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Sequence Model Benchmark

Quick start

Download Data from Zenodo

Download from our Zenodo, and extract it into the top level of this project (such that the contained Data and Result folders are on the same level as the Code and Pipes folders).

Set up Conda Environment

Recreate our conda environment using the environment.yml file:

conda env create -f environment.yml

This creates a sequencebenchmark conda environment, which needs to be activated before running the predictions:

conda activate sequencebenchmark

Running a Prediction Task

Running a prediction task is as simple as supplying the target_name as a command line argument to snakemake (see below for a list of available targets). However, as you will most likely have to run this on a cluster things might get a little more complicated than that, as each cluster is set up differently. For reference, here is a small example script which could be used for a cluster running Slurm:


# define cluster command for snakemake
SBATCH_CMD="sbatch \
    --nodes=1 \
    --ntasks={resources.ntasks} \
    --cpus-per-task={threads} \
    --mem={resources.mem_mb}M \
    --gres=gpu:{resources.gpu} \
    --parsable \
    --requeue \
    --output=\"logs/$JOBNAME-%A.out\" \
# run snakemake with said cluster command
snakemake \
    --keep-going \
    --default-resources ntasks=1 mem_mb=1000 gpu=0 \
    --cluster "${SBATCH_CMD}" \
    --cores 64 \
    --jobs 64 \
    --latency-wait 180 \

Note that number of tasks, CPUs/threads, RAM and GPUs are passed to the cluster command via {resources.ntasks}, {threads}, {resources.mem_mb} and {resources.gpu}. To find out the appropriate arguments needed to run this in your specific case, please refer to the Snakemake documentation and/or ask your sysadmin.

After the prediction task has finished, a <dataset_name>-<model_name>-latest_results.tsv link will be made in the Results folder. This file is then used in the analysis notebook.

If you can't run the pipeline yourself but need the prediction file for a certain target, please contact us.

Available Targets

Snakefile currently contains the following targets to generate predictions, each of which corresponds to a different dataset, and if available, a certain model (in case no model is specified, Enformer is used):

  • segal_promoters_<model> for <model>: enformer, basenji1 and basenji2
  • cohen_tripseq_<model> for <model>: enformer, basenji1 and basenji2
  • cohen_patchmpra
  • findlay_brca
  • bergmann_exp_<model> for <model>: enformer and basenji2
  • bergmann_promoteronly
  • bergmann_enhancercentered
  • kircher_ingenome_<model> for <model>: enformer, basenji1 and basenji2
  • tss_sim_<model> for <model>: enformer, basenji1 and basenji2
  • fulco_crispri
  • avsec_fulltable
  • avsec_fulltable_fixed
  • avsec_enhancercentered_<model> for <model>: enformer and basenji2
  • segal_ism
  • gtex_eqtl_at_tss_<model> for <model>: enformer and basenji2
  • ful_gas_localeffects
  • fulco_in_fulco

Directory tour

  • Data: data needed as input for generating our samples etc.
  • environment.yml: file to reproduce the pipeline conda environment
  • Enformer_experiments.ipynb: notebook containing all analyses from the main text
  • Enhancer_shift.ipynb: notebook containing all analyses pertaining to the in-silico enhancer shift
  • GTEX_manual_match.ipynb: notebook containing the analyses for Additional File 2.
  • Track_file_prep.ipynb: notebook used to generate track files
  • Pipes: pipeline data
    • Snakefile: the file defining all pipeline steps
    • config: configuration files, contains only a single YAML file describing paths to genome files, prediction tracks used for a sample generator, and the number of jobs to split a dataset into.
    • scripts: folder for tiny helper scripts
    • pickles: output directory, datasets are split and pickled into job files before the prediction, those pickles are placed here.
    • predictions: output directory, predictions generated from the job pickle splits are placed here
    • result: output directory, tsvs assembled from prediction splits are placed here
  • Results: final directory into which results get copied

The pipeline output directories each contain subdirectories named after the corresponding dataset and the used model, e.g. segal_promoters/basenji2/.