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Releases: KarelCemus/play-redis


11 Feb 10:14
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SET command supports milliseconds, previous versions used seconds #247

Added support for sorted sets ZSET #259


09 May 18:01
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Support of DEL operation in redis cluster #230


21 Dec 23:53
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Update to Play 2.8.0, dropped Scala 2.11 since it was discontinued from the Play framework.
Credits to Tomofumi Tanaka. #225


21 Dec 23:26
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Java interop: Changed internal manifest for null values from "" to "null" since
an empty string was not properly deserialized and caused NullPointerException.
See #222 for more details.
Note: This should not be a breaking change since it was not possible to properly deserialize
the value in Java without encountering the exception.

Introduced another source aws-cluster, which is a cluster with nodes defined by DNS record. For example,
Amazon AWS uses this kind of cluster definition. Therefore this type of a cluster resolves
a domain main to extract all nodes. See #221 for more details.


01 Sep 15:27
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Added expiresIn(key: String): Option[Duration] implementing PTTL
command to get expiration of the given key. #204

Introduced asynchronous implementation of advanced Java API for redis cache. The API
wraps the Scala version thus provides slightly worse performance and deals with
the lack of classTag in Play's API design. This API implementation is experimental
and may change in future.
Feedback will be welcome. #206

Added getFields(fields: String*) and getFields(fields: Iterable[String]) into RedisMap API
implementing HMGET command. #207

Exposed RedisConnector in RedisCacheComponents and RedisCacheModule to enable
health check implementation #212.

Cross-compiled with Scala 2.13 #211.


15 Feb 21:30
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Update to Play 2.7.0 #202

Added getAll[T: ClassTag](keys: Iterable[String]): Result[Seq[Option[T]]] into AbstractCacheApi
in order to also accept collections aside vararg. #194

Fixed getOrElse method in Synchronous API with non-empty cache prefix. #196


04 Oct 11:40
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Support of Redis Sentinel #181

Fixed operation matching with prefixed a instance. Returned keys are automatically unprefixed. #184


12 Jul 19:09
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Support of plain arrays in JavaRedis #176.

Connection timeout introduced in #147
is now configurable and can be disabled #174.

Removed deprecations introduced in 2.0.0
and 2.1.0.


08 May 14:36
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JDK 10 compatibility. Replace deprecated com.sun.misc.BASE64* usages with jdk8 java.util.Base64 #170.

Customized release process to automatically update versions in README and documentation #173.


27 Apr 13:28
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Scope of the Mockito dependency is set to Test, was Compile #168.