- Added reset to bias estimator
- Updated yaw variance estimation
- Moved static integral type definition outside of class to fix debug build issue
- Adding message for IMU data validity check.
- Use trusted thresholds by populating TopicName.
- Adding publisher for mahalanobis distance via configuration.
- Added trusted inputs and bias handling
- Improved logic for yaw estimation
- Added yaw monitoring
- Improved alpha-beta filter handling of edge cases
- Added bad data check for initialization
- Initialize verbose flag to avoid writing to unopened ostream
- Moved to noetic branch, added output and dynamic orientation correction.
- Updated parameters. Minor style fixes.
- Added local cartesian option
- Adding Pipeline
- Throttling GNSS Origin data warning
- Added precision to origin output
- Added check to prevent null GPS odometry from being published due to missing transform
- Prevent node from crashing on invalid UTM zone, but throw ROS_ERROR to notify user (#682)
- changed geographiclib to <depend> tag (#684)
- Small formatting and content change (#677)
- Fixed state transition for sigma points. The state transition function for each sigma point now uses its sigma point's posteriori state instead of always the posteriori state. (#628) Co-authored-by: jola6897 <jola6897@users.noreply.github.com>
- Contributors: John Stechschulte, Jonas, MCFurry, Vivek Mhatre
- Also test for gamma conversion (#647)
- fix: Transform gravitation vector to IMU frame before removing acceleration (#639)
- Fixed a typo in validate filter output error message. (#646)
- Stick to the global utm_zone_ when transforming gps to UTM (#627) * Stick to the global utm_zone_ when transforming gps to UTM
- UTM conversions using geographiclib (#626) * Use GeographicLib for UTMtoLL conversions
- SHARED linking for Geographiclib (#624) * remove GeographicLib specific linking option
- Fixing lat-long to UTM conversion (#620) Thanks again for the report. I'll get this into noetic-devel and the relevant ROS2 branches.
- Removing xmlrpcpp dependency
- yaml-cpp using find_package as backup (#618)
- Add ${GeographicLib_LIBRARIES} to navsat_transform (#617)
- Contributors: Achmad Fathoni, Leonardo Hemerly, Paul Verhoeckx, Tim Clephas, Tobias Fischer, Tom Moore
- Making repeated state publication optional (#595)
- Fix sign error in dFY_dP part of transferFunctionJacobian_ (#592)
- Fix typo in navsat_transform_node.rst (#588)
- Fix issue caused by starting on uneven terrain (#582)
- Local Cartesian Option (#575)
- Fix frame id of imu in differential mode, closes #482. (#522)
- navsat_transform diagram to address #550 (#570)
- Increasing the minimum CMake version (#573)
- Contributors: Aleksander Bojda, David Jensen, James Baxter, Jeffrey Kane Johnson, Mabel Zhang, Ronald Ensing, Tom Moore
- Adding conditional build dependencies (#572)
- Contributors: Tom Moore
- Parameterizing transform failure warnings
- [melodic] Fix Windows build break. (#557)
- Contributors: Sean Yen, Tom Moore, florianspy
- fix: wall time used when use_sim_time is true
- Created service for converting to / from lat long
- Fix bug with tf_prefix
- Adding new contribution to doc
- Add missing undocumented params
- Update wiki location
- Contributors: Andrew Grindstaff, Axel Mousset, Charles Brian Quinn, Oswin So, Tom Moore
- Meridian convergence adjustment added to navsat_transform.
- Documentation changes
- Add broadcast_utm_transform_as_parent_frame
- Enable build optimisations if no build type configured.
- Contributors: G.A. vd. Hoorn, Pavlo Kolomiiets, diasdm
- Rename odomBaseLinkTrans to baseLinkOdomTrans Adhere to the naming convention <fromFrame><toFrame>Trans used for worldBaseLinkTrans and mapOdomTrans.
- Add const& to catch values to prevent the error: catching polymorphic type ‘class tf2::TransformException’ by value And ZoneNumber by 0x3fU to prevent error: directive output may be truncated writing between 1 and 11 bytes into a region of size 4
- Enabling the user to override the output child_frame_id
- Fixing Euler body-to-world transformations
- Whitespace
- fixing no datum service in melodic
- Contributors: Alexis schad, Matthew Jones, Tom Moore, thallerod
- Fixing tests
- Contributors: Tom Moore
- Adding more output for measurement history failures
- Adding filter processing toggle service
- Waiting for valid ROS time before starting navsat_transform_node
- Contributors: Tom Moore, stevemacenski
- Moving to C++14, adding error flags, and fixing all warnings
- Contributors: Tom Moore
- Add published accel topic to documentation
- adding log statements for nans in the invertable matrix
- Fixing issue with potential seg fault
- Contributors: Oleg Kalachev, Tom Moore, stevemacenski
- Fixing CMakeLists
- Contributors: Tom Moore
- Fixing datum precision
- Fixing timing variable
- Fixing state history reversion
- Fixing critical bug with dynamic process noise covariance
- Fix typo in reading Mahalanobis thresholds.
- Zero out rotation in GPS to base_link transform
- Update xmlrpcpp includes for Indigo support
- Removing lastUpdateTime
- Fixing timestamps in map->odom transform
- Simplify enabledAtStartup logic
- Add std_srvs dependency
- Add enabling service
- Ensure all raw sensor input orientations are normalized even if messages are not
- Install params directory.
- Add robot localization estimator
- Adding nodelet support
- Contributors: Jacob Perron, Jacob Seibert, Jiri Hubacek, Mike Purvis, Miquel Massot, Pavlo Kolomiiets, Rein Appeldoorn, Rokus Ottervanger, Simon Gene Gottlieb, Tom Moore, stevemacenski
- Updated documentation
- Added reset_on_time_jump option
- Added feature to optionally publish utm frame as parent in navsat_transform_node
- Moved global callback queue reset
- Added initial_state parameter and documentation
- Fixed ac/deceleration gains default logic
- Added gravity parameter
- Added delay and throttle if tf lookup fails
- Fixed UKF IMUTwistBasicIO test
- Added transform_timeout parameter
- Set gps_odom timestamp before tf2 lookuptransform
- Removed non-portable sincos calls
- Simplified logic to account for correlated error
- Added dynamic process noise covariance calculation
- Fixed catkin_package Eigen warning
- Added optional publication of acceleration state
- Contributors: Brian Gerkey, Enrique Fernandez, Jochen Sprickerhof, Rein Appeldoorn, Simon Gene Gottlieb, Tom Moore
- Adding gitignore
- Adding remaining wiki pages
- Adding config and prep pages
- Adding navsat_transform_node documentation
- use_odometry_yaw fix for n_t_n
- Fixing issue with manual pose reset when history is not empty
- Getting inverse transform when looking up robot's pose.
- Sphinx documentation
- Removing forward slashes from navsat_transform input topics for template launch file
- Adding example launch and parameter files for a two-level EKF setup with navsat_transform_node
- Adding yaml file for navsat_transform_node, and moving parameter documentation to it.
- Updating EKF and UKF parameter templates with usage comments
- Contributors: Tom Moore, asimay
- Fixed issues with datum usage and frame_ids
- Fixed comment for wait_for_datum
- Fixing issue with non-zero navsat sensor orientation offsets
- Fixing issue with base_link->gps transform wrecking the 'true' UTM position computation
- Using correct covariance for filtered GPS
- Fixed unitialized odometry covariance bug
- Added filter history and measurement queue behavior
- Changing output timestamp to more accurately use the time stamp of the most recently-processed measurement
- Added TcpNoDelay()
- Added parameter to make transform publishing optional
- Fixed differential handling for pose data so that it doesn't care about the message's frame_id
- Updated UKF config and launch
- Added a test case for the timestamp diagnostics
- Added reporting of bad timestamps via diagnostics
- Updated tests to match new method signatures
- Added control term
- Added smoothing capability for delayed measurements
- Making variables in navsat_transform conform to ROS coding standards
- Contributors: Adel Fakih, Ivor Wanders, Marc Essinger, Tobias Tueylue, Tom Moore
- Cleaning up callback data structure and callbacks and updating doxygen comments in headers
- Removing MessageFilters
- Removing deprecated parameters
- Adding the ability to handle GPS offsets from the vehicle's origin
- Cleaning up navsat_transform.h
- Making variables in navsat_transform conform to ROS coding standards
- Updating trig functions to use sincos for efficiency
- Updating licensing information and adding Eigen MPL-only flag
- Added state to imu frame transformation
- Using state orientation if imu orientation is missing
- Manually adding second spin for odometry and IMU data that is passed to message filters
- Reducing delay between measurement reception and filter output
- Zero altitute in intital transform too, when zero altitude param is set
- Fixing regression with conversion back to GPS coordinates
- Switched cropping of orientation data in inovationSubset with mahalanobis check to prevent excluding measurements with orientations bigger/smaller than ± PI
- Fix Jacobian for EKF.
- Removing warning about orientation variables when only their velocities are measured
- Checking for -1 in IMU covariances and ignoring relevant message data
- roslint and catkin_lint applied
- Adding base_link to datum specification, and fixing bug with order of measurement handling when a datum is specified. Also added check to make sure IMU data is transformable before using it.
- Contributors: Adnan Ademovic, Jit Ray Chowdhury, Philipp Tscholl, Tom Moore, ayrton04, kphil
- Fixed handling of IMU data w.r.t. differential mode and relative mode
- Added tf2-friendly tf_prefix appending
- Corrected for IMU orientation in navsat_transform
- Fixed issue with out-of-order measurements and pose resets
- Nodes now assume ENU standard for yaw data
- Removed gps_common dependency
- Adding option to navsat_transform_node that enables the use of the heading from the odometry message instead of an IMU.
- Changed frame_id used in setPoseCallback to be the world_frame
- Optimized Eigen arithmetic for signficiant performance boost
- Migrated to tf2
- Code refactoring and reorganization
- Removed roll and pitch from navsat_transform calculations
- Fixed transform for IMU data to better support mounting IMUs in non-standard orientations
- Added feature to navsat_transform_node whereby filtered odometry data can be coverted back into navsat data
- Added a parameter to allow future dating the world_frame->base_link_frame transform.
- Removed deprecated differential setting handler
- Added relative mode
- Updated and improved tests
- Fixing source frame_id in pose data handling
- Added initial covariance parameter
- Fixed bug in covariance copyinh
- Added parameters for topic queue sizes
- Improved motion model's handling of angular velocities when robot has non-zero roll and pitch
- Changed the way differential measurements are handled
- Added diagnostics
- Added some checks to eliminate unnecessary callbacks
- Updated launch file templates
- Added measurement outlier rejection
- Added failure callbacks for tf message filters
- Added optional broadcast of world_frame->utm transform for navsat_transform_node
- Bug fixes for differential mode and handling of Z acceleration in 2D mode
- Added unscented Kalman filter (UKF) localization node
- Fixed map->odom tf calculation
- Acceleration data from IMUs is now used in computing the state estimate
- Added 2D mode
- Changed initial estimate error covariance to be much smaller
- Fixed some debug output
- Added test suite
- Better compliance with REP-105
- Fixed differential measurement handling
- Implemented message filters
- Added navsat_transform_node
- Adding utm_transform_node to install targets
- Some changes to ease GPS integration
- Addition of differential integration of pose data
- Some documentation cleanup
- Added UTM transform node and launch file
- Bug fixes
- Updated covariance correction formulation to "Joseph form" to improve filter stability.
- Implemented new versioning scheme.
- Added cmake_modules dependency for Eigen support, and added include to silence boost::signals warning from tf include