Changes to the ontology:
- TODO: LR to fix the provenance generated to link the metricCalculation activity to the laundromat dataset
- Added rdfs:isDefinedBy links from everything defined in the ontologies to the respective ontology URI
- Corrected import structure (every use of an external namespace is accompanied by a proper owl:imports statement)
- Corrected VANN and VOAF attributes of ontology definitions.
- Added VOAF specializes (VOID), generalizes (VOID-Ext) to metrics ontology
- Corrected several inconsistent namespace declarations and uses across all ontology files (httpo, metrics, error, ontology)
- Replaced author blank nodes with actual foaf:Person URIs
- Corrected property and class types across datasets (datatype properties vs. object properties, owl:Class vs rdfs:Class)
- Added mappings to PROV plans and entities, corrected link between prov:Activity of metrics generation and the dataset used.
- Added mappings to VOID Dataset, and from llm:IRIs, llm:definedClasses and llm:definedProperties to void:entities, void:classes and void:properties, respectively.
- Added mappings to VOID-ext, llm:literals and llm:blankNodes generalize void-ext:distinctLiterals and void-ext:distinctBlankNodes, respectively
- Used property chain axioms to relate property chains such as llm:IRILength->llm:mean with void-ext:averageIRILength.