Get an approval from Diana (diana@oppia.org) and Sean (sean@oppia.org) regarding the Page Title and the Page Meta tag content that will be used by the new page before creating a PR.
In the PR that introduces the new page, make sure that it handles the page title and meta tag changes. If it is a public user-facing page, the sitemap should also be updated.
For static pages, the HTML should contain
tags. Example:<title itemprop="name">Title of the page.</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,user-scalable=yes"> <meta name="description" content="Meta tag content goes here."> <meta itemprop="name" content="Title of the page."> <meta property="og:title" content="Title of the page."> <meta property="og:type" content="article"> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Oppia"> <meta property="og:description" content="Meta tag content goes here.">
For dynamic pages, follow this example:
In the PR description, explain the following in detail:
Is the page learner facing and public?
How can it be accessed i.e. the user journey to get to the new page?
A clear description of the contents of the page.
What is the page title and meta tag content that will be used in the new page?
Does the sitemap.xml need to be updated?
Add @dchen97 and @seanlip as reviewers for the PR.
- generic-page.import.ts — imports necessary for the page initialization
- generic-page.mainpage.html — the main HTML
- generic-page.module.ts — Angular module definition
When you're adding new HTML page (not directive HTML) that uses TypeScript you also need to add it to webpack.common.config.ts
- You need to define the TypeScript entry point for the page into
. - You need to add
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({…})
For example when adding pages/generic-page/generic-page.mainpage.html with asocciated TypeScript file pages/generic-page/generic-page.scripts.ts, you will need to add page: commonPrefix + '/pages/generic-page/generic-page.scripts.ts'
to module.exports.entries
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
chunks: ['page'],
meta: { // if default meta is used this can be ommited
name: 'name',
description: 'description'
filename: 'generic-page.mainpage.html',
template: commonPrefix + '/pages/generic-page/generic-page.mainpage.html',
minify: htmlMinifyConfig,
inject: false
into module.exports.plugins
The new page should be added both to the .lighthouserc.js and .lighthouserc-accessibility.js. The page URL should be added to ci.collect.url
and in the .lighthouserc.js
'matchingUrlPattern': 'http://[^/]+/url',
'assertions': {
'uses-webp-images': [
'error', {'maxLength': 0, 'strategy': 'pessimistic'}
'uses-passive-event-listeners': ['error', {'minScore': 1}],
'deprecations': ['error', {'minScore': 1}]
into ci.collect.assert.assertMatrix