This code calculates indicator P1 of NorInAliS.
Load data from the Alien Species List 2018 (Sandvik et al. 2020):
fab <- read.csv2(url(""),
Restrict data to alien species that are reproducing unaidedly in mainland Norway:
fab <- fab[which(fab$Status == "reproducing" & fab$Mainl),]
Define an auxiliary function:
# Combines text strings
"%+%" <- function(string1, string2) paste0(string1, string2)
Define indicator-specific functions: <- function(x)
# assigns numerical values from 1 to 5 to the five ecological impact categories
return(sapply(x, function(z) switch(z, "SE"=5,"HI"=4,"PH"=3,"LO"=2,"NK"=1,NA)))
P1a <- function(dataset, column = "Impact")
# estimates P1(a)
return(length(which(dataset[, column] %in% c("SE", "HI", "PH", "LO", "NK"))))
P1b <- function(dataset, column = c("minImp", "Impact", "maxImp")) {
# estimates P1(b)
q0 <- sum([, column[1]])) # minimum and 2.5% confidence level
q1 <- round(sum([, column[2]]) * 0.75 +[, column[1]]) * 0.25)) # 1st quartile
q2 <- sum([, column[2]])) # best estimate (mean and median)
q3 <- round(sum([, column[2]]) * 0.75 +[, column[3]]) * 0.25)) # 3rd quartile
q4 <- sum([, column[3]])) # maximum and 97.5% confidence level
SD <- round(sd(c(rep(q0, floor(P1a(dataset, column[2]) / 4)),
rep(q2, ceiling(P1a(dataset, column[2]) / 2)),
rep(q4, floor(P1a(dataset, column[2]) / 4)))))
# approximation of the S.D.
p1b <- c(q2, SD, q0, q1, q2, q3, q4)
names(p1b) <- c("Average", "St.Dev.", c(2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5) %+% "%CL")
Note that these functions presuppose that the impact categories follow the GEIAA protocol. For other impact assessment schemes, the functions would have to be adjusted.
P1(a) is simply the number of reproducing alien species in mainland Norway
cat("P1(a): " %+% P1a(fab) %+% "\n")
## P1(a): 1183
The disaggregation for ecological impact categories looks like this:
cat("Alien species in Norway by impact category:\n")
print(table(fab$Impact)[c("NK", "LO", "PH", "HI", "SE")])
## Alien species in Norway by impact category:
## 340 580 82 78 103
P1(b) is a weighted sum of impact categories. It takes the uncertainty in impact categories into account, quantified as quartiles:
## P1(b):
## Average St.Dev. 2.5%CL 25%CL 50%CL 75%CL 97.5%CL
## 2573 92 2471 2548 2573 2612 2729