻. [東京?] : 岩波書店, 1997. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v43439.01560nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000520016024500460021226400360025830000230029433600260031733700260034333800360036949000340040554200690043958803170050865500420082583000330086785600640090088000500096488000420101488000370105688000790109388000380117203415436220160406143846.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160406s2005 ja 000 u jpn aon946049102 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aYumeno, Kyūsaku,d1889-1936.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aOnna kōshu /cYumeno Kyūsaku. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2005. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v44915 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v44915.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000096/files/44915_18413.html1 6100-01/$1a夢野久作,d1889-1936,eauthor.106245-02/$1a女坑主 /c夢野久作.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v44915 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 少女地獄. [東京?] : 角川書店, 1976. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v44915.01556nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000500016024500350021026400360024530000230028133600260030433700260033033800360035649000340039254200690042658803170049565500420081283000330085485600640088788000500095188000360100188000370103788000940107488000380116803415452020160406145741.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160406s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon946049891 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aOkamoto, Kidō,d1872-1939.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aKoi /cOkamoto Kidō. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v45486 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01921716 0aAozora bunko6880-04v45486.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000082/files/45486_23367.html1 6100-01/$1a岡本綺堂,d1872-1939,eauthor.106245-02/$1a鯉 /c岡本綺堂.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v45486 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 鎧櫃の血. [東京?] : 光文社文庫、光文社, 1988. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v45486.01581nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000500016024500500021026400360026030000230029633600260031933700260034533800360037149000340040754200690044158803170051065500380082783000330086585600640089888000500096288000540101288000370106688000900110388000380119303415469120160406152900.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160406s2008 ja 000 u jpn aon946050543 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aSakaguchi, Ango,d1906-1955.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aRamune-shi no koto /cSakaguchi Ango. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2008. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v45864 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v45864.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001095/files/45864_32940.html1 6100-01/$1a坂口安吾,d1906-1955,eauthor.106245-02/$1aラムネ氏のこと /c坂口安吾.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v45864 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 坂口安吾全集 03. [東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1999. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v45864.01633nam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000500016024500480021026400360025830000230029433600260031733700260034333800360036949000340040554200690043958803170050865000500082565500380087583000330091385600640094688000500101088000450106088000370110588000910114288000380123303415514720160406154859.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160406s2007 ja 000 u jpn aon946051320 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aUemura, Shōen,d1875-1949,eauthor.106880-02aShachū yūkan /cUemura Shōen. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2007. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v46528 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPainting, Japanese.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01050925 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v46528.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000355/files/46528_26663.html1 6100-01/$1a上村松園,d1875-1949,eauthor.106245-02/$1a車中有感 /c上村松園.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v46528 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 青眉抄・青眉抄拾遺. [東京?] : 講談社, 1976. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v46528.01638nam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000500016024500500021026400360026030000230029633600260031933700260034533800360037149000340040754200690044158803170051065000500082765500380087783000330091585600640094888000500101288000480106288000370111088000910114788000380123803415874420160408110806.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160408s2008 ja 000 u jpn aon946157012 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aUemura, Shōen,d1875-1949,eauthor.106880-02aYōkyoku to gadai /cUemura Shōen. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2008. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v47312 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPainting, Japanese.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01050925 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v47312.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000355/files/47312_30888.html1 6100-01/$1a上村松園,d1875-1949,eauthor.106245-02/$1a謡曲と画題 /c上村松園.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v47312 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 青眉抄・青眉抄拾遺. [東京?] : 講談社, 1976. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v47312.01575nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000490016024500460020926400360025530000230029133600260031433700260034033800360036649000340040254200690043658803170050565500380082283000330086085600640089388000470095788000450100488000370104988001010108688000380118703415885120160408112142.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160408s2008 ja 000 u jpn aon946158138 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aIzumi, Kyōka,d1873-1939,eauthor.106880-02aTōno no kibun /cIzumi Kyōka. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2008. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v48332 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v48332.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000050/files/48332_33336.html1 6100-01/$1a泉鏡花,d1873-1939,eauthor.106245-02/$1a遠野の奇聞 /c泉鏡花.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v48332 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 泉鏡花集成8. [東京?] : ちくま文庫、筑摩書房, 1996. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v48332.01666nam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000530016024500550021326400360026830000230030433600260032733700260035333800360037949000340041554200690044958803170051865000520083565500380088783000330092585600640095888000500102288000540107288000370112688001030116388000380126603415895920160408113433.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160408s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon946159106 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aWatsuji, Tetsurō,d1889-1960,eauthor.106880-02aInten Nihonga shokan /cWatsuji Tetsurō. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v49880 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPhilosophy, Japanese.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01061013 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v49880.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001395/files/49880_41934.html1 6100-01/$1a和辻哲郎,d1889-1960,eauthor.106245-02/$1a院展日本画所感 /c和辻哲郎.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v49880 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 和辻哲郎随筆集. [東京?] : 岩波文庫、岩波書店, 1995. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v49880.01610cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804100080014604900120015406600070016610000500017324500470022326400360027030000230030633600260032933700260035533800360038149000340041754200690045158803170052065500380083783000330087585600640090888000500097288000480102288000370107088001030110788000380121003416301220160412115631.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu160323s2008 ja 000 u jpn aon945417156 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 ajpn aFUGG-ER c$11 aOkamoto, Kidō,d1872-1939.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aAki no shuzenji /cOkamoto Kidō. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2008. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v49564 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v49564.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000082/files/49564_33622.html1 6100-01/$1a岡本綺堂,d1872-1939,eauthor.106245-02/$1a秋の修善寺 /c岡本綺堂.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v49564 6534-00/$1pOriginal version: 岡本綺堂随筆集. [東京?] : 岩波文庫、岩波書店, 2007. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v49564.04331nam a2200445Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000260016324501190018926000570030830000310036550000610039650000190045750200500047650400410052650600320056752015000059952008320209958800690293158803170300059000320331759000300334965301360337965500390351569000420355469000270359683000470362383000110367083000100368183000110369183000120370285200210371485601500373503416679920200109112335.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp160225s2015 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0049560_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aChowdhury, Tathagata.12aA Study of Quantum Phase Transitions in Quantum Impurity Systemsh[electronic resource] /cby Tathagata Chowdhury. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2015. a1 online resource (116 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2015. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aKondo and Anderson impurity models with a pseudogap density of states that vanishes at the Fermi energy, feature a continuous quantum phase transition (QPT) that separates a local-moment phase from strong-coupling phases. The quantum critical points (QCPs) exhibit critical Kondo destruction, which is of current interest in connection with heavy-fermion quantum criticality. Motivated by recent experimental and theoretical developments, the numerical renormalization-group technique is used to study the quantum criticality in several pertinent models that demonstrate a QPT. The two-channel pseudogap Anderson and Kondo impurity models are of potential relevance to the Kondo effect in graphene. In the vicinity of the QCPs separating local-moment and non-Fermi liquid phases in the two-channel pseudogap Kondo model, the static local spin susceptibility can be characterized by a set of critical exponents that satisfy the scaling relations expected of an interacting system below its upper critical dimension. The dynamical local susceptibility exhibit forms consistent with frequency-over-temperature scaling, another feature associated with an interacting QCP. The observation of mixed valency in quantum critical beta-YbAlB4 has prompted study of the pseudogap Anderson model away from particle-hole symmetry. The charge response at the QCP of this model can be characterized using five critical exponents, which are found to assume nontrivial values only for 0.55< r< 1. Both the charge3 acritical exponents and the spin critical exponents satisfy a set of scaling relations derived from an ansatz for the free energy near the QCP and can all be expressed in terms of just two underlying exponents: the correlation-length exponent and the gap exponent. The impurity entanglement entropy Se has also been studied in several variants of the Kondo model that feature critical Kondo destruction. In all cases, on the local-moment side of the QCP, the entanglement entropy contains a critical component that can be related to the order parameter characterizing the QPT. Se reaches its maximal value of ln(2Simp+1), Simp being the impurity spin, at the QCP and throughout the Kondo phase, independent of the properties of the host. Implications of these results for quantum critical systems and quantum dots are discussed. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: INGERSENT,J KEVIN. aCo-adviser: BISWAS,AMLAN. aanderson-modelacondensed-matteraentanglementagrapheneakondoaquantum-criticalityaquantum-phase-transitionastrongly-correlated 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxPhysics. aPhysics thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0049560/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2016-12-315FU04548nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000320016324502370019526000570043230000310048950000610052050000190058150200500060050400410065050600320069152015050072352009480222858800690317658803170324559000250356259000310358765301530361865500390377169000660381069000330387683000470390983000110395685200210396785601500398803416690920200107104726.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp160225s2015 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0049619_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aKhan, Muhammed Salah Uddin.10aAvian Influenza Viruses in Bangladesh from 2007- 2012h[electronic resource]bDetermination of Risk, Distribution, and the Temporal Patterns of the Viral Diversity Associated with Geographical Spread /cby Muhammed Salah Uddin Khan. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2015. a1 online resource (104 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2015. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThe overarching goal of this study is to assess pathogen-host-environmental interactions to identify potential interventions in order to reduce highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 risk in humans and poultry in Bangladesh. From live bird market surveillance data (2007-2012), we identified 191 out of 4,308 waterfowl samples (4.4%) that were influenza A rtRT-PCR positives, of which 74 (1.7%) had tested positive for influenza A/H5. Multiple hemagglutinin (HA) subtypes, including H1, H3, H4, H5 (belonging to sub-clades 2.2,,, H9, and H11 were frequently detected in waterfowl. Using a boosted regression tree (BRT) analysis approach, we evaluated active and passive surveillance, and outbreak investigation data to assess ecological and anthropogenic drivers to demonstrate the risk distribution of HPAI H5N1 and low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) viruses in poultry in Bangladesh. The risk of HPAI H5N1 in poultry was associated with close proximity to the major road network (RC: 13.9%), high annual precipitation (RC: 11.6%), close proximity to the live bird markets (RC: 11.4%), average precipitation during the warmest quarter of the year (RC: 11.3%), and high chicken population density (RC: 11%). There was a certain degree of overlap between HPAI and LPAI viruses' spatial distribution in Bangladesh. We also assessed the directional distribution of the outbreak of HPAI H5N1 viruses from 2007 to 2012 and assessed clade-specific changes of effective population3 asizes of H5N1 over time. Intriguingly, the H5N1 clade 2.2 showed very little genetic diversity over time, whereas right after its introduction in 2011, clade 2.3, demonstrated higher genetic diversity until 2013. It was also intriguing that increased rate of nucleotide substitutions occurred in correspondence with the year when multiple, geographically dispersed outbreaks occurred, especially in 2008 and 2011. This phenomenon could be partly explained by the H5N1 viruses' interactions with different host and environmental factors in geographically unique regions of the country, resulting in the occurrence of diverse strains at certain periods of time. However, because of selective pressure, certain strains will dominate in a population until a new strain is introduced. Assessing the relative contributions of the modifiable factors may help us determine feasible intervention strategies to reduce HPAI H5N1 in poultry in Bangladesh. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: LIANG,SONG. aCo-adviser: LEDNICKY,JOHN. aavianabangladeshadistributionaepidemiologyaevolutionahpaiainfluenzaainterpolationakrigingalpaiaone-healthaphylodynamicsaspatialaviruses 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxEnvironmental and Global Health. aPublic Health thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0049619/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2017-12-315FU03841nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000310016324501800019426000570037430000310043150000610046250000190052350200520054250400410059450600320063552015040066752003610217158800690253258803170260159000300291859000350294865300760298365500390305969000640309869000400316283000470320283000110324985200210326085601500328103416701720191209125741.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp160225s2015 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0049715_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aTaylor, Greenberry B, III.14aThe Evolution of Hill Country Musich[electronic resource]bAn Examination of Media Coverage and Marketing of R.L. Burnside and Junior Kimbrough /cby Greenberry B Taylor III. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2015. a1 online resource (291 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.A.M.C.)--University of Florida, 2015. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThis study uses the careers of R.L. Burnside and Junior Kimbrough, two Hill Country bluesmen, to track the evolution of Hill Country blues. Media coverage specific to these two artists, along with how they were marketed by their record label, Fat Possum, are observed in order to understand how this genre of the blues became popular and entered mainstream music. Observations are organized in chronological fashion so that the evolution of the genre can be seen as linear. A portion of this study also includes a compilation of oral histories. The foundation of the research consists of qualitative research techniques, such as qualitative interviewing, oral histories, and textual analysis. Primary source documents such as newspaper and magazine clippings were analyzed in order to track trends and developments relating to coverage of the Hill Country genre. Qualitative interviews conducted with professional journalists, Hill Country artists, and blues scholars, provided context for understanding these trends. These interviews, along with a selection of primary documents such as CD album covers, and promotional rundown sheets, were used to identify and understand marketing techniques used by the record label. Oral histories were compiled to generate a biographical source of information for each artist. The purpose of this study is to examine the media coverage Burnside and Kimbrough received throughout their musical careers in order to map the evolution of Hill County music, as well3 aas gauge the amount exposure the genre received. In order to gain an understanding of the perception audiences had of these artists, the study also observes marketing techniques used by their record label, Fat Possum. Lastly, this study aims to humanize Burnside and Kimbrough by compiling a series of oral histories from individuals close to both artists. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: TRIPP,BERNELL E. aCo-adviser: SPIKER,THEODORE D. abluesaburnsideagreenberryahillcountryajuniorakimbroughapossumarl 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxJournalism and Communications. aMass Communication thesis, M.A.M.C. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0049715/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2017-12-315FU01971nam a2200361 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404200080010704300120011504900090012705000240013609900140016010000420017424501540021626400680037030000390043833600260047733700280050333800270053150001180055858803170067659000740099361000400106765000680110765000240117570000480119971000500124771000420129771101640133977301060150303420825320160527110852.0160527s1934 mz a 000 0 por c aon950733468 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc af-mz--- aFUGG 4aSF196.M69bS54 1934 aSF196.M691 aCruz, Christiano,d1892-1951eauthor.10aEstação zootécnica de Chobela /cpor Cristiano Alfredo Sheppard Cruz ; publicada pela comissão encarregada da representação da colónia. 1aLourenço Marques :bImprensa Nacional de Moçambique,c1934. a15 pages :billustrations ;c25 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aAt head of title: "Primeira Exposição Colonial Portuguesa, Pôrto, 1934 ; Colónia de Moçambique"--Cover. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aRare Book Collection copy from Donald Abraham Collection.5KEEPUF5FU20aEstação Zootécnica de Chobela 0aAgricultural experiment stationszMozambiquezMagude (District) 0aCattlezMozambique.1 aAbraham, Donald,eformer owner.5KEEPUF5FU2 aImprensa Nacional de Moçambiqueepublisher.2 aDonald Abraham Collection5KEEPUF5FU2 aExposição Colonial Portuguesan(1st :d1934 :cPorto, Portugal).eComissão Organizadora de Representação da Colónia de Moçambique,eissuing body.0 tColónia de Moçambique.dLourenço Marques : Imp. Nacional de Moçambique, 1934.w(OCoLC)528552001596nam a2200349 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404200080010704300120011504900090012705000200013609900100015624500840016626400560025030000510030633600260035733700280038333800270041152000660043858803170050459000780082165000310089965100330093069000630096379600330102670000590105971000420111871000480116071000380120803423673020160705061241.0160630s1957 mz ab 000 0 por c aon952592424 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc af-mz--- aFUGG 4aHE558bP67 1957 aHE55800aPonte Cais de Porto Amelia /cPropaganda dos Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique. 1aLourenço Marques :bEmpresa modena, Lda.,c[1957] a19 pages :billustrations, maps folded,c19 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aBuilding of quay platform (Ponte Cais) for the port at Pemba. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aRare Book Collection copy from the Donald Abraham Collection.5KEEPUF5FU 0aHarborszMozambiquexMaps. 0aPemba (Mozambique)xHistory. 4aImprintzMozambiquezLourenço Marquesy1957.5KEEPUF5FU13aAbraham, Donald,edonor.5FU1 aAbraham, Donald Collection.eformer owner.5KEEPUF5FU2 aDonald Abraham Collection5KEEPUF5FU2 aCaminhos de Ferro de Moçambique,eauthor.2 aEmpresa moderna, Lda.epublisher.01649nam a2200361 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000230011704200080014004300120014804900090016009900210016910000280019024500990021825000230031726400720034026400110041230000410042333600260046433700280049033800270051849000730054549000380061858803170065659900130097360000200098665000610100683000970106783001230116403440804320161130072258.0161130t20152015dr a 001 0 spa c a9789945582253 a9945582259 aon964581743 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc anwdr--- aFUGG aML397b.S65 20151 aSolano, Rafaeleauthor.10aMúsica y pensamiento :bcrónicas y reflexiones de un músico dominicano /cRafael Solano. aPrimera edición. 1aSanto Domingo :bBanco Central de la República Dominicana,c2015. 4c©2015 a275 pages :billustrations ;c23 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aColección del Banco Central de la República Dominicana ;vv. 2141 aSerie arte y literatura ;vno. 74 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a3440804310aSolano, Rafael. 0aMusiczDominican RepublicxCriticism and interpretation. 0aColección del Banco Central de la República Dominicana, Departamento Cultural ;vv. 214. 0aColección del Banco Central de la República Dominicana, Departamento Cultural.pSerie Arte y literatura ;vno. 74.02590nam a2200361 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404200080010704900090011508600220012408800150014624501220016126400710028330000430035433600260039733700280042333800270045149000180047850000290049650000330052552009910055853600700154958803170161965000280193665000210196465000540198565000470203971000670208671000420215383000330219503456918820160928073939.0160928s1978 dcua f000 0 eng c aon959366216 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG0 aE 1.28:FE-2357-38 aFE-2357-3800aCFCC development program :bmaterials evaluation and specifications for commercial plant hot gas clean-up (Task 4.2). 2aWashington, DC :bUnited States Government Printing Office,c1979. aii, 19 pages :billustrations ;c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aFE ;v2357-38 a"Fossil energy."--Cover. a"Date published March 1978."3 aOf the nine components evaluated, two require major developments to improve predicted lifetimes. These are the sand retaining screens in the granular bed filter and the shrouded ducting which carries the combustion gases to the gas turbine. The valves for the surge and lock hoppers require a limited development program with some testing to insure a satisfactory life and performance. The in-bed steam tubes require a major effort in terms of actual PFB in-bed testing of state-of-the-art materials to accurately establish the suitability of alloys for use at the predicted operating conditions. The secondary cyclone can be constructed from state-of-the-art materials but requires specific limited testing to determine the best balance of performance, life and costs. For the remaining six components it was determined that satisfactory performance and lifetimes would be obtained using state-of-the-art materials and designs without the need for any further testing for verification. aSponsored by United States Department of EnergybEX 76-C-01-2357. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aFluidized-bed furnaces. 0aGasesxCleaning. 7aFluidized-bed furnaces.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00928056 7aGasesxCleaning.2fast0(OCoLC)fst009386082 aGeneral Electric Company.bEnergy Systems Programs Department.1 aUnited States.bDepartment of Energy. 0aFossil energy ;vFE-2357-33.01647nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000530016024500540021326400360026730000230030333600260032633700260035233800360037849000340041454200690044858803170051765500420083483000330087685600640090988000540097388000540102788000370108188001410111888000380125903460756720161020160851.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161020s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon960954153 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aAkita, Shigeru,d1908-1943.6880-01etranslator.106880-02aAru jisatsusha no shuki /cAkita Shigeru. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v43837 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v43837.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000903/files/43837_23037.html1 6100-01/$1a秋田滋,d1908-1943,etranslator.106245-02/$1aある自殺者の手記 /c秋田滋.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v43837 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:tモオパツサン短篇集 色ざんげ 他十篇.c[東京?] : 改造文庫、改造社出版, 1937. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v43837.01607nam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000530016024500450021326400360025830000230029433600260031733700260034333800360036949000340040554200690043958803170050865000370082565500370086283000330089985600640093288000510099688000450104788000370109288000780112988000380120703460779620161020161722.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161020s2016 ja 000 u jpn aon960954839 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aIshikawa, Kin'ichi,d1895-1959,eauthor.106880-02aKawaii yama /cIshikawa Kinichi. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2016. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v57354 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aTravel2fast0(OCoLC)fst01155558 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v57354.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001380/files/57354_58071.html1 6100-01/$1a石川欣一,d1895-1959,,eauthor.106245-02/$1a可愛い山 /c石川欣一.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v57354 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t可愛い山.c[東京?] : 白水社, 1987. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v57354.01639nam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000470016024500430020726400360025030000230028633600260030933700260033533800360036149000340039754200690043158803170050065000410081765500620085883000330092085600640095388000470101788000420106488000370110688000960114388000380123903460796220161020214342.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161020s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon960957810 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aIzumi, Kyoka,d1873-1939,eauthor.106880-02aKuruwa sodachi /cIzumi Kyoka. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v50774 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v50774.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000050/files/50774_44655.html1 6100-01/$1a泉鏡花,d1873-1939,eauthor.106245-02/$1a廓そだち /c泉鏡花.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v50774 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t鏡花全集 巻二十七.c[東京?] : 岩波書店, 1942. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v50774.01595nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000430016024500430020326400360024630000230028233600260030533700260033133800360035749000340039354200690042758803170049665500420081383000330085585600640088888000500095288000510100288000370105388001170109088000380120703460806220161020214733.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161020s2013 ja 000 u jpn aon960957698 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aIto, Noe,d1895-1923,eauthor.106880-02aAru onna no saiban /cIto Noe. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2013. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v47401 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v47401.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000416/files/47401_50757.html1 6100-01/$1a伊藤野枝,d1895-1923,eauthor.106245-02/$1aある女の裁判 /c伊藤野枝.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v47401 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t定本 伊藤野枝全集 第一巻 創作.c[東京?] : 學藝書林, 2000. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v47401.01570nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000470016024500340020726400360024130000230027733600260030033700260032633800360035249000330038854200690042158803170049065500420080783000320084985600630088188000500094488000390099488000360103388001140106988000370118303460816220161020215103.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161020s2012 ja 000 u jpn aon960958009 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aIwano, Homei,d1873-1920,eauthor.106880-02aSenwa /cIwano Homei. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2012. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v2944 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v2944.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000137/files/2944_48801.html1 6100-01/$1a岩野泡鳴,d1873-1920,eauthor.106245-02/$1a戦話 /c岩野泡鳴.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v2944 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t日本プロレタリア文学大系(序).c[東京?] : 三一書房, 1955. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v2944.01598cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804900120014606600070015810000480016524500370021326400360025030000230028633600260030933700260033533800360036149000340039754200690043158803170050065000340081765500370085183000330088885600640092188000500098588000390103588000370107488000870111188000380119803460826220161020215413.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161020s2009 ja 000 u jpn aon960958115 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aUemura, Shoen,d1875-1949,eauthor.106880-02aZuisō /cUemura Shoen. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2009. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v49732 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aArt2fast0(OCoLC)fst00815177 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v49732.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000355/files/49732_35115.html1 6100-01/$1a上村松園,d1875-1949,eauthor.106245-02/$1a随想 /c上村松園.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v49732 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t青帛の仙女.c[東京?] : 同朋舎出版, 1996. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v49732.01626cam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804900120014606600070015810000450016524500460021026400360025630000230029233600260031533700260034133800360036749000340040354200690043758803170050665500420082383000330086585600640089888000500096288000510101288000370106388001380110088000380123803460836220161020215714.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161020s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon960958217 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aEmi, Suiin,d1869-1934.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aGessekai basshōki /cEmi Suiin. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v46417 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v46417.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000448/files/46417_24610.html1 6100-01/$1a江見水蔭,d1869-1934,eauthor.106245-02/$1a月世界跋渉記 /c江見水蔭.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v46417 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t懐かしい未来甦る明治・大正・昭和の未来小説.c[東京?] : 中央公論新社, 2001. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v46417.01418nam a2200313Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300390010704900090014605000220015509900110017711000410018824500830022926400510031230000210036333600260038433700280041033800270043850000760046550000420054158803170058365100450090065100450094565000320099065100440102265100380106603460852420161021095955.0161021s1983 enk 000 0 eng d aon960968491 aFUGbengerdacFUG ae-uk---ae-sp---anwcu---ae-gi--- aFUGG 4aDA47.8b.G74 1883 aDA47.81 aGreat Britain.bParliament,eauthor.10aFurther correspondence respecting the treatment of the Cuban Refugees , Maceo. 1aLondon :bPrinted by Harrison And Sons,c1883. a4 pages ;c34 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aPresented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, 1883. aAt head of title: Spain. No.7 (1883). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aGreat BritainxForeign relationszSpain. 0aSpainxForeign relationszGreat Britain. 0aPolitical prisonerszSpain. 0aCubaxHistoryyInsurrection, 1868-1878. 0aGibraltarxHistoryy19th century.01584nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000520016024500480021226400360026030000230029633600260031933700260034533800360037149000330040754200690044058803170050965500370082683000320086385600630089588000530095888000450101188000360105688001050109288000370119703460863420161021104341.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161021s2008 ja 000 u jpn aon960968710 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aOgata, Kamenosuke,d1900-1942,eauthor.106880-02aWatashi to shi /cOgata Kamenosuke. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2008. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v3399 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPoetry2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423828 0aAozora bunko6880-04v3399.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000874/files/3399_31177.html1 6100-01/$1a尾形亀之助,d1900-1942,eauthor.106245-02/$1a私と詩 /c尾形亀之助.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v3399 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t尾形亀之助詩集.c[東京?] : 現代詩文庫、思潮社, 1975. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v3399.01580nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000470016024500410020726400360024830000230028433600260030733700260033333800360035949000340039554200690042958803170049865500450081583000330086085600640089388000500095788000480100788000370105588001000109288000380119203460873520161021104629.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161021s2013 ja 000 u jpn aon960968232 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aOgawa, Mimei,d1882-1961,eauthor.106880-02aŌkina kani /cOgawa Mimei. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2013. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v51067 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v51067.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001475/files/51067_49016.html1 6100-01/$1a小川未明,d1882-1961,eauthor.106245-02/$1a大きなかに /c小川未明.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v51067 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t定本小川未明童話全集 3.c[東京?] : 講談社, 1977. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v51067.01587nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000470016024500410020726400360024830000230028433600260030733700260033333800360035949000340039554200690042958803170049865500450081583000330086085600640089388000500095788000540100788000370106188001010109888000380119903460886920161021121850.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161021s2012 ja 000 u jpn aon960969014 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aOgawa, Mimei,d1882-1961,eauthor.106880-02aShashinyasan /cOgawa Mimei. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2012. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v51578 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v51578.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001475/files/51578_48270.html1 6100-01/$1a小川未明,d1882-1961,eauthor.106245-02/$1aしゃしんやさん /c小川未明.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v51578 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t定本小川未明童話全集 16.c[東京?] : 講談社, 1978. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v51578.01596nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000470016024500510020726400360025830000230029433600260031733700260034333800360036949000340040554200690043958803170050865500450082583000330087085600640090388000500096788000540101788000370107188001000110888000380120803460952920161024200837.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161024s2013 ja 000 u jpn aon961105682 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aOgawa, Mimei,d1882-1961,eauthor.106880-02aHarusaki no kobutsuten /cOgawa Mimei. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2013. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v53473 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v53473.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001475/files/53473_50662.html1 6100-01/$1a小川未明,d1882-1961,eauthor.106245-02/$1a春さきの古物店 /c小川未明.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v53473 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t定本小川未明童話全集 5.c[東京?] : 講談社, 1977. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v53473.01580nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000470016024500470020726400360025430000230029033600260031333700260033933800360036549000340040154200690043558803170050465500370082183000330085885600640089188000500095588000480100588000370105388001020109088000380119203460962920161024201136.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161024s2014 ja 000 u jpn aon961106038 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aOguma, Hideo,d1901-1940,eauthor.106880-02aFūshi daigakusei /cOguma Hideo. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2014. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v56921 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPoetry2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423828 0aAozora bunko6880-04v56921.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000124/files/56921_54250.html1 6100-01/$1a小熊秀雄,d1901-1940,eauthor.106245-02/$1a諷刺大学生 /c小熊秀雄.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v56921 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t新版・小熊秀雄全集第一巻.c[東京?] : 創樹社, 1990. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v56921.01640nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000520016024500800021226400360029230000230032833600260035133700260037733800360040349000340043954200690047358803170054265500370085983000330089685600640092988000500099388000780104388000370112188000940115888000380125203460972920161024201442.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161024s2009 ja 000 u jpn aon961106301 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aOriguchi, Shinobu,d1887-1953.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aTanka yōshiki no hassei ni karanda aru kinen /cOrikuchi Shinobu. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2009. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v47193 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPoetry2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423828 0aAozora bunko6880-04v47193.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000933/files/47193_37071.html1 6100-01/$1a折口信夫,d1887-1953,eauthor.106245-02/$1a短歌様式の発生に絡んだある疑念 /c折口信夫.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v47193 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t折口信夫全集 4.c[東京?] : 中央公論社, 1995. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v47193.03147naiaa2200397 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002701000150006803500160008304000230009904200080012204300120013004900090014224501400015126400800029130000230037133600260039433600330042033700260045333800360047952006780051550005100119353400900170358800460179358803170183961000900215665000670224665000640231365000570237765000570243465500210249165500300251271000830254271000630262585600610268803461253120161121142031.0161031d19581966flu x d o s0 2eng c a2016227320 aon961471780 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc an-us-fl aFUGG00aCollege of Public Health and Health Professions Photographs /cGeorge A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida Digital Collections. 1aGainesville, Florida :bUniversity of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent astill imagebsti2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier2 aThe Health Science Center Library Archives Photograph Collections are from the Health Science Center Archives, a unit containing historical materials from the six colleges in the Health Science Center as well as the Health Science Center administrative unit, the Vice President for Health Affairs. The materials in these collections help describe the founding of the Center in the 1940s and 1950s and its opening in 1956. The collections include administrative records, copies of oral histories from founding members of the Center, faculty papers, organization records, photographs, bound publications- yearbooks as well as newsletters and monthly magazines, and artifacts. aThe University of Florida Digital Collections (UFDC) hosts more than 300 outstanding digital collections, containing over 10 million pages, covering over 78 thousand subjects in rare books, manuscripts, antique maps, children's literature, newspapers, theses and dissertations, data sets, photographs, oral histories, and more for permanent access and preservation. Through UFDC, users have free and Open Access to full unique and rare materials held by the University of Florida and partner institutions. pDigitized images.nMaterials digitized from collections at the University of Florida. aTitle from landing page; October 28, 2016 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.20aUniversity of Florida.bCollege of Public Health and Health ProfessionsvPhotographs. 0aHealth educationzFloridazGainesvillexStudentsvPhotographs. 0aPublic healthzFloridazGainesvillexStudentsvPhotographs. 0aCollege studentszFloridazGainesvillevPhotographs. 0aCollege teacherszFloridazGainesvillevPhotographs. 7aDatabases2lcgft 7aDigital libraries.2local2 aGeorge A. Smathers Libraries.bDigital Production Services,ehost institution.2 aUniversity of Florida.bHealth Science Center,edepositor.40yAccess the Digital Collectionuhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/hscah01641nam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000490016024500530020926400360026230000230029833600260032133700260034733800360037349000340040954200690044358803170051265000460082965500370087583000330091285600640094588000500100988000570105988000370111688000880115388000380124103461269520161031103148.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161028s2012 ja 000 u jpn aon961359882 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKishida, Kunio,d1890-1954,eauthor.106880-02aKugutsu no yume (goba) /cKishida Kunio. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2012. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v52306 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPerforming arts2fast0(OCoLC)fst01057887 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v52306.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001154/files/52306_46705.html1 6100-01/$1a岸田国士,d1890-1954,eauthor.106245-02/$1a傀儡の夢(五場) /c岸田国士.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v52306 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t岸田國士全集3.c[東京?] : 岩波書店, 1990. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v52306.01678cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804900120014606600070015810000490016524500690021426400360028330000230031933600260034233700260036833800360039449000340043054200690046458803170053365000460085065500370089683000330093385600640096688000500103088000720108088000370115288000890118988000380127803461384620161031115854.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161031s2005 ja 000 u jpn aon961476318 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKishida, Kunio,d1890-1954,eauthor.106880-02aShinkokugeki no "Okujō teien" o mite /cKishida Kunio. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2005. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v44396 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPerforming arts2fast0(OCoLC)fst01057887 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v44396.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001154/files/44396_19773.html1 6100-01/$1a岸田国士,d1890-1954,eauthor.106245-02/$1a新国劇の「屋上庭園」を観て /c岸田国士.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v44396 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t岸田國士全集20.c[東京?] : 岩波書店, 1990. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v44396.01781cam a2200385Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804900120014606600070015810000490016524500770021424600300029126400360032130000230035733600260038033700260040633800360043249000340046854200690050258803170057165000460088865500370093483000330097185600640100488000500106888000820111888000310120088000370123188000890126888000380135703461409220161031120143.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161031s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon961476582 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKishida, Kunio,d1890-1954,eauthor.106880-02a"Hayami jojuku" ni tsuite :benshutsu oboegaki /cKishida Kunio.306880-03aEnshutsu oboegaki 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-04aAozora bunko ;v44848 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPerforming arts2fast0(OCoLC)fst01057887 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-05v44848.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001154/files/44848_44558.html1 6100-01/$1a岸田国士,d1890-1954,eauthor.106245-02/$1a「速水女塾」について :b演出覚え書 /c岸田国士.306246-03/$1a演出覚え書1 6490-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v44848 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t岸田國士全集28.c[東京?] : 岩波書店, 1992. 06830-05/$1a青空文庫 ;v44848.04112nam a2200421 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000150006802000180008303500210010103500160012204000230013804200080016104900090016909900210017810000270019924501260022624601030035226401360045530000230059133600260061433700280064033800270066850002640069550400410095950504220100052015920142258803170301459900130333165000300334465000300337465000350340465100440343965100490348370000460353270000400357871000720361803461592520170215114235.0170215s2015 flu b 000 0 spa c a1523700238 a97815237002334 a(YBPUID)12841159 aon972644759 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG aJC480b.C67 20151 aCorzo, Pedro,eauthor.13aLa oposición al totalitarismo en Cuba y en Venezuela /cPedro Corzo ; prólogos de José A. Albertini y Alexis Ortiz.14aBosquejos sobre la oposición politica al totalitarismo y socialismo del siglo XXI Cuba-Venezuela 1aMiami, Florida :bAlexandria Library Publishing House :bInstituto de la Memoria Histórica Cubana contra el Totalitarismo,c2015. a242 pages ;c23 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier a"A la memoria de Rogelio W. Cisneros, Presidente de Honor del Instituto de la Memoria Histórica Cubana contra el Totalitarismo, un cubano profundamente comprometido con los valores de la democracia y la libertad en su pais y en todo el continente."--Page 5. aIncludes bibliographical references.0 aControl y Ordenamiento Social. Analogias -- La Oposición -- Particularidades de los modelos despóticos instaurados en Cuba y Venezuela -- Cuba, Totalitarismo Carismático -- Reflexiones sobre las condiciones y posibilidades de la oposición politica en Cuba -- Etapas de la Oposición -- El Exilio -- Venezuela -- Chávez, el autócrata -- El despotismo electoral chavista -- La oposición ante el chavismo. a"Bosquejos sobre la oposición política al totalitarismo y socialismo del siglo XXI. Cuba y Venezuela" obra ensayística, bajo la firma Pedro Corzo, logra que el lector reflexione profundamente sobre los regímenes totalitarios de nueva factura, que a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX y lo que ha decursado del XXI, calcando patrones de estrategia política e intimidatoria de la mal llamada Revolución Cubana y valiéndose de mecanismos democráticos, se han enquistado en algunos países de Hispanoamérica. Este texto nos enseña que la primavera es posible, pero con ella deben desaparecer los miedos y egoísmos que, alentados por el castrismo, suscitan en muchos cubanos el deseo de emigrar en espera que otros compatriotas o naciones cercanas o lejanas resuelvan la situación imperante. Eso, junto a un párrafo del capítulo II del libro que reza: "Asumir el manejo absoluto de la gestión económica fue fundamental para la dictadura. Impedir la independencia financiera de los ciudadanos y hacerlos exclusivamente dependientes del estado, son factores claves para la permanencia en el poder", nos da la justa medida del daño que más de medio siglo de oscurantismo político y social ha causado al sentido real de independencia nacional e individualidad del cubano al mellar, frente a cualquier situación de vida cotidiana, la iniciativa espontánea y personal. Para el cubano de la Isla siempre hay un funcionario gubernamental presto a asumir su responsabilidad y encontrar paliativo, en lontananza, para sus afecciones materiales o morales. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a34615925 0aTotalitarianismxHistory. 0aSocialismzCubaxHistory. 0aSocialismzVenezuelaxHistory. 0aCubaxPolitics and governmentxHistory. 0aVenezuelaxPolitics and governmentxHistory.1 aAlbertini, José A.eauthor of prologue.1 aOrtiz, Alexis,eauthor of prologue.2 aInstituto de la Memoria Histórica Cubana contra el Totalitarismo.01596cam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000300011804900120014806600070016010000330016724500430020026400360024330000230027933600260030233700260032833800360035449000330039054200690042358803170049265500450080983000320085485600670088688000360095388000570098988000360104688001270108288000370120903461780820161102102850.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161024s2012 ja 000 u jpn aon961107810 aFUGbengerdacFUGdOCLCO aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKareha,etranslator.106880-02aBurū Kābankuru /cKareha . 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2012. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v3395 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v3395.40uhttp://www1.bbiq.jp/kareha/trans/html/blue_carbuncle,_the.html1 6100-01/$1a枯葉,etranslator.106245-02/$1aブルー・カーバンクル /c枯葉.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v3395 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:tThe Adventure of Sherlock Holmes所収 The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle.c[東京?] : , . 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v3395.01973cam a2200397Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000350011804900090015310000500016224500960021224600360030826400360034430000230038033600260040333700260042933800360045549000340049154200690052558803170059465000360091165500370094770000580098483000330104288000530107588001030112885600640123188000490129588000340134488001110137888000510148988000350154003461791820161114161545.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161024s2012 ja 000 u jpn aon961106652 aFUGbengerdacFUGdOCLCOdFUG aFUGG1 aRolland, Romain,d1866-1944.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aBētōven no shōgai.n5 :bBētōven no shisō danpen /cKatayama Toshihiko.306880-03aBetoven no shiso danpen 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2012. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-04aAozora bunko ;v54934 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aMusic2fast0(OCoLC)fst01030269 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst019199221 aKatayama, Toshihiko,6880-05d1898-1961,etranslator. 0aAozora bunko6880-06v54934.1 6100-01aロランロマン,d1866-1944,eauthor.106245-02aベートーヴェンの生涯.n5 :bベートーヴェンの思想断片/c片山敏彦.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001093/files/54934_47583.html306246-03aベートーヴェンの思想断片1 6490-04a青空文庫 ;v54934 6534-00pOriginal version:tベートーヴェンの生涯.c[東京?] : 岩波文庫、岩波書店, 1938.1 6700-05a片山敏彦,d1898-1961,etranslator. 06830-06a青空文庫 ;v54934.01689cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804900120014606600070015810000540016524500630021926400360028230000230031833600260034133700260036733800360039349000340042954200690046358803170053265000480084965500370089783000330093485600640096788000560103188000630108788000370115088001020118788000380128903461802020161102111143.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161101s2012 ja 000 u jpn aon961810812 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aKitaōji, Rosanjin,d1883-1959.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aSaionji-kō no shokudōraku /cKitaoji Rosanjin. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2012. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v54967 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aCooking, Japanese2fast0(OCoLC)fst01753363 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v54967.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001403/files/54967_49232.html1 6100-01/$1a北大路魯山人,d1883-1959,eauthor.106245-02/$1a西園寺公の食道楽 /c北大路魯山人.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v54967 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t魯山人味道.c[東京?] : 中公文庫、中央公論社, 1980. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v54967.01609nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000500016024500480021026400360025830000230029433600260031733700260034333800360036949000340040554200690043958803170050865500370082583000330086285600640089588000500095988000450100988000370105488001300109188000380122103461812120161102111408.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161101s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon961829103 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aKinoshita, Naoe,d1869-1937.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aKōdoku himatsu /cKinoshita Naoe. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v42765 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v42765.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000525/files/42765_23161.html1 6100-01/$1a木下尚江,d1869-1937,eauthor.106245-02/$1a鉱毒飛沫 /c木下尚江.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v42765 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t現代日本文學大系 9 徳冨蘆花・木下尚江集.c[東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1971. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v42765.01696nam a2200373Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000490016024500560020926400360026530000230030133600260032433700260035033800360037649000340041254200690044658803170051565000380083265100370087065500370090783000330094485600640097788000500104188000570109188000370114888000990118588000380128403461822120161102111634.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161101s2010 ja 000 u jpn aon961829433 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKunieda, Shiro,d1887-1943,eauthor.106880-02aRōma hōō to gaikō /cKunieda Shiro. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2010. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v47284 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aHistory2fast0(OCoLC)fst00958235 7aEurope2fast0(OCoLC)fst01245064 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v47284.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000255/files/47284_41500.html1 6100-01/$1a国枝史郎,d1887-1943,eauthor.106245-02/$1aローマ法王と外交 /c国枝史郎.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v47284 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t国枝史郎歴史小説傑作選.c[東京?] : 作品社, 2006. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v47284.01584nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000510016024500480021126400360025930000230029533600260031833700260034433800360037049000340040654200690044058803170050965500420082683000330086885600640090188000500096588000450101588000370106088000990109788000380119603461832220161102111849.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161101s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon961831895 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aKuroshima, Denji,d1898-1943.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aSatō dorobō /cKuroshima Denji. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v42681 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v42681.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000037/files/42681_21630.html1 6100-01/$1a黒島伝治,d1898-1943,eauthor.106245-02/$1a砂糖泥棒 /c黒島伝治.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v42681 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t黒島傳治全集 第一巻.c[東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1970. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v42681.01653nam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000460016024500490020626400360025530000230029133600260031433700260034033800360036649000340040254200690043658803170050565000410082265500620086383000330092585600640095888000500102288000480107288000370112088000960115788000380125303461842220161102112117.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161101s2013 ja 000 u jpn aon961832105 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKoda, Rohan,d1867-1947,eauthor.106880-02aAwashima Kangetsu-shi /cKoda Rohan. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2013. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v47086 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v47086.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000051/files/47086_27953.html1 6100-01/$1a幸田露伴,d1867-1947,eauthor.106245-02/$1a淡島寒月氏 /c幸田露伴.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v47086 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t露伴全集 第三十卷.c[東京?] : 岩波書店, 1954. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v47086.01647nam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000490016024500420020926400360025130000230028733600260031033700260033633800360036249000340039854200690043258803170050165000370081865500370085583000330089285600640092588000530098988000510104288000370109388001170113088000380124703461852220161102112431.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161101s2015 ja 000 u jpn aon961832247 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKogure, Ritaro,d1874-1944,eauthor.106880-02aShimikobore /cKogure Ritaro. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2015. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v56547 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aTravel2fast0(OCoLC)fst01155558 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v56547.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001373/files/56547_55619.html1 6100-01/$1a木暮理太郎,d1874-1944,eauthor.106245-02/$1a紙魚こぼれ /c木暮理太郎.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v56547 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t山の憶い出 下.c[東京?] : 平凡社ライブラリー、平凡社, 1999. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v56547.01571nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000490016024500450020926400360025430000230029033600260031333700260033933800360036549000340040154200690043558803170050465500370082183000330085885600640089188000500095588000450100588000370105088000960108788000380118303461862320161102113213.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161101s2015 ja 000 u jpn aon961832415 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKonno, Dairiki,d1904-1935,eauthor.106880-02aUhatsu no sō /cKonno Dairiki. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2015. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v55567 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPoetry2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423828 0aAozora bunko6880-04v55567.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001471/files/55567_56893.html1 6100-01/$1a今野大力,d1904-1935,eauthor.106245-02/$1a有髪の僧 /c今野大力.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v55567 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t今野大力作品集.c[東京?] : 新日本出版社, 1995. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v55567.01567nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000490016024500410020926400360025030000230028633600260030933700260033533800360036149000340039754200690043158803170050065500370081783000330085485600640088788000500095188000450100188000370104688000960108388000380117903461872320161102113458.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161101s2015 ja 000 u jpn aon961832582 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 6880-01aKonno, Dairiki,d1904-1935,eauthor.106880-02aYoshio-san /cKonno Dairiki. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2015. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v55566 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPoetry2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423828 0aAozora bunko6880-04v55566.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001471/files/55566_56901.html1 6100-01/$1a今野大力,d1904-1935,eauthor.106245-02/$1a義男さん /c今野大力.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v55566 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t今野大力作品集.c[東京?] : 新日本出版社, 1995. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v55566.01655nam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000500016024500510021026400360026130000230029733600260032033700260034633800360037249000340040854200690044258803170051165000410082865500620086983000330093185600640096488000500102888000480107888000370112688000920116388000380125503461882420161102113815.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161101s2009 ja 000 u jpn aon961833276 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aSakaguchi, Ango,d1906-1955.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aŌsaka no hangyaku /cSakaguchi Ango. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2009. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v42853 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v42853.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001095/files/42853_35002.html1 6100-01/$1a坂口安吾,d1906-1955,eauthor.106245-02/$1a大阪の反逆 /c坂口安吾.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v42853 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t坂口安吾全集 05.c[東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1998. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v42853.01642nam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014106600070015310000510016024500520021126400360026330000230029933600260032233700260034833800360037449000340041054200690044458803170051365000390083065500370086983000330090685600640093988000370100388000540104088000370109488001110113188000380124203461892420161102114226.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161102s2012 ja 000 u jpn aon961922819 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER c$11 aTsuda, Sōkichi,d1873-1961.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aBukkyō shika ni ichigensu /cKotake . 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2012. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v53740 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aBuddhism2fast0(OCoLC)fst00840028 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v53740.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001535/files/53740_46419.html1 6100-01/$1a小竹主,d1873-1961106245-02/$1a仏教史家に一言す /c小竹主.1 6490-03/$1a青空文庫 ;v53740 6534-00/$1pOriginal version:t津田左右吉歴史論集.c[東京?] : 岩波文庫、岩波書店, 2006. 06830-04/$1a青空文庫 ;v53740.01688cam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804900120014610000520015824500940021026400360030430000230034033600260036333700260038933800360041549000340045154200690048558803170055465500540087183000330092585600640095888000470102288000920106988000340116188001200119588000350131503461917020161102212625.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161102s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon961942693 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG-ER1 aSakamoto, Ryōma,d1836-1867.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aTegami.n7 :bBunkyū 3-nen 3-gatsu 20-chi Sakamoto Otome ate /cSakamoto Ryoma. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v51392 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPersonal correspondence2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919972 0aAozora bunko6880-04v51392.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000908/files/51392_39891.html1 6100-01a坂本竜馬,d1836-1867,eauthor.106245-02a手紙.n7 :b文久三年三月二十日 坂本乙女あて /c坂本竜馬.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v51392 6534-00pOriginal version:t龍馬の手紙、宮地佐一郎.c[東京?] : 講談社学術文庫、講談社, 2003. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v51392.01692cam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804900120014610000520015824500960021026400360030630000230034233600260036533700260039133800360041749000340045354200690048758803170055665500540087383000330092785600640096088000470102488000940107188000340116588001200119988000350131903461927020161102212855.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161102s2010 ja 000 u jpn aon961943027 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG-ER1 aSakamoto, Ryōma,d1836-1867.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aTegami.n107 :bKeiō 3-nen 9-gatsu 20-nichi Kido Takayoshi ate /cSakamoto Ryoma. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2010. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v51966 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPersonal correspondence2fast0(OCoLC)fst01920072 0aAozora bunko6880-04v51966.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000908/files/51966_41174.html1 6100-01a坂本竜馬,d1836-1867,eauthor.106245-02a手紙.n107 :b慶応三年九月二十日 木戸孝允あて /c坂本竜馬.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v51966 6534-00pOriginal version:t龍馬の手紙、宮地佐一郎.c[東京?] : 講談社学術文庫、講談社, 2003. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v51966.01560nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000470015324500430020026400360024330000230027933600260030233700260032833800360035449000340039054200690042458803170049365500420081083000330085285600640088588000470094988000420099688000340103888001150107288000350118703461937020161102213136.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161102s2015 ja 000 u jpn aon961943095 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aSasaki, Kuni,d1883-1964,eauthor.106880-02aIchinen no kei /cSasaki Kuni. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2015. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v55804 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v55804.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001750/files/55804_57088.html1 6100-01a佐々木邦,d1883-1964,eauthor.106245-02a一年の計 /c佐々木邦.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v55804 6534-00pOriginal version:t佐々木邦全集 補巻5 王将連盟 短篇.c[東京?] : 講談社, 1975. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v55804.01579nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000470015324500450020026400360024530000230028133600260030433700260033033800360035649000340039254200690042658803170049565000380081265500370085083000330088785600640092088000470098488000480103188000340107988000810111388000350119403461947020161109120718.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161102s2015 ja 000 u jpn aon961943275 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aSato, Koseki,d1888-1956,eauthor.106880-02aKaeru o ku iwana /cSato Koseki. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2015. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v50585 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aFishing2fast0(OCoLC)fst00926650 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v50585.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001248/files/50585_57071.html1 6100-01a佐藤垢石,d1888-1956,eauthor.106245-02a蛙を食う岩魚 /c佐藤垢石.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v50585 6534-00pOriginal version:t垢石釣游記.c[東京?] : 二見書房, 1977. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v50585.01570nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000550015324500480020826400360025630000230029233600260031533700260034133800360036749000340040354200690043758803170050665500420082383000330086585600640089888000510096288000390101388000340105288001110108688000350119703461957020161102213641.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161102s2015 ja 000 u jpn aon961943440 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aSaneyoshi, Hayao,d1895-1962,etranslator.106880-02aKami no tsurugi /cSaneyoshi Hayao. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2015. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v55965 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v55965.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001758/files/55965_56361.html1 6100-01a実吉捷郎,d1895-1962,etranslator.106245-02a神の剣 /c実吉捷郎.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v55965 6534-00pOriginal version:tトオマス・マン短篇集.c[東京?] : 岩波文庫、岩波書店, 1979. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v55965.01675nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000510015324500600020426400360026430000230030033600260032333700260034933800360037549000340041154200690044558803170051465000410083165500620087283000330093485600640096788000470103188000540107888000340113288001240116688000350129003462077620161103215707.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161103s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon962037798 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aShimagi, Akahiko,d1876-1926,eauthor.106880-02aSuwa kohan fuyu no seikatsu /cShimagi Akahiko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v46174 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v46174.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000265/files/46174_24886.html1 6100-01a島木赤彦,d1876-1926,eauthor.106245-02a諏訪湖畔冬の生活 /c島木赤彦.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v46174 6534-00pOriginal version:t心にふるさとがある3 川に遊び 湖をめぐる.c[東京?] : 作品社, 1998. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v46174.01549nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000500015324500400020326400360024330000230027933600260030233700260032833800360035449000340039054200690042458803170049365500420081083000330085285600640088588000440094988000420099388000340103588001070106988000350117603462087620161103220215.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161103s2008 ja 000 u jpn aon962037903 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aJinzai, Kiyoshi,d1903-1957,eauthor.106880-02aAoi poan /cJinzai Kiyoshi. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2008. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v47221 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v47221.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001157/files/47221_29329.html1 6100-01a神西清,d1903-1957,eauthor.106245-02a青いポアン /c神西清.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v47221 6534-00pOriginal version:t日本幻想文学集成19 神西清.c[東京?] : 国書刊行会, 1993. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v47221.01671nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000530015324500670020626400360027330000230030933600260033233700260035833800360038449000340042054200690045458803170052365000410084065500620088183000330094385600640097688000470104088000570108788000340114488001080117888000350128603462097620161103220953.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161103s2014 ja 000 u jpn aon962038151 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aSusukida, Kyūkin,d1877-1945.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aChabanashi.n12 :bshoshutsu misho /cSusukida Kyukin. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2014. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v46625 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v46625.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000150/files/46625_54768.html1 6100-01a薄田泣菫,d1877-1945,eauthor.106245-02a茶話.n12 :b初出未詳 /c薄田泣菫.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v46625 6534-00pOriginal version:t完本 茶話 下.c[東京?] : 冨山房百科文庫、冨山房, 1984. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v46625.01730nam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000490015324500890020226400360029130000230032733600260035033700260037633800360040249000340043854200690047258803170054165000340085865000400089265500370093283000330096985600640100288000470106688000840111388000340119788001020123188000350133303462107620161103221233.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161103s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon962038283 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aTakamura, Koun,d1852-1934,eauthor.106880-02aBakumatsu ishin kaikodan.n28 :bTōun shi seikyo no koto /cTakamura Koun. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v46396 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aArt2fast0(OCoLC)fst00815177 7aSculpture2fast0(OCoLC)fst01109483 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v46396.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000270/files/46396_24245.html1 6100-01a高村光雲,d1852-1934,eauthor.106245-02a幕末維新懐古談.n28 :b東雲師逝去のこと /c高村光雲.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v46396 6534-00pOriginal version:t幕末維新懐古談.c[東京?] : 岩波文庫、岩波書店, 1995. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v46396.01557nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000490015324500400020226400360024230000230027833600260030133700260032733800360035349000340038954200690042358803170049265500370080983000330084685600640087988000470094388000360099088000340102688001240106088000350118403462117620161103221608.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161103s2014 ja 000 u jpn aon962038345 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aTakeuchi, Kozo,d1921-1945,eauthor.106880-02aTōkyō /cTakeuchi Kozo. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2014. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v54818 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPoetry2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423828 0aAozora bunko6880-04v54818.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001675/files/54818_54031.html1 6100-01a竹内浩三,d1921-1945,eauthor.106245-02a東京 /c竹内浩三.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v54818 6534-00pOriginal version:t竹内浩三全作品集 日本が見えない 全1巻.c[東京?] : 藤原書店, 2001. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v54818.01609nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000470015324500450020026400360024530000230028133600260030433700260033033800360035649000340039254200690042658803170049565000410081265500620085383000330091585600640094888000440101288000510105688000340110788000830114188000350122403462127620161103221946.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161103s2012 ja 000 u jpn aon962039858 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aDazai, Osamu,d1909-1948,eauthor.106880-02a"Megami" atogaki /cDazai Osamu. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2012. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v54177 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v54177.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000035/files/54177_46737.html1 6100-01a太宰治,d1909-1948,eauthor.106245-02a『女神』あとがき /c太宰治.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v54177 6534-00pOriginal version:t太宰治全集11.c[東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1999. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v54177.01550nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000490015324500450020226400360024730000230028333600260030633700260033233800360035849000330039454200690042758803170049665500370081383000320085085600630088288000500094588000480099588000330104388001020107688000340117803462137620161103222251.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161103s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon962039951 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aTanaka, Kotaro,d1880-1941,eauthor.106880-02aShitai no nioi /cTanaka Kotaro. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v4287 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v4287.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000154/files/4287_12094.html1 6100-01a田中貢太郎,d1880-1941,eauthor.106245-02a死体の匂い /c田中貢太郎.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v4287 6534-00pOriginal version:t貢太郎見聞録.c[東京?] : 中公文庫、中央公論社, 1982. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v4287.01582nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000490015324500530020226400360025530000230029133600260031433700260034033800360036649000330040254200690043558803170050465000490082183000320087085600630090288000500096588000510101588000330106688001110109988000340121003462147620161103222511.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161103s2004 ja 000 u jpn aon962040117 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aTanaka, Kotaro,d1880-1941,eauthor.106880-02aReikō seikō muroku /cTanaka Kotaro. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2004. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v1635 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aChinese literature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00857595 0aAozora bunko6880-04v1635.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000154/files/1635_17214.html1 6100-01a田中貢太郎,d1880-1941,eauthor.106245-02a令狐生冥夢録 /c田中貢太郎.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v1635 6534-00pOriginal version:t中国の怪談(一).c[東京?] : 河出文庫、河出書房新社, 1987. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v1635.01534nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000480015324500400020126400360024130000230027733600260030033700260032633800360035249000330038854200690042158803170049065500420080783000320084985600630088188000470094488000390099188000330103088000990106388000340116203462157620161103222729.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161103s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon962040209 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aTayama, Katai,d1871-1930,eauthor.106880-02aIppeisotsu /cTayama Katai. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v1066 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v1066.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000214/files/1066_43394.html1 6100-01a田山花袋,d1871-1930,eauthor.106245-02a一兵卒 /c田山花袋.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v1066 6534-00pOriginal version:t蒲団・一兵卒.c[東京?] : 角川文庫、角川書店, 1969. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v1066.01716nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000510015324501010020426400360030530000230034133600260036433700260039033800360041649000340045254200690048658803170055565000420087265500370091483000330095185600640098488000500104888000940109888000340119288001050122688000350133103462289520161104180502.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161104s2015 ja 000 u jpn aon962091943 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aToyoda, Kiichiro,d1894-1952,eauthor.106880-02aGessan 500-dai ga wagasha no konpon hōshin :bToyoda jōmu kataru /cToyoda Kiichiro. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2015. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v53658 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aAutomobiles2fast0(OCoLC)fst00823232 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v53658.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001362/files/53658_56386.html1 6100-01a豊田喜一郎,d1894-1952,eauthor.106245-02a月産五百台が我社の根本方針 :b豊田常務語る /c豊田喜一郎.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v53658 6534-00pOriginal version:t豊田喜一郎文書集成.c[東京?] : 名古屋大学出版会, 1999. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v53658.01562nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000520015324500470020526400360025230000230028833600260031133700260033733800360036349000340039954200690043358803170050265500420081983000330086185600640089488000440095888000420100288000340104488001110107888000350118903462299520161104180732.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161104s2013 ja 000 u jpn aon962091398 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aTonomura, Shigeru,d1902-1961,eauthor.106880-02aHi o itoshimu /cTonomura Shigeru. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2013. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v51276 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v51276.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001499/files/51276_51592.html1 6100-01a外村繁,d1902-1961,eauthor.106245-02a日を愛しむ /c外村繁.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v51276 6534-00pOriginal version:t澪標・落日の光景.c[東京?] : 講談社文芸文庫、講談社, 1992. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v51276.01660nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000550015324500570020826400360026530000230030133600260032433700260035033800360037649000330041254200690044558803170051465000410083165500620087283000320093485600630096688000500102988000510107988000330113088001130116388000340127603462309520161104180956.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161104s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon962090954 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aTsukahara, Jūshien,d1848-1917.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aHeiba kōsō no hito /cTsukahara Jushien. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v4055 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v4055.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000660/files/4055_43435.html1 6100-01a塚原渋柿園,d1848-1917,eauthor.106245-02a兵馬倥偬の人 /c塚原渋柿園.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v4055 6534-00pOriginal version:t明治文學全集89巻 明治歴史文學集.c[東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1976. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v4055.01578nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000520015324500510020526400360025630000230029233600260031533700260034133800360036749000340040354200690043758803170050665500420082383000330086585600640089888000500096288000450101288000340105788001140109188000350120503462319620161104181506.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161104s2008 ja 000 u jpn aon962091798 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aToyoshima, Yoshio,d1890-1955,eauthor.106880-02aShin no shuppatsu /cToyoshima Yoshio. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2008. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v42719 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v42719.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000906/files/42719_22927.html1 6100-01a豊島与志雄,d1890-1955,eauthor.106245-02a秦の出発 /c豊島与志雄.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v42719 6534-00pOriginal version:t豊島与志雄著作集 第四巻(小説Ⅳ).c[東京?] : 未来社, 1965. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v42719.01570nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000520015324500430020526400360024830000230028433600260030733700260033333800360035949000340039554200690042958803170049865500420081583000330085785600640089088000500095488000450100488000340104988001140108388000350119703462329620161104181723.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161104s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon962091854 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aToyoshima, Yoshio,d1890-1955,eauthor.106880-02aNozarashi /cToyoshima Yoshio. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v42415 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v42415.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000906/files/42415_22916.html1 6100-01a豊島与志雄,d1890-1955,eauthor.106245-02a野ざらし /c豊島与志雄.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v42415 6534-00pOriginal version:t豊島与志雄著作集 第二巻(小説Ⅱ).c[東京?] : 未来社, 1965. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v42415.02372nam a2200313 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000230008404300120010704900090011908600240012811000650015224501040021726000690032130000390039033600260042933700280045533800270048350000200051050000210053050400550055151300550060652009380066153600570159958803170165665000430197371000420201603463474320161116070911.0161116s1978 nmua bt f000 0 eng d aon962748975 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us--- aFUGG0 aE 1.28:SAND 77-15172 aSandia Laboratories.bDirectorate of Physical Research 5200.10aLaser development for laser fusion applications :bresearch progress report /cSandia Laboratories. aAlbuquerque, NM :bDirectorate of Physical Research 5200,c1978. a96 pages :billustrations ;c1978. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier a"SAND 77-1517." a"February 1978." aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 87-94). aResearch progress report;bJanuary-September 1977.3 aOur program addresses three promising high-power laser systems: iodine, hydrogen fluoride and Group VI atoms. Both the iodine laser and the HF laser have a demonstrated high-power capability, and experimental results indicate that there are probably no serious problems in the way toward development of either of these lasers for laser-fusion applications. In both these technology-development programs, we are making steady technical progress: we know where we are going, we understand the problems and know how to go about solving them, and we have a sufficient number of alternatives to give confidence for success. The Group VI atom lasers continue to show great promise as high-power lasers, but the progress toward development of these lasers has been disappointing. In this report we describe in detail the progress that we have made in the development of these three lasers, and we document the areas that need further study. aSponsored by U.S. Department of EnergybAT129-11-789 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aLaser fusionxResearchzUnited States.1 aUnited States.bDepartment of Energy.01721nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000480015324501190020126400360032030000230035633600260037933700260040533800360043149000340046754200690050158803170057065000370088765500370092483000330096185600640099488000470105888001010110588000340120688000960124088000350133603463595920161117174237.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161107s2014 ja 000 u jpn aon962190855 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aNagai, Kafū,d1879-1959.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aDanchōtei nichijō.n6 :bDanchōtei nikki maki no go Taishō 10-nen saiji kanoto tori /cNagai Kafu. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2014. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v55302 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aTravel2fast0(OCoLC)fst01155558 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v55302.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001341/files/55302_51033.html1 6100-01a永井荷風,d1879-1959,eauthor.106245-02a断腸亭日乗.n6 :b断腸亭日記巻之五大正十年歳次辛酉 /c永井荷風.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v55302 6534-00pOriginal version:t荷風全集 第二十一巻.c[東京?] : 岩波書店, 1993. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v55302.01522nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000530015324500410020626400360024730000230028333600260030633700260033233800360035849000330039454200690042758803170049665500420081383000320085585600630088788000440095088000300099488000330102488000930105788000340115003463606520161117180137.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161107s2014 ja 000 u jpn aon962190962 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aNagatsuka, Takashi,d1879-1915,eauthor.106880-02aTsuchi /cNagatsuka Takashi. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2014. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v1745 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v1745.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000118/files/1745_16941.html1 6100-01a長塚節,d1879-1915,eauthor.106245-02a土 /c長塚節.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v1745 6534-00pOriginal version:t長塚節名作選 一.c[東京?] : 春陽堂書店, 1987. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v1745.01581nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000510015324500410020426400360024530000230028133600260030433700260033033800360035649000340039254200690042658803170049565000380081265500370085083000330088785600640092088000500098488000390103488000340107388000890110788000350119603463617520161117190413.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161107s2013 ja 000 u jpn aon962191013 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aNakaya, Ukichiro,d1900-1962,eauthor.106880-02aKonayuki /cNakaya Ukichiro. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2013. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v53226 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aScience2fast0(OCoLC)fst01108176 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v53226.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001569/files/53226_49695.html1 6100-01a中谷宇吉郎,d1900-1962,eauthor.106245-02a粉雪 /c中谷宇吉郎.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v53226 6534-00pOriginal version:t日本の名随筆51 雪.c[東京?] : 作品社, 1987. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v53226.01545nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000500015324500350020326400360023830000230027433600260029733700260032333800360034949000340038554200690041958803170048865500450080583000330085085600640088388000470094788000360099488000340103088001080106488000350117203463627820161117193548.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161107s2010 ja 000 u jpn aon962191300 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aNiimi, Nankichi,d1913-1943,eauthor.106880-02aIdo /cNiimi Nankichi. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2010. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v45106 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v45106.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000121/files/45106_41641.html1 6100-01a新美南吉,d1913-1943,eauthor.106245-02a井戸 /c新美南吉.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v45106 6534-00pOriginal version:t日本児童文学大系 第二八巻.c[東京?] : ほるぷ出版, 1978. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v45106.01636nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000460015324500620019926400360026130000230029733600260032033700260034633800360037249000340040854200690044258803170051165000400082865500370086883000330090585600640093888000440100288000540104688000340110088001170113488000350125103463637820161117194128.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161107s2013 ja 000 u jpn aon962191441 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aNihon Keizai Shinbunsha,eauthor.106880-02aWatashi no rirekisho /cNihon Keizai Shinbunsha . 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2013. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v51167 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aBiography2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423690 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v51167.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001487/files/51167_41894.html1 6100-01a日本経済新聞社,eauthor.106245-02a私の履歴書 /c日本経済新聞社.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v51167 6534-00pOriginal version:t浅沼稲次郎 私の履歴書ほか.c[東京?] : 日本図書センター, 1998. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v51167.01612nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000470015324500750020026400360027530000230031133600260033433700260036033800360038649000340042254200690045658803170052565500420084283000330088485600640091788000470098188000780102888000340110688000990114088000350123903463762020161118200852.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161107s2015 ja 000 u jpn aon962191414 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aNomura, Kodo,d1882-1963,eauthor.106880-02aKidan kurabu (sengoban).n10 :bbōkun no shi /cNomura Kodo. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2015. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v56118 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v56118.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001670/files/56118_56021.html1 6100-01a野村胡堂,d1882-1963,eauthor.106245-02a奇談クラブ〔戦後版〕.n:b暴君の死 /c野村胡堂.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v56118 6534-00pOriginal version:t野村胡堂伝奇幻想小説集成.c[東京?] : 作品社, 2009. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v56118.01643nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000470015324500840020026400360028430000230032033600260034333700260036933800360039549000340043154200690046558803170053465500420085183000330089385600640092688000470099088000730103788000340111088001260114488000350127003463772020161119084212.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161107s2015 ja 000 u jpn aon962191788 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aNomura, Kodo,d1882-1963,eauthor.106880-02aZenigata Heiji torimono hikae.n140 :bitsusu no inochi /cNomura Kodo. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2015. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v54649 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v54649.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001670/files/54649_58001.html1 6100-01a野村胡堂,d1882-1963,eauthor.106245-02a銭形平次捕物控.n140 :b五つの命 /c野村胡堂.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v54649 6534-00pOriginal version:t錢形平次捕物全集第十七卷 權八の罪.c[東京?] : 同光社磯部書房, 1953. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v54649.01544nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000350015324500420018826400360023030000230026633600260028933700260031533800360034149000330037754200690041058803170047965500420079683000320083885600630087088000470093388000600098088000330104088000990107388000340117203463782020161119085435.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161107s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon962193524 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER0 aOmar Khayyam.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aRubaiyāto /cKhayyam 'Umar. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v1760 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v1760.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000288/files/1760_23850.html1 6100-01aハイヤームオマル,eauthor.106245-02aルバイヤート /cハイヤームオマル.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v1760 6534-00pOriginal version:tルバイヤート.c[東京?] : 岩波文庫、岩波書店, 1949. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v1760.01630nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000530015324500440020626400360025030000230028633600260030933700260033533800360036149000340039754200690043158803170050065000410081765500620085883000330092085600640095388000500101788000450106788000340111288000990114688000350124503463792020161119085836.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161107s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon962193401 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aHagiwara, Sakutaro,d1886-1942,eauthor.106880-02aHanaayame /cHagiwara Sakutaro. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v53522 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v53522.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000067/files/53522_43530.html1 6100-01a萩原朔太郎,d1886-1942,eauthor.106245-02a花あやめ /c萩原朔太郎.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v53522 6534-00pOriginal version:t萩原朔太郎全集 第三卷.c[東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1977. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v53522.01587nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000520015324500380020526400360024330000230027933600260030233700260032833800360035449000340039054200690042458803170049365000410081065500620085183000330091385600640094688000500101088000360106088000340109688000720113088000350120203463802020161119090127.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161107s2008 ja 000 u jpn aon962193839 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aHasegawa, Shigure,d1879-1941,eauthor.106880-02aMizu /cHasegawa Shigure. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2008. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v47662 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v47662.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000726/files/47662_33749.html1 6100-01a長谷川時雨,d1879-1941,eauthor.106245-02a水 /c長谷川時雨.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v47662 6534-00pOriginal version:t桃.c[東京?] : 中央公論社, 1939. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v47662.01537nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000500015324500450020326400360024830000230028433600260030733700260033333800360035949000340039554200690042958803170049865500420081583000330085785600640089088000470095488000420100188000340104388000870107788000350116403463829020161121093218.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161107s2005 ja 000 u jpn aon962194055 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aHayashi, Fumiko,d1904-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aUsukushii inu /cHayashi Fumiko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2005. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v24375 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v24375.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000291/files/24375_18505.html1 6100-01a林芙美子,d1904-1951,eauthor.106245-02a美しい犬 /c林芙美子.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v24375 6534-00pOriginal version:t童話集 狐物語.c[東京?] : 國立書院, 1947. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v24375.01608nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000470015324500420020026400360024230000230027833600260030133700260032733800360035349000330038954200690042258803170049165000640080865500420087283000320091485600620094688000440100888000360105288000330108888001030112188000340122403463842520161121095432.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161108s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon962261704 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aHara, Tamiki,d1905-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aNatsu no haha /cHara Tamiki. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v1821 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aAtomic bomb victims in literature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00820605 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v1821.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000293/files/1821_6672.html1 6100-01a原民喜,d1905-1951,eauthor.106245-02a夏の花 /c原民喜.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v1821 6534-00pOriginal version:t日本の原爆文学1 原民喜.c[東京?] : ほるぷ出版, 1983. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v1821.01543nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000470015324500420020026400360024230000230027833600260030133700260032733800360035349000340038954200690042358803170049265500420080983000330085185600640088488000470094888000390099588000340103488001020106888000350117003464304920161122113326.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161108s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon962280184 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aHisao, Juran,d1902-1957,eauthor.106880-02aInoshikachō /cHisao Juran. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v52223 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v52223.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001224/files/52223_43410.html1 6100-01a久生十蘭,d1902-1957,eauthor.106245-02a猪鹿蝶 /c久生十蘭.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v52223 6534-00pOriginal version:t久生十蘭短篇選.c[東京?] : 岩波文庫、岩波書店, 2009. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v52223.01687nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000590015324500610021226400360027330000230030933600260033233700260035833800360038449000340042054200690045458803170052365000410084065500620088183000330094385600640097688000500104088000510109088000340114188001270117588000350130203464384220161122144534.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161108s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon962280434 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aHirabayashi, Hatsunosuke,d1892-1931,eauthor.106880-02aRanpo-shi no shosaku /cHirabayashi Hatsunosuke. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v48100 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v48100.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000221/files/48100_41964.html1 6100-01a平林初之輔,d1892-1931,eauthor.106245-02a乱歩氏の諸作 /c平林初之輔.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v48100 6534-00pOriginal version:t平林初之輔探偵小説選Ⅱ〔論創ミステリ叢書2〕.c[東京?] : 論創社, 2003. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v48100.01573nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000530015324500450020626400360025130000230028733600260031033700260033633800360036249000340039854200690043258803170050165500420081883000330086085600640089388000560095788000510101388000340106488001020109888000350120003464394320161122144743.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161108s2012 ja 000 u jpn aon962282920 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aBertrand, Aloysius,d1807-1841,eauthor.106880-02aGohon no yubi /cBertrand Louis. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2012. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v55209 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v55209.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001709/files/55209_49270.html1 6100-01aベルトランルイ,d1807-1841,eauthor.106245-02a五本の指 /cベルトランルイ.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v55209 6534-00pOriginal version:t上田敏全訳詩集.c[東京?] : 岩波文庫、岩波書店, 1962. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v55209.01526nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000470015324500400020026400360024030000230027633600260029933700260032533800360035149000340038754200690042158803170049065500420080783000330084985600640088288000440094688000360099088000340102688000930106088000350115303464536820161124131218.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2013 ja 000 u jpn aon962331691 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aHori, Tatsuo,d1904-1953.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aIchi sōwa /cHori Tatsuo. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2013. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v47899 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v47899.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001030/files/47899_50030.html1 6100-01a堀辰雄,d1904-1953,eauthor.106245-02a一挿話 /c堀辰雄.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v47899 6534-00pOriginal version:t堀辰雄作品集第五卷.c[東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1982. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v47899.01624nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000470015324500470020026400360024730000230028333600260030633700260033233800360035849000340039454200690042858803170049765000410081465500620085583000330091785600640095088000440101488000540105888000340111288000930114688000350123903464546820161124131806.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2013 ja 000 u jpn aon962331835 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aHori, Tatsuo,d1904-1953.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aMōriakku no koto /cHori Tatsuo. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2013. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v47968 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v47968.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001030/files/47968_51150.html1 6100-01a堀辰雄,d1904-1953,eauthor.106245-02aモオリアックのこと /c堀辰雄.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v47968 6534-00pOriginal version:t堀辰雄作品集第四卷.c[東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1982. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v47968.01562nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000520015324500500020526400360025530000230029133600260031433700260034033800360036649000340040254200690043658803170050565500450082283000330086785600640090088000470096488000510101188000340106288000930109688000350118903464556820161125094701.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon962331990 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aMakino, Shin'ichi,d1896-1936,eauthor.106880-02aGekka no marason /cMakino Shin'ichi. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v52874 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v52874.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000183/files/52874_42668.html1 6100-01a牧野信一,d1896-1936,eauthor.106245-02a月下のマラソン /c牧野信一.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v52874 6534-00pOriginal version:t牧野信一全集第一巻.c[東京?] : 筑摩書房, 2002. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v52874.01540nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000520015324500430020526400360024830000230028433600260030733700260033333800360035949000340039554200690042958803170049865500420081583000330085785600640089088000470095488000390100188000340104088000930107488000350116703464566820161125095015.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2010 ja 000 u jpn aon962332092 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aMakino, Shin'ichi,d1896-1936,eauthor.106880-02aNanpūfu /cMakino Shin'ichi. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2010. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v45356 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v45356.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000183/files/45356_37933.html1 6100-01a牧野信一,d1896-1936,eauthor.106245-02a南風譜 /c牧野信一.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v45356 6534-00pOriginal version:t牧野信一全集第四巻.c[東京?] : 筑摩書房, 2002. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v45356.01568nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000520015324500610020526400360026630000230030233600260032533700260035133800360037749000340041354200690044758803170051665500370083383000330087085600640090388000470096788000540101488000340106888000930110288000350119503464576820161125095309.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon962332237 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aMakino, Shin'ichi,d1896-1936,eauthor.106880-02aWatashi no sūhaisuru ijin /cMakino Shin'ichi. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v52817 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v52817.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000183/files/52817_44718.html1 6100-01a牧野信一,d1896-1936,eauthor.106245-02a私の崇拝する偉人 /c牧野信一.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v52817 6534-00pOriginal version:t牧野信一全集第五巻.c[東京?] : 筑摩書房, 2002. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v52817.01679cam a2200361Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000350011804900120015310000540016524500330021926400360025230000230028833600260031133700260033733800360036349000340039954200690043358803170050265500420081970000510086183000330091285600640094588000680100988000300107788000340110788000930114188000480123488000350128203464586820161125104435.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2010 ja 000 u jpn aon962331778 aFUGbengerdacFUGdOCLCOdFUG aFUGG-ER1 aRilke, Rainer Maria,d1875-1926.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aMado /cHori Tatsuo. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2010. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v47935 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst016929291 aHori, Tatsuo,d1904-1953.6880-04etranslator. 0aAozora bunko6880-05v47935.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000075/files/47935_41488.html1 6100-01aリルケライネル・マリア,d1875-1926,eauthor.106245-02a窓 /c堀辰雄.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v47935 6534-00pOriginal version:t堀辰雄作品集第五卷.c[東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1982.1 6700-04a堀辰雄,d1904-1953,etranslator. 06830-05a青空文庫 ;v47935.01627cam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804900120014610000530015824500550021126400360026630000230030233600260032533700260035133800360037749000340041354200690044758803170051665000460083365500370087983000330091685600640094988000470101388000540106088000340111488000940114888000350124203464596820161125112253.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161116s2016 ja 000 u jpn aon962846064 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aIshikawa, Kin'ichi,d1895-1959,eauthor.106880-02aHari no ki no ikenie /cIshikawa Kin'ichi. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2016. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v50467 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPerforming arts2fast0(OCoLC)fst01057887 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v50467.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001380/files/50467_59540.html1 6100-01a石川欣一,d1895-1959,eauthor.106245-02a針の木のいけにえ /c石川欣一.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v50467 6534-00pOriginal version:t日本山岳名著全集8.c[東京?] : あかね書房, 1962. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v50467.01559nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000480015324500440020126400360024530000230028133600260030433700260033033800360035649000320039254200690042458803170049365500420081083000310085285600620088388000470094588000420099288000320103488001220106688000330118803464606820161125112557.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2006 ja 000 u jpn aon962332548 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aMizuno, Senko,d1888-1919,eauthor.106880-02aShijūyonichi /cMizuno Senko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2006. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v601 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v601.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000112/files/601_22664.html1 6100-01a水野仙子,d1888-1919,eauthor.106245-02a四十余日 /c水野仙子.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v601 6534-00pOriginal version:t明治文學全集 82 明治女流文學集(二).c[東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1965. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v601.01591nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000490015324500540020226400360025630000230029233600260031533700260034133800360036749000340040354200690043758803170050665000360082365500370085983000330089685600640092988000470099388000480104088000340108888000840112288000350120603464616820161125112903.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2007 ja 000 u jpn aon962332510 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aMiyagi, Michio,d1894-1956.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aWatashi no suki na hito /cMiyagi Michio. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2007. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v47119 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aMusic2fast0(OCoLC)fst01030269 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v47119.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001288/files/47119_29091.html1 6100-01a宮城道雄,d1894-1956,eauthor.106245-02a私のすきな人 /c宮城道雄.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v47119 6534-00pOriginal version:t心の調べ.c[東京?] : 河出書房新社, 2006. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v47119.01573nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000500015324500590020326400360026230000230029833600260032133700260034733800360037349000340040954200690044358803170051265500370082983000330086685600640089988000470096388000540101088000340106488001020109888000350120003464626820161125113129.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon962332665 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aMiyazawa, Kenji,d1896-1933.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aNamari no umi no fuyuumi no /cMiyazawa Kenji. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v53422 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPoetry2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423828 0aAozora bunko6880-04v53422.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000081/files/53422_43311.html1 6100-01a宮沢賢治,d1896-1933,eauthor.106245-02a鉛のいろの冬海の /c宮沢賢治.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v53422 6534-00pOriginal version:t新修宮沢賢治全集 第六巻.c[東京?] : 筑摩書房, 1980. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v53422.01670nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000510015324500600020426400360026430000230030033600260032333700260034933800360037549000330041154200690044458803170051365000410083065500620087183000320093385600630096588000500102888000670107888000330114588001080117888000340128603464636820161126101342.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2004 ja 000 u jpn aon962332847 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aMiyamoto, Yuriko,d1899-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aAtogaki :basu e no seishin /cMiyamoto Yuriko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2004. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v4115 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v4115.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000311/files/4115_14725.html1 6100-01a宮本百合子,d1899-1951,eauthor.106245-02aあとがき :b明日への精神 /c宮本百合子.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v4115 6534-00pOriginal version:t宮本百合子全集 第十八巻.c[東京?] : 新日本出版社, 1981. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v4115.01592nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000510015324500640020426400360026830000230030433600260032733700260035333800360037949000330041554200690044858803170051765500370083483000320087185600630090388000500096688000630101688000330107988001080111288000340122003464646820161126101809.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon962332954 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aMiyamoto, Yuriko,d1899-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aKashu "Gyōjitsu" no chosha ni /cMiyamoto Yuriko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v3025 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPoetry2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423828 0aAozora bunko6880-04v3025.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000311/files/3025_10167.html1 6100-01a宮本百合子,d1899-1951,eauthor.106245-02a歌集『仰日』の著者に /c宮本百合子.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v3025 6534-00pOriginal version:t宮本百合子全集 第十三巻.c[東京?] : 新日本出版社, 1979. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v3025.01633nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000510015324500450020426400360024930000230028533600260030833700260033433800360036049000330039654200690042958803170049865000410081565500620085683000320091885600630095088000500101388000450106388000330110888001080114188000340124903464656820161126102751.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon962333062 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aMiyamoto, Yuriko,d1899-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aKono shotō /cMiyamoto Yuriko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v3965 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v3965.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000311/files/3965_12810.html1 6100-01a宮本百合子,d1899-1951,eauthor.106245-02aこの初冬 /c宮本百合子.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v3965 6534-00pOriginal version:t宮本百合子全集 第十七巻.c[東京?] : 新日本出版社, 1981. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v3965.01661nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000510015324500610020426400360026530000230030133600260032433700260035033800360037649000330041254200690044558803170051465000410083165500620087283000320093485600630096688000500102988000570107988000330113688001080116988000340127703464666820161126103816.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon962333175 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aMiyamoto, Yuriko,d1899-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aShin Nihon bungaku no tancho /cMiyamoto Yuriko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v2954 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v2954.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000311/files/2954_10025.html1 6100-01a宮本百合子,d1899-1951,eauthor.106245-02a新日本文学の端緒 /c宮本百合子.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v2954 6534-00pOriginal version:t宮本百合子全集 第十三巻.c[東京?] : 新日本出版社, 1979. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v2954.01615nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000510015324500530020426400360025730000230029333600260031633700260034233800360036849000330040454200690043758803170050665000410082365500370086483000320090185600620093388000500099588000480104588000330109388001050112688000340123103464676820161126104204.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon962333255 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aMiyamoto, Yuriko,d1899-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aChikagoro no kansō /cMiyamoto Yuriko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v2854 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v2854.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000311/files/2854_8465.html1 6100-01a宮本百合子,d1899-1951,eauthor.106245-02a近頃の感想 /c宮本百合子.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v2854 6534-00pOriginal version:t宮本百合子全集 第十巻.c[東京?] : 新日本出版社, 1980. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v2854.01672nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000510015324500630020426400360026730000230030333600260032633700260035233800360037849000330041454200690044758803170051665000410083365500620087483000320093685600630096888000500103188000660108188000330114788001080118088000340128803464686820161126104746.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2004 ja 000 u jpn aon962333388 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aMiyamoto, Yuriko,d1899-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02a"Haiboku no bungaku" ni tsuite /cMiyamoto Yuriko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2004. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v4240 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v4240.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000311/files/4240_14819.html1 6100-01a宮本百合子,d1899-1951,eauthor.106245-02a「敗北の文学」について /c宮本百合子.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v4240 6534-00pOriginal version:t宮本百合子全集 第十八巻.c[東京?] : 新日本出版社, 1981. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v4240.01587nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000510015324500620020426400360026630000230030233600260032533700260035133800360037749000330041354200690044658803170051565000410083283000320087385600620090588000500096788000570101788000330107488001080110788000340121503464696820161126105616.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon962333509 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aMiyamoto, Yuriko,d1899-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aBungaku wa tsune ni gutaiteki /cMiyamoto Yuriko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v2915 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 0aAozora bunko6880-04v2915.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000311/files/2915_9188.html1 6100-01a宮本百合子,d1899-1951,eauthor.106245-02a文学は常に具体的 /c宮本百合子.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v2915 6534-00pOriginal version:t宮本百合子全集 第十二巻.c[東京?] : 新日本出版社, 1980. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v2915.01663nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000510015324500630020426400360026730000230030333600260032633700260035233800360037849000330041454200690044758803170051665000410083365500620087483000320093685600630096888000500103188000570108188000330113888001080117188000340127903464706820161126105956.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2003 ja 000 u jpn aon962333631 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aMiyamoto, Yuriko,d1899-1951.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aYosen tsūka sakuhinsen hyō /cMiyamoto Yuriko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2003. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v4035 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v4035.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000311/files/4035_13088.html1 6100-01a宮本百合子,d1899-1951,eauthor.106245-02a予選通過作品選評 /c宮本百合子.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v4035 6534-00pOriginal version:t宮本百合子全集 第十七巻.c[東京?] : 新日本出版社, 1981. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v4035.01561nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000510015324500410020426400360024530000230028133600260030433700260033033800360035649000340039254200690042658803170049565500450081283000330085785600640089088000470095488000450100188000340104688001080108088000350118803464716820161126131746.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon962333736 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aMurayama, Kazuko,d1903-1946.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aOkamisan /cMurayama Kazuko. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v44922 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v44922.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001172/files/44922_41988.html1 6100-01a村山籌子,d1903-1946,eauthor.106245-02aおかみさん /c村山籌子.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v44922 6534-00pOriginal version:t日本児童文学大系 第二六巻.c[東京?] : ほるぷ出版, 1978. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v44922.01514nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000480015324500360020126400360023730000230027333600260029633700260032233800360034849000340038454200690041858803170048765500420080483000330084685600640087988000470094388000330099088000340102388000840105788000350114103464726820161126132201.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2014 ja 000 u jpn aon962334682 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aMurou, Saisei,d1889-1962,eauthor.106880-02aNagisa /cMurou Saisei. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2014. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v55616 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v55616.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001579/files/55616_54028.html1 6100-01a室生犀星,d1889-1962,eauthor.106245-02a渚 /c室生犀星.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v55616 6534-00pOriginal version:tはるあはれ.c[東京?] : 中央公論社, 1962. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v55616.01589nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000520015324500470020526400360025230000230028833600260031133700260033733800360036349000340039954200690043358803170050265500420081983000330086185600640089488000470095888000390100588000340104488001380107888000350121603464736820161126204325.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2008 ja 000 u jpn aon962334811 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aYanagawa, Shun'yo,d1877-1918,eauthor.106880-02aHitotsumakura /cYanagawa Shun'yo. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2008. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v49206 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v49206.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000831/files/49206_33052.html1 6100-01a柳川春葉,d1877-1918,eauthor.106245-02a一つ枕 /c柳川春葉.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v49206 6534-00pOriginal version:t文豪怪談傑作選・特別篇 百物語怪談会.c[東京?] : ちくま文庫、筑摩書房, 2007. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v49206.01556nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000520015324500410020526400360024630000230028233600260030533700260033133800360035749000340039354200690042758803170049665500450081383000330085885600640089188000470095588000390100288000340104188001080107588000350118303464746820161126204551.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2011 ja 000 u jpn aon962334911 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aYamamura, Bochō,d1884-1924.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aOyasuzume /cYamamura Bocho. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2011. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v45044 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aJuvenile works2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411637 0aAozora bunko6880-04v45044.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000136/files/45044_42120.html1 6100-01a山村暮鳥,d1884-1924,eauthor.106245-02aおや雀 /c山村暮鳥.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v45044 6534-00pOriginal version:t日本児童文学大系 第一四巻.c[東京?] : ほるぷ出版, 1977. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v45044.01618nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000520015324500610020526400360026630000230030233600260032533700260035133800360037749000340041354200690044758803170051665000460083365500370087983000330091685600640094988000470101388000540106088000340111488000850114888000350123303464756820161126211409.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2007 ja 000 u jpn aon962334920 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 aYumeno, Kyūsaku,d1889-1936.6880-01eauthor.106880-02aMinoru-san no seishin bunseki /cYumeno Kyusaku. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2007. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v46705 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPerforming arts2fast0(OCoLC)fst01057887 7aEssays2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919922 0aAozora bunko6880-04v46705.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000096/files/46705_27718.html1 6100-01a夢野久作,d1889-1936,eauthor.106245-02a実さんの精神分析 /c夢野久作.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v46705 6534-00pOriginal version:t夢野久作全集7.c[東京?] : 三一書房, 1970. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v46705.01621nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000500015324500760020326400360027930000230031533600260033833700260036433800360039049000340042654200690046058803170052965500420084683000330088885600640092188000470098588000650103288000340109788001170113188000350124803464766820161126211723.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2014 ja 000 u jpn aon962335089 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aYoshikawa, Eiji,d1892-1962,eauthor.106880-02aKen no yonkunshi.n3 :bHayashizaki Shinsuke /cYoshikawa Eiji. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2014. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v56057 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v56057.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001562/files/56057_54413.html1 6100-01a吉川英治,d1892-1962,eauthor.106245-02a剣の四君子.n3 :b林崎甚助 /c吉川英治.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v56057 6534-00pOriginal version:t剣の四君子・日本名婦伝.c[東京?] : 吉川英治文庫、講談社, 1977. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v56057.01643nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000530015324500520020626400360025830000230029433600260031733700260034333800360036949000340040554200690043958803170050865000410082565500620086683000330092885600640096188000500102588000480107588000340112388001010115788000350125803464776820161126212002.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2007 ja 000 u jpn aon962335782 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aYoshida, Genjirō,d1886-1956,eauthor.106880-02aHachigatsu no seiza /cYoshida Genjiro. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2007. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v46509 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiterature2fast0(OCoLC)fst00999953 7aCriticism, interpretation, etc.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411635 0aAozora bunko6880-04v46509.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001177/files/46509_25604.html1 6100-01a吉田絃二郎,d1886-1956,eauthor.106245-02a八月の星座 /c吉田絃二郎.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v46509 6534-00pOriginal version:t日本の名随筆 別巻42 家族.c[東京?] : 作品社, 1994. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v46509.01561cam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000280011804900120014610000530015824500550021126400360026630000230030233600260032533700260035133800360037749000340041354200690044758803170051665500410083383000330087485600640090788000440097188000430101588000340105888000960109288000350118803464786820161126212311.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161116s2016 ja 000 u jpn aon962846460 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aNagatsuka, Takashi,d1879-1915,eauthor.106880-02aTake no satobito.n3 /cNagatsuka Takashi. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2016. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v57473 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aPoetry2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423828 914 0aAozora bunko6880-04v57473.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000118/files/57473_59656.html1 6100-01a長塚節,d1879-1915,eauthor.106245-02a竹の里人.n3 /c長塚節.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v57473 6534-00pOriginal version:t長塚節全集 第五巻.c[東京?] : 春陽堂書店, 1978. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v57473.01508nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000470015324500320020026400360023230000230026833600260029133700260031733800360034349000320037954200690041158803170048065500420079783000310083985600620087088000440093288000300097688000320100688000990103888000330113703464796820161126212558.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161109s2007 ja 000 u jpn aon962335911 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aWatanabe, On,d1837-1898,eauthor.106880-02aUso /cWatanabe On. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2007. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v883 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v883.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000020/files/883_28332.html1 6100-01a渡辺温,d1837-1898,eauthor.106245-02a嘘 /c渡辺温.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v883 6534-00pOriginal version:tアンドロギュノスの裔.c[東京?] : 薔薇十字社, 1970. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v883.01634nam a2200337Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500160010204000230011804900120014110000490015324500800020226400360028230000230031833600260034133700260036733800360039349000340042954200690046358803170053265500420084983000330089185600640092488000470098888000730103588000340110888001190114288000350126103464806820161126212842.0m o d cr cnu|||auuuu161116s2016 ja 000 u jpn aon962847243 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG-ER1 6880-01aNomura, Kodō,d1882-1963,eauthor.106880-02aZenigata Heiji torimonochō.n135 :bhi no noroi /cNomura Kodō. 1a[Japan] :bAozora Bunko,c2016. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 6880-03aAozora bunko ;v54724 lPublic domainuhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aLiteratures2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692929 0aAozora bunko6880-04v54724.40uhttp://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001670/files/54724_60039.html1 6100-01a野村胡堂,d1882-1963,eauthor.106245-02a銭形平次捕物控.n135 :b火の呪ひ /c野村胡堂.1 6490-03a青空文庫 ;v54724 6534-00pOriginal version:t錢形平次捕物全集第二十五卷 火の呪ひ. :c[東京?] : 同光社, 1954. 06830-04a青空文庫 ;v54724.01872nam a2200313 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000280008404300120011204900090012408600240013311000700015724501040022726400740033130000390040533600260044433700280047033800270049850000200052550000180054550400510056351300600061452004200067453600620109458803170115665000430147371000420151603465860120161201111051.0161201s1980 nmua bt f000 0 eng d aon964663148 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG an-us--- aFUGG0 aE 1.28:SAND 80-28232 aSandia Laboratories.bDirectorate of Pulsed Energy Programs 4200.10aLaser development for laser fusion applications :bresearch progress report /cSandia Laboratories. 1aAlbuquerque, NM :bDirectorate of Pulsed Energy Programs 4200,c1980. a85 pages :billustrations ;c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier a"SAND 80-2823." a"April 1981." aIncludes bibliographical references (page 79). aResearch progress report;bOctober 1979-September 1980.3 aResearch conducted during this period is reported on the following: (1) rare-gas-halogen lasers, (2) XeCl laser at excitation rates of 1.7 to 4.7 MW/cm³, (3) rare gas halogen laser modeling, (4) three-body ion recombination coefficients, (5) electron beam accelerators, (6) power conditioning studies for accelerators, (7) chemically pumped iodine lasers, (8) hydrogen fluoride lasers, and (9) supporting research. aSponsored by U.S. Department of EnergybDE-AC04-76DP00789 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aLaser fusionxResearchzUnited States.1 aUnited States.bDepartment of Energy.03192nam a2200433Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000240016324501600018726000570034730000300040450000610043450000190049550200480051450400410056250602970060352010460090058800690194658803170201559000270233259000370235965300300239665500390242669000710246569000390253683000470257583000110262283000100263383000110264383000120265485200210266685600710268703467051620200212092326.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp160901s2016 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0050091_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aValenciaga, Sandor.10aDetermination of Optimal Hermite Polynomial Expansion Order for System with Gaussian Parametric Uncertaintyh[electronic resource] /cby Sandor Valenciaga. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2016. a1 online resource (76 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2016. aIncludes bibliographical references. aCopyright Sandor Valenciaga. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.3 aGeneralized polynomial chaos (gPC) expansion is a framework that allows analysis of systems with parametric uncertainty typically at lower computational cost compared to standard Monte Carlo methods. However, selection of the gPC expansion order is mostly a heuristic procedure and there exist finite bounds on the realization of uncertain parameters beyond which the expansion can become unstable for given polynomial order, thereby failing to recreate system behavior. This thesis explores the relationship between the polynomial order and "physical" realizations of unknown parameters using spectral analysis. A direct relationship between the eigenvalues of the gPC expanded system and those of the "physical" system is determined analytically and via numerical simulations. A relationship between the gPC expanded system order with domain of realizations of the uncertain parameter for the "physical" system is established. The implications of these findings in stochastic controller design and stochastic system modeling are discussed. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: KUMAR,MRINAL. aCo-adviser: BEVILACQUA,RICCARDO. agpcamodelingastochastic 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxMechanical and Aerospace Engineering. aAerospace Engineering thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0050091/00001yClick here for full text5FU02856nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000240016324500880018726000570027530000300033250000610036250000190042350200500044250400410049250602930053352008530082658800690167958803170174859000290206559000370209465300510213165500390218269000440222169000430226583000470230883000110235585200210236685600710238703467062420200214130207.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp160901s2016 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0049742_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aNardini, Gia Marie.10aHedonic Consumption and Mindfulnessh[electronic resource] /cby Gia Marie Nardini. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2016. a1 online resource (84 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2016. aIncludes bibliographical references. aCopyright Gia M Nardini. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.3 aThis dissertation investigates the role of mindfulness during hedonic consumption. Specifically, the research within this dissertation identifies the types of experiences conducive to natural occurrences of mindfulness, as well as factors that inhibit mindfulness. In two essays, this research demonstrates that both taking pictures during hedonic experiences and mentally simulating an upcoming experience inhibit mindful processing. The consequences of mindfulness are also investigated in these essays, demonstrating that a loss of mindfulness results in reduced enjoyment from the consumption experience. Avenues for future research are then discussed from a theoretical perspective. The results have implications both for how consumers can get the most enjoyment from their experiences and for how firms should market experiences to consumers. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: LUTZ,RICHARD J. aCo-adviser: LEBOEUF,ROBYN AIMEE. aenjoymentaexperiencesamarketingamindfulness 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxMarketing. aBusiness Administration thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0049742/00001yClick here for full text5FU03207nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000200016324500930018326000570027630000300033350000610036350000190042450200480044350400410049150602930053252011070082558800690193258803170200159000290231859000390234765300780238665500390246469000470250369000300255083000470258083000110262785200210263885601500265903467073320161205135934.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp160901s2016 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0050070_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aHaning, Dale E.10aCarrying a Badgeh[electronic resource]bEmpowerment and Constraint /cby Dale E Haning. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2016. a1 online resource (77 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.A.)--University of Florida, 2016. aIncludes bibliographical references. aCopyright Dale E Haning. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.3 aWithin the field of anthropology the role of police officers within society is commonly approached from the perspective of their interactions with other groups. This often leads to a focus on the authority of the police to use force in the performance of their duties. The perspective of police officers themselves, however, are often absent and lead to misinterpretation of the way in which they exercise their authority. Utilizing observations from a period of ethnographic fieldwork with police departments, which occurred in central Ohio between May and June of 2015, insights into the way police officers view their authority was obtained. Within the general themes of police secrecy, discretionary judgement, and police storytelling an understanding of the way that the power relations are manifested in police-public interactions can be seen. Rather than being free to exercise their authority as they see fit the police view their power as tightly constrained by both the formal mechanisms of the authority of the state and the informal mechanisms of social control found within police culture. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: JUSIONYTE,IEVA. aCo-adviser: CHALFIN,BRENDA HELENE. aethnographyalawapoliceapolice-discretionapowerasecrecyastorytelling 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxAnthropology. aAnthropology thesis, M.A. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0050070/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2017-05-315FU02630naiaa2200325 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002701000150006803500160008304000230009904200080012204900090013024501080013926400930024730000230034033600260036333700260038933800360041552005810045150005100103253400900154258800570163258803170168965000500200665100550205665500210211165500300213271000830216285600590224503471081620161215111548.0161215d14971918flu x d o s0 2eng c a2016227337 aon966289594 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG00aFrench research collections /cGeorge A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida Digital Collections. 1aGainesville, Florida :bUniversity of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries,c1497-1918. a1 online resource. atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier2 a"The French Revolutionary Pamphlets include 2,800 pamphlets representing governmental correspondence, decrees, and other documents. The collection, including both the documents of the revolutionary government and handbills circulated among its citizens, makes evident the power of the people to influence government and of the press to manipulate the people. The collection's popular drama illustrates attitudes toward everyday life, politics, and government. French Research Collections was originally prototyped for grant project development. Active growth is intermittent." aThe University of Florida Digital Collections (UFDC) hosts more than 300 outstanding digital collections, containing over 10 million pages, covering over 78 thousand subjects in rare books, manuscripts, antique maps, children's literature, newspapers, theses and dissertations, data sets, photographs, oral histories, and more for permanent access and preservation. Through UFDC, users have free and Open Access to full unique and rare materials held by the University of Florida and partner institutions. pDigitized images.nMaterials digitized from collections at the University of Florida. aTitle from landing page; viewed [December 09, 2016]. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aGovernment correspondencezFrancevDatabases. 0aFrancexHistoryyRevolution, 1789-1799vDatabases. 7aDatabases2lcgft 7aDigital libraries.2local2 aGeorge A. Smathers Libraries.bDigital Production Services,ehost institution.40yAccess the Digital Collectionuhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/frf01512ccm a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000280008404900090011205000260012109900140014710000370016124501220019825000230032026400710034326400120041430000420042633600350046833700280050333800270053138200760055850000220063454600190065658803170067565000240099265500190101665500250103565500260106070000520108634800240113803497157120181217132025.0170210t19741974miuvrae n zxx d aon972162276 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG 4aM287 .L38bop.35 1974 aM287 .L381 aLaudenslager, Harold,ecomposer.10aBohemian Improvisations :bvariations for flute (piccolo), clarinet, trumpet, viola, trombone /cHarold Laudenslager. aConductor's score. 1aBeverly Hills, Michigan :bLaudenslager Music Productions,c[1974] 4c©1974. a1 score (47 pages) + 5 parts ;c32 cm anotated musicbntm2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier01afluten1dpiccolon1aclarinetn1atrumpetn1aviolan1atrombonen1s5 aTitle from cover. bStaff notation aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aVariationsvScores. 7aScores.2lcgft 7aParts (Music)2lcgft 7aChamber music.2lcgft1 aLaudenslager, Harold.tBohemian Improvisations. ascoreapart2rdafnm02237nam a2200397Ii 450000100100000000500170001000700140002700800410004103500160008204000230009804300120012104900090013309900180014224501100016024600440027026400980031430000430041233600260045533700270048133800350050849000220054350000190056550000950058453301450067958803170082465000620114165000600120365000410126365000650130465000670136965000460143665100390148265500420152171001290156383001470169203497700520170221150024.0hd afb---baca170221s1949 gw as 000 0 eng d aon973336639 aFUGbengerdacFUG ae-gx--- aFUGG aDD232.5b.G4700aCharacteristics and attitudes of the German movie audience.nI,pImpact of currency reform on attendance.30aImpact of currency reform on attendance 1aBad Nauheim, Germany :bOpinion Surveys Branch, Information Services Division, OMGUS,c[1949] a1 microfilm reel :bnegative ;c35 mm. atextbtxt2rdacontent amicroformbh2rdamedia amicrofilm reelbhd2rdacarrier1 aReport ;vno. 171 a"23 May 1949." a"This study was undertaken at the request of N.Y. Field Office, CAD, and E & CR Division." aMicrofilm.bWashington, D.C :cNational Archives of the United States,d1970.e1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm.fN70-580. reel number 2. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aMotion picture audienceszGermanyxAttitudesvStatistics. 0aCurrency questionzGermanyxPublic opinionvStatistics. 0aPublic opinionzGermanyvStatistics. 7aCurrency questionxPublic opinion.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00885338 7aMotion picture audiencesxAttitudes.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01027117 7aPublic opinion.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01082785 7aGermany.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01210272 7aStatistics.2fast0(OCoLC)fst014237271 aGermany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone).bOffice of Military Government.bOpinion Surveys Branch. 0aReport (Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone). Office of Military Government. Opinion Surveys Branch) ;vno. 171.01795nam a2200325Ii 450000100100000000500170001000700140002700800410004103500160008204000230009804300210012104900090014209900180015124500710016926400660024030000430030633600260034933700270037533800350040249000210043750000200045853301450047858803170062365000900094065000390103065000480106965100770111771001290119483001460132303498525820170301100323.0hd afb---baca170301s1947 gw a as 000 0 eng d aon974035789 aFUGbengerdacFUG ae-gx---ae-gw--- aFUGG aDD232.5b.G4700aAttitudes toward collective guilt in the American zone of Germany. 1a[Berlin] :b[ODIC Opinion Surveys Hq., OMGUS (Rear)],c[1947] a1 microfilm reel :bnegative ;c35 mm. atextbtxt2rdacontent amicroformbh2rdamedia amicrofilm reelbhd2rdacarrier1 aReport ;vno. 51 a"2 April 1947." aMicrofilm.bWashington, D.C :cNational Archives of the United States,d1970.e1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm.fN70-580. reel number 1. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aWorld War, 1939-1945xMoral and ethical aspectszGermanyxPublic opinionvStatistics. 0aGuiltxPublic opinionvStatistics. 0aPublic opinionzGermany (West)vStatistics. 0aGermanyxPolitics and governmenty1933-1945xPublic opinionvStatistics.1 aGermany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone).bOffice of Military Government.bOpinion Surveys Branch. 0aReport (Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : U.S. Zone). Office of Military Government. Opinion Surveys Branch) ;vno. 51.01418nam a2200373 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000230011704200080014004900090014805000230015709900130018010000380019324500350023124600240026625000530029026400580034326400120040130000230041333600260043633700280046233800270049050400570051758803170057459900140089165000220090565000330092765000210096065000290098165000340101003502227620170329082522.0170329t20152014mx b 001 0 spa c a9781681651453 a1681651459 aon979989079 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG 4aHN120.Z9bR37 2015 aHN120.Z91 aRaphael, Ricardo,d1968-eauthor.10aMirreynato /cRicardo Raphael.14aLa otra desigualdad aPrimera edición en Booket: septiembre de 2015. 1aMéxico, D. F. :bEditorial Planeta Mexicana,c2015. 4c©2015. a304 pages ;c19 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 283-304). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a035022276 0aEqualityzMexico. 0aIncome distributionzMexico. 0aPovertyzMexico. 0aSocial mobilityzMexico. 0aPolitical corruptionzMexico.01454nas a2200337 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002701000150006802200140008303500160009703700350011304000230014804200080017104300120017904900090019105000170020009900120021711000700022922200340029924500350033326400970036833600260046533700280049133800270051936200500054658800670059658800530066358803170071665000480103379700350108103507257720170411092827.0170411d19872000ag || p 0 0spa c a2017227061 a0327-0157 aon982114579 bSerrano 1779 - 1663 SAN MIGUEL aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc as-ag--- aFUGG 4aQH77.A7bA86 aQH77.A72 aAsociación para la Protección de la Naturalezaeissuing body. 0aBoletín cientifico - APRONA10aBoletín cientifico /cAPRONA 1aSan Miguel, Provincia de Buenos Aires :bAsociación para la Protección de la Naturaleza. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aBegan in 1987, ceased in 2000,zISSN Registry aDescription based on: no. 8 (julio de 1988); title from cover. aLatest issue consulted: no. 13 (octubre de 1989) aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aEndangered specieszArgentinavPeriodicals.23aFLMNH Ornithology.5KEEPUF5FU02254cam a2200409 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500170010104000400011804200080015804300120016604900090017805000260018709900160021310000500022924501770027926400430045626400110049930000230051033600210053333700250055433800230057949000280060250400410063050500590067152005260073058600710125658803170132765000320164465000310167665000430170765100450175064800200179583000290181503510208220171009112309.0170818t20162016cu b 000 d spa c a9789593050609 a9593050604 aon1001338730 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUGdOCLCFdFUG apcc anwcu--- aFUGG 4aPQ7390.E826bT67 2016 aPQ7390.E8261 aEspino Ortega, José Manuel,d1966-eauthor.10aTórtola mía :bobra para retablo -sombras y títeres- dividida en Preludio, Fuga y Coda Homenaje a José Jacinto Milanés en su bicentenario /cJosé Manuel Espino. 1aLa Habana :bEdiciones Alarcos,c2016. 4c©2016 a42 pages ;c18 cm. atext2rdacontent aunmediated2rdamedia avolume2rdacarrier1 aColección Aire frío aIncludes bibliographical references.0 aCartas para tres infantes -- Preludio -- Fuga -- Coda. a"Tórtola mía en el homenaje certero y tierno, en forma de obra para retablo -sombras y títeres-, de JoséManuel Espino a José Jacinto Milanés en el bicentenario del nacimiento del poeta matancero en 2014. El conocido poema La fuga de la tórtola es el (pre)texto del cual parte el autor para contar una historia auténtica y conmovedora, donde realidad y ficción musical, dividida en Preludio, Fuga y Cod- cuyas soluciones se encuentran precisamente en el lirismo que posee la escritura."--Page 4 of cover. aPremio de Dramaturgia para Niños y de Titeres Dora Alonso, 2014. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCuban dramazUnited States. 0aCuban dramay20th century. 7aCuban drama.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00884802 7aUnited States.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01204155 7a1900-19992fast 0aColección Aire frío.04739nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000180016324502120018126000570039330000310045050000610048150000190054250200500056150400410061150602910065252015020094352010340244558800690347958803170354859000220386559000360388765300530392365500390397669000490401569000360406483000470410083000110414785200210415885601500417903510275320170504145417.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp170119s2016 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0050340_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aChen, Zirong.10aFunctional and Mechanistic Characterization of CRTC1-MAML2 Fusion Oncogene in Mucoepidermoid Carcinomas and Long Noncoding RNA LINC00473 in Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancerh[electronic resource] /cby Zirong Chen. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2016. a1 online resource (143 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2016. aIncludes bibliographical references. aCopyright Zirong Chen. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.3 aThis research centered on studying aberrant CRTC-CREB signaling in human mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) and lung cancer. MEC is the most common salivary gland malignancy. Advanced and metastatic MEC have limited therapeutic options and poor unpredictable treatment outcomes and therefore a better understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of MEC is necessary for developing effective treatments. The majority of MEC cases contain a specific recurrent t(11;19)(q14-21;p12-13) translocation that generates the CRTC1-MAML2 fusion protein. Existing data support that CRTC1-MAML2 constitutively activates CREB-mediated transcription and has oncogenic potential in vitro. However, its critical mediators and in vivo roles in MEC tumorigenesis remain poorly elucidated. I hypothesized that CRTC1-MAML2 is essential for MEC carcinogenesis in vivo and drives MEC pathogenesis through the aberrant activation of downstream target genes. To test this hypothesis, I established a Cre regulated CRTC1-MAML2 transgenic mouse model and investigated downstream CRTC1-MAML2-regulated targets. Mice expressing the CRTC1-MAML2 transgene in salivary glands developed MEC-like tumors. A long noncoding RNA (LINC00473) was identified as a mediator for CRTC1-MAML2 function in MEC growth and survival. Therefore, my studies supported a causal role for CRTC1-MAML2 in MEC and established the transgenic mouse as a model of human MEC that is invaluable for future therapeutic testing. Moreover, LINC00473 is critical for3 aMEC tumorigenesis and servers as a novel therapeutic target. CRTC-CREB signaling can also be aberrantly induced by the inactivation of the tumor suppressor gene LKB1. LKB1 mutational events are common in lung cancer. I observed that LINC00473 was consistently the most highly induced gene in LKB1-inactivated human primary lung cancer samples and derived cell lines. Elevated LINC00473 expression correlated with poor prognosis and sustained LINC00473 expression was required for the growth and survival of LKB1-inactivated NSCLC cells. Mechanistically, LINC00473 was induced by LKB1 inactivation and subsequent activation of CRTC-CREB signaling. My data support that LINC00473 expression is a robust biomarker for tumor LKB1 functional status and a therapeutic target for LKB1-inactivated lung cancer. My collective data demonstrated the importance of aberrantly activated CRTC-CREB signaling in human MEC and lung cancer, which contributed to a better understanding of oncogenic mechanisms and revealed new therapeutic targets. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: WU,LIZI. aCo-adviser: WALLACE,MARGARET R. acrtc1-maml2alinc00473alkb1alncrnaamecansclc 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxGenetics (IDP). aMedical Sciences thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0050340/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2018-08-315FU04233nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000270016324501640019026000570035430000310041150000610044250000190050350200500052250400410057250602970061352014980091052005800240858800690298858803170305759000280337459000380340265300610344065500390350169000740354069000590361483000470367383000110372085200210373185600710375203510286320200406124527.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp170119s2016 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0049791_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aWatson, Jonathan Adam.10aCreating Successful Farm to School Programs in Floridah[electronic resource]bA Countywide Feasibility Study of Direct Procurement /cby Jonathan Adam Watson. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2016. a1 online resource (276 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2016. aIncludes bibliographical references. aCopyright Jonathan A Watson. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.3 aPurchasing locally grown food for use in school cafeterias is attractive for many reasons. The health of children in public schools improves because of increased access to better, more nutritious foods. Children benefit as they learn and connect with food grown near their homes. When paired with nutrition education, those children learn and develop long term dietary habits that promote a healthy lifestyle in adulthood. Local farmers benefit with new markets for their commodities and can minimize price uncertainty with forward contracts. These producers are able to obtain a buyer and negotiate a price for their products before harvest. Purchasing locally grown food also benefits others within the community. When local businesses thrive, employment rises and as a result, economic welfare in that community increases. While the benefits of Farm to School programs have been described in some detail, very little research has been conducted regarding direct procurement of local fruits and vegetables. This project seeks to describe current and existing procurement activities in Farm to School programs within Florida to identify opportunities for expanding direct, local procurement within the state. Additionally, data points were modeled to forecast local food purchases to inform stakeholders on seasonal availability and market conditions, and was used to make financial analysis projections. Finally, producers were interviewed to assess needs, and identify the opportunities and3 achallenges of expanding local food procurement, Sarasota County, Florida was used as a model for study, with the outcome of applying this information to additional counties and beyond in the future. Data sets for production, distribution, sales, agricultural land use, and school lunch participation information are to be collected, organized, analyzed and interpreted. This information was included in a feasibility analysis to determine if direct procurement of local fruits and vegetables in Sarasota County and the Southwest, FL region are viable for farmers and schools. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: BUCKLIN,RAY A. aCo-adviser: TREADWELL,DANIELLE D. afarm-to-schoolafeasibilityafloridaalocalaprocurement 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxAgricultural and Biological Engineering. aAgricultural and Biological Engineering thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0049791/00001yClick here for full text5FU04868nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000270016324502470019026000570043730000310049450000610052550000190058650200500060550400410065550603060069652015020100252008740250458800690337858803170344759000390376459000380380365302370384165500390407869000640411769000480418183000470422983000110427685200210428785601500430803510297520200224114022.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp170119s2016 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0050113_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aDarville, Gabrielle C.10aTailoring Persuasive Digital Games to Increase Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Risk Perceptions, Improve Self-Efficacy and Increase Intention to Receive the HPV Vaccine among Male College Studentsh[electronic resource] /cby Gabrielle C Darville. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2016. a1 online resource (179 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2016. aIncludes bibliographical references. aCopyright Gabrielle Chantal Darville. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.3 aThis dissertation utilizes two research studies aimed at developing, implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of a digital gaming intervention to increase human papillomavirus (HPV) risk perceptions, improve self- efficacy and increase intention to receive the HPV vaccine among male college students (18-26 years old). In study 1, focus group interviews were conducted to collect qualitative data from the target population. Using grounded theory, data from focus group interviews were coded using NVivo software to identify emergent themes. Participants emphasized that although customization was not viewed as important by college aged males, the ability to tailor in game experiences or experience different things each time they played (creative freedom) was more important. Furthermore, this study provided context to the type of platform, messages, and additional characteristics that should be considered when developing a HPV game. Study 2 employed a 2 X 2 fully-crossed between subjects Randomized Control Trial (RCT) and experimental design. Using constructs from the Health Belief Model (HBM) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), this study tested the effects of avatar characters (assigned/customized) and perception of self (ideal/actual) on HPV related outcomes which included HPV risk perception, self-efficacy and behavioral intent to receive the HPV vaccine (Katz et al., 2012). Participants meeting the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to one of four experimental3 aconditions. Following experimentation, a Factorial ANOVA with repeated measures and a between subjects factor (split plot) was used to test for the differences between the means on the outcome variables. Despite having no main effect (condition group) or interaction effect for risk perception, self-efficacy and behavioral intention, our analysis did report a significant main effect of using a pre-post design with the experiment as a stimulus in study 2. Although our hypotheses were not supported, our study did indicate that the use of an avatar (regardless of type) did have an effect on our outcome variables from pre-test to post-test. Despite the limitations experienced in this research study, digital games prove to be the optimal platform to communicate and educate college age men about a topic that could be very stigmatizing and uncomfortable to discuss. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: ANDERSON-LEWIS,CHARKARRA. aCo-adviser: STELLEFSON,MICHAEL L. aavatarsacollege menacustomizationadigital gamingagamesahealth communicationahealth educationaHPVapersonalizationaProteus effectapublic healthaself-representationasexually transmitted diseaseaSTDsatailoringavideo games 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxHealth Education and Behavior. aHealth and Human Performance thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0050113/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2018-08-315FU01478cam a2200349 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500160010104000450011704200080016204900090017005000250017909900150020410000290021924500530024825000230030126400760032426400110040030000400041133600260045133700280047733800270050549000250053250501010055758803170065865000290097565000550100471000430105983000260110203512617620180606152252.0170516t20162016pr a s000 f spa c a9780865817203 a0865817200 aon987313128 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUGdBNGdOCLCFdFDA apcc aFDAA 0aPQ7442.F46bA44 2016 aPQ7442.F461 aFeliciano, Joeleauthor.10aAlgunas cosas que se conectan /cJoel Feliciano. aPrimera edición. 1aSan Juan, Puerto Rico :bInstituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña,c[2016] 4c©2016 a67 pages :billustrations ;c18 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aSerie Literatura hoy0 aEduardo Moncho no tiene nombre -- Que todo se conecta... -- (Memorando) -- El punto y el tiempo. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aPuerto Rican literature. 7aPuerto Rican literature.2fast0(OCoLC)fst010836782 aInstituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña. 0aSerie Literatura hoy.01897cam a2200421Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500160006804000280008404900090011208600200012111000420014124500750018326000970025830000220035533600260037733700280040333800270043149000250045849000250048359900140050850000170052250000290053950000170056850000770058550000290066258803170069150000970100865000240110565000210112965100600115065000440121065000500125465000470130465100450135165500530139683000260144903513861020170613123704.0170613s1965 dcu f f000 0 eng d aon989979481 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG0 aD 12.8:44-1/9651 aUnited States.bNational Guard Bureau10aCompetitive marksmanship :btraining program /cNational Guard Bureau. aWashington, D.C. :bDepartments of the Army and the Air Force, National Guard Bureau,c1965. a23 pages ;c26 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aNGB pamphlet ;v44-10 aANG pamphlet ;v50-8 a035138610 aCover title. a"30 April 1965"--Page 1. aCover title. a"This pamphlet supersedes NGB Pamphlet 44-1, 28 February 1963."--Page 1. a"15 April 1969"--Page 1. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a"This pamphlet supersedes NGB Pamphlet 44-1, 30 April 1965, including all changes."--Page 1. 0aShooting, Military. 0aTarget practice. 0aUnited StatesxNational GuardvHandbooks, manuals, etc. 7aArmed Forces.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00814586 7aShooting, Military.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01116860 7aTarget practice.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01143140 7aUnited States.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01204155 7aHandbooks and manuals.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423877 0aNGB pamphlet ;v44-1.01274cas a2200301 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002701000150006803500160008304000280009904200080012704300120013504900090014709200140015611000370017024500140020724600480022126400410026931000140031033600260032433700280035033800270037858800790040558800640048458803170054861000500086565000570091503520988820170713141139.0170713d19uu19uufluqr s0 0eng c a2017227087 aon993628917 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG apcc an-us-fl aFUGG a378 FloHs2 aFlorida State College for Women.10aBulletin.14aBulletin of Florida State College for Women 1aGainesville :bUniversity of Florida aQuarterly atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aDescription based on: Vol. 20, no. 1 (March, 1927); title from title page. aLatest issue consulted: Vol. 40, no. 1, pt. 2 (March, 1947) aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.20aFlorida State College for WomenvPeriodicals. 0aWomen's collegeszFloridazGainesvillevPeriodicals.03512nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000220016324501020018526000570028730000310034450000610037550000190043650200500045550400410050550602950054652014530084158800690229458803170236359000320268059000330271265300590274565500390280469000680284369000530291183000470296483000110301185200210302285600710304303529260120170803111719.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp170601s2016 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0050337_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aVillada, Laura M.10aTough Amphiphilic Gels for Antifouling Applicationsh[electronic resource] /cby Laura M Villada. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2016. a1 online resource (158 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2016. aIncludes bibliographical references. aCopyright Laura M Villada. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.3 aIn this study, hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) gels were tailored to investigate the influence of their surface and bulk properties on biofouling. A continuation to the work done with HEMA-siloxane gels demonstrated and verified the correlation between mesh size and the attachment of soft fouling green algae U. linza. A second system evaluated was based upon a non-isocyanate urethane divinyl monomer (NIUDMA) that was synthesized using environmentally friendly methods. The urethane crosslinker was copolymerized with hexafluorobutyl methacrylate (HFBMA) and HEMA to obtain an amphiphilic network with fluorinated acrylates as the hydrophobic component. The networks fabricated had low equilibrium water contents (<20 wt%). The elastic moduli of the gels ranged from 2 MPa to as high as 140 MPa. The surface chemistry was evaluated with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, contact angle goniometry, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The biofouling tests include U. linza zoospores attachment, diatom N. incerta and marine bacterium C. lytica biofilm growth and removal, and adult barnacle A. Amphitrite reattachment. The most effective results were seen with the fouling release results of diatoms, with up to 96% reduction, and marine bacteria with up to 98% reduction after an applied water pressure of 138 kPa. Overall, the NIUDMA10 networks had comparable results to commercial coatings against spores, diatoms and marine bacteria. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: BRENNAN,ANTHONY B. aCo-adviser: ALLEN,JOSEPHINE. aadhesionaamphiphilicaanti-foulingabiomaterialagels 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxMaterials Science and Engineering. aMaterials Science and Engineering thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0050337/00001yClick here for full text5FU03637nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000220016324501880018526000570037330000310043050000610046150000190052250200500054150400410059150602950063252014350092758800690236258803170243159000300274859000330277865300560281165500390286769000670290669000370297383000470301083000110305785200210306885601500308903529271320170803111908.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp170601s2016 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0050197_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aPatten, Jordin B.10aGender and French Conversationh[electronic resource]bA Comparison of Naturally Occurring Speech and Scripted Speech Among Same Sex and Mixed Sex Friend Groups /cby Jordin B Patten. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2016. a1 online resource (232 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2016. aIncludes bibliographical references. aCopyright Jordin B Patten. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.3 aThis dissertation investigates the relationship between gender and language within French Culture in both naturally occurring speech and scripted speech from films. This dissertation analyzes conversational exchanges and verbal interactions in French speakers but focuses primarily on turn-violations such as overlaps, simultaneous speech and back-channel in both same sex groups (only women and only men) and mixed sex groups in naturally occurring conversations (conversations amongst friends) and in conversations in French films. This dissertation illustrates the relationship between gender, language and turn-violation and how they symbolically reflect the social world. I present evidence showing a relationship between gender and language by analyzing two corpora, one comprised of speech from naturally occurring conversations and the other corpus was comprised of conversations from scripted speech in films. The dissertation focuses on the analysis of conversational interactions between same-sex male and female friend groups and cross-sex friend groups in naturally occurring speech and compares the same group compositions and their conversational interactions to scripted speech in films. The analysis emphasizes more how women and men are similar rather than different through the analysis of turn-violations and conversational exchanges in relationship to the context and situations in which they are interacting. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: BLONDEAU,HELENE. aCo-adviser: ANTES,THERESA A. aanalysisaconversationaladiscourseafrenchagender 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxLanguage, Literature and Culture. aRomance Languages thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0050197/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2017-06-305FU03743nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000160016324502050017926000570038430000300044150000610047150000190053250200480055150400410059950602890064052014940092958800690242358803170249259000280280959000360283765300880287365500390296169000680300069000480306883000470311683000110316385200210317485601500319503529282720170803112048.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp170601s2016 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0050812_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aLee, Isaac.10aNatural Spawning and Larval Development of Three Atlantic Marine Ornamental Fishes and Prey Preferences of Larval Marine Fish Utilizing Fluorescent Microspheresh[electronic resource] /cby Isaac Lee. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2016. a1 online resource (83 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2016. aIncludes bibliographical references. aCopyright Isaac Lee. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.3 aAs the popularity of marine aquaria grows, potentially more marine ornamental fishes and invertebrates will be harvested from the oceans. Aquaculture of marine species is an alternative to wild caught individuals and may help to grow businesses and diversify production species. There is has been no previously recorded documentation of larval development of the three Atlantic species examined in this study. Rock beauty angelfish (Holacanthus tricolor) larvae were cultured to 20 dph, reef butterflyfish (Chaetodon sedentarius) larvae to 38 dph, and blue chromis (Chromis cyanea) larvae to 15 dph. Additionally, experiments were conducted on the reef butterflyfish, Pacific blue tang (Paracanthurus hepatus), and African moony (Monodactylus sebae) to evaluate and define prey preference at first feeding between the rotifer, Brachionus plicatiilis, nauplii of the copepod, Parvocalanus crassirostris, and the ciliate Euplotes sp., by marking each prey with a different color of fluorescent microsphere. Proportion of larvae that ingested each prey type and quantity of prey items per larvae were recorded. Pacific blue tangs preferred rotifers above ciliates, and ciliates above copepod nauplii. African moony larvae preferred ciliates and nauplii equally over rotifers. Reef butterflyfish preferred ciliates over rotifers and rotifers over nauplii. Further research on specific parameters for broodstock conditioning and larval culture should improve commercial aquaculture feasibility. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: OHS,CORTNEY L. aCo-adviser: DIMAGGIO,MATTHEW A. aciliatesacopepodsafishainvertebratesamarineamicrospheresaornamentalarotifers 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxForest Resources and Conservation. aFisheries and Aquatic Sciences thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0050812/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2017-06-305FU01580nam a2200313 i 450000500170000000800410001702000270005802000240008503500170010904000230012604200080014904900090015705000290016609900110019510000520020624502020025824600570046026400470051726400110056430000570057533600260063233700280065833800270068658803170071365000410103065000450107165000390111670001110115520170921081541.0170920t20182018nyua 000 0 eng c a9781259916250q(paper) a1259916251q(paper) aon1004393970 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG 4aQD33.2b.S55 2018 Suppl. aQD33.21 aVorachek-Warren, Mara Kathleen,d1975-eauthor.10aStudent solutions manual to accompany Chemistry :bthe molecular nature of matter and change, seventh edition, [by] Martin S. Silberberg and Patricia G. Amateis /cprepared by Mara Vorachek-Warren.30aChemistry, the molecular nature of matter and change 1aNew York :bMcGraw-Hill Education,c[2018] 4c©2018 a1 volume (various pagings) :billustrations ;c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aChemistryvProblems, exercises, etc. 0aChemistryvExaminations, questions, etc. 0aChemistryvOutlines, syllabi, etc.1 iGuide to (expression):aSilberberg, Martin S.q(Martin Stuart),d1945-tChemistry.f2018.sEighth edition.02514nem a2200481Ii 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700090004600800410005503400550009603500170015104000230016804300120019104900090020305000230021205200090023509900130024424500730025725500860033026400550041630000320047133600400050333700260054333800360056950000520060550000360065750002050069353000260089853301890092453800700111358803170118365000300150065100190153065000410154965100390159065500170162965500360164671000430168277601570172583000150188283000460189785600890194303538214120190712122028.0m o c aj canzn170925s1900 nyu a o 0 eng d1 aab1260000dW0863000eW0800000fN0330000gN0240000 aon1004679739 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us-fl aFUGG14aG3931.P3 1900b.M3 a3931 aG3931.P300aMap of the Plant System of railway & steamer lines, and connections. aScale approximately 1:1,260,000c(W 86°30ʹ--W 80°00ʹ/N 33°00ʹ--N 24°00ʹ). 1aBuffalo, N.Y. :bThe Matthews Northup Co,c[1900?] a1 map :bcolor;c80 x 49 cm acartographic imagebcri2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aPrime meridian: Washington, D.C. and Greenwich. aScale determined from latitude. aInset: "Map of the Plant System of railway & steamer lines, and connections" includes the eastern and southern states showing the rail lines and steamship lines to the West Indies and Central America. aPrint version record. aElectronic reproduction.bGainesville, Fla. :cUniversity of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries,d2017.f(University of Florida Digital Collections)nMode of access: World Wide Web. aSystem requirements: Internet connectivity; Web browser software. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aRailroadszFloridavMaps. 0aFloridavMaps. 7aRailroads.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01088711 7aFlorida.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01205150 7aMaps.2lcgft 7aMaps.2fast0(OCoLC)fst014237042 aMatthews-Northrup Company,epublisher.08iPrint version.tMap of the Plant System of railway & steamer lines, and connections.dBuffalo, N.Y. : The Matthews Northup Co, [1900?]w(OCoLC)987960359 0aCuban Maps 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00058554yUniversity of Florida Digital Collections, Full view01328ccm a2200289Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000400008504100080012504900090013305000190014209900140016110000430017524500840021826400740030230000310037633600350040733700280044233800270047058803170049765000110081465000370082565500190086265500180088177501390089903557203620181218165509.0171107r20171854enksgu n eng d aon1010499809 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUGdOCLCFdFUG0 deng aFUGG 4aM1621.R44bA27 aM1621.R441 aRegondi, Giulio,d1822-1872ecomposer.10a"Absence" :bsong for voice and piano /cthe words by C.M. ; by Giulio Regondi. 3a[London] :b[The British Library's Document Supply Service],c[2017?] a1 score (5 pages) ;c30 cm anotated musicbntm2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aSongs. 7aSongs.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01126120 7aScores.2lcgft 7aSongs.2lcgft08iReproduction of (manifestation):t"Absence," song for voice and pianodLondon : Wessel Co., [1854?]h5 pages ; 30 cmw(OCoLC)49893220302993nam a2200397Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500170010204000230011905000110014209900120015310000330016524501270019826400570032530000500038233600260043233700260045833800360048459000300052059000390055059000650058950200660065450400410072058800690076152008960083054002970172658803170202365500390234069000330237969000400241283000510245285200210250385600710252403563737320171208131114.0m o d s cr |n||||ma|mp171113s2015 flua obm s000 0 eng d aon1014230594 aFUGbengerdacFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aSimonetti, Jessica,eauthor.10aFostering creative thinking through composition :ba curriculum for the fifth grade general music /cby Jessica Simonetti. 1a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2015. a1 online resource (77 pages) :billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aAdviser: Richard S. Webb. aCommittee member: Sandy B. Goldie. aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections.5FU gProject in lieu of thesisbM.M.cUniversity of Floridad2015. aIncludes bibliographical references. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page.3 aThe purpose of the capstone project was to construct a curriculum that incorporates activities centered on creative thinking in music. The specific focus is creating through composition. The capstone begins with a review of literature on the topics of defining creative thinking, the significance, teaching creativity, methods of integration, assessment considerations, and curriculum design. Following the review of literature, the curriculum presented is comprised of three units and nine lessons. Topics of creating original compositions using computer software, nonstandard and standard notation are addressed. A variety of assessments and rubrics are also incorporated to measure student achievement. The goal of this project is to make students comfortable with expressing themselves through the creative process, providing lifelong skills that can be applied to music and other areas. aCopyright Jessica Simonetti. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aMusic Education thesis, M.M. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxMusic. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections.5FU aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00061613/00001yClick here for full text5FU03964nam a2200433 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000260006802000230009403500170011704000230013404200080015704300120016504900090017705000260018609900150021210000280022724501300025524600370038525000190042226400570044126400110049830000620050933600260057133700280059733800270062550400670065250506860071952015630140558803170296859900130328560000370329865000380333565000410337365000270341470000350344170000260347670000280350203564161120171120114654.0171120t20172017bl af b 001 0bpor c a9788520013113q(pbk.) a8520013112q(pbk.) aon1012401087 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc as-bl--- aFUGG 4aML420.J377bQ845 2017 aML420.J3771 aCastro, Felipeeauthor.10aQuelé, a voz da cor :bbiografia de Clementina de Jesus /cFelipe Castro, Janaína Marquesini, Luana Costa, Raquel Munhoz.30aBiografia de Clementina de Jesus a2a edição. 1aRio de Janeiro :bCivilização Brasileira,c2017. 4c©2017 a363 pages, [20] pages of plates :billustrations ;c23 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 329-352) and index.0 aA guisa de prefácio - Hermínio Bello de Carvalho -- Surgiram então aqueles olhos negros -- Com a licença de Clementina de Jesus -- A marquesa de Valença -- Do pastoril ao partido-alto -- Entre os bambas -- "Que mulato bonito!" -- Clementina de Jesus Bello de Carvalho -- Os crioulos, a Rainha Ginga e o Rosa de Ouro -- O estrelato da rosa negra -- Mãe Africa -- Na terra de Sartre -- Entre jongos, curimas e partidos -- Clementina é filha de Zambi -- Essa nega pede mais -- Festival pra sambista dançar -- Enquanto houver Mangueira -- Embala eu -- Vai, saudade -- O adeus à Rainha Quelé -- O último suspiro da dama negra -- Epilogo: Clementina, cadê você? aMais do que a primeira biografia de Clementina de Jesus, este é o registro definitivo da grandiosidade da artista fluminense. Mulher, negra, mãe e dona de uma voz que "parecia subir da terra e vir do oco do tempo", como registrou a jornalista Lena Frias, Clementina foi revelada aos palcos brasileiros em 1964, aos 63 anos, no show O Menestrel. Menos de dois anos depois, arrebataria o público internacional, no I Festival Mundial de Artes Negras, no Senegal, e em show no Festival de Cannes, na França. Quelé, a voz da cor traz a público a força, a doçura - e também a resistência - de Clementina de Jesus, desde seu nascimento em Valença, interior do Rio de Janeiro, em 1901, até sua morte, na capital do estado, em 1987. Não faltam a convivência apaixonada com o marido, Albino Pé Grande, o cuidado com os filhos, os netos e a amizade e o carinho com grandes nomes da música brasileira. "O Brasil em que eu acredito tem a voz dela. Rainha." - Teresa Cristina, cantora e compositora "Clementina de Jesus é muito mais que um ícone do samba e da música brasileira. Ela é o símbolo da mulher negra guerreira que, apesar de todos os preconceitos e injustiças, sobreviverá, oxalá, neste lindo livro que conta a sua história." - Mariene de Castro, atriz, cantora e compositora "Ela foi mesmo um acontecimento, aquela voz maravilhosa e forte, diferente de tudo o que as pessoas estavam acostumadas a ouvir. Cantava aqueles sambas maravilhosos com aquela elegância toda." - Paulinho da Viola, cantor e compositor aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a3564161110aJesus, Clementina devBiography. 0aWomen singerszBrazilvBiography. 0aMusicians, BlackzBrazilvBiography. 0aPopular musiczBrazil.1 aMarquesini, Janaínaeauthor.1 aCosta, Luanaeauthor.1 aMunhoz, Raqueleauthor.02547nam a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006104000230010205000180012509900140014310000300015724501360018724601130032326400570043630000500049333600260054333700260056933800360059559000650063150200590069650400410075558800690079652005320086554002940139758803170169165300650200869000520207383000510212585200210217603564700920171129122916.0m o d s cr |n||||ma|mp171009s2017 flua obm s000 0 eng d aFUGbengerdacFUG 4aLD1780.1 2017 aLD1780.1 1 aGust, Stephanie,eauthor.10aMalcolm Randall Veteran Affairs Hospital, Gainesville, Florida :bpromoting a healing environment through design /cStephanie Gust.1 iTitle from project submission form:aRooftop healing garden at the Malcolm Randall Veterans Affairs Hospital 1a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2017. a1 online resource (71 pages) :billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections.5FU gCapstone projectbB.L.A.cUniversity of Floridad2017. aIncludes bibliographical references. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page.3 aAs a veteran of the United States Army, I have experienced first hand how daunting follow up healthcare can be for veterans after completing service. I have a passion for designing gardens in healthcare settings and how it can foster quicker recovery times for patients and lessen the draining visits that occur for patients, family, or friends that travel extensive lengths for care. In addition it is important to help ease the staffs working conditions by providing a place of respite or relaxation and reduce stress levels. aCopyright Stephanie Gust. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aveteransahealthcareahealth careahealingarooftopagardens aLandscape Architecture capstone project, B.L.A. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections.5FU aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC03182nem a2200517Ii 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700090004600800410005503400540009603500170015004000230016704300120019004900090020205000250021105200090023609900190024511000660026424503950033025500850072526400580081026400460086830000330091433600400094733700260098733800360101350000710104950001740112050000520129450000930134650000400143950000700147953000260154953301890157553800700176458803170183461000400215165000340219165000300222565000360225565100190229165500170231071000310232777602170235885600890257503576412220190712121908.0m o c aj canzn171214s1887 flu a o 0 eng d1 aab633600dW0840000eW0801000fN0305000gN0253000 aon1015345222 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us-fl aFUGG 4aG3931.G46 1887b.F56 a3931 aG3931.G46 18872 aFlorida Southern Railway Co.bLand Department,eissuing body.10aNew sectional map of the eastern & southern portion of the state of Florida /cissued by the Land Department of the Florida Southern Railway Co., showing the lands owned & offered for sale by said department ; the Orange Belt route, its branches & connections ; 4.000.000 acres of land for sale ... ; W.P. Couper, Land Commissioner, Florida Southern Railway Company, Palatka, Florida, 1887. aScale approximately 1:633,600.c(W 84°00ʹ--W 80°10ʹ/N 30°50ʹ--N 25°30ʹ). 1aPalatka, Fla. :bFlorida Southern Railway Co.,c1887. 3aBuffalo, N.Y. :bMatthews, Northrup & Co. a1 map :bcolor ;c80 x 51 cm acartographic imagebcri2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aCoverage includes most of peninsular Florida except the panhandle. aIncludes explanations of the sectioning and the coloring systems, and has text "for full descriptive notes see back of this map." The back of the map, however, is blank. aPrime meridians: Greenwich and Washington, D.C. aInset: untitled map of the rail and steamboat routes of the Florida Southern Railway Co. aIncludes names of some landholders. aAdvertisement inset, with illustration, of the Hotel Punta Gorda. aPrint version record. aElectronic reproduction.bGainesville, Fla. :cUniversity of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries,d2017.f(University of Florida Digital Collections)nMode of access: World Wide Web. aSystem requirements: Internet connectivity; Web browser software. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.20aFlorida Southern Railway Co.vMaps. 0aReal propertyzFloridavMaps. 0aRailroadszFloridavMaps. 0aSteamboat lineszFloridavMaps. 0aFloridavMaps. 7aMaps.2lcgft2 aMatthews-Northrup Company.08iPrint version :aFlorida Southern Railway Co., Land Department.tNew sectional map of the eastern & southern portion of the state of Florida.dPalatka, Fla. : Florida Southern Railway Co., 1887.w(OCoLC)61192040340uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00058544yUniversity of Florida Digital Collections, Full view01452cam a2200337 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500170010104000300011804200080014804300120015605000260016809900160019410000600021024500780027026400420034830000400039033600260043033700280045633800270048450400570051158803170056865000370088565000290092265000400095165000480099165100360103965500390107503582802920180205141051.0170505s2016 cu a b 000 0cspa c a9789592194786 a9592194785 aon1004677471 aPULbengerdacPULdOCLCO apcc anwcu--- 4aGV863.25.A1bM37 2016 aGV863.25.A11 aMartínez de Osaba y Goenaga, Juan A.,d1947-eauthor.10aInmortales del béisbol cubano /cJuan A. Martínez de Osaba y Goenaga. 1aLa Habana :bEdiciones Loynaz,c2016. a262 pages :billustrations ;c23 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 255-262). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aBaseball playerszCubaxHistory. 0aBaseballzCubaxHistory. 7aBaseball.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00827904 7aBaseball players.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00828007 7aCuba.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01205805 7aHistory.2fast0(OCoLC)fst0141162803506nam a2200409Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500170010203500250011904000230014405000180016709900140018510000280019924500660022724600460029326400580033930000500039733600260044733700260047333800360049959000330053559000360056859000650060450200570066950000190072650400410074558800690078652014480085554002920230358803170259569000410291283000510295385200210300485600710302503584944120180207150433.0m o d s cr |n||||ma|mp180201s2016 flua obm s000 0 eng d aon1022120778 a(FU)AA00059253_00001 aFUGbengerdacFUG 4aLD1780.1 2016 aLD1780.1 1 aBerndt, Holly,eauthor.10aDeveloping a unit of study on digital art /cby Holly Berndt.3 aDigital art :bdeveloping a unit of study 1a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c[2016] a1 online resource (60 pages) :billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aAdviser: Elizabeth Delacruz. aCommittee member: Craig Roland. aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections.5FU gCapstone projectbM.A.cUniversity of Floridad2016. aIncludes vita. aIncludes bibliographical references. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page.3 aThis capstone project includes a study of how electronic technology can be integrated into the art classroom to promote student engagement and meaningful art projects. What kinds of digital art can students create? What are the outcomes of using electronic technology in an art classroom? In order to fully understand these research questions, I reviewed scholarly literature that focuses on the benefits, challenges, and creative use of technology in the art classroom. In my action-research study, I used a backward design approach to create a digital art curriculum unit for my middle school students. During the unit, my students used a variety of electronic technology and apps to create three digital art projects. Some of my findings were expected but still interesting, while others were unanticipated. My students were generally interested in using electronic technology during the art making process and were well behaved during the digital art unit. I was also surprised to see how impressed and supportive my school administrators were of the digital art unit. My last finding was that students began to feel more comfortable and understanding of electronic technology towards the end of the digital art unit. The results of my research, including lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, photographs of students' digital art work, and assessment strategies are available on my website at http://www.hollyberndt.com/digital_art.html aCopyright Holly Berndt. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aArt Education capstone project, M.A. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections.5FU aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00059253/00001yClick here for full text5FU04477nam a2200397Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500170010203500250011904000230014405000180016709900140018510000370019924501490023626400570038530000510044233600260049333700260051933800360054559000260058159000370060759000650064450200590070950400410076858800690080952018910087852004970276954003010326658803170356769000520388483000510393685200210398785600710400803585103220180207141651.0m o d s cr |n||||ma|mp180205s2015 flua obm s000 0 eng d aon1022120879 a(FU)AA00032893_00001 aFUGbengerdacFUG 4aLD1780.1 2015 aLD1780.1 1 aPrentice, Jarod Andrew,eauthor.10aLand Protection Strategies for Conservation :bDetermining the Most Suitable Method of Protection for Value and Use /cby Jarod Andrew Prentice. 1a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2015. a1 online resource (209 pages) :billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aAdviser: Glenn Acomb. aCommittee member: Margaret Carr. aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections.5FU gTerminal projectbM.L.A.cUniversity of Floridad2015. aIncludes bibliographical references. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page.3 aEcological landscape planning, regional conservation planning and sustainable landscape planning are examples of overlapping theoretical frameworks for environmental planning focused on the alleviation of pressures on natural ecosystems, habitat fragmentation, and losses to biodiversity. Four conservation strategies are frequently used for protection of environmentally sensitive lands, namely: fee simple acquisition, conservation easements, payments for ecosystem services and mitigation banks. Yet, there is no consensus on which is the best strategy suited for protection of any particular site. This study uses financial evaluation measures and a modified version of a common resource assessment model as an applied landscape metric to evaluate post-protection ecological value conditions of abiotic, biotic, and cultural (ABC) factors of ten sites in Clay County, Florida: (4) existing fee simple acquisitions, (2) existing conservation easements, (3) existing mitigation banks, and (1) currently unprotected site. Five of these sites in Clay County were acquired through the Northeast Florida Timberlands and Watershed Reserve greenway project. By establishing a rated quality for the ABC resources and providing a comparison of cost to acquire those resources strategy effectiveness can be determined for each site. An ecological valuation, acquisition cost, management cost, and tax generation value analysis was completed for the selected sites. Conclusions from the analyses suggest the State may need to spend considerable monies to restore the ecological integrity of the acquired sites to optimize their investment. The results of this study reveal that the protected properties in the Northeast Florida Timberlands and Watershed Reserve greenway project have low overall ecological quality largely due to disturbance from previous silviculture activities. Study results3 aalso reveal the importance of fee simple acquisitions when public access is desired and in cases where structural improvements and appurtenances are needed to maintain connectivity. It was also found Payments for Ecosystem Services to be cost prohibitive for long term protection, yet can be desirable for short term applications, and mitigation banks were found to be the cheapest alternative when public access is not a concern, yet not all sites are suitable to serve as a mitigation bank. aCopyright Jarod Andrew Prentice. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aLandscape Architecture terminal project, M.L.A. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections.5FU aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00032893/00001yClick here for full text5FU01105nam a2200265Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000230008504300120010804900090012005000220012909900110015124500740016225000230023626000660025930000390032533600260036433700280039033800270041858803170044559900130076265000250077565100390080003586083320180301133550.0180301s2013 ho a 000 0 spa d aon1026413823 aFUGbengerdacFUG ancho--- aFUGG14aJL1538b.O27 2012 aJL153800aObservación electoral :belecciones primarias 2012 ; informe final. aPrimera edición. aTegucigalpa, Honduras :bConsorcio Hagamos Democracia,c2013. a82 pages :billustrations ;c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a35860833 0aElectionszHonduras. 0aHondurasxPolitics and government.01189nam a2200313 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000150006802000180008303500170010104000230011804200080014104900090014905000260015809900150018410000330019924500410023225000220027326400640029530000230035933600260038233700280040833800270043650000200046358803170048365000220080065500220082279600310084403589184920180313110649.0180313s1997 sp e 000 0 spa c a848306037X a9788483060377 aon1028555222 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG 4aTX723.5.S7bA748 1997 aTX723.5.S71 aArguiñano, Karloseauthor.10a1.069 recetas /cKarlos Arguiñano. aOctava edición. 1aMadrid :bAsegarce, S.A., :bEditorial Debate, S.A.,c1987. a723 pages ;c21 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aIncludes index. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCooking, Spanish. 7aCookbooks.2lcgft13aGodoy, Gustavoedonor.5FU02523cam a2200493Ii 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500170010204000280011904100080014704300120015504900090016705000150017609900100019124501210020126400790032230000580040133600260045933700260048533800360051150000200054753301890056753800700075658803170082665100440114360000340118765100350122160000600125661100620131661100470137865000550142565000320148065100360151264800200154865500390156865500190160770000400162670000430166674000410170977601900175085600890194003591522320190715203348.0m o c cr bn||||ma|mp180329s18uu cu o 001 0 spa d aon1029840873 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG0 aspa anwcu--- aFUGG 4aF1776b.M5 aF177600aMemoria y recoleccion de documentos para la historia de la ridicula invasion ;bArtículos políticos y literarios 1aHabana,b[publisher not identified],c[date of publication not identified] a1 online resource (1 preliminary leaf, 30, 265 pages) atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIncludes index. aElectronic reproduction.bGainesville, Fla. :cUniversity of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries,d2017.f(University of Florida Digital Collections)nMode of access: World Wide Web. aSystem requirements: Internet connectivity; Web browser software. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aCubaxHistoryyInsurrection, 1849-1851.10aLópez, Narciso,d1797-1851. 0aCubaxPolitics and government.17aLópez, Narciso,d1797-1851.2fast0(OCoLC)fst0014042027aInsurrection (Cuba : 1849-1851)2fast0(OCoLC)fst0135330727aGuerra de los Diez Años, 1868-18782qlsp 7aPolitics and government.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01919741 7aPolítica y gobierno2qlsp 7aCuba.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01205805 7a1849-18512fast 7aHistory.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411628 7aHistoria2qlsp1 aMorales, Alfredo Martín.,eauthor1 aTorrente, Mariano,d1792-1856eauthor.02aArtículos políticos y literarios08iPrint version:tMemoria y recoleccion de documentos para la historia de la ridicula invasion.dHabana, [publisher not identified], [date of publication not identified]w(OCoLC)96893572140uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00062521yUniversity of Florida Digital Collections, Full view01934ccm a2200445Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702800310006803500170009904000350011604900090015105000310016009900130019110000530020424000360025724500900029324600200038326400490040326400110045230000540046333600350051733700280055233800270058038200360060738400120064358803170065550000470097250000220101950000590104150000890110054600200118965000620120965500200127165500190129165500250131065500440133565500380137965500390141770000320145603595594920181219150759.0180531t19871976sz snae n b zxx d53aGM-250bedition kunzelmann aon1038189802 aFUGbengerdacFUGdOCLCFdFUG aFUGG 4aM252.H65bS66 D-major 1987 aM252.H651 aHoffmeister, Franz Anton,d1754-1812,ecomposer.10aDuets,mviolin, piano,rD major00aSonate in D-dur für Klarinette und Klavier /cF. A. Hoffmeister ; György Balassa.36aSonate in D-dur 1a[Switzerland] :bedition kunzelmann,c[1987] 4c©1976 a1 score (26 pages) and 1 part (12 pages) ;c32 cm anotated musicbntm2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier01aclarinetn1apianon1s22lcmpt0 aD major aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aPublication date from publisher's website. aTitle from cover. a"©1976 Edition Musica Budapest" at bottom of page [2] aFor clarinet and keyboard instrument; originally for violin and keyboard instrument. bStaff notation. 0aSonatas (Clarinet and piano), ArrangedvScores and parts. 7aSonatas.2lcgft 7aScores.2lcgft 7aParts (Music)2lcgft 7aParts (Music)2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692889 7aScores.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01692898 7aSonatas.2fast0(OCoLC)fst019203631 aBalassa, György,eeditor.02281nam a2200361 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500170010104000230011804200080014104900090014905000230015809900140018110000470019524500400024226401470028230000240042933600260045333700280047933800270050749000430053450002020057759900140077950000860079350002480087950503500112758803170147765000360179470000450183083000440187503617789220180627112803.0180627s2016 uy f000 1 spa c a9789974711716 a9974711711 aon1042086406 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG 4aPQ8519.I3bC4 2016 aPQ8519.I31 aIbarbourou, Juana de,d1895?-1979eauthor.10aChico Carlo /cJuana de Ibarbourou. 1aMontevideo :bMinisterio de Relaciones Exteriores :bConsejo de Educación Técnico Profesional, Universidad del Trabajo del Uruguay,c2016. a173 pages ;c20 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aSerie Edición homenaje ;vvolumen 62 a"Portado : D.G. Yanela Albornoz, sobre fotografía por el escritor Andrés Echevarría. "Ventana que se abre al patio en la casa de Juana de Ibarbourou en melo"."--title page verso, about cover. a036177892 aIncludes a foreword by Maestro Enrique R. Bianchi and a chronology of the author. aChico Carlo is a literary work that recounts the childhood of the Uruguayan writer Juana de Ibarbourou. It was originally published in 1944, composed of 17 stories, where the author recalls her childhood and the first years of her adolescence.0 aLas coronas.--La mancha de humedad.--La nodriza y el cielo.--La hermana y el monstruo.--Chico Carlo.--La estrella.--La fuente de los sapos.--tilo.--La reina.--El Padre Eterno.--Chico Carlo y su rifle.--abuela santa Ana.--Soldado de policia.--La nina, el principe y el cafe con leche.--La mujer de Barba Azul.--La guerra.--Duendes de Cerro Largo. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aChildren's literature, Spanish.1 aBianchi, Enrique R.ewriter of foreword. 0aSerie Edición homenaje ;vvolumen 62.01360cam a2200277Ki 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000280008504300120011304900090012505000220013409900110015611000100016724501710017724601750034826400440052330000240056733600260059133700280061733800270064559900140067258803170068665000390100365000400104203621709420180828122258.0180828s1974 pe 000 0 spa d aon1050112876 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG as-pe--- aFUGG 4aHJ1978b.A75 1974 aHJ19781 aPeru.10aLed del presupuesto bienal 1973-1974 :bFijan Escala Porcental correspondiente a los grados y subgrados que regirá durante el período 1973-1974, Decreto ley 1984814aLey del presupuesto bienal 1973-1974 :bdecreto ley no. 19864 ; clasificadores del ingreso y por objeto del gasto para el bienio 1973-1974, decreto supremo no. 188-72-EF. 1a[Lima] :b[Editorial Kollaw?],c[1974?] a[82] pages ;c17 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier a036217094 aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aBudgetxLaw and legislationzPeru. 0aCivil servicezPeruxSalaries, etc.04345nam a2200445Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000200016324501210018326000570030430000310036150000610039250000190045350200500047250400410052250600320056352015030059552008580209858800690295658803130302559000320333859000340337065301050340465500390350969000520354869000370360083000470363783000110368483000100369583000110370583000120371685200210372885601500374903622186920180622125227.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp170921s2017 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0050830_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aYon, Richard M.10aEmerging from the Shadowsh[electronic resource]bVice Presidential Influence in the Modern Era /cby Richard M Yon. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2017. a1 online resource (571 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2017. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThis study analyzes the vice presidency from a constitutional, behavioral, electoral and institutional perspective. It focuses on explaining variation in vice presidential influence over time with an assumption that all vice presidents in the modern era have the capacity to exercise influence. Although once derided as an insignificant office, the vice presidency in the last forty years has witnessed an increase in stature, prominence, and influence. While no two vice presidents are carbon copies, regardless of the level and capacity of their influence, one thing is certain - the vice president will become marginalized and influence will diminish. This study is the first of its kind to ascertain the true nature of vice presidential influence and the consequences of changing situational, institutional, interpersonal, and electoral dynamics on said influence. These four dynamics provide a framework by which to understand the fluidity of vice presidential influence. This study analyzes the vice presidencies of Nelson Rockefeller, Walter Mondale, George H.W. Bush, Dan Quayle, Al Gore, and Dick Cheney. These vice presidencies explain how influence waxes and wanes over the course of a term due to changing electoral, situational, interpersonal, and institutional dynamics. Particular emphasis was placed on Rockefeller and Cheney because Rockefeller's vice presidency ushered in the possibility for an influential vice presidency to exist, and is the start of the modern vice presidency3 aas I define it, and Cheney epitomizes the apex of vice presidential influence. In order to get at the heart of vice presidential influence archival research was conducted at the Ford, Carter, Reagan and George H.W. Bush presidential libraries. The papers of Walter Mondale and Nelson Rockefeller were examined at the Minnesota State Historical Society and the Rockefeller Archive Center, respectively. Additionally, extensive in-depth interviews were conducted with individuals from each presidential administration from President Ford through George W. Bush. The interviews clarified the information gathered from the archival research and assisted in framing the working relationship of the presidents and vice presidents and the changes in their influence. Over seventy interviews were conducted with vice presidents and senior White House officials. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: ROSENSON,BETH ANN. aCo-adviser: DODD,LARRY CLOYD. abidenabushacheneyagoreainfluenceamondaleaquaylearockefelleravicepresidencyavicepresidential 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxPolitical Science. aPolitical Science thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0050830/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2019-05-315FU03263nam a2200433Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000190016324501500018226000570033230000310038950000610042050000190048150200500050050400410055050600320059152013240062358800690194758803130201659000260232959000410235565300920239665500390248869000710252769000480259883000470264683000110269383000100270483000110271483000120272585200210273785600710275803622198520180622125424.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp170921s2017 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0050880_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aJohns, Paul M.10aMaterials Development for Nuclear Securityh[electronic resource]bBismuth Triiodide Room Temperature Semiconductor Detectors /cby Paul M Johns. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2017. a1 online resource (377 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2017. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aBiI3 has been investigated for its unique properties as a layered compound semiconductor for many decades. Among these are several qualities that make it an attractive candidate for a room temperature gamma ray sensor. However, despite the exceptional atomic, physical, and electronic properties of this material, good resolution gamma ray spectra had never been reported for BiI3. The shortcomings that have previously prevented BiI3 from reaching success as a gamma ray sensor are herein identified and suppressed to unlock the performance of this promising compound. Included in this work are studies on a number of methods which have, for the first time, enabled BiI3 to exhibit spectral performance rivaling many other candidate semiconductors for room temperature gamma ray sensors. New approaches to crystal growth are explored that allow BiI3 spectrometers to be fabricated with up to 2.2% spectral resolution at 662 keV. Fundamental studies on trap states, dopant incorporation, and polarization are performed to enhance performance of this compound. Additionally, advanced detection techniques are applied to showcase the capability of high quality BiI3 spectrometers. Overall, through this work, BiI3 is revealed as a potentially transformative material for nuclear security and radiation detection sciences. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: NINO,JUAN C. aCo-adviser: ENQVIST,PER ANDREAS JON. abii3abismuthadefectsagamma-rayartsdasemiconductorasensoraspectroscopyatriiodide 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxNuclear and Radiological Engineering. aNuclear Engineering Sciences thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0050880/00001yClick here for full text5FU04114nam a2200445Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000290016324501120019226000570030430000310036150000610039250000190045350200500047250400410052250600320056352014970059552007590209258800690285158803130292059000290323359000420326265300690330465500390337369000440341269000290345683000470348583000110353283000100354383000110355383000120356485200210357685600710359703622210020180622165537.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp170921s2017 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0050892_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aOrdoñez, Antonio Jose.10aPulsating Variable Stars in Local Group Dwarf Galaxiesh[electronic resource] /cby Antonio Jose Ordoñez. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2017. a1 online resource (239 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2017. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aWe perform a study of pulsating variable stars in Local Group dwarf galaxies in two veins. The first is an observational study of these stars in five of these galaxies using archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging. We characterized the RR Lyrae and Cepheid populations in these galaxies using template light curve fitting. The pulsation properties of these stars were used to inform the present and past conditions of each galaxy. The RR Lyrae stars were used to constrain the early evolutionary histories of these systems. The Cepheids were used to trace the recent star formation histories of these galaxies. We investigate the nature of the star formation that birthed these stars by examining their metallicity distribution functions and searching for spatial substructure. We also examine the aggregate properties of the RR Lyrae stars in the context of the Oosterhoff dichotomy and the accretionary history of the Milky Way (MW) halo. We find that these LG dwarfs are all Oosterhoff-intermediate systems that exhibit a dearth of high-amplitude short-period RRab stars. Comparing the properties of these stars, we conclude that such galaxies could not have contributed the majority of mass in the MW halo. The second portion of this work aims at characterizing combinations of different observing strategies and light curve analysis methods for obtaining accurate variable star properties. We simulated over 25,000 light curves using parameter distributions guided by observations.3 aObservations of these light curves were then simulated using different photometric error profiles and observing window functions. The period recovery curves were examined to compare combinations of observing methods and analysis techniques. We find that scaling light curves from different filter bandpasses together outperforms combining their individual periodograms for period determinations. Alternating observations between different filters proved to be most effective for deriving accurate periods. Template fitting was found to be most effective in accurately determining periods regardless of the observing strategy utilized. Of the other algorithms, Lomb-Scargle was found to be the most dependable across a broad range of observing conditions. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: SARAJEDINI,ATA. aCo-adviser: EIKENBERRY,STEPHEN SCOTT. acepheidadwarfagalaxyagroupalocalalyraeapulsatingarrastar 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxAstronomy. aAstronomy thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0050892/00001yClick here for full text5FU03459nam a2200433Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000280016324501770019126000570036830000310042550000610045650000190051750200500053650400410058650600320062752013860065958800690204558803130211459000350242759000350246265302070249765500390270469000570274369000420280083000470284283000110288983000100290083000110291083000120292185200210293385600710295403625143320180710132347.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp180227s2017 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0051018_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aLipnharski, Izabella L.10aMeasuring Organ Doses and Assessing Clinical Image Quality for the Purpose of Computed Tomography Protocol Optimizationh[electronic resource] /cby Izabella L. Lipnharski. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2017. a1 online resource (264 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2017. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThe rapid technological development of CT imaging has resulted in a continuing expansion of CT examinations. Due to the radiation dose delivered by CT, it is important to ensure that the required diagnostic information is achieved with minimum dose to the patient. Methods were created to systematically assess clinical image quality within our radiology department. Various CT examination protocols, including pediatric body, pediatric head, adults with metal implants, and lung cancer screening, were investigated for potential dose reduction using eleven cadavers scanned on a clinical 320-detector CT scanner. Dose reduction was achieved by increasing the image noise acceptance level, as well as utilizing tube current modulation, iterative reconstruction, and organ shields. Subjective image quality was assessed using a task-based approach, scoring various clinically-relevant quality criteria on a three-point-scale to identify low-dose studies with acceptable image quality. Organ doses were directly measured to quantify organ dose savings achieved from modern technologies. Results showed that exam indications investigated in this work had room for dose reduction while maintaining diagnostic image quality. Furthermore, it was clear that diagnostic image quality varies depending on the indication, and examination protocols should be optimized on an individual basis. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: ARREOLA,MANUEL MUNOZ. aCo-adviser: RILL,LYNN NEITZEY. acadaveraclinicalacomputedadiagnosticadosesadosimetryaimageaimagingaluminescentamedicalaopticallyaoptimizationaorganaphysicsapostmortemaprotocolaqualityaradiologyastimulatedatomography 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxBiomedical Engineering. aBiomedical Engineering thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0051018/00001yClick here for full text5FU04125nam a2200445Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000190016324501180018226000570030030000310035750000610038850000190044950200500046850400410051850600320055952015010059152006960209258800690278858803130285759000310317059000390320165300430324065500390328369000550332269000400337783000470341783000110346483000100347583000110348583000120349685200210350885601500352903625154920180715163659.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp180227s2017 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0051263_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aKim, Min Hyun.10aRegulation and Function of Zinc and Zinc Transporters during ER Stressh[electronic resource] /cby Min Hyun Kim. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2017. a1 online resource (111 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2017. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aExtensive endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress damages the liver causing apoptosis and steatosis, despite the activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR). Restriction of zinc from cells can induce ER stress, indicating zinc is essential to maintain normal ER function. Zinc transporter ZIP14 (SLC39A14) is abundantly expressed in liver. ZIP14 transports extracellular and organellar zinc into the cytosol of cells. We found ZIP14 expression was highly increased in mouse liver after administration with tunicamycin (TM), a potent ER stress inducer. However, the precise roles of zinc and/or ZIP14 in the UPR are unclear. This project has explored a role for ZIP14 during induced ER stress using Zip14-/- (KO) mice, which exhibit impaired hepatic zinc uptake. Major finding of the project is that ZIP14-mediated hepatic zinc uptake is critical for adaptation to ER stress by preventing sustained apoptosis and steatosis. Impaired hepatic zinc uptake in Zip14 KO mice during ER stress coincides with greater expression of pro-apoptotic proteins in the UPR pathway. In addition, ER stress-induced Zip14 KO mice show greater levels of hepatic steatosis due to higher expression of genes involved in de novo fatty acid synthesis, which are suppressed in ER stress-induced wild type (WT) mice. During ER stress, the UPR-activated transcription factors, activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) and activating transcription factor 6 alpha (ATF6 alpha), transcriptionally up-regulate Zip14 expression.3 aMechanistically, ZIP14 mediates zinc transport into hepatocytes to inhibit protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) activity, which acts to suppress apoptosis and steatosis associated with hepatic ER stress. Zip14 KO mice show greater hepatic PTP1B activity during ER stress. Furthermore, WT mice were fed different levels of zinc to examine the importance of dietary zinc intake on the adaptation to TM-induced ER stress. Mice fed zinc deficient diet exhibit increased hepatic apoptosis and steatosis during TM-challenge, which coincides with greater PTP1B activity. These results show the importance of zinc trafficking and functional ZIP14 transporter activity for adaptation to ER stress. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: COUSINS,ROBERT J. aCo-adviser: COLLINS,JAMES FORREST. aapoptosisasteatosisaUPRazincaZIP14 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxNutritional Sciences. aNutritional Sciences thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0051263/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2018-02-285FU04499nam a2200445Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000240016324501620018726000570034930000310040650000610043750000190049850200500051750400410056750600320060852015040064052009590214458800690310358803130317259000360348559000370352165300730355865500390363169000680367069000530373883000470379183000110383883000100384983000110385983000120387085200210388285601500390303625167320180710124615.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp180227s2017 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0051369_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aFreeman, Johanna E.10aBeyond Historical Referencesh[electronic resource]bManaging Longleaf Pine Savannas for Function and Resilience in the Anthropocene /cby Johanna E Freeman. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2017. a1 online resource (157 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2017. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThe widely accepted management paradigm for longleaf pine savannas relies heavily on the historical-fire-regime concept (HFRC), which holds that replicating the pattern of fires ignited by lightning or preindustrial humans best promotes native species in fire-prone regions. This dissertation comprises four studies aimed at assessing the validity of the HFRC and exploring other facets of plant community conservation in longleaf pine savannas. The first study is a review examining the assumptions underpinning the HFRC, which reveals that the practice of inferring historical fire regimes for entire regions or ecosystems entails substantial uncertainty and may lead to unintended deleterious effects. While the HFRC is a valuable starting point, researchers should also seek to understand contemporary fire-biota interactions across trophic levels, functional groups, spatial and temporal scales, and management contexts. In pursuit of this goal, three empirical studies of longleaf pine savanna functional group dynamics were conducted. In the first study, the functional group composition of 30 old growth longleaf pine savanna fragments was sampled, and functional group richness and beta diversity were analyzed. The results showed that functional group compositions differed significantly between sites, and most functional group assemblages exhibited strongly nested patterns. These findings together suggest low regional beta diversity and highly variable functional redundancy (a measure3 aof resilience) between sites. The second study is an analysis of five years of plant community assembly data collected on former pastures restored with native savanna seed. This study showed that functional groups on restored sites were populated more by ruderal than old growth species, and in some cases the ruderal species are likely to serve as functional analogs for old growth species. In the third study, native seed from different functional group combinations was introduced into experimental plots that received either irrigation or no irrigation, in order to test hypotheses regarding competitive exclusion, community assembly processes, and environmental filtering. The results showed that competitive exclusion occurred more strongly between rather than within functional groups, C4 grasses exhibited the strongest competitive exclusion against all other functional groups, and competitive interactions were influenced by water availability. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: BOHLMAN,STEPHANIE ANN. aCo-adviser: KOBZIAR,LEDA NIKOLA. afireafunctionalagroupalongleafapinearegimearesilienceasavanna 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxForest Resources and Conservation. aForest Resources and Conservation thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0051369/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2018-08-315FU04863nam a2200445Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000150016324502080017826000570038630000300044350000610047350000190053450200480055350400410060150600320064252015030067452013960217758800690357358803130364259000360395559000380399165300470402965500390407669000680411569000510418383000470423483000110428183000100429283000110430283000120431385200210432585600710434603625179120180723163655.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp180227s2017 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0051589_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aGuo, Yuxi.10aSpectral Detection of an Invasive Grass Species (Cogongrass: Imperata cylindrica) and Its Effect on Herbaceous Vegetation Characteristics in an Experimental Settingh[electronic resource] /cby Yuxi Guo. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2017. a1 online resource (60 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2017. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aCogongrass is a detrimental invasive species in the Southeastern US. It invades longleaf pine ecosystems, an endangered ecosystem of conservation interest because of its high understory plant diversity. Cogongrass invasion in the southeastern US may alter flammability of longleaf pine systems by changing water status and producing large amount of senescent biomass after die back. Cogongrass cover and its impacts on vegetation properties are difficult to quantify on landscape scales using traditional field methods. Hyperspectral remote sensing offers the possibility of quantifying cogongrass and its impacts using airborne and satellite images. I used experimental cogongrass invasion plots to test whether hyperspectral data can quantify cogongrass cover and its impact on dead plant coverage and water content on a local scale as a step to measuring cogongrass and its impacts from airborne and satellite data. I applied partial least squares regression (PLSR) to data from a common garden experiment at the University of Florida at Bivens Arm to predict and monitor cogongrass coverage, dead plant coverage, live to dead biomass ratio, and canopy equivalent water thickness (EWT). In this experiment, 40 3 x 3 m plots have one of four treatments: (1) rainfall exclosure /cogongrass introduced; (2) no rainfall exclosure /cogongrass introduced; (3) rainfall exclosure /no cogongrass; (4) no rainfall exclosure /no cogongrass. Cogongrass coverage varied significantly between the wet and dry3 aseasons. Vegetation canopy characteristics varied across the seasons and showed different pattern between cogongrass-invaded and uninvaded (native) subplots. Dead plant coverage was high in the native subplots and low in the invaded subplots in dry season, but showed opposite pattern in wet season. Whereas, canopy EWT was high in the invaded subplots and low in the native subplots in dry season, but showed opposite pattern in wet season. PLSR models could not provide good predictions because of the interference under rain-out shelters, thus the data from drought treatment were excluded from the analyses. With data trained from both the wet and dry seasons, PLSR models were successful in predicting cogongrass coverage (R_adj 2 (P) = 0.69), dead plant material coverage (R_adj 2 (P) = 0.57), and canopy EWT (R_adj 2 (P) = 0.33). Models trained with data from one season were generally not able to predict vegetation characteristics in another season. The results demonstrate that cogongrass coverage and its impact on vegetation characteristics varies seasonally, therefore tracking the seasonality of its canopy traits requires statistical models calibrated with data sampled over the whole year. The results of this research provide the potential to scale up the measurements to detecting cogongrass and its effects on a landscape scale by relating to remote imaging spectrometers. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: BOHLMAN,STEPHANIE ANN. aCo-adviser: CROPPER,WENDELL P,JR. acogongrassadetectionahyperspectralaPLSR 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxForest Resources and Conservation. aForest Resources and Conservation thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFIRG. 0aUFIR. 0aUFETD. 0aIUFRGP. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0051589/00001yClick here for full text5FU03226nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000200016324501380018326000570032130000310037850000610040950000190047050200500048950400410053950600320058052013880061258800690200058803130206959000340238259000440241665300550246065500390251569000760255469000480263083000470267883000110272585200210273685600710275703625428520180724162423.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp180628s2017 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0051435_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aChoe, Yeongbae.10aModeling Factors Distinguishing Market Structureh[electronic resource]bImplications for Destination Management /cby Yeongbae Choe. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2017. a1 online resource (148 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2017. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aDestination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) face enormous challenges due to the rapid and continuing evolution of technology, their inability to adapt, their lack of control over the marketplace, and the most importantly huge data being generated. Thus, DMOs need to develop the capacity to implement a rich variety of data about visitors and local residents in order to develop new marketing and management strategies. This study examines the relationships between online website behaviors and their subsequent travel behaviors. Overall, the results confirm that information derived from clickstream data and its spatial and temporal heterogeneity increase the prediction accuracy of the hypothesized model. Specifically, search interests, devices used, referred site, and website usage from the online clickstream data and income, age, and type of information searched from the pop-up survey were statistically significant predictors for the market structure. The results of this study provide the foundations for an advanced destination management and marketing based on the concepts of micro-marketing and business intelligence. This model supports the notion that micro marketing provides more personalized tourism experiences, which in turn, increases the competitiveness of the destination. As such, the results can help DMOs to improve their potential marketing opportunities. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: FESENMAIER,DANIEL R. aCo-adviser: KIRILENKO,ANDREI PETROVICH. aclickstreamadestinationaDMOsamarketingawebsite 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxTourism, Recreation, and Sport Management. aHealth and Human Performance thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0051435/00001yClick here for full text5FU03452nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000170016324501480018026000570032830000310038550000610041650000190047750200510049650400410054750600320058852014920062052001260211258800690223858803130230759000360262059000370265665300490269365500390274269000620278169000490284383000470289283000110293985200210295085600710297103625440220180724220511.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp180628s2017 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0051904_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aNagal, Yash.10aEvaluating Smart Mobility and Land Use Development in Indiah[electronic resource]bA Case Study on the City of Indore, India /cby Yash Nagal. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2017. a1 online resource (113 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.U.R.P)--University of Florida, 2017. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aIt is well recognized that the urban population in the world is growing rapidly and so are the issues in urban areas due to sprawl. Sustainable strategies are required alleviate these problems and sustain the rapidly growing economy. In modern times, smart planning, where city planning is done by integrating information and communication technologies and by largely using big data has emerged as one such strategies. This study focuses on evaluating smart transportation and land use in India and how they change the quality of life in cities both financially and environmentally. The research looks at conducting a case study on Indore, India and evaluating their current smart city program which is called Smart City Indore. India is estimated to have an urban population of 40% by 2030 and 50% by 2050 which calls for evaluation of smart city programs considering the large potential requirement of them in the future. Due to demand for these programs, it is important that these programs work efficiently and make full use of the funds allocated, especially in the case of India where funds always fall short (Jawaid & Khan, 2015). By looking at best practices, recommendations would be made to the current program. With the amount of money being spent on smart city projects in India and growing need for new developments, evaluation of programs becomes more important. After analysis, the research would make recommendations for improvement in the ongoing program with respect to3 ainfrastructural changes for development and land use allocations by presenting ideas for mixed use and walk-able options. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: STEINER,RUTH LORRAINE. aCo-adviser: ALAKSHENDRA,ABHINAV. aGISaIndiaaIndoreasuitabilityawalkability 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxUrban and Regional Planning. aUrban and Regional Planning thesis, M.U.R.P. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0051904/00001yClick here for full text5FU04179nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000240016324501500018726000570033730000310039450000610042550000190048650200500050550400410055550600320059652015030062852007850213158800690291658803130298559000330329859000370333165300520336865500390342069000540345969000270351383000470354083000110358785200210359885601500361903625451620180711090709.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp180628s2017 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0051769_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aVyverberg, Karen L.10aReconstructing the Temporal Evolution of Sea Level in the Seychelles during the Last Interglacialh[electronic resource] /cby Karen L Vyverberg. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2017. a1 online resource (164 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2017. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aWell-preserved fossil coral reefs are a widely utilized paleoclimate archive with particular suitability for reconstructing changes in sea level through time to provide valuable information about the response of the large polar ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica to small perturbations in the climate system. This approach relies on identifying well-preserved material by making accurate mineralogical assessments of coral material prior to geochemical analysis. Here I present a set of quantitative XRD calibrations of marine biogenic carbonates. I compare the accuracy and precision of two regression techniques for low-concentration standard mixtures, and extend this comparison to two other published calibration studies. This analytical method is then applied to fossil coral samples as part of a multi-proxy last interglacial (LIG) sea-level reconstruction using fossil coral reefs from the Seychelles. Detailed stratigraphic, taxonomic, and sedimentary profiles of emergent reefs show that LIG reef growth in the Seychelles was discontinuous and punctuated by at least two pauses, one of which was likely an ephemeral drop in local sea level. Additionally, I present 86 new coral ages around these reef growth hiatuses to determine the timing of the interruptions in order to test the hypothesis that the LIG highstand contained sub-orbital sea-level oscillations, and to determine the rate and timing of sea level changes. LIG global mean sea level reached 6.0 m +/- 1.5 m above present3 aby 128.7 +/- 0.5 ka (thousand years ago) and peaked at 7.3 +/- 1.5 m at 122.8 +/- 0.5 ka with an overall rise of 0.29 +/- 0.03 m/kyr (thousand years) during which at least one reef growth hiatus may be contemporaneous with a previously hypothesized ephemeral drop in global sea level. Global mean sea level peaked in concert with peak interglacial climate conditions in Greenland and the North Atlantic. Furthermore, this record supports the hypothesis that the Antarctic Ice Sheet contributed significantly to global mean sea level early in the LIG period, with subsequent contribution from the Greenland Ice sheet, and that discontinuous reef growth in Seychelles may be indicative of sub-orbital oscillations in global mean sea level driven by dynamic polar ice sheet behavior. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: DUTTON,ANDREA LYNN. aCo-adviser: MARTIN,ELLEN ECKELS. acarbonatesalast-interglacialareefsasea-level 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxGeological Sciences. aGeology thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0051769/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2019-12-315FU01620nem a2200349Ki 450000100100000000500170001000700090002700800410003603400460007703500170012304000230014004300120016304900090017505000230018405200130020705200090022024500600022925500210028926400500031030001050036033600400046533700280050533800260053350501320055950000170069150000800070850000600078858803170084865100420116565100380120765500250124503628279820180726104618.0aj canzn180726s2006 mx a 1 spa d0 aadW0881200eW0881200fN0204100gN0204100 aon1046076279 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-mx--- aFUGG 4aG4414.V2 2006b.V2 a4414bV2 a475000aValladolid, ciudad colonial :bZací, mapa turístico aScale not given. 1a[Valladolid, Mexico] :b[the city?],c[2006?] a2 maps on 1 sheet :bboth sides ;c20 x 30 cm and 10 x 20 cm, sheet 20 x 30 cm, folded to 20 x 10 cm acartographic imagebcri2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia asheetbnb2rdacarrier0 aCiudad de Valladolid : centro de interés turístico -- Peninsula de Yucatán : puntos importantes de interés turístico. aPanel title. aIncludes indexes of points of interests with tourist and hotel information. aDate determined by cataloger from receipt stamp on map. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aValladolid (Yucatán, Mexico)vMaps. 0aYucatán (Mexico : State)vMaps. 7aTourist maps.2lcgft01411nam a2200313Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000230008504300120010804900090012005000130012909900130014210000600015524500740021526001320028930000220042133600260044333700280046933800270049749000280052450000190055258803170057165000470088865000510093570000330098671000450101983000330106403633454820180816123915.0180816s1967 lau s000 0 eng d aon1048612938 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us-la aFUGG 4aS533.F66 aS533.F661 aKoch, Kenneth A.q(Kenneth Arthur),d1918-2006eauthor.10aNow that you are Reporter /c[Kenneth A. Koch and Douglas W. Darden]. a[Baton Rouge, La.] :bLouisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Cooperative Extension Service,c1967. a4 pages ;c23 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier1 aCoop. Ext. Pub. ;v1488 aCaption title. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0a4-H clubszLouisianavOfficers' handbooks. 0a4-H clubszLouisianavHandbooks, manuals, etc.1 aDarden, Douglas W.,eauthor.2 aLouisiana Cooperative Extension Service. 0aCoop. ext. pub. ;vno. 1488.03437nam a2200409 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000180006802000150008603500170010104000230011804200080014104900090014909900220015810000290018024501100020925000230031926400620034226400110040430000530041533600260046833700280049433800270052250000170054950400730056650504340063952013360107358803170240959900130272665000320273965100330277165000270280470000390283170000520287070000470292271000580296903639504820180928095436.0180928t20182018uy ad b 000 0 spa c a9789974716636 a9974716632 aon1054907602 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc aFUGG aF2729b.C655 20181 aCollazo, Isabeleauthor.14aLos Niños del reencuentro /cIsabel Collazo, María de los Ángeles Fein, Rossana Passeggi, Ana Sosa. aSegunda edición. 1aMontevideo, Uruguay :bMuseo de la Memoria (MUME),c2018. 4c©2018 a230 pages :billustrations, charts ;c20 x 23 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aCover title. aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 210-222) and photo index.0 aEspaña en democracia -- El exilio -- El desexilio -- En Uruguay -- 'Porque vinimos..." -- El encuentro en Madrid -- La llegada a Montevideo -- Los días en Uruguay -- Yéndose -- Provocaciones, seguimientos, deteciones y amenazas ... aún había dictadura -- Uruguay y después -- El viaje tres décadas después -- Algunos datos cuantitativos del 'viaje de los niños' -- Sensaciones llegadas de lejos -- Conclusiones. a""Este libro es una contribución muy importante para la construcción de la memoria y la historia de este viaje, donde se sintetiza una parte de la lucha contra la dictadura, Las autoras investigan exhaustivamente las características de la dictadura uruguaya, el contexto donde se organiza el viaje, y la situación de Uruguay en 1983. Desgranan la inmensa organización que fue necesaria para concretar la Ilegada a Uruguay de los 154 niños, niñas y adolescentes, y su posterior retorno a los paises de residencia, Nos hablan de los organismos que se crearon, de las personas que participaron, y de los apoyos que se lograron. Y nos traen la voz de aquellos que fueron los niñs y niñas del viaje, a través de sus testimonio. Esta investigación se suma a otras que comienzan a hablarnos de cómo fue el exilio de los uruguayos y uruguayas cuando la dictadura, y de las acciones que emprendieron. El relato nos habla de la construcción de una inmensa red solidaria de personas e instituciones que posibilita Ilevar a cabo esta acción politica que significó el viaje de los niños, para la que la dictadura no tuvo respuesta, y apenas balbuceó una prohibición de que las niñias no podían vestir faldas cortas, ni prendas rojas."- Elbio Ferrario, Director del Museo de la Memoria."--Page 4 of cover. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a36395048 0aCollective memoryzUruguay. 0aUruguayxHistoryy1973-1985. 0aDictatorshipzUruguay.1 aPasseggi, Rossana,d1982-eauthor.1 aFein, María de los Ángeles,d1953-eauthor.1 aSosa Aldacor, Ana María,d1966-eauthor.2 aMuseo de la Memoria (Montevideo, Uruguay)epublisher.01752ccm a2200397Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000400008504900090012505000240013409900140015810000680017224000300024024501040027026400510037430000310042533600350045633700280049133800270051938200340054650000190058054600200059958803170061965000340093665000350097065100360100565500320104165500190107365500270109265500510111965500460117065500380121670000600125471000400131403642777120181219171223.0181005s1899 cu sgu n b spa d aon1055767791 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUGdOCLCFdFUG aFUGG 4aM1681.C92bL69 1899 aM1681.C921 aLoynaz del Castillo, Enrique,d1871-1963,ecomposer,elyricist.10aHimno invasor;oarranged.10aHimno invasor /cpor General Enrique Loinaz del Castillo, escrito para piano por J. Marín Varona. 1aHabana, Cuba :bAnselmo López y Cia.,c1899. a1 score (8 pages) ;c32 cm anotated musicbntm2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier apianon1asingern1s22lcmpt aCaption title. bStaff notation. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aMilitary musiczCubavScores. 0aPatriotic musiczCubavScores. 7aCuba.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01205805 7aArrangements (Music)2lcgft 7aScores.2lcgft 7aMilitary music.2lcgft 7aArrangements (Music)2fast0(OCoLC)fst01920435 7aMilitary music.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01920236 7aScores.2fast0(OCoLC)fst016928981 aMarín Varona, José,d1859-1912,earranger of music.2 aAnselmo López y Cia.,epublisher.04295nem a2200757Ii 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700090004600800410005503400550009603400550015103500170020604000230022304300210024604900090026705000200027605200090029605200090030509900100031411000440032424500720036824600690044024600090050924600160051825501420053425501400067626400450081630001240086133600400098533700260102533800360105150000230108750000600111050000970117050000960126750001020136350001380146550001040160350000840170750001640179150000950195553000260205053301890207653800700226558803170233565000270265265000290267965100160270865100290272465100230275365000430277665000410281965100360286065100580289665100430295465000250299765100190302265300240304165300320306565500170309765500360311465500160315077601450316678701370331185600890344803649931020190712122144.0m o c aj cazzn181101s1919 iludk a o 1 eng d1 aab1805760dW0844000eW0740000fN0250000gN01900001 aab6336000dW0860000eW0600000fN0260000gN0100000 aon1060585100 aFUGbengerdacFUG anwcu---anw----- aFUGG 4aG4920 1919b.R3 a4920 a4900 aG49202 aRand McNally and Companyeissuing body.14aRand McNally new library atlas map of Cuba /cby Rand McNally & Co.1 iMap on verso:aRand McNally new library atlas map of West Indies30aCuba30aWest Indies aScale approximately 1:1,805,760 ; 28 1/2 statute miles = 1 inch ; 46 kilometers = 1 inchc(W 84°40ʹ--W 74°00ʹ/N 25°00ʹ--N 19°00ʹ) aScale approximately 1:6,336,000 ; 100 statute miles = 1 inch ; 160 kilometers = 1 inchc(W 86°00ʹ--W 60°00ʹ/N 26°00ʹ--N 10°00ʹ) 1a[Chicago] :bRand McNally & Co.,c[1919] a1 online resource (2 maps on 1 sheet (both sides)) :bcolor ;c41.4 x 63.3 cm and 31.5 x 48.2 cm, on sheet 52.2 x 70 cm acartographic imagebcri2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aColor lithographs. aRelief shown by hachures. Depths indicated by isolines. aIndex with 1907 population statistics of Cuba and map of West Indies with 3 insets on verso. aMaps show cities, towns, railroads, electric lines, provinces, mountain ranges, and rivers. aIncludes indexed list of Cuba railroads in red, two scale bars, explanation key and 5 inset maps. aInset maps: Port Matanzas -- Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays -- Map of Havana Harbor -- Port of Cienfuegos -- Port of Santiago de Cuba. aInset maps, verso: Jamaica -- Porto Rico -- [Map of Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, Santa Lucia]. aRand McNally date codes at bottom of maps: "256D"-- Cuba ; "202A"--West Indies. aPage numbers at top margins: Verso with Cuba index and West Indies map (396, 393) -- Cuba map (394-395) along with running title "Commercial atlas of America". aAtlas sheet detached from: Rand McNally's Commercial atlas of America, 50th edition, 1919. aPrint version record. aElectronic reproduction.bGainesville, Fla. :cUniversity of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries,d2017.f(University of Florida Digital Collections)nMode of access: World Wide Web. aSystem requirements: Internet connectivity; Web browser software. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aRailroadszCubavMaps. 0aPort citieszCubavMaps. 0aCubavMaps. 0aHavana Bay (Cuba)vMaps. 0aWest IndiesvMaps. 7aPort cities.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01746576 7aRailroads.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01088711 7aCuba.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01205805 7aGulf of MexicozHavana Bay.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01262080 7aWest Indies.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01243265 7aFerrocarriles2bidex 7aAntillas2qlsp 0aCiudades portuarias 5aBahía de la Habana (Cuba) 7aMaps.2lcgft 7aMaps.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423704 7aMapas2qlsp08iPrint version:aRand McNally and Company.tMcNally new library atlas map of Cuba.d[Chicago] : Rand McNally & Co., [1919]w(OCoLC)103555685708iContained in (work):aRand McNally and Company.tCommercial atlas of America.dChicago : Rand McNally & Co., 1919.w(OCoLC)78567548840uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00064563yUniversity of Florida Digital Collections, Full view03431nam a2200673Ii 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500170010204000230011904300120014204900090015405000230016309900130018610000260019924500570022526400700028226400110035230000810036333600260044433700260047033800360049650000210053253000290055350001840058250400410076650501500080753301890095753800700114658803170121665000310153365000320156465000470159665000480164365000480169165000310173965000320177065000390180265000540184165000380189565000380193365000550197165000550202665000390208165100360212065000190215665000350217565000210221065000180223165000490224965000360229865000220233465500510235665500320240771000560243977601730249585600890266803656041420190712121738.0m o c cr cn||||ma|mp181211t20022002flua obc 000 0 eng d aon1078691519 aFUGbengerdacFUG anwcu--- aFUGG 4aQH109.C9bC84 2002 aQH109.C91 aCueto, Emilio,d1944-10aIllustrating Cuba's flora and fauna /cEmilio Cueto. 1aMiami, Florida. :bHistorical Museum of Southern Florida,c[2002] 4c©2002 a1 online resource (112 pages :billustrations (chiefly color)) ;c22 x 28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aIncludes CD-ROM. aAccompanied by 1 CD-ROM. a"This catalog accompanies the exhibition 'Illustrating Cuba's Flora and Fauna' at the Historical Museum of Southern Florida, September 6, 2002-January 19, 2003"--Title page verso. aIncludes bibliographical references.0 aThe plants and animals of Cuba -- Illustrating cuban flora and fauna -- Cuban plants and animals in wider contexts : science subordinated to art. aElectronic reproduction.bGainesville, Fla. :cUniversity of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries,d2017.f(University of Florida Digital Collections)nMode of access: World Wide Web. aSystem requirements: Internet connectivity; Web browser software. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aBotanyzCubavExhibitions. 0aZoologyzCubavExhibitions. 0aBotanical illustrationzCubavExhibitions. 0aZoological illustrationzCubavExhibitions. 0aScientific illustrationzCubavExhibitions. 0aPlantszCubavExhibitions. 0aAnimalszCubavExhibitions. 7aAnimals.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00809468 7aBotanical illustration.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00836840 7aBotany.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00836869 7aPlants.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01065823 7aScientific illustration.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01108854 7aZoological illustration.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01184682 7aZoology.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01184696 7aCuba.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01205805 7aAnimales2qlsp 7aIlustración botánica2abne 7aBotánica2qlsp 7aPlantas2qlsp 7aIlustración de libros científicos2bidex 7aIlustración zoológica2abne 7aZoología2bidex 7aExhibition catalogs.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01424028 4acatálogos de exposición2 aHistorical Museum of Southern Florida (Miami, Fla.)08iPrint version:aCueto, Emilio, 1944-tIllustrating Cuba's flora and fauna.dMiami, Florida. : Historical Museum of Southern Florida, [2002]z093576111Xw(OCoLC)5124506840uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00065011yUniversity of Florida Digital Collections, Full view04975nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000220016324501400018526000570032530000310038250000610041350000190047450200500049350400410054350600320058452015040061652014760212058800690359658803130366559000340397859000420401265300880405465500390414269000830418169000440426483000470430883000110435585200210436685601780438703656628920181221162324.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp181015s2018 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0051972_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aJones, Jessica N.10aSightword Palh[electronic resource]bAn Intelligent Sight Word Tutor for African-American Second Grade Students /cby Jessica N Jones. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2018. a1 online resource (174 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 2018. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aResearch has shown that early intervention can help change a student's trajectory, helping them become more successful in school and decreasing the likelihood that they will leave school before receiving their high school diploma. Because African-American students fare worse than their peers on early reading assessments, they are the focus of this research. While there has been much research on reading interventions, and a smaller subset of research on technological reading interventions, there has been little to no research that combines technology and culture to create reading interventions for African-American students. This research explores the design, implementation and evaluation of a culturally relevant reading tutor called SightWord Pal that focuses on sight word recognition in order to improve student word recognition accuracy and speed, key components of fluent oral reading and overall reading proficiency. Investigations into the system's usability suggest that students are able to use the system to complete activity related tasks although results from a modified version of the System Usability Scale suggests that they did not find the system usable. These results suggest that the System Usability Scale may not be an appropriate assessment tool for this particular demographic. An evaluation of SightWord Pal's impact on word recognition accuracy, word recognition speed, reader self-perception, and reading opinions showed significant improvement in words recognition3 aaccuracy for students who used the system but statistically insignificant differences when compared to students who did and did not use the system. Those who used the system \textit{believed} they were learning, learned on average five more words than their peers, enjoyed using the system, and wished to continue using the system for practicing sight words. While this study was being conducted, 11,524 recordings of African-American children's speech were captured and stored. This collection of audio represents the first corpus of African-American children's speech and has been given the name UF CoPAACS (University of Florida Corpus of Prompted African-American Children's Speech). The UF CoPAACS contains audio of students saying words, letters, answering questions and providing synopses of stories that they heard being read. This corpus can be used by researchers to train automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems for children's speech, evaluate existing ASR systems, or study the speech characteristics of African-American children who are in the second grade. The contributions of this research include the SightWord Pal system, UF CoPAACS, findings questioning the appropriateness of the System Usability Scale for young African-American children, and guidelines and suggestions for the design of new learning systems, integration of technology into classrooms, and studies of learning technologies based on feedback from the participants of this research. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: GILBERT,JUAN EUGENE. aCo-adviser: GARDNER-MCCUNE,CHRISTINA. aed techaEdTechaeducationalaeducational technologyalearningareadingatechnology 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxComputer and Information Science and Engineering. aHuman-Centered Computing thesis, Ph. D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0051972/00001yUniversity of Florida Digital Collections, Full viewzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2020-05-315FU03755nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000220016324502150018526000570040030000290045750000610048650000190054750200500056650400410061650600320065752015050068952002060219458800690240058803130246959000330278259000410281565301080285665500390296469000500300369000350305383000470308883000110313585200210314685601780316703656639620181219204450.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp181015s2018 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0052290_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aSanchez, Maria F.10aFostering Social Interaction and Community among Millennials in Blended Learning Commonsh[electronic resource]bA Case Study Comparison between College-Specific and Open Learning Commons /cby Maria F Sanchez. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2018. a1 online resource (1 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.I.D.)--University of Florida, 2018. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aMillennials are the most educated generation in US history and expect learning environments that support their cognitive and interpersonal needs. Research shows that social interaction and sense of community are crucial considerations in creating successful academic experiences for millennials. While considerable research exists on how the built environment affects social interaction within the classroom boundaries, less research occurs within learning commons - where students today do much of their studying. Blended learning commons are communal spaces on campus that merge the functions of student unions and libraries accommodating both individual and group learning. These commons may be characterized as being either "open" to all students regardless of their major, or "college-specific" and open only to students within a particular college department at a university. College-specific commons are less prevalent on university campuses but may be more likely to foster meaningful social interactions and strengthen students' sense of community when compared with open commons. To examine this question, two learning commons at the University of Florida (UF) were compared: one open and one college-specific. The research utilized a mixed-methods approach that included on-site behavior mapping, student focus groups, and student surveys to evaluate millennials' preferences, perceptions, and behaviors within these two types of learning commons. The findings demonstrate that millennials3 aprefer to have both types of learning commons on campus; however, the college-specific learning commons fostered a significant heightened sense of social community between students in the same college. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: BOSCH,SHEILA JONES. aCo-adviser: CARMEL-GILFILEN,CANDY N. ablendedacommonsacommunityadesignainterioralearningamillennialsasocializingastudentsauniversity 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxInterior Design. aInterior Design thesis, M.I.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0052290/00001yUniversity of Florida Digital Collections, Full viewzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2020-05-315FU03180nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000230016324501450018626000570033130000310038850000610041950000190048050200510049950400410055050600320059152012960062358800690191958803130198859000270230159000390232865300870236765500390245469000620249369000490255583000470260483000110265185200210266285600990268303656651320181220140259.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp181015s2018 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0052262_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aReagan, Allison J.10aMeasuring Walkability in Gainesville's Urban Areash[electronic resource] :bA Case Study of Millhopper and Downtown /cby Allison J Reagan. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2018. a1 online resource (163 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.U.R.P)--University of Florida, 2018. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThe popularity of the personal automobile has caused a general decrease in physical activity and a movement away from the human scale in our urban environments. This research explores the relationship between the physical characteristics of the built environment and the walkability of two urban areas in Gainesville, Florida. The research uses a multi-method approach using a GIS-based walkability index and an intercept survey of walkers to validate the quantitative results. The Downtown study area was found to be the most walkable of the two locations with no single variable contributing the most to the final index score due to the multicollinearity among the indicators. Overall, the street network played a vital role in influencing how people and different land uses interact with one another. The street network is a common factor among all indicators in how it is designed, the patterns in which it travels, and how oriented they are towards creating accessible, pedestrian-friendly environments. Lastly, there were some major differences in the demographic makeup of the two survey populations, however, all respondents shared a desire for more functional destinations within a closer proximity and infrastructure based improvements such as sidewalks, streetlights, and shading. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: BEJLERI,ILIR. aCo-adviser: STEINER,RUTH LORRAINE. abuiltabuilt environmentaconnectivityaenvironmentagisapedestriansawalkability 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxUrban and Regional Planning. aUrban and Regional Planning thesis, M.U.R.P. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0052262/00001yUniversity of Florida Digital Collections, Full view5FU02023nam a2200361 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000230008504200080010804300120011604900090012808600270013711000760016424502240024026400780046430000270054233600260056933700280059533800270062358803170065050000190096750000140098661000580100065000380105861000510109665000520114765000490119965000380124865500330128671000660131977602760138503656866020190103132231.0190103s1945 dcu f000 0 eng c aon1080641989 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc an-us--- aFUGG0 aY 4.N 22/1 a:945-46/461 aUnited States.bCongress.bHouse.bCommittee on Naval Affairs,eauthor.10aRelating to pay and allowances of officers of the retired list of the Regular Navy and Coast Guard performing active duty in the rank of Rear Admiral (H.R. 2790), Mr. Vinson :bNavy Department, Washington, May 12, 1945. 1a[Washington, D.C.] :b[United States Government Printing Office],c[1945] apages 577-578 ;c24 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aCaption title. a"No. 46."10aUnited States.bCoast GuardxOfficersxSalaries, etc. 0aMilitary pensionszUnited States.10aUnited States.bNavyxOfficersxSalaries, etc. 7aCoastal surveillance.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00865754 7aMilitary pensions.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01021361 7aNavies.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01035077 7aLegislative hearings.2lcgft1 aUnited States.bCongressn(79th, 1st session :d1945).bHouse08iMicrofiche version:aUnited States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs.tRelating to Pay and Allowances of Officers of the Retired List of the Regular Navy and Coast Guard Performing Active Duty in the Rank of Rear Admiral (H.R. 2790). Mr. Vinson.o79 H1170-0.4501883cas a2200457 i 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006101000150010203500170011704000320013404200080016604300120017404900090018609200190019513000400021424500180025426400370027230000260030931000100033533600260034533700260037133800360039736200360043350000850046950000300055458800610058458801140064558803170075965100310107665100220110765100360112965100440116565100270120965500420123665500230127870000390130175200180134077600670135803658142420190115103623.0m o d cr cn|||||||||190114d194119uucu dr neo 0 0spa a2018226852 aon1082145192 aFUGbengerdaepncFUGdFUG apcc anwcu--- aFUGG aAN101.H33bP740 aPrensa libre (Havana, Cuba: Online)10aPrensa libre. 1aHabana :bSergio Carbó,c1941- a1 electronic resource aDaily atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier1 aBegan with Apr. 13, 1941 issue. a"Miembro del Bloque Cubano de Prensa y de la Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa". aDirector: Sergio Carbó. aDescription based on: Año 1, no. 2 (abril 14 de 1941). aLatest issue consulted: Año 20, núm. 3,442 (2 de Marzo de 1960), viewed from PDF image, January 14, 2019. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aHavana (Cuba)vNewspapers. 0aCubavNewspapers. 7aCuba.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01205805 7aCubazHavana.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01205198 7aLa Habana (Cuba)2qlsp 7aNewspapers.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423814 7aPeriódicos2abne1 aCarbó y Morera, Sergio,eeditor. aCubadHabana.08tPrensa libre (Havana, Cuba)w(DLC)sn 89048442w(OCoLC)2082138001584cas a2200349Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000280008504300210011304900090013405000180014309900130016124500220017426400420019630000580023833600260029633700280032233800270035050000610037750000560043853800700049458803170056465000310088165100250091265000360093765100380097365100380101165500430104977600530109285600890114503666796520190204103418.0190201u19uuuuuumx wr p o 0 b0spa d aon1083764127 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG an-mx---aa-is--- aFUGG 4aF1392.J4bP74 aF1392.J400aPrensa israelita. 1aMéxico,b[publisher not identified] a1 online resource (volumes) :billustrations ;c47 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier a"Periódico independiente al servicio de la comunidad." a"El periódico para la comunidad judia de mexico." aSystem requirements: Internet connectivity; Web browser software. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aJewszMexicovPeriodicals. 0aIsraelvPeriodicals. 7aJews.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00983135 7aIsrael.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01204236 7aMexico.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01211700 7aPeriodicals.2fast0(OCoLC)fst0141164108iPrint version:tPrensa israelitaw(OCoLC)563669140uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00065527yUniversity of Florida Digital Collections, Full view04423nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000260016324502450018926000570043430000310049150000610052250000190058350200490060250400410065150600320069252014980072452009760222258800690319858803130326759000350358059000300361565300160364565500390366169000490370069000350374983000470378483000110383185200210384285601500386303669261320190208165250.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp190124s2018 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0052482_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aSerfecz, Jacquelyn C.10aThe Impact of Eukaryotic DExD/H Box Helicases on Kaposis Sarcoma Associated Herpesvirus and Regulation of Human Peripheral Myelin Protein 22 by Mir29a in Charcot- Marie-Tooth Disease Type 1Ah[electronic resource] /cby Jacquelyn C Serfecz. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2018. a1 online resource (109 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2018. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aKaposis Sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is an oncogenic gammaherpesvirus that is the causative agent of primary effusion lymphoma and Kaposis Sarcoma. In healthy carriers KSHV remains latent, but a compromised immune system can lead to lytic viral replication that increases the probability of tumorigenesis and transmission rates. RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs) are members of the DExD/H box helicase family of RNA binding proteins that recognize KSHV to stimulate the immune system and prevent reactivation from latency. To determine if other DExD/H box helicases can affect KSHV lytic reactivation, we performed a knock-down screen that revealed DHX29-dependent activities support viral replication but in contrast, DDX24 and DDX49 seem to have antiviral activity. When DDX24 or DDX49 are overexpressed in BCBL-1 cells, transcription of all lytic viral genes and genome replication is repressed upon induction. RNA immunoprecipitation of tagged DDX24 and DDX49 followed by next generation sequencing revealed that the helicases bind to mostly immediate-early and early KSHV mRNAs. Our findings reveal a new molecular mechanism by which host DDX24 and DDX49 can recognize gammaherpesvirus transcripts and repress lytic reactivation. I was also involved in a microRNA therapeutics project. Charcot Marie-Tooth disease (CMT1A) is the most common inherited peripheral neuropathy. It is caused by duplication of the Peripheral Myelin Protein 22 (PMP22) gene, a dose-sensitive membrane protein3 aprimarily expressed in myelinating Schwann cells. The restricted tissue expression of the PMP22 protein in comparison to its ubiquitously detected mRNA supports a role for microRNA mediated post-transcriptional regulation. Bioinformatically, we determined that miR29a is conserved between species and targets the 3UTR of PMP22. A luciferase reporter assay demonstrated that transient transfection with a miR29a mimic is associated with an approximately 20% reduction in PMP22 reporter activity. In dermal fibroblasts from CMT1A patients, we detected an elevated expression of PMP22 mRNA, which was effectively repressed by approximately 28-50% after transient transfection with a miR29a mimic. In congruence with the observed mRNA inhibition, immunoblots revealed a 20-24% reduction at the protein level. Together, these results support further studies with miR29a as a potential therapeutic to modulate the expression level of PMP22 in Schwann cells from CMT1A patients. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: RENNE,ROLF FRIEDRICH. aCo-adviser: BUNGERT,JORG. acmt1aakshv 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademicxGenetics (IDP)zUF. aMedical Sciences thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0052482/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2019-08-315FU04498nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000210016324501790018426000570036330000310042050000610045150000190051250200490053150400410058050600320062152015040065352010280215758800690318558803130325459000290356759000340359665301160363065500390374669000450378569000290383083000470385983000110390685200210391785601500393803669273420190213230010.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp190124s2018 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0052623_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aKamin, Hayley S.10a"We Are Suffering as Mothers"h[electronic resource] :bIntergenerational Impacts of Maternal Stress and Depression in the Democratic Republic of Congo /cby Hayley S. Kamin. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2018. a1 online resource (134 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2018. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThis dissertation used a biocultural approach to examine psychological and physiological aspects of stress in a highly impoverished and war-torn setting. Amidst a history of conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), women have been exposed to a high degree of violence-related trauma and chronic psychosocial stress. However, little is known in low-income settings about links from mothers' stress exposure to children's biological development. Even fewer studies have assessed Congolese women's perceptions of problems during the perinatal period and impacts on their emotional well-being. I attempted to address these gaps using culturally-sensitive assessments of stress and depression in mothers and a biological marker of stress system activity in newborns. Aims were to investigate (1) programming effects of discrete forms of maternal stress experienced across the life course; and (2) whether the realities of motherhood in this cultural context match western notions of depression. Paper 1 utilized newborn saliva collected after birth to explore associations of the stress-sensitive adrenal hormone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), with maternal, fetal, and obstetric risk factors. Paper 2 integrated hormonal and sociocultural data analyzed with multilevel structural equation models to explore intergenerational consequences of maternal prenatal stress, violence-related trauma, and early adversity on offspring stress regulation. Lastly, Paper 3 applied qualitative methodology3 aanalyzed within a thematic framework to characterize environmental contributors to and local expressions of postpartum depressive symptoms. Results of Paper 1 provided preliminary data on DHEA basal and stress levels among neonates and highlighted the number of hours since birth and medications during delivery as significant determinants of its stress reactivity. Paper 2 further showed that maternal exposure to a greater number of early adverse events and lifetime war traumas significantly influenced DHEA stress responses in their newborns. Providing broader context to stressors faced by Congolese mothers, Paper 3 identified a distinct set of economic, societal, and health-related factors contributing to maternal distress and manifested as unique symptoms of postpartum depression. Together, this research has the potential to transform understanding of the extent to which maternal stress impacts developmental outcomes and offer avenues for mitigating the risk of such exposures among the most at-risk families. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: KERTES,DARLENE. aCo-adviser: FARRAR,MICHAEL J. adehydroepiandrosteroneadepressionadrcahpaainfancyaintergenerationalamaternalanewbornsapregnancyastress 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademicxPsychologyzUF. aPsychology thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0052623/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2020-08-315FU03547nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000240016324501650018726000570035230000300040950000610043950000190050050200480051950400410056750600320060852014990064052001800213958800690231958803130238859000300270159000340273165300670276565500390283269000680287169000480293983000470298783000110303485200210304585600710306603669284720190208165603.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp190124s2018 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0052758_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aProcopio, Justin M.10aInfluence of Sexually Dimorphic Growth on Optimal Harvest Regulations for Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion Nebulosus)h[electronic resource] /cby Justin M Procopio. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2018. a1 online resource (72 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2018. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aSexual dimorphism in teleosts varies among species and their individual populations, resulting in sex-specific rates of growth, recruitment, and mortality. In fisheries, exploitation is typically focused on larger individuals. Female Spotted Seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, commonly out-grow males, and selective harvest focused on large fish could increase the exploitation of females and the risk of overfishing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the regulations for Spotted Seatrout in Northwest Florida, specifically Cedar Key, by assessing the trade-offs of fishery metrics over a range of size and bag limits. Data from the fishery were utilized in the simulation to calculate fishery metrics (i.e., sex ratio, spawning potential ratio, harvest, harvest efficiency) for various regulations. This simulation identified regulations that provided a better balance of the sex ratio of harvest; however, these did not improve conservation benefits over the current regulations. Slots with lower minimum length limits were shown to reduce the proportion of females in the harvest, but failed to increase Spawning Potential Ratio (SPR). When the slot was lowered from 38.1 to 33.0 11 cm, the simulated proportion of females in the harvest declined from 80% to 73%. Although this change in regulation decreased the proportion of females in the harvest, it reduced the SPR by 6%. This was due to the increase in the total female harvest caused by higher abundances of fish at smaller size3 aclasses. Though unexpected, this result advocates the importance of using simulations to evaluate the trade-offs of regulations to ensure the future productivity of fisheries. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: ALLEN,MICHEAL S. aCo-adviser: CHAGARIS,DAVID D. afisheriesamanagementasex-ratioaslot-limitaspotted-seatrout 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademicxForest Resources and ConservationzUF. aFisheries and Aquatic Sciences thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0052758/00001yClick here for full text5FU01406ntm a2200337Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000230008504900090010809900180011710000430013524500990017826000100027730000450028733600260033233700280035833800270038650000210041350200390043450000100047350000360048350000370051950400560055658803170061265000260092965000190095565000110097469000470098569000360103203669909320190215145233.0190215s1975 xx a bm 000 0 eng d aon1085909369 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG aLD1780b.O4581 aGould, William Russell,d1941-eauthor10aPsychophysical analysis of spatio-tactile orientation on the skin /cby William Russell Gould. c1975. avii, 34 leaves :billustrations ;c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aManuscript copy. bPh.D.cUniversity of Floridad1975 aVita. aMajor department: Neuroscience. aAdvisor: Vierck, Charles J., Jr. aIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 31-33). aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aSenses and sensation. 0aPsychophysics. 0aTouch. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxNeuroscience. aNeurosciece dissertation, Ph.D.03436nem a2200613Ii 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700090004600800410005503400560009603500170015204000230016904300300019204900090022205000210023105200090025205200090026109900100027010000740028024500500035424600200040425500710042426400730049530000430056833600400061133700260065133800360067750000360071350000360074950001070078550000470089250000420093950000560098150002010103751000470123851000670128551000980135253000260145053301820147653800700165858803170172865100440204565100470208965100460213665100430218265500430222565500360226865500230230477601770232778701660250483000160267083000470268685600890273303673484720190712122248.0m o c aj canzn190304s1700 enk a o 0 eng d1 aab39000000dW0850000eW0600000fN0270000gN0080000 aon1089149178 aFUGbengerdacFUG anw-----acc-----an-usu-- aFUGG 4aG4900b1700 .M67 a4900 a4390 aG49001 aMorden, Robert,dapproximately 1650-1703,ecartographer,ebookseller.12aA map of the Western islands /cby R. Morden.30aWESTERN ISLANDS aScale approximately 1:39,000,000 ;c(W 85°--W 60°/N 27°--N 8°) 1a[London] :b[Sold by Robt. Morden, in ye Atlas at Cornhill],c[1700] a1 map :bcolor ;c11 x 13 cm, on sheet acartographic imagebcri2rdacontent acomputerbn2rdamedia aonline resourcebnc2rdacarrier aCopper engraving, hand-colored. aTitle in upper right cartouche. aCovers the West Indies, Caribbean area, with the southern portion of Florida and parts of the Bahamas. a"Page 68"--Upper right opposite cartouche. aScale derived from lines of latitude. aPublication information and date from atlas source. aFrom: Robert Morden's Atlas Terrestris (not to be confused with John Seller's Atlas Terrestris). Map also appeared in Morden's Geography rectified, but at a larger size printed on a sheet of text.4 aAtlases in the British Library,cT.MORD-2f4 aList of geographical atlases in the Library of Congress,c59574 aChubb, Thomas. Printed maps in the atlases of Great Britain and Ireland bibliography,cp. 440 aPrint version record. aElectronic reproduction.bGainesville, Fla. :cUniversity of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries.f(University of Florida Digital Collections)nMode of access: World Wide Web. aSystem requirements: Internet connectivity; Web browser software. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aWest IndiesvMapsvEarly works to 1800. 0aCaribbean AreavMapsvEarly works to 1800. 7aCaribbean Area.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01244080 7aWest Indies.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01243265 7aEarly works.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01411636 7aMaps.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01423704 7aEarly maps.2lcgft08iPrint version:aMorden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703.tMap of the Western islands.d[London] : [Sold by Robt. Morden, in ye Atlas at Cornhill], [1700]w(OCoLC)108914914808iContained in (work):aMorden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703.tAtlas terrestris.dLondon : Sold by Robt. Morden, in ye Atlas at Cornhill, 1700.w(OCoLC)48226296 0aCuban maps. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections.40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00072145yUniversity of Florida Digital Collections, Full view01307nam a2200289Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000230008504300120010804900090012005000220012909900120015110000420016324500770020526400620028230000570034433600260040133700280042733800270045550500740048250000330055658803170058960000370090665100370094370000370098003676376520190328162002.0190328s1999 fluab g s000 0beng d aon1090806232 aFUGbengerdacFUG an-us-fl aFUGG 4aQL31.A9bP67 1999 aQL31.A91 aPorter, Charlotte M.,d1948-eauthor.10aJohn James Audubon :bFlorida travels, 1831-1832 /cCharlotte M. Porter. 1aDaytona Beach :bThe Museum of Arts and Sciences,c[1999] a16 pages :billustrations (some color), map ;c23 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier0 aThe man and his book -- Audubon's Florida -- Audubon the opportunist. a"Old St. Augustine Village." aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.10aAudubon, John James,d1785-1851. 0aFloridaxDescription and travel.1 aAudubon, John James,d1785-1851.02772cam a2200397 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000260006802000230009403500170011704000280013404200080016204900090017005000240017909900140020324500510021725000230026826401470029130000240043833600210046233700250048333800230050849000910053159900140062250400510063652009920068758803170167950000110199660000350200765000730204265000330211570000400214870000430218873000490223183000940228003681635920190627102412.0190624s2018 mx b 000 0dspa c a9786072813366q(pbk.) a6072813364q(pbk.) aon1105606865 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG apcc aFUGG 4aPN6140.L7bC37 2018 aPN6140.L700aCartas de amor /cCecilia Colón Hernández. aPrimera edición. 1aMéxico, D.F. :bUniversidad Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades,c2018. a180 pages ;c21 cm. atext2rdacontent aunmediated2rdamedia avolume2rdacarrier1 aColección Humanidades. Serie Estudios. Biblioteca de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades a036816359 aIncludes bibliographical references (page 30). a"Analizar el discurso amoroso de una década tan poco estudiada como es 1940 se vuelve interesante, pues ahora que las mujeres son vistas de otra manera resulta importante el rescate de sus obras y los hechos en donde ellas han tenido un papel relevante a ser las iniciadoras de un camino por el que trasitaban práticamente sólo los hombres como es el periodismo. Por este motivo, el análisis de ese discurso amoroso a través de la cartas de amor que Consuelo Colón publicó en El Universal Gráfico son un claro ejemplo de ese discurso amoroso gue ahora, ante las nuevas tecnologías y los cambios en las relaciones personales, se está perdiendo de manera irremediable. No obstante, leer este libro con las partes que lo componen puede llevar a los nuevos lectores del siglo XXI a conocer y descubrir la expresión amorosa de las parejas en esa época de los años 40, en donde la palabra escrita era digna de rescatarse y permanecer en la memoria."--Page 4 of cover. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aNovel.10aColón, Consuelo,c1904-1964. 0aLove-letterszMexicoxWomen authorsxHistoryy20th centuryxSources. 0aWomen in journalismzMexico.1 aColón, Cecilia,d1959-ecompiler.1 aColón, Consuelo,c1904-1964eauthor.02iContained in (work):aUniversal Gráfíco. 0aBiblioteca de ciencias sociales y humanidades.pColección Humanidades.pSerie Estudios.02913nam a2200373Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000230008504900090010805000110011709900110012810000290013924501110016826400570027930000270033633600260036333700280038933800270041750000270044450000130047150000720048450200400055652012200059650000190181650400410183558803170187665000470219365000380224065000390227865300730231769000830239069000660247303684818020190521143123.0190521s2005 flu bm s000 0deng d aon1101988820 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4aLD1780 aLD17801 aYoon, Changwoo,eauthor.10aDomain-specific knowledge-based information retrieval model using knowledge reduction /cby Changwoo Yoon. 1a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2005. axi, 99 leaves ;c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aAlso available online. aAdvisor: aMajor department: Computer and Information Science and Engineering. bPh. D.cUniversity of Floridad20053 aABSTRACT: Information is a meaningful collection of data. Information retrieval (IR) is an important tool for changing data into information. Of the three classical IR models (Boolean, Support Vector Machine, and Probabilistic), the Support Vector Machine (SVM) IR model is most widely used. But the SVM IR classical model does not convey sufficient relevancy between a query and documents to produce effective results reflecting knowledge except when using term frequency (tf) and inverse document frequency (idf). Knowledge is organized information imbued by intelligence. To augment the IR process with knowledge, several techniques have been proposed including query expansion by using a thesaurus, a term relationship measurement like Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), and a probabilistic inference engine using Bayesian Networks. We created an information retrieval model that incorporates domain-specific knowledge to provide knowledgeable answers to users. We used a knowledge-based model to represent domain-specific knowledge. Unlike other knowledge-based IR models, our model converts domain-specific knowledge to a relationship of terms represented as quantitative values, which gives improved efficiency. aIncludes vita. aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aInformation storage and retrieval systems. 0aExpert systems (Computer science) 0aOntologies (Information retrieval) aBayesianadomainainformationaknowledgeanaiveaontologyaretrieval aDissertations, AcademiczUFxComputer and Information Science and Engineering. aComputer and Information Science and Engineering thesis, M.S.01910cam a2200337Ii 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500170010204000280011904900090014705000200015609900090017610000230018524502820020826400490049030000430053933600260058233700260060833800360063453301890067058803170085965000130117665000390118965000210122871000800124971000330132977601200136285600900148203686499720190610095222.0m o d cr bn|||||||||190507s1973 mx o 000 0 spa d aon1100421377 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG 4aBM70b.P37 1973 aBM701 aPaskán, Abraham.10aFuentes y raíces :balgunos temas sobre los fundamentos antiguos y la visión futura del judaísmo actual /cAbraham Paskán ; traducción de Najum Schutz ; editado por Asociación Mexicana de Amigos de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén, A.C. y Wizo de México, A.C. 1aMéxico :b[Tall. de B. Costa-Amic],c1973. a1 online resource (204 pages) ;c22 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aElectronic reproduction.bGainesville, Fla. :cUniversity of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries,d2019.f(University of Florida Digital Collections)nMode of access: World Wide Web. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aJudaism. 7aJudaism.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00984280 7aJudaísmo2qlsp2 aUniversiṭah ha-ʻIvrit bi-Yerushalayim.bAsociación Mexicana de Amigos.2 aWizo (Organization : Mexico)08iPrint version:aPaskán, Abraham.tFuentes y raíces.dMéxico : [Tall. de B. Costa-Amic], 1973w(OCoLC)4333678040uhttps://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00067697yUniversity of Florida Digital Collections, Full view01869cam a2200373Ii 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500170010204000280011904300120014704900090015905000180016809900130018610000410019924501170024026400520035730000420040933600260045133700260047733800360050353301890053958803170072865000200104565000210106565000400108665000370112665100360116365000180119965500400121777601490125785600890140603689776120190709164727.0m o d cr bn|||||||||190501s1946 cu o 000 0 spa d aon1099572221 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG anwcu--- aFUGG 4aGR121.C8bM3x aGR121.C81 aMartín Llorente, Francisco,d1869-13aLa peseta en el folklore cubano :bcarta de Fernando Ortiz /cArmando Guerra [i.e. Francisco Martín Llorente]. 1aLa Habana :b[publisher not identified],c1946. a1 online resource (28 pages) ;c18 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aElectronic reproduction.bGainesville, Fla. :cUniversity of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries,d2019.f(University of Florida Digital Collections)nMode of access: World Wide Web. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aFolklorezCuba. 0aMoneyvFolklore. 7aFolklore.2fast0(OCoLC)fst00930306 7aMoney.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01025265 7aCuba.2fast0(OCoLC)fst01205805 7aMoneda2bidex 7aFolklore.2fast0(OCoLC)fst0142378408iPrint version:aMartín Llorente, Francisco, 1869-tPeseta en el folklore cubano.dLa Habana : [publisher not identified], 1946w(OCoLC)389993740uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00067376yUniversity of Florida Digital Collections, Full view03442nam a2200397Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000400016324502100020326000570041330000310047050000610050150000190056250200490058150400410063050600320067152014660070358800690216958803130223859000310255159000340258265301610261665500390277769000470281669000310286383000470289483000110294185200210295285600710297303689793020190710093955.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp190312s2018 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0053941_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aJuengling, Stephanie Marie Boothby.10a"I am Exposed to Not Only the Paranormal, but the Deepest Secrets of Individuals' Lives"h[electronic resource]bAn Ethnography of Florida Paranormal Research Teams /cby Stephanie Marie Boothby Juengling. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2018. a1 online resource (233 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2018. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThis dissertation explores the formation, interaction, and identity of paranormal research teams in Western society. Also known as ghost hunting groups, these teams use both scientific and metaphysical tools to investigate various types of reportedly haunted locations. Paranormal investigators represent a widespread shift in Western religious and scientific ideologies as they explore questions of spirituality, debate theories of the afterlife, and attempt to document the existence of supernatural phenomena. At haunted sites, paranormal investigators seek extraordinary experiences that shape their worldviews and their relationships with others. This ethnographic research examines these groups simultaneous success and subversion in a larger social context through methods of cultural anthropology including participant observation, surveys, and interviews with ghost hunting groups in Florida. It assesses the cultural domain of the paranormal, the epistemological struggles of defining belief and defending sanity, and the ways in which paranormal teams negotiate their place in society. To conclude, this study demonstrates that the underlying relation between the paranormal groups motivations and practices is the pursuit of self and social validation. By validating their beliefs, experiences, and social significance, paranormal research teams deflect social rejection and reach a sense of belonging in both the spiritual realm and modern society. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: COLLINGS,PETER F. aCo-adviser: DAVIDSON,JAMES M. aanthropologyaethnographyafloridaaghostagroundedahauntedainvestigationaparanormalaparapsychologyaphenomenologyaresearchaspiritualismaspirituality 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademicxAnthropologyzUF. aAnthropology thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0053941/00001yClick here for full text5FU03490nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000240016324501630018726000570035030000300040750000610043750000190049850200510051750400410056850600320060952014990064152001830214058800690232358803130239259000290270559000360273465300180277065500390278869000580282769000450288583000470293083000110297785200210298885600710300903689804920190710094225.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp190312s2018 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0054110_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aO'Neill, Matthew W.10aCost and Energy Savings Yielded from a Heat Recovery Unit for a Residential Air Conditioning System in Floridah[electronic resource] /cby Matthew W O'Neill. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2018. a1 online resource (91 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.C.M)--University of Florida, 2018. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aOne problem that exists in residential Air Conditioning (AC) systems is that a significant amount of heat from the refrigeration process is wasted in every cycle. Residential AC systems consume electricity to absorb heat inside a home and dissipate that heat outside of the home while the water heater is simultaneously consuming electricity to heat potable water. A heat recovery device or "desuperheater" can transfer some of the waste heat from the AC system to domestic water that needs to be heated anyway. The purpose of this research is to help determine if integrating desuperheaters with residential AC units is a viable option to heat domestic water in Florida in 2018. The first objective of the research was to estimate the potential energy that a residential desuperheater can save under various conditions compared to a conventional electric resistance water heater. The second objective was to assess the financial feasibility of the residential desuperheater given the potential energy savings. In this study, a theoretical feasibility analysis was conducted to demonstrate how a desuperheater could perform in three different cities in Florida. In the analysis, nine independent variables were manipulated in five different scenarios to reflect households with different energy usage. Annual energy savings were determined to be in the range of 562.76 to 7425.03 kWh. Payback periods for the residential desuperheating system were determined to be in the range of 2.37 to 60.783 ayears. The research team determined that, given certain conditions, integrating desuperheaters with residential AC units can be a viable option to heat domestic water in Florida. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: OPPENHEIM,PAUL. aCo-adviser: FRANZ,BRYAN WILLAM. adesuperheater 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademicxConstruction ManagementzUF. aConstruction Management thesis, M.S.C.M. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0054110/00001yClick here for full text5FU03203nam a2200337Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000230008504900090010805000110011709900110012810000270013924500810016626400570024730000440030433600260034833700280037433800270040250000270042950000320045650000720048858803170056050200380087752017220091550000100263750400410264765500280268869000830271669000660279903693232420190724113103.0190724s2002 flua bm s000 0 eng d aon1110014877 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4aLD1780 aLD17801 aVerma, Varun,eauthor.10aKonark :ba service delivery protocol for ad-hoc networks /cby Varun Verma. 1a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2002. aix, 57 leaves :billustrations ;c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aAlso available online. aAdvisor: Helal, Abdelsalam. aMajor department: Computer and Information Science and Engineering. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. bM.S.cUniversity of Floridad2002 aABSTRACT: The proliferation of mobile devices and the pervasiveness of wireless technology have provided a major incentive to replicate the service discovery technologies in the wireless and mobile environment. However, existing service discovery and delivery mechanisms fall short of accommodating the complexities of the ad-hoc environment. They also place emphasis on devices rather than software services, making them unsuitable for m-commerce oriented scenarios. This thesis is part of the Konark project undertaken in the Harris Mobile Computing Lab at the University of Florida. Konark is a service discovery and delivery protocol designed specifically for ad-hoc networks, and targeted towards m-commerce oriented software services. This thesis places emphasis on the service description and delivery aspects of the protocol. Our approach to service description is XML based. We present a description template that allows services to be described in a human and software understandable forms. A micro HTTP server present on each device handles service delivery, which is based on SOAP. This thesis also includes an implementation of the protocol for the PersonalJava platform. It provides APIs for application developers to write services based on Konark. A significant part of the implementation is an intuitive Graphical User Interface. It enables users to learn about available services and subsequently invoke actions on them. A performance evaluation of the implementation has been provided, the results of which prove that using Konark makes it possible for mobile device users to avail themselves of resources present in their network while simultaneously sharing their own resources with other people. aVita. aIncludes bibliographical references. 7aAcademic theses.2lcgft aDissertations, AcademiczUFxComputer and Information Science and Engineering. aComputer and Information Science and Engineering thesis, M.S.04077nam a2200361Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000230008504900090010805000110011709900110012810000390013924501310017826400570030930000440036633600260041033700280043633800270046450000270049150000310051850000720054950200380062152024210065950000190308050400410309958803170314065000270345765000560348465000260354069000830356669000660364903694415320190807100016.0190807s2005 flua bm s000 0 eng d aon1111685463 aFUGbengerdacFUG aFUGG 4aLD1780 aLD17801 aPatil, Manjiri Pandurang,eauthor.10aSchema exportation and integration for achieving information sharing in a transnational setting /cby Manjiri Pandurang Patil. 1a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2005. axi, 66 leaves :billustrations ;c28 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aAlso available online. aAdvisor: Su, Stanley Y. W. aMajor department: Computer and Information Science and Engineering. bM.S.cUniversity of Floridad20053 aABSTRACT: There is an urgent need for collaborations among governments of various countries to tackle global problems such as drug trafficking, disease control, immigration and border control, and terrorism. The Transnational Digital Government project (funded by the National Science Foundation) aims at collaborating, integrating, and sharing information among governments/agencies using information technologies. The transnational government collaboration faces many challenges, because individual countries differ in their languages, laws, policies and regulations, infrastructures, and other resources. Our study focused on the development and use of advanced information technologies for the collection, processing, exchange, and integration of the information needed in a transnational digital government setting. We developed distributed database technologies to support the needs of the project. We designed and implemented an Export Schema Tool for participating countries to define the data that they are willing to share with other countries/agencies (i.e., to define export schemas). We also designed and implemented a Schema Integration Tool for correlating (mapping) and integrating the data entities and attributes specified in different natural languages and stored in different databases. The exported schemas were used to generate a Global Search Form. Data mapping information and the integrated schema were used by a Distributed Query Processor to query and retrieve data from heterogeneous database sources. Our system was integrated with a language translation system developed at the Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) and a conversational interface system developed at the University of Colorado (Boulder, Colorado) to achieve international collaboration. Interoperation among all of these system components was achieved through a Web Services infrastructure. We also demonstrated the use of events, triggers, and rules to enforce government policies and security constraints; and to facilitate event filtering and notification (in a sample scenario called the Watch-List scenario). Contributions of this work are design and development of the Export Schema Tool and the Schema Integration Tool; and integration of these tools with an enhanced Distributed Query Processor, a language translation system, a conversational interface system, and an Event-Trigger-Rule Server. aIncludes vita. aIncludes bibliographical references. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 0aDistributed databases. 0aElectronic data processingxDistributed processing. 0aWeb servicesxDesign. aDissertations, AcademiczUFxComputer and Information Science and Engineering. aComputer and Information Science and Engineering thesis, M.S.01511cam a2200301Ii 450000100100000000500170001000800410002703500170006804000280008504900090011305000150012209900090013711000260014624500630017224600590023526400410029430000400033533600260037533700280040133800270042950503130045658803170076959900130108665000330109965000210113265000230115365000330117603696842520191016103215.0191016s1983 nyua 000 0 eng d aon1123192421 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG 4aU815b.M64 aU8152 aMohawk Arms,eauthor.10aHistorical military relics :b1983 catalog /cMohawk Arms.00aMohawk Arms historical military relics :b1983 catalog 1a[Utica, N.Y.],bMowhawk Arms,c1983. a113 pages :billustrations ;c22 cm atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier0 aExotica-Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring -- Exotica -- Medals & Badges -- Military Citations & Award Documents -- Edged Weapons -- Headgear -- German W. W,. Il Uniforms & Accessories -- Steins & Porcelain -- Miscellaneous -- Americana -- Original German Books (Pre - 1945) -- Bargain Basement -- Dealer lots. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a36968425 0aMilitary uniformsvCatalogs. 0aArmorvCatalogs. 0aWeaponsvCatalogs. 0aArmiesxEquipmentvCatalogs.03707nam a2200397 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000310006802000280009903500170012704000230014404200080016704300120017504900090018705000250019609900130022110000490023424501020028326400560038526400110044130000440045233600260049633700280052233800270055050400570057750502910063452018860092558803170281159900130312865000280314165000200316965000210318965000300321065100270324065100420326703698617020200305085742.0200305t20172017cu a b 000 0 spa c a9789590618970q(paperback) a9590618979q(paperback) aon1143219440 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc anwcu--- aFUGG 4aHX550.P7bG3451 2017 aHX550.P71 aGarcía Brigos, Jesús P.,d1951-eauthor.10aConstrucción socialista y actualización del modelo económico /cJesús P. García Brigos. 1aLa Habana :bEditorial de Ciencias Sociales,c2017. 4c©2017 ax, 277 pages :billustrations ;c19 cm. atextbtxt2rdacontent aunmediatedbn2rdamedia avolumebnc2rdacarrier aIncludes bibliographical references (pages 511-559).0 aSocialismo: ¿teoría? y práctica revolucionaria -- Crear la nueva sociedad desarrollando los conceptos -- La transformación socialista: Cuba a inicios del siglo XXI -- "Sin teoría revolucionaria no hay práctica revolucionaria" -- Una actualización necesaria: Cuba 2014-2017. aEstamos inmersos en un profundo proceso de transformación en nuestra sociedad, en medio de cambios en el contexto geopolitico que complejizan aún más el "viaje a lo ignoto" que es la construcción socialista, como ha señalado el General de Ejército Raúl Castro, Es imprescindible conceptualizar con claridad a partir del conocimiento acumulado en la practica revolucionaria, y para esa práctica, No podemos avanzar en la transformación socialista sin conceptos nuevos, guiados por "armas melladas' -no solo heredadas del capitalismo-, o supuestos "conceptos" superficialmente novedosos; necesitamos conceptos en desarrollo, que nos pongan en capacidad de modificar las acciones frente a circunstanciäs nuevasj siempre buscando provocar el cambio que queremos que ocurra en nuestra visión creadora revolucionaria, Se trata de conducir las transformaciones como enseña la obra de Fidel Castro: que los pasos tácticos no comprometan el avance en lo estratégico, sino que lo propicien tenlendo en cuenta las condiciones, lo que no significa conformarse pasivamente ante estas, todo lo contrario: significa Revolución. En la obra se expone de manera resumida resultados de más de 30 años de investigaciones acerca del proceso de transformación socialista en las experiencias reales, y en particular en Cuba, vinculadas al trabajo pråctico del autor en el Sistema del Poder Popular, la labor sindical y de otras organizaciones cubanas: elaboraciones teóricas acerca de la transformación socialista, sobre la base de las cuales el autor presenta una valoración preliminar de Ios documentos del Vll Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba que fueron sometidos a consulta pública antes de su aprobación en 2017, y propuestas que buscan contribuir al necesario debate permanente en el Proceso de Actualización emprendido por la ocfedad cubana. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a36986170 0aProperty and socialism. 0aPropertyzCuba. 0aSocialismzCuba. 0aSocialist propertyzCuba. 0aCubaxEconomic policy. 0aCubaxEconomic conditionsy1959-1990.04856cam a2200445Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500170010204000280011904900090014705000180015609900140017410000330018824501330022126400570035430000510041133600260046233700260048833800360051450200640055050001210061450000640073550000450079950000280084450000340087259000730090650400410097958800480102052018750106852005750294350602970351858803170381565500280413269000800416083000590424085600900429985200210438903703362720191101140756.0m o d s cr |n||||ma|mp191101s2019 flua obm s000 0 eng d aon1125983215 aFUGbengerdacFUGdFUG aFUGG 4aLD1780.1 2019 aLD1780.1 1 aMelidosian, Angela,eauthor.10aDeathics :bethical death and dying in psychosocial and spiritual palliative care, Buenos Aires, Argentina /cAngela Melidosian. 1a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2019. a1 online resource (240 pages) :billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier gField practicum reportbM.D.P.cUniversity of Floridad2019 aThe MDP Program is administered jointly by the Center for Latin American Studies and the Center for African Studies. aMajor departments: Latin American Studies, African Studies. aMajor: Sustainable Development Practice. aAdvisor: McKune, Sarah. aCo-advisor: Kittelson, Sheri. aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections.5KEEPUF5FU aIncludes bibliographical references.0 aOnline resource; title from PDF title page.3 aGlobally, sustainable development movements operate within complex, multi-faceted, and interrelated systems. In recognition of these complex systems, the United Nations adopted in 2015 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)- a global commitment to 17 sustainability goals and 169 targets projected for completion by 2030, encompassing poverty eradication, planet protection, and planetary prosperity (United Nations, 2017). SDG Three, which explicitly intertwines global health and sustainable development through its commitment to "Ensuring healthy lives and the promotion of well-being for all, at all ages," provides a foundation for my practicum's focus on palliative care and sustainable development (United Nations, 2017). Like all facets of sustainable development, palliative care operates within complex systems. Using the Framework for Complexity in Palliative Care (2018), my practicum explores the provision of ethical, psychosocial, and spiritual care within the complex system of Buenos Aires (BA), Argentina's palliative care. In conjunction with the regional leader in palliative care, La Asociacion Latinoamericana de Cuidados Paliativos (ALCP), I develop an implementation manual based on a case study of BA's public and private, in-patient and out-patient end of life care services to be shared throughout the region as part of the ACLP's mission to promulgate palliative information specific to Latin America. Through an appreciative inquiry approach and mixed method ethnography, my manual details the separate development pathways and philosophies of palliative and hospice care; the general best practices and challenges from both perspectives; and the specific best practices and challenges for the provision of ethical, psychosocial, and spiritual care, noting the specific responsibilities of each care provider in the interdisciplinary team.3 aTo thank the hospices Madre Teresa and San Comilo for their extensive support, I also conducted needs-based assessments and quality improvement initiatives for each of the hospices. The results of the ethnographic observations and interviews, literature and document reviews, and surveys exemplify the impressive levels of ethical, psychosocial, and spiritual in BA -that are shaped by the unique differences in palliative and hospice care- while also noting the significant, real challenges of end of life care that must be addressed to unequivocally achieve SDG Three. aCopyright Angela Melidosian. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 7aAcademic theses.2lcgft aSustainable Development Practice field practicum report, M.D.P.5KEEPUF5FU 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections.5KEEPUF5FU40uhttps://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00069208yUniversity of Florida Digital Collections, Full view aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC04422nam a2200397Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006104000230010205000180012509900140014310000340015724501240019126400570031530000510037233600260042333700260044933800360047550000510051150000400056250000370060250000370063959000730067650200600074950000190080950400410082858800690086952018930093852004270283154002980325858803170355669000710387383000590394485200210400303704564120191120175219.0m o d s cr |n||||ma|mp191120s2018 flua obm s000 0 eng d aFUGbengerdacFUG 4aLD1780.1 2018 aLD1780.1 1 aGaspar, Luiza Senna,eauthor.10aHow do public policies in São Paulo hinder or promote public participation in DIY urbanism? /cby Luiza Senna Gaspar. 1a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2018. a1 online resource (109 pages) :billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aMajor department: Urban and Regional Planning. aMajor: Urban and Regional Planning. aAdvisor: Larsen, Kristen Esther. aCo-advisor: Silver, Christopher. aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections.5KEEPUF5FU gResearch projectbM.U.R.P.cUniversity of Floridad2018 aIncludes vita. aIncludes bibliographical references. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page.3 aThis research project seeks to understand how public policies can hinder or promote active public participation in urban issues. I characterize active public participation as the engagement of community members in Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Urbanism, founded on the principles behind the ladder of citizen participation proposed by Arnstein. São Paulo, Brazil, was the city chosen for this analysis mainly because of: 1) the recent surge in DIY Urbanism activities and in the number of organized groups dedicated to them; and 2) Fernando Haddad administration's emphasis on participatory processes (January 2013 - December 2016). UN-HABITAT has recently triggered a global discussion on what type of city we need in the 21st century in order to establish a new urban paradigm. Understanding how planning policies can affect public participation is essential to this debate. How do participatory processes conform to the reality of engaged community members? How does legislation influence the amount of participation in DIY Urbanism? These questions are enlightened by an analysis of planning laws regarding public use and intervention in public spaces. Furthermore, five case studies of groups actively involved in urban transformations in São Paulo offer a practical insight of how these laws function in day-to-day life. Interviews with the heads of each group were conducted in order to understand the approval process behind their initiatives. São Paulo has greatly advanced in promoting public participation and the existing legislation attests to it. However, this research shows that certain flaws in legislation can greatly hinder DIY initiatives by either being too restrictive or not sufficiently regulated. Additionally, São Paulo's subdivision into 32 Regional Prefectures results in a same policy being enforced in different ways. Finally, the lack of electronic processes3 awithin the City Administration also makes it time-consuming and bureaucratic for citizens to obtain information and receive approval. As a result of this result, I recommend the creation of a comprehensive DIY Urbanism Program and to make the entire approval process electronic. Since this research is limited to the Haddad administration, future research should expand this analysis to the current Dória administration. aCopyright Luiza Senna Gaspar. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aUrban and Regional Planning research project, M.U.R.P.5KEEPUF5FU 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections.5KEEPUF5FU aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC04793nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000230016324500950018626000570028130000300033850000610036850000190042950200490044850400410049750600320053852015050057052014890207558800690356458803130363359000340394659000340398065300290401465500390404369000440408269000280412683000470415483000110420185200210421285601500423303705116620191203102154.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp191022s2019 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0054061_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aWhitman, Joseph I.10aEssays in the Economics of Sports and Tradeh[electronic resource] /cby Joseph I Whitman. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2019. a1 online resource (88 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2019. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThis dissertation consists of three essays which explore the incentives and welfare of economic agents in the face of strong exogenous forces. The first chapter is an empirical study which uses data from regular season National Football League (NFL) games to estimate the effect of a strong incentive (entering the NFL playoffs) on a team of economic agents. The second chapter develops a two country theoretical model in which there is an exogenous migration of labor from one country to the other. The effects of this migration on wages and bilateral flows of trade are then examined in the context of the model. Chapter 2 examines the effects of both high-skill and low-skill migration on the skilled wage premium, intraindustry trade, and welfare. Features of this model, such as an augmented CES production function and a monopolistically competitive market with horizontally differentiated goods, enable relevant comparisons with the empirical literature on migration. I show that low-skill immigration increases the skill premium in the destination country while high-skill immigration does the opposite. I also find that intraindustry trade and migration need not be complements and offer conditions under which they may alternatively be substitutes. Finally, I derive the short run and long run welfare effects of migration, noting conditions under which the net effect may be positive or negative. Chapter 3 makes the case that the NCAA should be considered as a monopsony cartel. We review3 athe theoretical basis for exploitation of labor in by monopsony cartels more generally, and how this applies to the NCAA in particular. We also examine the antitrust suits which have been brought against the NCAA and critique the amateurism defense--that paying student-athletes would damage the sport. Examining the NCAA's own bylaws, we show specific ways in which the NCAA openly enforces its cartel by using provisions in its bylaws to reduce non-price competition among member institutions. Chapter 4 uses data on NFL regular season games from 1970-2017 to identify end-of-season matches where one team advances to the playoffs with a win while the opposing team's playoff status remains unchanged no matter the outcome. The asymmetric incentives to win these matches provide a way to identify and measure the effect of particularly strong incentives on group performance. I control for relative team strength by constructing and calibrating Elo ratings, a method of ranking competitors used in a wide variety of other sports, for NFL football, and compare this to results using point spread betting data. I find that both point spreads and Elo ratings are an accurate and highly significant predictor of the outcome of NFL games. I also find evidence that teams generally perform better when faced with stronger incentives to win. These effects are not present when using point spreads as a control, suggesting that the betting market uses this information when forming spreads. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Hamilton,Jonathan H. aCo-adviser: Slutsky,Steven M. aeconomicsasportsatrade 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademicxEconomicszUF. aEconomics thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0054061/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2021-08-315FU03950nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000150016324501130017826000570029130000310034850000610037950000190044050200490045950400410050850600320054952015030058152005780208458800690266258803130273159000330304459000310307765300410310865500390314969000760318869000470326483000470331183000110335885200210336985601500339003705127020191203102343.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp191022s2019 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0055630_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aZhou, Ran.10aExamining and Measuring Social Capital from Sport Event Participationh[electronic resource] /cby Ran Zhou. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2019. a1 online resource (166 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2019. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThe hosting of sport events in communities has witnessed tremendous growth in the USA during the last decade. These events can have extensive social impacts on participants and their communities. A key aspect of the social value pertaining to sport event participation is the development of social capital. While growing attention has been devoted to the conceptualization of social capital in the sport management field, few attempts have been made to accurately measure social capital in a sport-related context. Consequently, this study seeks to develop a reliable and valid measurement instrument focusing on sport event participation social capital and empirically test the links between sport event participation, social capital and a variety of outcomes. The social capital framework by Putnam served as the theoretical foundation based on which the Sport Event Participation Social Capital Scale (SEPSCS) was proposed and submitted to content validity evaluation. Then the preliminary scale was tested, purified, and validated through two field tests and a main study. Analyses of the empirical data yielded two measurement models parallel to each other: namely, a two-dimensional model (SEPSCS-1) with 12 items corresponding to the size and strength of social capital; and a three-dimensional (SEPSCS-2) made up of 9 items measuring trust, reciprocity, and network. Both scales displayed acceptable model fit and desirable reliability and validity. Results from the hierarchical regression3 aanalyses revealed significant influence of race and gender on social capital among running event participants. After controlling the sociodemographic factors, running event participation significantly affected social capital in terms of size and reciprocity. Moreover, both scales (SEPSCS-1 and SEPSCS-2) demonstrated predictive power over a range of social capital outcomes including leisure life satisfaction, overall life satisfaction, repeated event participation, word-of-mouth recommendation, social media communication, informational benefits, and negative outcomes. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Kaplanidou,Kyriaki. aCo-adviser: Sagas,Michael. acapitalaeventascaleasocialasport 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademicxTourism, Recreation, and Sport ManagementzUF. aHealth and Human Performance thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0055630/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2021-08-315FU03908nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000360016324501210019926000570032030000310037750000610040850000190046950200480048850400410053650600320057752014980060952005290210758800690263658803130270559000280301859000380304665300450308465500390312969000610316869000400322983000470326983000110331685200210332785601500334803705137120191203102528.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp191022s2019 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0055861_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 aClavijo Herrera, Luis Jonathan.10aEstablishment and Nutrition of Olive Orchards in Floridah[electronic resource] /cby Luis Jonathan Clavijo Herrera. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2019. a1 online resource (184 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2019. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aA small olive industry is already present in Florida. The challenges the citrus industry is currently facing, due to the citrus greening disease, have contributed to the increasing interest of Florida growers in olives. Although olive production is an ancient economic activity in the Mediterranean Basin, little is known about orchard establishment and nutrition under Florida environmental conditions. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the establishment of olive orchards in Florida and provide to local growers specific references for evaluation of the nutritional status of their olive trees. Experimental orchards consisting of large and small transplants of 'Arbequina', 'Arbosana', and 'Koroneiki' olives were established at Citra (USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 9a) and Jay FL (USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 8b). Minirhizotrons were installed in the orchard at Jay. 'Arbosana' and 'Koroneiki' olives performed differently according location. Transplant stress was minimum for all trees. However, olives at Jay, particularly small transplants, were susceptible to winter stress. Small transplants exhibited a higher rate of growth than large transplants. Root growth data suggest that most of the olive root system is concentrated within 20-40 cm soil depth regardless of transplant size and cultivar. Commercial olive farms located at Suwannee, Gilchrist, and Marion counties were visited monthly from April 2018 to April 2019. Foliar samples from individual trees were collected for3 aanalysis. Florida olives nutrient dynamics throughout the year were similar to the nutrient dynamics observed in Spain, Greece, and California, although nutrient concentrations were higher. Results indicate that June might be an appropriate month for foliar samples collection. Based on the trunk cross sectional area increment of the trees and the analyses of the foliar samples, the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System was applied to develop a tool for evaluation of the nutritional status of olives in Florida. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Thetford,Mack. aCo-adviser: Williamson,Jeffrey G. adrisafluorescenceagrowtharootastress 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademicxEnvironmental HorticulturezUF. aHorticultural Sciences thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0055861/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2020-08-315FU03784nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000210016324501400018426000570032430000310038150000610041250000190047350200490049250400410054150600320058252015030061452004860211758800690260358803130267259000250298559000330301065300410304365500390308469000560312369000450317983000470322483000110327185200210328285600710330303705151820191203102758.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp191022s2019 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0055656_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aMiller, Henry C.10a"We Lead from the English Department"h[electronic resource]bEnglish Teachers Enacting Social Justice Leadership /cby Henry C Miller. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2019. a1 online resource (299 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2019. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThe purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of three middle school English language arts teachers whose social justice orientation shaped the ways they acted as teacher leaders. The decision to focus on English teachers as school leaders was a response to the narrowing of literacy education in the age of standardization (Brass, 2014) and the call for English education to be reimagined as "democratic armor" (Gatti, Masterson, Brooke, Shah, & Thomas, 2018) after the 2016 United States presidential election. Situated in teacher leadership, social justice leadership, and social justice English education scholarship, this study sought to understand how three English teachers came to embody a social justice teacher leadership stance, how they continued to develop that stance, and how they enacted social justice teacher leadership within and outside of their school. Drawing on multiple interviews, observations, and collection of artifacts, individual cases of each teacher's experiences are first established before moving into a cross-case analysis. The findings outline how the teachers had to resist and rewrite dominant narratives about leadership, hierarchies, and positions of power to understand their own positionalities and potential for being agents of change. Additionally, the findings detail how the three English teachers sought external forms of professional development and built networks of English teachers to learn from. Finally, the findings highlight how3 ateachers who are committed to radical changes within schools work pragmatically within the confines of school structures to inch schools closer to a just reality. Collectively, the findings present a conceptualization of teacher leadership that roots traditional acts of teacher leadership in a socially just orientation. The findings have implications for scholarship focused on English education, teacher education programs, teacher leadership, and school governance and culture. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Fu,Danling. aCo-adviser: Bondy,Elizabeth. aenglishajusticealeadershipasocial 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademicxTeaching and LearningzUF. aCurriculum and Instruction thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0055656/00001yClick here for full text5FU04235nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000250016324501360018826000570032430000310038150000610041250000190047350200490049250400410054150600320058252014990061452008250211358800690293858803130300759000370332059000260335765300320338365500390341569000920345469000500354683000470359683000110364385200210365485601500367503712421620191205190742.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp191022s2019 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0051827_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aStewart, Virginia L.10aA Case Study of Campus IT's Role in Adoption of Technology at a Private Universityh[electronic resource] /cby Virginia L Stewart. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2019. a1 online resource (125 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ed.D.)--University of Florida, 2019. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThe purpose of this study was to understand the critical success factors and organizational characteristics important for adoption and diffusion of campus technology innovations in a higher education setting. The researcher used a single case study to perform an in-depth analysis of campus technology adoption employing an explanatory sequential design method. The data collected for this study included surveys and one-on-one interviews bolstered with campus artifacts to examine the organization in context of its operations. The perspectives of administrators, faculty, and staff were synthesized to gain a thorough understanding of critical success factors relevant to the adoption of technology in a private institution setting. Leveraging Rogers' theory of diffusion of innovations (2003) for analysis of data collected, organization characteristics and critical success factors important to the diffusion of technology innovations were examined. The researcher found that technology infrastructure, now commoditized in the twenty-first century, was an essential enabler for innovation and institutional effectiveness. Additionally, sixteen attributes, identified in a prior study (Dennison, 2014), descriptive of the institution's social system and governance were affirmed as critical success factors (CSF) to the adoption and diffusion of technology innovations in higher education. The "availability of skilled technical support" and identification of "quality, reliable and flexible3 atechnology solutions" that "enhanced teaching and learning" were core CSFs for the subjects of this study. "Availability of resources" and lack of "stakeholder involvement" were barrier CSFs that could hinder adoption when not addressed during planning and implementation. Limitations of this study stem from the boundaries imposed for research analysis. Implications suggest that institutions of higher education must proactively address the need for adequate availability of technology infrastructure, as well as develop specific capabilities to foster and support cross-functional stakeholder involvement in governance. Likewise, administrators and practitioners can use the prioritized importance of the CSFs to allocate resources more effectively to develop and nurture an innovative culture in their organizations. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Campbell,Dale Franklin. aCo-adviser: Wood,R C. acsfainnovationatechnology 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademicxHuman Development and Organizational Studies in EducationzUF. aHigher Education Administration thesis, Ed.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0051827/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2019-11-305FU04410nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000190016324501490018226000570033130000310038850000610041950000190048050200490049950400410054850600320058952014970062152009930211858800690311158803130318059000300349359000360352365300490355965500390360869000700364769000540371783000470377183000110381885200210382985601500385003712458520191205190958.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp191022s2019 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0054353_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aShakya, Bicky.10aDesign Strategies for Securing Hardware Intellectual Property Throughout the Electronics Supply Chainh[electronic resource] /cby Bicky Shakya. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2019. a1 online resource (175 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2019. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aSemiconductor intellectual property (IP) faces numerous security issues in today's globalized semiconductor supply chain. Threats such as piracy, misuse, overproduction, reverse engineering and malicious modification arise at various stages, such as design, test, fabrication and after the chip has entered the market. These concerns threaten the integrity of the IP as well as the rights of the IP owner. In this dissertation, we propose IP protection techniques at various levels of abstraction for protecting designs against numerous supply chain threats, both before and after fabrication. In the first approach, we leverage low-cost circuit edit techniques for protecting gate-level IP from untrusted foundries, when fabricating at low volumes. The key idea is to incorporate changes in the netlist of the design, so that an obfuscated design is fabricated at the untrusted foundry. Post-fabrication, the changes are reverted by circuit edit at a trusted site to obtain a functionally correct design. We also propose a new integrated circuit camouflaging technique to protect semiconductor IP from reverse engineering threats, once the chip enters the market. In the proposed camouflaging scheme, channel doping and dummy contacts are leveraged in unison to create dummy pins on standard logic gates. We show that such a camouflaging approach achieves high resistance to various invasive as well as non-invasive attacks, while requiring low overhead. The dissertation also explores logic3 alocking for IP protection against untrusted foundries and design houses. Logic locking techniques tie a design's functionality to a secret key, such that only authorized parties with the key can obtain a functionally correct IP. We perform security analysis of logic locking techniques that are resistant to a class of functional attacks based on Boolean satisfiability (SAT). We show that without the complexity of such SAT attacks, we are able to perform a 'bypass attack' and restore the functionality of a SAT-resistant logic locked circuit without knowledge of the correct key. This is done by embedding a bypass circuit into the design that restores the correct input-output behavior of the circuit. Further, we also propose a comprehensive countermeasure that simultaneously provides protection against SAT as well as the proposed bypass attack. The technique is also extended to provide protection against removal attacks that exploit the gate-level implementation of the circuit. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Forte,Domenic J. aCo-adviser: Tehranipoor,Mark M. acircuitsaipalockingaobfuscationasecurity 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademicxElectrical and Computer EngineeringzUF. aElectrical and Computer Engineering thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0054353/00001yClick here for full textzRESTRICTED TO UF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE UNTIL 2020-05-315FU03932nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000300016324501210019326000570031430000310037150000610040250000190046350200490048250400410053150600320057252015030060452005710210758800690267858803130274759000370306059000440309765300720314165500390321369000640325269000560331683000470337283000110341985200210343085600710345103712495520191205191216.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp191022s2019 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0054157_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 aGuerra Saval, Gisselle E.10aSaltwater Intrusion in Estuaries of Different Climatic Regionsh[electronic resource] /cby Gisselle E Guerra Saval. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2019. a1 online resource (114 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (Ph.D.)--University of Florida, 2019. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aRiver discharge, precipitation, wind, water level and salinity measurements were used to investigate saltwater intrusion in subtropical, tropical and temperate estuaries. The upstream limit of saltwater intrusion was defined by the position of the 2 g/kg isohaline (X2) as it changed each tidal cycle. Observations were obtained along the Suwannee River, St. Johns River and Capibaribe River estuaries. Results from a near year-long numerical simulations were obtained for the Dee estuary. A first-order autoregressive Markov-chain model was constructed for each estuary and used to predict x2. The model predicts x2 from its position in the previous tidal cycle, from river discharge, from water level, from precipitation and from wind velocity. Saltwater intrusion was inversely related to river discharge in the subtropical estuaries of Suwannee River and St. Johns, while for the temperate and tropical estuaries, Dee and Capibaribe River, saltwater intrusion increased with river discharge. The model was then used to project values of x2 for different scenarios of climate change as represented by possible combinations of river discharge and water levels. Saltwater intrusion and the vertical structure of residual flows were studied after a hurricane-related freshwater pulse. Continuous salinity values were recorded in the shallow section of the Suwannee River estuary for ~45 days after the passage of Hurricane Irma. Freshwater pulse maintained positive upstream slopes during the first3 a~15 days and prevented saltwater intrusion into the estuary. The slope relaxed once the freshwater pulse was receding and allowed the wind forcing to play a major role in the dynamics of saltwater intrusion. Winds toward the N and NW enhance saltwater intrusion in the shallow section. Residual flows were seaward during the five campaigns, but saltwater intrusion was observed during tidal flows of spring and neap tides. Salt water was pump into the estuary by tidal pumping and not by the exchange flow as it is usual for partially mixed and salt-wedge estuaries. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Valle-Levinson,Arnoldo. aCo-adviser: Olabarrieta Lizaso,Maitane. aclimateaestuariesafreshwaterahurricaneahydrodynamicsasaltwater 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademicxCivil and Coastal EngineeringzUF. aCoastal and Oceanographic Engineering thesis, Ph.D. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0054157/00001yClick here for full text5FU03634nam a2200409Ka 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006103500250010204000130012705000110014009900120015110000230016324501840018626000570037030000310042750000610045850000190051950200480053850400410058650600320062752014960065952001780215558800690233358803130240259000350271559000370275065301150278765500390290269000750294169000580301683000470307483000110312185200210313285600710315303712526020191205191410.0m o d s cr |n |||ma|mp191022s2019 flu obm s000 u eng d a(FU)UFE0054519_00001 aFUGcFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aOutlaw, Cameron J.10aExploring the Role of Transformative Learning in Developing Undergraduate Leadership Learners' Capacity for Solving Complex Problemsh[electronic resource] /cby Cameron J Outlaw. a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2019. a1 online resource (145 p.) aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections. aIncludes vita. aThesis (M.S.)--University of Florida, 2019. aIncludes bibliographical references. aApplicable rights reserved.3 aThe world's complex issues have demanded leaders to focus on developing their capacity for solving complex problems. In the academic world, the need exists to renovate the leadership education process to be more inclusive, adaptive, interdisciplinary, and engaging. This study explored the pedagogical outcomes of transformative learning theory in undergraduate leadership education for developing human capacity for solving complex problems. The context of this study was an undergraduate leadership course geared towards solving global problems associated with a growing global population. Learners came from many different disciplines to understand sustainability and the wicked problems facing the world. The course was modified to encourage transformative learning by incorporating adversity, intersectionality, and opportunity into the curriculum and culture. A total of 39 learners from the University of Florida participated in this study by contributing written reflections throughout the course and by participating in a focus group at the end of the course. The constant comparative method was used to inductively and deductively analyze the data. Learners discussed the value of this course; it was challenging, enjoyable, and rewarding. By their participation in the course, students experienced various shifts in their cognition, behavior, and affect, largely as it pertains to sustainability and problem-solving. Learners also demonstrated high levels of critical thinking and3 aemotional intelligence linked to the transformative learning experience. The study also offers recommendations and implications for leadership educators and future research. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. aAdviser: Stedman,Nicole Lamee. aCo-adviser: Roberts II,Thomas G. acameronacomplexityaeducationaleadershipalearningaoutlawaproblemasolvingatransformativeaundergraduates 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aDissertations, AcademicxAgricultural Education and CommunicationzUF. aAgricultural Education and Communication thesis, M.S. 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections. 0aUFETD. aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC40uhttp://ufdc.ufl.edu/UFE0054519/00001yClick here for full text5FU02178nam a2200409 i 450000100100000000500170001000800410002702000280006802000250009603500170012104000230013804200080016104300120016904900090018109900210019010000290021124501550024026400770039530000630047233600210053533700250055633800230058149000390060450400410064350503980068458803170108259900130139965100220141265100320143465100360146665100370150270000370153970000340157670000310161071000620164183000650170303728509220200225152858.0200225s2017 rm ab b 000 0 rum c a9786068694702qhardback a6068694704qhardback aon1141793596 aFUGbengerdacFUG apcc ae-rm--- aFUGG aDR240b.P67 20171 aPop, Ioan Aureleauthor.13aDe vertice montis :bFeleacul, Clujul și Transilvania în Evul Mediu /cIoan-Aurel Pop, Daniela Marcu Istrate, Tudor Sălăgean, Alexandru Simon. 1aCluj-Napoca :bAcademia Română Centrul de Studii Transilvane,c2017. a160 pages :billustrations (chiefly color), maps ;c22 cm. atext2rdacontent aunmediated2rdamedia avolume2rdacarrier1 aMinerva, I. Hominus et mores ;v15 aIncludes bibliographical references.0 aTransilvania și Clujul în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIII-lea și în primele decenii ale secolului al XIV-lea / Tudor Sălăgean -- Pământurile: possessio regie maiestatis Felek vocata / Ioan-Aurel Pop, Alexandru Simon -- Lăcașurile: mitropolia din Feleac / Ioan-Aurel Pop, Daniela Marcu Istrate, Alexandru Simon -- Arhiepiscopia Clujului și Feleacul / Ioan Aurel Pop. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. a37285092 0aRomaniaxHistory. 0aFeleacu (Romania)xHistory. 0aCluj-Napoca (Romania)xHistory. 0aTransylvania (Romania)xHistory.1 aMarcu Istrate, Daniela,eauthor.1 aSălăgean, Tudor,eauthor.1 aSimon, Alexandru,eauthor.2 aCentrul de Studii Transilvane,eissuing body,epublisher. 0aMinerva (Cluj-Napoca, Romania).nI,pHomines et mores ;v15.03760nam a2200433Ki 450000100100000000500170001000600190002700700150004600800410006104000230010205000110012509900120013610000280014824500410017626400570021730000500027433600260032433700260035033800360037650000430041250000160045550000310047150000350050250000430053750000380058059000730061850200670069150000190075850400410077758800690081852016100088754002920249758803170278965500390310669000350314569000660318083000590324685200210330503749765220200224151441.0m o d s cr |n||||ma|mp200224s2018 flua obm s000 0 eng d aFUGbengerdacFUG 4aLD1780 aLD1780 1 aWilson, Almaz,eauthor.10apaper satellites /cby Almaz Wilson. 1a[Gainesville, Fla.] :bUniversity of Florida,c2018. a1 online resource (46 pages) :billustrations atextbtxt2rdacontent acomputerbc2rdamedia aonline resourcebcr2rdacarrier aMajor department: Art and Art History. aMajor: Art. aAdvisor: Morrisroe, Julia. aCommittee member: Frosh, Joan. aCommittee member: Tillander, Michelle. aCommittee member: Iglesias, Lisa. aIn the series University of Florida Digital Collections.5KEEPUF5FU gProject in lieu of thesisbM.F.A.cUniversity of Floridad2018 aIncludes vita. aIncludes bibliographical references. aDescription based on online resource; title from PDF title page.3 apaper satellites is an installation and ritualistic performance piece activated by the intuitive movements of two performers inside of a mesh-covered transparent greenhouse space. To investigate movement as a medium and a mechanism and to describe a shared experience my performance partner, Alexander Murphy and myself, produce a visual landscape of the individual inner experience of each performer including our shared experience as a form. Our participatory movements will be carried out inside of a greenhouse transformed into an installation of constructed, deconstructed and reconstructed handmade forms that will be activated during the performance. The collection of African textiles within African American communities as a cultural currency, the complexities of consciousness, loss, intimacy and embodied experience are referenced in the work that is influenced and informed by identity in flux. In paper satellites, I created an atmospheric space for performance merging the complex elements of my studio practice. The installation includes projections of eleven collages, marked plywood flooring and 2D and 3D handmade forms evolved from ink drawings into textile prints. In this paper, I will draw upon the phases of non-linear creative investigations that have motivated the making of this project beginning with Loss and Resilience, Discovery through Ritual Practices, Being Here: Consciousness & Embodiment and paper satellites: Record of a Moment. I will articulate how artists, such as Ana Mendieta, Joan Jonas, Barbara McCullough and Louise Bourgeois have inspired my creative process. aCopyright Almaz Wilson. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder. aThis bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The University of Florida Libraries, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. 4aElectronic Thesis or Dissertation. aArt thesis, M.F.A.5KEEPUF5FU aDissertations, AcademiczUFxArt and Art History.5KEEPUF5FU 0aUniversity of Florida Digital Collections.5KEEPUF5FU aSUS01:;:;:bUFDC
\ No newline at end of file
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+# Introduction to MarcEdit
+This Introduction to MarcEdit is based on materials developed by Owen Stephens ([owen@ostephens.com](mailto:owen@ostephens.com)) in November 2015.
+This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
+It is suggested when crediting this work, you include the phrase “Developed by Owen Stephens”
+The exercises in this document were designed for and have been tested with MarcEdit 6.2 on Windows. Most of the exercises will also work on other versions and platforms, but they have not been tested.
+**1. Getting Started**
+## What is MarcEdit
+MarcEdit is a piece of software for editing MARC records developed by Terry Reese (now at Ohio State University, although the original development was done during a project at Oregon State University). MarcEdit can be used to make small, single, edits to individual MARC records, but is particularly aimed at making edits across many MARC records at a single time.
+## Downloading MarcEdit
+MarcEdit can be downloaded from [http://marcedit.reeset.net/downloads](http://marcedit.reeset.net/downloads)
+MarcEdit was originally written for Windows but there are now versions available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
+All screenshots in this document are taken from the Windows version and may be a little different from the Linux or Mac versions, although it should be possible to complete all the exercises in this document no matter which version you are using.
+**Going Further**
+Use the settings (cog) icon on the opening screen to modify the shortcuts that appear on the screen, so the functions you use most often are the ones that are displayed when you open MarcEdit each time.
+## The MarcEdit interface
+The MarcEdit interface is a little different to standard Windows or Mac software. On starting the software, the first screen shows a set of icons for different tools within MarcEdit. This screen can be customised so that you can access the tools you use most from this starting screen.
+Most tools within MarcEdit can be accessed from more than one place within the MarcEdit interface. For example from this starting screen the 'MARCValidator' function can be accessed:
+* via the 'Add-ins' menu in the opening screen
+* via the 'Reports' menu in the MarcEditor (see Exercise 1 below)
+* via the 'Tools' menu in the MarcEditor
+* using Ctrl+M in the MarcEditor
+This can make the interface a little confusing when you first start using MarcEdit!
+## Getting Help
+The MarcEdit application contains extensive help information within the application, as well as providing links to online resources. In addition the Help page at [http://marcedit.reeset.net/help](http://marcedit.reeset.net/help) provides links to the MarcEdit email list and further online support materials including a set of video tutorials by Terry Reese.
+Terry Reese is incredibly helpful and is on Twitter (@reese_terry) and provides his email address for questions from [http://marcedit.reeset.net/help](http://marcedit.reeset.net/help)
+**2. MarcEdit basics**
+All exercises in this document use a file of MARC records called 'me-eg-records.mrc' which can be downloaded from:
+These records are derived from [a set of MARC records made available by the University of Michigan Library under a CC0 licence](http://www.lib.umich.edu/open-access-bibliographic-records).
+## Exercise 1: Opening MARC records in the MarcEditor
+If you want to view and/or directly edit MARC records in MarcEdit, you do this using the MarcEditor. This can be accessed directly from the (default) start screen, or from the File menu.
+Click the MarcEditor option, and the MarcEditor will open with an empty screen:
+To edit a record, you need to open a file which contains one or more MARC records. This can be done (as you might expect) using the usual File menu, Open option, or by clicking the appropriate icon in the MarcEditor toolbar (second from the left).
+The MarcEditor recognises files of the following types:
+ File type
+ |
+ File extension
+ |
+ MARC file
+ |
+ mrc
+ |
+ MARC Text File
+ |
+ mrk
+ |
+ MARC UTF-8 Text File
+ |
+ mrk8
+ |
+ MARCXML file
+ |
+ xml
+ |
+ MODS file
+ |
+ xml
+ |
+ Text files
+ |
+ txt
+ |
+In order to work with these different file types correctly MarcEdit expects them to use the file extension as specified in this table. You may sometimes find that you need to rename files to use the correct extension before they will work as expected in MarcEdit. For example, when you download MARC records from a library catalogue or OCLC, you may find they use a different file extension (e.g. txt, dat) rather than 'mrc' even though they are MARC files. In these cases you will need to rename the file to use the 'mrc' file extension so that MarcEdit recognises them correctly.
+To open a file of MARC records in the MarcEditor:
+* Download the file called 'me-eg-records.mrc; from [http://bit.ly/training-data](http://bit.ly/training-data)
+* Open the MarcEditor
+* Click File->Open in the MarcEditor
+* Change the File Type to "MARC Files (*.mrc)"
+* Choose the file you have downloaded
+* Click 'Open'
+You should now see the MARC records from the file displaying in the MarcEditor
+The MarcEditor displays the records in what is called the 'MARC Text File' format (file extension *.mrk). Each line in the file represents a field in a MARC record:
+=245 14$aThe Lord of the Rings /$c J.R.R. Tolkien.
+This breaks down as follows:
+ =
+ |
+ Each line/field starts with the '=' sign
+ |
+ 245
+ |
+ The '=' is followed immediately by the three character MARC field code
+ |
+ [two spaces]
+ |
+ The MARC field is always followed by two spaces
+ |
+ 14
+ |
+ The field indicators follow the spaces - if the field has indicators. For the control or fixed fields, the field content starts directly after the spaces
+ |
+ $aThe Lord of the Rings /$c J.R.R. Tolkien.
+ |
+ The field content contains the subfields (indicated using the '$' symbol) and the text. Because the subfields use the '$' symbol, any real occurrences of the dollar symbol (e.g. for currency) is shown as "[dollar]" instead.
+ |
+Records in the MarcEditor display are separated by a blank line.
+The MarcEditor divides a file of MARC records into 'pages' of 100 records. You can scroll up and down the page of MARC records using the scroll bar as usual, but to see the next 100 records you need to use the Next/Previous page controls which are at the bottom left of the screen. The MarcEditor can cope with very large files of MARC records, because it never tries to load all the records at the same time.
+You can adjust the number of records displayed per 'page' through the MarcEditor preferences which can be accessed through the Tools->Preferences menu option from the MarcEditor, or through the 'Settings' icon on the opening screen of MarcEdit.
+## Exercise 2: Editing and saving MARC records in the MarcEditor
+To make a simple edit to a MARC record you can simply click into the MarcEditor at the point where you want to edit and start typing.
+If you've completed Exercise 1, you should have the MarcEditor open, with a file of MARC records.
+* Look at the first record ("Scott Stamp & Coin Co. (Limited), dealers in foreign postage stamps ...") Find the the $v subfield in the '610' field and note the incorrect spelling of "Catalogues" (it should be 'Catalogs')
+* Click on the word "Catalogues" just after the 'e'
+* Hit the delete button to remove the 'e' and the 'u'
+You can now save the file by:
+* Click File->Save in the MarcEditor
+* Note that the default is to save as file type "MARC Text File (*.mrk)" - leave this as the option
+* Add a file name and choose an appropriate location
+* Click "Save"
+You have now saved the edited file as a MARC Text file. You can work on this file further in the MarcEdit, but usually to be able to use with other software (e.g. loading the records into your library management system or equivalent) you will need to create a MARC file (*.mrc). See Exercise 8 for more information on doing this.
+You can carry out more extensive editing using this approach - adding or deleting text, subfields, whole fields or even complete records. However, when you have changes to make to many records, there are more effective approaches that can be used.
+## Exercise 3: Using Find and Replace to edit multiple records
+When there is an issue that is repeated over many issues or fields, you can use the Find/Replace function to make a similar change across many lines in the MarcEditor. When used in the simplest way, this works very much like find/replace in software such as Microsoft Word.
+You may have noted in Exercise 2 that the issue with using the wrong spelling of 'Catalogues' in the $v (form subdivision) is repeated across several fields in the first record. Using Find and Replace we can find out how many records are affected and correct them all at once.
+To simply find all the similar issues in the file:
+* Click Edit->Find
+* In the box labelled 'Find What' type "$vCatalogues"
+* Click 'Find All'
+* This will find all occurrences of the error in the file as a list of fields (lines) in the MarcEditor file. You can then jump to any specific occurrence in the file by clicking on the line
+This might help if you only had a few issues to correct, but in this case there are more than we want to correct one-by-one. In this case the 'Replace' option can be used:
+* Click Edit->Replace
+* In the box labelled 'Find What' type "$vCatalogues"
+* In the box labelled 'Replace with' type "$vCatalogs"
+* Click Replace All
+* The MarcEditor should tell you that 20 modifications have been made
+If you now repeat the 'Find' option as above, you should see that there are no occurrences of '$vCatalogues' in the file.
+## Exercise 4: Remove unwanted local fields
+When you obtain records from an external source, you may wish to remove any local fields from the records.
+**Use the Field Count report to find what fields are present in the records**
+To find what fields are present (and how many times they appear) in the file you can use the Field Count report.
+* From the Reports menu choose the Field Count option
+* The Field Count report will display, including options to export the results in a number of formats
+Scrolling down the report you can see (for example) that the 090 field (local call number) appears 235 times (in 234 records):
+**Remove the 090 using Add/Delete Field**
+To remove the 090 fields from all records, use the Add/Delete Field function:
+* Choose the Tools->Add/Delete Field menu option (you can also access this using the F7 key)
+* In the 'Field' box type '090'
+* Click 'Delete Field'
+* You should get a notification that 235 field were deleted
+## Exercise 5: Create a MARC file
+When you have completed your edits to a file of MARC records, you will usually want to convert it back into a MARC File. There are at least three ways of doing this in MarcEdit:
+1. In the MarcEditor, with the file open, choose File->Save As, and choose 'MARC Files (*.mrc) in the 'Save as type' prompt in the save file dialogue
+2. In the MarcEditor, with the file open, choose File->Compile File into MARC. You will be prompted for a file name and location
+3. Save the file in the MarcEditor as a "MARC Text File (*.mrk)" and then close the editor. In the MarcEdit windows, choose 'MARC Tools' and use the 'MarcMaker' function to convert the 'mrk' file to an 'mrc' file
+**Going Further**
+**Using MARC Tools in MarcEdit**
+The MARC Tools support converting one metadata format into another. Most of the options are based around some version of MARC, but there are also options for Dublin Core, MODS and EAD.
+To use the tool you specify in Input File (which contains the data in the starting format) and an Outputfile (which will be created when you run the tool). You then choose the 'Function' from the list provided. For example MARC21 => MARC21XML to convert MARC records into MARCXML records.
+Most of the options are named in a straightforward way indicating the source and destination formats. However, there are two more obscure functions:
+MarcBreaker - converts a MARC file (*.mrc) into MarcEdit's MARC Text File (*.mrk) format
+MarcMaker - converts a MarcEdit MARC Text File (*.mrk) into MARC file (*.mrc) format
+A common workflow described in MarcEdit tutorials is to get a MARC file from a source (e.g. a library management systems), use MarcBreaker at the start of the editing process to create a MARC Text File, edit the file using the MarcEditor, saving as you go along, and then at the end of the process convert the file back to MARC format using the MarcMaker.
+## Exercise 6: Find and correct records with incorrect non-filing indicators
+You can use the Find options in the MarcEditor to identify problems with MARC records. In this exercise you will use the Find option to find records which may have an incorrect non-filing indicator in the 245 field.
+* Choose the Edit->Find menu option (you can also access this using Ctrl+F)
+* In the Find box type a regular expression to find the pattern you want. In this case "=245 .[^4]\$aThe " (N.B. there are two spaces between the '5' and the '.', and a single space following the word "The")
+* Check the 'Use regular expressions' box
+* Click 'Find All'
+* You should be shown a list of all matching lines from the file:
+* To correct individual records you can click the line you want to edit then click 'Jump to Page'.
+* To correct all records you can click 'Edit Find Query' and use a 'Replace' query rather than a Find query to not only identify all incorrect records, but to replace the second indicator with a '4' using a regular expression with capture groups (as in Exercise 3 above)
+## Exercise 7: Find and correct records which have a 245 that doesn't finish with a full stop
+In this exercise you will use the Replace option to insert a full-stop at the end of any 245 fields that are missing that punctuation. This demonstrates the use of a regular expression 'capture group' in a MarcEdit Find/Replace operation
+* Choose the Edit->Replace menu option (you can also access this using Ctrl+R)
+* Check the 'Use regular expressions' box
+* In the 'Find what' box type a regular expression to find the pattern you want. In this case "`(=245.*[^.!?])$`"
+ * This finds any fields starting '=245' and finishing with a character other than a full-stop, question mark or exclamation mark
+ * The use of the brackets () in the regular expression 'capture' the matched text so we can use it in the replace expression
+ * A single Find expression can contain multiple capture groups, but in this case you are just using a single capture to get the whole of the 245 field (in cases where it doesn't finish with appropriate punctuation)
+* The content of each 'capture' in the Find regular expression can be used in the 'Replace with' box, using the dollar symbol plus the number of the capture group. For example '`$1`' in the Replace box will use the content of the first capture group from your Find expression.
+* In this case there is one and only one capture group in the Find expression, so in the 'Replace with' box type "`$1.`"
+ * This uses the text from the first (and in this case, only) capture group in the Find expression, and then adds a full-stop on the end
+* Click 'Replace All'
+You should be told that 11 modifications have been made.
+## Exercise 8: Create MARC records from an Excel Spreadsheet
+MarcEdit can create MARC records from a file of tabular data - such as a CSV, TSV (comma/tab separated values) file or an Excel spreadsheet. In this exercise you will create a simple set of MARC records from an Excel spreadsheet which lists the items in an ebook package.
+* Download simple-bib-records.tsv.txt from [http://bit.ly/training-data](http://bit.ly/training-data)
+* If you open the file (either in a text editor or in Excel) you can see that it contains three columns of information - the first column contains the title, the second column the ISBN and the third column a URL for the ebook
+* Close the file before you try to run the rest of the process described here, as you will find that having the file open in Excel while trying to get MarcEdit to read the file will prevent the process working correctly
+* The function used to create MARC records from tabular data is the 'Delimited Text Translator' (despite its name, this will also understand Excel spreadsheets). This can be accessed from the MarcEdit 'Add-ins' menu
+The first part of the process is to specify what file you want to use as the starting point for your MARC records, and to set some basic options for the import:
+* Set the Source File to find the simple-bib-records.xls file you've just downloaded
+* Set the Output File (this will be a new file of MARC records that you are about to create from the spreadsheet)
+* Select 'Tab' as the Delimiter
+* Click 'Edit LDR/008' - this allows you to set a material type in order for a basic LDR and 008 to be generated for each record. Click the dropdown menu in the pop-up screen and choose 'Electronic Resource' then click 'OK'
+* You've now set all the required options on this screen and can click the Next button to proceed to the next step of transforming the spreadsheet to MARC
+At this point MarcEdit should be able to find the data you want to use to create the MARC records. The next step in the process is to specify how data in the original file should be mapped to MARC fields. This is done by adding 'Arguments' - one for each field mapping.
+On the screen you should see a summary (the 'Data Snapshot') of the file you are importing with each column labelled 'Field 0', 'Field 1', 'Field 2' etc. Underneath this summary is a 'Settings' section. This is where you instruct MarcEdit which MARC fields to use for each piece of information in the spreadsheet. This is done on a column-by-column basis, so you'll need to choose a single mapping for each column. Where a single column contains information which needs mapping to different MARC fields, this can be resolved in the MarcEditor later - for now just pick the best mapping you can do.
+To do a mapping:
+* Click the 'Select' drop down and choose the column you want to map (Field 0 = the first column, Field 1 = the second column etc. - as shown in the 'Data Snapshot' part of the screen)
+* Enter the MARC field and subfield in the 'Map To' box. For example enter '245$a' to map a column to the 245 field, subfield a.
+* Set the indicators in the 'Indicators:' box if necessary. Again, you may not be able to set the correct indicators for all the lines in the spreadsheet (e.g. for non-filing characters), and you will probably need to use the MarcEditor to check and correct indicators for the created records.
+* If you wish to, you can set the 'Term. Punctuation' (Terminal Punctuation) as well - this is simply punctuation that will be added to the end of the field created in the MARC record
+* When you have filled out all the information click 'Add Argument' to add the mapping to the file processing - if you miss out this stage, the mapping will not be used!
+* Note that once you have created a mapping for a file, you can save this as a 'Template' which you can use again in the future - so if you have to transform data from the same spreadsheet/csv format on a regular basis, you don't have to do the mapping every time, you can simply re-load the template with the pre-existing mapping
+Given the data in the file you will want to map the field as follows:
+* Field0 -> 245$a
+* Field1 -> 020$a
+* Field2 -> 856$u
+Do not set any indicators (other than the default '\\' which is already filled in for you) and do not set any Terminal Punctuation.
+To do this in the form you need to add the mappings one by one. First:
+* Select 'Field0' in the dropdown list
+* In the 'Map to' field type "245$a"
+* Click 'Add Argument' to save this mapping
+Repeat this for Field1 (map to '020$a') and Field2 (map to '856$u')
+Check the option to "Ignore Header Row" to make sure the first row in the file, which contains the column headers in our case, isn't used to create a MARC record.
+Once you have done this, click the "Finish" button. This will create the file of MARC records (using the name/location specified in the 'Output File' option you set on the earlier screen).
+Open the file in the MarcEditor. You should find you have a file of skeleton MARC records based on the information in the Excel spreadsheet. Because the first line of the Excel spreadsheet consisted of column headings, the first record will have been created using the column headings rather than real data. Simply delete the first record in the file to correct this issue.
+## Exercise 9: Move ISSNs from 020 to 022
+To do this exercise you first need to successfully complete Exercise 8 and open the the newly created file of basic MARC records.
+While the majority of rows in the Excel spreadsheet used in Exercise 8 described books, with a ISBN in the second column, if you scroll down in the MarcEditor to the last records you can see that the last few records in the file are actually Serials/Journals rather than Books. This means that they have an ISSN instead of an ISBN, and the mapping has left this data in the wrong MARC field (020 instead of 022).
+To correct this you can use the 'Copy Field' option that is in the MarcEditor Tools menu:
+* Open newly created file (from Exercise 8) in MarcEditor
+* Use the menus to choose Tools->Copy field
+* Tick the 'Use Regular Expressions' option
+* In the Source Field enter the value '020'
+ * (\d{4}-\d{3}[0-9xX])
+* In the Destination Field enter the value '022'
+ * 022
+ * $1
+* Check 'Delete Source Field'
+These settings tell the 'Copy Field' tool to find 020 fields containing 4 digits, followed by a hyphen, followed by 3 digits and then either an additional digit or an upper or lower case 'x' - this should match any valid ISSN. It also tells it to 'capture' the ISSN by using the ( ) brackets around the regular expression.
+The Destination field setting of '$1' tells it to use the captured ISSN to populate the 022 field.
+Finally using the 'Delete Source Field' option gets rid of the 020 field containing the ISSN (after successfully copying this the ISSN to a new 022 field in the record).
+You should be told that 3 records have been affected.
+## Exercise 10: Create Task List
+A Task List allows you to run a set of repeated processes. In this case we can create a Task List that makes a number of changes to a basic set of MARC records created from a spreadsheet like this (e.g. if we get repeated sets of records in the same format)
+Or we can create a Task List that contains just one or two things that we do regularly and don't want to have to retype each time. In this way a 'Task List' may only be a single operation (like the 'Copy Field' option in Exercise 9) where you need to do the same operation regularly, but you don't want to have to type in the settings and regular expression each time. By creating a Task List containing this single Task, you can just run the task without having to type in the detail each time.
+Once a Task List has been created it can be used on any file you open in the MarcEditor. You can share Task Lists with others by using the 'Export Selected Task' and 'Import Task' options that are on the 'Manage Tasks' screen. Once you have exported a task you will have a file you can share with others (e.g. by email) which they can utilise by using the 'Import Task' option.
+In this exercise you are going to create a simple task list which does two things:
+1. Set correct indicators on an 856 field for a web resource accessed using http
+2. Add a standard 'Link Text' to 856 fields by adding a $y subfield containing the link text to be used
+* Open the file you created in Exercise 8 in MarcEditor
+* Use the menus to choose Tools->Manage Tasks
+* Click the option to 'Create New Task List', and give the task list a name (e.g. 856 Corrections)
+* You will now be returned to the Manage Tasks options. In this screen select the newly created Task List from the Task Lists and click the 'Edit Selected Task List' option
+* This is where you can add specific operations (or tasks) to the task list. To do this...
+* Click 'Add New Task' icon (looks like +). You will see a list of possible tasks you can choose from. The first task you are going to create is to set indicators on the 856 field so choose 'Add Edit Indicator Task'
+* You will now be shown a dialogue box almost identical to the options you would normally see if you choose the 'Tools->Edit Indicator Data' option from the MarcEdit menu. The only difference is that the background of the screen is slightly pink. This indicates you are in Task creation mode, and instead of running any command you add here, it will just be added to the task list
+* Fill out the form as follows:
+ * Field: 856
+ * Indicators: \\
+ * Field Data: LEAVE BLANK
+ * Replace with: 41
+* Once you have done this, Click "Replace". This will close the form and add the task to the task list. N.B. it is important to stress that the Edit Indicator operation hasn't been executed on your current Marc file - all that has happened is that the task has been added to the task list.
+To add the second task - adding the $y subfield to the 856 - stay in the Edit Task List window and do the following:
+* Click 'Add New Task' icon
+* Choose 'Add Edit Subfield Task'
+ * Field: 856
+ * Subfield: $y
+ * Replace with: Access item online
+ * Check 'Add Subfield if not present'
+ * Click Replace Text
+Now you've added these two operations to the task list you can save the list (Click Save) and then close the Task List Manager (Click Close).
+You've now created a Task list, the remaining thing left to do is run the Task List to carry out the two operations:
+* Choose from the MarcEditor menu: Tools-->Current Available Tasks->[Name of Task]
+* This will run both operations, and you will get a summary of the changes that have been made
+If you have tasks you run regularly it is also possible to assign a Task List to a keyboard combination (this is done in the 'Manage Task Lists' screen using the 'Key Assignment' option) to make it easy to run a set of tasks with a single keystroke (although this option is not available on a Mac).
+## Exercise 11: Generate Call Numbers
+In Exercise 8 you created some very basic MARC records. In Exercises 9 and 10 you made some corrections/enhancements to the records, but they are still very basic. In this exercise you will see how you can use the 'Generate Call Numbers' function to add call numbers and subject headings to these MARC records, hopefully making them much more useful when they are loaded into a library catalogue or library discovery tool (despite its name the Generate Call Numbers function does more than just add call numbers).
+The Generate Call Numbers function looks up information provided by OCLC, and this process can take a little while. You could use the function on the whole file you created in Exercise 8, but this takes rather a long time, so for the purposes of this exercise it is recommended you copy three records from the file into a new file in the MarcEditor:
+* Highlight the first three records in the file you created in Exercise 8, and use Edit->Copy (or Ctrl+C) to copy them
+* To create a new, blank, file in the MarcEditor use the menu item: File->New->Open new window
+* Paste the records into this blank file
+You are now ready to run the Generate Call Numbers tool. There are quite a few settings to choose with this tool, but they are mainly very straightforward options:
+* To run the tool choose the menu item: Tools->Generate Call Numbers
+* The first time you run this tool you will be asked to agree to some terms and conditions from OCLC, as the tool uses a OCLC service to find call numbers and subject headings
+* On the next screen click the option to 'Add To All Records', then click 'Choose Classification' link
+* You can choose between adding Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress classification - in this case choose 'Dewey Decimal'
+* Choose the option to 'Always Add Headings' (in the FAST Subject Headings section)
+* You are now ready to run the tool - you do this by clicking the 'Classify' button
+* The tool will now look up each record in your file against the OCLC service - it does the look up using one or more control numbers in your record - in this case the records only have ISBNs, so this is used, but the service would also use OCLC numbers if they were present
+* The process may take several minutes (even for just 3 records), but once it is complete you should see that subject headings and Dewey Decimal classifications have been added to your skeleton MARC records
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+permalink: index.html
+site: sandpaper::sandpaper_site
+**This Library Carpentry lesson introduces people working in library- and information-related roles to working with MARC data in MarcEdit. At the conclusion of the lesson you will understand what the MarcEdit software does and how to use the MarcEdit software to work with MARC data files.**
+:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: prereq
+## Prerequisites
+This lesson requires a basic knowledge of the MARC21 standard.
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+title: Instructor Notes
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+title: FIXME
+This is a placeholder file. Please add content here.
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+"episodes/09-integrations.md" "a8a926bc718a1c5c517953bd7c973ba0" "site/built/09-integrations.md" "2023-10-05"
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+title: Introduction to MarcEdit Owen Stephens' Original Materials
+teaching: 0
+exercises: 0
+- What is MarcEdit?
+- What can it do?
+- Explain what the MarcEdit software does
+- Explain how the MarcEdit software can help work with metadata files
+keypoints: First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)
+# Introduction to MarcEdit
+This Introduction to MarcEdit is based on materials developed by Owen Stephens ([owen@ostephens.com](mailto:owen@ostephens.com)) in November 2015.
+This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
+It is suggested when crediting this work, you include the phrase "Developed by Owen Stephens"
+The exercises in this document were designed for and have been tested with MarcEdit 6.2 on Windows. Most of the exercises will also work on other versions and platforms, but they have not been tested.
+**1\. Getting Started**
+## What is MarcEdit
+MarcEdit is a piece of software for editing MARC records developed by Terry Reese (now at Ohio State University, although the original development was done during a project at Oregon State University). MarcEdit can be used to make small, single, edits to individual MARC records, but is particularly aimed at making edits across many MARC records at a single time.
+## Downloading MarcEdit
+MarcEdit can be downloaded from [http://marcedit.reeset.net/downloads](https://marcedit.reeset.net/downloads)
+MarcEdit was originally written for Windows but there are now versions available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
+All screenshots in this document are taken from the Windows version and may be a little different from the Linux or Mac versions, although it should be possible to complete all the exercises in this document no matter which version you are using.
+**Going Further**
+Use the settings (cog) icon on the opening screen to modify the shortcuts that appear on the screen, so the functions you use most often are the ones that are displayed when you open MarcEdit each time.
+## The MarcEdit interface
+{alt='MarcEdit Main menu/navigation'}
+The MarcEdit interface is a little different to standard Windows or Mac software. On starting the software, the first screen shows a set of icons for different tools within MarcEdit. This screen can be customised so that you can access the tools you use most from this starting screen.
+Most tools within MarcEdit can be accessed from more than one place within the MarcEdit interface. For example from this starting screen the 'MARCValidator' function can be accessed:
+- via the 'Add-ins' menu in the opening screen
+- via the 'Reports' menu in the MarcEditor (see Exercise 1 below)
+- via the 'Tools' menu in the MarcEditor
+- using Ctrl+M in the MarcEditor
+This can make the interface a little confusing when you first start using MarcEdit!
+## Getting Help
+The MarcEdit application contains extensive help information within the application, as well as providing links to online resources. In addition the Help page at [http://marcedit.reeset.net/help](https://marcedit.reeset.net/help) provides links to the MarcEdit email list and further online support materials including a set of video tutorials by Terry Reese.
+Terry Reese is incredibly helpful and is on Twitter (@reese\_terry) and provides his email address for questions from [http://marcedit.reeset.net/help](https://marcedit.reeset.net/help)
+**2\. MarcEdit basics**
+All exercises in this document use a file of MARC records called 'me-eg-records.mrc' which can be downloaded from:
+These records are derived from [a set of MARC records made available by the University of Michigan Library under a CC0 licence](https://www.lib.umich.edu/open-access-bibliographic-records).
+## Exercise 1: Opening MARC records in the MarcEditor
+If you want to view and/or directly edit MARC records in MarcEdit, you do this using the MarcEditor. This can be accessed directly from the (default) start screen, or from the File menu.
+{alt='Empty MarcEditor screen'}
+Click the MarcEditor option, and the MarcEditor will open with an empty screen:
+To edit a record, you need to open a file which contains one or more MARC records. This can be done (as you might expect) using the usual File menu, Open option, or by clicking the appropriate icon in the MarcEditor toolbar (second from the left).
+The MarcEditor recognises files of the following types:
+ File type
+ |
+ File extension
+ |
+ MARC file
+ |
+ mrc
+ |
+ MARC Text File
+ |
+ mrk
+ |
+ MARC UTF-8 Text File
+ |
+ mrk8
+ |
+ MARCXML file
+ |
+ xml
+ |
+ MODS file
+ |
+ xml
+ |
+ Text files
+ |
+ txt
+ |
+In order to work with these different file types correctly MarcEdit expects them to use the file extension as specified in this table. You may sometimes find that you need to rename files to use the correct extension before they will work as expected in MarcEdit. For example, when you download MARC records from a library catalogue or OCLC, you may find they use a different file extension (e.g. txt, dat) rather than 'mrc' even though they are MARC files. In these cases you will need to rename the file to use the 'mrc' file extension so that MarcEdit recognises them correctly.
+To open a file of MARC records in the MarcEditor:
+- Download the file called 'me-eg-records.mrc; from [http://bit.ly/training-data](https://bit.ly/training-data)
+- Open the MarcEditor
+- Click File->Open in the MarcEditor
+- Change the File Type to "MARC Files (\*.mrc)"
+- Choose the file you have downloaded
+- Click 'Open'
+You should now see the MARC records from the file displaying in the MarcEditor
+{alt='MarcEditor screen with file open'}
+The MarcEditor displays the records in what is called the 'MARC Text File' format (file extension \*.mrk). Each line in the file represents a field in a MARC record:
+=245 14$aThe Lord of the Rings /$c J.R.R. Tolkien.
+This breaks down as follows:
+ =
+ |
+ Each line/field starts with the '=' sign
+ |
+ 245
+ |
+ The '=' is followed immediately by the three character MARC field code
+ |
+ [two spaces]
+ |
+ The MARC field is always followed by two spaces
+ |
+ 14
+ |
+ The field indicators follow the spaces - if the field has indicators. For the control or fixed fields, the field content starts directly after the spaces
+ |
+ $aThe Lord of the Rings /$c J.R.R. Tolkien.
+ |
+ The field content contains the subfields (indicated using the '$' symbol) and the text. Because the subfields use the '$' symbol, any real occurrences of the dollar symbol (e.g. for currency) is shown as "[dollar]" instead.
+ |
+Records in the MarcEditor display are separated by a blank line.
+The MarcEditor divides a file of MARC records into 'pages' of 100 records. You can scroll up and down the page of MARC records using the scroll bar as usual, but to see the next 100 records you need to use the Next/Previous page controls which are at the bottom left of the screen. The MarcEditor can cope with very large files of MARC records, because it never tries to load all the records at the same time.
+You can adjust the number of records displayed per 'page' through the MarcEditor preferences which can be accessed through the Tools->Preferences menu option from the MarcEditor, or through the 'Settings' icon on the opening screen of MarcEdit.
+## Exercise 2: Editing and saving MARC records in the MarcEditor
+To make a simple edit to a MARC record you can simply click into the MarcEditor at the point where you want to edit and start typing.
+If you've completed Exercise 1, you should have the MarcEditor open, with a file of MARC records.
+- Look at the first record ("Scott Stamp \& Coin Co. (Limited), dealers in foreign postage stamps ...") Find the the $v subfield in the '610' field and note the incorrect spelling of "Catalogues" (it should be 'Catalogs')
+- Click on the word "Catalogues" just after the 'e'
+- Hit the delete button to remove the 'e' and the 'u'
+You can now save the file by:
+- Click File->Save in the MarcEditor
+- Note that the default is to save as file type "MARC Text File (\*.mrk)" - leave this as the option
+- Add a file name and choose an appropriate location
+- Click "Save"
+You have now saved the edited file as a MARC Text file. You can work on this file further in the MarcEdit, but usually to be able to use with other software (e.g. loading the records into your library management system or equivalent) you will need to create a MARC file (\*.mrc). See Exercise 8 for more information on doing this.
+You can carry out more extensive editing using this approach - adding or deleting text, subfields, whole fields or even complete records. However, when you have changes to make to many records, there are more effective approaches that can be used.
+## Exercise 3: Using Find and Replace to edit multiple records
+When there is an issue that is repeated over many issues or fields, you can use the Find/Replace function to make a similar change across many lines in the MarcEditor. When used in the simplest way, this works very much like find/replace in software such as Microsoft Word.
+You may have noted in Exercise 2 that the issue with using the wrong spelling of 'Catalogues' in the $v (form subdivision) is repeated across several fields in the first record. Using Find and Replace we can find out how many records are affected and correct them all at once.
+To simply find all the similar issues in the file:
+- Click Edit->Find
+- In the box labelled 'Find What' type "$vCatalogues"
+- Click 'Find All'
+- This will find all occurrences of the error in the file as a list of fields (lines) in the MarcEditor file. You can then jump to any specific occurrence in the file by clicking on the line
+This might help if you only had a few issues to correct, but in this case there are more than we want to correct one-by-one. In this case the 'Replace' option can be used:
+- Click Edit->Replace
+- In the box labelled 'Find What' type "$vCatalogues"
+- In the box labelled 'Replace with' type "$vCatalogs"
+- Click Replace All
+- The MarcEditor should tell you that 20 modifications have been made
+If you now repeat the 'Find' option as above, you should see that there are no occurrences of '$vCatalogues' in the file.
+## Exercise 4: Remove unwanted local fields
+When you obtain records from an external source, you may wish to remove any local fields from the records.
+**Use the Field Count report to find what fields are present in the records**
+To find what fields are present (and how many times they appear) in the file you can use the Field Count report.
+- From the Reports menu choose the Field Count option
+- The Field Count report will display, including options to export the results in a number of formats
+Scrolling down the report you can see (for example) that the 090 field (local call number) appears 235 times (in 234 records):
+{alt='Field Count report'}
+**Remove the 090 using Add/Delete Field**
+To remove the 090 fields from all records, use the Add/Delete Field function:
+- Choose the Tools->Add/Delete Field menu option (you can also access this using the F7 key)
+- In the 'Field' box type '090'
+- Click 'Delete Field'
+- You should get a notification that 235 field were deleted
+## Exercise 5: Create a MARC file
+When you have completed your edits to a file of MARC records, you will usually want to convert it back into a MARC File. There are at least three ways of doing this in MarcEdit:
+1. In the MarcEditor, with the file open, choose File->Save As, and choose 'MARC Files (\*.mrc) in the 'Save as type' prompt in the save file dialogue
+2. In the MarcEditor, with the file open, choose File->Compile File into MARC. You will be prompted for a file name and location
+3. Save the file in the MarcEditor as a "MARC Text File (\*.mrk)" and then close the editor. In the MarcEdit windows, choose 'MARC Tools' and use the 'MarcMaker' function to convert the 'mrk' file to an 'mrc' file
+**Going Further**
+**Using MARC Tools in MarcEdit**
+The MARC Tools support converting one metadata format into another. Most of the options are based around some version of MARC, but there are also options for Dublin Core, MODS and EAD.
+To use the tool you specify in Input File (which contains the data in the starting format) and an Outputfile (which will be created when you run the tool). You then choose the 'Function' from the list provided. For example MARC21 => MARC21XML to convert MARC records into MARCXML records.
+Most of the options are named in a straightforward way indicating the source and destination formats. However, there are two more obscure functions:
+MarcBreaker - converts a MARC file (*.mrc) into MarcEdit's MARC Text File (*.mrk) format
+MarcMaker - converts a MarcEdit MARC Text File (*.mrk) into MARC file (*.mrc) format
+A common workflow described in MarcEdit tutorials is to get a MARC file from a source (e.g. a library management systems), use MarcBreaker at the start of the editing process to create a MARC Text File, edit the file using the MarcEditor, saving as you go along, and then at the end of the process convert the file back to MARC format using the MarcMaker.
+## Exercise 6: Find and correct records with incorrect non-filing indicators
+You can use the Find options in the MarcEditor to identify problems with MARC records. In this exercise you will use the Find option to find records which may have an incorrect non-filing indicator in the 245 field.
+- Choose the Edit->Find menu option (you can also access this using Ctrl+F)
+- In the Find box type a regular expression to find the pattern you want. In this case "=245 .[^4]$aThe " (N.B. there are two spaces between the '5' and the '.', and a single space following the word "The")
+- Check the 'Use regular expressions' box
+- Click 'Find All'
+{alt='Find All results'}
+- You should be shown a list of all matching lines from the file:
+- To correct individual records you can click the line you want to edit then click 'Jump to Page'.
+- To correct all records you can click 'Edit Find Query' and use a 'Replace' query rather than a Find query to not only identify all incorrect records, but to replace the second indicator with a '4' using a regular expression with capture groups (as in Exercise 3 above)
+## Exercise 7: Find and correct records which have a 245 that doesn't finish with a full stop
+In this exercise you will use the Replace option to insert a full-stop at the end of any 245 fields that are missing that punctuation. This demonstrates the use of a regular expression 'capture group' in a MarcEdit Find/Replace operation
+- Choose the Edit->Replace menu option (you can also access this using Ctrl+R)
+- Check the 'Use regular expressions' box
+- In the 'Find what' box type a regular expression to find the pattern you want. In this case "`(=245.*[^.!?])$`"
+ - This finds any fields starting '=245' and finishing with a character other than a full-stop, question mark or exclamation mark
+ - The use of the brackets () in the regular expression 'capture' the matched text so we can use it in the replace expression
+ - A single Find expression can contain multiple capture groups, but in this case you are just using a single capture to get the whole of the 245 field (in cases where it doesn't finish with appropriate punctuation)
+- The content of each 'capture' in the Find regular expression can be used in the 'Replace with' box, using the dollar symbol plus the number of the capture group. For example '`$1`' in the Replace box will use the content of the first capture group from your Find expression.
+- In this case there is one and only one capture group in the Find expression, so in the 'Replace with' box type "`$1.`"
+ - This uses the text from the first (and in this case, only) capture group in the Find expression, and then adds a full-stop on the end
+- Click 'Replace All'
+You should be told that 11 modifications have been made.
+## Exercise 8: Create MARC records from an Excel Spreadsheet
+MarcEdit can create MARC records from a file of tabular data - such as a CSV, TSV (comma/tab separated values) file or an Excel spreadsheet. In this exercise you will create a simple set of MARC records from an Excel spreadsheet which lists the items in an ebook package.
+- Download simple-bib-records.tsv.txt from [http://bit.ly/training-data](https://bit.ly/training-data)
+- If you open the file (either in a text editor or in Excel) you can see that it contains three columns of information - the first column contains the title, the second column the ISBN and the third column a URL for the ebook
+- Close the file before you try to run the rest of the process described here, as you will find that having the file open in Excel while trying to get MarcEdit to read the file will prevent the process working correctly
+- The function used to create MARC records from tabular data is the 'Delimited Text Translator' (despite its name, this will also understand Excel spreadsheets). This can be accessed from the MarcEdit 'Add-ins' menu
+The first part of the process is to specify what file you want to use as the starting point for your MARC records, and to set some basic options for the import:
+- Set the Source File to find the simple-bib-records.xls file you've just downloaded
+- Set the Output File (this will be a new file of MARC records that you are about to create from the spreadsheet)
+- Select 'Tab' as the Delimiter
+- Click 'Edit LDR/008' - this allows you to set a material type in order for a basic LDR and 008 to be generated for each record. Click the dropdown menu in the pop-up screen and choose 'Electronic Resource' then click 'OK'
+- You've now set all the required options on this screen and can click the Next button to proceed to the next step of transforming the spreadsheet to MARC
+At this point MarcEdit should be able to find the data you want to use to create the MARC records. The next step in the process is to specify how data in the original file should be mapped to MARC fields. This is done by adding 'Arguments' - one for each field mapping.
+On the screen you should see a summary (the 'Data Snapshot') of the file you are importing with each column labelled 'Field 0', 'Field 1', 'Field 2' etc. Underneath this summary is a 'Settings' section. This is where you instruct MarcEdit which MARC fields to use for each piece of information in the spreadsheet. This is done on a column-by-column basis, so you'll need to choose a single mapping for each column. Where a single column contains information which needs mapping to different MARC fields, this can be resolved in the MarcEditor later - for now just pick the best mapping you can do.
+To do a mapping:
+- Click the 'Select' drop down and choose the column you want to map (Field 0 = the first column, Field 1 = the second column etc. - as shown in the 'Data Snapshot' part of the screen)
+- Enter the MARC field and subfield in the 'Map To' box. For example enter '245$a' to map a column to the 245 field, subfield a.
+- Set the indicators in the 'Indicators:' box if necessary. Again, you may not be able to set the correct indicators for all the lines in the spreadsheet (e.g. for non-filing characters), and you will probably need to use the MarcEditor to check and correct indicators for the created records.
+- If you wish to, you can set the 'Term. Punctuation' (Terminal Punctuation) as well - this is simply punctuation that will be added to the end of the field created in the MARC record
+- When you have filled out all the information click 'Add Argument' to add the mapping to the file processing - if you miss out this stage, the mapping will not be used!
+- Note that once you have created a mapping for a file, you can save this as a 'Template' which you can use again in the future - so if you have to transform data from the same spreadsheet/csv format on a regular basis, you don't have to do the mapping every time, you can simply re-load the template with the pre-existing mapping
+Given the data in the file you will want to map the field as follows:
+- Field0 -> 245$a
+- Field1 -> 020$a
+- Field2 -> 856$u
+Do not set any indicators (other than the default '\\' which is already filled in for you) and do not set any Terminal Punctuation.
+To do this in the form you need to add the mappings one by one. First:
+- Select 'Field0' in the dropdown list
+- In the 'Map to' field type "245$a"
+- Click 'Add Argument' to save this mapping
+Repeat this for Field1 (map to '020$a') and Field2 (map to '856$u')
+Check the option to "Ignore Header Row" to make sure the first row in the file, which contains the column headers in our case, isn't used to create a MARC record.
+Once you have done this, click the "Finish" button. This will create the file of MARC records (using the name/location specified in the 'Output File' option you set on the earlier screen).
+Open the file in the MarcEditor. You should find you have a file of skeleton MARC records based on the information in the Excel spreadsheet. Because the first line of the Excel spreadsheet consisted of column headings, the first record will have been created using the column headings rather than real data. Simply delete the first record in the file to correct this issue.
+## Exercise 9: Move ISSNs from 020 to 022
+To do this exercise you first need to successfully complete Exercise 8 and open the the newly created file of basic MARC records.
+While the majority of rows in the Excel spreadsheet used in Exercise 8 described books, with a ISBN in the second column, if you scroll down in the MarcEditor to the last records you can see that the last few records in the file are actually Serials/Journals rather than Books. This means that they have an ISSN instead of an ISBN, and the mapping has left this data in the wrong MARC field (020 instead of 022).
+To correct this you can use the 'Copy Field' option that is in the MarcEditor Tools menu:
+- Open newly created file (from Exercise 8) in MarcEditor
+- Use the menus to choose Tools->Copy field
+- Tick the 'Use Regular Expressions' option
+- In the Source Field enter the value '020'
+ - (\\d{4}-\\d{3}[0-9xX])
+- In the Destination Field enter the value '022'
+ - 022
+ - $1
+- Check 'Delete Source Field'
+These settings tell the 'Copy Field' tool to find 020 fields containing 4 digits, followed by a hyphen, followed by 3 digits and then either an additional digit or an upper or lower case 'x' - this should match any valid ISSN. It also tells it to 'capture' the ISSN by using the ( ) brackets around the regular expression.
+The Destination field setting of '$1' tells it to use the captured ISSN to populate the 022 field.
+Finally using the 'Delete Source Field' option gets rid of the 020 field containing the ISSN (after successfully copying this the ISSN to a new 022 field in the record).
+You should be told that 3 records have been affected.
+## Exercise 10: Create Task List
+A Task List allows you to run a set of repeated processes. In this case we can create a Task List that makes a number of changes to a basic set of MARC records created from a spreadsheet like this (e.g. if we get repeated sets of records in the same format)
+Or we can create a Task List that contains just one or two things that we do regularly and don't want to have to retype each time. In this way a 'Task List' may only be a single operation (like the 'Copy Field' option in Exercise 9) where you need to do the same operation regularly, but you don't want to have to type in the settings and regular expression each time. By creating a Task List containing this single Task, you can just run the task without having to type in the detail each time.
+Once a Task List has been created it can be used on any file you open in the MarcEditor. You can share Task Lists with others by using the 'Export Selected Task' and 'Import Task' options that are on the 'Manage Tasks' screen. Once you have exported a task you will have a file you can share with others (e.g. by email) which they can utilise by using the 'Import Task' option.
+In this exercise you are going to create a simple task list which does two things:
+1. Set correct indicators on an 856 field for a web resource accessed using http
+2. Add a standard 'Link Text' to 856 fields by adding a $y subfield containing the link text to be used
+- Open the file you created in Exercise 8 in MarcEditor
+- Use the menus to choose Tools->Manage Tasks
+- Click the option to 'Create New Task List', and give the task list a name (e.g. 856 Corrections)
+- You will now be returned to the Manage Tasks options. In this screen select the newly created Task List from the Task Lists and click the 'Edit Selected Task List' option
+- This is where you can add specific operations (or tasks) to the task list. To do this...
+- Click 'Add New Task' icon (looks like +). You will see a list of possible tasks you can choose from. The first task you are going to create is to set indicators on the 856 field so choose 'Add Edit Indicator Task'
+- You will now be shown a dialogue box almost identical to the options you would normally see if you choose the 'Tools->Edit Indicator Data' option from the MarcEdit menu. The only difference is that the background of the screen is slightly pink. This indicates you are in Task creation mode, and instead of running any command you add here, it will just be added to the task list
+- Fill out the form as follows:
+ - Field: 856
+ - Indicators: \\
+ - Field Data: LEAVE BLANK
+ - Replace with: 41
+- Once you have done this, Click "Replace". This will close the form and add the task to the task list. N.B. it is important to stress that the Edit Indicator operation hasn't been executed on your current Marc file - all that has happened is that the task has been added to the task list.
+To add the second task - adding the $y subfield to the 856 - stay in the Edit Task List window and do the following:
+- Click 'Add New Task' icon
+- Choose 'Add Edit Subfield Task'
+ - Field: 856
+ - Subfield: $y
+ - Replace with: Access item online
+ - Check 'Add Subfield if not present'
+ - Click Replace Text
+Now you've added these two operations to the task list you can save the list (Click Save) and then close the Task List Manager (Click Close).
+You've now created a Task list, the remaining thing left to do is run the Task List to carry out the two operations:
+- Choose from the MarcEditor menu: Tools-->Current Available Tasks->[Name of Task]
+- This will run both operations, and you will get a summary of the changes that have been made
+If you have tasks you run regularly it is also possible to assign a Task List to a keyboard combination (this is done in the 'Manage Task Lists' screen using the 'Key Assignment' option) to make it easy to run a set of tasks with a single keystroke (although this option is not available on a Mac).
+## Exercise 11: Generate Call Numbers
+In Exercise 8 you created some very basic MARC records. In Exercises 9 and 10 you made some corrections/enhancements to the records, but they are still very basic. In this exercise you will see how you can use the 'Generate Call Numbers' function to add call numbers and subject headings to these MARC records, hopefully making them much more useful when they are loaded into a library catalogue or library discovery tool (despite its name the Generate Call Numbers function does more than just add call numbers).
+The Generate Call Numbers function looks up information provided by OCLC, and this process can take a little while. You could use the function on the whole file you created in Exercise 8, but this takes rather a long time, so for the purposes of this exercise it is recommended you copy three records from the file into a new file in the MarcEditor:
+- Highlight the first three records in the file you created in Exercise 8, and use Edit->Copy (or Ctrl+C) to copy them
+- To create a new, blank, file in the MarcEditor use the menu item: File->New->Open new window
+- Paste the records into this blank file
+You are now ready to run the Generate Call Numbers tool. There are quite a few settings to choose with this tool, but they are mainly very straightforward options:
+- To run the tool choose the menu item: Tools->Generate Call Numbers
+- The first time you run this tool you will be asked to agree to some terms and conditions from OCLC, as the tool uses a OCLC service to find call numbers and subject headings
+- On the next screen click the option to 'Add To All Records', then click 'Choose Classification' link
+- You can choose between adding Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress classification - in this case choose 'Dewey Decimal'
+- Choose the option to 'Always Add Headings' (in the FAST Subject Headings section)
+- You are now ready to run the tool - you do this by clicking the 'Classify' button
+- The tool will now look up each record in your file against the OCLC service - it does the look up using one or more control numbers in your record - in this case the records only have ISBNs, so this is used, but the service would also use OCLC numbers if they were present
+- The process may take several minutes (even for just 3 records), but once it is complete you should see that subject headings and Dewey Decimal classifications have been added to your skeleton MARC records
diff --git a/reference.md b/reference.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa847f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reference.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+title: 'FIXME'
+## Glossary
+## Glossary
diff --git a/setup.md b/setup.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fde10f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.md
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+title: Setup
+## Getting Ready
+You need to install the latest version of MarcEdit and download a data file to follow this lesson. If you are using an older version of MarcEdit, it is recommended you upgrade to the latest version which may be beyond what was tested for this lesson.
+## Downloading MarcEdit
+MarcEdit is a free, open-source application. You can download MarcEdit from
+This lesson has been tested with the following versions: MarcEdit 7 (specifically 7.6.3) for Windows and MarcEdit 3 for MacOS. It should be highlighted that MarcEdit is frequently updated and these instructions might have been tested on a slightly earlier version.
+#### Plug-Ins and Packages
+Packages, along with associated system requirements, are available on [https://marcedit.reeset.net/downloads](https://marcedit.reeset.net/downloads) for Windows and MacOS.
+#### System Requirements for Mac and Windows
+System requirements for MarcEdit 7/MarcEdit MacOS 3 [https://marcedit.reeset.net/downloads](https://marcedit.reeset.net/downloads):
+- Operating system: Vista (32 \& 64-bit), MacOS 10.10+
+- RAM: 8MB minimum; 32 MB+ is recommended
+- Disc space for Windows: 34 MB (setup); 15 MB (application)
+- Disc space for MacOS: 60 MB (setup); 150 MB (installed)
+- For Windows, Windows .NET 4.7.2+ is required.
+- For MacOS, Installer, where all dependencies are packaged and installed, is required.
+#### Determining if your system is 32 or 64-bit
+- MacOS: Select the About This Mac option in the Apple menu. On the About This Mac window, click the Systems Report below the information in the Overview. Click on Hardware. In the Hardware Overview in the top left column, you will see the processor name to determine if it's a 32-bit or 64-bit CPU.
+- Windows: In the Start menu, type in About to get About Your PC. In Device Specifications, the system type will tell you if it's a 32 or 64-bit CPU.
+### Installing MarcEdit On Windows - [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FX0r7jIxeN4)
+For Windows, select [Windows Build Options -> Download MarcEdit 7.5 (All Users)](https://marcedit.reeset.net/software/marcedit75/MarcEdit_7_5_User_Install.exe). The Windows User Only Installation should work for the majority of participants. If you will be using a communal computer, and expect MarcEdit to be used by a number of users on that machine, read through the "Windows Build Options" pop-up to decide the best installation option for you. You can also view this [video tutorial](https://youtu.be/7wYo7VoOwMI) for this type of advanced installation called the consolidated option.
+#### Notes for Windows users
+- The Consolidated Installation for MarcEdit 7.5 for Windows is the only one installation option that currently supports 32-bit systems.
+- If the installation is being done via distributed software or via a distribution client like Microsoft's SCCM, refer to the packaging tool available on GitHub [https://github.com/reeset/marcedit\_package\_builder](https://github.com/reeset/marcedit_package_builder).
+- Instructions for system administrators has been provided. Also information on managing MarcEdit installations are available [https://marcedit.reeset.net/managing-marcedit-installations](https://marcedit.reeset.net/managing-marcedit-installations).
+### Installing MarcEdit on Mac - [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8TQsNhpw8I)
+For MacOS, select ["MacOs"](https://marcedit.reeset.net/software/marcedit75/MarcEdit3_5.pkg.zip). Unzip the package and follow the MacOS instructions.
+### Running MarcEdit for the First Time: The Setup Wizard - [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHEimALeojU)
+After downloading MarcEdit and once you launch the installation the first time, you will be asked to go through the setup wizard. This wizard will ask you to configure the default font, font size, and recommended theme. The wizard will then ask you to configure the MARC standard and file standard being used.
+- Click on "Let's get started"
+- MarcEdit Appearance
+ - Default font: Select your preferred font
+ - Application font size: Select your preferred font size
+ - Recommended Theme: Select default
+- MarcEdit Data Settings
+ - My MARC Format is: Select MARC21
+ - Default Recording Encoding: Select MARC21/UTF8
+ - Make sure "Enforce Unicode Normalization" is checked
+ - XML Processing Enging: Select Choose for me
+## Downloading the data
+For this lesson, you need to download our sample file from the Library Carpentries MarcEdit GitHub repository. Go to the GitHub [page](https://github.com/LibraryCarpentry/lc-marcedit/blob/main/episodes/data/marc_sample_data.mrc) to download the sample data file called marc\_sample\_data.mrc. Then, click the download button on the right hand side. This MARC file follows the MARC21 standard and is encoded in UTF-8.
+- Click on [this link](https://github.com/LibraryCarpentry/lc-marcedit/blob/main/episodes/data/marc_sample_data.mrc)
+- Click on download button {alt='GitHub Download Button icon'}
+- The marc sample file will be saved to your local computer
+## Getting help
+Installation video demostrations are available for all users [https://youtu.be/FX0r7jIxeN4](https://youtu.be/FX0r7jIxeN4).
+If you encounter problems installing or running MarcEdit, a good source of support is the [MarcEdit mailing list and user forum](https://listserv.gmu.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=marcedit-l). You can also fill out the [Help Form](https://marcedit.reeset.net/contact-me).
+Include your operating system when searching to find the most relevant answers for your issue.
+You may also want to check the [Videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrHRsJ91nVFScJLS91SWR5awtFfpewMWg) or the [MarcEdit Knowledge Base](https://marcedit.reeset.net/archives/category/knowledge_base).