Releases: JohanDegraeve/xdripswift
more tracing in calibrations upload
to see what's wrong with issue 136
fix crash when switching from Libre 1 to Libre 2
fix #132 use tableView.deleteSections and tableView.insertSections when sections need to be deleted or inserted
fix for Bubble, sensor stop/start solved
bubble : changed sensor serial number tracking. Because sometimes wrong data was used to read sensor serial number, resulting in a wrong value for sensor serial number, resulting in sensor stop/start, resulting in losing calibrations (was only a problem for self-calibrating users)
fix Libre A2
fix #131 - with 4.2 a check was added on slope parameters. This was taken over from bubbledevteam pull request. Apparently this causes Libre 1 A2 failure.
UI improvements, Arabic translation, improvements tracing functionality, fix for blucon
- translation to Arabic
- fixes Spanish translations
- fix #98 Blucon ID input field/check inconsistent
- #104 trace file : no need to enable it in the settings, it is enabled by default. There's a maximum of 15 MB stored, which corresponds to around 6 days (depends on how much logs the specific installation is generating). The files are not deleted anymore but can be sent at any time.
- Yellow tint applied to all "+", "Scan" and "Connect" elements
- fix : send the MiaoMiao firmware and hardware to delegate
Finish translation + Bubble and MiaoMiao : manual sensor start allowed
3.10.2 version increase 3.10.2
Dexcom G6 firefly transmitter id's rejected. + fixes
MiaoMiao and Bubble users with OOP Web enabled will see full history after disconnect of more than 15 minutes
fix in 3.10.0 : MiaoMiao and Bubble users with OOP Web enabled will see full history after disconnect of more than 15 minutes. (# 71)
Fix #70 blucon : allow manual start
Blucon also supports automatic sensor start. However that doesn't always seem to work.
This fix allows manual start.
Fast drop and fast rise alert + upload sensor age to NS + fixes
New feature: Add fast drop and fast rise alerts (contribution by Oliver Searle-Barnes)
enhancement #53 upload sensor age to nightscout
fix #61 Wrong way to determine the Bubble hardware (not visible for user)
fix #62 XDrip is crashing after loosing the connection with Blucon
fix #63 crash when alert value given by user exceeds Int16 range
fix #64 crash when user gives invalid value in calibration textfield
fix #68 calculation of diff with previous value not correct if readings less than 5 minutes apart