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Graphegon CoinBLAS Community Edition is a Graph Linear Algebra analysis platform for Bitcoin that uses the GraphBLAS graph API and the Python programming language.

Bitcoin presents a particularly stubborn graph analysis problem: transactions with multiple inputs, outputs and addresses can be created at will by the network's users forming a very large sparse Hypergraph bundling previous transaction outputs into new transaction inputs.

The Bitcoin hypergraph is extremely divergent, and has a high Graph Diameter. As bitcoin is (in a sense) indestructible, value flows forward in time through many transactions on its way from one address to many others, and each transaction along the way can branch into many sub-paths. Starting from one output and traversing the graph explodes the number of transactions visited in order to search the blockchain.

The GraphBLAS brings a powerful abstract mathematical language to graph analysis that can be run on a very wide range of hardware from phones to supercomputers. The design of the GraphBLAS is optimized to take advantage of as much parallel hardware as is available with no changes to the running code. The combination of abstract expressibility and heterogeneous scaling is what makes CoinBLAS a very powerful tool for bitcoin graph analysis.

A key component of CoinBLAS is the SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS implementation by Dr. Tim Davis of Texas A&M University. Dr. Davis is the world's leading expert on hypersparse graph computing. He is the core author of the MATLAB sparse matrix and Python's scipy.sparse libraries. SuiteSparse represents the state of the art of decades of parallel sparse matrix research and has recently acheived support for Nvidia CUDA GPUs.

For the moment, CoinBLAS uses Google BigQuery to load blockchain data into SuiteSparse binary graph data files. Work is in progress to load CoinBLAS graph data from a local bitcoin network node, although this will eventually be the best way to run CoinBLAS, it will also be the slowest as it requires loading all blocks the first time. The advantage of BigQuery is that it can parallel load any time range of blocks for more focused analysis.

If you have enough RAM, Google BigQuery budget, cores and time you can load all of bitcoin history into in-memory graphs and do full-graph, full-flow analysis using simple, high level algebraic syntax. This can be expensive so make sure you know what you're getting into if you decide to run a full CoinBLAS import locally.

The GraphBLAS is Matrix Centric

The core concept of the GraphBLAS is the dualism that graphs and matrices are mathematically interchangable: a matrix can represent a graph, and a graph can represent a matrix. Any graph can be converted to a matrix and vice versa. This mathematical isomorphism allows the power of Linear Algebra to be used to analyze and manipulate graphs using Matrix Multiplication.

Graph Matrix Isomorphism

GraphBLAS matrices only store the edges present in the graph which makes them Sparse Matrices. Vertices are the rows and columns in the matrix, in a sense "coordinates" in a (practically) infinite hypersparse edgespace. You can map your vertex addresses to whatever entities in your problem you want and then store edges from source to destination vertices.

This is conceptually a big difference from most other graph processing systems and languages which are typically Vertex (or Node) centric. Usualling providing some API or query language where you can start from a node, and traverse edges with various rules. While the GraphBLAS can work vertex at a time, it's true power lies in its ability to work large chunks of the graph in parallel using a simple, abstract, algebraic syntax.

The Distributed Graph Database Problem

The vast majority of large scale graph analysis platforms take a distributed "map reduce" approach. Graph vertices are partitioned horiziontally into a cluster of database nodes. A replication factor of one vertex per node means every step along the graph has a low probability of being accessible localy in nanoseconds and a high probabilty of being accessible remotely in millisecond. These odds and latencies get worse the bigger the cluster.

The Distributed Graph Database Problem

This "shuffling" can be avoided by replicating more vertices to more nodes, but this explodes the cost of storage and taken to the extreme of copying everything means nothing is distributed about it anymore, it's just a pool of identical replicas. Distributed graph partitioning is always a lose-lose scenario, but you can trade off one set of losses for another and there can be a whole dark art to it if there is some exploitable structure in the data.

The GraphBLAS does not attempt to solve this problem, instead it sidesteps it entirely: using the SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS library, CoinBLAS stores the entire Bitcoin graph in RAM, optimally using sparse and hypersparse matrix data structures and a library of pre-compiled graph operations that take advantage of Linear Algebra's powerful transformations.

The entire blockchain in RAM

For database-centric thinking, this may seem like a step backwards, but for large scale forward thinking graph processing needs, it's an immense liberation. Database clusters are obscenely expensive. You must either pay a cloud cluster provider (like Citus Data) to provide a pre-canned cluster or you have to hire at least one, and more like 2-3 full time cluster administrators. Tack onto that the additional markup the cloud provider like AWS is charging for the actual hardware that the cluster provider passes onto you.

With CoinBLAS you can run it locally on your laptop for small scale analysis, and then fire up a pay-by-the-second cloud node when you need to do full-chain or all-graph analysis and tear it down when you're done. For less than $10K USD you can get a desktop workstation with 64 CPU cores and 512GB of RAM. This is the capacity equivalent of an 8-node cluster of 8 CPUs and 64GB of RAM each, but without the remote access latency or 3x cloud costs. Toss in a couple of GPUs and you can do large scale parallel graph analysis with thousands of cores locally on a single machine.

SuiteSparse data structures are specially optimized for concurrent processing using CPUs and GPUs. Most cloud providers today can offer machines with multiple terabytes of RAM, hundreds of CPU cores, and multiple GPUs with tens of thousands of cores. CoinBLAS can run on a laptop or a supercomputer thanks to the mathematical abstractions of the GraphBLAS and can process billions of edges with no practical upper limit.

Loading the full blockchain graph using CoinBLAS could take up to 512GB of memory and $1000 worth of BigQuery cost, so that's probably out of most people's budgets. However CoinBLAS can load a month's worth of graph data at a time, costing only a few dollars per data-month. Current memory requirements to load all of November 2020 is 32GB of RAM and about $20 USD in BigQuery cost, easily done on relatively modest laptop hardware.

Matrix Multplication is Graph Traversal

The core operation of any graph algorithms is taking a "step" from a vertex to its neighbors. In the "Matrix View" of a graph, this operation is Matrix Multiplication. Therefore, repeated multiplication on the same matrix traverses the graph in a Breadth First Search.

Graph Adjacency Matrix

Adjacency matrices can represent simple directed and undirected graphs between identical kinds of things. The bitcoin graph however is a many to many combinations of inputs and outputs to transactions, the inputs being the outputs of previous transactions. Bitcoin is actually a Hypergraph and can be constructed using two Incidence Matrices

Projecting Adjacency from Incidence Matrices

Incidence however now requires two steps to get from one vertex to another, but no worries, incidence matrices can be projected to an adjacency matrix using, you guessed it, Matrix Multiplication:

Projecting Adjacency from Incidence Matrices

Blocktime Addressing of Blocks, Transactions and Outputs

The bitcoin blockchain is an immutable record of past transactions. This immutability confers onto it a total order of blocks, transactions and outputs. This order is exploited by CoinBLAS by storing the rows and columns of matrices in the same immutable order. For the purposes of CoinBLAS, this order is called "Blocktime", not to be confused with the concept of how long it takes for the network to produce new blocks often referred to as Block Time, which isn't very interesting in this context so I'm repurposing the word.

Matrices are two dimensional and typically have dimensions denoted by "M by N". Each value has an row and column index into the matrix within the "keyspace" of M by N. By convention in GraphBLAS these indexes are called I and J. The I index can be thought of as the id of the start of the edge, and the J id of the end. In SuiteSparse these values are 60 bit unsigned integers. The maximum index is the extension constant GxB_INDEX_MAX which is 2 to the 60th power (1152921504606846976) for SuiteSparse.

GraphBLAS has a cool trick where you can use the whole 2**60 keyspace: because matrices are sparse they only allocate enough memory to store their elements. The MxN are just guardrails to keep you from going "out of bounds" on your problem, but you can makes a matrix that is effectively "unbounded" by setting M and N to GxB_INDEX_MAX. SuiteSparse won't allocate a zillion entries, it won't allocate anything in fact until you put stuff in it.

In a sense, this turns a GraphBLAS matrix into an Associative Array which was by design, of course.

Input Output Adjacency projection

Using blocktime encoding causes the structure of the Input to Output graph to have edges that always point towards the future. Inputs can only be outputs of previous transactions (or coinbase that come "from" the block). This forms a Directed Acyclic Graph forms an Upper Triangular Matrix:

DAG forms Upper Triangular Matrix

Now that we have a way of determining the order of blockchain events and constructing directed graphs, we can define the entities that are used to build up Matrix graphs in memory. These "dimensions" are the various types of conceptual vertices that can be related to each other.

CoinBLAS Dimensions

Each of the above entites is used in the incidence matrices below. These attributes of the Chain object are "lazy" and are only computed if they are accessed.

Currently defined Incidence Graphs

Additional adjacency projections are provided in the next table, and as you'll see below, new adjacencies are easly constructed by multiplying different combinations of incidence matrices and semirings:

Currently defined Adjacency Graphs

By encoding the block number, transaction index, and output index into the key used to store elements, CoinBLAS stores graphs in a linear fashion, new blocks are always appended onto the "end" of the matrix. Each block is a 2**32 "space" to fill with transactions and outputs, whose ids are always between the start of the current block and the start of the next.

This time linear construction defines a way of encoding the matrix position of blocks, transactions, and outputs in "block time" so to speak, lets see how to store the bitcoin graph as incidence matrices. A bitcoin transcation can have multiple inputs and outputs. The inputs are the outputs of previous transactions. So our incidence matrices will map "Input to Transaction" on one side and "Transaction to Output" on the other:

Block Incidence Flow

To give an idea of how the semiring works, consider a multi-party flow show below.

Multi-party Incidence Flow


The core function of graph algorithms is the Breadth First Search. This implementation of Address.bfs_level shows how to traverse the graph breadth first, accumulating the step count as you go:

    def bfs_level(self, depth=lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX):
        SR = self.chain.SR
        q = maximal_vector(INT64)
        pi = q.dup()
        q[] = 0
        for level in range(min(depth + 1, SR.nvals)):
            with semiring.ANY_PAIR_INT64:
                q.vxm(SR, out=q, mask=pi, desc=descriptor.RSC)
            if not q:
            pi.assign_scalar(level + 1, mask=q, desc=descriptor.S)
        return pi

Using the same trick but with a different semiring, the "BFS Tree" can be constructed where every edge weight is the parent "back" to a starting vertex.

    def bfs_parent(self, depth=lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX):
        SR = self.chain.SR
        q = maximal_vector(INT64)
        pi = q.dup()
        q[] =
        for level in range(min(depth + 1, SR.nvals)):
            with semiring.ANY_SECONDI_INT64:
                q.vxm(SR, out=q, mask=pi, desc=descriptor.RSC)
            if not q:
            pi.assign(q, mask=q, desc=descriptor.S)
        return pi

Finally, with yet another choice of semiring (MIN_MIN) the "exposure" radiated foward by any address can be computed.

    def bfs_exposure(self, depth=lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX):
        SR = self.chain.SR
        q = maximal_vector(INT64)
        pi = q.dup()
        q[] = lib.GxB_INDEX_MAX
        for level in range(min(depth + 1, SR.nvals)):
            with semiring.MIN_MIN_INT64:
                q.vxm(SR, out=q, mask=pi, desc=descriptor.RSC)
            if not q:
            pi.assign(q, mask=q, desc=descriptor.S)
        return pi

Common Input Ownership

Any bitcoin user can make public key addresses at will, so in theory it's hard to track back to the person who "owns" bitcoin. However, there are some heuristics for clustering objects and one of the most used heuristics is called common-input-ownership.

To create a bitcoin transaction, a wallet looks for any unspent transaction outputs to fit the transaction's value. These inputs are then used in the new transaction, publicly associating them with each other as having a common owner. Inputs of a feather spend together.

There's no end to structural and statistical techniques that can be used to cluster addresses, but common-input-ownership is one we can quickly demonstrate with CoinBLAS algebraically using the technique described by Reid and Harrigan

We construct an ancillary network in which each vertex represents a
public-key. We connect these vertices with undirected edges, where each
edge joins a pair of public keys that are both inputs to the same
transaction (and are thus controlled by the same user).

We'll call this new relationship "SS" for Sender to Sender. The result we want in an adjacency matrix of sender with an edge to other senders that it has shared inputs in transactions with. We can construct this adjacency by using the exising "ST" Sender to Transaction graph and matrix multiplying it by it's transpose:

Entity Reduction

The "SS" matrix now contains a row and a column for every sender and an edge from every sender to every other sender they have shared transaction with as the sender. The select() function is used to remove the diagonal "self-edges" that every sender would end up with back to themselves and are uninteresting for this problem. The PLUS_FIRST semiring says to sum common edges between any two senders but just using the left matrix, since the values in the transpose of the matrix are redundant.

The Future

CoinBLAS as it is today is just a starting point, a platform for advanced analysis and computation with modern, high performance hardware. It provides a few building blocks of Bitcoin graph structure to get started. There is a whole world of complex analysis out there, and the blocks provided by CoinBLAS and sparse matrix linear algebra form the basis for an entire new way of thinking about Graph analysis.

This is a fun diagram to get into thinking The GraphBLAS way. On the left is a diagram from a recent paper Fast Graphlet Transform of Sparse Graphs and on the right are, of course Lego blocks.

Thinking in Graphs

The idea here is that complex graphs can be broken down into orthogonal spectral components that describe the local structural characteristics of graphs and subgraphs. These spectral components can then form the actual data inputs to more advanced deep and statistical machine learning models. This entire body of work has been done in the language of Linear Algebra and represents an exciting new way of doing component analysis on complex graphs. Future releases of CoinBLAS will include spectral analysis functions like this.


There are three modes of the program, initializing, importing, and querying. For initializing and importing, CoinBLAS needs a Google Compute credientials file in the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. YOU WILL BE BILLED BY GOOGLE!

Initializing downloads all the block meta information from BigQuery and stores it in a local PostgreSQL database. This will cost a few dollars.

./ init

After initialization, you can choose the month or block ranges you want to import from BigQuery. This is a highly variable cost from a few dollars for a single month to >$500 to import the whole chain.

./ --start-date '2014-01-01' --end-date '2014-05-01' --pool-size 8 import

Optionally, You can init and import at the same time by providing a time range like import:

./ --start-date '2014-01-01' --end-date '2014-05-01' --pool-size 8 init

Importing uses the multiprocessing module to spawn --pool-size BigQueries concurrently on month boundaries. Because Google publishes the Bitcoin blockchain partitioned by month, this reduces the amount of data each parallel month import needs to scan. It also means if you have 100 cores, you can import 100 months in parallel provided you have sufficient IO bandwith to write the binary files and commit the postgresql data.

Once you've imported the data, CoinBLAS stores the graphs as SuiteSparse binary files and you won't need to load the same blocks again. At the moment there are 3 files per block, so a full graph load will save 1.5M files. The directory layout is partitioned 256 ways on last two hex characters of the block's hash.

Once initialized and imported, the graphs can be loaded into memory and queried through the Python API. The PostgreSQL schema also provides a simple SQL interface to the metadata for mapping numeric ids to addresses and hashes.

./ --start-date '2014-01-01' --end-date '2014-05-01' --pool-size 8 query

Python API

Under Construction!

It's worth pointing out that although CoinBLAS provides an object oriented interface to Bitcoin, the intention is not to use these objects to do graph analysis, that's what the GraphBLAS API functions are for. For example, you could start with an Address object and iterate its output objects, but that would be slow and serialized and involve lots of slow Python garbage collection.

A better approach is to use the Addresses sent_vector attribute to create a GraphBLAS Vector object of the sent input ids and then use that vector as an input to an algebraic expression that computes the result you want. In other words, don't write your algorithms directly in Python, use Python to drive GraphBLAS API calls that do the bulk of the work. In a properly turned algorithm, the amount of CPU time spent in Python should "vanish" behind the immense bulk of multicore work being done by the GraphBLAS.

These object types are meant to make working with the data as inputs and outpus a bit easier than raw vectors and matrices. So, use these objects and their attributes to setup an analysis pass or get the final result, but use the GraphBLAS itself for the actual number crunching.


The Chain object contains blocks and is the central object in CoinBLAS. It knows about all blocks after initialization, but only a few of them may actually be imported into graph memory as you may only be interested in the most recent blockchain history.

The chain has a summary method that tells you which blocks are currently imported and their block and time span.

In [1]: print(btc.summary)

    - min: 654933
    - max: 659398

    - earliest: 0018107d14af3779528b2673af25a71278840ab42c2dca04ae2aa40e78983e75
        - time: Sun Nov  1 00:12:49 2020

    - latest: ffeebb98fa81aad157dfd30ef191642a8092f596d9e67d24ac0aa5c14b16da46
        - time: Mon Nov 30 23:58:59 2020

Total value:
    - in: 66674137.55322915 btc.
    - out: 66702050.05322915 btc.

Incidence Matrices:
    - BT:      9145550 Blocks to Txs.
    - IT:     26613475 Inputs to Tx.
    - TO:     26060065 Tx to Outputs.
    - SI:     26609128 Senders to Inputs.
    - OR:     26060181 Outputs to Receivers.
    - ST:     22569494 Senders to Transactions.
    - TR:     25893438 Transactions to Receivers.

    - IO:    127405068 edges Inputs to Outputs.
    - SR:    111390204 Senders to Receivers.
    - TT:     19917843 Tx to Tx.


The blocks in the chain are contained in the attribute blocks, which is a dictionary that maps block number to Block objects.

>>> b = btc.blocks[659398]
>>> b
<Block number: 659398>

Iterating a block iterates over the transactions in the block.

>>>	len(b)
>>> txs = list(chain.blocks[659398])
>>> print(txs[0].summary)
Tx: 001890dc59d2b1be406d64257886c6d6f23a5588263818b7d327cf9a6e73ce5d
Block: 659398
	<Spend: [<Address: 3Q4bKhz912NLvjJ8UzizFDJbegDkKbGNAF>] value: 0.04798607>
	  \ from: 302097069cfe4d6b07c9809cfb57b354a1a08f9795529c4c4ef487fdb886b145
	<Spend: [<Address: 3Q4bKhz912NLvjJ8UzizFDJbegDkKbGNAF>] value: 0.01954829>
	  \ from: d26fecb98a44ac687442be2d2309337360af5e9033cd2fe15409e17d2d1308a2
	<Spend: [<Address: 1LVZDUYnaowWiR4TYQeTuTv94vf8MHwKHz>] value: 0.05299481>
	  \ spent: 1df733d17cb4a8a203032a58538738d3571692aae266f8024fb7e3cccd2f2aa1
	<Spend: [<Address: 3Q4bKhz912NLvjJ8UzizFDJbegDkKbGNAF>] value: 0.01419716>
	  \ spent: 17e0c7872d2dc79483190992ef93e3f80c7d48ac055dc4d89351ad4e738df4dd
  • initialize_blocks(): This loads all the block metadata from BigQuery.

  • import_blocktime(start, end): Import block graph data from BigQuery for the specified date range.

  • load_blocktime(start, end): Load and merge imported block graph data into a single in memory graph between start and end time.

  • load_blockspan(start_block, end_block): Load and merge imported block graph data into a single in memory graph between start and end block numbers.

  • summary: A text description of the currently loaded blockspan.


A Tx wraps a transaction.

  • id: The blocktime id of the transaction.

  • hash: Tx hash

  • block: Block object for Tx

  • input_vector: Vector of inputs spend ids

  • inputs: Generator of input Spend objects.

  • output_vector: Vector of outputs spend ids.

  • outputs: Generator of output Spend objects.

  • summary: A text description of the transactions.


A spend wraps a transaction output. Since outputs are used as inputs to subsequent transactions, the same object is also used for inputs.

  • coinbase: Is this a coinbase input?

  • tx: Transaction with this spend as output.

  • spent_tx: Transaction with this spend as input or None if unspent.

  • addresses: Addresses assocaited with this spend.


An Address wraps a bitcoin public key address.

  • sent_vector: Vector of spend ids sent by this address into a transaction.

  • received_vector: Vector of spend ids received by this address from a transaction.

  • sent: Generator of Input Spends sent by this address into a transaction.

  • received: Generator of Output Spends received by this address from a transaction.

  • sender_tx_vector: Vector of transaction ids where this address is sender.

  • receiver_tx_vector: Vector of transaction ids where this address is receiver.

  • sender_txs: Generator of Tx objects where this address is sender.

  • receiver_txs: Generator of Tx objects where this address is receiver.


  • bfs_level(depth=GxB_INDEX_MAX): Do BFS search assigning hop distance from this address to adjacent address up to depth.

  • bfs_parent(depth=GxB_INDEX_MAX): Do BFS search assigning parent id to each vertext up to depth.

  • bfs_level(depth=GxB_INDEX_MAX): Do BFS search assigning value exposure to to each vertext up to depth.