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Releases: IntelRealSense/RealSenseID

Version 0.25.0

19 Aug 10:31
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  • Support for enrollment from RGB image in host mode.

Version 0.24.0

02 Aug 11:38
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  • Improved latency for most operations.
  • Improved Anti-spoofing protection in Medium security mode to prevent 3D masks.

Version 0.23.0

27 Jul 11:16
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  • Added python support. Enable using

Example authenticate code:

def on_result(result, user_id):
    print('on_result', result)    
    if result == rsid_py.AuthenticateStatus.Success:
        print('Authenticated user:', user_id)

def on_faces(faces, timestamp):    
    print(f'detected {len(faces)} face(s)')
    for f in faces:
        print(f'\tface {f.x},{f.y} {f.w}x{f.h}')    

with rsid_py.FaceAuthenticator(PORT) as f:
    f.authenticate(on_faces=on_faces, on_result=on_result)
  • See the samples for build instructions and code samples to get started.

Version 0.22.0

25 Jul 14:55
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  • Improved latency for all basic operations.
  • Improved preview image quality.
  • Improved accuracy for Anti-Spoofing.
  • Fixed a bug in enrollment caused in non-frontal position.
  • Low-level security for Anti-Spoofing for better latency.
  • Standby now stops the camera, after which FA operations will restart camera automatically.

Version 0.21.0

28 Jun 16:46
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Note: SDK installer and SKU2 firmware will be re-uploaded soon.

RealSense ID version 0.21.0

  • Enroll with RGB image. See the new EnrollImage API and try it in the app.
  • Added option in the app to batch enroll multiple users using a json file. Example Json:
            "userId": "user1",
            "filename": "user1.png"
            "userId": "user2",            
            "filename": "C:\\devel\\user2.jpg"
  • Full device rotation support - device can now be used at 0/90/180/270 degrees.
  • Improved multiple faces processing.
  • Improved significantly Anti-spoofing accuracy.
  • Increased max serial packets to 8k for improved serial performance.
  • Known issues: Spoof algo flow is not supported in 90/270 degrees.

Supported Platforms:
Linux (tested on ubuntu 18, gcc 7.5+)
Windows (tested on windows 10, VS 2019)
Android (tested on Android 6.0 but should also work on newer versions)

Supported Devices:
This Firmware bin files (F450_4.0.0.37_SKU1_SIGNED.bin.bin/F450_4.0.0.37_SKU2_SIGNED.bin.bin ) are only compatible with production locked units.
Please contact Intel RealSense Customer Support for pre production unit updates.
Intel® RealSense™ ID F455 peripheral (with FW version 1.6 or newer)
Intel® RealSense™ ID F450 module (with FW version 1.6 or newer)

Starting with this release, each firmware version will have 2 flavors -
SKU1 for current devices and SKU2 for new F455 units, which will start shipping this June.
The host library should automatically identify which firmware version your device requires and warn the user if he tries to flash the wrong one. This is decided according to the device's serial number.

The following serial number variations require a SKU2 firmware:


Recommended Firmware:

Supported Languages:
Android Java

Version 0.19.0

07 Jun 11:50
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  • New dump and preview options in rsid-viewer.
  • Ability to dump face cropped images.
  • Improved recognition and anti-spoofing accuracy.
  • Enabled flipped preview in 180 rotation mode
  • Support for new devices (see Supported Devices section below for additional details).

Supported Platforms:

Linux (tested on ubuntu 18, gcc 7.5+)
Windows (tested on windows 10, VS 2019)
Android (tested on Android 6.0 but should also work on newer versions)

Supported Devices:

This Firmware bin files (F450_3.1.0.29_SKU1_SIGNED.bin/F450_3.1.0.29_SKU2_SIGNED.bin ) are only compatible with production locked units.
Please contact Intel RealSense Customer Support for pre production unit updates.

Intel® RealSense™ ID F455 peripheral (with FW version 1.6 or newer)
Intel® RealSense™ ID F450 module (with FW version 1.6 or newer)

Starting with this release, each firmware version will have 2 flavors -
SKU1 for current devices and SKU2 for new F455 units, which will start shipping this June.
The host library should automatically identify which firmware version your device requires and warn the user if he tries to flash the wrong one. This is decided according to the device's serial number.

The following serial number variations require a SKU2 firmware:


Recommended Firmware:

F450_3.1.0.29_SKU1_SIGNED.bin/F450_3.1.0.29_SKU2_SIGNED.bin (bundled into sdk installer)

Supported Languages:

  • C#/.NET
  • C++
  • C
  • Android Java

Known Issue:

  • Firmware update in Android application (of type Release) is not working.

Version 0.18.1

24 May 08:40
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  • Added option to enable metadata in windows installer
  • Added missing 3rd party files

Supported Platforms:

Linux (tested on ubuntu 18, gcc 7.5+)
Windows (tested on windows 10, VS 2019)
Android (tested on Android 6.0 but should also work on newer versions)

Supported Devices:

This Firmware bin file (F450_2.8.0.7_SIGNED.bin) is only compatible with production locked units.
Please contact Intel RealSense Customer Support for pre production unit updates.

Intel® RealSense™ ID F455 peripheral (with FW version 1.6 or newer)
Intel® RealSense™ ID F450 module (with FW version 1.6 or newer)

Recommended Firmware:

F450_2.8.0.7_SIGNED.bin (bundled into sdk installer)

Supported Languages

  • C#/.NET
  • C++
  • C
  • Android Java

Version 0.18.0

20 May 14:55
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  • New device config options to support multiple faces and algorithm options:

    • FaceSelectionPolicy:
      • Single (default, authenticate closest face).
      • All (authenticate all detected faces (up to 5)).
    • AlgoFlow:
      • All (default).
      • FaceDetectionOnly.
      • SpoofOnly.
      • RecognitionOnly.
  • Preview improvements:

    • Added MJPEG @ 1080p and 720p streams.
    • Added an option to display and save RAW10 images of the selected frame.
    • UVC metadata support (e.g. timestamp info) - please refer to the README for additional information on how to enable this feature on Windows.
  • Authentication loop - automatically stopped even if the host exits without cancelling.

  • DetectSpoof API was deprecated (instead set DeviceConfig::AlgoFlow to AlgoFlow::SpoofOnly and invoke Authenticate API. You supposed to get OnResult callback for each detected user.

Supported Platforms:

Linux (tested on ubuntu 18, gcc 7.5+)
Windows (tested on windows 10, VS 2019)
Android (tested on Android 6.0 but should also work on newer versions)

Supported Devices:

This Firmware bin file (F450_2.8.0.7_SIGNED.bin) is only compatible with production locked units.
Please contact Intel RealSense Customer Support for pre production unit updates.

Intel® RealSense™ ID F455 peripheral (with FW version 1.6 or newer)
Intel® RealSense™ ID F450 module (with FW version 1.6 or newer)

Recommended Firmware:

F450_2.8.0.7_SIGNED.bin (bundled into sdk installer)

Supported Languages

  • C#/.NET
  • C++
  • C
  • Android Java

Version 0.17.1

03 May 11:34
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  • Database import/export support [Device mode only]: rsid-viewer.exe contains 2 new buttons, when in 'Device Mode' - one will export the database from the device to a json file, the other will import a json compatible file to device and save it.
    • FW version 2.6.x or newer must be installed for this feature.
    • Right now, usernames must be unique for this to work properly.
  • Better face detection capabilities.
  • Adaptive learning. Update the user's faceprints when new information can be learned, after a successful authentication attempt.
  • Fixed device settings issue with 'advanced mode'.
  • Fixed crash caused by trying to resume/pause preview while updating firmware.
  • Fixed a crash caused by incorrect order of de-allocating resources.
  • Advanced mode features enabled.
    • Run Spoof Detection - will return if the user is fake or not. Example can be found in 'rsid-viewer'.
    • Camera Dump Mode - get 1920x1080 RAW10 images from the device, instead of a live RGB preview stream.
  • Fixed preview resource cleanup in windows.

Supported Platforms:

Linux (tested on ubuntu 18, gcc 7.5+)
Windows (tested on windows 10, VS 2019)
Android (tested on Android 6.0 but should also work on newer versions)

Supported Devices:

This Firmware bin file (F450_2.6.0.74_SIGNED.bin) is only compatible with production locked units.
Please contact Intel RealSense Customer Support for pre production unit updates.

Intel® RealSense™ ID F455 peripheral (with FW version 1.6 or newer)
Intel® RealSense™ ID F450 module (with FW version 1.6 or newer)

Recommended Firmware:

F450_2.6.0.74_SIGNED.bin (bundled into sdk installer)

Supported Languages

  • C#/.NET
  • C++
  • C
  • Android Java

Version 0.16.0

22 Apr 15:15
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Release notes:

• Increased preview resolution to 720p.
• Replaced OpenCV preview implementation with native MSMF (Windows) and Video4Linux.
• Added OnFaceDetected callback returning rectangles of authenticated face and other faces in the field of view.
• Enabled support up to 1000 users on device.
• Added matching score and confidence to Match results ( struct MatchResultHost).
• Match function changes(host mode) to support integer calculations only (instead of float).
• Fixed a bug in passing faceprints from device to host (supposed to improve recognition accuracy in host mode).
• Improved accuracy for Covid masks mode.
• Enabled FW upgrade without new recognition model.

Supported Platforms:

Linux (tested on ubuntu 18, gcc 7.5+)
Windows (tested on windows 10, VS 2019)
Android (tested on Android 6.0 but should also work on newer versions)

Supported Devices:

This Firmware bin file (F450_2.4.2.74_SIGNED.bin) is only compatible with production locked units.
Please contact Intel RealSense Customer Support for pre production unit updates.

Intel® RealSense™ ID F455 peripheral (with FW version 1.6 or newer)
Intel® RealSense™ ID F450 module (with FW version 1.6 or newer)

Recommended Firmware:

F450_2.4.2.74_SIGNED.bin (bundled into sdk installer)

Supported Languages

  • C#/.NET
  • C++
  • C
  • Android Java