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Infested Sculk

Pedro270707 edited this page Nov 26, 2024 · 6 revisions

Infested sculk is a block found in deeplands. It looks exactly like sculk and spawns a shriek worm when stepped on.


Infested sculk cannot be obtained in Survival, even with Silk Touch. It can be mined with any tool, but the hoe is the quickest. When mined with Silk Touch, it drops regular sculk.

Natural generation

Infested sculk generates in the Deeplands randomly.


Infested sculk can be used to summon shriek worms.

Summoning shriek worms

Shriek worms are summoned when a player steps on the infested sculk.


  • It may not be desirable to summon a shriek worm, as the mob does not have any drops other than experience.
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