Releases: KartoffelChipss/LifeStealZ
Release 1.1.2
MC-Version 1.19-1.20.4
This update introduces new configuration options. If you update the plugin, please take a look at the config description here.
- Removed bukkit runnables to prevent memory leaks
Release 1.1.1
MC-Version 1.19-1.20.4
This update introduces new configuration options. If you update the plugin, please take a look at the config description here.
- Fixed memory leaks caused by the new Storage system
Release 1.1.0
MC-Version 1.19-1.20.4
[!!!] If you want to update from a < 1.0.14
version to a version > 1.1.0
, you need to first updrade to 1.0.14
and then the newer version, to ensure Data migration!
This update introduces new configuration options. If you update the plugin, please take a look at the config description here.
Custom Items
It is now possible, to add as many custom items, as you want. You can use the customItemType
option to specify if the item should be a heart or a revive item and the customHeartValue
option to set how many hearts it should grant when being used.
The options to prevent crafting hearts and revive items has been removed. Instead you can now change this for every custom item individually.
And as a quick reminder: Please don't delete the defaultheart
item, as this is used to give players on kill if they reached their max hearts etc. and the plugin will probably shit itself.
Storage Overhaul
The storage system has been completely overhauled, to make it easier for me or other developers to add other storage methods. Currently the only and default method is SQLite, but MySQL is already planned. If you want have any other storage Method, that you would like to be added, you can join our Discord Server and make a suggestion!
Anti ALT system
This update introduces a new system to target farming hearts with alt accounts. This system detects if a player killed another player from the same IP adress. By default, the system is enabled, but only logs these attempts. You can also configure it to prevent the heart loss, send a message to both accounts or add custom commands (e.g. to kick them).
Java rewrite
The plugin has been completely rewritten in Java. When I started coding this plugin, I had almost no Idea what I was doing and just used Kotlin as this was easier to learn than Java. Updating this old Kotlin code was almost completely impossible, so with my new knowledge about Java and how to properly structure such a project (I still don't know everything, but more :D) I rewrote it in Java. Now it's easier to add Updates and make changes to certain parts of the project without having to change thousands of other thing.
Bug fixes
While rewriting the plugin, I fixed so many bugs, that I can't even count them all (including the item dupe bug)!
But even if I fixed many bugs, there might be new ones. Especially after rewriting everything, so if you find a bug please report it to me on Discord or open an issue on GitHub if you don't like Discord.
I'd also be happy to hear, what you have to say about the plugin! What would you change? What features would you like to see being added? What do you not like about the plugin? If you want to have a chat, join the Discord Server!
Release 1.0.14
MC-Version 1.19-1.20.4
This update introduces new configuration options. If you update the plugin, please take a look at the config description here.
- Configurable sound for when a heart item is used
Release 1.0.13
MC-Version 1.19-1.20.4
This update introduces new configuration options. If you update the plugin, please take a look at the config description here.
- Data is now stored using SQLite
Release 1.0.12
MC-Version 1.19-1.20.4
This update introduces new configuration options. If you update the plugin, please take a look at the config description here.
- Cooldown for using the heart items
- Custom item names not working
Release 1.0.11
MC-Version 1.19-1.20.4
This update introduces new configuration options. If you update the plugin, please take a look at the config description here.
- /heart command to view other peoples hearts
- Now changing hearts when switching to non whitelisted world
Release 1.0.10
MC-Version 1.19-1.20.4
This update introduces new configuration options. If you update the plugin, please take a look at the config description here.
- Fixed a bug, where elimination commands would be executed, when a player looses only one heart
- Fixed a bug, where the respawn hp would not be applied correctly
Release 1.0.9
MC-Version 1.19-1.20.4
This update introduces new configuration options. If you update the plugin, please take a look at the config description here.
- Can execute multiple commands on elimination
- Execute commands when consuming a heart or reviving a player
- Bug fixes regarding these commands
- Update checker
Release 1.0.8
MC-Version 1.19-1.20.4
This update introduces new configuration options. If you update the plugin, please take a look at the config description here.
- New color library to allow HEX colors, gradients hovers etc
- Option to always drop hearts on the ground when killing a player
- Fixed a bug, where the revive menu wouldn't show anyone