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File metadata and controls

253 lines (195 loc) · 8.67 KB


This code calculates indicator P2 of NorInAliS.


Load data from the Alien Species List 2018 (Sandvik et al. 2020):

fab  <- read.csv2(url(""),

The AOOs (areas of occupancy, in km2) provided in the above dataset are only the best estimates of the total AOO for each species (i.e. the median expert judgement of the real AOO, including “dark figures” or unreported occurrences). However, in order to quantify uncertainty, P2 needs more than that, viz. the low and high estimates of the total AOO (i.e. lower and upper quartiles) as well as the known AOO (i.e. excluding dark figures). These values are here read from a separate file. Their source is

aoo <- read.csv2("../cache/aoo.csv",

##                Name known low best high
## 1    Abies amabilis     4  20   40   60
## 2    Abies balsamea    64 256  512  768
## 3 Abies cephalonica    12  60  120  180
## 4    Abies concolor   100 500 1000 1500
## 5     Abies grandis    24 120  240  360
## 6     Abies koreana    12  24   60   96

Restrict data to alien species that are reproducing unaidedly in mainland Norway:

fab <- fab[which(fab$Status == "reproducing" & fab$Mainl),]

Restrict the data to terrestrial species:

w <- which(fab$LifeSt %in%
           c("lim", "lim,mar", "lim,par", "lim,mar,par", "mar", "mar,par"))
fab <- fab[-w,]
aoo <- aoo[-w,]

Make sure that the two data frames are compatible:

if (all(fab$Name == aoo$Name)) {
  cat("Everything is fine.\n")
} else {
  cat("ERROR: For some reason, the two dataframes are not compatible!\n")

## Everything is fine.

Define an auxiliary function:

# Combines text strings
"%+%" <- function(string1, string2) paste0(string1, string2)


Define indicator-specific functions:

The first two functions use maximum-likelihood estimation to infer the standard deviation of the AOOs, based on the best estimate (median), low estimate (1st quartile) and high estimate (3rd quartile), and assuming a log-normal distribution.

f <- function(s, mean, q1, q3) return(
  (q1 - qlnorm(0.25, log(mean) - exp(2*s)/2, exp(s)))^2 +
  (q3 - qlnorm(0.75, log(mean) - exp(2*s)/2, exp(s)))^2

findSD <- function(Ex, q1, q3) return(
  exp(optimise(f, c(-12, 12), mean=Ex, q1=q1, q3=q3)$min)

P2 <- function(dataset,
               column = c("known", "low", "best", "high"),
               nsim = 100000, 
               maxArea = 323800) {
  # simulates AOOs for all species, which is the basis of indicator P2
  N <- nsim     # random numbers per species
  M <- maxArea  # maximum possible area in km^2
  aoo <- dataset[, column]
  AOO <- matrix(0, N, nrow(aoo))
  for (i in 1:nrow(aoo)) {
    if (any([i, c("low", "best", "high")]))) {
      if ($best[i])) {
        if ($known[i])) {
          # if no AOO is provided, assume it is 0
          AOO[, i] <- 0
        } else {
          # of no total AOOs are provided, assume they equal the known AOO
          AOO[, i] <- aoo$known[i]
      } else {
        # if no low and high estimates are provided, use the best estimate
        AOO[, i] <- aoo$best[i]
    } else {
      if (aoo$best[i] == 0) {
        # if the best estimate is 0, keep it 0
        AOO[, i] <- 0
      } else {
        # if low, best and high estimates are provided, estimate the standard
        # deviation and generate log-normally distributed random numbers
        SD <- findSD(aoo$best[i], aoo$low[i], aoo$high[i])
        AOO[, i] <- qlnorm(runif(N), log(aoo$best[i]) - SD * SD / 2, SD)
        AOO[, i] <-  sapply(AOO[, i], min, M)  # constrain to area of Norway
        AOO[, i] <- ceiling(AOO[, i] / 4) * 4  # ensure multiples  of 4 km^2
  } # i 
} # P2

Error checking and correction

Check for obvious errors in the original data:

(1) Is any low estimate greater than the corresponding best estimate?

w <- which(aoo$low > aoo$best)
if (length(w)) {
} else {
  cat("Everything is fine.\n")

##                   Name known   low best   high
## 28 Acrotrichis cognata    80 40000  800 120000

This looks very much like a punching error in line 28. Most likely, the best estimate should have been in the middle between the low and high estimate (implying a dark figure of 1000 rather than 10). The error is corrected manually:

aoo$best[w] <- 80000

(2) Is any high estimate less than the corresponding best estimate?

w <- which(aoo$high < aoo$best)
if (length(w)) {
} else {
  cat("Everything is fine.\n")

##                            Name known low  best high
## 55    Alphitophagus bifasciatus    20  20  1000   20
## 345       Dorytomus filirostris     4   4    40    4
## 472           Harmonia axyridis   128 128  2560  128
## 591       Lithocharis nigriceps   112 112  5600  112
## 644 Melampsoridium hiratsukanum   900 900  4500  900
## 680   Myrmecocephalus concinnus    12  12   240   12
## 704             Omalium rugatum   164 164 16400  164
## 726      Otiorhynchus armadillo     8   8   400    8
## 777      Philonthus rectangulus    60  60  3000   60

Here, it seems that the low and high estimate simply haven’t been provided, and that, as a default, the known AOO was listed instead. In the absence of other information, we have to assume the low and high estimates to be equal to the best estimate:

aoo$low[w] <- aoo$high[w] <- aoo$best[w]

(3) By definition, AOOs are multiples of 4 square kilometres. Some figures are incompatible with this definition. We solve this by rounding upwards:

aoo[, 2:5] <- ceiling(aoo[, 2:5] / 4) * 4

(4) Is any AOO greater than the area of mainland Norway?

w <- which(aoo$high > 323800)
if (length(w)) {
} else {
  cat("Everything is fine.\n")

##                Name known   low   best   high
## 112 Atomaria lewisi   176 88000 176000 880000

Indeed. That is clearly an overestimate. The high estimate is reduced to (a bit less than) the area of Norway. All other estimates are possible in principle, and are thus left unchanged.

aoo$high[w] <- 323000

Show a graph of the distribution of the best estimates of total AOOs:

# To produce Figure B-3, add:
# png("P2-Fig1.png", 1000, 1000, res=180)
par(mai=c(0.96, 0.96, 0.06, 0.06), lwd=1.8)
H <- hist(log10(as.numeric(aoo$best)), breaks=seq(0, 6, 1/3),
  xlab="Area of occupancy (km²)", ylab="Number of species", main="",
  xaxt="n", cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.8, lwd=1.8, col=grey(0.84))
axis(1, 0:6, c(1, 10, 100, expression(10^3), expression(10^4), expression(10^5),
  expression(10^6)), cex.axis=1.2, lwd=1.8)

Frequency distribution of the areas of occupancy of alien species in Norway


If you want P2 for high- and severe-impact species only, do this first (not run):

aoo <- aoo[which(fab$Impact %in% c("HI", "SE")),]

If you want P2 for the remaining species only, do this first (not run):

aoo <- aoo[which(fab$Impact %in% c("NK", "LO", "PH")),]

If you want P2 for all alien species (default), do none of the above.

Then start the simulation:

AOO <- P2(aoo)
avg   <-     mean(apply(AOO, 1, sum))
stdev <-       sd(apply(AOO, 1, sum))
conf  <- quantile(apply(AOO, 1, sum), c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975))

Output of the results:

  cat("P2 is " %+% round(avg,   -2) %+% " km² ± " %+%
                   round(stdev, -2) %+% " km² (mean ± SD)\n\n")
  cat("Confidence levels (in km²):\n")
  print(round(conf, -2))

## P2 is 2410900 km² ± 197900 km² (mean ± SD)
## Confidence levels (in km²):
##    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5% 
## 2054400 2271900 2400300 2538700 2828200