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XOR API (beta) and Examples


The purpose of this document is to show you how to interact programmatically with the xor.


A basic understanding of XOR and it's components is strongly recommendet before starting with this documenation.

The API is based on's implementaion of websockets. To install, run the following command in your project:

npm i -s

once you installed the dependency, add it to your project:

const io = require('');


Initiating a socket

To initiate a socket with you first need to establish a connection with the server:

const xorBaseUrl = 'https://<xor-portal url>';
const xorSocket = io(`${xorBaseUrl}/analyst`, { forceNew: true });

Sending / Receiving events

Now that you have a socket, you can send events:

// list available datasets
xorSocket.emit('listPrivateDatasets', {}, answer => console.log(answer));

To receive an event, you need to define a listener:

// listen for offline phase completion and log how long it took
xorSocket.on('offlinePhaseCompleted', answer => console.log(`offline: ${answer.timings}ms`));


When creating a new computation, the algorithm parameters are sent to xor when calling createNewComputation. The structure of the algorithm object is the following.

      "type": "LINREG",
Field Possible Values Description
algorithm.type string function that shall be run on the data
compileParams.audit boolean an audit archive containing all triplets, shares, network traces will be collected and created during the computation. this feature is not available in a production environment!
sources[id].stype private, public, secretshared type of dataset. private means the data resides in the private data folder of the xor machine. public means a publicly known value. secretshared means a dataset uploaded to the portal and secret shared with the xor machines
sources[id].name string name of the dataset without file extension
sources[id].rows integer total number of rows in the dataset
sources[id].cols integer total number of columns in the dataset
sources[id].ownerId integer player id of the xor machine
algorithm.input.X string training data composition
algorithm.input.y string label / dependent variable composition
algorithm.input.model string model composition
algorithm.input.intercept boolean should an intercept be fitted if applicable

The available algorithms are the following (more details):

algorithm.type Description mandatory compileParams
MATRIXCOLUMNSUM column-wise sum
CORRELATION column-wise correlation
MEAN column-wise mean
VARIANCE column-wise variance
LINREG linear regression
LOGREG logistic regression irlsIters (iterations)
BATCHLOGREG (alpha) logistic regression using batch gradient descent for large datasets batchSize, epochs
REGRESSIONPREDICT dot product between thetas and test matrix
RSS residual sum of squares
PSI private set intersection psiBound

The composition of the input (algorithm.input) follows the following syntax:

# counting starts with 1, not with 0

# column selection
a(1-5) # take columns 1 to 5 of dataset a
a(1-5,8,10) # take columns 1 to 5, 8 and 10 from dataset a

# row selection
a[1-100] # take rows 1 to 100 from dataset a

# horizontal stacking
a:b # horizontally stack columns of datasets a and b
a(1-3):b(5) # stack columns 1-3 of dataset a with column 5 of dataset b

# vertical stacking
a;b # vertically stack all rows of datasets a and b
a[1-100];b[200-300] # vertically stack rows 1-100 of dataset a with rows 200-300 from b

# mixed stacking / selection




When an issued command fails, due to bad input or state, the callback will return an error. E.g:

// listPrivateDatasets with bad netconfigId
xorPortalSocket.emit('listPrivateDatasets', {netconfigId: 'bad'}, console.log)
// Outputs: {error: "requested netconfig is not ready"}

So typically, error handling can be implemented like this:

xorPortalSocket.emit('listPrivateDatasets', {netconfigId: 'bad'}, (answer) => {
  if (answer && answer.error) {
    // handle error
  } else {
    // handle success


You can also send data streams across web sockets. xor uses the package package to accomplish that.

npm install --save

Example usage:

// require package
const stream = ss.createStream();
const ss = require('');

// send a file across a stream, logs answer
ss(xorPortalSocket).emit('preUploadAnalystData', stream, { ucid, 'mydataset' }, console.log);
const blobStream = ss.createBlobReadStream(file);


Event Name Query JSON Callback Answer JSON Description
createAndJoinNewUcid { netconfigId } { ucid } joins a given netconfig and receives a new computation id ucid
joinExistingUcid { ucid } { state } joins an existing ucid and retrieves the state for this computation
leaveUcid { ucid } {} leaves an existing ucid

Data Discovery

Event Name Query JSON Callback Answer JSON Description
listAvailableNetconfigs {} {netconfig1, netconfig2, ...} lists all available netconfigs. Each netconfig object contains a numplayers and netconfigId field
listPrivateDatasets { netconfigId } {answer: [ds1, ds2, ...]} lists all available private datasets. Each dataset ds object contains an ownerId and name field
listAnalystDatasets { ucid } {answer: [ds1, ds2, ...]} lists all available datasets uploaded by the analyst. Each ds object is a string containing the name of the dataset
listHeaders { netconfigId, name, ownerId } { name, ownerId, rows, cols, headers} retrieves information about a specific dataset. The headers field is an array containing the header for each column
listAnalystHeaders { ucid, name } { name, rows, cols, headers } retrieves information about a specific dataset uploaded by the analyst. The headers field is an array containing the header for each column

Upload Analyst Data

Event Name Query JSON Callback Answer JSON Description
preUploadAnalystData { ucid, sourcename }, {} uploads a dataset to the xor portal through a stream

New Computation

Event Name Query JSON Callback Answer JSON Description
createNewComputation { netconfigId, ucid, algorithm } {} creates and validate new computation based on provided algorithm parameters
initiateCompilePhase { ucid } {} starts the computation created in createNewComputation step

On (Listeners)


When a command fails during processing, the xor portal will return an error event that should be catched by the corresponding on listener. E.g:

// valid query, but failure will occur while the xor machines or service encounters an error
xorPortalSocket.emit('createNewComputation', query, console.error); // no error logged here!
xorSocket.on('newComputationCreated', (answer) => {
  if (answer && answer.error) {
    // error will be caught on the corresponding completion listener
    // handle error
  } else {
    // handle success

Progress Listeners

Event Name Answer JSON Description
createNewComputationProgress { progress } returns a progress value between 0 and 1 (0% - 100%) for this stage
uploadPhaseProgress { progress } returns a progress value between 0 and 1 (0% - 100%) for this stage
compilePhaseProgress { progress } returns a progress value between 0 and 1 (0% - 100%) for this stage
offlinePhaseProgress { progress } returns a progress value between 0 and 1 (0% - 100%) for this stage
preprocessingPhaseProgress { progress } returns a progress value between 0 and 1 (0% - 100%) for this stage
onlinePhaseProgress { progress } returns a progress value between 0 and 1 (0% - 100%) for this stage
postprocessingPhaseProgress { progress } returns a progress value between 0 and 1 (0% - 100%) for this stage
resultPhaseProgress { progress } returns a progress value between 0 and 1 (0% - 100%) for this stage
assembleAuditArchiveProgress { progress } returns a progress value between 0 and 1 (0% - 100%) for this stage

Completion Listeners

Each completion listener will receive the ucid in order to distinguish multiple parallel computations, as well as timings containing timing information in milli seconds.

Event Name Answer JSON Description
newComputationCreated { ucid, timings } event received when createNewComputation completed
compilePhaseCompleted { ucid, timings } event received when circuit compilation completed
uploadPhaseCompleted { ucid, timings } event received when secret shares upload completed
offlinePhaseCompleted { ucid, timings } event received when offline phase completed
preprocessingPhaseCompleted { ucid, timings } event received when preprocessing completed
onlinePhaseCompleted { ucid, timings } event received when online phase completed
postprocessingPhaseCompleted { ucid, timings } event received when post processing completed
resultPhaseCompleted { ucid, result, timings } event received when results available. results contains a preview of the result
auditPhaseCompleted { ucid, timings } event received when audit archive available

Connection Listeners

Event Name Answer JSON Description
xorMachineDisconnected { netconfigId, playerId } received when xor machine disconnected
xorMachineConnected { netconfigId, playerId } received when xor machine connected
xorServiceDisconnected { netconfigId } received when xor service disconnected
xorServiceConnected { netconfigId } received when xor service connected

Getting the result

A result preview is sent along the resultPhaseCompleted event. The full result shall be downloaded through and HTTP request:

const https = require('https');
https.get(`${xorBaseUrl}/result/${ucid}`, (resp) => {
  let data = '';

  // A chunk of data has been received.
  resp.on('data', (chunk) => data += chunk);

  // The whole response has been received. Print out the result.
  resp.on('end', () => {
    // do something with data
}).on("error", console.error);

the same can be done with the audit archive

Sample Implementation (minimal)

A sample implementation using the apis is provided in this repo. It uses these algorithm parameters.

Demo environment

To get access to a demo environment contact us.