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Threshold ECDSA based on CGGMP21 paper

CGGMP21 is a state-of-art ECDSA TSS protocol that supports 1-round signing (requires preprocessing), identifiable abort, provides two signing protocols (3+1 and 5+1 rounds with different complexity of abort identification) and key refresh protocol out of the box.

This crate implements:

  • Threshold and non-threshold key generation
  • 3+1 rounds threshold and non-threshold signing
  • Auxiliary info generation protocol
  • Key refresh for non-threshold keys
  • HD-wallets support based on slip10 standard (compatible with bip32)
    Requires hd-wallets feature

We also provide auxiliary tools like:

  • Secret key reconstruction (exporting key from TSS)
  • Trusted dealer (importing key into TSS)

This crate does not support (currently):

  • Threshold key refresh
  • Identifiable abort
  • 5+1 rounds signing protocol

Running protocol


In order to run protocol, you need to define how signer can communicate with other signers. We use round_based framework that handles network part. Basically, you need to define: a stream of incoming messages and sink of outgoing messages:

let incoming: impl Stream<Item = Result<Incoming<Msg>>>;
let outgoing: impl Sink<Outgoing<Msg>>;


  • Msg is protocol message (e.g., signing::msg::Msg)
  • round_based::Incoming and round_based::Outgoing wrap Msg and provide additional data (e.g., sender/recepient)
  • futures::Stream and futures::Sink are well-known async primitives.

Then, construct a round_based::MpcParty:

let delivery = (incoming, outgoing);
let party = round_based::MpcParty::connected(delivery);

Signers indexes

Each signer in protocol execution (keygen/signing/etc.) occupies a unique index $i$ ($0 \le i &lt; n$, where $n$ is amount of parties in the protocol). For instance, if Signer A occupies index 2, then all other signers must acknowledge that i=2 corresponds to Signer A.

Assuming you have some sort of PKI (which you need to comply with security requirements) and each signer has a public key which uniqely idenitifies that signer, you can easily assign unique indexes to the signers:

  1. Make a list of signers public keys
  2. Sort the list of public keys
  3. Assign each signer index i such that i corresponds to position of signer public key in sorted list of public keys


Make sure that communication layer complies with security requirements:

  • All messages sent between parties must be authenticated
  • All p2p messages must be encrypted

Execution ID

Final step of preparation, all the signers need to agree on unique identifier of protocol execution ExecutionId. Execution ID needs to be unique per protocol execution (keygen/signing/etc.), otherwise it may compromise security. Execution ID needs to be the same for all signers taking part in the protocol, otherwise protocol will abort. Execution ID doesn't need to be secret.

Now that signers can talk to each other and they have an execution ID, they're ready to generate a key!

Distributed Key Generation

use cggmp21::supported_curves::Secp256k1;

let eid = cggmp21::ExecutionId::new(b"execution id, unique per protocol execution");
let i = /* signer index (0 <= i < n) */;
let n = /* amount of signers taking part in key generation */;
let t = /* threshold */;

let incomplete_key_share = cggmp21::keygen::<Secp256k1>(eid, i, n)
    .start(&mut OsRng, party)

This code outputs IncompleteKeyShare. Note that this key share is not ready yet to do signing. You need to “complete” it by generating auxiliary info (see below).

Auxiliary info generation

After key generation, all signers need to take part in auxiliary information generation. Make sure all signers occupy exactly the same indexes as at keygen.

// Primes generation can take a while
let pregenerated_primes = cggmp21::PregeneratedPrimes::generate(&mut OsRng);

let eid = cggmp21::ExecutionId::new(b"execution id, unique per protocol execution");
let i = /* signer index, same as at keygen */;
let n = /* amount of signers */;

let aux_info = cggmp21::aux_info_gen(eid, i, n, pregenerated_primes)
    .start(&mut OsRng, party)

After keygen and aux info gen are done, you can make a “complete” key share that can be used for signing:

let key_share = cggmp21::KeyShare::from_parts((incomplete_key_share, aux_info))?;


Once completed key share is obtained, signers can do signing or generate presignatures. In either case, threshold amount of signers must take part in the protocol. Similar to previous protocols, at signing each signer needs to be assigned an index 0 <= i < min_signers, but we also need to know which index each signer occupied at keygen.

In the example below, we do a full signing:

let eid = cggmp21::ExecutionId::new(b"execution id, unique per protocol execution");

let i = /* signer index (0 <= i < min_signers) */;
let parties_indexes_at_keygen: [u16; MIN_SIGNERS] =
    /* parties_indexes_at_keygen[i] is index which i-th party occupied at keygen */;
let key_share = /* completed key share */;

let data_to_sign = cggmp21::DataToSign::digest::<Sha256>(b"data to be signed");

let signature = cggmp21::signing(eid, i, &parties_indexes_at_keygen, &key_share)
    .sign(&mut OsRng, party, data_to_sign)

Alternatively, you can generate presignature and use it to sign data:

  1. Use SigningBuilder::generate_presignature to run presignature generation protocol
  2. Once signing request is received, each signer issues a partial signature using Presignature::issue_partial_signature
  3. Combine threshold amount of partial signatures using PartialSignature::combine to obtain a regular signature

Never reuse presignatures! If you use the same presignature to sign two different messages, it leaks private key to anyone who can observe the signatures.

HD wallets support

Library supports non-hardened deterministic key derivation based on slip10 standard (compatible with bip32). It allows signers to generate a master key once, and then use it to instantaneously derive as many child keys as needed. Child key derivation takes place within signing protocol practically at no cost.

In order to use HD wallets, hd-wallets feature must be enabled. Then, a master key needs to be generated by running a regular key generation protocol with hd_wallet set to true.

When master key is generated, you can issue a signature for child key by setting derivation path in the signing.

SPOF code: Key Import and Export

CGGMP21 protocol is designed to avoid Single Point of Failure by guaranteeing that attacker would need to compromise threshold amount of nodes to obtain a secret key. However, some use-cases may require you to create a SPOF, for instance, importing an existing key into TSS and exporting key from TSS.

Such use-cases contradict to nature of MPC so we don't include those primitives by default. However, you may opt for them by enabling spof feature, then you can use trusted_dealer for key import and key_share::reconstruct_secret_key for key export.

Implementation vs CGGMP21 paper differences

Original CGGMP21 paper only defines non-threshold (n-out-of-n) protocol. To support threshold (t-out-of-n) signing, we defined our own CGGMP21-like key generation and threshold signing protocol which works based on original non-threshold signing protocol. However, we keep both threshold and non-threshold versions of the protocols in the crate, so if you opt for non-threshold protocol, you will be running original protocol defined in the paper.

There are other differences in the implementation compared to original paper (mostly typo fixes), they are all documented in the spec.

Timing attacks

Timing attacks are type of side-channel attacks that leak sensitive information through duration of execution. We consider timing attacks out of scope as they are nearly impossible to perform for such complicated protcol as CGGMP21 and impossible to do in our specific deployment. Thus, we intentionally don't do constant-time operations which gives us a significant performance boost.