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Python CLI, API and Web App for managing Kamatera Kubernetes Clusters

Local Development

poetry install

Create a .env file with the following content:


Start the infrastructure:

docker compose up -d db rabbitmq

Start a Celery worker:

celery -A cloudcli_server_kubernetes.celery worker --loglevel info

Create the cluster configuration file, you can use the example tests/cluster_full.yaml, just change the cluster name

Create the cluster:

poetry run cloudclik8s cluster create cluster.yaml --wait

See more available commands in the cli:

poetry run cloudclik8s --help

Run the Web app:

poetry run uvicorn cloudcli_server_kubernetes.web:app --reload

Access the API Docs at http://localhost:8000/docs

Local Development with Docker

Start the full environment:

docker compose up -d

Access the API Docs at http://localhost:8080/docs

Production Deployment

Push to main builds the Docker image

Update the image sha here and sync argocd

After deploy check the cloudcli schema which depends on it (it updates every 1 minute):

Make sure the version under the k8s command group matches the deployed version