Releases: Jaimss/moducore
v0.6.0 - New Features and API Updates!
This release adds a ton, as well as makes the API stronger. You can see the full comparison here.
- Add Teleport Requests
- Add Permission/Group based lockdowns
- Add ptime/pweather
- Add kits
- Add broadcast (supporting markdown)
- Rename Command
- Setlore Command
- Give kits on first join
- RTP only goes to places that don't have water/lava
- Add a /rtp alias (/wild)
- Custom Death Messages (randomly selected)
- Fix a bug where players who are kicked due to lockdown was still sending a leave/join message.
- Auto broadcasting
- Fix undo after /sethome still sending in chat
v0.5.0 - New Modules & Bug Fix
- added a new sudo module
- changed the way commands are registered (now uses reflection)
- fixed a bug that would occur when the
was called
v0.4.1 - Aliases & Minecraft Give Command
- This version added a
alias to the/clear
command. - This version fixed overwriting
completely, and now allows that command to be used when more complex item queries are necessary.
v0.4.0 - API Changes & Expansion
brings some API changes as well as a smaller jar. Please check out the wiki page on including moducore if you are a developer, as it provides more information on how to properly include the different dependencies.
also adds a lot more events to listen to. Future versions will add more and allow cancellation.
v0.3.1 - Hologram Bug Fixes
- Some holograms would appear in multiple worlds if players were in other worlds when they were created.
- Unicode Characters are now supported (UTF-16)
- Some players couldn't see holograms.
v0.3.0 - API Changes & Bug Fixes
In this version, I changed the API around a bit more to make some more things work and fixed a small holograms bug.
v0.2.0 - API Changes
Fixed a couple bugs when trying to use the API.
v0.1.2 - Hologram Updates & Bug Fixes
- Moved to PaperLib (Paper no longer required)
- Warp Bug fixed
- Update Checker Improved
- Hologram Info & tphere
v0.1.1 - Command Modules Fix
v0.1.1 Changes the way commands are registered to allow their modules to work better. Commands no longer go in the plugin.yml which fixes the issue of ModuCore still registering commands even when the module is disabled.