These directories provide a very simple location API, providing a means to establish position using any u-blox module, potentially in conjunction with a cloud service. It relies on the common/network API to bring up and down the network type that it uses and the underlying APIs (gnss, cell, wifi, etc.) to do the heavy lifting.
The directories include the API and the C source files necessary to call into the underlying gnss, cell and wifi APIs. The test directory contains a small number of generic tests for the location
API; for comprehensive tests of networking please refer to the test directory of the underlying APIs.
A simple usage example, obtaining position via a GNSS chip, is shown below. Note that, before calling app_start()
the platform must be initialised (clocks started, heap available, RTOS running), in other words app_task()
can be thought of as a task entry point. If you open the u_main.c
file in the app
directory of your platform you will see how we do this, with main()
calling a porting API uPortPlatformStart()
to sort that all out; you could paste the example code into app_start()
there (and add the inclusions) as a quick and dirty test (runner
will build it).
#include "ubxlib.h"
#include "u_cfg_app_platform_specific.h"
// The entry point: before this is called the system
// clocks must have been started and the RTOS must be running;
// we are in task space.
int app_start() {
uDeviceHandle_t devHandle = NULL;
int32_t x;
uLocation_t location;
uDeviceCfg_t deviceCfg = {
.deviceType = U_DEVICE_TYPE_GNSS,
.deviceCfg = {
.cfgGnss = {
.transportType = U_GNSS_TRANSPORT_UART,
.devHandleAt = NULL, // Only relevant for transport U_GNSS_TRANSPORT_AT
.gnssAtPinPwr = -1, // Only relevant for transport U_GNSS_TRANSPORT_AT
.gnssAtPinDataReady = -1 // Only relevant for transport U_GNSS_TRANSPORT_AT
.transportCfg = {
.cfgUart = {
uNetworkCfgGnss_t networkCfg = {
// Initialise the APIs we will need
// Open the device
x = uDeviceOpen(&deviceCfg, &devHandle);
uPortLog("## Opened device with return code %d.\n", x);
// Bring up the network layer
if (uNetworkInterfaceUp(devHandle, U_NETWORK_TYPE_GNSS,
&networkCfg) == 0) {
// Get location
if (uLocationGet(devHandle, U_LOCATION_TYPE_GNSS,
NULL, NULL, &location, NULL) == 0) {
printf("I am here:,%3.7f\n",
((double) location.latitudeX1e7) / 10000000,
((double) location.longitudeX1e7) / 10000000);
// When finished with the GNSS network layer
uNetworkInterfaceDown(devHandle, U_NETWORK_TYPE_GNSS);
// Close the device
uDeviceClose(devHandle, true);
// Tidy up