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70 lines (36 loc) · 3.46 KB

File metadata and controls

70 lines (36 loc) · 3.46 KB

Warn against deprecated API in Qt6

The code is fixed when possible.

  • QDate::toString(Qt::DateFormat format, QCalendar cal) becomes QDate::toString(Qt::DateFormat format).

  • QDateTime(const QDate &) becomes QDate::startOfDay().

  • QDir dir; dir = "..." becomes QDir dir; dir.setPath("...").

  • QDir::addResourceSearchPath() becomes QDir::addSearchPath() with prefix.

  • Only warning are emitted for addResourceSearchPath.

  • QResource::isCompressed() is replaced with QResource::compressionAlgorithm().

  • QSignalMapper::mapped() is replaced with QSignalMapper::mappedInt, QSignalMapper::mappedString, QSignalMapper::mappedObject depending on the argument of the function.

  • QString::SplitBehavior is replaced with Qt::SplitBehavior.

  • Qt::MatchRegExp is replaced with Qt::MatchRegularExpression.

  • QTextStream functions are replaced by the one under the Qt namespace.

  • QVariant operators '<' '<=' '>' '>=' are replaced with QVariant::compare() function.

  • QVariant v1; QVariant v2; 'v1 < v2' becomes 'QVariant::compare(v1, v2) < 0'.

  • QWizard::visitedPages() is replaced with QWizard::visitedIds().

  • QButtonGroup buttonClicked/Pressed/Released/Toggled(int) is replaced with QButtonGroup::idClicked/Pressed/Released/Toggled(int).

  • QCombobox::activated(const QString &) and highlighted(const QString &) are replaced with QComboBox::textActivated or textHighlighted respectively.

Warning for:

  • Usage of QMap::insertMulti, uniqueKeys, values, unite, to be replaced with QMultiMap versions.

  • Usage of QHash::uniqueKeys, to be replaced with QMultiHash versions.

  • Usage of LinkedList, to be replaced with std::list.

  • Usage of global qrand() and qsrand(), to be replaced using QRandomGenerator.

  • Usage of QTimeLine::curveShape and QTimeLine::setCurveShape, to be replaced using QTimeLine::easingCurve and QTimeLine::setEasingCurve.

  • Usage of QSet and QHash biderectional iterator. Code has to be ported using forward iterator.

  • Usage of QMacCocoaViewContainer, to be replaced using QWindow::fromWinId and QWidget::createWindowContainer instead.

  • Usage of QMacNativeWidget, to be replaced using QWidget::winId instead.

  • Usage of QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy::AdjustToMinimumContentsLength, to be replaced using AdjustToContents or AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow.

  • Usage of QComboBox::currentIndexChanged(const QString &), to be replaced using currentIndexChanged(int) instead, and getting the text using itemText(index).

  • Usage of QSplashScreen(QWidget *parent,...), to be replaced with the constructor taking a QScreen *.

  • Usage of QTextBrowser::highlighted(const QString &), to be replaced with highlighted(const QUrl &).

  • Usage of QDockWidget::AllDockWidgetFeatures, to be replaced with DockWidgetClosable|DockWidgetMovable|DockWidgetFloatable.

  • Usage of QDirModel, to be replaced with QFileSystemModel.

  • Usage of QGraphicsView::matrix, setMatrix(const QMatrix &) and resetMatrix, to be replaced with QGraphicsView::transform, setTransform(const QTransform &) and resetTransfrom.

  • Usage of the following QStyle enum: QStyle::PixelMetrix::PM_DefaultTopLevelMargin, PM_DefaultChildMargin, PM_DefaultLayoutSpacing and QStyle::SubElement::SE_DialogButtonBoxLayoutItem.

This fix-it is intended to aid the user porting from Qt5 to Qt6.
Run this check with Qt5. The produced fixed code will compile on Qt6.