Updated: 8 Oct 2020
This section contains various guides, command samples and explanations from Operations, Deployment and Troubleshooting areas.
- Install and configure the solution
- Upgrade from LAPS to AdmPwd.E
- Use Managed Domain Accounts feature
- Manage passwords in multi-forest topology
- Use dedicated PDS instance just for collection of client activity
This manual describes daily tasks of users and administrators of the solution.
Daily tasks of users include:
- Local admin password retrieval and reset using various tools
- Managed domain account password retrieval and reset
- Automatic use of managed password for authentication of other operations
Daily tasks of administrators include:
- Permission management for users and PDS
- Review of PDS logs
- Review of Centralized Client Reporting log
- Configuration of PDS
- Maintenance of password history (if enabled) for managed accounts
Tasks are described in respective sections of this guide.
How To section contains various tips, tricks and code/script samples how to use solution even more effectively.